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Posted to by Miguel Julián <> on 2007/07/27 13:46:15 UTC

Wrong WSDL?

Hi everybody,
I'm just trying to create a dynamic client to invoke  ws deployed by Globus
Toolkit. I was having an strange error while trying to invoke it:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0,
Size: 0
    at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(
    at java.util.ArrayList.get(
    at org.apache.wsif.util.WSIFUtils.unWrapPart(
    at clientes.ClienteDinamico.main(

I thought that it was a problem because I didn't populate correctly the
input message, but now I'm debugging with Eclipse and I'm realised that the
error raises at:
invokeRequestResponseOperation --> WSIFOperation_ApacheAxis.prepare(call)
Where while it's unwrapping input part: WSIFUtils.unWrapPart, my elementType
is not NULL(restriction which is checked out at the code) but it has no
children (this restriction is not checked) (listChildren.size()=0). So
Eclipse raises here the exception.
What's wrong here? The part wsdl structure which raises the error is:

<message name="AddInputMessage">
<part name="parameters" element="tns:add"/>

<xsd:element name="add" type="xsd:int"/>

So at this point, with my very brief experience with ws, I would like to ask
for a solution or clue to overrun that.
Should I change my wsdl definition? (It's suppose I shouldn't do that)
Something is wrong with my WSIF installation or version?

Thank you all for your time and future answers (xD)

By Miguel Julián Ramos (Miky)