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Posted to by wael mashal <> on 2015/07/05 10:25:19 UTC

Return command result one by one as string


I write a code using sshd to execute more than one commands at the same
time by using PipedOutputStream , what I need to get each command result as
string to view it in mu jsp page in specific field , what i have now all
the data flushed together , please see the below code and help me to get
command result one by one ,

* final ClientChannel channel = session.createShellChannel();*
*    ByteArrayOutputStream sent = new ByteArrayOutputStream();*
*        PipedOutputStream pipedIn = new TeePipedOutputStream(sent);*
*        channel.setIn(new PipedInputStream(pipedIn));*
*    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();*
*        ByteArrayOutputStream err = new ByteArrayOutputStream();*
*        channel.setOut(out);*
*        channel.setErr(err);*

*    pipedIn.write("free -m\n".getBytes());*
*        pipedIn.flush();*

*        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();*
*        sb.append("mpstat");*
*        sb.append("\n");*
*        pipedIn.write(sb.toString().getBytes());*

*        pipedIn.write("exit\n".getBytes());*
*        pipedIn.flush();*

* channel.waitFor(ClientChannel.CLOSED, 0);*


* class TeePipedOutputStream extends PipedOutputStream {    private
OutputStream tee;    public TeePipedOutputStream(OutputStream tee) {
this.tee = tee;    }    @Override    public void write(int b) throws
IOException {        super.write(b);        tee.write(b);    }
@Override    public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws
IOException {        super.write(b, off, len);        tee.write(b, off,
len);    }}Thanks*