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[16/51] [partial] atlas-website git commit: ATLAS-2691: update Apache Atlas website for 1.0.0 release
diff --git a/1.0.0-rc0/api/v2/application.wadl b/1.0.0-rc0/api/v2/application.wadl
deleted file mode 100644
index 122947f..0000000
--- a/1.0.0-rc0/api/v2/application.wadl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2239 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
-<?enunciate-assumed-base-uri ./?>
-<wadl:application xmlns:wadl="" xmlns:xs="">
-  <wadl:doc xmlns:enunciate="" enunciate:generatedBy="Enunciate-2.0"/>
-  <wadl:grammars>
-    <wadl:include href="ns0.xsd"/>
-  </wadl:grammars>
-  <wadl:resources base="./">
-    <wadl:resource path="entities">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Submits the entity definitions (instances).
-The body contains the JSONArray of entity json. The service takes care of de-duping the entities based on any
-unique attribute for the give type.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="entities">
-      <wadl:method name="PUT">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Complete update of a set of entities - the values not specified will be replaced with null/removed
-Adds/Updates given entities identified by its GUID or unique attribute]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[response payload as json]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="entities">
-      <wadl:method name="DELETE">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Delete entities from the repository identified by their guids (including their composite references)
-Deletes a single entity identified by its type and unique attribute value from the repository (including their composite references)]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="guid" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[list of deletion candidate guids
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="property" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[the unique attribute used to identify the entity]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="type" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[the entity type]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="value" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[the unique attribute value used to identify the entity]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[response payload as json - including guids of entities(including composite references from that entity) that were deleted]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="entities">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="property" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="type" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="value" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="types">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Submits a type definition corresponding to a given type representing a meta model of a
-domain. Could represent things like Hive Database, Hive Table, etc.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="types">
-      <wadl:method name="PUT">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Update of existing types - if the given type doesn't exist, creates new type
-Allowed updates are:
-1. Add optional attribute
-2. Change required to optional attribute
-3. Add super types - super types shouldn't contain any required attributes]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="types">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Return the list of type names in the type system which match the specified filter.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="notsupertype" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[returns types which do not contain the given supertype
-Its possible to specify combination of these filters in one request and the conditions are combined with AND
-For example, typeCategory = TRAIT && supertype contains 'X' && supertype !contains 'Y'
-If there is no filter, all the types are returned]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="supertype" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[returns types which contain the given supertype]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="type" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[returns types whose relationshipCategory is the given typeCategory]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[list of type names]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="admin/activeSearches">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="admin/export">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json"/>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/xml"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="admin/import">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="multipart/form-data">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="admin/importfile">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json">
-          </wadl:representation>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json">
-          </wadl:representation>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/xml">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="admin/metrics">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="ignoreCache" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="admin/session">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="admin/stack">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Fetches the thread stack dump for this application.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[json representing the thread stack dump.]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="text/plain"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="admin/status">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="admin/version">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Fetches the version for this application.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[json representing the version.]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="discovery/search">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Search using a given query.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="limit" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[number of rows to be returned in the result, used for pagination. maxlimit > limit > 0. -1 maps to property value]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="offset" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[offset to the results returned, used for pagination. offset >= 0. -1 maps to offset 0]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="query" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[search query in DSL format falling back to full text.]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[JSON representing the type and results.]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="entities/qualifiedName">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Adds/Updates given entity identified by its unique attribute( entityType, attributeName and value)
-Updates support only partial update of an entity - Adds/updates any new values specified
-Updates do not support removal of attribute values]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="property" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[the unique attribute used to identify the entity]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="type" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[the entity type]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="value" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[the unique attributes value]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[response payload as json
-The body contains the JSONArray of entity json. The service takes care of de-duping the entities based on any
-unique attribute for the give type.]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="entities/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Updates entity identified by its GUID
-Support Partial update of an entity - Adds/updates any new values specified
-Does not support removal of attribute values]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="property" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="entities/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Fetch the complete definition of an entity given its GUID.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[GUID for the entity]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="types/{typeName}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Fetch the complete definition of a given type name which is unique.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="typeName" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[name of a type which is unique.]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Create new entity or update existing entity in Atlas.
