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Posted to by on 2013/02/21 10:11:38 UTC

[red5phone] r96 committed - Video support: NPE are not thrown in case there is no video configured...

Revision: 96
Date:     Thu Feb 21 01:11:26 2013
Log:      Video support: NPE are not thrown in case there is no video  
	code clean up;


--- /branches/red5sip/src/java/org/red5/sip/app/	Tue Feb 19  
11:33:08 2013
+++ /branches/red5sip/src/java/org/red5/sip/app/	Thu Feb 21  
01:11:26 2013
@@ -14,776 +14,690 @@

  public class SdpUtils {

-    protected static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( SdpUtils.class  
-    public static SIPCodec getNegotiatedVideoCodec(SessionDescriptor  
negotiatedSDP) {
-    	String rtpmap =  
-    			getAttribute(SIPCodec.ATTRIBUTE_RTPMAP).getAttributeValue();
-    	printLog( "getNegotiatedVideoCodec", "rtpmap = [" + rtpmap + "]." );
-    	if (rtpmap.isEmpty()) return null;
-    	int payloadId = Integer.parseInt(rtpmap.substring(0,  
rtpmap.indexOf(" ")));
-    	SIPCodec sipCodec =  
-    	if ( sipCodec == null ) {
-            printLog( "getNegotiatedAudioCodec", "Error... codec not  
found." );
-        }
-        else {
-            printLog( "getNegotiatedAudioCodec",
-                    "payloadType = " + sipCodec.getCodecId() +
-                    ", payloadName = " + sipCodec.getCodecName() + "." );
-        }
-    	return sipCodec;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @return Returns the audio codec to be used on current session.
-     */
-    public static SIPCodec getNegotiatedAudioCodec( SessionDescriptor  
negotiatedSDP )
-    {
-        int payloadId;
-        String rtpmap;
-        SIPCodec sipCodec = null;
-        printLog( "getNegotiatedAudioCodec", "Init..." );
-        rtpmap = negotiatedSDP.getMediaDescriptor(  
-                getAttribute( SIPCodec.ATTRIBUTE_RTPMAP  
-        printLog( "getNegotiatedAudioCodec", "rtpmap = [" + rtpmap + "]."  
-        if ( !rtpmap.isEmpty() ) {
-            payloadId = Integer.parseInt(
-                    rtpmap.substring(0, rtpmap.indexOf(" ")));
-            printLog( "getNegotiatedAudioCodec", "payloadId = [" +  
payloadId + "]." );
-            sipCodec = SIPCodecFactory.getInstance().getSIPMediaCodec(  
payloadId );
-            if ( sipCodec == null ) {
-                printLog( "getNegotiatedAudioCodec", "Error... codec not  
found." );
-            }
-            else {
-                printLog( "getNegotiatedAudioCodec",
-                        "payloadType = " + sipCodec.getCodecId() +
-                        ", payloadName = " + sipCodec.getCodecName() + "."  
-            }
-        }
-        printLog( "getNegotiatedAudioCodec", "End..." );
-        return sipCodec;
-    }
-    /**
-     *
-     * @param userName
-     * @param viaAddress
-     *
-     * @return Return the initial local SDP.
-     */
-    public static SessionDescriptor createInitialSdp(
-            String userName, String viaAddress, int audioPort,
-            int videoPort, String audioCodecsPrecedence ) {
-        SessionDescriptor initialDescriptor = null;
-        printLog( "createInitialSdp", "Init..." );
-        try {
-            printLog( "createInitialSdp",
-                    "userName = [" + userName + "], viaAddress = [" +  
viaAddress +
-                    "], audioPort = [" + audioPort + "], videoPort = [" +  
videoPort +
-                    "], audioCodecsPrecedence = [" + audioCodecsPrecedence  
+ "]." );
-            int audioCodecsNumber =  
-            int videoCodecsNumber =  
-            if ( ( audioCodecsNumber == 0 ) && ( videoCodecsNumber == 0 )  
) {
-                printLog( "createInitialSdp",
-                        "audioCodecsNumber = [" + audioCodecsNumber +
-                        "], videoCodecsNumber = [" + videoCodecsNumber  
+ "]." );
-                return null;
-            }
-            initialDescriptor = new SessionDescriptor( userName,  
viaAddress );
-            if ( audioCodecsNumber > 0 ) {
-                SIPCodec[] audioCodecs;
-                Vector<AttributeField> audioAttributes = new  
-                if ( audioCodecsPrecedence.isEmpty() ) {
-                    audioCodecs =  
-                }
-                else {
-                    audioCodecs = SIPCodecFactory.getInstance().
