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[02/46] incubator-apex-core git commit: Markdown for Apex Application package & Application configuration package

Markdown for Apex Application package & Application configuration package


Branch: refs/heads/APEXCORE-293
Commit: c689142dc0a38ea9f54fe0c016d1723f3a3cf868
Parents: bd13fbb
Author: sandeshh <>
Authored: Tue Oct 27 16:34:05 2015 -0700
Committer: Thomas Weise <>
Committed: Sun Feb 28 22:46:31 2016 -0800

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 2 files changed, 946 insertions(+)
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+#Apex Application Packages
+# 1. Introduction 
+An Apex Application Package is a zip file that contains all the
+necessary files to launch an application in Project Apex. It is the
+standard way for assembling and sharing an Apex application. 
+# 2. Requirements 
+You will need have the following installed:
+1. Apache Maven 3.0 or later (for assembling the App Package)
+2. Apex 3.0.0 or later (for launching the App Package in your cluster)
+#3. Creating Your First Apex App Package 
+You can create an Apex Application Package using your Linux command
+line, or using your favorite IDE.  
+##Using Command Line 
+First, change to the directory where you put your projects, and create
+an Apex application project using Maven by running the following
+command.  Replace "com.example", "mydtapp" and "1.0-SNAPSHOT" with the
+appropriate values (make sure this is all on one line):
+ $ mvn archetype:generate                                                
+ -DarchetypeRepository= 
+ ries/releases                                                            
+ -DarchetypeGroupId=com.datatorrent                                       
+ -DarchetypeArtifactId=apex-app-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=3.0.0        
+ -DgroupId=com.example -Dpackage=com.example.mydtapp -DartifactId=mydtapp 
+ -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT                                                   
+This creates a Maven project named "mydtapp". Open it with your favorite
+IDE (e.g. NetBeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA). In the project, there is a
+sample DAG that generates a number of tuples with a random number and
+prints out "hello world" and the random number in the tuples.  The code
+that builds the DAG is in
+src/main/java/com/example/mydtapp/, and the code that
+runs the unit test for the DAG is in
+src/test/java/com/example/mydtapp/ Try it out by
+running the following command:
+ $cd mydtapp; mvn package
+This builds the App Package runs the unit test of the DAG.  You should
+be getting test output similar to this:
+ -------------------------------------------------------                  
+  TESTS                                                               
+ -------------------------------------------------------                  
+ Running com.example.mydtapp.ApplicationTest                              
+ hello world: 0.8015370953286478                                        
+ hello world: 0.9785359225545481                                          
+ hello world: 0.6322611586644047                                          
+ hello world: 0.8460953663451775                                          
+ hello world: 0.5719372906929072                                          
+ hello world: 0.6361174312337172                                          
+ hello world: 0.14873007534816318                                         
+ hello world: 0.8866986277418261                                          
+ hello world: 0.6346526809866057                                          
+                                                                              hello world: 0.48587295703904465                                         
+ hello world: 0.6436832429676687                                          
+ ...                                                                      
+ Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 11.863   
+ sec                                                                      
+ Results :                                                                
+ Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0                         
+The "mvn package" command creates the App Package file in target
+directory as target/mydtapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.apa. You will be able to use
+that App Package file to launch this sample application in your actual
+Apex installation.
+## Using IDE
+Alternatively, you can do the above steps all within your IDE.  For
+example, in NetBeans, select File -\> New Project.  Then choose “Maven”
+and “Project from Archetype” in the dialog box, as shown.
+Then fill the Group ID, Artifact ID, Version and Repository entries as shown below.
+Group ID: com.datatorrent
+Artifact ID: apex-app-archetype
+Version: 3.0.0 (or any later version)
+Press Next and fill out the rest of the required information. For
+Click Finish, and now you have created your own DataTorrent App Package
+project, with a default unit test.  You can run the unit test, make code
+changes or make dependency changes within your IDE.  The procedure for
+other IDEs, like Eclipse or IntelliJ, is similar.