-Existing entity is matched using its unique guid if supplied or by its unique attributes eg: qualifiedName]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[EntityMutationResponse]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Retrieve all glossaries registered with Atlas]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="limit" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[page size - by default there is no paging]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="offset" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[offset for pagination purpose]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="sort" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Sort order, ASC (default) or DESC]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[List of glossary entities fitting the above criteria]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Create a glossary]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Glossary definition, terms & categories can be anchored to a glossary
-using the anchor attribute when creating the Term/Category]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If Glossary definition has invalid or missing information]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="409">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If Glossary definition already exists (duplicate qualifiedName)]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/relationship">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Create a new relationship between entities.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/relationship">
-      <wadl:method name="PUT">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Update an existing relationship between entities.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="admin/activeSearches/{id}">
-      <wadl:method name="DELETE">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="id" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="discovery/search/dsl">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Search using query DSL format.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="limit" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[number of rows to be returned in the result, used for pagination. maxlimit > limit > 0. -1 maps to property value]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="offset" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[offset to the results returned, used for pagination. offset >= 0. -1 maps to offset 0
-Limit and offset in API are used in conjunction with limit and offset in DSL query
-Final limit = min(API limit, max(query limit - API offset, 0))
-Final offset = API offset + query offset]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="query" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[search query in DSL format.]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[JSON representing the type and results.]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="discovery/search/fulltext">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Search using full text search.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="limit" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[number of rows to be returned in the result, used for pagination. maxlimit > limit > 0. -1 maps to property value]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="offset" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[offset to the results returned, used for pagination. offset >= 0. -1 maps to offset 0]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="query" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[search query.]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[JSON representing the type and results.]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="entities/{guid}/audit">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Returns the entity audit events for a given entity id. The events are returned in the decreasing order of timestamp.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="count" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[number of events required]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="startKey" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[used for pagination. Startkey is inclusive, the returned results contain the event with the given startkey.
-First time getAuditEvents() is called for an entity, startKey should be null,
-with count = (number of events required + 1). Next time getAuditEvents() is called for the same entity,
-startKey should be equal to the entityKey of the last event returned in the previous call.]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[entity id]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="entities/{guid}/traitDefinitions">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Fetches the trait definitions of all the traits associated to the given entity]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[globally unique identifier for the entity]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="entities/{guid}/traits">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Gets the list of trait names for a given entity represented by a guid.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[a list of trait names for the given entity guid]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[globally unique identifier for the entity]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="entities/{guid}/traits">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Adds a new trait to an existing entity represented by a guid.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[globally unique identifier for the entity]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="lineage/{guid}/schema">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Returns the schema for the given dataset id.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[dataset entity id]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/bulk">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Bulk API to retrieve list of entities identified by its GUIDs.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="guid" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/bulk">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Bulk API to create new entities or update existing entities in Atlas.
