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Posted to by Robert Denton <> on 2008/03/04 23:04:20 UTC

Re: Post-commit hook tutorials?

Thanks everyone for the terrific input.  Here is how my solution took form:

Instead of having the hook directly copy the file in question to the windows server, all I needed to do was determine what was committed and then pass that in a URL var to a cold fusion page.  I am fortunate in that I am surrounded on all sides by CF guys who love to do everything in CF.  Simplifies my job quite a bit.

First the hook script doesn't do any work itself, it just calls other scripts:

[rogerroger@svn etc]# more /svn/repos/RIPgaryg/hooks/post-commit


/svn/etc/ $REPOS $REV

As far as the sounds script goes, the general consensus was dead on: svnlook is the ticket:

#! /usr/bin/perl

use LWP;

$repo = $ARGV[0];
$rev  = $ARGV[1];
$mail_options = "-s 'A sound file has been commited' svn-commits\@";

@changes = `svnlook changed $repo -r $rev`;

while (@changes) {
   $commited_item = shift(@changes);
   if ($commited_item =~ /(trunk.*\/sound\/.*)/) {
      `echo "$1" | mail $mail_options`;

sub sound2fusion {
   my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new;
   my $cfmfile = "svn_test1.html";
   my $url_var = "?VAR=$_[0]";
   my $uri = "$cfmfile$url_var";
   my $mail_fail = "-s 'ALERT! Sound Commit Hook Failure!'";

   $HTTPrequest = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $uri);
   $HTTPresponse = $agent->request($HTTPrequest);

   $fail_string = "The file $_[0] was committed but the call to $uri failed. The HTTP Response was: " .  $HTTPresponse->status_line;

   if (!($HTTPresponse->is_success)) {
      `echo "$fail_string" | mail $mail_fail svn-commits\@`;

   #print " ***> HTTPResponse: " . $HTTPresponse->content . "\n";
   #print " ***> HTTPResponse: " . $HTTPresponse->status_line . "\n";
   #print " ***> HTTPResponse: " . $HTTPresponse->code . "\n";
   #print " ***> HTTPResponse: " . $HTTPresponse->message . "\n";

}  # end sub sound2fusion

Something less than polished at this point but it is doing exactly what I need it to do.  I thought I'd offer it up for anyone who needs a similar solution in the future.  Thanks again!