+# 4. Writing Your Own App Package 
+Please refer to the [Application Developer Guide]( on the basics on how to write a DataTorrent application.  In your AppPackage project, you can add custom operators (refer to [Operator Developer Guide](, project dependencies, default and required configuration properties, pre-set configurations and other metadata.
+## Adding (and removing) project dependencies 
+Under the project, you can add project dependencies in pom.xml, or do it
+through your IDE.  Here’s the section that describes the dependencies in
+the default pom.xml:
+  <dependencies>
+    <!-- add your dependencies here -->
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>com.datatorrent</groupId>
+      <artifactId>malhar-library</artifactId>
+      <version>${datatorrent.version}</version>
+      <!--
+           If you know your application do not need the transitive dependencies that are pulled in by malhar-library,
+           Uncomment the following to reduce the size of your app package.
+      -->
+      <!--    
+      <exclusions>
+        <exclusion>
+          <groupId>*</groupId>
+          <artifactId>*</artifactId>
+        </exclusion>
+      </exclusions>
+      -->
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>com.datatorrent</groupId>
+      <artifactId>dt-engine</artifactId>
+      <version>${datatorrent.version}</version>
+      <scope>provided</scope>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>junit</groupId>
+      <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
+      <version>4.10</version>
+      <scope>test</scope>
+    </dependency>
+  </dependencies>                                                   
+By default, as shown above, the default dependencies include
+malhar-library in compile scope, dt-engine in provided scope, and junit
+in test scope.  Do not remove these three dependencies since they are
+necessary for any Apex application.  You can, however, exclude
+transitive dependencies from malhar-library to reduce the size of your
+App Package, provided that none of the operators in malhar-library that
+need the transitive dependencies will be used in your application.
+In the sample application, it is safe to remove the transitive
+dependencies from malhar-library, by uncommenting the "exclusions"
+section.  It will reduce the size of the sample App Package from 8MB to
+Note that if we exclude \*, in some versions of Maven, you may get
+warnings similar to the following:
+ [WARNING] 'dependencies.dependency.exclusions.exclusion.groupId' for     
+ com.datatorrent:malhar-library:jar with value '*' does not match a      
+ valid id pattern.                                                        
+ [WARNING]                                                              
+ [WARNING] It is highly recommended to fix these problems because they    
+ threaten the stability of your build.                                  
+ [WARNING]                                                               
+ [WARNING] For this reason, future Maven versions might no longer support 
+ building such malformed projects.                                       
+ [WARNING]                                                                
+This is a bug in early versions of Maven 3.  The dependency exclusion is
+still valid and it is safe to ignore these warnings.
+## Application Configuration
+A configuration file can be used to configure an application.  Different
+kinds of configuration parameters can be specified. They are application
+attributes, operator attributes and properties, port attributes, stream
+properties and application specific properties. They are all specified
+as name value pairs, in XML format, like the following.
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <property>
+    <name>some_name_1</name>
+    <value>some_default_value</value>
+  </property>
+  <property>
+    <name>some_name_2</name>
+    <value>some_default_value</value>
+  </property>
+## Application attributes {.c13 .c14 .c30}
+Application attributes are used to specify the platform behavior for the
+application. They can be specified using the parameter
+```dt.attr.<attribute>```. The prefix “dt” is a constant, “attr” is a
+constant denoting an attribute is being specified and ```<attribute>```
+specifies the name of the attribute. Below is an example snippet setting
+the streaming windows size of the application to be 1000 milliseconds.
+  <property>
+     <name>dt.attr.STREAMING_WINDOW_SIZE_MILLIS</name>
+     <value>1000</value>
+  </property>
+The name tag specifies the attribute and value tag specifies the
+attribute value. The name of the attribute is a JAVA constant name
+identifying the attribute. The constants are defined in
+com.datatorrent.api.Context.DAGContext and the different attributes can
+be specified in the format described above.
