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Posted to by Apache Wiki <> on 2005/08/09 04:36:07 UTC

[Spamassassin Wiki] Trivial Update of "RescoreMassCheck" by JustinMason

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The following page has been changed by JustinMason:

The comment on the change is:

  The corpus consists of many (approximately 1 million) pieces of real-world, hand sorted mail.
- A smallish number of people (about 15), including the 
+ A smallish number of people (about 15), including the
- developers themselves, work as volunteer "corpus submitters". They hand-classify their mail and then run mass-check over it. They submit the output logs 
+ developers themselves, work as volunteer "corpus submitters". They hand-classify their mail and then run mass-check over it. They submit the output logs
- mass-check generates. Occasionally people review the submitted logs for 
+ mass-check generates. Occasionally people review the submitted logs for
  obvious mistakes, but it is largely a trust system.
- If you want to see the statistics from the last corpus run, check the 
+ If you want to see the statistics from the last corpus run, check the
- STATISTICS.txt files that come in the SA tarball. It will tell you how many 
+ STATISTICS.txt files that come in the SA tarball. It will tell you how many
  emails were used, and what the hit rates of all the rules were.
  = Procedure =
@@ -120, +120 @@

  then, a little configuration; replace these with the paths to the correct
  gen-setN-* directories for the 4 score sets... the test logs the stats are
- measured against will be taken from these directories.
+ measured against will be taken from these directories.  NOTE: don't cut and paste these!  they ''will'' be different for your runs.