-                            getAvailableAudioCodecsWithPrecedence(  
audioCodecsPrecedence );
-                }
-                for ( int audioIndex = 0; audioIndex < audioCodecsNumber;  
audioIndex++ ) {
-                    String payloadId = String.valueOf(  
audioCodecs[audioIndex].getCodecId() );
-                    String rtpmapParamValue = payloadId;
-                    rtpmapParamValue += " " +  
-                    rtpmapParamValue += "/" +  
audioCodecs[audioIndex].getSampleRate() + "/1";
-                    printLog( "createInitialSdp",
-                            "Adding rtpmap for payload [" + payloadId +
-                            "] with value = [" + rtpmapParamValue + "]." );
-                    audioAttributes.add( new AttributeField(
-                            SIPCodec.ATTRIBUTE_RTPMAP, rtpmapParamValue )  
-                    String[] codecMediaAttributes =
-                    if ( codecMediaAttributes != null ) {
-                        printLog( "createInitialSdp",
-                                "Adding " + codecMediaAttributes.length +
-                                " audio codec media attributes." );
-                        for ( int attribIndex = 0; attribIndex <  
codecMediaAttributes.length; attribIndex++ ) {
-                            printLog( "createInitialSdp",
-                                    "Adding audio media attribute [" +
-                                    codecMediaAttributes[attribIndex]  
+ "]." );
-                            AttributeField newAttribute =
-                                    parseAttributeField(  
codecMediaAttributes[attribIndex] );
-                            if ( newAttribute != null ) {
-                                audioAttributes.add( newAttribute );
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        printLog( "createInitialSdp",
-                                "Audio codec has no especific media  
attributes." );
-                    }
-                }
-                // Calculate the format list to be used on MediaDescriptor  
-                String formatList = getFormatList( audioAttributes );
-                for ( Enumeration<AttributeField> attributesEnum =  
audioAttributes.elements(); attributesEnum.hasMoreElements(); ) {
-                    AttributeField audioAttribute =  
-                    if ( initialDescriptor.getMediaDescriptor(  
SIPCodec.MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO ) == null ) {
-                        printLog( "createInitialSdp",
-                                "Creating audio media descriptor." );
-                        initialDescriptor.addMedia(
-                                new MediaField( SIPCodec.MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO,  
audioPort, 0, "RTP/AVP", formatList ),
-                                audioAttribute );
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        printLog( "createInitialSdp",
-                                "Just adding attribute." );
-                        initialDescriptor.getMediaDescriptor(  
-                                addAttribute( audioAttribute );
-                    }
-                }
-                String[] commonAudioMediaAttributes =
-                if ( commonAudioMediaAttributes != null ) {
-                    printLog( "createInitialSdp", "Adding " +
-                            commonAudioMediaAttributes.length + " common  
audio media attributes." );
-                    for ( int attribIndex = 0; attribIndex <  
commonAudioMediaAttributes.length; attribIndex++ ) {
-                        printLog( "createInitialSdp",
-                                "Adding common audio media attribute [" +
-                                commonAudioMediaAttributes[attribIndex]  
+ "]." );
-                        AttributeField newAttribute =
-                                parseAttributeField(  
commonAudioMediaAttributes[attribIndex] );
-                        if ( newAttribute != null ) {
-                            initialDescriptor.getMediaDescriptor(  
-                                    addAttribute( newAttribute );
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                else {
-                    printLog( "createInitialSdp", "No common audio media  
attributes." );
-                }
-            }
-            if ( videoCodecsNumber > 0 ) {
-                SIPCodec[] videoCodecs =  
-                Vector<AttributeField> videoAttributes = new  
-                for ( int videoIndex = 0; videoIndex < videoCodecsNumber;  
videoIndex++ ) {
-                    String payloadId = String.valueOf(  
videoCodecs[videoIndex].getCodecId() );
-                    String rtpmapParamValue = payloadId;
-                    rtpmapParamValue += " " +  
-                    rtpmapParamValue += "/" +  
videoCodecs[videoIndex].getSampleRate() + "/1";
-                    printLog( "createInitialSdp",
-                            "Adding rtpmap for payload [" + payloadId +
-                            "] with value = [" + rtpmapParamValue + "]." );
-                    videoAttributes.add( new AttributeField(
-                            SIPCodec.ATTRIBUTE_RTPMAP, rtpmapParamValue )  
-                    String[] codecMediaAttributes =  
-                    if ( codecMediaAttributes != null ) {