-Existing entity is matched using its unique guid if supplied or by its unique attributes eg: qualifiedName]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/bulk">
-      <wadl:method name="DELETE">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Bulk API to delete list of entities identified by its GUIDs]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="guid" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/categories">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Create glossary category in bulk]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[glossary category definitions]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If ANY Glossary category definition has invalid or missing information]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/category">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Create glossary category]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[glossary category definition, a category must be anchored to a Glossary when creating
-Optionally, terms belonging to the category and the hierarchy can also be defined during creation]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If Glossary category definition has invalid or missing information]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="409">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If Glossary category already exists (duplicate qualifiedName)]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/term">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Create a glossary term]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Glossary term definition, a term must be anchored to a Glossary at the time of creation
-optionally it can be categorized as well]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If Glossary term definition has invalid or missing information]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="409">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If Glossary term already exists (duplicate qualifiedName)]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/terms">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Create glossary terms in bulk]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[glossary term definitions]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If any glossary term definition has invalid or missing information]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/{glossaryGuid}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get a specific Glossary]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If glossary GUID is invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Glossary]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="glossaryGuid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[unique glossary identifier]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/{glossaryGuid}">
-      <wadl:method name="PUT">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Update the given glossary]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Updated glossary definition]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If glossary guid in invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If Glossary definition has invalid or missing information]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Glossary]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="glossaryGuid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[unique identifier for glossary]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/{glossaryGuid}">
-      <wadl:method name="DELETE">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Delete a glossary]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If glossary guid in invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="glossaryGuid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[unique identifier for glossary]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/lineage/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Returns lineage info about entity.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="depth" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[- number of hops for lineage]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="direction" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[- input, output or both]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Bad query parameters]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If no lineage is found for the given entity]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[AtlasLineageInfo]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[- unique entity id]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/attribute">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Retrieve data for the specified attribute search query]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="attrName" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Attribute name]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="attrValuePrefix" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Attibute value to search on]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="limit" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[limit the result set to only include the specified number of entries]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="offset" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[start offset of the result set (useful for pagination)]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="typeName" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[limit the result to only entities of specified type or its sub-types]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Invalid wildcard or query parameters]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Search results]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/basic">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Retrieve data for the specified fulltext query]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="classification" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[limit the result to only entities tagged with the given classification or or its sub-types]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="excludeDeletedEntities" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="limit" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[limit the result set to only include the specified number of entries]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="offset" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[start offset of the result set (useful for pagination)]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="query" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Fulltext query]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="typeName" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[limit the result to only entities of specified type or its sub-types]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Invalid fulltext or query parameters]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Search results]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/basic">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Attribute based search for entities satisfying the search parameters]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Search parameters]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Tag/Entity doesn't exist or Tag/entity filter is present without tag/type name]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Atlas search result]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/dsl">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Retrieve data for the specified DSL]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="classification" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[limit the result to only entities tagged with the given classification or or its sub-types]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="limit" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[limit the result set to only include the specified number of entries]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="offset" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[start offset of the result set (useful for pagination)]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="query" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[DSL query]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="typeName" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[limit the result to only entities of specified type or its sub-types]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Invalid DSL or query parameters]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Search results]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/fulltext">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Retrieve data for the specified fulltext query]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="excludeDeletedEntities" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="limit" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[limit the result set to only include the specified number of entries]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="offset" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[start offset of the result set (useful for pagination)]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="query" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Fulltext query]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Invalid fulltext or query parameters]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Search results]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/relationship">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Relationship search to search for related entities satisfying the search parameters]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="excludeDeletedEntities" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="guid" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Attribute name]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="limit" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[limit the result set to only include the specified number of entries]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="offset" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[start offset of the result set (useful for pagination)]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="relation" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[relationName]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="sortBy" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[sort the result using this attribute name, default value is 'name']]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="sortOrder" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[sorting order]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[guid is not a valid entity type or attributeName is not a valid relationship attribute]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Atlas search result]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/saved">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[the saved search-object]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/saved">
-      <wadl:method name="PUT">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[the updated search-object]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/saved">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="user" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[User for whom the search is retrieved]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[list of all saved searches for given user]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/typedefs">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Bulk retrieval API for retrieving all type definitions in Atlas]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[A composite wrapper object with lists of all type definitions]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/typedefs">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Bulk create APIs for all atlas type definitions, only new definitions will be created.
