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svn commit: r1208872 [3/5] - /incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/

Added: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/map_unihh.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/map_unihh.gif
    svn:mime-type = image/gif

Added: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/nada.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/nada.gif
    svn:mime-type = image/gif

Added: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/netbeans_logo.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/netbeans_logo.gif
    svn:mime-type = image/gif

Added: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/ooodraft2.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/ooodraft2.gif
    svn:mime-type = image/gif

Added: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/openoffice-conference-de-banner.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/openoffice-conference-de-banner.gif
    svn:mime-type = image/gif

Added: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/oreillylogo_klein.jpg
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/oreillylogo_klein.jpg
    svn:mime-type = image/jpeg

Added: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/page_template.html
--- incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/page_template.html (added)
+++ incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/page_template.html Wed Nov 30 23:09:49 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//SoftQuad Software//DTD HoTMetaL PRO 6.0::19990601::extensions to HTML 4.0//EN" "hmpro6.dtd">
+  <HEAD> 
+<meta HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+  <BODY> 
+		<TR> 
+		  <TD WIDTH="83%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top"><A
+			 HREF="/conference/index.html"><IMG
+			 SRC="OpenOfficeConference_Logo_s.gif" BORDER="0" WIDTH="178" HEIGHT="82"></A>
+			 </TD> 
+		  <TD WIDTH="17%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" HEIGHT="100%"><A
+			 HREF=""><IMG SRC="unihh.gif"
+			 BORDER="0" WIDTH="101" HEIGHT="116"></A> </TD> 
+		</TR> 
+		<TR> 
+		  <TD WIDTH="83%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">&nbsp;</TD> 
+		  <TD WIDTH="17%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" HEIGHT="100%">&nbsp;</TD> 
+		</TR> 
+		<TR> 
+		  <TD WIDTH="83%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top"> 
+			 <H2>Willkommen bei</H2> 
+			 <P><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR></P> 
+			 <P STYLE="text-align:center"> <A HREF="./about-downloads.html">
+				<IMG SRC="announce-german.gif" WIDTH="320" HEIGHT="117" BORDER="0"> </A> </P> 
+			 <P STYLE="text-align:center"> Aktuelle Informationen rund um
+ im deutschen Raum auf<BR>
+				<A HREF="">OOoDocs.Org</A> |
+				<A
+				 HREF="">Kaldewey
+				- Online</A> </P> 
+			 <P STYLE="text-align:center">
+				<A HREF="">Umfrage zu
+				1.0.1</A><BR> Sagen Sie uns, wie wir noch besser machen
+				k&ouml;nnen.<BR> </P> 
+			 <P STYLE="text-align:center"> <A
+				HREF="presse/about-presskit.html">Information f&uuml;r die Presse</A><BR> </P> 
+			 <P><B></B> ist ein Open Source Projekt mit der
+				Zielsetzung, die international f&uuml;hrende Office-Suite zu entwickeln, die
+				auf allen wichtigen Plattformen l&auml;uft und Zugang zu Funktionen und Daten
+				durch transparente Schnittstellen und ein XML-basiertes Dateiformat
+				gew&auml;hrt.</P> 
+			 <H2>Willkommen bei</H2> 
+			 <H3>Zielsetzung</H3> 
+			 <P>Dieses Projekt m&ouml;chte den Kontakt zu deutschsprachigen
+				Entwicklern, Benutzern, Beratern, Fachleuten aus Industrie und Presse und
+				allgemein interessierten Personen herstellen und f&ouml;rdern.</P> <BR> 
+			 <H3> m&ouml;chte im Einzelnen:</H3> 
+			 <UL> 
+				<LI>Wachstum der Community in jeder Form der Mitarbeit:
+				  Entwicklung, Dokumentation, Test, Interesse, Kommunikation</LI> 
+				<LI>Bereitstellung deutschsprachiger Komponenten wie
+				  Hilfefunktionen, Benutzerdokumentation wie FAQs und How-Tos sowie Erstellung
+				  von Vorlagen</LI> 
+				<LI>Bereitstellung rascher Information f&uuml;r
+				  institutionalisierte Interessenten wie Presse, Berater und Firmenkunden</LI> 
+			 </UL> <BR> 
+			 <H3>Hintergrund</H3> 
+			 <P>Die Wurzeln von reichen nach Deutschland, wo 1986
+				Marco B&ouml;rries die Star Division gr&uuml;ndete. Es gibt daher eine
+				gro&szlig;e Gemeinschaft deutscher Entwickler, User und Berater mit einer
+				entsprechenden Newsgroup Infrastruktur. Dennoch ist deren Stimme in der
+ Community aufgrund sprachlicher Klippen relativ schwach und der
+				Bekanntheitsgrad von entsprechend gering, insbesondere im
+				Vergleich zu StarOffice. Hier bietet ein Forum zum Austausch
+				und zur Information.</P> <BR> 
+			 <H3>Aktuelles</H3>
+<!-- Hier die aktuelle Aufgabe sowie maximal 5 Neuerungen auf der Webseite aufführen-->
+				<TR BGCOLOR="#00315a" BORDERCOLOR="#00315a"> 
+				  <TD COLSPAN="4"> 
+					 <DIV ALIGN="left"><FONT COLOR="#ffffff"><B>Aktuelle
+						Aufgabe</B></FONT></DIV> </TD> 
+				</TR> 
+				<TR BGCOLOR="#99ccff"> 
+				  <TH><B>Aufgabenstellung</B></TH> 
+				  <TH><B>Infos / Links</B></TH> 
+				  <TH><B>Kontakt</B></TH> 
+				  <TH><B>gestartet</B></TH> 
+				</TR> 
+				<TR BGCOLOR="#f0f0f0"> 