-                        printLog( "createInitialSdp",
-                                "Adding " + codecMediaAttributes.length +
-                                " video codec media attributes." );
-                        for ( int attribIndex = 0; attribIndex <  
codecMediaAttributes.length; attribIndex++ ) {
-                            printLog( "createInitialSdp",
-                                    "Adding video media attribute [" +
-                                    codecMediaAttributes[attribIndex]  
+ "]." );
-                            AttributeField newAttribute =
-                                    parseAttributeField(  
codecMediaAttributes[attribIndex] );
-                            if ( newAttribute != null ) {
-                                videoAttributes.add( newAttribute );
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        printLog( "createInitialSdp",
-                                "Video codec has no especific media  
attributes." );
-                    }
-                }
-                // Calculate the format list to be used on MediaDescriptor  
-                String formatList = getFormatList( videoAttributes );
-                for ( Enumeration<AttributeField> attributesEnum =  
videoAttributes.elements(); attributesEnum.hasMoreElements(); ) {
-                    AttributeField videoAttribute =  
-                    if ( initialDescriptor.getMediaDescriptor(  
SIPCodec.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO ) == null ) {
-                        initialDescriptor.addMedia(
-                                new MediaField( SIPCodec.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO,  
videoPort, 0, "RTP/AVP", formatList ),
-                                videoAttribute );
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        initialDescriptor.getMediaDescriptor(  
-                                addAttribute( videoAttribute );
-                    }
-                }
-                String[] commonVideoMediaAttributes =
-                if ( commonVideoMediaAttributes != null ) {
-                    printLog( "createInitialSdp", "Adding " +
-                            commonVideoMediaAttributes.length + " common  
video media attributes." );
-                    for ( int attribIndex = 0; attribIndex <  
commonVideoMediaAttributes.length; attribIndex++ ) {
-                        printLog( "createInitialSdp",
-                                "Adding common video media attribute [" +
-                                commonVideoMediaAttributes[attribIndex]  
+ "]." );
-                        AttributeField newAttribute =
-                                parseAttributeField(  
commonVideoMediaAttributes[attribIndex] );
-                        if ( newAttribute != null ) {
-                            initialDescriptor.getMediaDescriptor(  
-                                    addAttribute( newAttribute );
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                else {
-                    printLog( "createInitialSdp", "No common video media  
attributes." );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        catch ( Exception exception ) {
-            printLog( "createInitialSdp", "Failure creating initial SDP: "  
-            log.error("Exception", exception);
-        }
-        printLog( "createInitialSdp", "End..." );
-        return initialDescriptor;
-    }
-    private static String getFormatList( Vector<AttributeField>  
mediaAttributes ) {
-        AttributeField mediaAttribute = null;
-        String formatList = "";
-        printLog( "getFormatList", "Init..." );
-        for ( Enumeration<AttributeField> attributeEnum =  
mediaAttributes.elements(); attributeEnum.hasMoreElements(); ) {
-            mediaAttribute = (AttributeField) attributeEnum.nextElement();
-            if ( mediaAttribute.getAttributeName().equalsIgnoreCase(  
-                if ( !formatList.isEmpty() ) {
-                    formatList += " ";
-                }
-                formatList += getPayloadIdFromAttribute( mediaAttribute );
-            }
-        }
-        printLog( "getFormatList", "formatList = [" + formatList + "]." );
-        printLog( "getFormatList", "End..." );
-        return formatList;
-    }
-    private static AttributeField parseAttributeField( String  
codecMediaAttribute ) {
-        AttributeField newAttribute = null;
-        printLog( "parseAttributeField", "Init..." );
-        printLog( "parseAttributeField",
-                "codecMediaAttribute = [" + codecMediaAttribute + "]." );
-        String attribName = codecMediaAttribute.substring(
-                0, codecMediaAttribute.indexOf( ":" ) );
-        String attribValue = codecMediaAttribute.substring(
-                codecMediaAttribute.indexOf( ":" ) + 1 );
-        printLog( "parseAttributeField",
-                "attribName = [" + attribName +
-                "] attribValue  = [" + attribValue + "]." );
-        if ( ( !attribName.isEmpty() ) && ( !attribValue.isEmpty() ) ) {
-            newAttribute = new AttributeField( attribName, attribValue );
-        }
-        printLog( "parseAttributeField", "End..." );
-        return newAttribute;
-    }
-    /**
-     * We must validate the existence of all remote "rtpmap" attributes
-     * on local SDP.