+## Operator attributes 
+Operator attributes are used to specify the platform behavior for the
+operator. They can be specified using the parameter
+```dt.operator.<operator-name>.attr.<attribute>```. The prefix “dt” is a
+constant, “operator” is a constant denoting that an operator is being
+specified, ```<operator-name>``` denotes the name of the operator, “attr” is
+the constant denoting that an attribute is being specified and
+```<attribute>``` is the name of the attribute. The operator name is the
+same name that is specified when the operator is added to the DAG using
+the addOperator method. An example illustrating the specification is
+shown below. It specifies the number of streaming windows for one
+application window of an operator named “input” to be 10
+  <name>dt.operator.input.attr.APPLICATION_WINDOW_COUNT</name>
+  <value>10</value>
+The name tag specifies the attribute and value tag specifies the
+attribute value. The name of the attribute is a JAVA constant name
+identifying the attribute. The constants are defined in
+com.datatorrent.api.Context.OperatorContext and the different attributes
+can be specified in the format described above.
+## Operator properties 
+Operators can be configured using operator specific properties. The
+properties can be specified using the parameter
+```dt.operator.<operator-name>.prop.<property-name>```. The difference
+between this and the operator attribute specification described above is
+that the keyword “prop” is used to denote that it is a property and
+```<property-name>``` specifies the property name.  An example illustrating
+this is specified below. It specifies the property “hostname” of the
+redis server for a “redis” output operator.
+  <property>
+    <name></name>
+    <value></value>
+  </property>
+The name tag specifies the property and the value specifies the property
+value. The property name is converted to a setter method which is called
+on the actual operator. The method name is composed by appending the
+word “set” and the property name with the first character of the name
+capitalized. In the above example the setter method would become
+setHost. The method is called using JAVA reflection and the property
+value is passed as an argument. In the above example the method setHost
+will be called on the “redis” operator with “” as the argument.
+## Port attributes 
+Port attributes are used to specify the platform behavior for input and
+output ports. They can be specified using the parameter
+for input port and
+for output port. The keyword “inputport” is used to denote an input port
+and “outputport” to denote an output port. The rest of the specification
+follows the conventions described in other specifications above. An
+example illustrating this is specified below. It specifies the queue
+capacity for an input port named “input” of an operator named “range” to
+be 4k.
+  <value>4000</value>
+The name tag specifies the attribute and value tag specifies the
+attribute value. The name of the attribute is a JAVA constant name
+identifying the attribute. The constants are defined in
+com.datatorrent.api.Context.PortContext and the different attributes can
+be specified in the format described above.
+The attributes for an output port can also be specified in a similar way
+as described above with a change that keyword “outputport” is used
+instead of “intputport”. A generic keyword “port” can be used to specify
+either an input or an output port. It is useful in the wildcard
+specification described below.
+## Stream properties 
+Streams can be configured using stream properties. The properties can be
+specified using the parameter
+```<stream-name>.prop.<property-name>```  The constant “stream”
+specifies that it is a stream, ```<stream-name>``` specifies the name of the
+stream and ```<property-name>``` the name of the property. The name of the
+stream is the same name that is passed when the stream is added to the
+DAG using the addStream method. An example illustrating the
+specification is shown below. It sets the locality of the stream named
+“stream1” to container local indicating that the operators the stream is
+connecting be run in the same container.
+  <property>
+    <name></name>
+    <value>CONTAINER_LOCAL</value>
+  </property>
+The property name is converted into a set method on the stream in the
+same way as described in operator properties section above. In this case
+the method would be setLocality and it will be called in the stream
+“stream1” with the value as the argument.
+Along with the above system defined parameters, the applications can
+define their own specific parameters they can be specified in the
+configuration file. The only condition is that the names of these
+parameters don’t conflict with the system defined parameters or similar
+application parameters defined by other applications. To this end, it is
+recommended that the application parameters have the format
+```<full-application-class-name>.<param-name>.``` The
+full-application-class-name is the full JAVA class name of the
+application including the package path and param-name is the name of the
+parameter within the application. The application will still have to
+still read the parameter in using the configuration API of the
+configuration object that is passed in populateDAG.
