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Posted to by on 2009/11/23 15:54:15 UTC

svn commit: r883384 [39/47] - in /incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato: ./ kato.anttasks/src/main/java/org/apache/kato/anttasks/ kato.anttasks/src/main/java/org/apache/kato/anttasks/sitebuilder/ kato.anttasks/src/main/java/org/apache/kato/anttasks/tck/...

Modified: incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/
--- incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/ (original)
+++ incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/ Mon Nov 23 15:53:48 2009
@@ -1,75 +1,75 @@
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.apache.kato.katoview.commands;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Stack;
-import org.apache.kato.katoview.Output;
-import org.apache.kato.katoview.commands.helpers.Utils;
-public class CdCommand extends Command {
-	public CdCommand(Output o){
-		super(o, "cd", "changes the current working directory, used for log files",
-				"parameters: <directory_name>\n\n" +
-				"Changes the current working directory to <directory_name>, checking " +
-				"to see if it exists and is a directory before making the change.  " +
-				"The current working directory is where log files are outputted to; " +
-				"a change to the current working directory has no effect on the current " +
-				"log file setting because the logging filename is converted to an " +
-				"absolute path when set.  Note: to see what the current working " +
-				"directory is set to, use the \"pwd\" command.\n"
-		);
-		child_commands = null;
-	}
-	public void doCommand(Stack args, Image loadedImage, HashMap properties){
-		if (args.isEmpty())
-		{
-			out.error("\"cd\" requires exactly one parameter");
-			return;
-		}
-		String path = "";
-		while (!args.isEmpty())
-		{
-			path += (String)args.pop() + " ";
-		}
-		path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1);
-		File newPwd = Utils.absPath(properties, path);
-		if (!newPwd.isDirectory())
-		{
-			if (newPwd.isFile())
-			{
-				out.error("cannot change to specified path because it specifies a file, not a directory");
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				out.error("specified path is not a directory or a file; it probably doesn't exist");
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			properties.put("pwd", newPwd);
-		}
-	}
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+package org.apache.kato.katoview.commands;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Stack;
+import org.apache.kato.katoview.Output;
+import org.apache.kato.katoview.commands.helpers.Utils;
+public class CdCommand extends Command {
+	public CdCommand(Output o){
+		super(o, "cd", "changes the current working directory, used for log files",
+				"parameters: <directory_name>\n\n" +
+				"Changes the current working directory to <directory_name>, checking " +
+				"to see if it exists and is a directory before making the change.  " +
+				"The current working directory is where log files are outputted to; " +
+				"a change to the current working directory has no effect on the current " +
+				"log file setting because the logging filename is converted to an " +
+				"absolute path when set.  Note: to see what the current working " +
+				"directory is set to, use the \"pwd\" command.\n"
+		);
+		child_commands = null;
+	}
+	public void doCommand(Stack args, Image loadedImage, HashMap properties){
+		if (args.isEmpty())
+		{
+			out.error("\"cd\" requires exactly one parameter");
+			return;
+		}
+		String path = "";
+		while (!args.isEmpty())
+		{
+			path += (String)args.pop() + " ";
+		}
+		path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1);
+		File newPwd = Utils.absPath(properties, path);
+		if (!newPwd.isDirectory())
+		{
+			if (newPwd.isFile())
+			{
+				out.error("cannot change to specified path because it specifies a file, not a directory");
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				out.error("specified path is not a directory or a file; it probably doesn't exist");
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			properties.put("pwd", newPwd);
+		}
+	}

Propchange: incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/
    svn:eol-style = native

