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Posted to by on 2006/11/11 17:44:48 UTC

svn commit: r473755 [15/43] - in /jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser: ./ src/ src/main/ src/main/java/ src/main/java/org/ src/main/java/org/apache/ src/main/java/org/apache/jackrabbit/ src/main/java/org/apache/jackrabbit/browser/ src/main/resources/ ...

Added: jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/gfx/svg.js
--- jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/gfx/svg.js (added)
+++ jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/gfx/svg.js Sat Nov 11 08:44:22 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+dojo.gfx.svg.getRef = function(fill){
+	if(!fill || fill == "none") return null;
+	if(fill.match(/^url\(#.+\)$/)){
+		return dojo.byId(fill.slice(5, -1));
+	}
+	// Opera's bug: incorrect representation of a reference
+	if(dojo.render.html.opera && fill.match(/^#dj_unique_.+$/)){
+		// we assume here that a reference was generated by dojo.gfx
+		return dojo.byId(fill.slice(1));
+	}
+	return null;
+dojo.lang.extend(dojo.gfx.Shape, {
+	setStroke: function(stroke){
+		if(!stroke){
+			// don't stroke
+			this.strokeStyle = null;
+			this.rawNode.setAttribute("stroke", "none");
+			this.rawNode.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", 0);
+			return this;
+		}
+		// normalize the stroke
+		this.strokeStyle = dojo.gfx.makeParameters(dojo.gfx.defaultStroke, stroke);
+		this.strokeStyle.color = dojo.gfx.normalizeColor(this.strokeStyle.color);
+		// generate attributes
+		var s = this.strokeStyle;
+		var rn = this.rawNode;
+		if(s){
+			rn.setAttribute("stroke", s.color.toCss());
+			rn.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", s.color.a);
+			rn.setAttribute("stroke-width",   s.width);
+			rn.setAttribute("stroke-linecap", s.cap);
+			if(typeof(s.join) == "number"){
+				rn.setAttribute("stroke-linejoin",   "miter");
+				rn.setAttribute("stroke-miterlimit", s.join);
+			}else{
+				rn.setAttribute("stroke-linejoin",   s.join);
+			}
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	setFill: function(fill){
+		if(!fill){
+			// don't fill
+			this.fillStyle = null;
+			this.rawNode.setAttribute("fill", "none");
+			this.rawNode.setAttribute("fill-opacity", 0);
+			return this;
+		}
+		if(typeof(fill) == "object" && "type" in fill){
+			// gradient
+			switch(fill.type){
+				case "linear":
+					var f = dojo.gfx.makeParameters(dojo.gfx.defaultLinearGradient, fill);
+					var gradient = this._setFillObject(f, "linearGradient");
+					dojo.lang.forEach(["x1", "y1", "x2", "y2"], function(x){
+						gradient.setAttribute(x, f[x].toFixed(8));
+					});
+					break;
+				case "radial":
+					var f = dojo.gfx.makeParameters(dojo.gfx.defaultRadialGradient, fill);
+					var gradient = this._setFillObject(f, "radialGradient");
+					dojo.lang.forEach(["cx", "cy", "r"], function(x){
+						gradient.setAttribute(x, f[x].toFixed(8));
+					});
+					break;
+				case "pattern":
+					var f = dojo.gfx.makeParameters(dojo.gfx.defaultPattern, fill);
+					var pattern = this._setFillObject(f, "pattern");
+					dojo.lang.forEach(["x", "y", "width", "height"], function(x){
+						pattern.setAttribute(x, f[x].toFixed(8));
+					});
+					break;
+			}
+			return this;
+		}
+		// color object
+		var f = dojo.gfx.normalizeColor(fill);
+		this.fillStyle = f;
+		this.rawNode.setAttribute("fill", f.toCss());
+		this.rawNode.setAttribute("fill-opacity", f.a);
+		return this;
+	},
+	_setFillObject: function(/*Object*/f, /*String*/nodeType){
+		var def_elems = this.rawNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("defs");
+		if(def_elems.length == 0){ return this; }
+		this.fillStyle = f;
+		var defs = def_elems[0];
+		var fill = this.rawNode.getAttribute("fill");
+		var ref  = dojo.gfx.svg.getRef(fill);
+		if(ref){
+			fill = ref;
+			if(fill.tagName.toLowerCase() != nodeType.toLowerCase()){
+				var id =;
+				fill.parentNode.removeChild(fill);
+				fill = document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, nodeType);
+				fill.setAttribute("id", id);
+				defs.appendChild(fill);
+			}else{
+				while(fill.childNodes.length){
+					fill.removeChild(fill.lastChild);
+				}
+			}
+		}else{
+			fill = document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, nodeType);
+			fill.setAttribute("id", dojo.dom.getUniqueId());
+			defs.appendChild(fill);
+		}
+		if(nodeType == "pattern"){
+			fill.setAttribute("patternUnits", "userSpaceOnUse");
+			var img = document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, "image");
+			img.setAttribute("x", 0);
+			img.setAttribute("y", 0);
+			img.setAttribute("width",  f.width .toFixed(8));
+			img.setAttribute("height", f.height.toFixed(8));
+			img.setAttributeNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.xlink, "href", f.src);
+			fill.appendChild(img);
+		}else{
+			fill.setAttribute("gradientUnits", "userSpaceOnUse");
+			for(var i = 0; i < f.colors.length; ++i){
+				f.colors[i].color = dojo.gfx.normalizeColor(f.colors[i].color);
+				var t = document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, "stop");
+				t.setAttribute("offset",     f.colors[i].offset.toFixed(8));
+				t.setAttribute("stop-color", f.colors[i].color.toCss());
+				fill.appendChild(t);
+			}
+		}
+		this.rawNode.setAttribute("fill", "url(#" + fill.getAttribute("id") +")");
+		this.rawNode.removeAttribute("fill-opacity");
+		return fill;
+	},
+	_applyTransform: function() {
+		var matrix = this._getRealMatrix();
+		if(matrix){
+			var tm = this.matrix;
+			this.rawNode.setAttribute("transform", "matrix(" +
+				tm.xx.toFixed(8) + "," + tm.yx.toFixed(8) + "," +
+				tm.xy.toFixed(8) + "," + tm.yy.toFixed(8) + "," +
+				tm.dx.toFixed(8) + "," + tm.dy.toFixed(8) + ")");
+		}else{
+			this.rawNode.removeAttribute("transform");
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	setRawNode: function(rawNode){
+		// summary:
+		//		assigns and clears the underlying node that will represent this
+		//		shape. Once set, transforms, gradients, etc, can be applied.
+		// no fill & stroke by default
+		with(rawNode){
+			setAttribute("fill", "none");
+			setAttribute("fill-opacity", 0);
+			setAttribute("stroke", "none");
+			setAttribute("stroke-opacity", 0);
+			setAttribute("stroke-width", 1);
+			setAttribute("stroke-linecap", "butt");
+			setAttribute("stroke-linejoin", "miter");
+			setAttribute("stroke-miterlimit", 4);
+		}
+		this.rawNode = rawNode;
+	},
+	moveToFront: function(){
+		this.rawNode.parentNode.appendChild(this.rawNode);
+		return this;
+	},
+	moveToBack: function(){
+		this.rawNode.parentNode.insertBefore(this.rawNode, this.rawNode.parentNode.firstChild);
+		return this;
+	},
+	setShape: function(newShape){
+		this.shape = dojo.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape);
+		for(var i in this.shape){
+			if(i != "type"){ this.rawNode.setAttribute(i, this.shape[i]); }
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	attachFill: function(rawNode){
+		var fillStyle = null;
+		if(rawNode){
+			var fill = rawNode.getAttribute("fill");
+			if(fill == "none"){ return; }
+			var ref  = dojo.gfx.svg.getRef(fill);
+			if(ref){
+				var gradient = ref;
+				switch(gradient.tagName.toLowerCase()){
+					case "lineargradient":
+						fillStyle = this._getGradient(dojo.gfx.defaultLinearGradient, gradient);
+						dojo.lang.forEach(["x1", "y1", "x2", "y2"], function(x){
+							fillStyle[x] = gradient.getAttribute(x);
+						});
+						break;
+					case "radialgradient":
+						fillStyle = this._getGradient(dojo.gfx.defaultRadialGradient, gradient);
+						dojo.lang.forEach(["cx", "cy", "r"], function(x){
+							fillStyle[x] = gradient.getAttribute(x);
+						});
+ = gradient.getAttribute("cx");
+ = gradient.getAttribute("cy");
+						fillStyle.r  = gradient.getAttribute("r");
+						break;
+					case "pattern":
+						fillStyle = dojo.lang.shallowCopy(dojo.gfx.defaultPattern, true);
+						dojo.lang.forEach(["x", "y", "width", "height"], function(x){
+							fillStyle[x] = gradient.getAttribute(x);
+						});
+						fillStyle.src = gradient.firstChild.getAttributeNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.xlink, "href");
+						break;
+				}
+			}else{
+				fillStyle = new dojo.gfx.color.Color(fill);
+				var opacity = rawNode.getAttribute("fill-opacity");
+				if(opacity != null) fillStyle.a = opacity;
+			}
+		}
+		return fillStyle;
+	},
+	_getGradient: function(defaultGradient, gradient){
+		var fillStyle = dojo.lang.shallowCopy(defaultGradient, true);
+		fillStyle.colors = [];
+		for(var i = 0; i < gradient.childNodes.length; ++i){
+			fillStyle.colors.push({
+				offset: gradient.childNodes[i].getAttribute("offset"),
+				color:  new dojo.gfx.color.Color(gradient.childNodes[i].getAttribute("stop-color"))
+			});
+		}
+		return fillStyle;
+	},
+	attachStroke: function(rawNode){
+		if(!rawNode){ return; }
+		var stroke = rawNode.getAttribute("stroke");
+		if(stroke == null || stroke == "none") return null;
+		var strokeStyle = dojo.lang.shallowCopy(dojo.gfx.defaultStroke, true);
+		var color = new dojo.gfx.color.Color(stroke);
+		if(color){
+			strokeStyle.color = color;
+			strokeStyle.color.a = rawNode.getAttribute("stroke-opacity");
+			strokeStyle.width = rawNode.getAttribute("stroke-width");
+			strokeStyle.cap = rawNode.getAttribute("stroke-linecap");
+			strokeStyle.join = rawNode.getAttribute("stroke-linejoin");
+			if(strokeStyle.join == "miter"){
+				strokeStyle.join = rawNode.getAttribute("stroke-miterlimit");
+			}
+		}
+		return strokeStyle;
+	},
+	attachTransform: function(rawNode){
+		var matrix = null;
+		if(rawNode){
+			matrix = rawNode.getAttribute("transform");
+			if(matrix.match(/^matrix\(.+\)$/)){
+				var t = matrix.slice(7, -1).split(",");
+				matrix = dojo.gfx.matrix.normalize({
