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Posted to by Alexandru Calin <> on 2015/03/08 20:15:27 UTC

Another 1/1 local-dirs are bad

I have two hadoop instances running inside two lxc containers on the same
host, a hadoop-master and a hadoop-slave1.
While starting YARN & DFS on master I get this UNHEALTHY state for

For what I've found on the web it must be one of these two possibilities:
a. Not enough disk space.
b. Permission issue.

a. df -h says otherwise :

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda5        91G   68G   19G  79% /
none            4,0K     0  4,0K   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
udev            3,8G  4,0K  3,8G   1% /dev
tmpfs           769M  1,3M  768M   1% /run
none            5,0M     0  5,0M   0% /run/lock
none            3,8G  536K  3,8G   1% /run/shm
none            100M   48K  100M   1% /run/user

 ll /usr/local/hadoop :
drwxr-xr-x  2 hduser hadoop  4096 Mar  8 19:10 local/

ll /usr/local/hadoop/logs :

total 132
drwxr-xr-x  3 hduser hadoop  4096 Mar  8 18:55 ./
drwxr-xr-x 12 hduser hadoop  4096 Mar  8 18:54 ../
-rw-r--r--  1 hduser hadoop 46222 Mar  8 18:55
-rw-r--r--  1 hduser hadoop   718 Mar  8 18:55
-rw-r--r--  1 hduser hadoop     0 Mar  8 17:08 SecurityAuth-hduser.audit
drwxr-xr-x  2 hduser hadoop  4096 Mar  8 19:10 userlogs/
-rw-r--r--  1 hduser hadoop 56645 Mar  8 19:08
-rw-r--r--  1 hduser hadoop   702 Mar  8 18:56

my yarn-site.xml:


                <value> org.apache.hadoop.mapred.ShuffleHandler</value>

And the error is this:

INFO org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmnode.RMNodeImpl: Node
hadoop-slave1:48673 reported UNHEALTHY with details: 1/1 local-dirs are
bad: /usr/local/hadoop/local; 1/1 log-dirs are bad:

Any ideas ?

SolR integration in HDP

Posted by Ulul <>.

I will likely get at least one "you should post in solr mailing list" or 
"this belongs to Hortonworks forums" answer but I really would like 
hadoopers point of view on SolR integration in HDP

SolR is presented by Hortonwoks as an integrated search feature in HDP 
but you can hardly say that SolR is a first class citizen in HDP 2.2 :
- No ambari integration (and nothing appears on Ambari roadmap 2.0 or 2.1)
- not even an HDP rpm in repos
- YARN integration is  yarn-proto Lucidworks github project that 
requested integration through SOLR-6743 
<> Jira without much 
response so far
- only provided doc is a sandbox tutorial
- SolR MapReduce integration is provided through a proprietary 
lucidworks jar

Cloudera entreprise, through SolR service, *hue search app, Lily for 
HBase integration, seems to provide a better integration.

Am I missing something ? Is SolR integration considered as an entreprise 
feature that will require proprietary software on the foreseeable future ?

My current feeling is that, since SolR integration seems rather virtual 
or reserved to paying-for-support users, I could as well stick to 
Elasticsearch - that I know -  since they release MR integration and 
Yarn support as OSS and that I can integrate with HBase through Phoenix 
and JDBC.

Any thoughts and feedback welcome
Thank you

SolR integration in HDP

Posted by Ulul <>.

I will likely get at least one "you should post in solr mailing list" or 
"this belongs to Hortonworks forums" answer but I really would like 
hadoopers point of view on SolR integration in HDP

SolR is presented by Hortonwoks as an integrated search feature in HDP 
but you can hardly say that SolR is a first class citizen in HDP 2.2 :
- No ambari integration (and nothing appears on Ambari roadmap 2.0 or 2.1)
- not even an HDP rpm in repos
- YARN integration is  yarn-proto Lucidworks github project that 
requested integration through SOLR-6743 
<> Jira without much 
response so far
- only provided doc is a sandbox tutorial
- SolR MapReduce integration is provided through a proprietary 
lucidworks jar

Cloudera entreprise, through SolR service, *hue search app, Lily for 
HBase integration, seems to provide a better integration.

Am I missing something ? Is SolR integration considered as an entreprise 
feature that will require proprietary software on the foreseeable future ?

My current feeling is that, since SolR integration seems rather virtual 
or reserved to paying-for-support users, I could as well stick to 
Elasticsearch - that I know -  since they release MR integration and 
Yarn support as OSS and that I can integrate with HBase through Phoenix 
and JDBC.

Any thoughts and feedback welcome
Thank you

SolR integration in HDP

Posted by Ulul <>.

I will likely get at least one "you should post in solr mailing list" or 
"this belongs to Hortonworks forums" answer but I really would like 
hadoopers point of view on SolR integration in HDP

SolR is presented by Hortonwoks as an integrated search feature in HDP 
but you can hardly say that SolR is a first class citizen in HDP 2.2 :
- No ambari integration (and nothing appears on Ambari roadmap 2.0 or 2.1)
- not even an HDP rpm in repos
- YARN integration is  yarn-proto Lucidworks github project that 
requested integration through SOLR-6743 
<> Jira without much 
response so far
- only provided doc is a sandbox tutorial
- SolR MapReduce integration is provided through a proprietary 
lucidworks jar

Cloudera entreprise, through SolR service, *hue search app, Lily for 
HBase integration, seems to provide a better integration.

Am I missing something ? Is SolR integration considered as an entreprise 
feature that will require proprietary software on the foreseeable future ?

My current feeling is that, since SolR integration seems rather virtual 
or reserved to paying-for-support users, I could as well stick to 
Elasticsearch - that I know -  since they release MR integration and 
Yarn support as OSS and that I can integrate with HBase through Phoenix 
and JDBC.

Any thoughts and feedback welcome
Thank you

SolR integration in HDP

Posted by Ulul <>.

I will likely get at least one "you should post in solr mailing list" or 
"this belongs to Hortonworks forums" answer but I really would like 
hadoopers point of view on SolR integration in HDP

SolR is presented by Hortonwoks as an integrated search feature in HDP 
but you can hardly say that SolR is a first class citizen in HDP 2.2 :
- No ambari integration (and nothing appears on Ambari roadmap 2.0 or 2.1)
- not even an HDP rpm in repos
- YARN integration is  yarn-proto Lucidworks github project that 
requested integration through SOLR-6743 
<> Jira without much 
response so far
- only provided doc is a sandbox tutorial
- SolR MapReduce integration is provided through a proprietary 
lucidworks jar

Cloudera entreprise, through SolR service, *hue search app, Lily for 
HBase integration, seems to provide a better integration.

Am I missing something ? Is SolR integration considered as an entreprise 
feature that will require proprietary software on the foreseeable future ?

My current feeling is that, since SolR integration seems rather virtual 
or reserved to paying-for-support users, I could as well stick to 
Elasticsearch - that I know -  since they release MR integration and 
Yarn support as OSS and that I can integrate with HBase through Phoenix 
and JDBC.

Any thoughts and feedback welcome
Thank you