-     * If some exist, we add it to newSdp negotiated SDP result.
-     *
-     * @param localSdp
-     * @param remoteSdp
-     *
-     * @return Returns the new local descriptor as a result of media
-     *         payloads negotiation.
-     */
-    public static SessionDescriptor makeMediaPayloadsNegotiation(
-            SessionDescriptor localSdp, SessionDescriptor remoteSdp ) {
-        SessionDescriptor newSdp = null;
-        printLog( "makeMediaPayloadsNegotiation", "Init..." );
-        try {
-            newSdp = new SessionDescriptor( remoteSdp.getOrigin(),  
-                    localSdp.getConnection(), localSdp.getTime() );
-            Vector<MediaDescriptor> remoteDescriptors =  
-            for ( Enumeration<MediaDescriptor> descriptorsEnum =  
remoteDescriptors.elements(); descriptorsEnum.hasMoreElements(); ) {
-                MediaDescriptor remoteDescriptor = (MediaDescriptor)  
-                MediaDescriptor localDescriptor =  
-                        remoteDescriptor.getMedia().getMedia() );
-                if ( localDescriptor != null ) {
-                    Vector<AttributeField> remoteAttributes =  
remoteDescriptor.getAttributes( SIPCodec.ATTRIBUTE_RTPMAP );
-                    Vector<AttributeField> newSdpAttributes = new  
-                    for ( Enumeration<AttributeField> attributesEnum =  
remoteAttributes.elements(); attributesEnum.hasMoreElements(); ) {
-                        AttributeField remoteAttribute =  
-                        String payloadId = getPayloadIdFromAttribute(  
remoteAttribute );
-                        if ( "".equals( payloadId ) ) {
-                            printLog( "makeMediaPayloadsNegotiation",
-                                    "Error! Payload id not found on  
attribute: Name = [" +
-                                    remoteAttribute.getAttributeName()  
+ "], Value = [" +
-                                    remoteAttribute.getAttributeValue()  
+ "]." );
-                        }
-                        else if ( findAttributeByPayloadId(
-                                remoteAttribute.getAttributeName(),  
-                                localDescriptor ) != null ) {
-                            newSdpAttributes.add( remoteAttribute );
-                        }
-                    }
-                    // Calculate the format list to be used on  
MediaDescriptor creation.
-                    String formatList = getFormatList( newSdpAttributes );
-                    for ( Enumeration<AttributeField> attributesEnum =  
newSdpAttributes.elements(); attributesEnum.hasMoreElements(); ) {
-                        AttributeField mediaAttribute =  
-                        newSdp.addMediaDescriptor( new MediaDescriptor(
-                                new MediaField(  
-                                        0,
-                        				localDescriptor.getMedia().getTransport(),
-										formatList ),
-                                    	localDescriptor.getConnection() ) );
-                        newSdp.getMediaDescriptor(  
localDescriptor.getMedia().getMedia() ).
-                                addAttribute( mediaAttribute );
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        catch ( Exception exception ) {
-            printLog( "makeMediaPayloadsNegotiation", "Failure creating  
initial SDP: " );
-            log.error("Exception", exception);
-        }
-        printLog( "makeMediaPayloadsNegotiation", "End..." );
-        return newSdp;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Parameter "newSdp" must be the returning value from method's
-     * "makeMediaPayloadsNegotiation" execution.
-     * Here the pending attributes will be negotiated as well.
-     *
-     * @param newSdp
-     * @param localSdp
-     * @param remoteSdp
-     *
-     */
-    public static void completeSdpNegotiation(
-    		SessionDescriptor newSdp, SessionDescriptor localSdp,
-    		SessionDescriptor remoteSdp ) {
-        printLog( "makeSdpNegotiation", "Init..." );
-        try {
-            if ( newSdp.getMediaDescriptors().size() == 0 ) {
-                // Something is wrong.
