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Posted to by Peter Vogel <> on 2001/06/09 07:39:26 UTC

FW: bug?

Didn't hear anything on the normally very responsive
ant-user list, thought I'd try here, since this may
actually be a bug...

Peter A. Vogel
Manager, Configuration Management
Arsin Corporation, Professional Services  

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Vogel []
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 3:34 PM
To: ''
Subject: <tarfileset ..> bug?

Am I just missing something here?  I've tried all kinds of
permutations of <includes> and <excludes> directives but I'm
still getting two copies of almost everything in my tarball, for

C:\e2open\b1003\ehub>tar tzf ehub.tar.gz | grep bw30

The <tar> task in question:

	<tar tarfile="${}.tar" basedir="realdist">
	    <tarfileset dir="realdist" mode="755">
	        <include name="**/*.sh"/>
	        <include name="**/*.csh"/>
	    <tarfileset dir="realdist">
	        <include name="**/*"/>
	        <exclude name="**/*.sh"/>
	        <exclude name="**/*.csh"/>