+				  <TD>Da im Installationspaket von keine Vorlagen
+					 enthalten sind, sollen Vorlagen erstellt bzw. gesammelt werden.<BR> Wer selbst
+					 Vorlagen erstellt hat und diese einfach zur Verf&uuml;gung stellen m&ouml;chte,
+					 kann das auf den Seiten von <A HREF=""></A>
+					 tun. Sollen die Vorlagen auf den Seiten von bereitgestellt
+					 werden oder direkt in das Installationspaket einflie&szlig;en, kann das
+					 &uuml;ber unser Team organisiert werden. </TD> 
+				  <TD>
+					 <A
+					  HREF="">Deutsche
+					 Vorlagen auf</A><A> (mit M&ouml;glichkeit zum Upload)<BR> </A><A
+					 HREF="">Issue 8751</A><A>
+					 zur Koordination der Vorlagen auf<BR> </A><A
+					 HREF="dev/index.html">weitere Infos f&uuml;r Helfer</A> </TD> 
+				  <TD> <A HREF="">Johannes
+					 Czerwinski</A> </TD> 
+				  <TD> 27.10.2002 </TD> 
+				</TR> 
+				<TR BGCOLOR="#00315a" BORDERCOLOR="#00315a"> 
+				  <TD COLSPAN="4"> 
+					 <DIV ALIGN="left"><FONT COLOR="#ffffff"><B>Neues auf unseren
+						Seiten</B></FONT></DIV> </TD> 
+				</TR> 
+				<TR BGCOLOR="#99ccff"> 
+				  <TH><B>Beschreibung</B></TH> 
+				  <TH><B>Infos / Links</B></TH> 
+				  <TH><B>Kontakt</B></TH> 
+				  <TH><B>Datum</B></TH> 
+				</TR> 
+				<TR BGCOLOR="#f0f0f0"> 
+				  <TD> Neue Seite mit Infos zu an
+					 Volkshochschulen </TD> 
+				  <TD> <A HREF="./vhs-kurse.html">Links</A> </TD> 
+				  <TD> Rolf Meyer <A HREF="">Johannes
+					 Czerwinski</A><BR> </TD> 
+				  <TD> 02.02.2003 </TD> 
+				</TR> 
+				<TR BGCOLOR="#f0f0f0"> 
+				  <TD> Neue Seite mit Links zu Partnerseiten eingerichtet </TD> 
+				  <TD> <A HREF="./links.html">Links</A> </TD> 
+				  <TD> <A HREF="mailto:">Martin
+					 Webermann</A><BR> </TD> 
+				  <TD> 30.01.2003 </TD> 
+				</TR> 
+				<TR BGCOLOR="#f0f0f0"> 
+				  <TD> Download- / Hinweisseite zur Rechtschreibpr&uuml;fung
+					 aktualisiert </TD> 
+				  <TD> <A
+					 HREF="./spellcheck/about-spellcheck.html">Rechtschreibpr&uuml;fung</A> </TD> 
+				  <TD> <A HREF="">Harald
+					 Schilly</A><BR> <A HREF="">Andre
+					 Schnabel</A> </TD> 
+				  <TD> 29.01.2003 </TD> 
+				</TR> 
+				<TR BGCOLOR="#f0f0f0"> 
+				  <TD> Nachdem es einige Zeit Probleme mit dem Update unserer
+					 Webseiten gab, funktioniert das &Auml;ndern von Inhalten f&uuml;r alle
+					 Mitglieder jetzt wieder. Danke an das Team von CollabNet. </TD> 
+				  <TD> <A HREF=""></A>
+					 </TD> 
+				  <TD> </TD> 
+				  <TD> 15.01.2003 </TD> 
+				</TR> 
+				<TR BGCOLOR="#f0f0f0"> 
+				  <TD> Neues Kapitel "Wie Sie ein Tabellenblatt formatieren"
+					 verf&uuml;gbar. </TD> 
+				  <TD> <A HREF="doc/howto/calc/index.html">Erste Schritte:
+ Tabellenprogramm</A> </TD> 
+				  <TD> Richard Holt,<A HREF="">Timo
+					 Kozlowski</A> </TD> 
+				  <TD> 18.12.2002 </TD> 
+				</TR> 
+			 </TABLE> </TD> 
+		  <TD WIDTH="17%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" HEIGHT="100%"> 
+			  BGCOLOR="#000000" ALIGN="right"> 
+				<TR> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="100%"> 
+					 <TABLE SUMMARY="NavBar" RULES="none" FRAME="void" WIDTH="100%"
+					  HEIGHT="100%" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" ALIGN="right" CELLPADDING="4"> 
+						<TR> 
+						  <TD BGCOLOR="#000080" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
+							 <FONT COLOR="#ffffff"> <B>What is OOoCon</B> </FONT> </TD> 
+						</TR> 
+						<TR> 
+						  <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2">
+							 <A HREF="index.html">Home</A> </FONT> </TD> 
+						</TR> 
+						<TR> 
+						  <TD BGCOLOR="#000080" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
+							 <FONT COLOR="#ffffff"> <B>How to participate</B> </FONT> </TD> 
+						</TR> 
+						<TR> 
+						  <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2">
+							 <A HREF="cfp.html">Call for Papers</A><BR> <A
+							 HREF="registration.html">Registration</A><BR> <A
+							 HREF="contribsponsors.html">Can't afford to come?</A></FONT> </TD> 
+						</TR> 
+						<TR> 
+						  <TD BGCOLOR="#000080" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
+							 <FONT COLOR="#ffffff"> <B>More information</B> </FONT> </TD> 
+						</TR> 
+						<TR> 
+						  <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2">
+							 <A HREF="schedule.html">Schedule</A><BR> <A HREF="accomodation.html">Location
+							 &amp; Travel</A><BR> <A HREF="faq.html">FAQ</A> </FONT> </TD> 
+						</TR> 
+						<TR> 
+						  <TD BGCOLOR="#000080" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
+							 <FONT COLOR="#ffffff"> <B>Audience</B> </FONT> </TD> 
+						</TR> 
+						<TR> 
+						  <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2">
+							 <A HREF="attendee.html">Attendee</A><BR><A HREF="speaker.html">Speaker</A><BR>
+							 <A HREF="sponsors.html">Sponsors &amp; Exhibitors</A><BR><A
+							 HREF="press.html">Press &amp; Media</A> </FONT> </TD> 
+						</TR> 
+						<TR> 
+						  <TD BGCOLOR="#CC3300"> <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2">
+							 <A STYLE="color:#FFFFFF" HREF=" PAGE UPDATE REQUEST">Webmaster (conference pages)</A>
+							 </FONT> </TD> 
+						</TR> 
+					 </TABLE> </TD> 
+				</TR> 
+			 </TABLE> </TD> 
+		</TR> 
+	 </TABLE> </BODY>
\ No newline at end of file

