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Posted to by Andrew Purtell <> on 2014/04/07 06:49:43 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] HBase 0.98.1 is now available for download

Apache HBase 0.98.1 is now available for download.  Get it at your nearest
Apache mirror [1] or Maven repository.

The list of changes in this release can be found in the release notes [2]
or following this announcement.

Thanks to all who contributed to this release.

The HBase Dev Team


HBASE-5175 Add DoubleColumnInterpreter
HBASE-6642 enable_all,disable_all,drop_all can call "list" command with
regex directly.
HBASE-7849 Provide administrative limits around bulkloads of files into a
single region
HBASE-8076 add better doc for HBaseAdmin#offline API.
HBASE-8304 Bulkload fails to remove files if / fs.defaultFS
is configured without default port
HBASE-8604 improve reporting of incorrect peer address in replication
HBASE-8751 Enable peer cluster to choose/change the ColumnFamilies/Tables
it really want to replicate from a source cluster
HBASE-8803 region_mover.rb should move multiple regions at a time
HBASE-9294 NPE in /rs-status during RS shutdown
HBASE-9501 Provide throttling for replication
HBASE-9708 Improve Snapshot Name Error Message
HBASE-9721 RegionServer should not accept regionOpen RPC intended for
another(previous) server
HBASE-9778 Add hint to ExplicitColumnTracker to avoid seeking
HBASE-9966 Create IntegrationTest for Online Bloom Filter Change
HBASE-9990 HTable uses the conf for each "newCaller"
HBASE-9999 Add support for small reverse scan
HBASE-10080 Unnecessary call to locateRegion when creating an HTable
HBASE-10097 Remove a region name string creation in HRegion#nextInternal
HBASE-10117 Avoid synchronization in HRegionScannerImpl.isFilterDone
HBASE-10169 Batch coprocessor
HBASE-10313 Duplicate servlet-api jars in hbase 0.96.0
HBASE-10389 Add namespace help info in table related shell commands
HBASE-10413 Tablesplit.getLength returns 0
HBASE-10432 Rpc retries non-recoverable error
HBASE-10436 restore regionserver lists removed from hbase 0.96+ jmx
HBASE-10451 Enable back Tag compression on HFiles
HBASE-10452 Fix potential bugs in exception handlers
HBASE-10453 PrefixTree encoding for tags can honor HCD#shouldCompressTags()
HBASE-10476 HBase Master log grows very fast after stopped hadoop (due to
connection exception)
HBASE-10481 API Compatibility JDiff script does not properly handle
arguments in reverse order
HBASE-10482 ReplicationSyncUp doesn't clean up its ZK, needed for tests
HBASE-10485 PrefixFilter#filterKeyValue() should perform filtering on row
HBASE-10486 ProtobufUtil Append & Increment deserialization lost cell level
HBASE-10487 Avoid allocating new KeyValue and according bytes-copying for
appended kvs which don't have existing values
HBASE-10493 InclusiveStopFilter#filterKeyValue() should perform filtering
on row key
HBASE-10495 upgrade script is printing usage two times with help option.
HBASE-10498 Add new APIs to load balancer interface
HBASE-10500 Some tools OOM when BucketCache is enabled
HBASE-10501 Improve IncreasingToUpperBoundRegionSplitPolicy to avoid too
many regions
HBASE-10511 Add latency percentiles on PerformanceEvaluation
HBASE-10514 Forward port HBASE-10466, possible data loss when failed flushes
HBASE-10518 DirectMemoryUtils.getDirectMemoryUsage spams when none is
HBASE-10526 Using Cell instead of KeyValue in HFileOutputFormat
HBASE-10527 TestTokenAuthentication fails with the IBM JDK
HBASE-10534 Rowkey in TsvImporterTextMapper initializing with wrong length
HBASE-10537 Let the ExportSnapshot mapper fail and retry on error
HBASE-10539 HRegion.addAndGetGlobalMemstoreSize returns previous size
HBASE-10543 Two rare test failures with TestLogsCleaner and
HBASE-10545 RS Hangs waiting on region to close on shutdown; has to timeout
before can go down
HBASE-10546 Two scanner objects are open for each hbase map task but only
one scanner object is closed
HBASE-10547 TestFixedLengthWrapper#testReadWrite occasionally fails with
HBASE-10548 Correct commons-math dependency version