Modified: incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/
--- incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/ (original)
+++ incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/ Mon Nov 23 15:53:48 2009
@@ -1,306 +1,306 @@
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.apache.kato.katoview.commands;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import java.util.Stack;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import org.apache.kato.katoview.Output;
-import org.apache.kato.katoview.commands.helpers.Utils;
-public abstract class Command {
-	private String name;
-	private String desc;
-	private String longDesc;
-	protected Vector child_commands;
-	protected Output out;
-	protected Command(Output o, String aName, String aDesc, String aLongDesc){
-		out = o;
-		name = aName;
-		desc = aDesc;
-		// WARNING: assumptions on aLongDesc:
-		//  - the only whitespace is ' ' and '\n'; no tabs
-		//  - there are no single words longer than 80 - 12 = 68 characters
-		//   - 12 is from nIndent + nWrapIndent + 1
-		longDesc = aLongDesc;
-	}
-	public String getName(){
-		return name;
-	}
-	public String getDesc(){
-		return desc;
-	}
-	public Vector getChildCommands(){
-		return child_commands;
-	}
-	public void printHelp(String indent, int descOffset, Stack currArgs, Stack prevArgs)
-	{
-		if (null == currArgs)
-		{
-			// the calling function just wants us to print our short name
-			String spaces = "";
-			int numSpaces = descOffset;
-			numSpaces -= indent.length();
-			numSpaces -= name.length();
-			for (int i = 0; i < numSpaces; i++)
-				spaces += " ";
-			out.print(indent + name + spaces + desc + "\n");
-			if (null != child_commands)
-			{
-				Iterator itCommand = child_commands.iterator();
-				while (itCommand.hasNext())
-				{
-					Command command = (Command);
-					command.printHelp(indent + " ", descOffset, currArgs, prevArgs);
-				}
-			}
-			return;
-		}
-		if (currArgs.isEmpty())
-		{
-			// out of arguments; we should either print our long description (if we're
-			//  a leaf node in the command tree) or get our children to print their
-			//  short descriptions
-			String cmdName = getNameFromStack(prevArgs);
-			if (null == child_commands) {	// we're a leaf node in the command tree
-				if (null == longDesc) {
-					out.error("<long descriptions not implemented for \"" +
-							cmdName + "\" command>");
-				} else {
-					if (cmdName != null && cmdName != "") {
-						out.print("\n");
-						out.print("\t");
-						out.print("\"" + cmdName + "\" command");
-					}
-					out.print("\n");
-					out.print(formatDesc(longDesc));
-					out.print("\n");
-				}
-			} else {	// we're an internal node in the command tree
-				indent = "\t";
-				out.print("\n");
-				out.print(indent + cmdName);
-				out.print("\n");
-				Iterator itCommand = child_commands.iterator();
-				while (itCommand.hasNext())
-				{
-					Command command = (Command);
-					command.printHelp(indent + " ", descOffset, null, prevArgs);
-				}
-				out.print("\n");
-			}
-			return;
-		}
-		// ASSERT: !currArgs.isEmpty()
-		//  we've still got arguments left so we should print an error if we're a leaf
-		//  node in the command tree or keep on processing if we're an internal node
-		String arg = (String)currArgs.pop();
-		if (null == child_commands)	// we're a leaf node; output an error
-		{
-			String cmdName = getNameFromStack(prevArgs);
-			out.error("\"" + cmdName + "\" does not have any sub-commands");
-			return;
-		}
-		// ASSERT: !currArgs.isEmpty() && null != child_commands
-		//  we've still got arguments left and we're an internal node in the command tree;
-		//  thus, we'll pass on the job to the next command down
-		Iterator itCommand = child_commands.iterator();
-		boolean found = false;
-		Command currCommand = null;
-		while (itCommand.hasNext() && !found)
-		{
-			currCommand = (Command);
-			if (currCommand.getName().equals(arg))
-				found = true;
-		}
-		if (found)
-		{
-			prevArgs.push(arg);
-			currCommand.printHelp(indent, descOffset, currArgs, prevArgs);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			String cmdName = getNameFromStack(prevArgs);
-			out.error("\"" + arg + "\" is not a sub-command of \"" + cmdName + "\"");
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	private String getNameFromStack(Stack args)
-	{
-		String cmdName = "";
-		while (!args.isEmpty())
-		{
-			String currArg = (String)args.pop();
-			if (currArg.endsWith("/")) {
-				cmdName = currArg + cmdName;
-			} else {
-				cmdName = currArg + " " + cmdName;
-			}
-		}
-		if (cmdName.length() > 0 && cmdName.endsWith(" "))
-		{
-			cmdName = cmdName.substring(0, cmdName.length() - 1);
-		}
-		return cmdName;
-	}
-	private String formatDesc(String sDesc)
-	{
-		int nIndent = 8;
-		// note: lines _always_ start with "\t " (the space is intentional) since
-		//  every word is prefixed by a space
-		String sIndent = "\t";
-		int nWrapIndent = 3;
-		String sWrapIndent = "   ";
-		int nWidth = 80;
-		char[] aDesc = sDesc.toCharArray();
-		String formatted = "";
-		formatted += sIndent;
-		int charsInLine = nIndent;
-		String currWord;
-		int i = 0;
-		while (i < aDesc.length)
-		{
-			currWord = "";
-			for (;i < aDesc.length && '\n' != aDesc[i] && ' ' != aDesc[i]; i++)
-			{
-				currWord += aDesc[i];
-			}
-			// advance another character, past the '\n' or ' '; otherwise we get stuck
-			//  in an infinite loop
-			i++;
-			int currWordLength = currWord.length() + 1;	// the 1 is for the added space
-			if (currWordLength + charsInLine > nWidth)
-			{
-				// start a new line
-				formatted += "\n";
-				formatted += sIndent;
-				formatted += sWrapIndent;
-				charsInLine = nIndent + nWrapIndent;
-			}
-			// add the word to the current line
-			formatted += " " + currWord;
-			charsInLine += currWordLength;
-			// if the character directly following the last word read is a new-line
-			//  character, start a new line
-			if (i <= aDesc.length && '\n' == aDesc[i-1])
-			{
-				// start a new line
-				formatted += "\n";
-				formatted += sIndent;
-				charsInLine = nIndent;
-			}
-		}
-		return formatted;
-	}
-	public void doCommand(Stack args, Image loadedImage, HashMap properties){
-		boolean found = false;
-		String nextCommand = null;
-		if (!args.isEmpty())
-		{
-			nextCommand = (String)args.pop();
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			out.error("specified command requires additional subcommand");
-			return;
-		}
-		nextCommand = nextCommand.toLowerCase();
-		Command currCommand = null;
-		Iterator itCommand = child_commands.iterator();
-		while (itCommand.hasNext() && !found)
-		{
-			currCommand = (Command);
-			if (nextCommand.equals(currCommand.getName()))
-				found = true;
-		}
-		if (found){
-			currCommand.doCommand(args, loadedImage, properties);
-		}
-		else{
-			out.error("command \"" + nextCommand + "\" does not exist; type \"help\" " +
-					"for a list of available commands");
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	protected void doScrollCommand(Image loadedImage, HashMap properties, boolean direction){
-		RootCommand rootCommand = (RootCommand)properties.get(Utils.RootCommand_OBJECT);
-		if (null == rootCommand){
-			out.error("ERROR - No mapping found for RootCommand object");
-			return;
-		}
-		Long currentMemAddress = (Long)properties.get(Utils.CURRENT_MEM_ADDRESS);
-		Integer currentNumBytesToPrint = (Integer)properties.get(Utils.CURRENT_NUM_BYTES_TO_PRINT);
-		if (null == currentMemAddress || null == currentNumBytesToPrint){
-			out.error("ERROR - starting mem address or the number of bytes to print needs to be set " +
-					"by running hexdump command");
-			return;
-		}
-		//out.println("*******" + Long.toHexString( ((Long)properties.get(Utils.CURRENT_MEM_ADDRESS)).longValue() ));
-		long newMemAddrss;
-		if (direction)
-			newMemAddrss = currentMemAddress.longValue() + currentNumBytesToPrint.intValue();
-		else
-			newMemAddrss = currentMemAddress.longValue() - currentNumBytesToPrint.intValue();
-		Stack plusCommandStack = Utils.constructStackFromString("hexdump" + " " 
-				+ Long.toHexString(newMemAddrss) + " " + currentNumBytesToPrint.toString());
-		rootCommand.doCommand(plusCommandStack, loadedImage, properties);
-		properties.put(Utils.CURRENT_MEM_ADDRESS, new Long(newMemAddrss));
-	}
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+package org.apache.kato.katoview.commands;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import java.util.Stack;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import org.apache.kato.katoview.Output;
+import org.apache.kato.katoview.commands.helpers.Utils;
+public abstract class Command {
+	private String name;
+	private String desc;
+	private String longDesc;
+	protected Vector child_commands;
+	protected Output out;
+	protected Command(Output o, String aName, String aDesc, String aLongDesc){
+		out = o;
+		name = aName;
+		desc = aDesc;
+		// WARNING: assumptions on aLongDesc:
+		//  - the only whitespace is ' ' and '\n'; no tabs
+		//  - there are no single words longer than 80 - 12 = 68 characters
+		//   - 12 is from nIndent + nWrapIndent + 1
+		longDesc = aLongDesc;
+	}
+	public String getName(){
+		return name;
+	}
+	public String getDesc(){
+		return desc;
+	}
+	public Vector getChildCommands(){
+		return child_commands;
+	}
+	public void printHelp(String indent, int descOffset, Stack currArgs, Stack prevArgs)
+	{
+		if (null == currArgs)
+		{
+			// the calling function just wants us to print our short name
+			String spaces = "";
+			int numSpaces = descOffset;
+			numSpaces -= indent.length();
+			numSpaces -= name.length();
+			for (int i = 0; i < numSpaces; i++)
+				spaces += " ";
+			out.print(indent + name + spaces + desc + "\n");
+			if (null != child_commands)
+			{
+				Iterator itCommand = child_commands.iterator();
+				while (itCommand.hasNext())
+				{
+					Command command = (Command);
+					command.printHelp(indent + " ", descOffset, currArgs, prevArgs);
+				}
+			}
+			return;
+		}
+		if (currArgs.isEmpty())
+		{
+			// out of arguments; we should either print our long description (if we're
+			//  a leaf node in the command tree) or get our children to print their
+			//  short descriptions
+			String cmdName = getNameFromStack(prevArgs);
+			if (null == child_commands) {	// we're a leaf node in the command tree
+				if (null == longDesc) {
+					out.error("<long descriptions not implemented for \"" +
+							cmdName + "\" command>");
+				} else {
+					if (cmdName != null && cmdName != "") {
+						out.print("\n");
+						out.print("\t");
+						out.print("\"" + cmdName + "\" command");
+					}
+					out.print("\n");
+					out.print(formatDesc(longDesc));
+					out.print("\n");
+				}
+			} else {	// we're an internal node in the command tree
+				indent = "\t";
+				out.print("\n");
+				out.print(indent + cmdName);
+				out.print("\n");
+				Iterator itCommand = child_commands.iterator();
+				while (itCommand.hasNext())
+				{
+					Command command = (Command);
+					command.printHelp(indent + " ", descOffset, null, prevArgs);
+				}
+				out.print("\n");
+			}
+			return;
+		}
+		// ASSERT: !currArgs.isEmpty()
+		//  we've still got arguments left so we should print an error if we're a leaf
+		//  node in the command tree or keep on processing if we're an internal node
+		String arg = (String)currArgs.pop();
+		if (null == child_commands)	// we're a leaf node; output an error
+		{
+			String cmdName = getNameFromStack(prevArgs);
+			out.error("\"" + cmdName + "\" does not have any sub-commands");
+			return;
+		}
+		// ASSERT: !currArgs.isEmpty() && null != child_commands
+		//  we've still got arguments left and we're an internal node in the command tree;
+		//  thus, we'll pass on the job to the next command down
+		Iterator itCommand = child_commands.iterator();
+		boolean found = false;
+		Command currCommand = null;
+		while (itCommand.hasNext() && !found)
+		{
+			currCommand = (Command);
+			if (currCommand.getName().equals(arg))
+				found = true;
+		}
+		if (found)
+		{
+			prevArgs.push(arg);
+			currCommand.printHelp(indent, descOffset, currArgs, prevArgs);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			String cmdName = getNameFromStack(prevArgs);
+			out.error("\"" + arg + "\" is not a sub-command of \"" + cmdName + "\"");
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	private String getNameFromStack(Stack args)
+	{
+		String cmdName = "";
+		while (!args.isEmpty())
+		{
+			String currArg = (String)args.pop();
+			if (currArg.endsWith("/")) {
+				cmdName = currArg + cmdName;
+			} else {
+				cmdName = currArg + " " + cmdName;
+			}
+		}
+		if (cmdName.length() > 0 && cmdName.endsWith(" "))
+		{
+			cmdName = cmdName.substring(0, cmdName.length() - 1);
+		}
+		return cmdName;
+	}
+	private String formatDesc(String sDesc)
+	{
+		int nIndent = 8;
+		// note: lines _always_ start with "\t " (the space is intentional) since
+		//  every word is prefixed by a space
+		String sIndent = "\t";
+		int nWrapIndent = 3;
+		String sWrapIndent = "   ";
+		int nWidth = 80;
+		char[] aDesc = sDesc.toCharArray();
+		String formatted = "";
+		formatted += sIndent;
+		int charsInLine = nIndent;
+		String currWord;
+		int i = 0;
+		while (i < aDesc.length)
+		{
+			currWord = "";
+			for (;i < aDesc.length && '\n' != aDesc[i] && ' ' != aDesc[i]; i++)
+			{
+				currWord += aDesc[i];
+			}
+			// advance another character, past the '\n' or ' '; otherwise we get stuck
+			//  in an infinite loop
+			i++;
+			int currWordLength = currWord.length() + 1;	// the 1 is for the added space
+			if (currWordLength + charsInLine > nWidth)
+			{
+				// start a new line
+				formatted += "\n";
+				formatted += sIndent;
+				formatted += sWrapIndent;
+				charsInLine = nIndent + nWrapIndent;
+			}
+			// add the word to the current line
+			formatted += " " + currWord;
+			charsInLine += currWordLength;
+			// if the character directly following the last word read is a new-line
+			//  character, start a new line
+			if (i <= aDesc.length && '\n' == aDesc[i-1])
+			{
+				// start a new line
+				formatted += "\n";
+				formatted += sIndent;
+				charsInLine = nIndent;
+			}
+		}
+		return formatted;
+	}
+	public void doCommand(Stack args, Image loadedImage, HashMap properties){
+		boolean found = false;
+		String nextCommand = null;
+		if (!args.isEmpty())
+		{
+			nextCommand = (String)args.pop();
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			out.error("specified command requires additional subcommand");
+			return;
+		}
+		nextCommand = nextCommand.toLowerCase();
+		Command currCommand = null;
+		Iterator itCommand = child_commands.iterator();
+		while (itCommand.hasNext() && !found)
+		{
+			currCommand = (Command);
+			if (nextCommand.equals(currCommand.getName()))
+				found = true;
+		}
+		if (found){
+			currCommand.doCommand(args, loadedImage, properties);
+		}
+		else{
+			out.error("command \"" + nextCommand + "\" does not exist; type \"help\" " +
+					"for a list of available commands");
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	protected void doScrollCommand(Image loadedImage, HashMap properties, boolean direction){
+		RootCommand rootCommand = (RootCommand)properties.get(Utils.RootCommand_OBJECT);
+		if (null == rootCommand){
+			out.error("ERROR - No mapping found for RootCommand object");
+			return;
+		}
+		Long currentMemAddress = (Long)properties.get(Utils.CURRENT_MEM_ADDRESS);
+		Integer currentNumBytesToPrint = (Integer)properties.get(Utils.CURRENT_NUM_BYTES_TO_PRINT);
+		if (null == currentMemAddress || null == currentNumBytesToPrint){
+			out.error("ERROR - starting mem address or the number of bytes to print needs to be set " +
+					"by running hexdump command");
+			return;
+		}
+		//out.println("*******" + Long.toHexString( ((Long)properties.get(Utils.CURRENT_MEM_ADDRESS)).longValue() ));
+		long newMemAddrss;
+		if (direction)
+			newMemAddrss = currentMemAddress.longValue() + currentNumBytesToPrint.intValue();
+		else
+			newMemAddrss = currentMemAddress.longValue() - currentNumBytesToPrint.intValue();
+		Stack plusCommandStack = Utils.constructStackFromString("hexdump" + " " 
+				+ Long.toHexString(newMemAddrss) + " " + currentNumBytesToPrint.toString());
+		rootCommand.doCommand(plusCommandStack, loadedImage, properties);
+		properties.put(Utils.CURRENT_MEM_ADDRESS, new Long(newMemAddrss));
+	}