Propchange: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/page_template.html
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/pdf.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/pdf.gif
    svn:mime-type = image/gif

Added: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/press.html
--- incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/press.html (added)
+++ incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/press.html Wed Nov 30 23:09:49 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//SoftQuad Software//DTD HoTMetaL PRO 6.0::19990601::extensions to HTML 4.0//EN" "hmpro6.dtd">
+  <HEAD> 
+<meta HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+  <BODY> 
+	 <TABLE SUMMARY="NavBar" RULES="none" FRAME="void" WIDTH="100%"
+		<TR> 
+				<TR> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="83%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top"><A
+					 HREF="/conference/OOoCon2003.html"><IMG
+					 SRC="OpenOfficeConference_Logo_s.gif" BORDER="0" WIDTH="178" HEIGHT="82"></A>
+					 </TD> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="17%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" HEIGHT="100%"><A
+					 HREF=""><IMG SRC="unihh.gif"
+					 BORDER="0" WIDTH="101" HEIGHT="116"></A> </TD> 
+				</TR> 
+				<TR> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="83%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">&nbsp;</TD> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="17%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top"
+					HEIGHT="100%">&nbsp;</TD> 
+				</TR> 
+				<TR> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="83%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top"> 
+					 <!-- HEADER END -->
+					 <H3>Press / Media</H3> 
+					 <P> ... stay tuned for further information... </P> </TD> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="17%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" HEIGHT="100%"> 
+					  BGCOLOR="#000000" ALIGN="right"> 
+						<TR> 
+						  <TD WIDTH="100%" ALIGN="LEFT"> 
+							 <TABLE SUMMARY="NavBar" RULES="none" FRAME="void"
+							  WIDTH="160" HEIGHT="100%" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" ALIGN="right"
+							  CELLPADDING="4"> 
+								<TR> 
+								  <TD BGCOLOR="#000080" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
+									 <FONT COLOR="#ffffff"> <B>What is OOoCon</B> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+									 <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2"> <A HREF="OOoCon2003.html">Home</A> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+								  <TD BGCOLOR="#000080" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
+									 <FONT COLOR="#ffffff"> <B>How to participate</B> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+									 <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2"> <A HREF="cfp.html">Call for Papers</A><BR>
+									 <A HREF="registration.html">Registration</A>
+									 </FONT>
+									 </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+								  <TD BGCOLOR="#000080" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
+									 <FONT COLOR="#ffffff"> <B>More information</B> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+									 <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2"> <A HREF="schedule.html">Schedule</A><BR>
+									 <A HREF="accomodation.html">Location &amp; Travel</A>
+									</FONT>
+									</TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+								  <TD BGCOLOR="#000080" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
+									 <FONT COLOR="#ffffff"> <B>Audience</B> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+									 <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2"> <A HREF="attendee.html">Attendee</A><BR><A
+									 HREF="speaker.html">Speaker</A><BR> <A HREF="sponsors.html">Sponsors &amp;
+									 Exhibitors</A><BR><A HREF="press.html">Press &amp; Media</A> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+								  <TD BGCOLOR="#CC3300" ALIGN="LEFT">
+									 <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2">
+									 <A STYLE="color:#FFFFFF"
+									 HREF=" PAGE UPDATE REQUEST">Webmaster
+									 (conference pages)</A> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+							 </TABLE> </TD> 
+						</TR> 
+					 </TABLE> </TD> 
+				</TR> 
+			 </TABLE> </TD> 
+		</TR> 
+		<TR> 
+			 <P> </P> </TD> 
+		</TR> 
+	 </TABLE> </BODY>

Propchange: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/press.html
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/registration.html
--- incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/registration.html (added)
+++ incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/registration.html Wed Nov 30 23:09:49 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//SoftQuad Software//DTD HoTMetaL PRO 6.0::19990601::extensions to HTML 4.0//EN" "hmpro6.dtd">
+  <HEAD> 
+<meta HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+  <BODY> 
+	 <TABLE SUMMARY="NavBar" RULES="none" FRAME="void" WIDTH="100%"
+		<TR> 
+				<TR> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="83%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top"><A
+					 HREF="/conference/OOoCon2003.html"><IMG
+					 SRC="OpenOfficeConference_Logo_s.gif" BORDER="0" WIDTH="178" HEIGHT="82"></A>
+					 </TD> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="17%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" HEIGHT="100%"><A
+					 HREF=""><IMG SRC="unihh.gif"
+					 BORDER="0" WIDTH="101" HEIGHT="116"></A> </TD> 
+				</TR> 
+				<TR> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="83%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">&nbsp;</TD> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="17%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top"
+					HEIGHT="100%">&nbsp;</TD> 
+				</TR> 
+				<TR> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="83%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top"> 
+					 <!-- HEADER END -->
+					 <H3>Registration</H3> 
+					 <P>The admission fee will be <STRONG>EUR 20</STRONG> (~ USD 20)
+						and will be collected at the event. The fee includes the admission, beverages
+						and an CD.</P> 
+					 <P> Send your informal registration via email to <BR>
+						<A
+						 HREF=""></A>
+						</P> 
+					 <P>Your registration email has to include the following
+						information:</P> 
+					 <UL> 
+						<LI>Full Name</LI> 
+						<LI>Email Address</LI> 
+						<LI>Company/Affiliation (if any)</LI> 
+						<LI>Country</LI> 
+						<LI>Area of Interest (General and/or Development)</LI> 
+					 </UL> 
+					 <P> For attendees we have a mailing list:
+						<A
+						 HREF=""></A>
+						<BR> If you would like to chat with other attendees, subscribe by sending an
+						empty message to <BR>
+						<A
+						 HREF=""></A>
+						</P> 
+					 <P> </P> 
+					 <P> ... and stay tuned for further information... </P> </TD> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="17%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" HEIGHT="100%"> 
+					  BGCOLOR="#000000" ALIGN="right"> 
+						<TR> 
+						  <TD WIDTH="100%" ALIGN="LEFT"> 
+							 <TABLE SUMMARY="NavBar" RULES="none" FRAME="void"
+							  WIDTH="160" HEIGHT="100%" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" ALIGN="right"
+							  CELLPADDING="4"> 
+								<TR> 
+								  <TD BGCOLOR="#000080" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
+									 <FONT COLOR="#ffffff"> <B>What is OOoCon</B> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+									 <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2"> <A HREF="OOoCon2003.html">Home</A> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+								  <TD BGCOLOR="#000080" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
+									 <FONT COLOR="#ffffff"> <B>How to participate</B> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+									 <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2">
+									 	<A HREF="registration.html">Registration</A><BR>
+										<A HREF="cfp.html">Call for Papers</A>
+										</FONT>
+									</TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+								  <TD BGCOLOR="#000080" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
+									 <FONT COLOR="#ffffff"> <B>More information</B> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+									 <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2"> <A HREF="schedule.html">Schedule  &amp; Slides</A><BR>
+									 <A HREF="accomodation.html">Location &amp; Travel</A><br>
+									 <A HREF="impressions.html">Impressions</A>
+									</FONT>
+									</TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+								  <TD BGCOLOR="#000080" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
+									 <FONT COLOR="#ffffff"> <B>Audience</B> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+									 <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2"> <A HREF="attendee.html">Attendee</A><BR><A
+									 HREF="speaker.html">Speaker</A><BR> <A HREF="sponsors.html">Sponsors &amp;
+									 Exhibitors</A>
+									 </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+								  <TD BGCOLOR="#CC3300" ALIGN="LEFT">
+									 <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2">
+									 <A STYLE="color:#FFFFFF"
+									 HREF=" PAGE UPDATE REQUEST">Webmaster
+									 (conference pages)</A> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+							 </TABLE> </TD> 
+						</TR> 
+					 </TABLE> </TD> 
+				</TR> 
+			 </TABLE> </TD> 
+		</TR> 
+		<TR> 
+			 <P> </P> </TD> 
+		</TR> 
+	 </TABLE> </BODY>

Propchange: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/registration.html
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/riess.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/riess.gif
    svn:mime-type = image/gif

Added: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/s-bahn.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/s-bahn.gif
    svn:mime-type = image/gif

Added: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/sag_logo_xcomp_200.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/sag_logo_xcomp_200.gif
    svn:mime-type = image/gif