+##  Wildcards
+Wildcards and regular expressions can be used in place of names to
+specify a group for applications, operators, ports or streams. For
+example, to specify an attribute for all ports of an operator it can be
+done as follows
+  <name>dt.operator.range.port.*.attr.QUEUE_CAPACITY</name>
+  <value>4000</value>
+The wildcard “\*” was used instead of the name of the port. Wildcard can
+also be used for operator name, stream name or application name. Regular
+expressions can also be used for names to specify attributes or
+properties for a specific set.
+##Adding configuration properties 
+It is common for applications to require configuration parameters to
+run.  For example, the address and port of the database, the location of
+a file for ingestion, etc.  You can specify them in
+src/main/resources/META-INF/properties.xml under the App Package
+project. The properties.xml may look like:
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <property>
+    <name>some_name_1</name>
+  </property>
+  <property>
+    <name>some_name_2</name>
+    <value>some_default_value</value>
+  </property>
+The name of an application-specific property takes the form of:
+The first represents the property with name propName of operator opName.
+ Or you can set the application name at run time by setting this
+        dt.attr.APPLICATION_NAME
+There are also other properties that can be set.  For details on
+properties, refer to the [Operation and Installation Guide](
+In this example, property some_name_1 is a required property which
+must be set at launch time, or it must be set by a pre-set configuration
+(see next section).  Property some\_name\_2 is a property that is
+assigned with value some\_default\_value unless it is overridden at
+launch time.
+##Adding pre-set configurations 
+At build time, you can add pre-set configurations to the App Package by
+adding configuration XML files under ```src/site/conf/<conf>.xml```in your
+project.  You can then specify which configuration to use at launch
+time.  The configuration XML is of the same format of the properties.xml
+##Application-specific properties file 
+You can also specify properties.xml per application in the application
+package.  Just create a file with the name properties-{appName}.xml and
+it will be picked up when you launch the application with the specified
+name within the application package.  In short:
+  properties.xml: Properties that are global to the Configuration
+  properties-{appName}.xml: Properties that are specific when launching
+an application with the specified appName.
+## Properties source precedence
+If properties with the same key appear in multiple sources (e.g. from
+app package default configuration as META-INF/properties.xml, from app
+package configuration in the conf directory, from launch time defines,
+etc), the precedence of sources, from highest to lowest, is as follows:
+1. Launch time defines (using -D option in CLI, or the POST payload
+    with the Gateway REST API’s launch call)
+2. Launch time specified configuration file in file system (using -conf
+    option in CLI)
+3. Launch time specified package configuration (using -apconf option in
+    CLI or the conf={confname} with Gateway REST API’s launch call)
+4. Configuration from \$HOME/.dt/dt-site.xml
+5. Application defaults within the package as
+    META-INF/properties-{appname}.xml
+6. Package defaults as META-INF/properties.xml
+7. dt-site.xml in local DT installation
+8. dt-site.xml stored in HDFS
+## Other meta-data 
+In a Apex App Package project, the pom.xml file contains a
+section that looks like:
+<properties>                                                                 <datatorrent.version>3.0.0</datatorrent.version>                             <datatorrent.apppackage.classpath\>lib*.jar</datatorrent.apppackage.classpath>
+datatorrent.version is the DataTorrent RTS version that are to be used
+with this Application Package.
+datatorrent.apppackage.classpath is the classpath that is used when
+launching the application in the Application Package.  The default is
+lib/\*.jar, where lib is where all the dependency jars are kept within
+the Application Package.  One reason to change this field is when your
+Application Package needs the classpath in a specific order.
+## Logging configuration 
+Just like other Java projects, you can change the logging configuration
+by having your under src/main/resources.  For example,
+if you have the following in src/main/resources/
+ log4j.rootLogger=WARN,CONSOLE                                           
+ log4j.appender.CONSOLE=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender                 
+ log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout            
+ log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} [%t] %-5p    
+ %c{2} %M - %m%n                                                          
+The root logger’s level is set to WARN and the output is set to the console (stdout).
