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[GitHub] graceguo-supercat closed pull request #5463: Migrate dashboard positions data from v1 to v2 format

graceguo-supercat closed pull request #5463: Migrate dashboard positions data from v1 to v2 format

This is a PR merged from a forked repository.
As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for
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As this is a foreign pull request (from a fork), the diff is supplied
below (as it won't show otherwise due to GitHub magic):

diff --git a/ b/
index 3991b70838..753ec05d0e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -3,6 +3,14 @@
 This file documents any backwards-incompatible changes in Superset and
 assists people when migrating to a new version.
+## Superset 0.27.0
+* Superset 0.27 start to use nested layout for dashboard builder, which is not 
+backward-compatible with earlier dashboard grid data. We provide migration script
+to automatically convert dashboard grid to nested layout data. To be safe, please 
+take a database backup prior to this upgrade. It's the only way people could go 
+back to a previous state.
 ## Superset 0.26.0
 * Superset 0.26.0 deprecates the `superset worker` CLI, which is a simple
 wrapper around the `celery worker` command, forcing you into crafting
diff --git a/superset/migrations/versions/ b/superset/migrations/versions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa2d95d0d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset/migrations/versions/
@@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
+"""Migrate dashboard position_json data from V1 to V2
+Revision ID: bebcf3fed1fe
+Revises: fc480c87706c
+Create Date: 2018-07-22 11:59:07.025119
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+import collections
+import json
+import sys
+from functools import reduce
+import uuid
+from alembic import op
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+from sqlalchemy import (
+    Table, Column,
+    Integer, String, Text, ForeignKey,
+from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
+from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
+from superset import db
+revision = 'bebcf3fed1fe'
+down_revision = 'fc480c87706c'
+Base = declarative_base()
+MAX_VALUE = sys.maxsize
+class Slice(Base):
+    """Declarative class to do query in upgrade"""
+    __tablename__ = 'slices'
+    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
+    slice_name = Column(String(250))
+    params = Column(Text)
+    viz_type = Column(String(250))
+dashboard_slices = Table(
+    'dashboard_slices', Base.metadata,
+    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
+    Column('dashboard_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')),
+    Column('slice_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')),
+class Dashboard(Base):
+    """Declarative class to do query in upgrade"""
+    __tablename__ = 'dashboards'
+    id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
+    dashboard_title = sa.Column(String(500))
+    position_json = sa.Column(sa.Text)
+    slices = relationship(
+        'Slice', secondary=dashboard_slices, backref='dashboards')
+def is_v2_dash(positions):
+    return (
+        isinstance(positions, dict) and
+        positions.get('DASHBOARD_VERSION_KEY') == 'v2'
+    )
+def get_boundary(positions):
+    top = MAX_VALUE
+    left = MAX_VALUE
+    bottom = 0
+    right = 0
+    for position in positions:
+        top = min(position['row'], top)
+        left = min(position['col'], left)
+        bottom = max(position['row'] + position['size_y'], bottom)
+        right = max(position['col'] + position['size_x'], right)
+    return {
+        'top': top,
+        'bottom': bottom,
+        'left': left,
+        'right': right,
+    }
+def generate_id():
+    return uuid.uuid4().hex[:8]
+def has_overlap(positions, xAxis=True):
+    sorted_positions = \
+        sorted(positions[:], key=lambda pos: pos['col']) \
+        if xAxis else sorted(positions[:], key=lambda pos: pos['row'])
+    result = False
+    for idx, position in enumerate(sorted_positions):
+        if idx < len(sorted_positions) - 1:
+            if xAxis:
+                result = position['col'] + position['size_x'] > \
+                    sorted_positions[idx + 1]['col']
+            else:
+                result = position['row'] + position['size_y'] > \
+                    sorted_positions[idx + 1]['row']
+        if result:
+            break
+    return result
+def get_empty_layout():
+    return {
+            'type': DASHBOARD_ROOT_TYPE,
+            'id': DASHBOARD_ROOT_ID,
+            'children': [DASHBOARD_GRID_ID],
+        },
+            'type': DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE,
+            'id': DASHBOARD_GRID_ID,
+            'children': [],
+        },
+    }
+def get_header_component(title):
+    return {
+        'id': DASHBOARD_HEADER_ID,
+        'type': DASHBOARD_HEADER_TYPE,
+        'meta': {
+            'text': title,
+        },
+    }
+def get_row_container():
+    return {
+        'type': ROW_TYPE,
+        'id': 'DASHBOARD_ROW_TYPE-{}'.format(generate_id()),