Added: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/schedule.html
--- incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/schedule.html (added)
+++ incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/schedule.html Wed Nov 30 23:09:49 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+<meta HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<table  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <table width="100%" align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
+          <tr>
+            <th colspan="2">Schedule: Conference
+                2003</th>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td> 
+              <div align="center"><b><a href="thursday.html">Thursday,
+              March 20</a></b> </div>
+            </td>
+            <td  valign="top"> Keynote speakers: <br>
+                <i>Miguel de Icaza, Curtis Sasaki</i> </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <div align="center"><b><a href="friday.html">Friday, March
+                  21</a></b></div>
+            </td>
+            <td valign="top"> Keynote speakers: <br>
+                <i>Mitchell Baker, Danese Cooper</i></td>
+          </tr>
+	    </table>
+		  <br>
+<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#00080">
+          <tr>
+            <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#C63B16"><b><font color="#FFFFFF">Development</font></b></td>
+            <td><img src="nada.gif" width="14" height="14"></td>
+            <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#55DD85"><b><font color="#FFFFFF">XML</font></b></td>
+            <td><img src="nada.gif" width="14" height="14"></td>
+            <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#184090"><b><font color="#FFFFFF">General</font></b></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><img src="group_red.gif" width="52" height="17"></td>
+            <td >Software Development Kit </td>
+            <td>&nbsp;</td>
+            <td><img src="group_green.gif" width="52" height="17"></td>
+            <td>Document Formats </td>
+            <td>&nbsp;</td>
+            <td><img src="group_blue.gif" width="52" height="17"></td>
+            <td>General Usage and Features </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><img src="group_red.gif" width="52" height="17"></td>
+            <td>Porting </td>
+            <td>&nbsp;</td>
+            <td><img src="group_green.gif" width="52" height="17"></td>
+            <td>Authoring</td>
+            <td>&nbsp;</td>
+            <td height="2" width="62"><img src="group_blue.gif" width="52" height="17"></td>
+            <td>Business </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><img src="group_red.gif" width="52" height="17"></td>
+            <td>Localization </td>
+            <td>&nbsp;</td>
+            <td><img src="group_green.gif" width="52" height="17"></td>
+            <td>Filter</td>
+            <td>&nbsp;</td>
+            <td><img src="group_blue.gif" width="52" height="17"></td>
+            <td>Marketing </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><img src="group_red.gif" width="52" height="17"></td>
+            <td>QA </td>
+            <td>&nbsp;</td>
+            <td><img src="group_green.gif" width="52" height="17"></td>
+            <td>Standards</td>
+            <td>&nbsp;</td>
+            <td><img src="group_blue.gif" width="52" height="17"></td>
+            <td>Open Source </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><img src="group_red.gif" width="52" height="17"></td>
+            <td>Development Process </td>
+            <td>&nbsp;</td>
+            <td>&nbsp;</td>
+            <td>&nbsp;</td>
+            <td>&nbsp;</td>
+            <td><img src="group_blue.gif" width="52" height="17"></td>
+            <td>The Community </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>&nbsp;</td>
+            <td>&nbsp;</td>
+            <td>&nbsp;</td>
+            <td>&nbsp;</td>
+            <td>&nbsp;</td>
+            <td>&nbsp;</td>
+            <td>&nbsp;</td>
+            <td>&nbsp;</td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+      </td>
+      <td width="8%"><img
+        src="/branding/images/spacer.gif"
+        width="14" height="8" border="0"></td>
+      <td valign="bottom">
+					  BGCOLOR="#000000" ALIGN="right"> 
+						<TR> 
+						  <TD WIDTH="100%" ALIGN="LEFT"> 
+        <table summary="NavBar" rules="none" frame="void" height="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" align="right"
+							  cellpadding="4">
+          <tr>
+            <td bgcolor="#000080" align="left" valign="top"> <font color="#ffffff"> <b>What
+                  is OOoCon?</b></font></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" align="LEFT">  <a href="OOoCon2003.html">Home</a>  </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td bgcolor="#000080" align="left" valign="top"> <font color="#ffffff"> <b>How
+                  to participate</b> </font> </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" align="LEFT">
+							<a href="registration.html">Registration</a><br>
+							 <a href="cfp.html">Call for Papers</a>
+					</td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td bgcolor="#000080" align="left" valign="top"> <font color="#ffffff"> <b>More
+                  information</b> </font> </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" align="LEFT">  <a href="schedule.html">Schedule &amp; Slides</a><br>
+                  <a href="accomodation.html">Location &amp; Travel</a><br>
+                  <a href="impressions.html">Impressions</a>
+						</td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td bgcolor="#000080" align="left" valign="top"> <font color="#ffffff"> <b>Audience</b> </font> </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" align="LEFT">  <a href="attendee.html">Attendee</a><br>
+                  <a
+									 href="speaker.html">Speaker</a><br>
+                  <a href="sponsors.html">Sponsors &amp; Exhibitors</a>
+								</td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td bgcolor="#CC3300" align="LEFT">  <a style="color:#FFFFFF"
+									 href=" PAGE UPDATE REQUEST">Webmaster
+                  (conference pages)</a>  
+				  </td>
+          </tr>
+      </table>
+    </td>
+	</tr>
+	</table>
+	</td>
+  </tr>

Propchange: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/schedule.html
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/speaker.html
--- incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/speaker.html (added)
+++ incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/speaker.html Wed Nov 30 23:09:49 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//SoftQuad Software//DTD HoTMetaL PRO 6.0::19990601::extensions to HTML 4.0//EN" "hmpro6.dtd">
+  <HEAD> 
+<meta HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+  <BODY> 
+	 <TABLE SUMMARY="NavBar" RULES="none" FRAME="void" WIDTH="100%"
+		<TR> 
+				<TR> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="83%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top"><A
+					 HREF="/conference/OOoCon2003.html"><IMG
+					 SRC="OpenOfficeConference_Logo_s.gif" BORDER="0" WIDTH="178" HEIGHT="82"></A>
+					 </TD> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="17%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" HEIGHT="100%"><A
+					 HREF=""><IMG SRC="unihh.gif"
+					 BORDER="0" WIDTH="101" HEIGHT="116"></A> </TD> 
+				</TR> 
+				<TR> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="83%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">&nbsp;</TD> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="17%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top"
+					HEIGHT="100%">&nbsp;</TD> 
+				</TR> 
+				<TR> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="83%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top"> 
+					 <!-- HEADER END -->
+					 <H3>Speaker</H3> 
+					 <P> users, contributors and developers are
+						invited to submit papers for the conference. For details on how to submit an
+						abstract please have a look at the <A
+						HREF="cfp.html">Call for Papers</A>.</P> 
+					 <P> Proposals must be received by February 21 in order to be
+						considered for inclusion in the Conference. </P> 
+					 <P>Since not all key contributors of the project
+						can afford to travel to Hamburg, we also provide help for individuals to find a
+						sponsor for their trip. Contributors who want to get sponsorship and companies
+						who would like to support individuals will find more information at
+						the
+						<A
+						 HREF="contribsponsors.html">Contributor Sponsoring</A> page.
+						</P>
+					 <P> ... stay tuned for further information... </P> </TD> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="17%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" HEIGHT="100%"> 
+					  BGCOLOR="#000000" ALIGN="right"> 
+						<TR> 
+						  <TD WIDTH="100%" ALIGN="LEFT"> 
+							 <TABLE SUMMARY="NavBar" RULES="none" FRAME="void"
+							  WIDTH="160" HEIGHT="100%" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" ALIGN="right"
+							  CELLPADDING="4"> 
+								<TR> 
+								  <TD BGCOLOR="#000080" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
+									 <FONT COLOR="#ffffff"> <B>What is OOoCon</B> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+									 <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2"> <A HREF="OOoCon2003.html">Home</A> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+								  <TD BGCOLOR="#000080" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
+									 <FONT COLOR="#ffffff"> <B>How to participate</B> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+									 <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2"> <A HREF="cfp.html">Call for Papers</A><BR>
+									 <A HREF="registration.html">Registration</A>
+									 </FONT>
+									 </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+								  <TD BGCOLOR="#000080" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
+									 <FONT COLOR="#ffffff"> <B>More information</B> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+									 <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2"> <A HREF="schedule.html">Schedule &amp; Slides</A><BR>
+									 <A HREF="accomodation.html">Location &amp; Travel</A><br>
+									 <A HREF="impressions.html">Impressions</A>
+									</FONT>
+									</TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+								  <TD BGCOLOR="#000080" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
+									 <FONT COLOR="#ffffff"> <B>Audience</B> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+									 <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2"> <A HREF="attendee.html">Attendee</A><BR><A
+									 HREF="speaker.html">Speaker</A><BR> <A HREF="sponsors.html">Sponsors &amp;
+									 Exhibitors</A>
+									 </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+								  <TD BGCOLOR="#CC3300" ALIGN="LEFT">
+									 <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2">
+									 <A STYLE="color:#FFFFFF"
+									 HREF=" PAGE UPDATE REQUEST">Webmaster
+									 (conference pages)</A> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+							 </TABLE> </TD> 
+						</TR> 
+					 </TABLE> </TD> 
+				</TR> 
+			 </TABLE> </TD> 
+		</TR> 
+		<TR> 
+			 <P> </P> </TD> 
+		</TR> 
+	 </TABLE> </BODY>