+					xx: parseFloat(t[0]), xy: parseFloat(t[2]), 
+					yx: parseFloat(t[1]), yy: parseFloat(t[3]), 
+					dx: parseFloat(t[4]), dy: parseFloat(t[5])
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		return matrix;
+	},
+	attachShape: function(rawNode){
+		var shape = null;
+		if(rawNode){
+			shape = dojo.lang.shallowCopy(this.shape, true);
+			for(var i in shape) {
+				shape[i] = rawNode.getAttribute(i);
+			}
+		}
+		return shape;
+	},
+	attach: function(rawNode){
+		if(rawNode) {
+			this.rawNode = rawNode;
+			this.fillStyle = this.attachFill(rawNode);
+			this.strokeStyle = this.attachStroke(rawNode);
+			this.matrix = this.attachTransform(rawNode);
+			this.shape = this.attachShape(rawNode);
+		}
+	}
+dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.Group", dojo.gfx.Shape, {
+	setRawNode: function(rawNode){
+		this.rawNode = rawNode;
+	}
+dojo.gfx.Group.nodeType = "g";
+dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.Rect", dojo.gfx.shape.Rect, {
+	attachShape: function(rawNode){
+		var shape = null;
+		if(rawNode){
+			shape = dojo.gfx.Rect.superclass.attachShape.apply(this, arguments);
+			shape.r = Math.min(rawNode.getAttribute("rx"), rawNode.getAttribute("ry"));
+		}
+		return shape;
+	},
+	setShape: function(newShape){
+		this.shape = dojo.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape);
+		this.bbox = null;
+		for(var i in this.shape){
+			if(i != "type" && i != "r"){ this.rawNode.setAttribute(i, this.shape[i]); }
+		}
+		this.rawNode.setAttribute("rx", this.shape.r);
+		this.rawNode.setAttribute("ry", this.shape.r);
+		return this;
+	}
+dojo.gfx.Rect.nodeType = "rect";
+dojo.gfx.Ellipse = dojo.gfx.shape.Ellipse;
+dojo.gfx.Ellipse.nodeType = "ellipse";
+dojo.gfx.Circle = dojo.gfx.shape.Circle;
+dojo.gfx.Circle.nodeType = "circle";
+dojo.gfx.Line = dojo.gfx.shape.Line;
+dojo.gfx.Line.nodeType = "line";
+dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.Polyline", dojo.gfx.shape.Polyline, {
+	setShape: function(points){
+		if(points && points instanceof Array){
+			this.shape = dojo.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, { points: points });
+			if(closed && this.shape.points.length){ 
+				this.shape.points.push(this.shape.points[0]);
+			}
+		}else{
+			this.shape = dojo.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, points);
+		}
+ = null;
+		var attr = [];
+		var p = this.shape.points;
+		for(var i = 0; i < p.length; ++i){
+			attr.push(p[i].x.toFixed(8));
+			attr.push(p[i].y.toFixed(8));
+		}
+		this.rawNode.setAttribute("points", attr.join(" "));
+		return this;
+	}
+dojo.gfx.Polyline.nodeType = "polyline";
+dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.Image", dojo.gfx.shape.Image, {
+	setShape: function(newShape){
+		this.shape = dojo.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape);
+		this.bbox = null;
+		var rawNode = this.rawNode;
+		for(var i in this.shape){
+			if(i != "type" && i != "src"){ rawNode.setAttribute(i, this.shape[i]); }
+		}
+		rawNode.setAttributeNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.xlink, "href", this.shape.src);
+		return this;
+	},
+	setStroke: function() { return this; },
+	setFill:   function() { return this; },
+	attachStroke: function(rawNode){ return null; },
+	attachFill:   function(rawNode){ return null; }
+dojo.gfx.Image.nodeType = "image";
+dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.Path", dojo.gfx.path.Path,
+	_updateWithSegment: function(segment){
+		dojo.gfx.Path.superclass._updateWithSegment.apply(this, arguments);
+		if(typeof(this.shape.path) == "string"){
+			this.rawNode.setAttribute("d", this.shape.path);
+		}
+	},
+	setShape: function(newShape){
+		dojo.gfx.Path.superclass.setShape.apply(this, arguments);
+		this.rawNode.setAttribute("d", this.shape.path);
+		return this;
+	}
+dojo.gfx.Path.nodeType = "path";
+dojo.gfx._creators = {
+	// creators
+	createPath: function(path){
+		return this.createObject(dojo.gfx.Path, path);
+	},
+	createRect: function(rect){
+		return this.createObject(dojo.gfx.Rect, rect);
+	},
+	createCircle: function(circle){
+		return this.createObject(dojo.gfx.Circle, circle);
+	},
+	createEllipse: function(ellipse){
+		return this.createObject(dojo.gfx.Ellipse, ellipse);
+	},
+	createLine: function(line){
+		return this.createObject(dojo.gfx.Line, line);
+	},
+	createPolyline: function(points){
+		return this.createObject(dojo.gfx.Polyline, points);
+	},
+	createImage: function(image){
+		return this.createObject(dojo.gfx.Image, image);
+	},
+	createGroup: function(){
+		return this.createObject(dojo.gfx.Group);
+	},
+	createObject: function(/*Function*/shapeType, /*Object*/rawShape){
+		// summary: creates an instance of the passed shapeType class
+		// shapeType: a class constructor to create an instance of
+		// rawShape: properties to be passed in to the classes "setShape" method
+		if(!this.rawNode){ return null; }
+		var shape = new shapeType();
+		var node = document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, shapeType.nodeType); 
+		shape.setRawNode(node);
+		this.rawNode.appendChild(node);
+		shape.setShape(rawShape);
+		this.add(shape);
+		return shape;
+	},
+	// group control
+	add: function(shape){
+		var oldParent = shape.getParent();
+		if(oldParent){
+			oldParent.remove(shape, true);
+		}
+		shape._setParent(this, null);
+		this.rawNode.appendChild(shape.rawNode);
+		return this;
+	},
+	remove: function(shape, silently){
+		if(this.rawNode == shape.rawNode.parentNode){
+			this.rawNode.removeChild(shape.rawNode);
+		}
+		shape._setParent(null, null);
+		return this;
+	}
+dojo.gfx.attachNode = function(node){
+	if(!node) return null;
+	var s = null;
+	switch(node.tagName.toLowerCase()){
+		case dojo.gfx.Rect.nodeType:
+			s = new dojo.gfx.Rect();
+			break;
+		case dojo.gfx.Ellipse.nodeType:
+			s = new dojo.gfx.Ellipse();
+			break;
+		case dojo.gfx.Polyline.nodeType:
+			s = new dojo.gfx.Polyline();
+			break;
+		case dojo.gfx.Path.nodeType:
+			s = new dojo.gfx.Path();
+			break;
+		case dojo.gfx.Circle.nodeType:
+			s = new dojo.gfx.Circle();
+			break;
+		case dojo.gfx.Line.nodeType:
+			s = new dojo.gfx.Line();
+			break;
+		case dojo.gfx.Image.nodeType:
+			s = new dojo.gfx.Image();
+			break;
+		default:
+			dojo.debug("FATAL ERROR! tagName = " + node.tagName);
+	}
+	s.attach(node);
+	return s;
+dojo.lang.extend(dojo.gfx.Surface, {
+	setDimensions: function(/*String*/width, /*String*/height){
+		// summary: sets the width and height of the rawNode
+		if(!this.rawNode){ return this; }
+		this.rawNode.setAttribute("width",  width);
+		this.rawNode.setAttribute("height", height);
+		return this; // dojo.gfx.Surface
+	},
+	getDimensions: function(){
+		// summary: returns an object with properties "width" and "height"
+		return this.rawNode ? {width: this.rawNode.getAttribute("width"), height: this.rawNode.getAttribute("height")} : null; // Object
+	}
+dojo.gfx.createSurface = function(parentNode, width, height){
+	var s = new dojo.gfx.Surface();
+	s.rawNode = document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, "svg");
+	s.rawNode.setAttribute("width",  width);
+	s.rawNode.setAttribute("height", height);
+	var defs = new dojo.gfx.svg.Defines();
+	var node = document.createElementNS(dojo.svg.xmlns.svg, dojo.gfx.svg.Defines.nodeType); 
+	defs.setRawNode(node);
+	s.rawNode.appendChild(node);
+	dojo.byId(parentNode).appendChild(s.rawNode);
+	return s;
+dojo.gfx.attachSurface = function(node){
+	var s = new dojo.gfx.Surface();
+	s.rawNode = node;
+	return s;
+dojo.lang.extend(dojo.gfx.Group, dojo.gfx._creators);
+dojo.lang.extend(dojo.gfx.Surface, dojo.gfx._creators);
+delete dojo.gfx._creators;
+// Gradient and pattern
+dojo.gfx.svg.Defines = function(){
+	this.rawNode = null;
+dojo.lang.extend(dojo.gfx.svg.Defines, {
+	setRawNode: function(rawNode){
+		this.rawNode = rawNode;
+	}
+dojo.gfx.svg.Defines.nodeType = "defs";

Propchange: jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/gfx/svg.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/gfx/vml.js
--- jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/gfx/vml.js (added)
+++ jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/gfx/vml.js Sat Nov 11 08:44:22 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,1147 @@
+dojo.gfx.vml.xmlns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml";
+dojo.gfx.vml._parseFloat = function(str) {
+	return str.match(/^\d+f$/i) ? parseInt(str) / 65536 : parseFloat(str);
+dojo.gfx.vml.cm_in_pt = 72 / 2.54;
+dojo.gfx.vml.mm_in_pt = 7.2 / 2.54;
+dojo.gfx.vml.px_in_pt = function(){ return dojo.html.getCachedFontMeasurements()["12pt"] / 12; };
+dojo.gfx.vml.pt2px = function(len){ return len * this.px_in_pt(); };
+dojo.gfx.vml.px2pt = function(len){ return len / this.px_in_pt(); };
+dojo.gfx.vml.normalizedLength = function(len) {
+	if(len.length == 0) return 0;
+	if(len.length > 2){
+		var px_in_pt = this.px_in_pt();
+		var val = parseFloat(len);
+		switch(len.slice(-2)){
+			case "px": return val;
+			case "pt": return val * px_in_pt;
+			case "in": return val * 72 * px_in_pt;
+			case "pc": return val * 12 * px_in_pt;
+			case "mm": return val / this.mm_in_pt * px_in_pt;
+			case "cm": return val / this.cm_in_pt * px_in_pt;
+		}
+	}
+	return parseFloat(len);
+dojo.lang.extend(dojo.gfx.Shape, {
+	setStroke: function(stroke){
+		if(!stroke){
+			// don't stroke
+			this.strokeStyle = null;
+			this.rawNode.stroked = false;
+			return this;
+		}
+		// normalize the stroke
+		this.strokeStyle = dojo.gfx.makeParameters(dojo.gfx.defaultStroke, stroke);
+		this.strokeStyle.color = dojo.gfx.normalizeColor(this.strokeStyle.color);
+		// generate attributes
+		var s = this.strokeStyle;
+		this.rawNode.stroked = true;
+		this.rawNode.strokecolor = s.color.toCss();
+		this.rawNode.strokeweight = s.width + "px";	// TODO: should we assume that the width is always in pixels?