Propchange: incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/
    svn:eol-style = native

Modified: incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/
--- incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/ (original)
+++ incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/ Mon Nov 23 15:53:48 2009
@@ -1,324 +1,324 @@
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.apache.kato.katoview.commands;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Stack;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.TreeMap;
-import java.util.SortedMap;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import org.apache.kato.katoview.Output;
-import org.apache.kato.katoview.commands.helpers.Exceptions;
-import org.apache.kato.katoview.commands.helpers.MonitorNode;
-import org.apache.kato.katoview.commands.helpers.NodeList;
-import org.apache.kato.katoview.commands.helpers.Utils;
-public class DeadlockCommand extends Command {
-	public DeadlockCommand(Output o){
-		super(o, "deadlock", "displays information about deadlocks if there are any",
-				"parameters: none\n\n" +
-				"The \"deadlock\" command shows detailed information about deadlocks " +
-				"or \"no deadlocks detected\" if there are no deadlocks.  A deadlock " +
-				"situation consists of one or more deadlock loops and zero or more " +
-				"branches attached to those loops.  This command prints out each " +
-				"branch attached to a loop and then the loop itself.  If there is a " +
-				"split in a deadlock branch, separate branches will be created for " +
-				"each side of the split in the branch.  Deadlock branches start with " +
-				"a monitor that has no threads waiting on it and the continues until " +
-				"it reaches a monitor that exists in another deadlock branch or loop.  " +
-				"Deadlock loops start and end with the same monitor.\n\n" +
-				"Monitors are represented by their owner and the object associated with " +
-				"the given monitor.  For example, \"3435 (0x45ae67)\" represents the " +
-				"monitor that is owned by the thread with id 3435 and is associated " +
-				"the object at address 0x45ae67.  Objects can be viewed by using a " +
-				"command like \"x/j 0x45ae67\" and threads can be viewed using a " +
-				"command like \"info thread 3435\".\n"
-		);
-		child_commands = null;
-	}
-	public void doCommand(Stack args, Image loadedImage, HashMap properties)
-	{
-		Iterator itRuntime = Utils.getRuntimes(loadedImage);
-		int jrnum = 1;
-		while (itRuntime.hasNext())
-		{
-			SortedMap monitorNodes = new TreeMap();
-			JavaRuntime jr = (JavaRuntime);
-			Iterator itMonitor = jr.getMonitors().iterator();
-			int nodeListNum = 0;
-			out.print("\n  deadlocks for runtime #" + jrnum + "\n");
-			// Step 1. iterate over all monitors, creating a MonitorNode for each monitor that 
-			// contains the monitor (JavaMonitor) and some parameters and adding that MonitorNode 
-			// to a Hashtable, indexed by owner (JavaThread object address)
-			while (itMonitor.hasNext()) {
-				JavaMonitor monitor = (JavaMonitor);
-				MonitorNode node = new MonitorNode(monitor);
-				JavaThread owner = null;
-				Long id = null;
-				try {
-					owner = monitor.getOwner();
-				} catch (CorruptDataException e) {
-					out.error("exception encountered while getting monitor owner: " +
-							Exceptions.getCorruptDataExceptionString());
-					return;
-				}
-				if (null == owner) {
-					// A monitor with no owner cannot be involved in a deadlock, according to the 
-					// algorithm used here anyway, because in order for a monitor to be in a deadlock,
-					// its owner must be in a deadlock or an owner somewhere down the chain of 
-					// ownership must own the given monitor. Since there is no owner, we can't get 
-					// the monitor's owner or the next monitor in a potential deadlock chain.
-					continue;
-				} else {
-					JavaObject threadObject;
-					try {
-						threadObject = owner.getObject();
-					} catch (CorruptDataException e) {
-						out.error("exception encountered while getting owner's JavaObject: " +
-								Exceptions.getCorruptDataExceptionString());
-						return;
-					}
-					id = new Long(threadObject.getID().getAddress());
-				}
-				// Note: we used to give up here with an error if there was already
-				// a monitor node in the table with the same key (thread). This is very common (a
-				// thread owning multiple monitors). 
-				monitorNodes.put(id, node);
-			}
-			Iterator values = monitorNodes.values().iterator();
-			// Step 2. iterate over Hashtable and for every MonitorNode, iterate over monitor m1's
-			// enter waiters (JavaMonitor.getEnterWaiters()), which are JavaThreads, and for each 
-			// enter waiter, set that waiter's MonitorNode's waitingOn to m1.
-			while (values.hasNext()) {
-				MonitorNode currNode = (MonitorNode);
-				JavaMonitor currMonitor = currNode.getMonitor();
-				Iterator itWaiters = currMonitor.getEnterWaiters().iterator();
-				while (itWaiters.hasNext()) {
-					JavaThread waiter = (JavaThread);
-					JavaObject threadObject;
-					Long id = null;
-					try {
-						threadObject = waiter.getObject();
-					} catch (CorruptDataException e) {
-						out.error("exception encountered while getting waiter's ImageThread: " +
-								Exceptions.getCorruptDataExceptionString());
-						return;
-					} 
-					id = new Long(threadObject.getID().getAddress());					
-					MonitorNode waiterNode = (MonitorNode)monitorNodes.get(id);
-					if (null != waiterNode) {
-						waiterNode.waitingOn = currNode;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			values = monitorNodes.values().iterator();
-			int visit = 1;
-			Vector lists = new Vector();
-			// Step 3. iterate over Hashtable and for every MonitorNode m1:
-			// Step 3a. set a unique visit number, visit > 0 (visit++ would work)
-			// Step 3b. iterate over waitingOns, setting visit number, until a null
-			//  waitingOn is reached (no deadlock), a deadlocked node is reached
-			//  (m1 is part of a branch that joins a deadlock loop), or a node with
-			//  the same visit is reached (m1 is part of a deadlock loop)
-			// Step 3c. if deadlock found, start at m1 and iterate over all
-			//  waitingOns until a deadlocked node is found, setting deadlock
-			//  (branch or loop, depending on result in 3b) along the way
-			// note: Step 4* are not laid out precisely as specified; the instructions
-			//  listed for Step 4* are integrated into Step 3
-			// Step 4. for each MonitorNode m1 where inList == false and m1 is part
-			//  of a deadlock loop *, create a new list and push it on the list
-			//  stack right away:
-			// Step 4a. iterate over all enter waiters, setting inList to true at
-			//  every MonitorNode
-			// Step 4b. if there are no enter waiters, terminate the current list
-			// Step 4c. if there is one enter waiter: if the enter waiter is the
-			//  current list, stop; else continue creating the current list,
-			//  iterating to that thread's MonitorNode
-			// Step 4d. if there is more than one enter waiter, continue creating
-			//  current list and start a new list, pushing it on the list stack
-			//  right away
-			while (values.hasNext())
-			{
-				MonitorNode startNode = (MonitorNode);
-				MonitorNode currNode = startNode;
-				MonitorNode endNode;
-				if (0 != startNode.visit)
-				{
-					continue;
-				}
-				while (true)
-				{
-					currNode.visit = visit;
-					if (null == currNode.waitingOn)
-					{
-						currNode.deadlock = MonitorNode.NO_DEADLOCK;
-						break;
-					}
-					if (isDeadlocked(currNode.waitingOn))
-					{
-						// we've encountered a deadlocked node in the chain;
-						//  set branch deadlock for all nodes between startNode
-						//  and currNode
-						endNode = currNode.waitingOn;
-						currNode = startNode;
-						NodeList branchList = null;
-						while (currNode != endNode)
-						{
-							if (null == branchList)
-							{
-								branchList = new NodeList(currNode, nodeListNum++);
-							}
-							currNode.deadlock = MonitorNode.BRANCH_DEADLOCK;
-							currNode = currNode.waitingOn;
-							branchList.add(currNode);
-							if (currNode != endNode)
-								currNode.inList = branchList;
-						}
-						if (endNode.inList.isLoop())
-						{
-							lists.insertElementAt(branchList, lists.indexOf(endNode.inList));
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							NodeList oldList = endNode.inList;
-							// FIXME: the below line will cause problems with at least
-							//  one case that was not considered when attachOrSplit was
-							//  coded: if a NodeList n1 has already been split and another
-							//  NodeList n2 tries to attach to the end of n1, then n1 will
-							//  allow n2 to attach to n1, while what n1 should really do is
-							//  just return n2 and not allow n2 to attach to itself
-							NodeList split = endNode.inList.attachOrSplit(branchList, nodeListNum++);
-							if (null != split)
-							{
-								lists.insertElementAt(split, lists.indexOf(oldList));
-								lists.insertElementAt(branchList, lists.indexOf(oldList));
-							}
-						}
-						break;
-					}
-					if (currNode.waitingOn.visit == visit)
-					{
-						// we've encountered a node in the same visit as the current
-						//  visit, ie. we've found a loop; first flag the whole loop
-						//  with a loop deadlock flag, then flag the rest of the nodes
-						//  in the chain with a branch deadlock
-						endNode = currNode.waitingOn;
-						currNode = endNode;
-						NodeList loopList = new NodeList(currNode, nodeListNum++);
-						lists.insertElementAt(loopList, 0);
-						do
-						{
-							currNode.deadlock = MonitorNode.LOOP_DEADLOCK;
-							currNode = currNode.waitingOn;
-							loopList.add(currNode);
-							currNode.inList = loopList;
-						} while (currNode != endNode);
-						currNode = startNode;
-						NodeList branchList = null;
-						while (currNode != endNode)
-						{
-							if (null == branchList)
-							{
-								branchList = new NodeList(currNode, nodeListNum++);
-								lists.insertElementAt(branchList, 0);
-							}
-							currNode.deadlock = MonitorNode.BRANCH_DEADLOCK;
-							currNode = currNode.waitingOn;
-							branchList.add(currNode);
-							if (currNode != endNode)
-								currNode.inList = branchList;
-						}
-						break;
-					}
-					currNode = currNode.waitingOn;
-				}
-				visit++;
-			}
-			if (lists.isEmpty())
-			{
-				out.print("\n");
-				out.print("\t no deadlocks detected");
-				out.print("\n");
-				return;
-			}
-			boolean lastListWasLoop = true;
-			Iterator itList = lists.iterator();
-			// Step 5. print the lists
-			while (itList.hasNext())
-			{
-				NodeList list = (NodeList);
-				if (list.isLoop()) {
-					out.print("\n    deadlock loop:\n");
-					lastListWasLoop = true;
-				} else if (lastListWasLoop)	{ // && !list.isLoop()
-					out.print("\n\n    deadlock branch(es):\n");
-					lastListWasLoop = false;
-				}
-				out.print("\t  " + list.toString());
-				out.print("\n");
-			}
-			out.print("\n");