Propchange: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/speaker.html
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/sponsors.html
--- incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/sponsors.html (added)
+++ incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/sponsors.html Wed Nov 30 23:09:49 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+<meta HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+	 <TABLE SUMMARY="NavBar" RULES="none" FRAME="void" WIDTH="100%"
+		<TR> 
+				<TR> 
+				<TD WIDTH="83%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="middle">
+<!-- START sponsors -->
+					<P>
+						<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">
+						<IMG SRC="CollabNet.jpg"
+						 ALT="CollabNet" BORDER="0"></A>
+						&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+						&nbsp;&nbsp;
+						<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">
+						<IMG SRC="EdOsNetOrg.jpg"
+						 ALT="Educational Opensource Network Organization" BORDER="0"></A>
+					</P>
+					<P>
+						<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">
+						<IMG SRC="20030317-logo-eiko-opensource.png"
+							WIDTH=222 HEIGHT=63
+						 ALT="eikonex"
+ 							BORDER="0"></A>
+						&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+						<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">
+						<IMG SRC="oreillylogo_klein.jpg"
+						 ALT="O'Reilly & Associates, Inc."
+ 							BORDER="0"></A>
+					</P>
+					<P>
+						<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">
+						<IMG SRC="riess.gif" WIDTH="170" HEIGHT="56"
+						 ALT=".riess integration ag" BORDER="0"></A>
+						&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+						&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+						&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+					  <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">
+						<IMG SRC="SAG-xml-200_41_2001.gif"
+						 ALT="&quot;SOFTWARE AG - The XML Company - Software for Online Transaction, Enterprise Application Integration and Electronic Business&quot;"
+						 BORDER="0" WIDTH="200" HEIGHT="41"></A>
+					<P>
+					</P>
+						<!-- WIDTH="200" HEIGHT="41" -->
+						<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">
+						<IMG SRC="icoya_by_struktur.jpg"
+						 ALT="icoya by struktur AG" BORDER="0"></A>
+						&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+						&nbsp;&nbsp;
+						<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">
+							<!-- width="188" height="41" -->
+						<IMG SRC="sun_logo3.jpg" ALT="Sun Microsystems" BORDER="0"
+						 WIDTH="140" HEIGHT="61"></A> </P> 
+					 </P>
+						<P>&nbsp;</P>
+					 <P>
+						<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">
+						<IMG SRC="netbeans_logo.gif" ALT="NetBeans" WIDTH="193" HEIGHT="45"
+						 BORDER="0"></A>
+						&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+						&nbsp;&nbsp;
+						<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">
+						<IMG SRC="ikon.gif" ALT="IKON Office Solutions" 
+						 BORDER="0"></A>
+						</P>
+						<P>
+						<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">
+						<IMG SRC="OASIS_logo.gif" ALT="OASIS" WIDTH="71" HEIGHT="50" BORDER="0"></A>
+						&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+						&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+						&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+						&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+						 <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">
+            <IMG SRC="telindus_logo.gif" ALT="Telindus"
+              WIDTH="189" HEIGHT="33"
+              BORDER="0"></A>
+					</P>
+<!-- END sponsors
+					</TD> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="17%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" HEIGHT="100%">
+					 <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">
+					 <IMG SRC="unihh.gif" ALT="Universit&auml;t Hamburg" BORDER="0" WIDTH="101"
+					  HEIGHT="116"></A> </TD> 
+				</TR> 
+				<TR> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="83%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">&nbsp;</TD> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="17%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top"
+					HEIGHT="100%">&nbsp;</TD> 
+				</TR> 
+				<TR> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="83%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top"> 
+					 <!-- HEADER END -->
+					 <P></P> 
+					 <H3>Sponsors &amp; Exhibitors</H3> 
+					 <H4>Sponsors</H4> 
+					 <P>The sponsoring fee is <STRONG>EUR 1000</STRONG>.</P> 
+					 <P> If you would like to be a sponsor for the
+						Conference please send an email with the subject "Conference Sponsor" to <BR>
+						<A
+						 HREF=" Sponsor"></A>
+						</P> 
+					 <P>The email with your sponsor application should include the
+						following information:</P> 
+					 <UL> 
+						<LI>Company Name</LI> 
+						<LI>Postal Address</LI> 
+						<LI>Contact Name</LI> 
+						<LI>Email Address</LI> 
+						<LI>Contact Telephone Number</LI> 
+						<LI>Company Logo</LI> 
+						<LI>URL of Home Page</LI> 
+					 </UL> 
+					 <P>Sponsors will get the following in return for their
+						donations:</P> 
+					 <UL> 
+						<LI>1 Page for Advertisement in Conference Program<BR>
+						  (black/white, 10.5x21cm or 4.13"x8.22")</LI> 
+						<LI>Company Logo on Conference Home Page and Sponsors
+						  Page</LI> 
+						<LI>Logo on Conference Poster</LI> 
+						<LI>Exhibition Space: 1 Table/Desk (if wanted)</LI> 
+						<LI>Mentioning of Company Name in any pre-/post-conference
+						  PR/Messaging</LI> 
+					 </UL> 
+					 <P></P> 
+					 <H4>Contributor Sponsoring</H4> 
+					 <P>If you are interested in sponsoring an individual
+						contributor please visit <A HREF="contribsponsors.html"> Contributor
+						Sponsoring</A>. </P> 
+					 <H4>Exhibitors</H4> 
+					 <P>The (minimum) sponsoring fee is <STRONG>EUR
+						500</STRONG>.</P> 
+					 <P> If you would like to be an exhibitor at the
+						Conference please send an email with the subject "Conference Exhibitor" to <BR>
+						<A
+						 HREF=" Exhibitor"></A>
+						</P> 
+					 <P>The email with your exhibitor application should include the
+						following information:</P> 
+					 <UL> 
+						<LI>Company Name</LI> 
+						<LI>Postal Address</LI> 
+						<LI>Contact Name</LI> 
+						<LI>Email Address</LI> 
+						<LI>Contact Telephone Number</LI> 
+						<LI>Company Logo</LI> 
+						<LI>URL of Home Page</LI> 
+						<LI>Title of Exhibit</LI> 
+						<LI>Description of Exhibit (100 words max.)</LI> 
+						<LI>Special Requirements beyond Table/Desk (e.g.
+						  Internet)</LI> 
+					 </UL> 
+					 <P>The exhibitor fee includes the following:</P> 
+					 <UL> 
+						<LI>Exhibition Space: 1 Table/Desk</LI> 
+						<LI>Being listed in the Conference Program and on the
+						  Exhibitor Web Page (no logo)</LI> 
+					 </UL> 
+					<a name="banners"></a>
+					<H3>Banners</H3> 
+						<p>If you like to support the conference by placing a banner
+							at your website, you may reference<br>
+						<br>
+From Jason Faulkner,
+						<a href="">
+						<IMG SRC="ooodraft2.gif"
+						 ALT=" Conference, March 20-21 2003, Hamburg, Germany" BORDER="0">
+						</a>
+&lt;A HREF=&quot;;&gt;
+&nbsp;&lt;IMG SRC=&quot;;
+&nbsp;ALT=&quot; Conference, March 20-21 2003, Hamburg, Germany&quot;
+						</P>
+						<P>or a German animated variant<br>
+						<A href="">
+						<IMG SRC="openoffice-conference-de-banner.gif"
+						 ALT=" Conference, March 20-21 2003, Hamburg, Germany" BORDER="0"></A>
+						</p>
+					 <P>&nbsp;</P>
+					 <P> ... stay tuned for further information... </P> </TD> 
+					</TD> 
+				  <TD WIDTH="17%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" HEIGHT="100%"> 
+					  BGCOLOR="#000000" ALIGN="right"> 
+						<TR> 
+						  <TD WIDTH="100%" ALIGN="LEFT"> 
+							 <TABLE SUMMARY="NavBar" RULES="none" FRAME="void"
+							  WIDTH="160" HEIGHT="100%" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" ALIGN="right"
+							  CELLPADDING="4"> 
+								<TR> 
+								  <TD BGCOLOR="#000080" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
+									 <FONT COLOR="#ffffff"> <B>What is OOoCon</B> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+									 <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2"> <A HREF="OOoCon2003.html">Home</A> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+								  <TD BGCOLOR="#000080" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
+									 <FONT COLOR="#ffffff"> <B>How to participate</B> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+									 <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2"> <A HREF="cfp.html">Call for Papers</A><BR>
+									 <A HREF="registration.html">Registration</A>
+									 </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+								  <TD BGCOLOR="#000080" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
+									 <FONT COLOR="#ffffff"> <B>More information</B> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+									 <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2"> <A HREF="schedule.html">Schedule &amp; Slides</A><BR>
+									 <A HREF="accomodation.html">Location &amp; Travel</A><br>
+									 <A HREF="impressions.html">Impressions</A>
+									</FONT>
+									</TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+								  <TD BGCOLOR="#000080" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
+									 <FONT COLOR="#ffffff"> <B>Audience</B> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+									 <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2"> <A HREF="attendee.html">Attendee</A><BR><A
+									 HREF="speaker.html">Speaker</A><BR> <A HREF="sponsors.html">Sponsors &amp;
+									 Exhibitors</A>
+									 </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+								<TR> 
+								  <TD BGCOLOR="#CC3300" ALIGN="LEFT">
+									 <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2">
+									 <A STYLE="color:#FFFFFF"
+									 HREF=" PAGE UPDATE REQUEST">Webmaster
+									 (conference pages)</A> </FONT> </TD> 
+								</TR> 
+							 </TABLE> </TD> 
+						</TR> 
+					 </TABLE> </TD> 
+				</TR> 
+			 </TABLE> </TD> 
+		</TR> 
+		<TR> 
+			 <P> </P> </TD> 
+		</TR> 
+	 </TABLE>

