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Posted to by Saminda Wijeratne <> on 2012/11/20 22:22:18 UTC

Running workflow using Airavata API

A workflow is identified using the name of the workflow called the
workflowTemplateId. Given this workflow is present in the Airavata system
we can invoke a workflow as follows,

AiravataAPI airavataAPI = ....
String workflowTemplateId="...

//setup inputs for the workflow
List<WorkflowInput> workflowInputs = new ArrayList<WorkflowInput>();
workflowInputs.add(new WorkflowInputs("parameter1","value1"));
workflowInputs.add(new WorkflowInputs("parameter2",42));

To run a workflow we use the execution managers in the Airavata API. We
call this as running an experiment. An experiment is defined as running one
or more workflows. Right now Airavata supports running one workflow per
experiment as follows,

//run the workflow
airavataAPI.getExecutionManager().runExperiment(templateId, workflowInputs);