-Any changes to the existing definitions will be discarded]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[A composite wrapper object with corresponding lists of the type definition]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[On validation failure for any type definitions]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[A composite wrapper object with lists of type definitions that were successfully
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/typedefs">
-      <wadl:method name="PUT">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Bulk update API for all types, changes detected in the type definitions would be persisted]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[A composite object that captures all type definition changes]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[On validation failure for any type definitions]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[A composite object with lists of type definitions that were updated]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/typedefs">
-      <wadl:method name="DELETE">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Bulk delete API for all types]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[A composite object that captures all types to be deleted]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[On validation failure for any type definitions]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="entities/{guid}/traitDefinitions/{traitName}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Fetches the trait definition for an entity given its guid and trait name]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="traitName" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[name of the trait]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[globally unique identifier for the entity]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="entities/{guid}/traits/{traitName}">
-      <wadl:method name="DELETE">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Deletes a given trait from an existing entity represented by a guid.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="traitName" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[name of the trait]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[globally unique identifier for the entity]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="lineage/{guid}/inputs/graph">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Returns input lineage graph for the given entity id.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[dataset entity id]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="lineage/{guid}/outputs/graph">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Returns the outputs graph for a given entity id.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[dataset entity id]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/bulk/classification">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Bulk API to associate a tag to multiple entities]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json">
-          </wadl:representation>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json">
-          </wadl:representation>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/guid/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Fetch complete definition of an entity given its GUID.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[AtlasEntity]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[GUID for the entity]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/guid/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="PUT">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Entity Partial Update - Add/Update entity attribute identified by its GUID.
-Supports only uprimitive attribute type and entity references.
-does not support updation of complex types like arrays, maps
-Null updates are not possible]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-          <wadl:param name="name" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/guid/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="DELETE">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Delete an entity identified by its GUID.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[EntityMutationResponse]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[GUID for the entity]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/{guid}/audit">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="count" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="startKey" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/category/{categoryGuid}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get specific glossary category]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If glossary category GUID is invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Glossary category]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="categoryGuid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[unique identifier for glossary category]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/category/{categoryGuid}">
-      <wadl:method name="PUT">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Update the given glossary category]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[updated glossary category]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If glossary category guid in invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If Glossary category definition has invalid or missing information]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[glossary category]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="categoryGuid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[unique identifier for glossary category]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/category/{categoryGuid}">
-      <wadl:method name="DELETE">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Delete a glossary category]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If glossary category guid in invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="categoryGuid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[unique identifier for glossary category]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/term/{termGuid}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get specific glossary term]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If glossary term GUID is invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Glossary term]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="termGuid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[unique identifier for glossary term]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/term/{termGuid}">
-      <wadl:method name="PUT">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Update the given glossary term]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[updated glossary term]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If glossary term guid in invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If Glossary temr definition has invalid or missing information]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Updated glossary term]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="termGuid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[unique identifier for glossary term]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/term/{termGuid}">
-      <wadl:method name="DELETE">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Delete a glossary term]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If glossary term guid in invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="termGuid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[unique identifier for glossary term]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/{glossaryGuid}/categories">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get the categories belonging to a specific glossary]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="limit" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[page size - by default there is no paging]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="offset" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[offset for pagination purpose]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="sort" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[ASC (default) or DESC]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If glossary guid in invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[List of associated categories]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="glossaryGuid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[unique identifier for glossary term]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/{glossaryGuid}/detailed">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get a specific Glossary]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If glossary GUID is invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Glossary]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="glossaryGuid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[unique glossary identifier]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/{glossaryGuid}/partial">
-      <wadl:method name="PUT">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Partially update the glossary]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Map containing keys as attribute names and values as corresponding attribute values]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If glossary guid in invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If partial update parameters are invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Updated glossary]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="glossaryGuid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[unique identifier for glossary term]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/{glossaryGuid}/terms">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get terms belonging to a specific glossary]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="limit" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[page size - by default there is no paging]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="offset" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[starting offset for loading terms]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="sort" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[ASC(default) or DESC]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If glossary guid in invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[List of terms associated with the glossary]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="glossaryGuid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[unique identifier for glossary]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/relationship/guid/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get relationship information between entities using guid.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="extendedInfo" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/relationship/guid/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="DELETE">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Delete a relationship between entities using guid.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/saved/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="DELETE">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Name of the saved search]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/saved/{name}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="user" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[User for whom the search is retrieved]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="name" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Name of the saved search]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/typedefs/headers">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Bulk retrieval API for all type definitions returned as a list of minimal information header]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[List of AtlasTypeDefHeader AtlasTypeDefHeader]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="lineage/hive/table/{tableName}/schema">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Return the schema for the given tableName.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="tableName" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[table name]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/guid/{guid}/classifications">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Gets the list of classifications for a given entity represented by a guid.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[a list of classifications for the given entity guid]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[globally unique identifier for the entity]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/guid/{guid}/classifications">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Adds classifications to an existing entity represented by a guid.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json">
-          </wadl:representation>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json">
-          </wadl:representation>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[globally unique identifier for the entity]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/guid/{guid}/classifications">
-      <wadl:method name="PUT">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Updates classifications to an existing entity represented by a guid.]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json">
-          </wadl:representation>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json">
-          </wadl:representation>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/xml" element="atlasClassification">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[globally unique identifier for the entity]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/uniqueAttribute/type/{typeName}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Fetch complete definition of an entity given its type and unique attribute.