HBASE-10552 HFilePerformanceEvaluation.GaussianRandomReadBenchmark fails
HBASE-10556 Possible data loss due to non-handled DroppedSnapshotException
for user-triggered flush from client/shell
HBASE-10563 Set name for FlushHandler thread
HBASE-10564 HRegionServer.nextLong should be removed since it's not used
anywhere, or should be used somewhere it meant to
HBASE-10565 FavoredNodesPlan accidentally uses an internal Netty type
HBASE-10567 Add overwrite manifest option to ExportSnapshot
HBASE-10570 Allow overrides of Surefire secondPartForkMode and
HBASE-10575 ReplicationSource thread can't be terminated if it runs into
the loop to contact peer's zk ensemble and fails continuously
HBASE-10579 [Documentation]: ExportSnapshot tool package incorrectly
HBASE-10580 IntegrationTestingUtility#restoreCluster leak resource when
running in a mini cluster mode
HBASE-10581 ACL znode are left without PBed during upgrading hbase0.94* to
HBASE-10582 0.94->0.96 Upgrade: ACL can't be repopulated when ACL table
contains row for table '-ROOT' or '.META.'
HBASE-10585 Avoid early creation of Node objects in
HBASE-10586 hadoop2-compat IPC metric registred twice
HBASE-10587 Master metrics clusterRequests is wrong
HBASE-10589 Reduce unnecessary TestRowProcessorEndpoint resource usage
HBASE-10592 Refactor PerformanceEvaluation tool
HBASE-10594 Speed up TestRestoreSnapshotFromClient
HBASE-10597 IOEngine#read() should return the number of bytes transferred
HBASE-10598 Written data can not be read out because
MemStore#timeRangeTracker might be updated concurrently
HBASE-10600 HTable#batch() should perform validation on empty Put
HBASE-10604 Fix parseArgs javadoc
HBASE-10608 Acquire the FS Delegation Token for Secure ExportSnapshot
HBASE-10612 Remove unnecessary dependency on org.eclipse.jdt:core
HBASE-10614 Master could not be stopped
HBASE-10618 User should not be allowed to disable/drop visibility labels
HBASE-10621 Unable to grant user permission to namespace
HBASE-10622 Improve log and Exceptions in Export Snapshot
HBASE-10624 Fix 2 new findbugs warnings introduced by HBASE-10598
HBASE-10627 A logic mistake in HRegionServer isHealthy
HBASE-10631 Avoid extra seek on FileLink open
HBASE-10632 Region lost in limbo after ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
during assignment
HBASE-10638 Improve error message when there is no region server available
for move
HBASE-10639 Unload script displays wrong counts (off by one) when unloading
HBASE-10644 TestSecureExportSnapshot#testExportFileSystemState fails on
HBASE-10649 TestMasterMetrics fails occasionally
HBASE-10651 Fix incorrect handling of IE that restores current thread's
interrupt status within while/for loops in Replication
HBASE-10656  high-scale-lib's Counter depends on Oracle (Sun) JRE, and also
has some bug
HBASE-10660 MR over snapshots can OOM when alternative blockcache is enabled
HBASE-10662 RegionScanner is never closed if the region has been moved-out
or re-opened when performing scan request
HBASE-10665 TestCompaction and TestCompactionWithCoprocessor run too long
HBASE-10666 TestMasterCoprocessorExceptionWithAbort hangs at shutdown
HBASE-10668 TestExportSnapshot runs too long
HBASE-10669 [hbck tool] Usage is wrong for hbck tool for
-sidelineCorruptHfiles option
HBASE-10670 HBaseFsck#connect() should use new connection
HBASE-10675 IntegrationTestIngestWithACL should allow User to be passed as
HBASE-10677 boundaries check in hbck throwing IllegalArgumentException
HBASE-10678 Make verifyrep tool implement toolrunner
HBASE-10679 Both clients get wrong scan results if the first scanner
expires and the second scanner is created with the same scannerId on the
same region
HBASE-10682 region_mover.rb throws "can't convert nil into String" for
regions moved
HBASE-10685 [WINDOWS] TestKeyStoreKeyProvider fails on windows
HBASE-10686 [WINDOWS] TestStripeStoreFileManager fails on windows
HBASE-10693 Correct declarations of Atomic* fields from 'volatile' to
HBASE-10694 TableSkewCostFunction#cost() casts integral division result to
HBASE-10697 Convert TestSimpleTotalOrderPartitioner to junit4 test
HBASE-10700 IntegrationTestWithCellVisibilityLoadAndVerify should allow