+		if(this.rawNode.stroke) {
+			this.rawNode.stroke.opacity = s.color.a;
+			this.rawNode.stroke.endcap = this._translate(this._capMap, s.cap);
+			if(typeof(s.join) == "number") {
+				this.rawNode.stroke.joinstyle = "miter";
+				this.rawNode.stroke.miterlimit = s.join;
+			}else{
+				this.rawNode.stroke.joinstyle = s.join;
+				// this.rawNode.stroke.miterlimit = s.width;
+			}
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	_capMap: { butt: 'flat' },
+	_capMapReversed: { flat: 'butt' },
+	_translate: function(dict, value) {
+		return (value in dict) ? dict[value] : value;
+	},
+	setFill: function(fill){
+		if(!fill){
+			// don't fill
+			this.fillStyle = null;
+			this.rawNode.filled = false;
+			return this;
+		}
+		if(typeof(fill) == "object" && "type" in fill){
+			// gradient
+			switch(fill.type){
+				case "linear":
+					var f = dojo.gfx.makeParameters(dojo.gfx.defaultLinearGradient, fill);
+					this.fillStyle = f;
+					var s = "";
+					for(var i = 0; i < f.colors.length; ++i){
+						f.colors[i].color = dojo.gfx.normalizeColor(f.colors[i].color);
+						s += f.colors[i].offset.toFixed(8) + " " + f.colors[i].color.toHex() + ";";
+					}
+					var fo = this.rawNode.fill;
+					fo.colors.value = s;
+					fo.method = "sigma";
+					fo.type = "gradient";
+					fo.angle = (dojo.math.radToDeg(Math.atan2(f.x2 - f.x1, f.y2 - f.y1)) + 180) % 360;
+					fo.on = true;
+					break;
+				case "radial":
+					var f = dojo.gfx.makeParameters(dojo.gfx.defaultRadialGradient, fill);
+					this.fillStyle = f;
+					var w = parseFloat(;
+					var h = parseFloat(;
+					var c = isNaN(w) ? 1 : 2 * f.r / w;
+					var i = f.colors.length - 1;
+					f.colors[i].color = dojo.gfx.normalizeColor(f.colors[i].color);
+					var s = "0 " + f.colors[i].color.toHex();
+					for(; i >= 0; --i){
+						f.colors[i].color = dojo.gfx.normalizeColor(f.colors[i].color);
+						s += (1 - c * f.colors[i].offset).toFixed(8) + " " + f.colors[i].color.toHex() + ";";
+					}
+					var fo = this.rawNode.fill;
+					fo.colors.value = s;
+					fo.method = "sigma";
+					fo.type = "gradientradial";
+					if(isNaN(w) || isNaN(h)){
+						fo.focusposition = "0.5 0.5";
+					}else{
+						fo.focusposition = ( / w).toFixed(8) + " " + ( / h).toFixed(8);
+					}
+					fo.focussize = "0 0";
+					fo.on = true;
+					break;
+				case "pattern":
+					var f = dojo.gfx.makeParameters(dojo.gfx.defaultPattern, fill);
+					this.fillStyle = f;
+					var fo = this.rawNode.fill;
+					fo.type = "tile";
+					fo.src = f.src;
+					if(f.width && f.height){
+						// in points
+						fo.size.x = dojo.gfx.vml.px2pt(f.width);
+						fo.size.y = dojo.gfx.vml.px2pt(f.height);
+					}
+					fo.alignShape = false;
+					fo.position.x = 0;
+					fo.position.y = 0;
+					fo.origin.x = f.width  ? f.x / f.width  : 0;
+					fo.origin.y = f.height ? f.y / f.height : 0;
+					fo.on = true;
+					break;
+			}
+			this.rawNode.fill.opacity = 1;
+			return this;
+		}
+		// color object
+		this.fillStyle = dojo.gfx.normalizeColor(fill);
+		this.rawNode.fillcolor = this.fillStyle.toHex();
+		this.rawNode.fill.opacity = this.fillStyle.a;
+		this.rawNode.filled = true;
+		return this;
+	},
+	_applyTransform: function() {
+		var matrix = this._getRealMatrix();
+		if(!matrix) return this;
+		var skew = this.rawNode.skew;
+		if(typeof(skew) == "undefined"){
+			for(var i = 0; i < this.rawNode.childNodes.length; ++i){
+				if(this.rawNode.childNodes[i].tagName == "skew"){
+					skew = this.rawNode.childNodes[i];
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(skew){
+			skew.on = false;
+			var mt = matrix.xx.toFixed(8) + " " + matrix.xy.toFixed(8) + " " + 
+				matrix.yx.toFixed(8) + " " + matrix.yy.toFixed(8) + " 0 0";
+			var offset = Math.floor(matrix.dx).toFixed() + "px " + Math.floor(matrix.dy).toFixed() + "px";
+			var l = parseFloat(;
+			var t = parseFloat(;
+			var w = parseFloat(;
+			var h = parseFloat(;
+			if(isNaN(l)) l = 0;
+			if(isNaN(t)) t = 0;
+			if(isNaN(w)) w = 1;
+			if(isNaN(h)) h = 1;
+			var origin = (-l / w - 0.5).toFixed(8) + " " + (-t / h - 0.5).toFixed(8);
+			skew.matrix =  mt;
+			skew.origin = origin;
+			skew.offset = offset;
+			skew.on = true;
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	setRawNode: function(rawNode){
+		rawNode.stroked = false;
+		rawNode.filled  = false;
+		this.rawNode = rawNode;
+	},
+	// Attach family
+	attachStroke: function(rawNode) {
+		var strokeStyle = dojo.lang.shallowCopy(dojo.gfx.defaultStroke, true);
+		if(rawNode && rawNode.stroked){
+			strokeStyle.color = new dojo.gfx.color.Color(rawNode.strokecolor.value);
+			dojo.debug("We are expecting an .75pt here, instead of strokeweight = " + rawNode.strokeweight );
+			strokeStyle.width = dojo.gfx.vml.normalizedLength(rawNode.strokeweight+"");
+			strokeStyle.color.a = rawNode.stroke.opacity;
+			strokeStyle.cap = this._translate(this._capMapReversed, rawNode.stroke.endcap);
+			strokeStyle.join = rawNode.stroke.joinstyle == "miter" ? rawNode.stroke.miterlimit : rawNode.stroke.joinstyle;
+		}else{
+			return null;
+		}
+		return strokeStyle;
+	},
+	attachFill: function(rawNode){
+		var fillStyle = null;
+		var fo = rawNode.fill;
+		if(rawNode) {
+			if(fo.on && fo.type == "gradient"){
+				var fillStyle = dojo.lang.shallowCopy(dojo.gfx.defaultLinearGradient, true);
+				var rad = dojo.math.degToRad(fo.angle);
+				fillStyle.x2 = Math.cos(rad);
+				fillStyle.y2 = Math.sin(rad);
+				fillStyle.colors = [];
+				var stops = fo.colors.value.split(";");
+				for(var i = 0; i < stops.length; ++i){
+					var t = stops[i].match(/\S+/g);
+					if(!t || t.length != 2) continue;
+					fillStyle.colors.push({offset: dojo.gfx.vml._parseFloat(t[0]), color: new dojo.gfx.color.Color(t[1])});
+				}
+			}else if(fo.on && fo.type == "gradientradial"){
+				var fillStyle = dojo.lang.shallowCopy(dojo.gfx.defaultRadialGradient, true);
+				var w = parseFloat(;
+				var h = parseFloat(;
+ = isNaN(w) ? 0 : fo.focusposition.x * w;
+ = isNaN(h) ? 0 : fo.focusposition.y * h;
+				fillStyle.r  = isNaN(w) ? 1 : w / 2;
+				fillStyle.colors = [];
+				var stops = fo.colors.value.split(";");
+				for(var i = stops.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){
+					var t = stops[i].match(/\S+/g);
+					if(!t || t.length != 2) continue;
+					fillStyle.colors.push({offset: dojo.gfx.vml._parseFloat(t[0]), color: new dojo.gfx.color.Color(t[1])});
+				}
+			}else if(fo.on && fo.type == "tile"){
+				var fillStyle = dojo.lang.shallowCopy(dojo.gfx.defaultPattern, true);
+				fillStyle.width  = dojo.gfx.vml.pt2px(fo.size.x); // from pt
+				fillStyle.height = dojo.gfx.vml.pt2px(fo.size.y); // from pt
+				fillStyle.x = fo.origin.x * fillStyle.width;
+				fillStyle.y = fo.origin.y * fillStyle.height;
+				fillStyle.src = fo.src;
+			}else if(fo.on && rawNode.fillcolor){
+				// a color object !