-                // We should have at least a "audio" media descriptor with
-                // all audio payloads suported.
-                printLog( "completeSdpNegotiation",
-                        "Error! No media descriptors after  
\"makeMediaPayloadsNegotiation\"." );
-                return;
-            }
-            Vector<MediaDescriptor> remoteDescriptors =  
-            for ( Enumeration<MediaDescriptor> descriptorsEnum =  
remoteDescriptors.elements(); descriptorsEnum.hasMoreElements(); ) {
-                MediaDescriptor remoteDescriptor =  
-                MediaDescriptor localDescriptor =  
-                        remoteDescriptor.getMedia().getMedia() );
-                if ( localDescriptor != null ) {
-                    // First we make the negotiation of remote attributes  
-                    // local ones to generate the new SDP "newSdp".
-                    Vector<AttributeField> remoteAttributes =  
-                    for ( Enumeration<AttributeField> atributesEnum =  
remoteAttributes.elements(); atributesEnum.hasMoreElements(); ) {
-                        AttributeField remoteAttribute =  
-                        makeAttributeNegotiation( newSdp, localDescriptor,  
remoteAttribute );
-                    }
-                    // Now we add to "newSdp" all the local attributes that
-                    // were not negotiated yet.
-                    Vector<AttributeField> localAttributes =  
-                    for ( Enumeration<AttributeField> atributesEnum =  
localAttributes.elements(); atributesEnum.hasMoreElements(); ) {
-                        AttributeField localAttribute = (AttributeField)  
-                        MediaDescriptor newLocalDescriptor =
-                                newSdp.getMediaDescriptor(  
localDescriptor.getMedia().getMedia() );
-                        if ( isPayloadRelatedAttribute( localAttribute ) )  
-                            String payloadId = getPayloadIdFromAttribute(  
localAttribute );
-                            if ( findAttributeByPayloadId(
-                                    localAttribute.getAttributeName(),
-                                    payloadId,
-                                    newLocalDescriptor) == null ) {
-                                newLocalDescriptor.addAttribute(  
localAttribute );
-                            }
-                        }
-                        else if ( newLocalDescriptor.getAttribute(
-                                localAttribute.getAttributeName() ) ==  
null ) {
-                            newLocalDescriptor.addAttribute(  
localAttribute );
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        catch ( Exception exception ) {
-            printLog( "completeSdpNegotiation", "Failure creating initial  
SDP: " );
-            log.error("Exception", exception);
-        }
-        printLog( "completeSdpNegotiation", "End..." );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Here we make the negotiation of all attributes besides "rtpmap" (
-     * these are negotiated on "makeMediaPayloadsNegotiation" method).
-     *
-     * @param newSdp
-     * @param localMedia
-     * @param remoteAttribute
-     */
-    private static void makeAttributeNegotiation(
-            SessionDescriptor newSdp, MediaDescriptor localMedia,  
AttributeField remoteAttribute ) {
-        printLog( "makeAttributeNegotiation", "Init..." );
-        try {
-            printLog( "makeAttributeNegotiation",
-                    "AttributeName = [" +  
remoteAttribute.getAttributeName() +
-                    "], AttributeValue = [" +  
remoteAttribute.getAttributeValue() + "].");
-            if ( remoteAttribute.getAttributeName().equals(  
-                printLog( "makeAttributeNegotiation",
-                        "\"rtpmap\" attributes were already negotiated." );
-            }
-            else if ( !isPayloadRelatedAttribute( remoteAttribute ) ) {
-                // We do nothing with attributes that are not payload
-                // related, like: "ptime", "direction", etc.
-                // For now, we consider that they don't demand negotiation.
-                printLog( "makeAttributeNegotiation",
-                        "Attribute is not payload related. Do not  
negotiate it..." );
-            }
-            else {
-                String payloadId = getPayloadIdFromAttribute(  
remoteAttribute );
-                if ( "".equals( payloadId ) ) {
-                    printLog( "makeAttributeNegotiation",
-                            "Error! Payload id not found on attribute:  
Name = [" +
-                            remoteAttribute.getAttributeName() + "], Value  
= [" +
-                            remoteAttribute.getAttributeValue() + "]." );
-                }
-                // We must be sure this attribute is related with a payload
-                // already present on newSdp.