+Note that by default from project created from the maven archetype,
+there is already a file under src/test/resources and
+that file is only used for the unit test.
+#5. Zip Structure of Application Package
+DataTorrent Application Package files are zip files.  You can examine the content of any Application Package by using unzip -t on your Linux command line.
+There are four top level directories in an Application Package:
+1. "app" contains the jar files of the DAG code and any custom operators.
+2. "lib" contains all dependency jars
+3. "conf" contains all the pre-set configuration XML files.
+4. "META-INF" contains the MANIFEST.MF file and the properties.xml file.
+5. “resources” contains other files that are to be served by the Gateway on behalf of the app package.
+#6. Managing Application Packages Through DT Gateway
+The DT Gateway provides storing and retrieving Application Packages to
+and from your distributed file system, e.g. HDFS.
+##Storing an Application Package 
+You can store your Application Packages through DT Gateway using this
+REST call:
+ POST /ws/v2/appPackages 
+The payload is the raw content of your Application Package.  For
+example, you can issue this request using curl on your Linux command
+line like this, assuming your DT Gateway is accepting requests at
+$ curl -XPOST -T <app-package-file> http://localhost:9090/ws/v2/appPackages 
+##Getting Meta Information on Application Packages 
+You can get the meta information on Application Packages stored through
+DT Gateway using this call.  The information includes the logical plan
+of each application within the Application Package.
+ GET /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}
+## Getting Available Operators In Application Package
+You can get the list of available operators in the Application Package
+using this call.
+GET /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}/operators?parent={parent} 
+The parent parameter is optional.  If given, parent should be the fully
+qualified class name.  It will only return operators that derive from
+that class or interface. For example, if parent is
+com.datatorrent.api.InputOperator, this call will only return input
+operators provided by the Application Package.
+## Getting Properties of Operators in Application Package
+You can get the list of properties of any operator in the Application
+Package using this call.
+GET  /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}/operators/{className}
+## Getting List of Pre-Set Configurations in Application Package
+You can get a list of pre-set configurations within the Application
+Package using this call.  
+GET /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{pkgName}/{packageVersion}/configs
+You can also get the content of a specific pre-set configuration within
+the Application Package.
+ GET /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}/configs/{configName}  
+## Changing Pre-Set Configurations in Application Package
+You can create or replace pre-set configurations within the Application
+ PUT   /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}/configs/{configName}
+The payload of this PUT call is the XML file that represents the pre-set configuration.  The Content-Type of the payload is "application/xml" and you can delete a pre-set configuration within the Application Package.
+ DELETE /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}/configs/{configName}   
+## Retrieving an Application Package
+You can download the Application Package file.  This Application Package
+is not necessarily the same file as the one that was originally uploaded
+since the pre-set configurations may have been modified.
+ GET /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}/download
+## Launching an Application Package
+You can launch an application within an Application Package.
+POST /ws/v2/appPackages/{owner}/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}/applications/{appName}/launch?config={configName}                                              
+The config parameter is optional.  If given, it must be one of the
+pre-set configuration within the given Application Package.  The
+Content-Type of the payload of the POST request is "application/json"
+and should contain the properties to be launched with the application.
+ It is of the form:
+ {"property-name":"property-value", ... }
+Here is an example of launching an application through curl:
+ $ curl -XPOST -d'{"dt.operator.console.prop.stringFormat":"xyz %s"}'    
+ http://localhost:9090/ws/v2/appPackages/dtadmin/mydtapp/1.0-SNAPSHOT/app 
+ lications/MyFirstApplication/launch                      
+Please refer to the [Gateway API reference]( for the complete specification of the REST API.
+# 7. Examining and Launching Application Packages Through DT CLI 
+If you are working with Application Packages in the local filesystem and
+do not want to deal with the DT Gateway, you can use the DataTorrent
+Command Line Interface (DT CLI).  Please refer to the [Gateway API reference]( 
+to see samples for these commands.