+				fillStyle = new dojo.gfx.color.Color(rawNode.fillcolor+"");
+				fillStyle.a = fo.opacity;
+			}
+		}
+		return fillStyle;
+	},
+	attachTransform: function(rawNode) {
+		var matrix = {};
+		if(rawNode){
+			var s = rawNode.skew;
+			matrix.xx = s.matrix.xtox;
+			matrix.xy = s.matrix.ytox;
+			matrix.yx = s.matrix.xtoy;
+			matrix.yy = s.matrix.ytoy;
+			matrix.dx = dojo.gfx.vml.pt2px(s.offset.x);
+			matrix.dy = dojo.gfx.vml.pt2px(s.offset.y);
+		}
+		return dojo.gfx.matrix.normalize(matrix);
+	},
+	attach: function(rawNode){
+		if(rawNode){
+			this.rawNode = rawNode;
+			this.shape = this.attachShape(rawNode);
+			this.fillStyle = this.attachFill(rawNode);
+			this.strokeStyle = this.attachStroke(rawNode);
+			this.matrix = this.attachTransform(rawNode);
+		}
+	}
+dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.Group", dojo.gfx.shape.VirtualGroup, {
+	add: function(shape){
+		if(this != shape.getParent()){
+			this.rawNode.appendChild(shape.rawNode);
+			dojo.gfx.Group.superclass.add.apply(this, arguments);
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	remove: function(shape, silently){
+		if(this == shape.getParent()){
+			if(this.rawNode == shape.rawNode.parentNode){
+				this.rawNode.removeChild(shape.rawNode);
+			}
+			dojo.gfx.Group.superclass.remove.apply(this, arguments);
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	attach: function(rawNode){
+		if(rawNode){
+			this.rawNode = rawNode;
+			this.shape = null;
+			this.fillStyle = null;
+			this.strokeStyle = null;
+			this.matrix = null;
+		}
+	}
+dojo.gfx.Group.nodeType = "group";
+var zIndex = {
+	moveToFront: function(){
+		this.rawNode.parentNode.appendChild(this.rawNode);
+		return this;
+	},
+	moveToBack: function(){
+		this.rawNode.parentNode.insertBefore(this.rawNode, this.rawNode.parentNode.firstChild);
+		return this;
+	}
+dojo.lang.extend(dojo.gfx.Shape, zIndex);
+dojo.lang.extend(dojo.gfx.Group, zIndex);
+delete zIndex;
+dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.Rect", dojo.gfx.shape.Rect, {
+	setShape: function(newShape){
+		var shape = this.shape = dojo.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape);
+		this.bbox = null;
+		var style =;
+		style.left   = shape.x.toFixed();
+    = shape.y.toFixed();
+		style.width  = (typeof(shape.width) == "string" && shape.width.indexOf("%") >= 0)  ? shape.width  : shape.width.toFixed();
+		style.height = (typeof(shape.width) == "string" && shape.height.indexOf("%") >= 0) ? shape.height : shape.height.toFixed();
+		var r = Math.min(1, (shape.r / Math.min(parseFloat(shape.width), parseFloat(shape.height)))).toFixed(8);
+		// a workaround for the VML's arcsize bug: cannot read arcsize of an instantiated node
+		var parent = this.rawNode.parentNode;
+		var before = null;
+		if(parent){
+			if(parent.lastChild != this.rawNode){
+				for(var i = 0; i < parent.childNodes.length; ++i){
+					if(parent.childNodes[i] == this.rawNode){
+						before = parent.childNodes[i+1];
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			parent.removeChild(this.rawNode);
+		}
+		this.rawNode.arcsize = r;
+		if(parent){
+			if(before){
+				parent.insertBefore(this.rawNode, before);
+			}else{
+				parent.appendChild(this.rawNode);
+			}
+		}
+		return this.setTransform(this.matrix);
+	},
+	attachShape: function(rawNode){
+		// a workaround for the VML's arcsize bug: cannot read arcsize of an instantiated node
+		var arcsize = rawNode.outerHTML.match(/arcsize = \"(\d*\.?\d+[%f]?)\"/)[1];
+		arcsize = (arcsize.indexOf("%") >= 0) ? parseFloat(arcsize) / 100 : dojo.gfx.vml._parseFloat(arcsize);
+		var style =;
+		var width  = parseFloat(style.width);
+		var height = parseFloat(style.height);
+		// make an object
+		return dojo.gfx.makeParameters(dojo.gfx.defaultRect, {
+			x: parseInt(style.left),
+			y: parseInt(,
+			width:  width,
+			height: height,
+			r: Math.min(width, height) * arcsize
+		});
+	}
+dojo.gfx.Rect.nodeType = "roundrect"; // use a roundrect so the stroke join type is respected
+dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.Ellipse", dojo.gfx.shape.Ellipse, {
+	setShape: function(newShape){
+		var shape = this.shape = dojo.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape);
+		this.bbox = null;
+		var style =;
+		style.left   = ( - shape.rx).toFixed();
+    = ( - shape.ry).toFixed();
+		style.width  = (shape.rx * 2).toFixed();
+		style.height = (shape.ry * 2).toFixed();
+		return this.setTransform(this.matrix);
+	},
+	attachShape: function(rawNode){
+		var style =;
+		var rx = parseInt(style.width ) / 2;
+		var ry = parseInt(style.height) / 2;
+		return dojo.gfx.makeParameters(dojo.gfx.defaultEllipse, {
+			cx: parseInt(style.left) + rx,
+			cy: parseInt( ) + ry,
+			rx: rx,
+			ry: ry
+		});
+	}
+dojo.gfx.Ellipse.nodeType = "oval";
+dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.Circle", dojo.gfx.shape.Circle, {
+	setShape: function(newShape){
+		var shape = this.shape = dojo.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape);
+		this.bbox = null;
+		var style =;
+		style.left   = ( - shape.r).toFixed();
+    = ( - shape.r).toFixed();
+		style.width  = (shape.r * 2).toFixed();
+		style.height = (shape.r * 2).toFixed();
+		return this;
+	},
+	attachShape: function(rawNode){
+		var style =;
+		var r = parseInt(style.width) / 2;
+		return dojo.gfx.makeParameters(dojo.gfx.defaultCircle, {
+			cx: parseInt(style.left) + r,
+			cy: parseInt(  + r,
+			r:  r
+		});
+	}
+dojo.gfx.Circle.nodeType = "oval";
+dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.Line", dojo.gfx.shape.Line,
+	function(rawNode){
+		if(rawNode) rawNode.setAttribute("dojoGfxType", "line");
+	}, {
+	setShape: function(newShape){
+		var shape = this.shape = dojo.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape);
+		this.bbox = null;
+		this.rawNode.path.v = "m" + shape.x1.toFixed() + " " + shape.y1.toFixed() +
+			"l" + shape.x2.toFixed() + " " + shape.y2.toFixed() + "e";
+		return this.setTransform(this.matrix);
+	},
+	attachShape: function(rawNode){
+		var p = rawNode.path.v.match(dojo.gfx.pathRegExp);
+		var shape = {};
+		do{
+			if(p.length < 7 || p[0] != "m" || p[3] != "l" || p[6] != "e") break;
+			shape.x1 = parseInt(p[1]);
+			shape.y1 = parseInt(p[2]);
+			shape.x2 = parseInt(p[4]);
+			shape.y2 = parseInt(p[5]);
+		}while(false);
+		return dojo.gfx.makeParameters(dojo.gfx.defaultLine, shape);
+	}
+dojo.gfx.Line.nodeType = "shape";
+dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.Polyline", dojo.gfx.shape.Polyline,
+	function(rawNode){
+		if(rawNode) rawNode.setAttribute("dojoGfxType", "polyline");
+	}, {
+	setShape: function(points, closed){
+		if(points && points instanceof Array){
+			this.shape = dojo.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, { points: points });
+			if(closed && this.shape.points.length) this.shape.points.push(this.shape.points[0]);
+		}else{
+			this.shape = dojo.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, points);
+		}
+		this.bbox = null;
+		var attr = [];
+		var p = this.shape.points;
+		if(p.length > 0){
+			attr.push("m");
+			attr.push(p[0].x.toFixed());
+			attr.push(p[0].y.toFixed());
+			if(p.length > 1){
+				attr.push("l");
+				for(var i = 1; i < p.length; ++i){
+					attr.push(p[i].x.toFixed());
+					attr.push(p[i].y.toFixed());
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		attr.push("e");
+		this.rawNode.path.v = attr.join(" ");
+		return this.setTransform(this.matrix);
+	},
+	attachShape: function(rawNode){
+		var shape = dojo.lang.shallowCopy(dojo.gfx.defaultPolyline, true);
+		var p = rawNode.path.v.match(dojo.gfx.pathRegExp);
+		do{
+			if(p.length < 3 || p[0] != "m") break;
+			var x = parseInt(p[0]);
+			var y = parseInt(p[1]);
+			if(isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) break;
+			shape.points.push({x: x, y: y});
+			if(p.length < 6 || p[3] != "l") break;
+			for(var i = 4; i < p.length; i += 2){
+				x = parseInt(p[i]);
+				y = parseInt(p[i + 1]);
+				if(isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) break;
+				shape.points.push({x: x, y: y});
+			}
+		}while(false);
+		return shape;
+	}
+dojo.gfx.Polyline.nodeType = "shape";
+dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.Image", dojo.gfx.shape.Image, {
+	getEventSource: function() {
+		return this.rawNode ? this.rawNode.firstChild : null;
+	},
+	setShape: function(newShape){
+		var shape = this.shape = dojo.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape);
+		this.bbox = null;
+		var firstChild = this.rawNode.firstChild;
+        firstChild.src = shape.src;
+        if(shape.width || shape.height){
+  = shape.width;
+ = shape.height;
+        }
+		return this.setTransform(this.matrix);
+	},
+	setStroke: function() { return this; },
+	setFill:   function() { return this; },
+	attachShape: function(rawNode){
+		var shape = dojo.lang.shallowCopy(dojo.gfx.defaultImage, true);
+		shape.src = rawNode.firstChild.src;
+		return shape;
+	},
+	attachStroke: function(rawNode){ return null; },
+	attachFill:   function(rawNode){ return null; },
+	attachTransform: function(rawNode) {