-			jrnum++;
-		}
-	}
-	private boolean isDeadlocked(MonitorNode node)
-	{
-		return MonitorNode.LOOP_DEADLOCK == node.deadlock ||
-			MonitorNode.BRANCH_DEADLOCK == node.deadlock;
-	}
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+package org.apache.kato.katoview.commands;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Stack;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import java.util.SortedMap;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import org.apache.kato.katoview.Output;
+import org.apache.kato.katoview.commands.helpers.Exceptions;
+import org.apache.kato.katoview.commands.helpers.MonitorNode;
+import org.apache.kato.katoview.commands.helpers.NodeList;
+import org.apache.kato.katoview.commands.helpers.Utils;
+public class DeadlockCommand extends Command {
+	public DeadlockCommand(Output o){
+		super(o, "deadlock", "displays information about deadlocks if there are any",
+				"parameters: none\n\n" +
+				"The \"deadlock\" command shows detailed information about deadlocks " +
+				"or \"no deadlocks detected\" if there are no deadlocks.  A deadlock " +
+				"situation consists of one or more deadlock loops and zero or more " +
+				"branches attached to those loops.  This command prints out each " +
+				"branch attached to a loop and then the loop itself.  If there is a " +
+				"split in a deadlock branch, separate branches will be created for " +
+				"each side of the split in the branch.  Deadlock branches start with " +
+				"a monitor that has no threads waiting on it and the continues until " +
+				"it reaches a monitor that exists in another deadlock branch or loop.  " +
+				"Deadlock loops start and end with the same monitor.\n\n" +
+				"Monitors are represented by their owner and the object associated with " +
+				"the given monitor.  For example, \"3435 (0x45ae67)\" represents the " +
+				"monitor that is owned by the thread with id 3435 and is associated " +
+				"the object at address 0x45ae67.  Objects can be viewed by using a " +
+				"command like \"x/j 0x45ae67\" and threads can be viewed using a " +
+				"command like \"info thread 3435\".\n"
+		);
+		child_commands = null;
+	}
+	public void doCommand(Stack args, Image loadedImage, HashMap properties)
+	{
+		Iterator itRuntime = Utils.getRuntimes(loadedImage);
+		int jrnum = 1;
+		while (itRuntime.hasNext())
+		{
+			SortedMap monitorNodes = new TreeMap();
+			JavaRuntime jr = (JavaRuntime);
+			Iterator itMonitor = jr.getMonitors().iterator();
+			int nodeListNum = 0;
+			out.print("\n  deadlocks for runtime #" + jrnum + "\n");
+			// Step 1. iterate over all monitors, creating a MonitorNode for each monitor that 
+			// contains the monitor (JavaMonitor) and some parameters and adding that MonitorNode 
+			// to a Hashtable, indexed by owner (JavaThread object address)
+			while (itMonitor.hasNext()) {
+				JavaMonitor monitor = (JavaMonitor);
+				MonitorNode node = new MonitorNode(monitor);
+				JavaThread owner = null;
+				Long id = null;
+				try {
+					owner = monitor.getOwner();
+				} catch (CorruptDataException e) {
+					out.error("exception encountered while getting monitor owner: " +
+							Exceptions.getCorruptDataExceptionString());
+					return;
+				}
+				if (null == owner) {
+					// A monitor with no owner cannot be involved in a deadlock, according to the 
+					// algorithm used here anyway, because in order for a monitor to be in a deadlock,
+					// its owner must be in a deadlock or an owner somewhere down the chain of 
+					// ownership must own the given monitor. Since there is no owner, we can't get 
+					// the monitor's owner or the next monitor in a potential deadlock chain.
+					continue;
+				} else {
+					JavaObject threadObject;
+					try {
+						threadObject = owner.getObject();
+					} catch (CorruptDataException e) {
+						out.error("exception encountered while getting owner's JavaObject: " +
+								Exceptions.getCorruptDataExceptionString());
+						return;
+					}
+					id = new Long(threadObject.getID().getAddress());
+				}
+				// Note: we used to give up here with an error if there was already
+				// a monitor node in the table with the same key (thread). This is very common (a
+				// thread owning multiple monitors). 
+				monitorNodes.put(id, node);
+			}
+			Iterator values = monitorNodes.values().iterator();
+			// Step 2. iterate over Hashtable and for every MonitorNode, iterate over monitor m1's
+			// enter waiters (JavaMonitor.getEnterWaiters()), which are JavaThreads, and for each 
+			// enter waiter, set that waiter's MonitorNode's waitingOn to m1.
+			while (values.hasNext()) {
+				MonitorNode currNode = (MonitorNode);
+				JavaMonitor currMonitor = currNode.getMonitor();
+				Iterator itWaiters = currMonitor.getEnterWaiters().iterator();
+				while (itWaiters.hasNext()) {
+					JavaThread waiter = (JavaThread);
+					JavaObject threadObject;
+					Long id = null;
+					try {
+						threadObject = waiter.getObject();
+					} catch (CorruptDataException e) {
+						out.error("exception encountered while getting waiter's ImageThread: " +
+								Exceptions.getCorruptDataExceptionString());
+						return;
+					} 
+					id = new Long(threadObject.getID().getAddress());					
+					MonitorNode waiterNode = (MonitorNode)monitorNodes.get(id);
+					if (null != waiterNode) {
+						waiterNode.waitingOn = currNode;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			values = monitorNodes.values().iterator();
+			int visit = 1;
+			Vector lists = new Vector();
+			// Step 3. iterate over Hashtable and for every MonitorNode m1:
+			// Step 3a. set a unique visit number, visit > 0 (visit++ would work)
+			// Step 3b. iterate over waitingOns, setting visit number, until a null
+			//  waitingOn is reached (no deadlock), a deadlocked node is reached
+			//  (m1 is part of a branch that joins a deadlock loop), or a node with
+			//  the same visit is reached (m1 is part of a deadlock loop)
+			// Step 3c. if deadlock found, start at m1 and iterate over all
+			//  waitingOns until a deadlocked node is found, setting deadlock
+			//  (branch or loop, depending on result in 3b) along the way
+			// note: Step 4* are not laid out precisely as specified; the instructions
+			//  listed for Step 4* are integrated into Step 3
+			// Step 4. for each MonitorNode m1 where inList == false and m1 is part
+			//  of a deadlock loop *, create a new list and push it on the list
+			//  stack right away:
+			// Step 4a. iterate over all enter waiters, setting inList to true at
+			//  every MonitorNode
+			// Step 4b. if there are no enter waiters, terminate the current list
+			// Step 4c. if there is one enter waiter: if the enter waiter is the
+			//  current list, stop; else continue creating the current list,
+			//  iterating to that thread's MonitorNode
+			// Step 4d. if there is more than one enter waiter, continue creating
+			//  current list and start a new list, pushing it on the list stack
+			//  right away
+			while (values.hasNext())
+			{
+				MonitorNode startNode = (MonitorNode);
+				MonitorNode currNode = startNode;
+				MonitorNode endNode;
+				if (0 != startNode.visit)
+				{
+					continue;
+				}
+				while (true)
+				{
+					currNode.visit = visit;
+					if (null == currNode.waitingOn)
+					{
+						currNode.deadlock = MonitorNode.NO_DEADLOCK;
+						break;
+					}
+					if (isDeadlocked(currNode.waitingOn))
+					{
+						// we've encountered a deadlocked node in the chain;
+						//  set branch deadlock for all nodes between startNode
+						//  and currNode
+						endNode = currNode.waitingOn;
+						currNode = startNode;
+						NodeList branchList = null;
+						while (currNode != endNode)
+						{
+							if (null == branchList)
+							{
+								branchList = new NodeList(currNode, nodeListNum++);
+							}
+							currNode.deadlock = MonitorNode.BRANCH_DEADLOCK;
+							currNode = currNode.waitingOn;
+							branchList.add(currNode);
+							if (currNode != endNode)
+								currNode.inList = branchList;
+						}
+						if (endNode.inList.isLoop())
+						{
+							lists.insertElementAt(branchList, lists.indexOf(endNode.inList));
+						}
+						else
+						{
+							NodeList oldList = endNode.inList;
+							// FIXME: the below line will cause problems with at least
+							//  one case that was not considered when attachOrSplit was
+							//  coded: if a NodeList n1 has already been split and another
+							//  NodeList n2 tries to attach to the end of n1, then n1 will
+							//  allow n2 to attach to n1, while what n1 should really do is
+							//  just return n2 and not allow n2 to attach to itself
+							NodeList split = endNode.inList.attachOrSplit(branchList, nodeListNum++);
+							if (null != split)
+							{
+								lists.insertElementAt(split, lists.indexOf(oldList));
+								lists.insertElementAt(branchList, lists.indexOf(oldList));
+							}
+						}
+						break;
+					}
+					if (currNode.waitingOn.visit == visit)
+					{
+						// we've encountered a node in the same visit as the current
+						//  visit, ie. we've found a loop; first flag the whole loop
+						//  with a loop deadlock flag, then flag the rest of the nodes
+						//  in the chain with a branch deadlock
+						endNode = currNode.waitingOn;
+						currNode = endNode;
+						NodeList loopList = new NodeList(currNode, nodeListNum++);
+						lists.insertElementAt(loopList, 0);
+						do
+						{
+							currNode.deadlock = MonitorNode.LOOP_DEADLOCK;
+							currNode = currNode.waitingOn;
+							loopList.add(currNode);
+							currNode.inList = loopList;
+						} while (currNode != endNode);
+						currNode = startNode;
+						NodeList branchList = null;
+						while (currNode != endNode)
+						{
+							if (null == branchList)
+							{
+								branchList = new NodeList(currNode, nodeListNum++);
+								lists.insertElementAt(branchList, 0);
+							}
+							currNode.deadlock = MonitorNode.BRANCH_DEADLOCK;
+							currNode = currNode.waitingOn;
+							branchList.add(currNode);
+							if (currNode != endNode)
+								currNode.inList = branchList;
+						}
+						break;
+					}
+					currNode = currNode.waitingOn;
+				}
+				visit++;
+			}
+			if (lists.isEmpty())
+			{
+				out.print("\n");
+				out.print("\t no deadlocks detected");
+				out.print("\n");
+				return;
+			}
+			boolean lastListWasLoop = true;
+			Iterator itList = lists.iterator();
+			// Step 5. print the lists
+			while (itList.hasNext())
+			{
+				NodeList list = (NodeList);
+				if (list.isLoop()) {
+					out.print("\n    deadlock loop:\n");
+					lastListWasLoop = true;
+				} else if (lastListWasLoop)	{ // && !list.isLoop()
+					out.print("\n\n    deadlock branch(es):\n");
+					lastListWasLoop = false;
+				}
+				out.print("\t  " + list.toString());
+				out.print("\n");
+			}
+			out.print("\n");
+			jrnum++;
+		}
+	}
+	private boolean isDeadlocked(MonitorNode node)
+	{
+		return MonitorNode.LOOP_DEADLOCK == node.deadlock ||
+			MonitorNode.BRANCH_DEADLOCK == node.deadlock;
+	}