Propchange: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/sponsors.html
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/sponsorship.html
--- incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/marketing/ooocon2003/sponsorship.html (added)
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+    <td rowspan="10" width="642"><img src="images/OOoCon2005_logo.gif" alt=" Conference" id="ooologo">
+   <h3> Conference 2005</h3>
+      <br>
+      <strong>How to become a Sponsor of Exhibitor</strong><br>
+      The Conference 2005 is your opportunity to give
+something back to the community by sponsoring the event. Your
+sponsorship will also provide you with global visibility for
+your related products and services. These are
+the sponsorship options:<br><br>
+      <ul><li> Premium: A large logo on all marketing materials (fliers, printouts, posters, 
+      websites, CDs), a link to sponsor's website from the official conference 
+      website, sponsor appearance on press conference, special note of gratitude 
+      in conference conclusion, exhibition space, publication of sponsor's text 
+      (news) in the online news during the conference, publication of short presentation 
+      text on conference webpage and a VIP ticket for participation on all conference 
+      events.<br>
+      The expected donation by a premium sponsor is 5000 EUR min.</li></ul>
+      <ul><li> Gold: Logo on conference media materials (posters, printouts, website), 
+      exhibition place, note of gratitude at the conclusion of conference.<br>
+      The expected donation for a gold sponsor is 1000 EUR.</li></ul>
+      <ul><li>Silver: Small logo on posters, publication footers and official conference 
+      website.<br>
+      The expected donation for a silver sponsor is 500 EUR.</li></ul> <br><br>
+      <strong>Material sponsor, media sponsor, technical sponsor</strong><br>
+      If you would wish to contribute to the conference in a different manner, 
+      there are many other options to offer. Some of the potential sponsorships 
+      include renting technical equipment (computers, projectors, audio&amp;video 
+      equipment), media coverage of the event in the form of free commercials 
+      and ads, or offering Your services for the time of the conference.<br>
+      This will give You a logo presence on all marketing materials including 
+      the webpage together with a right to distribute your marketing materials 
+      at the conference.<br><br><br>
+      <strong>How to apply</strong><br>
+      If you would like to sponsor OooCon2005 in one of ways mentioned above, 
+      plese send an e-mail with subject “Premium” , “Gold”, “Silver” or “Media” 
+      to<br>
+	  <a href=""><font color="#0000ff"></font></a><br><br>
+      The email with your exhibitor application should include the following information:<br>
+      <ul>
+      <li>Company Name </li>
+      <li>Postal Address </li>
+     <li>Contact Name </li>
+     <li>Email Address </li>
+     <li>Contact Telephone Number </li>
+     <li>Company Logo </li>
+     <li>URL of Home Page </li>
+     <li>Title of Exhibit (if applyable)</li>
+      <li>Description of Exhibit (100 words max., if applyable)</li>
+       <li>
+      Special Requirements beyond Table/Desk (e.g. Internet)</li></ul><br><br>
+      For additional information please send an email to 
+      and/or contact the organization board below....
+      </td>
+   <td class="it_lang">
+<a href="uc.html">ITA</a> - 
+<a href="index.html">ENG</a> - 
+<a href="uc.html">SL</a> 
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+  <tr> 
+    <td>&nbsp;</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr> 
+    <td class="it_navtest" width="147">What is<br>OOoCon</td>
+  </tr>
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+    <td>
+<a href="index.html">Home</a><br>
+<a href="uc.html">Organization</a><br>
+  </td>
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+    <td class="it_navtest">How to partecipate</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+  <td>
+<a href="cfp.html">Call For Papers</a><br>
+<a href="sponsorship.html">Sponsorship and Exibitors</a><br>
+<a href="uc.html">Registration</a><br>
+  </tr>
+  <tr> 
+    <td class="it_navtest">Program</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr> 
+    <td>
+<a href="uc.html">Program Overview</a><br>
+<a href="uc.html">Accepted Papers</a><br>
+  </tr>
+  <tr> 
+    <td class="it_navtest">More Informations</td>
+  </tr>
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+    <td height="280">
+    <a href="uc.html">Location</a><br>
+        <a href="uc.html">Accommodation</a> 
+      <p>&nbsp;</p>
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+   </tbody></table>