+##Getting Application Package Meta Information 
+You can get the meta information about the Application Package using
+this DT CLI command.  
+ dt> get-app-package-info <app-package-file>
+## Getting Available Operators In Application Package 
+You can get the list of available operators in the Application Package
+using this command.
+ dt> get-app-package-operators <app-package-file> <package-prefix> 
+ [parent-class] 
+## Getting Properties of Operators in Application Package
+You can get the list of properties of any operator in the Application
+Package using this command.
+ dt> get-app-package-operator-properties <app-package-file> <operator-class>
+##Launching an Application Package
+You can launch an application within an Application Package.
+dt> launch [-D property-name=property-value, ...] [-conf config-name]   
+ [-apconf config-file-within-app-package] <app-package-file>            
+ [matching-app-name]                                                      
+Note that -conf expects a configuration file in the file system, while -apconf expects a configuration file within the app package.
+© 2014-2015 DataTorrent Inc.
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+#Application Configuration Packages
+# Introduction 
+An Apex Application Configuration Package is a zip file that contains
+configuration files and additional files to be launched with an
+[Application Package]( using 
+DTCLI or REST API.  This guide assumes the reader’s familiarity of
+Application Package.  Please read the Application Package document to
+get yourself familiar with the concept first if you have not done so.
+You will need have the following installed:
+1. Apache Maven 3.0 or later (for assembling the Config Package)
+2. Apex 3.0.0 or later (for launching the App Package with the Config
+    Package in your cluster)
+#Creating Your First Configuration Package 
+You can create a Configuration Package using your Linux command line, or
+using your favorite IDE.  
+## Using Command Line
+First, change to the directory where you put your projects, and create a
+DT configuration project using Maven by running the following command.
+ Replace "com.example", "mydtconfig" and "1.0-SNAPSHOT" with the
+appropriate values:
+ $ mvn archetype:generate                                                
+ -DarchetypeRepository= 
+ ries/releases                                                            
+ -DarchetypeGroupId=com.datatorrent                                       
+ -DarchetypeArtifactId=apex-conf-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=3.0.0       
+ -DgroupId=com.example -Dpackage=com.example.mydtconfig                   
+ -DartifactId=mydtconfig -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT                           
+This creates a Maven project named "mydtconfig". Open it with your
+favorite IDE (e.g. NetBeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA).  Try it out by
+running the following command:
+$ mvn package                                                         
+The "mvn package" command creates the Config Package file in target
+directory as target/mydtconfig.apc. You will be able to use that
+Configuration Package file to launch an application in your actual
+DataTorrent RTS installation.
+## Using IDE 
+Alternatively, you can do the above steps all within your IDE.  For
+example, in NetBeans, select File -\> New Project.  Then choose “Maven”
+and “Project from Archetype” in the dialog box, as shown.
+Then fill the Group ID, Artifact ID, Version and Repository entries as
+shown below.
+Group ID: com.datatorrent
+Artifact ID: apex-conf-archetype
+Version: 3.0.0 (or any later version)
+Press Next and fill out the rest of the required information. For
+Click Finish, and now you have created your own Apex
+Configuration Package project.  The procedure for other IDEs, like
+Eclipse or IntelliJ, is similar.
+#Assembling your own configuration package 
+Inside the project created by the archetype, these are the files that
+you should know about when assembling your own configuration package:
+        ./pom.xml
+        ./src/main/resources/classpath
+        ./src/main/resources/files
+  <groupId>com.example</groupId>
+  <version>1.0.0</version>
+  <artifactId>mydtconf</artifactId>
+  <packaging>jar</packaging>
+  <!-- change these to the appropriate values -->
+  <name>My DataTorrent Application Configuration</name>
+  <description>My DataTorrent Application Configuration Description</description>
+  <properties>
+    <>mydtapp</>
+    <datatorrent.apppackage.minversion>1.0.0</datatorrent.apppackage.minversion>
+   <datatorrent.apppackage.maxversion>1.9999.9999</datatorrent.apppackage.maxversion>
+    <datatorrent.appconf.classpath>classpath/*</datatorrent.appconf.classpath>
+    <datatorrent.appconf.files>files/*</datatorrent.appconf.files>
+  </properties> 
+In pom.xml, you can change the values of  ```<groupId>, <version>,
+<artifactId>, <name> ```and ```<description>``` to your desired values.  