-                else if ( findAttributeByPayloadId(  
-                        newSdp.getMediaDescriptor(  
localMedia.getMedia().getMedia() ) ) != null ) {
-                    printLog( "makeAttributeNegotiation",
-                            "Payload " + payloadId + " present on newSdp."  
-                    AttributeField localAttribute =  
-                            remoteAttribute.getAttributeName(), payloadId,  
localMedia );
-                    SIPCodec sipCodec =  
-                            Integer.valueOf( payloadId ) );
-                    if ( sipCodec != null ) {
-                        String localAttibuteValue = "";
-                        if ( localAttribute != null ) {
-                            localAttibuteValue =  
-                        }
-                        else {
-                            printLog( "makeAttributeNegotiation",
-                                    "Attribute not found on local media."  
-                        }
-                        String attributeValueResult =  
-                                remoteAttribute.getAttributeName(),
-                                localAttibuteValue,
-                                remoteAttribute.getAttributeValue() );
-                        if ( ( attributeValueResult != null ) &&  
( !"".equals( attributeValueResult ) ) ) {
-                            newSdp.getMediaDescriptor(  
localMedia.getMedia().getMedia() ).
-                                    addAttribute( new AttributeField(
remoteAttribute.getAttributeName(), attributeValueResult ) );
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        printLog( "makeAttributeNegotiation", "Codec not  
found!" );
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        catch ( Exception exception ) {
-            printLog( "makeAttributeNegotiation", "Failure creating  
initial SDP: " );
-            log.error("Exception", exception);
-        }
-        printLog( "makeAttributeNegotiation", "End..." );
-    }
-    private static AttributeField findAttributeByPayloadId(
-            String attributeName, String payloadId, MediaDescriptor  
mediaDescriptor ) {
-        printLog( "findAttributeByPayloadId", "Init..." );
-        AttributeField searchingMediaAttribute = null;
-        printLog( "findAttributeByPayloadId",
-                "attributeName = [" + attributeName +
-                "], payloadId = [" + payloadId + "]." );
-        Vector<AttributeField> mediaAttributes =  
mediaDescriptor.getAttributes( attributeName );
-        for ( Enumeration<AttributeField> attributesEnum =  
mediaAttributes.elements(); attributesEnum.hasMoreElements(); ) {
-            AttributeField mediaAttribute = (AttributeField)  
-            printLog( "findAttributeByPayloadId",
-                    "Validating attribute with name = [" +  
mediaAttribute.getAttributeName() +
-                    "] and value = [" + mediaAttribute.getAttributeValue()  
+ "]." );
-            if ( getPayloadIdFromAttribute( mediaAttribute ).equals(  
payloadId ) ) {
-                searchingMediaAttribute = mediaAttribute;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if ( searchingMediaAttribute != null ) {
-            printLog( "findAttributeByPayloadId",
-                    "Attribute found with name = [" +
-                    searchingMediaAttribute.getAttributeName() + "] and  
value = [" +
-                    searchingMediaAttribute.getAttributeValue() + "]." );
-        }
-        else {
-            printLog( "findAttributeByPayloadId",
-                    "Attribute with name [" + attributeName +
-                    "] and payloadId [" + payloadId + "] was not found." );
-        }
-        printLog( "findAttributeByPayloadId", "End..." );
-        return searchingMediaAttribute;