+        'children': [],
+        'meta': {
+            'background': BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT,
+        },
+    }
+def get_col_container():
+    return {
+        'type': COLUMN_TYPE,
+        'id': 'DASHBOARD_COLUMN_TYPE-{}'.format(generate_id()),
+        'children': [],
+        'meta': {
+            'background': BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT,
+        },
+    }
+def get_chart_holder(position):
+    size_x = position['size_x']
+    size_y = position['size_y']
+    slice_id = position['slice_id']
+    slice_name = position.get('slice_name')
+    code = position.get('code')
+    width = max(
+        int(round(size_x / GRID_RATIO))
+    )
+    height = max(
+        int(round(((size_y / GRID_RATIO) * 100) / ROW_HEIGHT))
+    )
+    if code is not None:
+        markdown_content = ' '  # white-space markdown
+        if len(code):
+            markdown_content = code
+        elif slice_name.strip():
+            markdown_content = '##### {}'.format(slice_name)
+        return {
+            'type': MARKDOWN_TYPE,
+            'id': 'DASHBOARD_MARKDOWN_TYPE-{}'.format(generate_id()),
+            'children': [],
+            'meta': {
+                'width': width,
+                'height': height,
+                'code': markdown_content,
+            }
+        }
+    return {
+        'type': CHART_TYPE,
+        'id': 'DASHBOARD_CHART_TYPE-{}'.format(generate_id()),
+        'children': [],
+        'meta': {
+            'width': width,
+            'height': height,
+            'chartId': int(slice_id),
+        },
+    }
+def get_children_max(children, attr, root):
+    return max([root[childId]['meta'][attr] for childId in children])
+def get_children_sum(children, attr, root):
+    return reduce(
+        (lambda sum, childId: sum + root[childId]['meta'][attr]),
+        children,
+        0
+    )
+# find column that: width > 2 and
+# each row has at least 1 chart can reduce width
+def get_wide_column_ids(children, root):
+    return list(
+        filter(
+            lambda childId: can_reduce_column_width(root[childId], root),
+            children
+        )
+    )
+def is_wide_leaf_component(component):
+    return (
+        component['type'] in [CHART_TYPE, MARKDOWN_TYPE] and
+        component['meta']['width'] > GRID_MIN_COLUMN_COUNT
+    )
+def can_reduce_column_width(column_component, root):
+    return (
+        column_component['type'] == COLUMN_TYPE and
+        column_component['meta']['width'] > GRID_MIN_COLUMN_COUNT and
+        all([
+            is_wide_leaf_component(root[childId]) or (
+                root[childId]['type'] == ROW_TYPE and
+                all([
+                    is_wide_leaf_component(root[id]) for id in root[childId]['children']
+                ])
+            ) for childId in column_component['children']
+        ])
+    )
+def reduce_row_width(row_component, root):
+    wide_leaf_component_ids = list(
+        filter(
+            lambda childId: is_wide_leaf_component(root[childId]),
+            row_component['children']
+        )
+    )
+    widest_chart_id = None
+    widest_width = 0
+    for component_id in wide_leaf_component_ids:
+        if root[component_id]['meta']['width'] > widest_width:
+            widest_width = root[component_id]['meta']['width']
+            widest_chart_id = component_id
+    if widest_chart_id:
+        root[widest_chart_id]['meta']['width'] -= 1
+    return get_children_sum(row_component['children'], 'width', root)
+def reduce_component_width(component):
+    if is_wide_leaf_component(component):
+        component['meta']['width'] -= 1
+    return component['meta']['width']
+def convert(positions, level, parent, root):
+    if len(positions) == 0:
+        return
+    if len(positions) == 1 or level >= MAX_RECURSIVE_LEVEL:
+        # special treatment for single chart dash:
+        # always wrap chart inside a row
+        if parent['type'] == DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE:
+            row_container = get_row_container()
+            root[row_container['id']] = row_container
+            parent['children'].append(row_container['id'])
+            parent = row_container
+        chart_holder = get_chart_holder(positions[0])
+        root[chart_holder['id']] = chart_holder
+        parent['children'].append(chart_holder['id'])
+        return
+    current_positions = positions[:]
+    boundary = get_boundary(current_positions)
+    top = boundary['top']
+    bottom = boundary['bottom']
+    left = boundary['left']
+    right = boundary['right']
+    # find row dividers
+    layers = []
+    current_row = top + 1
+    while len(current_positions) and current_row <= bottom:
+        upper = []
+        lower = []
+        is_row_divider = True
+        for position in current_positions:
+            row = position['row']
+            size_y = position['size_y']
+            if row + size_y <= current_row:
+                lower.append(position)
+                continue
+            elif row >= current_row:
+                upper.append(position)
+                continue
