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Posted to by Apache Jenkins Server <> on 2015/12/14 12:14:10 UTC

Build failed in Jenkins: HBase-1.3-IT » IntegrationTestBigLinkedList,latest1.8,Hadoop #371

See <,jdk=latest1.8,label=Hadoop/371/changes>


[chenheng] HBASE-14936 CombinedBlockCache should overwrite

[...truncated 2321 lines...]
     bool UseGCOverheadLimit                        = true                                {product}
     bool UseGCTaskAffinity                         = false                               {product}
     bool UseHeavyMonitors                          = false                               {product}
     bool UseHugeTLBFS                              = false                               {product}
     bool UseInlineCaches                           = true                                {product}
     bool UseInterpreter                            = true                                {product}
     bool UseJumpTables                             = true                                {C2 product}
     bool UseLWPSynchronization                     = true                                {product}
     bool UseLargePages                             = false                               {pd product}
     bool UseLargePagesInMetaspace                  = false                               {product}
     bool UseLargePagesIndividualAllocation         = false                               {pd product}
     bool UseLinuxPosixThreadCPUClocks              = true                                {product}
     bool UseLockedTracing                          = false                               {product}
     bool UseLoopCounter                            = true                                {product}
     bool UseLoopInvariantCodeMotion                = true                                {C1 product}
     bool UseLoopPredicate                          = true                                {C2 product}
     bool UseMathExactIntrinsics                    = true                                {C2 product}
     bool UseMaximumCompactionOnSystemGC            = true                                {product}
     bool UseMembar                                 = false                               {pd product}
     bool UseMultiplyToLenIntrinsic                 = true                                {C2 product}
     bool UseNUMA                                   = false                               {product}
     bool UseNUMAInterleaving                       = false                               {product}
     bool UseNewLongLShift                          = false                               {ARCH product}
     bool UseOSErrorReporting                       = false                               {pd product}
     bool UseOldInlining                            = true                                {C2 product}
     bool UseOnStackReplacement                     = true                                {pd product}
     bool UseOnlyInlinedBimorphic                   = true                                {C2 product}
     bool UseOprofile                               = false                               {product}
     bool UseOptoBiasInlining                       = true                                {C2 product}
     bool UsePSAdaptiveSurvivorSizePolicy           = true                                {product}
     bool UseParNewGC                               = false                               {product}
     bool UseParallelGC                            := true                                {product}
     bool UseParallelOldGC                          = true                                {product}
     bool UsePerfData                               = true                                {product}
     bool UsePopCountInstruction                    = true                                {product}
     bool UseRDPCForConstantTableBase               = false                               {C2 product}
     bool UseRTMDeopt                               = false                               {ARCH product}
     bool UseRTMLocking                             = false                               {ARCH product}
     bool UseSHA                                    = false                               {product}
     bool UseSHA1Intrinsics                         = false                               {product}
     bool UseSHA256Intrinsics                       = false                               {product}
     bool UseSHA512Intrinsics                       = false                               {product}
     bool UseSHM                                    = false                               {product}
     intx UseSSE                                    = 4                                   {product}
     bool UseSSE42Intrinsics                        = true                                {product}
     bool UseSerialGC                               = false                               {product}
     bool UseSharedSpaces                           = false                               {product}
     bool UseSignalChaining                         = true                                {product}
     bool UseStoreImmI16                            = false                               {ARCH product}
     bool UseStringDeduplication                    = false                               {product}
     bool UseSuperWord                              = true                                {C2 product}
     bool UseTLAB                                   = true                                {pd product}
     bool UseThreadPriorities                       = true                                {pd product}
     bool UseTransparentHugePages                   = false                               {product}
     bool UseTypeProfile                            = true                                {product}
     bool UseTypeSpeculation                        = true                                {C2 product}
     bool UseUnalignedLoadStores                    = true                                {ARCH product}
     bool UseVMInterruptibleIO                      = false                               {product}
     bool UseXMMForArrayCopy                        = true                                {product}
     bool UseXmmI2D                                 = false                               {ARCH product}