Propchange: incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/
    svn:eol-style = native

Modified: incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/
--- incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/ (original)
+++ incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/ Mon Nov 23 15:53:48 2009
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.apache.kato.katoview.commands;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Stack;
-import org.apache.kato.katoview.Output;
-public class ExitCommand extends Command {
-	public ExitCommand(Output o){
-		super(o, "exit", "exits the core file viewing tool",
-				"parameters: none\n\n" +
-				"exits the core file viewing tool; any log files that are " +
-				"currently open will be closed prior to exit\n"
-		);
-		child_commands = null;
-	}
-	public void doCommand(Stack args, Image loadedImage, HashMap properties){
-		if (!args.isEmpty())
-		{
-			out.error("\"exit\" does not take any parameters");
-			return;
-		}
-		// pass 'quit' back up to
-		properties.put("quit", "on");
-	}
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+package org.apache.kato.katoview.commands;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Stack;
+import org.apache.kato.katoview.Output;
+public class ExitCommand extends Command {
+	public ExitCommand(Output o){
+		super(o, "exit", "exits the core file viewing tool",
+				"parameters: none\n\n" +
+				"exits the core file viewing tool; any log files that are " +
+				"currently open will be closed prior to exit\n"
+		);
+		child_commands = null;
+	}
+	public void doCommand(Stack args, Image loadedImage, HashMap properties){
+		if (!args.isEmpty())
+		{
+			out.error("\"exit\" does not take any parameters");
+			return;
+		}
+		// pass 'quit' back up to
+		properties.put("quit", "on");
+	}

Propchange: incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/
    svn:eol-style = native

