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Posted to by Jeff Levitt <> on 2005/03/03 20:09:26 UTC

[doc] New DITA toolkit available at SourceForge

SourceForge has accepted and registered the open DITA
Toolkit this week, and the new toolkit is now
available for download at:

This is GREAT stuff!  All new updated xsl files, and a
better ant build.xml file.

This does mean that we are going to have to start from
scratch with these to incorporate the progress we have
made with the xsl files, but I am going to work with
it starting now to try to get my tweaks into the new
xsl.  The good news is they have tried to fix some of
the same things I was going after, so there may not be
a lot of change needed.  And hopefully they have fixed
things like related links (and dare I say indexing?)
so that we won't have to.  I wont know what updates
they have made and how they will affect us until I've
had a chance to play around with it a little. 

If anyone wants to download the toolkit and try it out
as well, make changes to the xxxx_shell.xsl files only
if possible.  They have created those shell files so
that they can update the others from each release, and
we can just override the code with our modified shell files.