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Posted to by Ovidiu Predescu <> on 2000/09/29 01:46:44 UTC

emacs editing functions for XSL/XSP


For those of you that use Emacs/Xemacs to edit XSL/XSP pages, here are some
handy functions you can use in your .emacs to speed up the editing. They insert
the commonly used tags in the current buffer, indented and nicely formatted.
They were developed and used on Xemacs 21.1, but they should work on GNU Emacs
as well.

I'd be curious to know what other little things people use in emacs to speed up


(require 'tempo)

(defun get-value-from-minibuffer (display format-string)
  (let ((input (read-from-minibuffer display)))
    (if (string= input "")
      (format format-string input))))

(tempo-define-template "xsl-template"
 '('&'o'> "<xsl:template"
   (get-value-from-minibuffer "Template name: " " match=\"%s\"")
   ">" 'n'>'n
   "</xsl:template>" '>
   (end-of-line 0)))

(tempo-define-template "xsl-if"
 '('&'o'> "<xsl:if"
   (get-value-from-minibuffer "Test expression: " " test=\"%s\"")
   ">" 'n'>'n
   "</xsl:if>" '>
   (end-of-line 0)))

(tempo-define-template "xsl-for-each"
 '('&'o'> "<xsl:for-each"
   (get-value-from-minibuffer "Select expression: " " select=\"%s\"")
   ">" 'n'>'n
   "</xsl:for-each>" '>
   (end-of-line 0)))

(tempo-define-template "xsp-logic"
 '('&'o'> "<xsp:logic>" '>'n'>'n
   "</xsp:logic>" '>'n
   (end-of-line -1)))

(tempo-define-template "xsp-expr"
 '('&'o'> "<xsp:expr>" '>'n'>'n
   "</xsp:expr>" '>'n
   (end-of-line -1)))

(tempo-define-template "xsl-value-of"
 '('> "<xsl:value-of"
   (get-value-from-minibuffer "Value: " " select=\"%s\"")
   "/>" '>))

(tempo-define-template "xsl-apply-templates"
 '('> "<xsl:apply-templates"
   (get-value-from-minibuffer "Select: " " select=\"%s\"")
   "/>" '>))

(defun my-xml-templates-hook()
  (define-key xml-mode-map "\C-ct" 'tempo-template-xsl-template)
  (define-key xml-mode-map "\C-ci" 'tempo-template-xsl-if)
  (define-key xml-mode-map "\C-cf" 'tempo-template-xsl-for-each)
  (define-key xml-mode-map "\C-cv" 'tempo-template-xsl-value-of)
  (define-key xml-mode-map "\C-ca" 'tempo-template-xsl-apply-templates)
  (define-key xml-mode-map "\C-cl" 'tempo-template-xsp-logic)
  (define-key xml-mode-map "\C-ce" 'tempo-template-xsp-expr))

(add-hook 'xml-mode-hook 'my-xml-templates-hook)

Have fun,

Ovidiu Predescu <> (inside HP's firewall only)