+            is_row_divider = False
+            break
+        if is_row_divider:
+            current_positions = upper[:]
+            layers.append(lower)
+        current_row += 1
+    # Each layer is a list of positions belong to same row section
+    # they can be a list of charts, or arranged in columns, or mixed
+    for layer in layers:
+        if len(layer) == 0:
+            return
+        if len(layer) == 1 and parent['type'] == COLUMN_TYPE:
+            chart_holder = get_chart_holder(layer[0])
+            root[chart_holder['id']] = chart_holder
+            parent['children'].append(chart_holder['id'])
+            return
+        # create a new row
+        row_container = get_row_container()
+        root[row_container['id']] = row_container
+        parent['children'].append(row_container['id'])
+        current_positions = layer[:]
+        if not has_overlap(current_positions):
+            # this is a list of charts in the same row
+            sorted_by_col = sorted(
+                current_positions,
+                key=lambda pos: pos['col'],
+            )
+            for position in sorted_by_col:
+                chart_holder = get_chart_holder(position)
+                root[chart_holder['id']] = chart_holder
+                row_container['children'].append(chart_holder['id'])
+        else:
+            # this row has columns, find col dividers
+            current_col = left + 1
+            while len(current_positions) and current_col <= right:
+                upper = []
+                lower = []
+                is_col_divider = True
+                for position in current_positions:
+                    col = position['col']
+                    size_x = position['size_x']
+                    if col + size_x <= current_col:
+                        lower.append(position)
+                        continue
+                    elif col >= current_col:
+                        upper.append(position)
+                        continue
+                    is_col_divider = False
+                    break
+                if is_col_divider:
+                    # is single chart in the column:
+                    # add to parent container without create new column container
+                    if len(lower) == 1:
+                        chart_holder = get_chart_holder(lower[0])
+                        root[chart_holder['id']] = chart_holder
+                        row_container['children'].append(chart_holder['id'])
+                    else:
+                        # create new col container
+                        col_container = get_col_container()
+                        root[col_container['id']] = col_container
+                        if not has_overlap(lower, False):
+                            sorted_by_row = sorted(
+                                lower,
+                                key=lambda pos: pos['row'],
+                            )
+                            for position in sorted_by_row:
+                                chart_holder = get_chart_holder(position)
+                                root[chart_holder['id']] = chart_holder
+                                col_container['children'].append(chart_holder['id'])
+                        else:
+                            convert(lower, level + 2, col_container, root)
+                        # add col meta
+                        if len(col_container['children']):
+                            row_container['children'].append(col_container['id'])
+                            col_container['meta']['width'] = get_children_max(
+                                col_container['children'],
+                                'width',
+                                root,
+                            )
+                    current_positions = upper[:]
+                current_col += 1
+        # add row meta
+        row_container['meta']['width'] = get_children_sum(
+            row_container['children'],
+            'width',
+            root,
+        )
+def convert_to_layout(positions):
+    root = get_empty_layout()
+    convert(positions, 0, root[DASHBOARD_GRID_ID], root)
+    # remove row's width, height and col's height from its meta data
+    # and make sure every row's width <= GRID_COLUMN_COUNT
+    # Each item is a dashboard component:
+    # row_container, or col_container, or chart_holder
+    for item in root.values():
+        if not isinstance(item, dict):
+            continue
+        if ROW_TYPE == item['type']:
+            meta = item['meta']
+            if meta.get('width', 0) > GRID_COLUMN_COUNT:
+                current_width = meta['width']
+                while (
+                    current_width > GRID_COLUMN_COUNT and
+                    len(list(filter(
+                        lambda childId: is_wide_leaf_component(root[childId]),
+                        item['children'],
+                    )))
+                ):
+                    current_width = reduce_row_width(item, root)
+                # because we round v1 chart size to nearest v2 grids count, result
+                # in there might be overall row width > GRID_COLUMN_COUNT.
