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Posted to by Scott Purcell <> on 2005/02/22 19:29:56 UTC

html:base configuration question

I ran into an issue that I am having trouble getting my hands around.
I am building a Struts Framework app on Tomcat. I have set my welcome-file-list to
then I have a welcome.jsp file that does a global forward like so "  <logic:forward name="welcome"/> "
and all is good, and eventually the action forwards it to a page called "main.jsp" which lives at the root of the webapp.
All is good and I am getting the results I expect, except for when I try and display images from my /main.jsp page. 
My image folder lives under the webapp eg:
In my jsp page I put the following:
<html:img srcKey="image.logo" width="79" height="46" altKey="image.logo.alt" border="0"/>
<html:img srcKey="image.logo1" width="79" height="46" altKey="image.logo.alt" border="0"/>
<html:img srcKey="image.logo2" width="79" height="46" altKey="image.logo.alt" border="0"/>
And the one that works is logo2 and here are the properties it reads.

the other references to /images/nav_main....
do not work, only the one where I force the /uniquepear/images/nav .... to it.
I do not like having to force the webapp in here. Why is this. Why won't it just behave properly.
In the page. "main.jsp" I am using the following base_href
  <title><bean:message key="title.login"/></title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/lsitestyle.css" type="text/css">
Does anyone know why I have to preface the /uniquepear to get the images to display?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you,