Modified: incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/
--- incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/ (original)
+++ incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/ Mon Nov 23 15:53:48 2009
@@ -1,296 +1,296 @@
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.apache.kato.katoview.commands;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.Stack;
-import org.apache.kato.katoview.Output;
-import org.apache.kato.katoview.commands.helpers.Utils;
-public class FindCommand extends Command{
-	static final int text = 1;
-	static final int binary = 2;
-	/*args for the find command must be comma separated
-	 * e.g. find cpu,0,21665f64,64,16,30
-	 */	
-	FindAttribute findAtt = new FindAttribute();
-	StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
-	ArrayList matches = new ArrayList();
-	public FindCommand(Output o){
-		super(o, "find", "searches memory for a given string",
-				"parameters, comma separated: " + 
-				"<pattern>,<start_address>,<end_address>,<memory_boundary>,<bytes_to_print>,<matches_to_display>\n\n" +
-				"the find command searches for <pattern> in the memory segment from <start_address> to <end_address> inclusive, " +
-				"matching only addresses that start at the specified <memory_boundary>, for example 1,2,4 or 8 bytes. It " +
-				"displays <bytes_to_print> bytes from the final match, and lists the first <matches_to_display> matches found." +
-				"\n example: find pattern,,,,64,3"
-				);
-		child_commands = null;
-	}
-	public void doCommand(Stack args, Image loadedImage, HashMap properties){
-		String argsConcact = Utils.concatArgsFromStack(args);
-		String[] params = argsConcact.split(",", -1);
-		sb = new StringBuffer();
-		matches.clear();
-		if (!isParametersValid(args, params)) return;
-		determineModeFromPattern();
-		if (!parseParams(args, params)) return;
-		Iterator imageSections = Utils.getAddressSapceSectionInfo(loadedImage);
-		while(imageSections.hasNext()){
-			if (matches.size() > findAtt.numMatchesToDisplay) break;
-			ImageSection imageSection = (ImageSection);				
-			if (scanImageSection(imageSection)) break;
-		}
-		if (matches.size() > 0) 
-			findAtt.lastMatch = ((Long)matches.get(matches.size()-1)).longValue();
-		properties.put(Utils.FIND_ATTRIBUTES, findAtt);
-		doPrint();
-		if (matches.size() > 0) 
-			printLastMatchContent(loadedImage, properties);
-		//preppend "0x" back to pattern for findnext command 
-		restoreHexPrefix();
-	}
-	private void restoreHexPrefix(){
-		if (findAtt.mode == binary)
-			findAtt.pattern = "0x" + findAtt.pattern; 
-	}
-	private void printLastMatchContent(Image loadedImage, HashMap properties){
-		RootCommand rootCommand = (RootCommand)properties.get(Utils.RootCommand_OBJECT);
-		if (null == rootCommand){
-			out.error("ERROR - No mapping found for RootCommand object");
-			return;
-		}
-		Stack hexdumpCommandStack = Utils.constructStackFromString("hexdump" + " " 
-				+ Long.toHexString(findAtt.lastMatch) + " "
-				+ findAtt.numBytesToPrint);
-		rootCommand.doCommand(hexdumpCommandStack, loadedImage, properties);
-	}
-	private void doPrint(){
-		int size = matches.size();
-		if(0 == size){
-			sb.append("No matches found.\n");
-		}
-		else{
-			int limit = Math.min(findAtt.numMatchesToDisplay, size);
-			for(int i = 0; i < limit; i++){
-				long match = ((Long)matches.get(i)).longValue();
-				sb.append("#" + i + ": " + "0x" + Long.toHexString(match) + "\n");
-			}
-		}
-		out.print(new String(sb));
-	}
-	private boolean scanImageSection(ImageSection imageSection){
-		long imageStartAddress = imageSection.getBaseAddress().getAddress();
-		long imageEndAddress = imageStartAddress + imageSection.getSize() - 1;
-		if (findAtt.startAddress < imageStartAddress && findAtt.endAddress < imageStartAddress){
-			return false;
-		}
-		else if(findAtt.startAddress > imageEndAddress && findAtt.endAddress > imageEndAddress){
-			return false;
-		}
-		else if(findAtt.startAddress >= imageStartAddress && findAtt.endAddress <= imageEndAddress){
-			return scanRegion(findAtt.startAddress, findAtt.endAddress, imageSection);
-		}
-		else if(findAtt.startAddress <= imageStartAddress && findAtt.endAddress <= imageEndAddress 
-				&& findAtt.endAddress >= imageStartAddress){
-			return scanRegion(imageStartAddress, findAtt.endAddress, imageSection);
-		}
-		else if(findAtt.startAddress <= imageEndAddress && findAtt.startAddress >= imageStartAddress 
-				&& findAtt.endAddress >= imageEndAddress){
-			return scanRegion(findAtt.startAddress, imageEndAddress, imageSection);
-		}
-		else{
-			return scanRegion(imageStartAddress, imageEndAddress, imageSection);
-		}
-	}
-	private boolean scanRegion(long start, long end, ImageSection imageSection){
-		ImagePointer imagePointer = imageSection.getBaseAddress();
-		long i;
-		if (0 != start%findAtt.boundary) {
-			i = start - start%findAtt.boundary + findAtt.boundary;
-		} else {
-			i = start;
-		}
-		int patternLength = findAtt.length();
-		byte[] bytes = findAtt.getBytes();
-		for(; i <= end; i+=findAtt.boundary){
-			int j;
-			for(j = 0; j < patternLength; j++){
-				byte oneByte = bytes[j];
-				if (getByteFromImage(imagePointer, i+j) == oneByte){
-					continue;
-				}
-				else {
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			if (j >= patternLength){
-				matches.add(new Long(i));
-				if (matches.size() == findAtt.numMatchesToDisplay) 
-					return true;
-			}
-		}
-		return false;
-	}
-	private byte getByteFromImage(ImagePointer imagePointer, long address){
-		long imagePointerBaseAddress = imagePointer.getAddress();
-		try{
-			return imagePointer.getByteAt(address-imagePointerBaseAddress);
-		}catch(CorruptDataException cde){
-			return 0;
-		}catch(MemoryAccessException mae){
-			out.error("MemoryAccessException occurred at 0x" + Long.toHexString(address));
-			return 0;
-		}
-	}
-	private boolean parseParams(Stack args, String[] params) {
-		if (params[1].equals("")) {
-			findAtt.startAddress = 0;
-		} else {
-			findAtt.startAddress = Utils.longFromString(params[1]).longValue();
-		}
-		if (params[2].equals("")) {
-			//TODO how to convert to "unsigned" long
-			findAtt.endAddress = Long.MAX_VALUE;
-		} else {
-			findAtt.endAddress = Utils.longFromString(params[2]).longValue();
-		}
-		if (findAtt.startAddress > findAtt.endAddress) {
-			out.error("start address must not be greater than end address");
-			printHelp("\t",10,new Stack(),args);
-			return false;
-		}
-		if (params[3].equals("")) {
-			findAtt.boundary = 1;
-		} else {
-			findAtt.boundary = Integer.parseInt(params[3]);
-			if (findAtt.boundary <= 0) {
-				out.error("memory boundary must be a positive non-zero value");
-				printHelp("\t",10,new Stack(),args);
-				return false;
-			}
-		}
-		if (params[4].equals("")) {
-			findAtt.numBytesToPrint = 256;
-		} else {
-			findAtt.numBytesToPrint = Integer.parseInt(params[4]);
-			if (findAtt.numBytesToPrint < 0) {
-				out.error("bytes to print must be a non-negative value");
-				printHelp("\t",10,new Stack(),args);
-				return false;
-			}
-		}
-		if (params[5].equals("")) {
-			findAtt.numMatchesToDisplay = 1;
-		} else {
-			findAtt.numMatchesToDisplay = Integer.parseInt(params[5]);
-			if (findAtt.numMatchesToDisplay < 0) {
-				out.error("matches to display must be a non-negative value");
-				printHelp("\t",10,new Stack(),args);
-				return false;
-			}
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-	private void determineModeFromPattern(){
-		if (findAtt.pattern.startsWith("0x")) {
-			findAtt.pattern = findAtt.pattern.substring(2);
-			findAtt.mode = binary;
-			allignBits();
-		}
-		else{
-			findAtt.mode = text;
-		}
-	}
-	private void allignBits(){
-		int patternLength = findAtt.pattern.length();
-		if (0 != patternLength%2){
-			findAtt.pattern = "0" + findAtt.pattern;
-		}
-	}
-	private boolean isParametersValid(Stack args, String[] params){
-		if (6 != params.length){
-			out.error("incorrect number of parameters");
-			printHelp("\t",10,new Stack(),args);
-			return false;
-		}
-		findAtt.pattern = params[0]; 
-		if (findAtt.pattern.equals("")) {
-			out.error("missing search pattern string");
-			printHelp("\t",10,new Stack(),args);
-			return false;
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-	class FindAttribute{
-		String pattern;
-		long startAddress, endAddress;
-		int boundary, numBytesToPrint, numMatchesToDisplay;
-		long lastMatch;
-		int mode;
-		public int length() {
-			if (mode == binary) {
-				return pattern.length() / 2;
-			} else {
-				return pattern.length();
-			}
-		}
-		public byte[] getBytes() {
-			if (mode == text) {
-				return pattern.getBytes();
-			} else {
-				byte[] result = new byte[length()];
-				for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) {