-    }
-    private static String getPayloadIdFromAttribute( AttributeField  
attribute ) {
-        String payloadId = "";
-        printLog( "getPayloadIdFromAttribute", "Init..." );
-        printLog( "getPayloadIdFromAttribute",
-                "AttributeName = [" + attribute.getAttributeName() +
-                "], AttributeValue = [" + attribute.getAttributeValue()  
+ "]." );
-        if ( isPayloadRelatedAttribute( attribute ) ) {
-            payloadId = attribute.getAttributeValue().substring( 0,
-                    attribute.getAttributeValue().indexOf( " " ) );
-        }
-        printLog( "getPayloadIdFromAttribute", "payloadId = " + payloadId  
-        printLog( "getPayloadIdFromAttribute", "End..." );
-        return payloadId;
-    }
-    private static boolean isPayloadRelatedAttribute( AttributeField  
attribute ) {
-        boolean isPayloadAttribute = false;
-        printLog( "isPayloadRelatedAttribute", "Init..." );
-        printLog( "isPayloadRelatedAttribute",
-                "AttributeName = [" + attribute.getAttributeName() +
-                "], AttributeValue = [" + attribute.getAttributeValue()  
+ "]." );
-        if ( ( attribute.getAttributeName().compareToIgnoreCase(  
-                ( attribute.getAttributeName().compareToIgnoreCase(  
SIPCodec.ATTRIBUTE_AS ) == 0 ) ||
-                ( attribute.getAttributeName().compareToIgnoreCase(  
SIPCodec.ATTRIBUTE_FMTP ) == 0 ) ) {
-            isPayloadAttribute = true;
-        }
-        printLog( "isPayloadRelatedAttribute", "isPayloadAttribute = " +  
isPayloadAttribute );
-        printLog( "isPayloadRelatedAttribute", "End..." );
-        return isPayloadAttribute;
-    }
+	protected static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SdpUtils.class);

+	public static SIPCodec getNegotiatedVideoCodec(SessionDescriptor  
negotiatedSDP) {
+		MediaDescriptor md =  
+		if (md == null) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		String rtpmap =  
+		printLog("getNegotiatedVideoCodec", "rtpmap = [" + rtpmap + "].");
+		if (rtpmap == null || rtpmap.isEmpty()) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		int payloadId = Integer.parseInt(rtpmap.substring(0,  
rtpmap.indexOf(" ")));
+		SIPCodec sipCodec =  
+		if (sipCodec == null) {
+			printLog("getNegotiatedVideoCodec", "Error... codec not found.");
+		} else {
+			printLog("getNegotiatedVideoCodec", "payloadType = " +  
sipCodec.getCodecId() + ", payloadName = "
+					+ sipCodec.getCodecName() + ".");
+		}
+		return sipCodec;
+	}

-    private static void printLog( String method, String message ) {
-        log.debug( "SdpUtils - " + method + " -> " + message );
-    }
+	/**
+	 * @return Returns the audio codec to be used on current session.
+	 */
+	public static SIPCodec getNegotiatedAudioCodec(SessionDescriptor  
negotiatedSDP) {
+		int payloadId;
+		String rtpmap;
+		SIPCodec sipCodec = null;
+		printLog("getNegotiatedAudioCodec", "Init...");
+		rtpmap =  
+				.getAttributeValue();
+		printLog("getNegotiatedAudioCodec", "rtpmap = [" + rtpmap + "].");
+		if (!rtpmap.isEmpty()) {
+			payloadId = Integer.parseInt(rtpmap.substring(0, rtpmap.indexOf(" ")));
+			printLog("getNegotiatedAudioCodec", "payloadId = [" + payloadId + "].");
+			sipCodec = SIPCodecFactory.getInstance().getSIPMediaCodec(payloadId);
+			if (sipCodec == null) {
+				printLog("getNegotiatedAudioCodec", "Error... codec not found.");
+			} else {
+				printLog("getNegotiatedAudioCodec", "payloadType = " +  
sipCodec.getCodecId() + ", payloadName = "
+						+ sipCodec.getCodecName() + ".");
+			}
+		}
+		printLog("getNegotiatedAudioCodec", "End...");
+		return sipCodec;
+	}
+	/**
+	 *
+	 * @param userName
+	 * @param viaAddress
+	 *
+	 * @return Return the initial local SDP.