+		var matrix = {};
+		if(rawNode){
+			var m = rawNode.filters["DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix"];
+			matrix.xx = m.M11;
+			matrix.xy = m.M12;
+			matrix.yx = m.M21;
+			matrix.yy = m.M22;
+			matrix.dx = m.Dx;
+			matrix.dy = m.Dy;
+		}
+		return dojo.gfx.matrix.normalize(matrix);
+	},
+	_applyTransform: function() {
+		var matrix = this._getRealMatrix();
+		if(!matrix) return this;
+		with(this.rawNode.filters["DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix"]){
+			M11 = matrix.xx;
+			M12 = matrix.xy;
+			M21 = matrix.yx;
+			M22 = matrix.yy;
+			Dx  = matrix.dx;
+			Dy  = matrix.dy;
+		}
+		return this;
+	}
+dojo.gfx.Image.nodeType = "image";
+dojo.gfx.path._calcArc = function(alpha){
+	var cosa  = Math.cos(alpha);
+	var sina  = Math.sin(alpha);
+	// return a start point, 1st and 2nd control points, and an end point
+	var p2 = {x: cosa + (4 / 3) * (1 - cosa), y: sina - (4 / 3) * cosa * (1 - cosa) / sina};
+	return {
+		s:  {x: cosa, y: sina},
+		c1: p2,
+		c2: {x: p2.x, y: -p2.y},
+		e:  {x: cosa, y: -sina}
+	};
+dojo.declare("dojo.gfx.Path", dojo.gfx.path.Path,
+	function(rawNode){
+		if(rawNode) rawNode.setAttribute("dojoGfxType", "path");
+		this.vmlPath = "";
+		this.lastControl = {};
+	}, {
+	_updateWithSegment: function(segment){
+		var last = dojo.lang.shallowCopy(this.last);
+		dojo.gfx.Path.superclass._updateWithSegment.apply(this, arguments);
+		// add a VML path segment
+		var path = this[this.renderers[segment.action]](segment, last);
+		if(typeof(this.vmlPath) == "string"){
+			this.vmlPath += path.join("");
+		}else{
+			this.vmlPath = this.vmlPath.concat(path);
+		}
+		if(typeof(this.vmlPath) == "string"){
+			this.rawNode.path.v = this.vmlPath + " e";
+		}
+	},
+	setShape: function(newShape){
+		this.vmlPath = [];
+		this.lastControl = {};
+		dojo.gfx.Path.superclass.setShape.apply(this, arguments);
+		this.vmlPath = this.vmlPath.join("");
+		this.rawNode.path.v = this.vmlPath + " e";
+		return this;
+	},
+	_pathVmlToSvgMap: {m: "M", l: "L", t: "m", r: "l", c: "C", v: "c", qb: "Q", x: "z", e: ""},
+	attachShape: function(rawNode){
+		var shape = dojo.lang.shallowCopy(dojo.gfx.defaultPath, true);
+		var p = rawNode.path.v.match(dojo.gfx.pathRegExp);
+		var t = [], skip = false;
+		for(var i = 0; i < p.length; ++p){
+			var s = p[i];
+			if(s in this._pathVmlToSvgMap) {
+				skip = false;
+				t.push(this._pathVmlToSvgMap[s]);
+			} else if(!skip){
+				var n = parseInt(s);
+				if(isNaN(n)){
+					skip = true;
+				}else{
+					t.push(n);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(t.length) shape.path = t.join(" ");
+		return shape;
+	},
+	// VML-specific segment renderers
+	renderers: {
+		M: "_moveToA", m: "_moveToR", 
+		L: "_lineToA", l: "_lineToR", 
+		H: "_hLineToA", h: "_hLineToR", 
+		V: "_vLineToA", v: "_vLineToR", 
+		C: "_curveToA", c: "_curveToR", 
+		S: "_smoothCurveToA", s: "_smoothCurveToR", 
+		Q: "_qCurveToA", q: "_qCurveToR", 
+		T: "_qSmoothCurveToA", t: "_qSmoothCurveToR", 
+		A: "_arcTo", a: "_arcTo", 
+		Z: "_closePath", z: "_closePath"
+	},
+	_addArgs: function(path, args, from, upto){
+		if(typeof(upto) == "undefined"){
+			upto = args.length;
+		}
+		if(typeof(from) == "undefined"){
+			from = 0;
+		}
+		for(var i = from; i < upto; ++i){
+			path.push(" ");
+			path.push(args[i].toFixed());
+		}
+	},
+	_addArgsAdjusted: function(path, last, args, from, upto){
+		if(typeof(upto) == "undefined"){
+			upto = args.length;
+		}
+		if(typeof(from) == "undefined"){
+			from = 0;
+		}
+		for(var i = from; i < upto; i += 2){
+			path.push(" ");
+			path.push((last.x + args[i]).toFixed());
+			path.push(" ");
+			path.push((last.y + args[i + 1]).toFixed());
+		}
+	},
+	_moveToA: function(segment){
+		var p = [" m"];
+		var n = segment.args;
+		var l = n.length;
+		if(l == 2){
+			this._addArgs(p, n);
+		}else{
+			this._addArgs(p, n, 0, 2);
+			p.push(" l");
+			this._addArgs(p, n, 2);
+		}
+		this.lastControl = {};
+		return p;
+	},
+	_moveToR: function(segment, last){
+		var p = ["x" in last ? " t" : " m"];
+		var n = segment.args;
+		var l = n.length;
+		if(l == 2){
+			this._addArgs(p, n);
+		}else{
+			this._addArgs(p, n, 0, 2);
+			p.push(" r");
+			this._addArgs(p, n, 2);
+		}
+		this.lastControl = {};
+		return p;
+	},
+	_lineToA: function(segment){
+		var p = [" l"];
+		this._addArgs(p, segment.args);
+		this.lastControl = {};
+		return p;
+	},
+	_lineToR: function(segment){
+		var p = [" r"];
+		this._addArgs(p, segment.args);
+		this.lastControl = {};
+		return p;
+	},
+	_hLineToA: function(segment, last){
+		var p = [" l"];
+		var n = segment.args;
+		var l = n.length;
+		var y = " " + last.y.toFixed();
+		for(var i = 0; i < l; ++i){
+			p.push(" ");
+			p.push(n[i].toFixed());
+			p.push(y);
+		}
+		this.lastControl = {};
+		return p;
+	},
+	_hLineToR: function(segment){
+		var p = [" r"];
+		var n = segment.args;
+		var l = n.length;
+		for(var i = 0; i < l; ++i){
+			p.push(" ");
+			p.push(n[i].toFixed());
+			p.push(" 0");
+		}
+		this.lastControl = {};
+		return p;
+	},
+	_vLineToA: function(segment, last){
+		var p = [" l"];
+		var n = segment.args;
+		var l = n.length;
+		var x = " " + last.x.toFixed();
+		for(var i = 0; i < l; ++i){
+			p.push(x);
+			p.push(" ");
+			p.push(n[i].toFixed());
+		}
+		this.lastControl = {};
+		return p;
+	},
+	_vLineToR: function(segment){
+		var p = [" r"];
+		var n = segment.args;
+		var l = n.length;
+		for(var i = 0; i < l; ++i){
+			p.push(" 0 ");
+			p.push(n[i].toFixed());
+		}
+		this.lastControl = {};
+		return p;
+	},
+	_curveToA: function(segment){
+		var p = [];
+		var n = segment.args;
+		var l = n.length;
+		for(var i = 0; i < l; i += 6){
+			p.push(" c");
+			this._addArgs(p, n, i, i + 6);
+		}
+		this.lastControl = {x: n[l - 4], y: n[l - 3], type: "C"};
+		return p;
+	},
+	_curveToR: function(segment, last){
+		var p = [];
+		var n = segment.args;
+		var l = n.length;
+		for(var i = 0; i < l; i += 6){
+			p.push(" v");
+			this._addArgs(p, n, i, i + 6);
+			this.lastControl = {x: last.x + n[i + 2], y: last.y + n[i + 3]};
+			last.x += n[i + 4];
+			last.y += n[i + 5];
+		}
+		this.lastControl.type = "C";
+		return p;
+	},
+	_smoothCurveToA: function(segment, last){
+		var p = [];
+		var n = segment.args;
+		var l = n.length;
+		for(var i = 0; i < l; i += 4){
+			p.push(" c");
+			if(this.lastControl.type == "C"){
+				this._addArgs(p, [
+					2 * last.x - this.lastControl.x, 
+					2 * last.y - this.lastControl.y
+				]);
+			}else{
+				this._addArgs(p, [last.x, last.y]);
+			}
+			this._addArgs(p, n, i, i + 4);
+		}
+		this.lastControl = {x: n[l - 4], y: n[l - 3], type: "C"};
+		return p;
+	},
+	_smoothCurveToR: function(segment, last){
+		var p = [];
+		var n = segment.args;
+		var l = n.length;
+		for(var i = 0; i < l; i += 4){
+			p.push(" v");
+			if(this.lastControl.type == "C"){
+				this._addArgs(p, [
+					last.x - this.lastControl.x, 
+					last.y - this.lastControl.y
+				]);
+			}else{
+				this._addArgs(p, [0, 0]);
+			}
+			this._addArgs(p, n, i, i + 4);
+			this.lastControl = {x: last.x + n[i], y: last.y + n[i + 1]};
+			last.x += n[i + 2];
+			last.y += n[i + 3];
+		}
+		this.lastControl.type = "C";
+		return p;
+	},
+	_qCurveToA: function(segment){
+		var p = [];
+		var n = segment.args;
+		var l = n.length;
+		for(var i = 0; i < l; i += 4){
+			p.push(" qb");
+			this._addArgs(p, n, i, i + 4);
+		}
+		this.lastControl = {x: n[l - 4], y: n[l - 3], type: "Q"};
+		return p;
+	},
+	_qCurveToR: function(segment, last){
+		var p = [];
+		var n = segment.args;
+		var l = n.length;
+		for(var i = 0; i < l; i += 4){
+			p.push(" qb");
+			this._addArgsAdjusted(p, last, n, i, i + 4);
+			this.lastControl = {x: last.x + n[i], y: last.y + n[i + 1]};
+			last.x += n[i + 2];
+			last.y += n[i + 3];
+		}
+		this.lastControl.type = "Q";
+		return p;
+	},
+	_qSmoothCurveToA: function(segment, last){
+		var p = [];
+		var n = segment.args;
+		var l = n.length;
+		for(var i = 0; i < l; i += 2){
+			p.push(" qb");
+			if(this.lastControl.type == "Q"){
+				this._addArgs(p, [
+					this.lastControl.x = 2 * last.x - this.lastControl.x, 
+					this.lastControl.y = 2 * last.y - this.lastControl.y
+				]);
+			}else{
+				this._addArgs(p, [
+					this.lastControl.x = last.x, 
+					this.lastControl.y = last.y
+				]);
+			}
+			this._addArgs(p, n, i, i + 2);
+		}
+		this.lastControl.type = "Q";
+		return p;
+	},
+	_qSmoothCurveToR: function(segment, last){
+		var p = [];
+		var n = segment.args;
+		var l = n.length;
+		for(var i = 0; i < l; i += 2){
+			p.push(" qb");
+			if(this.lastControl.type == "Q"){
+				this._addArgs(p, [
+					this.lastControl.x = 2 * last.x - this.lastControl.x, 
+					this.lastControl.y = 2 * last.y - this.lastControl.y
+				]);
+			}else{
+				this._addArgs(p, [
+					this.lastControl.x = last.x, 
+					this.lastControl.y = last.y
+				]);
+			}
+			this._addArgsAdjusted(p, last, n, i, i + 2);
+		}
+		this.lastControl.type = "Q";
+		return p;
+	},
+	_PI4: Math.PI / 4,
+	_curvePI4: dojo.gfx.path._calcArc(Math.PI / 8),