-In addition to the typeName path parameter, attribute key-value pair(s) can be provided in the following format
-NOTE: The attrName and attrValue should be unique across entities, eg. qualifiedName
-The REST request would look something like this
-GET /v2/entity/uniqueAttribute/type/aType?attr:aTypeAttribute=someValue]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[AtlasEntityWithExtInfo]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="typeName" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/uniqueAttribute/type/{typeName}">
-      <wadl:method name="PUT">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Entity Partial Update - Allows a subset of attributes to be updated on
-an entity which is identified by its type and unique attribute  eg: Referenceable.qualifiedName.
-Null updates are not possible
-In addition to the typeName path parameter, attribute key-value pair(s) can be provided in the following format
-NOTE: The attrName and attrValue should be unique across entities, eg. qualifiedName
-The REST request would look something like this
-PUT /v2/entity/uniqueAttribute/type/aType?attr:aTypeAttribute=someValue]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="typeName" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/entity/uniqueAttribute/type/{typeName}">
-      <wadl:method name="DELETE">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Delete an entity identified by its type and unique attributes.
-In addition to the typeName path parameter, attribute key-value pair(s) can be provided in the following format
-NOTE: The attrName and attrValue should be unique across entities, eg. qualifiedName
-The REST request would look something like this
-DELETE /v2/entity/uniqueAttribute/type/aType?attr:aTypeAttribute=someValue]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[EntityMutationResponse]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="typeName" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[- entity type to be deleted]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/category/{categoryGuid}/partial">
-      <wadl:method name="PUT">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Partially update the glossary category]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Map containing keys as attribute names and values as corresponding attribute values]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If glossary category guid in invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If category attributes are invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Updated glossary category]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="categoryGuid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[unique identifier for glossary term]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/category/{categoryGuid}/related">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get all related categories (parent and children)]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="limit" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[page size - by default there is no paging]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="offset" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[offset for pagination purpose]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="sort" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[ASC (default) or DESC]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[List of related categories]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="categoryGuid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[unique identifier for glossary category]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/category/{categoryGuid}/terms">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get all terms associated with the specific category]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="limit" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[page size - by default there is no paging]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="offset" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[offset for pagination purpose]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="sort" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[ASC (default) or DESC]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If glossary category guid in invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[List of associated terms]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="categoryGuid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[unique identifier for glossary category]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/term/{termGuid}/partial">
-      <wadl:method name="PUT">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Partially update the glossary term]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Map containing keys as attribute names and values as corresponding attribute values]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If glossary term guid in invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If partial attributes are invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Updated glossary term]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="termGuid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[unique identifier for glossary term]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/terms/{termGuid}/assignedEntities">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get all entity headers assigned with the specified term]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="limit" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[page size - by default there is no paging]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="offset" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[offset for pagination purpose]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="sort" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[ASC (default) or DESC]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If glossary term guid in invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="termGuid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[GUID of the term]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/terms/{termGuid}/assignedEntities">
-      <wadl:method name="POST">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Assign the given term to the provided list of entity headers]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Related Entity IDs to which the term has to be associated]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If ANY of the entity header is invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If glossary guid in invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="termGuid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Glossary term GUID]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/terms/{termGuid}/assignedEntities">
-      <wadl:method name="DELETE">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Remove the term assignment for the given list of entity headers]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[List of related entity IDs from which the term has to be dissociated]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8">