+You can also change the values of ```<>, <datatorrent.apppackage.minversion> <datatorrent.apppackage.maxversion>```
+to reflect what app packages should be used with this configuration
+package.  Apex will use this information to check whether a
+configuration package is compatible with the application package when
+you issue a launch command.
+## ./src/main/resources/classpath 
+Place any file in this directory that you’d like to be copied to the
+compute machines when launching an application and included in the
+classpath of the application.  Example of such files are Java properties
+files and jar files.
+## ./src/main/resources/files 
+Place any file in this directory that you’d like to be copied to the
+compute machines when launching an application but not included in the
+classpath of the application.
+## Properties XML file
+A properties xml file consists of a set of key-value pairs.  The set of
+key-value pairs specifies the configuration options the application
+should be launched with.  
+  <property>
+    <name>some-property-name</name>
+    <value>some-property-value</value>
+  </property>
+   ...
+Names of properties XML file:
+  **properties.xml:** Properties that are global to the Configuration
+  **properties-{appName}.xml:** Properties that are specific when launching
+an application with the specified appName within the Application
+After you are done with the above, remember to do mvn package to
+generate a new configuration package, which will be located in the
+target directory in your project.
+## Zip structure of configuration package 
+Apex Application Configuration Package files are zip files.  You
+can examine the content of any Application Configuration Package by
+using unzip -t on your Linux command line.  The structure of the zip
+file is as follow:
+  properties.xml
+  properties-{appname}.xml
+  {classpath files}
+  {files} 
+#Launching with CLI 
+-conf of the launch command in CLI supports specifying configuration
+package in the local filesystem.  Example:
+dt\> launch DTApp-mydtapp-1.0.0.jar -conf DTConfig-mydtconfig-1.0.0.jar
+This command expects both the application package and the configuration
+package to be in the local file system.
+#Related REST API 
+##POST /ws/v2/configPackages
+Payload: Raw content of configuration package zip
+Function: Creates or replace a configuration package zip file in HDFS
+Curl example:
+$ curl -XPOST -T DTConfig-{name}.jar http://{yourhost:port}/ws/v2/configPackages
+## GET /ws/v2/configPackages?appPackageName=...&appPackageVersion=... 
+All query parameters are optional
+Function: Returns the configuration packages that the user is authorized
+to use and that are compatible with the specified appPackageName,
+appPackageVersion and appName.
+## GET /ws/v2/configPackages/``<user>``?appPackageName=...&appPackageVersion=... 
+All query parameters are optional
+Function: Returns the configuration packages under the specified user
+and that are compatible with the specified appPackageName,
+appPackageVersion and appName.
+## GET /ws/v2/configPackages/```<user>```/```<name>``` 
+Function: Returns the information of the specified configuration package
+## GET /ws/v2/configPackages/```<user>```/```<name>```/download 
+Function: Returns the raw config package file
+Curl example:
+$ curl http://{yourhost:port}/ws/v2/configPackages/{user}/{name}/download \> DTConfig-xyz.jar
+\$ unzip -t DTConfig-xyz.jar
+## POST /ws/v2/appPackages/```<user>```/```<app-pkg-name>```/```<app-pkg-version>```/applications/{app-name}/launch?configPackage=```<user>```/```<confpkgname>```
+Function: Launches the app package with the specified configuration
+package stored in HDFS.
+Curl example:
+$ curl -XPOST -d ’{}’ http://{yourhost:port}/ws/v2/appPackages/{user}/{app-pkg-name}/{app-pkg-version}/applications/{app-name}/launch?configPackage={user}/{confpkgname}
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