-					result[i] = (byte)Integer.parseInt(pattern.substring(i*2, i*2+2), 16);
-				}
-				return result;
-			}
-		}
-	}
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+package org.apache.kato.katoview.commands;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Stack;
+import org.apache.kato.katoview.Output;
+import org.apache.kato.katoview.commands.helpers.Utils;
+public class FindCommand extends Command{
+	static final int text = 1;
+	static final int binary = 2;
+	/*args for the find command must be comma separated
+	 * e.g. find cpu,0,21665f64,64,16,30
+	 */	
+	FindAttribute findAtt = new FindAttribute();
+	StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
+	ArrayList matches = new ArrayList();
+	public FindCommand(Output o){
+		super(o, "find", "searches memory for a given string",
+				"parameters, comma separated: " + 
+				"<pattern>,<start_address>,<end_address>,<memory_boundary>,<bytes_to_print>,<matches_to_display>\n\n" +
+				"the find command searches for <pattern> in the memory segment from <start_address> to <end_address> inclusive, " +
+				"matching only addresses that start at the specified <memory_boundary>, for example 1,2,4 or 8 bytes. It " +
+				"displays <bytes_to_print> bytes from the final match, and lists the first <matches_to_display> matches found." +
+				"\n example: find pattern,,,,64,3"
+				);
+		child_commands = null;
+	}
+	public void doCommand(Stack args, Image loadedImage, HashMap properties){
+		String argsConcact = Utils.concatArgsFromStack(args);
+		String[] params = argsConcact.split(",", -1);
+		sb = new StringBuffer();
+		matches.clear();
+		if (!isParametersValid(args, params)) return;
+		determineModeFromPattern();
+		if (!parseParams(args, params)) return;
+		Iterator imageSections = Utils.getAddressSapceSectionInfo(loadedImage);
+		while(imageSections.hasNext()){
+			if (matches.size() > findAtt.numMatchesToDisplay) break;
+			ImageSection imageSection = (ImageSection);				
+			if (scanImageSection(imageSection)) break;
+		}
+		if (matches.size() > 0) 
+			findAtt.lastMatch = ((Long)matches.get(matches.size()-1)).longValue();
+		properties.put(Utils.FIND_ATTRIBUTES, findAtt);
+		doPrint();
+		if (matches.size() > 0) 
+			printLastMatchContent(loadedImage, properties);
+		//preppend "0x" back to pattern for findnext command 
+		restoreHexPrefix();
+	}
+	private void restoreHexPrefix(){
+		if (findAtt.mode == binary)
+			findAtt.pattern = "0x" + findAtt.pattern; 
+	}
+	private void printLastMatchContent(Image loadedImage, HashMap properties){
+		RootCommand rootCommand = (RootCommand)properties.get(Utils.RootCommand_OBJECT);
+		if (null == rootCommand){
+			out.error("ERROR - No mapping found for RootCommand object");
+			return;
+		}
+		Stack hexdumpCommandStack = Utils.constructStackFromString("hexdump" + " " 
+				+ Long.toHexString(findAtt.lastMatch) + " "
+				+ findAtt.numBytesToPrint);
+		rootCommand.doCommand(hexdumpCommandStack, loadedImage, properties);
+	}
+	private void doPrint(){
+		int size = matches.size();
+		if(0 == size){
+			sb.append("No matches found.\n");
+		}
+		else{
+			int limit = Math.min(findAtt.numMatchesToDisplay, size);
+			for(int i = 0; i < limit; i++){
+				long match = ((Long)matches.get(i)).longValue();
+				sb.append("#" + i + ": " + "0x" + Long.toHexString(match) + "\n");
+			}
+		}
+		out.print(new String(sb));
+	}
+	private boolean scanImageSection(ImageSection imageSection){
+		long imageStartAddress = imageSection.getBaseAddress().getAddress();
+		long imageEndAddress = imageStartAddress + imageSection.getSize() - 1;
+		if (findAtt.startAddress < imageStartAddress && findAtt.endAddress < imageStartAddress){
+			return false;
+		}
+		else if(findAtt.startAddress > imageEndAddress && findAtt.endAddress > imageEndAddress){
+			return false;
+		}
+		else if(findAtt.startAddress >= imageStartAddress && findAtt.endAddress <= imageEndAddress){
+			return scanRegion(findAtt.startAddress, findAtt.endAddress, imageSection);
+		}
+		else if(findAtt.startAddress <= imageStartAddress && findAtt.endAddress <= imageEndAddress 
+				&& findAtt.endAddress >= imageStartAddress){
+			return scanRegion(imageStartAddress, findAtt.endAddress, imageSection);
+		}
+		else if(findAtt.startAddress <= imageEndAddress && findAtt.startAddress >= imageStartAddress 
+				&& findAtt.endAddress >= imageEndAddress){
+			return scanRegion(findAtt.startAddress, imageEndAddress, imageSection);
+		}
+		else{
+			return scanRegion(imageStartAddress, imageEndAddress, imageSection);
+		}
+	}
+	private boolean scanRegion(long start, long end, ImageSection imageSection){
+		ImagePointer imagePointer = imageSection.getBaseAddress();
+		long i;
+		if (0 != start%findAtt.boundary) {
+			i = start - start%findAtt.boundary + findAtt.boundary;
+		} else {
+			i = start;
+		}
+		int patternLength = findAtt.length();
+		byte[] bytes = findAtt.getBytes();
+		for(; i <= end; i+=findAtt.boundary){
+			int j;
+			for(j = 0; j < patternLength; j++){
+				byte oneByte = bytes[j];
+				if (getByteFromImage(imagePointer, i+j) == oneByte){
+					continue;
+				}
+				else {
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			if (j >= patternLength){
+				matches.add(new Long(i));
+				if (matches.size() == findAtt.numMatchesToDisplay) 
+					return true;
+			}
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	private byte getByteFromImage(ImagePointer imagePointer, long address){
+		long imagePointerBaseAddress = imagePointer.getAddress();
+		try{
+			return imagePointer.getByteAt(address-imagePointerBaseAddress);
+		}catch(CorruptDataException cde){
+			return 0;
+		}catch(MemoryAccessException mae){
+			out.error("MemoryAccessException occurred at 0x" + Long.toHexString(address));
+			return 0;
+		}
+	}
+	private boolean parseParams(Stack args, String[] params) {
+		if (params[1].equals("")) {
+			findAtt.startAddress = 0;
+		} else {
+			findAtt.startAddress = Utils.longFromString(params[1]).longValue();
+		}
+		if (params[2].equals("")) {
+			//TODO how to convert to "unsigned" long
+			findAtt.endAddress = Long.MAX_VALUE;
+		} else {
+			findAtt.endAddress = Utils.longFromString(params[2]).longValue();
+		}
+		if (findAtt.startAddress > findAtt.endAddress) {
+			out.error("start address must not be greater than end address");
+			printHelp("\t",10,new Stack(),args);
+			return false;
+		}
+		if (params[3].equals("")) {
+			findAtt.boundary = 1;
+		} else {
+			findAtt.boundary = Integer.parseInt(params[3]);
+			if (findAtt.boundary <= 0) {
+				out.error("memory boundary must be a positive non-zero value");
+				printHelp("\t",10,new Stack(),args);
+				return false;
+			}
+		}
+		if (params[4].equals("")) {
+			findAtt.numBytesToPrint = 256;
+		} else {
+			findAtt.numBytesToPrint = Integer.parseInt(params[4]);
+			if (findAtt.numBytesToPrint < 0) {
+				out.error("bytes to print must be a non-negative value");
+				printHelp("\t",10,new Stack(),args);
+				return false;
+			}
+		}
+		if (params[5].equals("")) {
+			findAtt.numMatchesToDisplay = 1;
+		} else {
+			findAtt.numMatchesToDisplay = Integer.parseInt(params[5]);
+			if (findAtt.numMatchesToDisplay < 0) {
+				out.error("matches to display must be a non-negative value");
+				printHelp("\t",10,new Stack(),args);
+				return false;
+			}
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+	private void determineModeFromPattern(){
+		if (findAtt.pattern.startsWith("0x")) {
+			findAtt.pattern = findAtt.pattern.substring(2);
+			findAtt.mode = binary;
+			allignBits();
+		}
+		else{
+			findAtt.mode = text;
+		}
+	}
+	private void allignBits(){
+		int patternLength = findAtt.pattern.length();
+		if (0 != patternLength%2){
+			findAtt.pattern = "0" + findAtt.pattern;
+		}
+	}
+	private boolean isParametersValid(Stack args, String[] params){
+		if (6 != params.length){
+			out.error("incorrect number of parameters");
+			printHelp("\t",10,new Stack(),args);
+			return false;
+		}
+		findAtt.pattern = params[0]; 
+		if (findAtt.pattern.equals("")) {
+			out.error("missing search pattern string");
+			printHelp("\t",10,new Stack(),args);
+			return false;
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+	class FindAttribute{
+		String pattern;
+		long startAddress, endAddress;
+		int boundary, numBytesToPrint, numMatchesToDisplay;
+		long lastMatch;
+		int mode;
+		public int length() {
+			if (mode == binary) {
+				return pattern.length() / 2;
+			} else {
+				return pattern.length();
+			}
+		}
+		public byte[] getBytes() {
+			if (mode == text) {
+				return pattern.getBytes();
+			} else {
+				byte[] result = new byte[length()];
+				for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) {
+					result[i] = (byte)Integer.parseInt(pattern.substring(i*2, i*2+2), 16);
+				}
+				return result;
+			}
+		}
+	}