-          </wadl:representation>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="400">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If ANY of the entity header is invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If glossary term guid in invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="termGuid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Glossary term GUID]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/terms/{termGuid}/related">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get all related terms for a specific term]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="limit" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[page size - by default there is no paging]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="offset" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[offset for pagination purpose]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="sort" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[ASC (default) or DESC]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If glossary term guid in invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[List of all related terms]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="termGuid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[unique identifier for glossary term]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/{glossaryGuid}/categories/headers">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get the categories belonging to a specific glossary]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="limit" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[page size - by default there is no paging]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="offset" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[offset for pagination purpose]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="sort" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[ASC (default) or DESC]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If glossary guid in invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[List of associated categories]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="glossaryGuid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[unique identifier for glossary term]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/glossary/{glossaryGuid}/terms/headers">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get term headers belonging to a specific glossary]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="limit" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[page size - by default there is no paging]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="offset" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[starting offset for loading terms]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-          <wadl:param name="sort" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[ASC(default) or DESC]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[If glossary guid in invalid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[List of terms associated with the glossary]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="glossaryGuid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[unique identifier for glossary]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/search/saved/execute/{name}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Attribute based search for entities satisfying the search parameters]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-          <wadl:param name="user" style="query">
-            <wadl:doc><![CDATA[saved-search owner]]></wadl:doc>
-          </wadl:param>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response>
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Atlas search result]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="name" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[name of saved-search]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/classificationdef/guid/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get the classification definition for the given guid]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[On Failed lookup for the given guid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[classification definition]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[classification guid]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/classificationdef/name/{name}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get the classification definition by it's name (unique)]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[On Failed lookup for the given name]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[classification definition]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="name" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[classification name]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/entitydef/guid/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get the Entity definition for the given guid]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[On Failed lookup for the given guid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Entity definition]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[entity guid]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/entitydef/name/{name}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get the entity definition by it's name (unique)]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[On Failed lookup for the given name]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Entity definition]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="name" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[entity name]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/enumdef/guid/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get the enum definition for the given guid]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[On Failed lookup for the given guid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[enum definition]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[enum guid]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/enumdef/name/{name}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get the enum definition by it's name (unique)]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[On Failed lookup for the given name]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[enum definition]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="name" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[enum name]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/relationshipdef/guid/{guid}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get the relationship definition for the given guid]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[On Failed lookup for the given guid]]></wadl:doc>
-        </wadl:response>
-        <wadl:response status="200">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[relationship definition]]></wadl:doc>
-          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
-        </wadl:response>
-      </wadl:method>
-      <wadl:param name="guid" style="template">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[relationship guid]]></wadl:doc>
-      </wadl:param>
-    </wadl:resource>
-    <wadl:resource path="v2/types/relationshipdef/name/{name}">
-      <wadl:method name="GET">
-        <wadl:doc><![CDATA[Get the relationship definition by it's name (unique)]]></wadl:doc>
-        <wadl:request>
-        </wadl:request>
-        <wadl:response status="404">
-          <wadl:doc><![CDATA[On Failed lookup for the given name]]></wadl

diff --git a/1.0.0-rc0/api/v2/atlas-webapp-gwt-json-overlay.jar b/1.0.0-rc0/api/v2/atlas-webapp-gwt-json-overlay.jar
deleted file mode 100644
index c22b8d3..0000000
Binary files a/1.0.0-rc0/api/v2/atlas-webapp-gwt-json-overlay.jar and /dev/null differ