+	_calcArcTo: function(path, last, rx, ry, xRotg, large, cw, x, y){
+		var m = dojo.gfx.matrix;
+		// calculate parameters
+		var xRot = -dojo.math.degToRad(xRotg);
+		var rx2 = rx * rx;
+		var ry2 = ry * ry;
+		var pa = m.multiplyPoint(
+			m.rotate(-xRot), 
+			{x: (last.x - x) / 2, y: (last.y - y) / 2}
+		);
+		var pax2 = pa.x * pa.x;
+		var pay2 = pa.y * pa.y;
+		var c1 = Math.sqrt((rx2 * ry2 - rx2 * pay2 - ry2 * pax2) / (rx2 * pay2 + ry2 * pax2));
+		var ca = {
+			x:  c1 * rx * pa.y / ry,
+			y: -c1 * ry * pa.x / rx
+		};
+		if(large == cw){
+			ca = {x: -ca.x, y: -ca.y};
+		}
+		// our center
+		var c = m.multiplyPoint(
+			[
+				m.translate(
+					(last.x + x) / 2,
+					(last.y + y) / 2
+				),
+				m.rotate(xRot)
+			], 
+			ca
+		);
+		// start of our arc
+		var startAngle = Math.atan2(c.y - last.y, last.x - c.x) - xRot;
+		var endAngle   = Math.atan2(c.y - y, x - c.x) - xRot;
+		// size of our arc in radians
+		var theta = cw ? startAngle - endAngle : endAngle - startAngle;
+		if(theta < 0){
+			theta += this._2PI;
+		}else if(theta > this._2PI){
+			theta = this._2PI;
+		}
+		// calculate our elliptic transformation
+		var elliptic_transform = m.normalize([
+			m.translate(c.x, c.y),
+			m.rotate(xRot),
+			m.scale(rx, ry)
+		]);
+		// draw curve chunks
+		var alpha = this._PI4 / 2;
+		var curve = this._curvePI4;
+		var step  = cw ? -alpha : alpha;
+		for(var angle = theta; angle > 0; angle -= this._PI4){
+			if(angle < this._PI4){
+				alpha = angle / 2;
+				curve = dojo.gfx.path._calcArc(alpha);
+				step  = cw ? -alpha : alpha;
+			}
+			var c1, c2, e;
+			var M = m.normalize([elliptic_transform, m.rotate(startAngle + step)]);
+			if(cw){
+				c1 = m.multiplyPoint(M, curve.c2);
+				c2 = m.multiplyPoint(M, curve.c1);
+				e  = m.multiplyPoint(M, curve.s );
+			}else{
+				c1 = m.multiplyPoint(M, curve.c1);
+				c2 = m.multiplyPoint(M, curve.c2);
+				e  = m.multiplyPoint(M, curve.e );
+			}
+			// draw the curve
+			path.push(" c");
+			this._addArgs(path, [c1.x, c1.y, c2.x, c2.y, e.x, e.y]);
+			startAngle += 2 * step;
+		}
+	},
+	_arcTo: function(segment, last){
+		var p = [];
+		var n = segment.args;
+		var l = n.length;
+		var relative = segment.action == "a";
+		for(var i = 0; i < l; i += 7){
+			var x1 = n[i + 5];
+			var y1 = n[i + 6];
+			if(relative){
+				x1 += last.x;
+				y1 += last.y;
+			}
+			this._calcArcTo(
+				p, last, n[i], n[i + 1], n[i + 2], 
+				n[i + 3] ? 1 : 0, n[i + 4] ? 1 : 0,
+				x1, y1
+			);
+			last = {x: x1, y: y1};
+		}
+		this.lastControl = {};
+		return p;
+	},
+	_closePath: function(){
+		this.lastControl = {};
+		return ["x"];
+	}
+dojo.gfx.Path.nodeType = "shape";
+dojo.gfx._creators = {
+	createRect: function(rect){
+		return this.createObject(dojo.gfx.Rect, rect);
+	},
+	createEllipse: function(ellipse){
+		return this.createObject(dojo.gfx.Ellipse, ellipse);
+	},
+	createCircle: function(circle){
+		return this.createObject(dojo.gfx.Circle, circle);
+	},
+	createLine: function(line){
+		return this.createObject(dojo.gfx.Line, line, true);
+	},
+	createPolyline: function(points){
+		return this.createObject(dojo.gfx.Polyline, points, true);
+	},
+	createPath: function(path){
+		return this.createObject(dojo.gfx.Path, path, true);
+	},
+	createGroup: function(path){
+		return this.createObject(dojo.gfx.Group, null, true);
+	},
+	createImage: function(image){
+		if(!this.rawNode) return null;
+		var shape = new dojo.gfx.Image();
+		var node = document.createElement('div');
+ = "relative";
+  =;
+ =;
+ = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=1, M12=0, M21=0, M22=1, Dx=0, Dy=0)";
+		var img  = document.createElement('img');
+		node.appendChild(img);
+		shape.setRawNode(node);
+		this.rawNode.appendChild(node);
+		shape.setShape(image);
+		this.add(shape);
+		return shape;
+	},
+	createObject: function(shapeType, rawShape, overrideSize) {
+		if(!this.rawNode) return null;
+		var shape = new shapeType();
+		var node = document.createElement('v:' + shapeType.nodeType);
+		shape.setRawNode(node);
+		this.rawNode.appendChild(node);
+		if(overrideSize) this._overrideSize(node);
+		shape.setShape(rawShape);
+		this.add(shape);
+		return shape;
+	},
+	_overrideSize: function(node){
+  =;
+ =;
+		node.coordsize = parseFloat( + " " + parseFloat(;
+	}
+dojo.lang.extend(dojo.gfx.Group, dojo.gfx._creators);
+dojo.lang.extend(dojo.gfx.Surface, dojo.gfx._creators);
+delete dojo.gfx._creators;
+dojo.gfx.attachNode = function(node){
+	if(!node) return null;
+	var s = null;
+	switch(node.tagName.toLowerCase()){
+		case dojo.gfx.Rect.nodeType:
+			s = new dojo.gfx.Rect();
+			break;
+		case dojo.gfx.Ellipse.nodeType:
+			s = ( ==
+				? new dojo.gfx.Circle()
+				: new dojo.gfx.Ellipse();
+			break;
+		case dojo.gfx.Path.nodeType:
+			switch(node.getAttribute("dojoGfxType")){
+				case "line":
+					s = new dojo.gfx.Line();
+					break;
+				case "polyline":
+					s = new dojo.gfx.Polyline();
+					break;
+				case "path":
+					s = new dojo.gfx.Path();
+					break;
+			}
+			break;
+		case dojo.gfx.Image.nodeType:
+			s = new dojo.gfx.Image();
+			break;
+		default:
+			dojo.debug("FATAL ERROR! tagName = " + node.tagName);
+	}
+	s.attach(node);
+	return s;
+dojo.lang.extend(dojo.gfx.Surface, {
+	setDimensions: function(width, height){
+		if(!this.rawNode) return this;
+ = width;
+ = height;
+		this.rawNode.coordsize = width + " " + height;
+		return this;
+	},
+	getDimensions: function(){
+		return this.rawNode ? { width:, height: } : null;
+	},
+	// group control
+	add: function(shape){
+		var oldParent = shape.getParent();
+		if(this != oldParent){
+			this.rawNode.appendChild(shape.rawNode);
+			if(oldParent){
+				oldParent.remove(shape, true);
+			}
+			shape._setParent(this, null);
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	remove: function(shape, silently){
+		if(this == shape.getParent()){
+			if(this.rawNode == shape.rawNode.parentNode){
+				this.rawNode.removeChild(shape.rawNode);
+			}
+			shape._setParent(null, null);
+		}
+		return this;
+	}
+dojo.gfx.createSurface = function(parentNode, width, height){
+	var s = new dojo.gfx.Surface();
+	s.rawNode = document.createElement("v:group");
+  = width  ? width  : "100%";
+ = height ? height : "100%";
+	s.rawNode.coordsize = (width && height)
+		? (parseFloat(width) + " " + parseFloat(height))
+		: "100% 100%";
+	s.rawNode.coordorigin = "0 0";
+	dojo.byId(parentNode).appendChild(s.rawNode);
+	return s;
+dojo.gfx.attachSurface = function(node){
+	var s = new dojo.gfx.Surface();
+	s.rawNode = node;
+	return s;

Propchange: jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/gfx/vml.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/graphics/Colorspace.js
--- jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/graphics/Colorspace.js (added)
+++ jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/graphics/Colorspace.js Sat Nov 11 08:44:22 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+dojo.deprecated(" use dojo.gfx.Colorspace instead.", "0.5"); = dojo.gfx.Colorspace;

Propchange: jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/graphics/Colorspace.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/graphics/__package__.js
--- jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/graphics/__package__.js (added)
+++ jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/graphics/__package__.js Sat Nov 11 08:44:22 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// By default... don't pull in anything?  (todo: figure out what should be in list)

Propchange: jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/graphics/__package__.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/graphics/color.js
--- jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/graphics/color.js (added)
+++ jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/graphics/color.js Sat Nov 11 08:44:22 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+dojo.deprecated(" is now dojo.gfx.color.Color.", "0.5"); = dojo.gfx.color.Color;
+ = dojo.gfx.color.named; = function(a, b, weight) {
+	dojo.deprecated(" is now dojo.gfx.color.blend", "0.5");
+	return dojo.gfx.color.blend(a, b, weight);
+} = function(a, b, weight) {
+	dojo.deprecated(" is now dojo.gfx.color.blendHex", "0.5");
+	return dojo.gfx.color.rgb2hex(dojo.gfx.color.blend(dojo.gfx.color.hex2rgb(a), dojo.gfx.color.hex2rgb(b), weight));
+} = function(color) {
+	dojo.deprecated(" is now dojo.gfx.color.extractRGB", "0.5");
+	return dojo.gfx.color.extractRGB(color);
+} = function(hex) {
+	dojo.deprecated(" is now dojo.gfx.color.hex2rgb", "0.5");
+	return dojo.gfx.color.hex2rgb(hex);
+} = function(r, g, b) {
+	dojo.deprecated(" is now dojo.gfx.color.rgb2hex", "0.5");
+	return dojo.gfx.color.rgb2hex;

Propchange: jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/graphics/color.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/graphics/color/hsl.js
--- jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/graphics/color/hsl.js (added)
+++ jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/graphics/color/hsl.js Sat Nov 11 08:44:22 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+dojo.deprecated(" has been replaced with dojo.gfx.color.hsl", "0.5");
