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Posted to by Julian Reschke <> on 2023/04/24 17:56:20 UTC

Working on our Technical Dept


I'd like to keep Jackrabbit up to date with dependencies etc, even if no
big new features are being developed.

Some of the things we rely on are hard to update, namely the antique
version of Lucene.

Other things *should* be updatable, for instance Tika, slf4j, Servlet
API, Jetty and Tomcat dependencies. Some of them *should* be updated
because of known issues in the versions we use.

We're also getting to the point where we have to decide whether we
switch to Java 11 as base JDK to be compatible with latest Oak versions.

And then of course there's the desire for the server/webdav code to be
usable in the Jakarta world - which also leads to the question whether
we should move away from the 4.x version of the Apache HTTP components
(and what to move to).

All of these things shouldn't be that hard, but somehow none of these
actually is as simple as it could be. So I would really really
appreciate help so we can get things up-to-date again.

To pick a concrete example: today I looked once again at - updating Jetty from 9.2
to 9.4. I'm stuck with what seems to be an issue configuring the JSP
factory (currently null), and I haven't been able so solve that yet.

Is anybody around here with more talent in configuring Jetty?

Best regards, Julian