+                # So here is an extra step to check row width, and reduce chart
+                # or column width if needed and if possible.
+                if current_width > GRID_COLUMN_COUNT:
+                    has_wide_columns = True
+                    while has_wide_columns:
+                        col_ids = get_wide_column_ids(item['children'], root)
+                        idx = 0
+                        # need 2nd loop since same column may reduce multiple times
+                        while idx < len(col_ids) and current_width > GRID_COLUMN_COUNT:
+                            current_column = col_ids[idx]
+                            for childId in root[current_column]['children']:
+                                if root[childId]['type'] == ROW_TYPE:
+                                    root[childId]['meta']['width'] = reduce_row_width(
+                                        root[childId], root
+                                    )
+                                else:
+                                    root[childId]['meta']['width'] = \
+                                        reduce_component_width(root[childId])
+                            root[current_column]['meta']['width'] = get_children_max(
+                                root[current_column]['children'],
+                                'width',
+                                root
+                            )
+                            current_width = get_children_sum(
+                                item['children'],
+                                'width',
+                                root
+                            )
+                            idx += 1
+                        has_wide_columns = (
+                            len(get_wide_column_ids(item['children'], root)) and
+                            current_width > GRID_COLUMN_COUNT
+                        )
+            meta.pop('width', None)
+    return root
+def merge_position(position, bottom_line, last_column_start):
+    col = position['col']
+    size_x = position['size_x']
+    size_y = position['size_y']
+    end_column = len(bottom_line) \
+        if col + size_x > last_column_start \
+        else col + size_x
+    # finding index where index >= col and bottom_line value > bottom_line[col]
+    taller_indexes = [i for i, value in enumerate(bottom_line)
+                      if (i >= col and value > bottom_line[col])]
+    current_row_value = bottom_line[col]
+    # if no enough space to fit current position, will start from taller row value
+    if len(taller_indexes) > 0 and (taller_indexes[0] - col + 1) < size_x:
+        current_row_value = max(bottom_line[col:col + size_x])
+    # add current row value with size_y of this position
+    for i in range(col, end_column):
+        bottom_line[i] = current_row_value + size_y
+# In original position data, a lot of position's row attribute are problematic,
+# for example, same positions are assigned to more than 1 chart.
+# The convert function depends on row id, col id to split the whole dashboard into
+# nested rows and columns. Bad row id will lead to many empty spaces, or a few charts
+# are overlapped in the same row.
+# This function read positions by row first.
+# Then based on previous col id, width and height attribute,
+# re-calculate next position's row id.
+def scan_dashboard_positions_data(positions):
+    positions_by_row_id = {}
+    for position in positions:
+        row = position['row']
+        position['col'] = min(position['col'], TOTAL_COLUMNS)
+        if not positions_by_row_id.get(row):
+            positions_by_row_id[row] = []
+        positions_by_row_id[row].append(position)
+    bottom_line = [0] * (TOTAL_COLUMNS + 1)
+    # col index always starts from 1, set a large number for [0] as placeholder
+    bottom_line[0] = MAX_VALUE
+    last_column_start = max([position['col'] for position in positions])
+    # ordered_raw_positions are arrays of raw positions data sorted by row id
+    ordered_raw_positions = []
+    row_ids = sorted(positions_by_row_id.keys())
+    for row_id in row_ids:
+        ordered_raw_positions.append(positions_by_row_id[row_id])
+    updated_positions = []
+    while len(ordered_raw_positions):
+        next_row = ordered_raw_positions.pop(0)
+        next_col = 1
+        while len(next_row):
+            # special treatment for same (row, col) assigned to more than 1 chart:
+            # add one additional row and display wider chart first
+            available_columns_index = [i for i, e in enumerate(
+                list(filter(lambda x: x['col'] == next_col, next_row)))]
+            if len(available_columns_index):
+                idx = available_columns_index[0]
+                if len(available_columns_index) > 1:
+                    idx = sorted(
+                        available_columns_index,
+                        key=lambda x: next_row[x]['size_x'],
+                        reverse=True
+                    )[0]
+                next_position = next_row.pop(idx)
+                merge_position(next_position, bottom_line, last_column_start + 1)
+                next_position['row'] = \
+                    bottom_line[next_position['col']] - next_position['size_y']
