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Posted to by tomasz bandura <> on 2011/11/15 14:06:09 UTC

Dynamic form component


I create a new topic about my idea of DynamicForm component.
Very often I use the basic version of the form that maps all the fields from
the model ( to direct manipulation of data from database )
It means simply adding all model parameters to the Form control, e.g.:

My idea is creating a form directly from model definition:

*private DynamicsForm form = new DynamicsForm("form", CarOption.class);*//
"form" <- name, CarOption.class <- model

So the page constructor looks like ( regardless of the fields number);

*    public CarOptionEditPage() {
        form.add(new Submit("ok", " OK ", this, "onOkClicked"));
        form.add(new Submit("cancel", this, "onCancelClicked"));

What i did till now:

*1st iteration:
I made several assumptions:
- field is added to the form if it has at least 'getter'
- default control type: TextField
- if field has only getter - setReadOnly(true)

*2nd iteration (annotations)*
I created prototype of annotation '@Clickable' that at this moment has just
2 options:
- type (eg. *TextField*, TextArea, HiddenField, PasswordField, Checkbox)
- required (default: false ),
for example:

    @Clickable(type = Clickable.HiddenField)
   * private Long id;*
  *  private String name;*
    @Clickable(type = Clickable.TextArea)
    *private String description;*

Of course I don't want to move code from Page to the model, but In many
cases this approach can simplify writing of code.

What is your opinion about creating DynamicForm component?

Best regards,