current user to be the admin
HBASE-10706 Disable writeToWal in tests where possible
HBASE-10716 [Configuration]: hbase.regionserver.region.split.policy should
be part of hbase-default.xml
HBASE-10717 TestFSHDFSUtils#testIsSameHdfs fails with
IllegalArgumentException running against hadoop 2.3
HBASE-10718 TestHLogSplit fails when it sets a KV size to be negative
HBASE-10723 Convert TestExplicitColumnTracker to junit4 test
HBASE-10726 Fix java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
HBASE-10731 Fix environment variables typos in scripts
HBASE-10735 [WINDOWS] Set -XX:MaxPermSize for unit tests
HBASE-10736 Fix Javadoc warnings introduced in HBASE-10169
HBASE-10737 HConnectionImplementation should stop RpcClient on close
HBASE-10738 AssignmentManager should shut down executors on stop
HBASE-10739 RS web UI NPE if master shuts down sooner
HBASE-10740 Upgrade zookeeper to 3.4.6 release
HBASE-10741 Deprecate HTablePool and HTableFactory
HBASE-10744 AM#CloseRegion no need to retry on FailedServerException
HBASE-10745 Access ShutdownHook#fsShutdownHooks should be synchronized
HBASE-10749 CellComparator.compareStatic() compares type wrongly
HBASE-10751 TestHRegion testWritesWhileScanning occasional fail since
HBASE-10514 went in
HBASE-10760 Wrong methods' names in ClusterLoadState class
HBASE-10762 clone_snapshot doesn't check for missing namespace
HBASE-10763 Backport HBASE-10549(When there is a hole,
LoadIncrementalHFiles will hang in an infinite loop.) to 0.98
HBASE-10764 TestLoadIncrementalHFilesSplitRecovery#testBulkLoadPhaseFailure
takes too long
HBASE-10766 SnapshotCleaner allows to delete referenced files
HBASE-10767 Load balancer may interfere with tests in TestHBaseFsck
HBASE-10769 hbase/bin/ has wrong usage string
HBASE-10770 Don't exit from the Canary daemon mode if no regions are present
HBASE-10782 Hadoop2 MR tests fail occasionally because of
mapreduce.jobhistory.address is no set in job conf
HBASE-10786 If snapshot verification fails with 'Regions moved', the
message should contain the name of region causing the failure
 HBASE-10793 AuthFailed as a valid zookeeper state
HBASE-10797 Add support for -h and --help to and fix the
usage string output
 fails on windows
HBASE-10802 CellComparator.compareStaticIgnoreMvccVersion compares type
HBASE-10804 Add a validations step to ExportSnapshot
HBASE-10805 Speed up a bit
HBASE-10806 Two protos missing in hbase-protocol/pom.xml
HBASE-10809 HBaseAdmin#deleteTable fails when META region happen to move
around same time
HBASE-10812 Backport HBASE-9426(Make custom distributed barrier procedure
pluggable)  to 0.98.x
HBASE-10825 Add copy-from option to ExportSnapshot
HBASE-10828 TestRegionObserverInterface#testHBase3583 should wait for all
regions to be assigned
HBASE-10829 Flush is skipped after log replay if the last recovered edits
file is skipped
HBASE-10833 Region assignment may fail during cluster start up
HBASE-10838 Insufficient AccessController covering permission check
HBASE-10852 TestDistributedLogSplitting#testDisallowWritesInRecovering
occasionally fails
HBASE-10860 Insufficient AccessController covering permission check
HBASE-10862 Update config field names in hbase-default.xml description for
HBASE-10863 Scan doesn't return rows for user who has authorization by
visibility label in secure deployment
HBASE-10868 TestAtomicOperation should close HRegion instance after each
HBASE-10887 tidy ThriftUtilities format

Best regards,

   - Andy

Problems worthy of attack prove their worth by hitting back. - Piet Hein
(via Tom White)

Re: [ANNOUNCE] HBase 0.98.1 is now available for download

Posted by Andrew Purtell <>.
Thanks Aditya, I copied the release tag from 0.98.1RC3 in r1587278

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 11:46 AM, Aditya <> wrote:

> ​Thanks Andrew!
> The release is missing a tag (

Best regards,

   - Andy

Problems worthy of attack prove their worth by hitting back. - Piet Hein
(via Tom White)

Re: [ANNOUNCE] HBase 0.98.1 is now available for download

Posted by Aditya <>.
​Thanks Andrew!

The release is missing a tag (