+ = function(r, g, b){
+	dojo.deprecated(" has been replaced with dojo.gfx.color.rgb2hsl", "0.5");
+	return dojo.gfx.color.rgb2hsl(r, g, b);
+} = function(h, s, l){
+	dojo.deprecated(" has been replaced with dojo.gfx.color.hsl2rgb", "0.5");
+	return dojo.gfx.color.hsl2rgb(h, s, l);
+ = function(h, s, l){
+	dojo.deprecated(" has been replaced with dojo.gfx.color.hsl2hex", "0.5");
+	return dojo.gfx.color.hsl2hex(h, s, l);
+ = function(hex){
+	dojo.deprecated(" has been replaced with dojo.gfx.color.hex2hsl", "0.5");
+	return dojo.gfx.color.hex2hsl(hex);

Propchange: jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/graphics/color/hsl.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/graphics/color/hsv.js
--- jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/graphics/color/hsv.js (added)
+++ jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/graphics/color/hsv.js Sat Nov 11 08:44:22 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+dojo.deprecated(" has been replaced by dojo.gfx.color.hsv", "0.5");
+ = function(r, g, b){
+	dojo.deprecated(" has been replaced by dojo.gfx.color.rgb2hsv", "0.5");
+	return dojo.gfx.color.rgb2hsv(r, g, b);
+} = function(h, s, v){
+	dojo.deprecated(" has been replaced by dojo.gfx.color.hsv2rgb", "0.5");
+	return dojo.gfx.color.hsv2rgb(h, s, v);

Propchange: jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/graphics/color/hsv.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/hostenv_adobesvg.js
--- jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/hostenv_adobesvg.js (added)
+++ jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/hostenv_adobesvg.js Sat Nov 11 08:44:22 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+ * Adobe SVG Viewer host environment
+ */
+if(typeof window == 'undefined'){
+	dojo.raise("attempt to use adobe svg hostenv when no window object");
+	name = navigator.appName;
+	ver = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion, 10);
+	switch(navigator.platform){
+		case "MacOS":
+			os.osx =  true;
+			break;
+		case "Linux":
+			os.linux =  true;
+			break;
+		case "Windows":
+ =  true;
+			break;
+		default:
+			os.linux = true;
+			break;
+	};
+	svg.capable = true;
+ = true;
+	svg.adobe = true;
+// browserEval("alert(window.location);");
+dojo.hostenv.println = function(s){
+	try{
+    // FIXME: this may not work with adobe's viewer, as we may first need a 
+		// reference to the svgDocument
+		// FIXME: need a way to determine where to position the text for this
+    var ti = document.createElement("text");
+    ti.setAttribute("x","50");
+		var yPos = 25 + 15*document.getElementsByTagName("text").length;
+    ti.setAttribute("y",yPos);
+		var tn = document.createTextNode(s);
+		ti.appendChild(tn);
+		document.documentElement.appendChild(ti);
+	}catch(e){
+	}
+dojo.debug = function() {
+	if (!djConfig.isDebug) { return; }
+	var args = arguments;
+	if(typeof dojo.hostenv.println != 'function'){
+		dojo.raise("attempt to call dojo.debug when there is no dojo.hostenv println implementation (yet?)");
+	}
+	var isJUM = dj_global["jum"];
+	var s = isJUM ? "": "DEBUG: ";
+	for(var i=0;i<args.length;++i){ s += args[i]; }
+	if(isJUM){ // this seems to be the only way to get JUM to "play nice"
+		jum.debug(s);
+	}else{
+		dojo.hostenv.println(s);
+	}
+dojo.hostenv.name_ = 'adobesvg';
+dojo.hostenv.anonCtr = 0;
+dojo.hostenv.anon = {};
+dojo.hostenv.nameAnonFunc = function(anonFuncPtr, namespaceObj){
+	var ret = "_"+this.anonCtr++;
+	var nso = (namespaceObj || this.anon);
+	while(typeof nso[ret] != "undefined"){
+		ret = "_"+this.anonCtr++;
+	}
+	nso[ret] = anonFuncPtr;
+	return ret;
+dojo.hostenv.modulesLoadedFired = false;
+dojo.hostenv.modulesLoadedListeners = [];
+dojo.hostenv.getTextStack = [];
+dojo.hostenv.loadUriStack = [];
+dojo.hostenv.loadedUris = [];
+dojo.hostenv.modulesLoaded = function(){
+	if(this.modulesLoadedFired){ return; }
+	if((this.loadUriStack.length==0)&&(this.getTextStack.length==0)){
+		if(this.inFlightCount > 0){ 
+			dojo.debug("couldn't initialize, there are files still in flight");
+			return;
+		}
+		this.modulesLoadedFired = true;
+		var mll = this.modulesLoadedListeners;
+		for(var x=0; x<mll.length; x++){
+			mll[x]();
+		}
+	}
+dojo.hostenv.getNewAnonFunc = function(){
+	var ret = "_"+this.anonCtr++;
+	while(typeof this.anon[ret] != "undefined"){
+		ret = "_"+this.anonCtr++;
+	}
+	// this.anon[ret] = function(){};
+	eval("dojo.nostenv.anon."+ret+" = function(){};");
+	return [ret, this.anon[ret]];
+dojo.hostenv.displayStack = function(){
+	var oa = [];
+	var stack = this.loadUriStack;
+	for(var x=0; x<stack.length; x++){
+		oa.unshift([stack[x][0], (typeof stack[x][2])]);
+	}
+	dojo.debug("<pre>"+oa.join("\n")+"</pre>");
+dojo.hostenv.unwindUriStack = function(){
+	var stack = this.loadUriStack;
+	for(var x in dojo.hostenv.loadedUris){
+		for(var y=stack.length-1; y>=0; y--){
+			if(stack[y][0]==x){
+				stack.splice(y, 1);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	var next = stack.pop();
+	if((!next)&&(stack.length==0)){ 
+		return;
+	}
+	for(var x=0; x<stack.length; x++){
+		if((stack[x][0]==next[0])&&(stack[x][2])){
+			next[2] == stack[x][2]
+		}
+	}
+	var last = next;
+	while(dojo.hostenv.loadedUris[next[0]]){
+		last = next;
+		next = stack.pop();
+	}
+	while(typeof next[2] == "string"){ // unwind as far as we can
+		try{
+			// dojo.debug("<pre><![CDATA["+next[2]+"]]></pre>");
+			dj_eval(next[2]);
+			next[1](true);
+		}catch(e){
+			dojo.debug("we got an error when loading "+next[0]);
+			dojo.debug("error: "+e);
+			// for(var x in e){ alert(x+" "+e[x]); }
+		}
+		dojo.hostenv.loadedUris[next[0]] = true;
+		dojo.hostenv.loadedUris.push(next[0]);
+		last = next;
+		next = stack.pop();
+		if((!next)&&(stack.length==0)){ break; }
+		while(dojo.hostenv.loadedUris[next[0]]){
+			last = next;
+			next = stack.pop();
+		}
+	}
+	if(next){
+		stack.push(next);
+		dojo.debug("### CHOKED ON: "+next[0]);
+	}
+ * Reads the contents of the URI, and evaluates the contents.
+ * Returns true if it succeeded. Returns false if the URI reading failed. Throws if the evaluation throws.
+ * The result of the eval is not available to the caller.
+ */
+dojo.hostenv.loadUri = function(uri, cb){
+	if(dojo.hostenv.loadedUris[uri]){
+		return;
+	}
+	var stack = this.loadUriStack;
+	stack.push([uri, cb, null]);
+	var tcb = function(contents){
+		// gratuitous hack for Adobe SVG 3
+		if(contents.content){
+			contents = contents.content;
+		}
+		// stack management
+		var next = stack.pop();
+		if((!next)&&(stack.length==0)){ 
+			dojo.hostenv.modulesLoaded();
+			return;
+		}
+		if(typeof contents == "string"){
+			stack.push(next);
+			for(var x=0; x<stack.length; x++){
+				if(stack[x][0]==uri){
+					stack[x][2] = contents;
+				}
+			}
+			next = stack.pop();
+		}
+		if(dojo.hostenv.loadedUris[next[0]]){ 
+			// dojo.debug("WE ALREADY HAD: "+next[0]);
+			dojo.hostenv.unwindUriStack();
+			return;
+		}
+		// push back onto stack
+		stack.push(next);
+		if(next[0]!=uri){
+			//  and then unwind as far as we can
+			if(typeof next[2] == "string"){
+				dojo.hostenv.unwindUriStack();
+			}
+		}else{
+			if(!contents){ 
+				next[1](false);
+			}else{
+				var deps = dojo.hostenv.getDepsForEval(next[2]);
+				if(deps.length>0){
+					eval(deps.join(";"));
+				}else{
+					dojo.hostenv.unwindUriStack();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	this.getText(uri, tcb, true);
+ * Reads the contents of the URI, and evaluates the contents.
+ * Returns true if it succeeded. Returns false if the URI reading failed. Throws if the evaluation throws.
+ * The result of the eval is not available to the caller.
+ */
+dojo.hostenv.loadUri = function(uri, cb){
+	if(dojo.hostenv.loadedUris[uri]){
+		return;
+	}
+	var stack = this.loadUriStack;
+	stack.push([uri, cb, null]);
+	var tcb = function(contents){
+		// gratuitous hack for Adobe SVG 3
+		if(contents.content){
+			contents = contents.content;
+		}
+		// stack management
+		var next = stack.pop();
+		if((!next)&&(stack.length==0)){ 
+			dojo.hostenv.modulesLoaded();
+			return;
+		}
+		if(typeof contents == "string"){
+			stack.push(next);
+			for(var x=0; x<stack.length; x++){
+				if(stack[x][0]==uri){
+					stack[x][2] = contents;
+				}
+			}
+			next = stack.pop();
+		}
+		if(dojo.hostenv.loadedUris[next[0]]){ 
+			// dojo.debug("WE ALREADY HAD: "+next[0]);
+			dojo.hostenv.unwindUriStack();
+			return;
+		}
+		// push back onto stack
+		stack.push(next);
+		if(next[0]!=uri){
+			//  and then unwind as far as we can
+			if(typeof next[2] == "string"){
+				dojo.hostenv.unwindUriStack();
+			}
+		}else{
+			if(!contents){ 
+				next[1](false);
+			}else{
+				var deps = dojo.hostenv.getDepsForEval(next[2]);
+				if(deps.length>0){
+					eval(deps.join(";"));
+				}else{
+					dojo.hostenv.unwindUriStack();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	this.getText(uri, tcb, true);
+* loadModule("A.B") first checks to see if symbol A.B is defined. 