+	 */
+	public static SessionDescriptor createInitialSdp(String userName, String  
viaAddress, int audioPort, int videoPort,
+			String audioCodecsPrecedence) {
+		SessionDescriptor initialDescriptor = null;
+		printLog("createInitialSdp", "Init...");
+		try {
+			printLog("createInitialSdp", "userName = [" + userName + "], viaAddress  
= [" + viaAddress
+					+ "], audioPort = [" + audioPort + "], videoPort = [" + videoPort  
+ "], audioCodecsPrecedence = ["
+					+ audioCodecsPrecedence + "].");
+			int audioCodecsNumber =  
+			int videoCodecsNumber =  
+			if ((audioCodecsNumber == 0) && (videoCodecsNumber == 0)) {
+				printLog("createInitialSdp", "audioCodecsNumber = [" +  
audioCodecsNumber + "], videoCodecsNumber = ["
+						+ videoCodecsNumber + "].");
+				return null;
+			}
+			initialDescriptor = new SessionDescriptor(userName, viaAddress);
+			if (audioCodecsNumber > 0) {
+				SIPCodec[] audioCodecs;
+				Vector<AttributeField> audioAttributes = new Vector<AttributeField>();
+				if (audioCodecsPrecedence.isEmpty()) {
+					audioCodecs = SIPCodecFactory.getInstance().getAvailableAudioCodecs();
+				} else {
+					audioCodecs =  
+							audioCodecsPrecedence);
+				}
+				for (int audioIndex = 0; audioIndex < audioCodecsNumber; audioIndex++)  
+					String payloadId =  
+					String rtpmapParamValue = payloadId;
+					rtpmapParamValue += " " + audioCodecs[audioIndex].getCodecName();
+					rtpmapParamValue += "/" + audioCodecs[audioIndex].getSampleRate()  
+ "/1";
+					printLog("createInitialSdp", "Adding rtpmap for payload [" +  
payloadId + "] with value = ["
+							+ rtpmapParamValue + "].");
+					audioAttributes.add(new AttributeField(SIPCodec.ATTRIBUTE_RTPMAP,  
+					String[] codecMediaAttributes =  
+					if (codecMediaAttributes != null) {
+						printLog("createInitialSdp", "Adding " + codecMediaAttributes.length
+								+ " audio codec media attributes.");
+						for (int attribIndex = 0; attribIndex < codecMediaAttributes.length;  
attribIndex++) {
+							printLog("createInitialSdp", "Adding audio media attribute ["
+									+ codecMediaAttributes[attribIndex] + "].");
+							AttributeField newAttribute =  
+							if (newAttribute != null) {
+								audioAttributes.add(newAttribute);
+							}
+						}
+					} else {
+						printLog("createInitialSdp", "Audio codec has no especific media  
+					}
+				}
+				// Calculate the format list to be used on MediaDescriptor
+				// creation.
+				String formatList = getFormatList(audioAttributes);
+				for (Enumeration<AttributeField> attributesEnum =  
audioAttributes.elements(); attributesEnum
+						.hasMoreElements();) {
+					AttributeField audioAttribute = attributesEnum.nextElement();
+					if (initialDescriptor.getMediaDescriptor(SIPCodec.MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO)  
== null) {
+						printLog("createInitialSdp", "Creating audio media descriptor.");
+						initialDescriptor.addMedia(new MediaField(SIPCodec.MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO,  
audioPort, 0, "RTP/AVP",
+								formatList), audioAttribute);
+					} else {
+						printLog("createInitialSdp", "Just adding attribute.");
+					}
+				}
+				String[] commonAudioMediaAttributes =  
+				if (commonAudioMediaAttributes != null) {
+					printLog("createInitialSdp", "Adding " +  
+							+ " common audio media attributes.");
+					for (int attribIndex = 0; attribIndex <  
commonAudioMediaAttributes.length; attribIndex++) {
+						printLog("createInitialSdp", "Adding common audio media attribute ["
+								+ commonAudioMediaAttributes[attribIndex] + "].");
+						AttributeField newAttribute =  
+						if (newAttribute != null) {
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					printLog("createInitialSdp", "No common audio media attributes.");
+				}
+			}
+			if (videoCodecsNumber > 0) {
+				SIPCodec[] videoCodecs =  
+				Vector<AttributeField> videoAttributes = new Vector<AttributeField>();
+				for (int videoIndex = 0; videoIndex < videoCodecsNumber; videoIndex++)  
+					String payloadId =  
+					String rtpmapParamValue = payloadId;
+					rtpmapParamValue += " " + videoCodecs[videoIndex].getCodecName();
+					rtpmapParamValue += "/" + videoCodecs[videoIndex].getSampleRate()  
+ "/1";
+					printLog("createInitialSdp", "Adding rtpmap for payload [" +  
payloadId + "] with value = ["
+							+ rtpmapParamValue + "].");
+					videoAttributes.add(new AttributeField(SIPCodec.ATTRIBUTE_RTPMAP,  
+					String[] codecMediaAttributes =  
+					if (codecMediaAttributes != null) {
+						printLog("createInitialSdp", "Adding " + codecMediaAttributes.length
+								+ " video codec media attributes.");
+						for (int attribIndex = 0; attribIndex < codecMediaAttributes.length;  
attribIndex++) {
+							printLog("createInitialSdp", "Adding video media attribute ["
+									+ codecMediaAttributes[attribIndex] + "].");
+							AttributeField newAttribute =  
+							if (newAttribute != null) {
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