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[GitHub] [solr] cpoerschke commented on a change in pull request #497: SOLR-15852 Update dev-tools/scripts for 9.0

cpoerschke commented on a change in pull request #497:

File path: dev-tools/scripts/
@@ -182,48 +202,40 @@ def normalizeVersion(tup):
     tup = tup + ('0',)
   return '.'.join(tup) + suffix
-def pushLocal(version, root, rev, rcNum, localDir):
+def pushLocal(version, root, rcNum, localDir):
   print('Push local [%s]...' % localDir)
-  dir = 'lucene-solr-%s-RC%d-rev%s' % (version, rcNum, rev)
-  os.makedirs('%s/%s/lucene' % (localDir, dir))
-  os.makedirs('%s/%s/solr' % (localDir, dir))
-  print('  Lucene')
-  lucene_dist_dir = '%s/lucene/packaging/build/distributions' % root
-  os.chdir(lucene_dist_dir)
-  print('    zip...')
-  if os.path.exists('lucene.tar.bz2'):
-    os.remove('lucene.tar.bz2')
-  run('tar cjf lucene.tar.bz2 *')
-  os.chdir('%s/%s/lucene' % (localDir, dir))
-  print('    unzip...')
-  run('tar xjf "%s/lucene.tar.bz2"' % lucene_dist_dir)
-  os.remove('%s/lucene.tar.bz2' % lucene_dist_dir)
+  rev = open('%s/solr/distribution/build/release/.gitrev' % root, encoding='UTF-8').read()
+  dir = 'solr-%s-RC%d-rev-%s' % (version, rcNum, rev)

Review comment:
       noting `rev%s` to `rev-%s` change here.

File path: dev-tools/scripts/
@@ -1640,15 +1653,15 @@ def run(self):
             for line in cmd.display_cmd():
                 print("  %s" % line)
+        confirm_each = (not self.confirm_each_command is False) and len(commands) > 1
         if not self.enable_execute is False:
             if self.run_text:
                 print("\n%s\n" % self.get_run_text())
-            if len(commands) > 1:
-                if not self.confirm_each_command is False:
-                    print("You will get prompted before running each individual command.")
-                else:
-                    print(
-                        "You will not be prompted for each command but will see the ouput of each. If one command fails the execution will stop.")
+            if confirm_each:
+                print("You will get prompted before running each individual command.")
+            else:
+                print(
+                    "You will not be prompted for each command but will see the ouput of each. If one command fails the execution will stop.")

Review comment:
                       "You will not be prompted for each command but will see the output of each. If one command fails the execution will stop.")

File path: dev-tools/scripts/
@@ -169,119 +160,92 @@ def checkJARMetaData(desc, jarFile, gitRevision, version):
     if gitRevision != 'skip':
       # Make sure this matches the version and git revision we think we are releasing:
-      # TODO: LUCENE-7023: is it OK that Implementation-Version's value now spans two lines?
-      verifyRevision = 'Implementation-Version: %s %s' % (version, gitRevision)
-      if s.find(verifyRevision) == -1:
-        raise RuntimeError('%s is missing "%s" inside its META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (wrong git revision?)' % \
+      match ="Implementation-Version: (.+\r\n .+)", s, re.MULTILINE)
+      if match:
+        implLine ="\r\n ", "")
+        verifyRevision = '%s %s' % (version, gitRevision)
+        if implLine.find(verifyRevision) == -1:
+          raise RuntimeError('%s is missing "%s" inside its META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (wrong git revision?)' % \
                            (desc, verifyRevision))
+      else:
+        raise RuntimeError('%s is missing Implementation-Version inside its META-INF/MANIFEST.MF' % desc)
     notice = decodeUTF8(
     license = decodeUTF8(
-    justFileName = os.path.split(desc)[1]
-    if justFileName.lower().find('solr') != -1:
-      if SOLR_LICENSE is None:
-        raise RuntimeError('BUG in smokeTestRelease!')
-      if SOLR_NOTICE is None:
-        raise RuntimeError('BUG in smokeTestRelease!')
-      if notice != SOLR_NOTICE:
-        raise RuntimeError('%s: %s contents doesn\'t match main NOTICE.txt' % \
-                           (desc, NOTICE_FILE_NAME))
-      if license != SOLR_LICENSE:
-        raise RuntimeError('%s: %s contents doesn\'t match main LICENSE.txt' % \
-                           (desc, LICENSE_FILE_NAME))
-    else:
-      if LUCENE_LICENSE is None:
-        raise RuntimeError('BUG in smokeTestRelease!')
-      if LUCENE_NOTICE is None:
-        raise RuntimeError('BUG in smokeTestRelease!')
-      if notice != LUCENE_NOTICE:
-        raise RuntimeError('%s: %s contents doesn\'t match main NOTICE.txt' % \
-                           (desc, NOTICE_FILE_NAME))
-      if license != LUCENE_LICENSE:
-        raise RuntimeError('%s: %s contents doesn\'t match main LICENSE.txt' % \
-                           (desc, LICENSE_FILE_NAME))
+    if SOLR_LICENSE is None:
+      raise RuntimeError('BUG in smokeTestRelease!')
+    if SOLR_NOTICE is None:
+      raise RuntimeError('BUG in smokeTestRelease!')

Review comment:
       minor: could combine
       if SOLR_LICENSE is None or SOLR_NOTICE is None:
         raise RuntimeError('BUG in smokeTestRelease!')