+* If it is, it is simply returned (nothing to do).
+* If it is not defined, it will look for "A/B.js" in the script root directory, followed
+* by "A.js".
+* It throws if it cannot find a file to load, or if the symbol A.B is not defined after loading.
+* It returns the object A.B.
+* This does nothing about importing symbols into the current package.
+* It is presumed that the caller will take care of that. For example, to import
+* all symbols:
+*    with (dojo.hostenv.loadModule("A.B")) {
+*       ...
+*    }
+* And to import just the leaf symbol:
+*    var B = dojo.hostenv.loadModule("A.B");
+*    ...
+* dj_load is an alias for dojo.hostenv.loadModule
+dojo.hostenv.loadModule = function(modulename, exact_only, omit_module_check){
+	// alert("dojo.hostenv.loadModule('"+modulename+"');");
+	var module = this.findModule(modulename, 0);
+	if(module){
+		return module;
+	}
+	// dojo.debug("dojo.hostenv.loadModule('"+modulename+"');");
+	// protect against infinite recursion from mutual dependencies
+	if (typeof this.loading_modules_[modulename] !== 'undefined'){
+		// NOTE: this should never throw an exception!! "recursive" includes
+		// are normal in the course of app and module building, so blow out of
+		// it gracefully, but log it in debug mode
+		// dojo.raise("recursive attempt to load module '" + modulename + "'");
+		dojo.debug("recursive attempt to load module '" + modulename + "'");
+	}else{
+		this.addedToLoadingCount.push(modulename);
+	}
+	this.loading_modules_[modulename] = 1;
+	// convert periods to slashes
+	var relpath = modulename.replace(/\./g, '/') + '.js';
+	var syms = modulename.split(".");
+	var nsyms = modulename.split(".");
+	if(syms[0]=="dojo"){ // FIXME: need a smarter way to do this!
+		syms[0] = "src"; 
+	}
+	var last = syms.pop();
+	syms.push(last);
+	// figure out if we're looking for a full package, if so, we want to do
+	// things slightly diffrently
+	var _this = this;
+	var pfn = this.pkgFileName;
+	if(last=="*"){
+		modulename = (nsyms.slice(0, -1)).join('.');
+		var module = this.findModule(modulename, 0);
+		// dojo.debug("found: "+modulename+"="+module);
+		if(module){
+			_this.removedFromLoadingCount.push(modulename);
+			return module;
+		}
+		var nextTry = function(lastStatus){
+			if(lastStatus){ 
+				module = _this.findModule(modulename, false); // pass in false so we can give better error
+				if((!module)&&(syms[syms.length-1]!=pfn)){
+					dojo.raise("Module symbol '" + modulename + "' is not defined after loading '" + relpath + "'"); 
+				}
+				if(module){
+					_this.removedFromLoadingCount.push(modulename);
+					dojo.hostenv.modulesLoaded();
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+			syms.pop();
+			syms.push(pfn);
+			// dojo.debug("syms: "+syms);
+			relpath = syms.join("/") + '.js';
+			if(relpath.charAt(0)=="/"){
+				relpath = relpath.slice(1);
+			}
+			// dojo.debug("relpath: "+relpath);
+			_this.loadPath(relpath, ((!omit_module_check) ? modulename : null), nextTry);
+		}
+		nextTry();
+	}else{
+		relpath = syms.join("/") + '.js';
+		modulename = nsyms.join('.');
+		var nextTry = function(lastStatus){
+			// dojo.debug("lastStatus: "+lastStatus);
+			if(lastStatus){ 
+				// dojo.debug("inital relpath: "+relpath);
+				module = _this.findModule(modulename, false); // pass in false so we can give better error
+				// if(!module){
+				if((!module)&&(syms[syms.length-1]!=pfn)){
+					dojo.raise("Module symbol '" + modulename + "' is not defined after loading '" + relpath + "'"); 
+				}
+				if(module){
+					_this.removedFromLoadingCount.push(modulename);
+					dojo.hostenv.modulesLoaded();
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+			var setPKG = (syms[syms.length-1]==pfn) ? false : true;
+			syms.pop();
+			if(setPKG){
+				syms.push(pfn);
+			}
+			relpath = syms.join("/") + '.js';
+			if(relpath.charAt(0)=="/"){
+				relpath = relpath.slice(1);
+			}
+			// dojo.debug("relpath: "+relpath);
+			_this.loadPath(relpath, ((!omit_module_check) ? modulename : null), nextTry);
+		}
+		this.loadPath(relpath, ((!omit_module_check) ? modulename : null), nextTry);
+	}
+	return;
+ * Read the contents of the specified uri and return those contents.
+ *
+ * FIXME: Make sure this is consistent with other implementations of getText
+ * @param uri A relative or absolute uri. If absolute, it still must be in the same "domain" as we are.
+ * @param async_cb If not specified, returns false as synchronous is not
+ * supported. If specified, load asynchronously, and use async_cb as the handler which receives the result of the request.
+ * @param fail_ok Default false. If fail_ok and !async_cb and loading fails, return null instead of throwing.
+ */ 
+dojo.hostenv.async_cb = null;
+dojo.hostenv.unWindGetTextStack = function(){
+	if(dojo.hostenv.inFlightCount>0){
+		setTimeout("dojo.hostenv.unWindGetTextStack()", 100);
+		return;
+	}
+	// we serialize because this environment is too messed up
+	// to know how to do anything else
+	dojo.hostenv.inFlightCount++;
+	var next = dojo.hostenv.getTextStack.pop();
+	if((!next)&&(dojo.hostenv.getTextStack.length==0)){ 
+		dojo.hostenv.inFlightCount--;
+		dojo.hostenv.async_cb = function(){};
+		return;
+	}
+	dojo.hostenv.async_cb = next[1];
+	// http = window.getURL(uri, dojo.hostenv.anon[cbn]);
+	window.getURL(next[0], function(result){ 
+		dojo.hostenv.inFlightCount--;
+		dojo.hostenv.async_cb(result.content);
+		dojo.hostenv.unWindGetTextStack();
+	});
+dojo.hostenv.getText = function(uri, async_cb, fail_ok){
+	// dojo.debug("Calling getText()");
+	try{
+		if(async_cb){
+			dojo.hostenv.getTextStack.push([uri, async_cb, fail_ok]);
+			dojo.hostenv.unWindGetTextStack();
+		}else{
+			return dojo.raise("No synchronous XMLHTTP implementation available, for uri " + uri);
+		}
+	}catch(e){
+		return dojo.raise("No XMLHTTP implementation available, for uri " + uri);
+	}
+ * Makes an async post to the specified uri.
+ *
+ * FIXME: Not sure that we need this, but adding for completeness.
+ * More details about the implementation of this are available at 
+ *
+ * @param uri A relative or absolute uri. If absolute, it still must be in the same "domain" as we are.
+ * @param async_cb If not specified, returns false as synchronous is not
+ * supported. If specified, load asynchronously, and use async_cb as the progress handler which takes the xmlhttp object as its argument. If async_cb, this function returns null.
+ * @param text Data to post
+ * @param fail_ok Default false. If fail_ok and !async_cb and loading fails, return null instead of throwing.
+ * @param mime_type optional MIME type of the posted data (such as "text/plain")
+ * @param encoding optional encoding for data. null, 'gzip' and 'deflate' are possible values. If browser does not support binary post this parameter is ignored.
+ */ 
+dojo.hostenv.postText = function(uri, async_cb, text, fail_ok, mime_type, encoding){
+	var http = null;
+	var async_callback = function(httpResponse){
+		if (!httpResponse.success) {
+			dojo.raise("Request for uri '" + uri + "' resulted in " + httpResponse.status);
+		}
+		if(!httpResponse.content) {
+			if (!fail_ok) dojo.raise("Request for uri '" + uri + "' resulted in no content");
+			return null;
+		}
+		// FIXME: wtf, I'm losing a reference to async_cb
+		async_cb(httpResponse.content);
+	}
+	try {
+		if(async_cb) {
+			http = window.postURL(uri, text, async_callback, mimeType, encoding);
+		} else {
+		return dojo.raise("No synchronous XMLHTTP post implementation available, for uri " + uri);
+		}
+	} catch(e) {
+		return dojo.raise("No XMLHTTP post implementation available, for uri " + uri);
+	}
+ * It turns out that if we check *right now*, as this script file is being loaded,
+ * then the last script element in the window DOM is ourselves.
+ * That is because any subsequent script elements haven't shown up in the document
+ * object yet.
+ */
+function dj_last_script_src() {
+	var scripts = window.document.getElementsByTagName('script');
+	if(scripts.length < 1){ 
+		dojo.raise("No script elements in window.document, so can't figure out my script src"); 
+	}
+	var li = scripts.length-1;
+	var xlinkNS = "";
+	var src = null;
+	var script = null;
+	while(!src){
+		script = scripts.item(li);
+		src = script.getAttributeNS(xlinkNS,"href");
+		li--;
+		if(li<0){ break; }
+		// break;
+	}
+	if(!src){
+		dojo.raise("Last script element (out of " + scripts.length + ") has no src");
+	}
+	return src;
+	dojo.hostenv.library_script_uri_ = dj_last_script_src();
+// dojo.hostenv.loadUri = function(uri){
+	/* FIXME: adding a script element doesn't seem to be synchronous, and so
+	 * checking for namespace or object existance after loadUri using this
+	 * method will error out. Need to figure out some other way of handling
+	 * this!
+	 */
+	/*
+	var se = document.createElement("script");
+	se.src = uri;
+	var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
+	head.appendChild(se);
+	// document.write("<script type='text/javascript' src='"+uri+"' />");
+	return 1;

Propchange: jackrabbit/trunk/contrib/jcr-browser/src/main/webapp/dojo/src/hostenv_adobesvg.js
    svn:eol-style = native