+                updated_positions.append(next_position)
+                next_col += next_position['size_x']
+            else:
+                next_col = next_row[0]['col']
+    return updated_positions
+def upgrade():
+    bind = op.get_bind()
+    session = db.Session(bind=bind)
+    dashboards = session.query(Dashboard).all()
+    for i, dashboard in enumerate(dashboards):
+        print('scanning dashboard ({}/{}) >>>>'.format(i + 1, len(dashboards)))
+        position_json = json.loads(dashboard.position_json or '[]')
+        if not is_v2_dash(position_json):
+            print('Converting dashboard... dash_id: {}'.format(
+            position_dict = {}
+            positions = []
+            slices = dashboard.slices
+            if position_json:
+                # scan and fix positions data: extra spaces, dup rows, .etc
+                position_json = scan_dashboard_positions_data(position_json)
+                position_dict = \
+                    {str(position['slice_id']): position for position in position_json}
+            last_row_id = max([pos['row'] + pos['size_y'] for pos in position_json]) \
+                if position_json else 0
+            new_slice_counter = 0
+            for slice in slices:
+                position = position_dict.get(str(
+                # some dashboard didn't have position_json
+                # place 3 charts in a row
+                if not position:
+                    position = {
+                        'col': (
+                            new_slice_counter % NUMBER_OF_CHARTS_PER_ROW *
+                            DEFAULT_CHART_WIDTH + 1
+                        ),
+                        'row': (
+                            last_row_id +
+                            int(new_slice_counter / NUMBER_OF_CHARTS_PER_ROW) *
+                            DEFAULT_CHART_WIDTH
+                        ),
+                        'size_x': DEFAULT_CHART_WIDTH,
+                        'size_y': DEFAULT_CHART_WIDTH,
+                        'slice_id': str(,
+                    }
+                    new_slice_counter += 1
+                # attach additional parameters to position dict,
+                # prepare to replace markup and separator viz_type
+                # to dashboard UI component
+                form_data = json.loads(slice.params or '{}')
+                viz_type = slice.viz_type
+                if form_data and viz_type in ['markup', 'separator']:
+                    position['code'] = form_data.get('code')
+                    position['slice_name'] = slice.slice_name
+                positions.append(position)
+            v2_layout = convert_to_layout(positions)
+            v2_layout[DASHBOARD_HEADER_ID] = get_header_component(dashboard.dashboard_title)
+            sorted_by_key = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(v2_layout.items()))
+            # print('converted position_json:\n {}'.format(json.dumps(sorted_by_key, indent=2)))
+            dashboard.position_json = json.dumps(sorted_by_key, indent=2)
+            session.merge(dashboard)
+            session.commit()
+        else:
+            print('Skip converted dash_id: {}'.format(
+    session.close()
+def downgrade():
+    print('downgrade is done')
diff --git a/superset/migrations/versions/ b/superset/migrations/versions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cecb6f5422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset/migrations/versions/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+"""empty message
+Revision ID: c18bd4186f15
+Revises: ('46ba6aaaac97', 'ec1f88a35cc6')
+Create Date: 2018-07-24 14:29:41.341098
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = 'c18bd4186f15'
+down_revision = ('46ba6aaaac97', 'ec1f88a35cc6')
+from alembic import op
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+def upgrade():
+    pass
+def downgrade():
+    pass
diff --git a/superset/migrations/versions/ b/superset/migrations/versions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e84c6215a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset/migrations/versions/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+"""empty message
+Revision ID: ec1f88a35cc6
+Revises: ('bebcf3fed1fe', '705732c70154')
+Create Date: 2018-07-23 11:18:11.866106
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = 'ec1f88a35cc6'
+down_revision = ('bebcf3fed1fe', '705732c70154')
+from alembic import op
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+def upgrade():
+    pass
+def downgrade():
+    pass
diff --git a/superset/migrations/versions/ b/superset/migrations/versions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85fbdf2fc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superset/migrations/versions/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+"""empty message
+Revision ID: fc480c87706c
+Revises: ('4451805bbaa1', '1d9e835a84f9')
+Create Date: 2018-07-22 11:50:54.174443
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = 'fc480c87706c'
+down_revision = ('4451805bbaa1', '1d9e835a84f9')
+from alembic import op
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+def upgrade():
+    pass
+def downgrade():
+    pass


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