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+<meta HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<!-- Coded by John McCreesh using Bluefish and Tidy under ReHat Linux 8.0 -->
+  <table id="top" name="top" summary="" border="0" cellspacing="5"
+  cellpadding="5">
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <h2><font color="#C63B16">Abstracts of Conference Papers -
+        Thursday</font></h2>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><img src="group_red.gif" width="52" height="17"
+      alt="image" /></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <table id="ta1130" name="ta1130" summary="Abstract" border="1"
+        cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#000080">
+          <tr>
+            <td bgcolor="#184090">
+            <font color="#FFFFFF"><strong> Software
+            Development Kit (SDK) - For own solutions and products
+            based on and Java</strong></font></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>J&uuml;rgen Schmidt <em>Technical Lead
+            Software Engineering, Star Office Software Entwicklungs
+            GmbH</em></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              This session describes the opportunities to extend or
+              control with Java or other languages
+              where an UNO language binding exists.<br />
+      is an open source driven office
+              productivity formerly based on StarOffice. While it
+              is widely known that is multi-platform
+              and that it is fully compatible with the Microsoft
+              Office formats, few to date are aware that it offers
+              a complete API for developers to support the creation
+              of own extension or the control of
+              from own applications. The API based on the Universal
+              Network Objects (UNO) component model which allows
+              the integration of 100% pure Java components in
+     It is also possible to control
+     from a Java application to use the
+              provided office functionality for example a report
+              generator or a document converter.<br />
+               The session gives an introduction into the UNO
+              component model and it will discuss the main API
+              concepts (hopefully this section will be an extra
+              session). The capabilities of the API are
+              demonstrated using some examples of Java-UNO
+              components. The session provides an overview about
+              the Software Development Kit
+              (SDK).<br />
+               The attendees will learn how to use, extend and
+              customize a professional office application with
+              Java. They learn to create highly integrated office
+              components in Java which are platform independent and
+              can be used on every platform where
+              and Java will be available. This is an advantage for
+              all who want to create extensions for their office
+              environment or a wider audience. 
+              <h4>Outline</h4>
+              <ul>
+                <li>Introduction
+                  <ul>
+                   <li>
+                       - short overview (application
+                       areas: writer, calc, draw, impress)</li>
+                   <li> Software Development Kit (SDK)
+                      - short overview</li>
+                  </ul>
+                </li>
+                <li>(optional
+                  <ul>
+                  <li>The UNO component model</li>
+                  <li>Introduction to UNO</li>
+                  <li>Concepts</li>
+                  <li>Key features</li>
+                  <li>)
+                  </ul>
+                </li>
+                <li>Examples
+                  <ul>
+                    <li>Calc Add-in component
+                      <ul>
+                        <li>concepts</li>
+                        <li>code sample</li>
+                      </ul>
+                    </li>
+                    <li>Java application using a remote connection to
+                      <ul>
+                        <li>demo of a document converter</li>
+                        <li>code sample</li>
+                      </ul>
+                    </li>
+                    <li>OfficeBean
+                      <ul>
+                        <li>demo of simple examples</li>
+                        <li>code sample</li>
+                      </ul>
+                    </li>
+                  </ul>
+                </li>
+              </ul>
+(the examples may change)
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><em>Biography: J&uuml;rgen Schmidt has worked
+            for StarOffice for over five years. He was deeply
+            involved in the development of the UNO component model
+            which is the foundation for the StarOffice API.
+            Currently he is technical lead for the StarOffice
+            Software Development Kit (SDK) which is used in
+            StarOffice and</em></td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <p><a href="thursday.html"
+        title="Agenda for Thursday">Back</a></p>
+        <table id="ta1230" name="ta230" summary="Child work spaces"
+        border="1" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0"
+        bordercolor="#000080">
+          <tr>
+            <td bgcolor="#184090"><font color="#FFFFFF"><strong>The
+            new development process - How Child
+            Work Spaces will improve the developer experience and
+            the quality</strong></font></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>Erwin Tenhumberg
+              <em>Product Marketing Manager, Desktop Solutions Group, Sun Microsystems, Inc.</em>
+          </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>Beginning with the 1.1 builds a new
+            development process based on Child Work Spaces (CWS)
+            was introduced. Due to the new development process
+            future StarOffice releases will be based on
+   and actually have most of the binaries
+            in common. What is even more important, the usage of
+            CWS makes it much easier for developers to contribute
+            to the project. New features and patches
+            can be developed and tested without interfering with
+            other projects.<br />
+             This session will outline the new development process
+            and explain what tools are available. In addition, the
+            speaker will talk about the history and illustrate what
+            the benefits of the new process are compared to the
+            past.</td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><em>Biography: 
+            Erwin Tenhumberg is a Product Marketing Manager in the
+            Desktop Solutions Group at Sun Microsystems, Inc. Within this
+            group he mainly focusses on the developer aspects of both
+   and StarOffice[tm] including the SDK.
+            Erwin started working for Sun as a Systems Engineer in
+            Langen, Germany. There he did pre-sales for
+            various software products including StarOffice and SunRay[tm].
+            Before Erwin joined Sun he worked for different companies where
+            he did Java consulting, software development and desktop
+            application administration and helpdesk.</em>
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <p><a href="thursday.html"
+        title="Agenda for Thursday">Back</a></p>
+        <table id="ta1400" name="ta1400" summary="Glow project"
+        border="1" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0"
+        bordercolor="#000080">
+          <tr>
+            <td bgcolor="#184090">
+            <font color="#FFFFFF"><strong>
+		The Glow Project - an <i>outlook</i> for
+ Groupware
+            </strong></font></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>Colm Smyth <em>Staff Engineer with Sun
+            Microsystems</em></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+           <td>
+		Glow is the codename for a groupware client project being
+		started within the Groupware initiative.
+		The presentation will describe the motivation, goals,
+		technologies and roadmap for Glow,
+		and introduce the initial team who are developing
+		the first milestone. 
+	   </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><em>Biography: 
+	    Colm is a software developer with 16 years experience.
+	    He has developed
+	    clients, servers, middleware (object, content, data and messaging)
+	    and some things that defy conventional classification.
+	    He has been with Sun
+	    for over 5 years and currently is a Technical Architect with
+	    the StarOffice
+	    team. Colm is an enthusiastic developer of rich clients in Java
+	    and is Sun's lead engineer on the Glow project
+	    within Groupware.
+            </em></td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <p><a href="thursday.html"
+        title="Agenda for Thursday">Back</a></p>
+        <table id="ta1500" name="ta1500" summary="Scripting"
