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Posted to by Dong Dai <> on 2014/10/09 17:43:21 UTC

Adding a new command problem

Hello, all, 

  I am trying to add a new command into Cassandra.

  According to my knowledge, to add a new command, i only need to add the new MessagingService.verb, specify the stage corresponding to this verb, setup the serializer/deserializer, and specify a receiveVerbHandler to process that command. However, after adding all these to Cassandra, I continuously got the timeout error saying this:

  ERROR 15:17:01 Unexpected exception during request; channel = [id: 0x22e0a7e4, / => /]
java.lang.AssertionError: Time out exception. 

  I traced into the code and saw each step during sending the message. The message looks fine, it has the right verb type and reuse the Read Stage. 

  But i can not got any message from the receive side. I am not quite sure about where Cassandra starts to process in-coming message at the first place, but i did check IncomingTcpConnection.handleModernVersion() method, and nothing returns or prints after the send-side code finishes (OutboundTcpConnection.writeConnected() function).

  Could anybody give me some advices? I must miss something here since other command execute well.

- Dong