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Posted to by on 2004/10/21 00:24:15 UTC

[SpamAssassin Wiki] Updated: InstallingOnWindows

   Date: 2004-10-20T15:24:15
   Editor: Bret Miller <>
   Wiki: SpamAssassin Wiki
   Page: InstallingOnWindows

   Updated for SA 3.0

Change Log:

@@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
-(Note: someone may want to address [ these complaints] about this document.)
-(and if possible solve this also ... SaProxy)
 These instructions may change slightly with each version, so it is wise to read up on what's required each time before proceeding. Note that the configuration is slightly different in each version. You may wish to upgrade perl in conjunction with this since to do either requires disabling the processing of incoming e-mail to the e-mail server.
 Information on running SpamD on Windows: SpamdOnWindows
- provides more detailed step by step information. The below info is largely a digest of said info. Please be advised that though this site provides more detailed step-by-step instructions, in some environments (like CommuniGate Pro with CGPSA), using the older ActivePerl and Net::DNS modules causes a number of problems. In other environments, his instructions may actually perform more reliably.
+ provides more detailed step by step information. The below info is largely a digest of said info. Please be advised that though this site provides more detailed step-by-step instructions, in some environments (like CommuniGate Pro with CGPSA), using the older Active``Perl and Net::DNS modules causes a number of problems. In other environments, his instructions may actually perform more reliably.
-This installation procedure is for installing SpamAssassin in native Windows (not CYGWIN) using Active``Perl
+This installation procedure is for installing SpamAssassin in native Windows (not CYGWIN) using Active``Perl
   1. Download the SpamAssassin zip file from
   2. Back up your settings if you already have it running.
@@ -25,38 +21,54 @@
     * LANG=en_US
   5. Install or upgrade Perl if required:
     * If upgrading, make note of any modules you need to reinstall, uninstall Active``Perl and delete the /perl folder tree.
-    * Download Active``Perl (or newer 5.8.2 version) from Note: there has been some reported problems using Active``Perl 5.8.4. Apparently SpamAssassin produces NO OUTPUT, which makes it rather unuseful. If you've encountered this problem and know the solution, it would be helpful if you edited this page so the rest of us can benefit from your experience.
+    * Download Active``Perl (or newer 5.8.4 version) from 
     * Install it.
     * Get nmake from Microsoft:
     * Extract the nmake.exe and nmake.err files into your /perl/bin folder
     * Use PPM to install the required perl modules:{{{
-ppm install Win32::Registry
+ppm install Win32-Registry
 ppm install Net-DNS
 ppm install DB_File
-ppm install Time::HiRes
+ppm install Time-HiRes
+ppm install IP-Country
+ppm install Mail-SPF-Query
   7. Install SpamAssassin:
     * extract it to the c:\ folder with use folder names
-    * For 2.63 (and probably 2.6x), modify the makefile as per the SA wiki: Sa263MakeWithPerl582
-    * in a command prompt: cd\mail-spamassassin-2.63
+    * in a command prompt: cd\mail-spamassassin-3.00
     * perl
     * nmake /I
     * nmake install /I
-  9. Generate the documentation. Make a batch file out of the following code and run it. {{{
+  9. Generate the documentation. Make a batch file out of the following code and run it from the command prompt you started in the last step. This creates HTML documentation in the same directory structure that other perl documentation is already in, /perl/html/site/lib/mail/spamassassin. {{{
 REM Run from the top of the SpamAssassin install directory
-mkdir \Perl\html\site\lib\Mail\SpamAssassin
-del \Perl\html\site\lib\Mail\SpamAssassin\*.* 
-call pod2html spamassassin. --outfile \Perl\html\site\lib\Mail\SpamAssassin\spamassassin.html 
-call pod2html sa-learn. --outfile \Perl\html\site\lib\Mail\SpamAssassin\sa-learn.html
-call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\ --outfile \Perl\html\site\lib\Mail\SpamAssassin\AutoWhiteList.html 
-call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\ --outfile \Perl\html\site\lib\Mail\SpamAssassin\Bayes.html 
-call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\ --outfile \Perl\html\site\lib\Mail\SpamAssassin\conf.html 
-call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\ --outfile \Perl\html\site\lib\Mail\SpamAssassin\confSQL.html 
-call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\ --outfile \Perl\html\site\lib\Mail\SpamAssassin\permsgstatus.html
-call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\ --outfile \Perl\html\site\lib\Mail\SpamAssassin\permsglearner.html 
-call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\ --outfile \Perl\html\site\lib\Mail\SpamAssassin\persistentaddrlist.html 
-call pod2html lib\mail\ --outfile \Perl\html\site\lib\Mail\SpamAssassin\spamassassinclass.html 
+mkdir \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin
+mkdir \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\advanced
+mkdir \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\plugins
+echo y|del \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\*.* 
+echo y|del \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\advanced\*.*
+echo y|del \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\plugins\*.*
+call pod2html spamassassin.raw --outfile \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\spamassassin.html 
+call pod2html sa-learn. --outfile \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\sa-learn.html
+call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\ --outfile \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\advanced\AutoWhiteList.html 
+call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\ --outfile \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\Bayes.html 
+call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\Message\ --outfile \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\advanced\MessageMetaData.html 
+call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\Message\ --outfile \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\advanced\MessageNode.html 
+call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\BayesStore\ --outfile \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\advanced\BayesStoreSQL.html 
+call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\ --outfile \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\advanced\BayesStore.html 
+call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\ --outfile \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\conf.html 
+call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\Conf\ --outfile \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\advanced\confSQL.html 
+call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\Conf\ --outfile \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\advanced\confLDAP.html 
+call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\Conf\ --outfile \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\advanced\confParser.html 
+call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\ --outfile \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\advanced\permsgstatus.html
+call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\ --outfile \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\advanced\message.html --quiet
+call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\ --outfile \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\advanced\permsglearner.html
+call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\ --outfile \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\advanced\PluginsArchitecture.html
+call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\ --outfile \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\advanced\Persistentaddrlist.html 
+call pod2html lib\mail\spamassassin\ --outfile \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\advanced\SQLBasedAddrList.html 
+call pod2html lib\mail\ --outfile \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\advanced\spamassassinclass.html 
+cd lib\mail\spamassassin\plugin
+for %%f in (*.*) do call pod2html %%f --outfile \perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin\plugins\%%f.html --quiet
+cd ..\..\..\..}}}
   8. Copy the backed up configuration files into the site configuration folder, probably c:\perl\site\etc\mail\spamassassin.
   0. Simple test (you should have no errors): spamassassin -D < sample-spam.txt
   1. Make a test folder on the D: drive. Copy sample-spam.txt and sample-nonspam.txt to that folder.