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Posted to by on 2003/05/22 10:00:02 UTC

[WIKI-UPDATE] ExcelGeneration Thu May 22 10:00:02 2003

Page: , version: 6 on Thu May 22 07:19:37 2003 by

- XLS is the binary format used by Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.  XLS can be produced by Cocoon, using a component called [POI|], itself an Apache project.  For an example how to integrate this with Cocoon, see [XLSSerializer].
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+ XLS is the binary format used by Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.  XLS can be produced by Cocoon, using a component called [POI|], itself an Apache project.  For an example on how integrate this with Cocoon, see [XLSSerializer].
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- A very good outline on why and how to use POI is available at, under [Excel Reports with Apache Cocoon and POI|]
+ A very good outline on why and how to use POI is available at, under [Excel Reports with Apache Cocoon and POI|], showing how to use XSL to generate the Gnumeric file.
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- !If anyone has some xsl that converts from a standard SQL rowset schema to Gnumeric, this would be a great place to include it!