+        border="1" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0"
+        bordercolor="#000080">
+          <tr>
+            <td bgcolor="#184090">
+            <font color="#FFFFFF"><strong>Scripting
+            in your language of choice.</strong></font></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>John Rice <em>Staff Engineer with Sun
+            Microsystems</em></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>The talk will describe the Scripting Framework
+            being developed to enable any scripting language which
+            has an UNO bridge to be plugged into
+            Using the framework users and developers will be able
+            to write scripts in any supported scripting language to
+            automate<br />
+             Developers will learn about the overall design of the
+            scripting framework and how one would go about writing
+            their own scripting runtime to plug in their favorite
+            scripting language to Details of the
+            Java, Beanshell and Python runtimes will be
+            presented.</td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><em>Biography: John Rice is a Staff Engineer with
+            Sun Microsystems, working as technical lead on the
+            Scripting Framework project for
+            ( John has
+            over 15 years industrial experience in the development
+            of software applications. He has worked with companies
+            including Hitachi, Lotus and ICL, covering
+            a board range of development areas including neural
+            network research, Lotus Notes groupware products, ICL/
+            Fujitsu's document management system and a number of
+            award winning internet based information management
+            tools.</em></td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <p><a href="thursday.html"
+        title="Agenda for Thursday">Back</a></p>
+        <table id="ta1615" name="ta1615" summary="Localization"
+        border="1" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0"
+        bordercolor="#000080">
+          <tr>
+            <td bgcolor="#184090">
+            <font color="#FFFFFF"><strong>Web-based Distributed
+            Localization of</strong></font></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>J&aacute;nos Noll <em>Founder of Free Software
+            Foundation Hungary</em></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>I will present two "in-house developed" web-based,
+            database-backed systems for distributed localization of
+            the messages and the help, respectively.
+            These systems allow involvement of a large number of
+            people in the localization of This
+            system has been used for the Hungarian localization
+            (which is, sadly, far not 100% finished, as of today).
+            I will also present a "next generation" localization
+            tool, which is not implemented yet. This tool should
+            make localization as easy as clicking with the mouse
+            and entering text.<br />
+             My talk will be about tools for
+            allowing distributed, Internet-based translation. I
+            will present two programs and scenarios which helped to
+            translatethe strings and the
+   help, and a plan of an interactive
+            program, that could make doing translations and
+            revisions easy and very productive.<br />
+             The first program has been used to translate the
+   strings. The program provides a
+            database-backed web-based editor, where individual
+            strings can be searched for, translated and revised
+            (marked being good and appropriate) by the registered
+            translators. The program was written in the popular PHP
+            web programming language, and it is using Apache,
+            PostgreSQL, and is running on Linux. The translation
+            process also includes some scripts that bridge the gap
+            between the web-based translation engine and the
+            "standard" localization tools.<br />
+             The second program has been used to translate the
+   help. This tool is conceptionally
+            similar to the first, but due to the different
+            structure of the material to-be-translated and the
+            different tools it uses (T9N toolkit), it has a
+            slightly different structure which makes it worth to
+            present this separately.<br />
+             And last, there is an idea for an interactive, client
+            program, which can "look up" the message string on the
+            screen under the mouse cursor in a translation
+            database, and by identifying it, it can provide access
+            to the translation allowing to modify or revise it.
+            This application would radically speed up testing
+            (QA-ing) a localized program.</td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><em>Biography: I have been a Linux user and
+            programmer for 5-6 years now. In the past years, it was
+            an honor for me to take part in two Hungarian civil
+            societies, the "LME" (Association of Hungarian Linux
+            Users), founded in 1998, and the " Foundation for
+            Propagating and Supporting Free Software in Hungary". I
+            am using Linux at home and at work, which implies that
+            I needed a good Office product for writing documents,
+            presentations and so on. fullfilled my
+            needs, and I've been using it for two years now.
+   localization in Hungary has been lacking
+            (at least localization of the "GPL" version, as a
+            commercial OOo-based product is available for money),
+            that is why I was happy to be an organizer of the 2002
+            OOo-localization marathon, during which a group of 150
+            people localized all the approx. 21 thousand strings in
+            OOo in just 3 days.<br />
+             In my work I do mostly web programming and system
+            management, and I work with opensource products
+            day-by-day.</em></td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <p><a href="thursday.html"
+        title="Agenda for Thursday">Back</a></p>
+        <table id="ta1715" name="ta1715" summary="Packaging OOo"
+        border="1" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0"
+        bordercolor="#000080">
+          <tr>
+            <td bgcolor="#184090">
+            <font color="#FFFFFF"><strong>Packaging
+  </strong></font></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>Chris Halls <em>The Debian project</em></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>This talk gives an introduction to the process of
+            making packages. It gives an overview of
+            the existing techniques used to build OOo and integrate
+            it into the operating system. Also, I will introduce
+            some of the important tips, tricks, tools and resources
+            for packages.<br />
+             The Debian team, and several other distributors, have
+            been providing their own packages of for
+            their system. The source is modified to integrate
+            better with the native package management, as well as
+            taking into account constraints put on the packages by
+            the rest of the system, including components with
+            restricted licensing such as the GPC library and the
+            JDK. The methods used to overcome these problems will
+            be covered, as well as the concepts behind the extra
+            features such as language packs, auto user install,
+            language fallbacks and managing three different
+            architectures. There are several tools and resources
+            available for packages, such as various mailing lists,
+            scripts, ccache &amp; distcc, IRC, some Issuezilla
+            queries and web resources such as Ximian's LXR and
+            Tinderbox.<br />
+             Targeted Audience: People interested in packaging,
+            porting and the installation of OOo, and those
+            developers who are interested in techniques to improve
+            the end user installation experience.</td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><em>Biography: Chris Halls, is a software
+            developer, living &amp; working in Frankfurt, Germany.
+            He is also a Debian Developer and part of the team that
+            packages for the Debian distribution, as
+            well contributing to the tools project. He is 29,
+            married and is British.</em></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+        </table>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+  </table>
+  <hr />
+  <p><a href="thursday.html">Back to Thursday</a><br />
+   <a href="#top">Back to Top</a><br />
+   <a href="agenda2.html">Back to Overview</a></p>
+  <p>Please Note: Program content subject to change.</p>

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