Propchange: incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/
    svn:eol-style = native

Modified: incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/
--- incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/ (original)
+++ incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/ Mon Nov 23 15:53:48 2009
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.apache.kato.katoview.commands;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Stack;
-import org.apache.kato.katoview.Output;
-import org.apache.kato.katoview.commands.helpers.Utils;
-public class FindNextCommand extends Command{
-	public FindNextCommand(Output o){
-		super(o, "findnext", "finds the next instance of the last string passed to \"find\"",
-				"parameters: none\n\n" +
-				"The findnext command is used in conjunction with find or findptr command " +
-				"to continue searching for upcoming matches. It repeats " +
-				"the previous find or findptr command (depending on which command is " +
-				"most recently issued) starting from the last match."
-				);
-		child_commands = null;
-	}
-	public void doCommand(Stack args, Image loadedImage, HashMap properties){
-		RootCommand rootCommand = (RootCommand)properties.get(Utils.RootCommand_OBJECT);
-		if (null == rootCommand){
-			out.error("ERROR - No mapping found for RootCommand object");
-			return;
-		}
-		FindCommand.FindAttribute findAtt = (FindCommand.FindAttribute)properties.get(Utils.FIND_ATTRIBUTES);
-		if (null == findAtt){
-			out.println("No find command has been executed.");
-			return;
-		}
-		String startAddress = Long.toHexString((findAtt.lastMatch + 1));
-		String endAddress = Long.toHexString(findAtt.endAddress);
-		Stack findCommandStack = Utils.constructStackFromString("find" + " " 
-				+ findAtt.pattern + "," + startAddress + ","
-				+ endAddress + "," + findAtt.boundary + ","
-				+ findAtt.numBytesToPrint + "," + findAtt.numMatchesToDisplay);
-		rootCommand.doCommand(findCommandStack, loadedImage, properties);
-	}
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+package org.apache.kato.katoview.commands;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Stack;
+import org.apache.kato.katoview.Output;
+import org.apache.kato.katoview.commands.helpers.Utils;
+public class FindNextCommand extends Command{
+	public FindNextCommand(Output o){
+		super(o, "findnext", "finds the next instance of the last string passed to \"find\"",
+				"parameters: none\n\n" +
+				"The findnext command is used in conjunction with find or findptr command " +
+				"to continue searching for upcoming matches. It repeats " +
+				"the previous find or findptr command (depending on which command is " +
+				"most recently issued) starting from the last match."
+				);
+		child_commands = null;
+	}
+	public void doCommand(Stack args, Image loadedImage, HashMap properties){
+		RootCommand rootCommand = (RootCommand)properties.get(Utils.RootCommand_OBJECT);
+		if (null == rootCommand){
+			out.error("ERROR - No mapping found for RootCommand object");
+			return;
+		}
+		FindCommand.FindAttribute findAtt = (FindCommand.FindAttribute)properties.get(Utils.FIND_ATTRIBUTES);
+		if (null == findAtt){
+			out.println("No find command has been executed.");
+			return;
+		}
+		String startAddress = Long.toHexString((findAtt.lastMatch + 1));
+		String endAddress = Long.toHexString(findAtt.endAddress);
+		Stack findCommandStack = Utils.constructStackFromString("find" + " " 
+				+ findAtt.pattern + "," + startAddress + ","
+				+ endAddress + "," + findAtt.boundary + ","
+				+ findAtt.numBytesToPrint + "," + findAtt.numMatchesToDisplay);
+		rootCommand.doCommand(findCommandStack, loadedImage, properties);
+	}

Propchange: incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/
    svn:eol-style = native

Modified: incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/
--- incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/ (original)
+++ incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/ Mon Nov 23 15:53:48 2009
@@ -1,98 +1,98 @@
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.apache.kato.katoview.commands;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Stack;
-import org.apache.kato.katoview.Output;
-import org.apache.kato.katoview.commands.helpers.Utils;
-public class FindPtrCommand extends Command{
-	String pattern;
-	public FindPtrCommand(Output out){
-		super(out, "findptr", "searches memory for the given pointer",
-				"parameters: see parameters for \"find\" command\n\n" +
-				"the findptr command searches for <pattern> as a pointer in the memory segment from <start_address> to <end_address> (both inclusive), " +
-				"and outputs the first <matches_to_display> matching addresses that start at the corresponding <memory_boundary>. " +
-				"It also display the next <bytes_to_print> bytes for the last match."); 
-		child_commands = null;
-	}
-	public void doCommand(Stack args, Image loadedImage, HashMap properties){
-		RootCommand rootCommand = (RootCommand)properties.get(Utils.RootCommand_OBJECT);
-		if (null == rootCommand){
-			out.error("ERROR - No mapping found for RootCommand object");
-			return;
-		}
-		String argsConcact = Utils.concatArgsFromStack(args);
-		//TODO split consecutive <,>
-		String[] params = argsConcact.split(",");
-		if (!isParametersValid(params)) return;
-		if(isLittleEndian())
-			pattern = reorderBytes();
-		String parameters = getparameters(params);
-		out.println("issuing: find" + " " + parameters);
-		Stack findCommandStack = Utils.constructStackFromString("find" + " " + parameters);
-		rootCommand.doCommand(findCommandStack, loadedImage, properties);
-		//out.println(pattern);
-	}
-	private String getparameters(String[] params){
-		String temp = "0x" + pattern;
-		for(int i = 1; i < params.length; i++){
-			temp+=(","+params[i]);
-		}
-		return temp;
-	}
-	private String reorderBytes(){
-		if (0 != pattern.length()%2)
-			pattern = "0" + pattern;
-		String temp = "";
-		for (int i = pattern.length()/2 - 1; i >= 0; i--){
-			temp+=pattern.substring(i*2,i*2+2);
-		}
-		return temp;
-	}
-	private boolean isLittleEndian(){
-		//TODO implement this method once the API is available
-		return true;
-	}
-	private boolean isParametersValid(String[] params){
-		if (6 != params.length){
-			out.error("insufficient number of parameters");
-			return false;
-		}
-		pattern = params[0]; 
-		if (pattern.equals("")) {
-			out.error("missing pattern string");
-			return false;
-		}
-		if (pattern.startsWith("0x")) {
-			pattern = pattern.substring(2);
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+package org.apache.kato.katoview.commands;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Stack;
+import org.apache.kato.katoview.Output;
+import org.apache.kato.katoview.commands.helpers.Utils;
+public class FindPtrCommand extends Command{
+	String pattern;
+	public FindPtrCommand(Output out){
+		super(out, "findptr", "searches memory for the given pointer",
+				"parameters: see parameters for \"find\" command\n\n" +
+				"the findptr command searches for <pattern> as a pointer in the memory segment from <start_address> to <end_address> (both inclusive), " +
+				"and outputs the first <matches_to_display> matching addresses that start at the corresponding <memory_boundary>. " +
+				"It also display the next <bytes_to_print> bytes for the last match."); 
+		child_commands = null;
+	}
+	public void doCommand(Stack args, Image loadedImage, HashMap properties){
+		RootCommand rootCommand = (RootCommand)properties.get(Utils.RootCommand_OBJECT);
+		if (null == rootCommand){
+			out.error("ERROR - No mapping found for RootCommand object");
+			return;
+		}
+		String argsConcact = Utils.concatArgsFromStack(args);
+		//TODO split consecutive <,>
+		String[] params = argsConcact.split(",");
+		if (!isParametersValid(params)) return;
+		if(isLittleEndian())
+			pattern = reorderBytes();
+		String parameters = getparameters(params);
+		out.println("issuing: find" + " " + parameters);
+		Stack findCommandStack = Utils.constructStackFromString("find" + " " + parameters);
+		rootCommand.doCommand(findCommandStack, loadedImage, properties);
+		//out.println(pattern);
+	}
+	private String getparameters(String[] params){
+		String temp = "0x" + pattern;
+		for(int i = 1; i < params.length; i++){
+			temp+=(","+params[i]);
+		}
+		return temp;
+	}
+	private String reorderBytes(){
+		if (0 != pattern.length()%2)
+			pattern = "0" + pattern;
+		String temp = "";
+		for (int i = pattern.length()/2 - 1; i >= 0; i--){
+			temp+=pattern.substring(i*2,i*2+2);
+		}
+		return temp;
+	}
+	private boolean isLittleEndian(){
+		//TODO implement this method once the API is available
+		return true;
+	}
+	private boolean isParametersValid(String[] params){
+		if (6 != params.length){
+			out.error("insufficient number of parameters");
+			return false;
+		}
+		pattern = params[0]; 
+		if (pattern.equals("")) {
+			out.error("missing pattern string");
+			return false;
+		}
+		if (pattern.startsWith("0x")) {
+			pattern = pattern.substring(2);
+		}
+		return true;
+	}

Propchange: incubator/kato/trunk/org.apache.kato/
    svn:eol-style = native