     bool UseXmmI2F                                 = false                               {ARCH product}
     bool UseXmmLoadAndClearUpper                   = true                                {ARCH product}
     bool UseXmmRegToRegMoveAll                     = true                                {ARCH product}
     bool VMThreadHintNoPreempt                     = false                               {product}
     intx VMThreadPriority                          = -1                                  {product}
     intx VMThreadStackSize                         = 1024                                {pd product}
     intx ValueMapInitialSize                       = 11                                  {C1 product}
     intx ValueMapMaxLoopSize                       = 8                                   {C1 product}
     intx ValueSearchLimit                          = 1000                                {C2 product}
     bool VerifyMergedCPBytecodes                   = true                                {product}
     bool VerifySharedSpaces                        = false                               {product}
     intx WorkAroundNPTLTimedWaitHang               = 1                                   {product}
    uintx YoungGenerationSizeIncrement              = 20                                  {product}
    uintx YoungGenerationSizeSupplement             = 80                                  {product}
    uintx YoungGenerationSizeSupplementDecay        = 8                                   {product}
    uintx YoungPLABSize                             = 4096                                {product}
     bool ZeroTLAB                                  = false                               {product}
     intx hashCode                                  = 5                                   {product}
Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.test.IntegrationTestBigLinkedList
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  193536K->67175K(741888K), 0.1211695 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Metadata GC Threshold)  105673K->43154K(935424K), 0.0128797 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [Full GC (Metadata GC Threshold)  43154K->8190K(715264K), 0.0386409 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  391587K->96643K(715264K), 0.1180506 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Metadata GC Threshold)  144864K->106933K(1006080K), 0.0646656 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [Full GC (Metadata GC Threshold)  106933K->93501K(1179648K), 0.1344315 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Metadata GC Threshold)  693996K->137919K(1179648K), 0.0474229 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [Full GC (Metadata GC Threshold)  137919K->134579K(1271808K), 0.2288596 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  812467K->173019K(1716736K), 0.0387606 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  1279451K->298218K(1760256K), 0.1241906 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  1404650K->391490K(1728512K), 0.1569153 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  1414466K->568834K(1772032K), 0.1959723 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  1591810K->751071K(1444352K), 0.1509741 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [Full GC (Ergonomics)  751071K->560996K(2028032K), 0.7229784 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  1250148K->766149K(2045952K), 0.0799149 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  1455301K->797760K(2207232K), 0.2085739 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  1494080K->915582K(1945088K), 0.1943106 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  1609988K->1117777K(2182656K), 0.1710979 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [Full GC (Ergonomics)  1117777K->862488K(2579968K), 0.6112967 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  1565464K->1090885K(2573312K), 0.0700679 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  1793861K->1170127K(2601984K), 0.1609966 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  1908934K->1226153K(2605568K), 0.2021436 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  1964969K->1300706K(2611200K), 0.0951499 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  2066103K->1397011K(2619904K), 0.0891281 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  2162451K->1460165K(2632192K), 0.1189920 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [Full GC (Ergonomics)  1460165K->419781K(2257920K), 0.5192986 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  1221573K->536454K(2258944K), 0.0878226 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  1338246K->711947K(2275328K), 0.1109084 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  1544459K->914288K(2276352K), 0.1550811 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  1746800K->1091806K(2293760K), 0.1158660 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [Full GC (Ergonomics)  1091806K->641401K(2650112K), 0.8205474 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  1479680K->931698K(2644480K), 0.1016555 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  1770354K->1076586K(2569728K), 0.1459195 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  1831274K->1256154K(2607104K), 0.1989442 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  2010842K->1372732K(2591744K), 0.4294461 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [Full GC (Ergonomics)  1372732K->962166K(3048960K), 0.8246301 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  1730136K->1123467K(3063296K), 0.0652316 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  1891467K->1159919K(3077632K), 0.0875863 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  1954543K->1251448K(3079680K), 0.0665644 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  2046072K->1240998K(3080192K), 0.0505444 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  2042790K->1242510K(3084288K), 0.0312525 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  2044302K->1238613K(3088384K), 0.0361078 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  2047573K->1236486K(3089920K), 0.0277597 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  2045446K->1246739K(3079680K), 0.0307956 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  2062355K->1255374K(3085312K), 0.0362667 secs]
SUREFIRE-859: [GC (Allocation Failure)  2070990K->1253247K(3088384K), 0.0388429 secs]

Results :

Tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

[WARNING] File encoding has not been set, using platform encoding ISO-8859-1, i.e. build is platform dependent! The file encoding for reports output files should be provided by the POM property ${project.reporting.outputEncoding}.
[INFO] --- maven-failsafe-plugin:2.18.1:verify (verify) @ hbase-it ---
[INFO] Failsafe report directory: <,jdk=latest1.8,label=Hadoop/ws/hbase-it/target/failsafe-reports>
[WARNING] File encoding has not been set, using platform encoding ISO-8859-1, i.e. build is platform dependent! The file encoding for reports output files should be provided by the POM property ${project.reporting.outputEncoding}.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Apache HBase ...................................... SUCCESS [3.554s]
[INFO] Apache HBase - Checkstyle ......................... SUCCESS [0.815s]
[INFO] Apache HBase - Resource Bundle .................... SUCCESS [0.250s]
[INFO] Apache HBase - Annotations ........................ SUCCESS [1.266s]
[INFO] Apache HBase - Protocol ........................... SUCCESS [15.365s]
[INFO] Apache HBase - Common ............................. SUCCESS [8.834s]
[INFO] Apache HBase - Procedure .......................... SUCCESS [1.458s]
[INFO] Apache HBase - Client ............................. SUCCESS [5.879s]
[INFO] Apache HBase - Hadoop Compatibility ............... SUCCESS [0.490s]
[INFO] Apache HBase - Hadoop Two Compatibility ........... SUCCESS [1.509s]
[INFO] Apache HBase - Prefix Tree ........................ SUCCESS [1.504s]
[INFO] Apache HBase - Server ............................. SUCCESS [38.222s]
[INFO] Apache HBase - Testing Util ....................... SUCCESS [1.284s]
[INFO] Apache HBase - Thrift ............................. SUCCESS [6.295s]
[INFO] Apache HBase - Rest ............................... SUCCESS [3.329s]
[INFO] Apache HBase - Shell .............................. SUCCESS [0.976s]
[INFO] Apache HBase - Integration Tests .................. FAILURE [30:03.243s]
[INFO] Apache HBase - Examples ........................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache HBase - External Block Cache ............... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache HBase - Assembly ........................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache HBase - Shaded ............................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache HBase - Shaded - Client .................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache HBase - Shaded - Server .................... SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 31:36.416s
[INFO] Finished at: Mon Dec 14 11:13:27 UTC 2015
[INFO] Final Memory: 171M/3151M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-failsafe-plugin:2.18.1:verify (verify) on project hbase-it: There was a timeout or other error in the fork -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :hbase-it
Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure
Performing Post build task...
Match found for :.* : True
Logical operation result is TRUE
Running script  : # Post-build task script. TODO: Check this in and have all builds reference check-in.
pwd && ls
# NOTE!!!! The below code has been copied and pasted from ./dev-tools/
# Do not change here without syncing there and vice-versa.
ZOMBIE_TESTS_COUNT=`jps -v | grep surefirebooter | grep -e '-Dhbase.test' | wc -l`
if [[ $ZOMBIE_TESTS_COUNT != 0 ]] ; then
 echo "Suspicious java process found - waiting 30s to see if there are just slow to stop"
 sleep 30
 ZOMBIE_TESTS_COUNT=`jps -v | grep surefirebooter | grep -e '-Dhbase.test' | wc -l`
 if [[ $ZOMBIE_TESTS_COUNT != 0 ]] ; then
   echo " {color:red}There appear to be $ZOMBIE_TESTS_COUNT zombie tests{color}, they should have been killed by surefire but survived"
   jps -v | grep surefirebooter | grep -e '-Dhbase.test'
   jps -v | grep surefirebooter | grep -e '-Dhbase.test' | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | xargs -n 1 jstack
   # Exit with error
   exit 1
   echo "We're ok: there is no zombie test, but some tests took some time to stop"
  echo "We're ok: there is no zombie test"
[Hadoop] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/
+ pwd
+ ls
++ jps -v
++ grep surefirebooter
++ grep -e -Dhbase.test
++ wc -l
+ [[ 0 != 0 ]]
+ echo 'We'\''re ok: there is no zombie test'
We're ok: there is no zombie test
Archiving artifacts

Jenkins build is back to normal : HBase-1.3-IT » IntegrationTestBigLinkedList,latest1.8,Hadoop #372

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <,jdk=latest1.8,label=Hadoop/372/>