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Posted to by Mark <> on 2007/11/15 01:15:39 UTC

MINA Application Factory


I would like to implement a factory class that generated some basic server
and client applications based on MINA.  This would be something analogous to
what the java.util.concurrent.Executors class and
java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService interface provide.  I am still working
out the details, but my thinking is to have a class called
MinaApplicationFactory class that has functions like:

public static MinaApplication createSimpleServer( int listenport,
IoHandlerAdapter handler );

public static MinaApplication createSimpleTextServer( int
listenport,IoHandlerAdapter handler );

The adjuration to be "normal" seems shockingly repellent to me; I see
neither hope nor comfort in sinking to that low level. I think it is
ignorance that makes people think of abnormality only with horror and allows
them to remain undismayed at the proximity of "normal" to average and
mediocre. For surely anyone who achieves anything is, essentially, abnormal.
    Dr. Karl Menninger