File path: dev-tools/scripts/
@@ -537,106 +502,100 @@ def getDirEntries(urlString):
     return l
     links = getHREFs(urlString)
-    for i, (text, subURL) in enumerate(links):
+    for i, (text, subURL) in enumerate(links): # pylint: disable=unused-variable
       if text == 'Parent Directory' or text == '..':
         return links[(i+1):]
+  return None
-def unpackAndVerify(java, project, tmpDir, artifact, gitRevision, version, testArgs, baseURL):
+def unpackAndVerify(java, tmpDir, artifact, gitRevision, version, testArgs):
   destDir = '%s/unpack' % tmpDir
   if os.path.exists(destDir):
   print('  unpack %s...' % artifact)
-  unpackLogFile = '%s/%s-unpack-%s.log' % (tmpDir, project, artifact)
+  unpackLogFile = '%s/solr-unpack-%s.log' % (tmpDir, artifact)
   if artifact.endswith('.tar.gz') or artifact.endswith('.tgz'):
     run('tar xzf %s/%s' % (tmpDir, artifact), unpackLogFile)
   elif artifact.endswith('.zip'):
     run('unzip %s/%s' % (tmpDir, artifact), unpackLogFile)
   # make sure it unpacks to proper subdir
   l = os.listdir(destDir)
-  expected = '%s-%s' % (project, version)
+  expected = 'solr-%s' % version
   if l != [expected]:
     raise RuntimeError('unpack produced entries %s; expected only %s' % (l, expected))
   unpackPath = '%s/%s' % (destDir, expected)
-  verifyUnpacked(java, project, artifact, unpackPath, gitRevision, version, testArgs, tmpDir, baseURL)
+  verifyUnpacked(java, artifact, unpackPath, gitRevision, version, testArgs)
   return unpackPath
-def verifyUnpacked(java, project, artifact, unpackPath, gitRevision, version, testArgs, tmpDir, baseURL):
+def is_in_list(in_folder, files, indent=4):
+  for fileName in files:
+    print("%sChecking %s" % (" "*indent, fileName))
+    found = False
+    for f in [fileName, fileName + '.txt', fileName + '.md']:
+      if f in in_folder:
+        in_folder.remove(f)
+        found = True
+    if not found:
+      raise RuntimeError('file "%s" is missing' % fileName)

Review comment:
       `file_name` rather than `fileName` is preferred in python as far as i know and since this function is new maybe nice to follow the python convention for it, noting that the `in_folder` argument already does.
     for file_name in files:
       print("%sChecking %s" % (" "*indent, file_name))
       found = False
       for f in [file_name, file_name + '.txt', file_name + '.md']:
         if f in in_folder:
           found = True
       if not found:
         raise RuntimeError('file "%s" is missing' % file_name)

File path: dev-tools/scripts/
@@ -861,88 +756,40 @@ def testSolrExample(unpackPath, javaPath, isSrc):
-# check for broken links
-def checkBrokenLinks(path):
-  # also validate html/check for broken links
-  if checkJavadocLinks.checkAll(path):
-    raise RuntimeError('broken javadocs links found!')
-def testDemo(run_java, isSrc, version, jdk):

Review comment:
       ah! here's the `testDemo` method being removed which the `pylint` was flagging up as undefined at line 630 above.

File path: dev-tools/scripts/
@@ -1264,155 +1068,48 @@ def parse_config():
 reVersion1 = re.compile(r'\>(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(-alpha|-beta)?/\<', re.IGNORECASE)
 reVersion2 = re.compile(r'-(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(-alpha|-beta)?\.', re.IGNORECASE)
-def getAllLuceneReleases():
-  s = load('')
-  releases = set()
-  for r in reVersion1, reVersion2:
-    for tup in r.findall(s):
-      if tup[-1].lower() == '-alpha':
-        tup = tup[:3] + ('0',)
-      elif tup[-1].lower() == '-beta':
-        tup = tup[:3] + ('1',)
-      elif tup[-1] == '':
-        tup = tup[:3]
-      else:
-        raise RuntimeError('failed to parse version: %s' % tup[-1])
-      releases.add(tuple(int(x) for x in tup))
-  l = list(releases)
-  l.sort()
-  return l
-def confirmAllReleasesAreTestedForBackCompat(smokeVersion, unpackPath):
-  print('    find all past Lucene releases...')
-  allReleases = getAllLuceneReleases()
-  #for tup in allReleases:
-  #  print('  %s' % '.'.join(str(x) for x in tup))
-  testedIndices = set()
-  os.chdir(unpackPath)
-  print('    run TestBackwardsCompatibility..')
-  command = 'ant test -Dtestcase=TestBackwardsCompatibility -Dtests.verbose=true'
-  p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-  stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
-  if p.returncode != 0:
-    # Not good: the test failed!
-    raise RuntimeError('%s failed:\n%s' % (command, stdout))
-  stdout = stdout.decode('utf-8',errors='replace').replace('\r\n','\n')
-  if stderr is not None:
-    # Should not happen since we redirected stderr to stdout:
-    raise RuntimeError('stderr non-empty')
-  reIndexName = re.compile(r'TEST: index[\s*=\s*](.*?)(-cfs|-nocfs)$', re.MULTILINE)
-  for name, cfsPart in reIndexName.findall(stdout):
-    # Fragile: decode the inconsistent naming schemes we've used in TestBWC's indices:
-    #print('parse name %s' % name)
-    tup = tuple(name.split('.'))
-    if len(tup) == 3:
-      # ok
-      tup = tuple(int(x) for x in tup)
-    elif tup == ('4', '0', '0', '1'):
-      # CONFUSING: this is the 4.0.0-alpha index??
-      tup = 4, 0, 0, 0
-    elif tup == ('4', '0', '0', '2'):
-      # CONFUSING: this is the 4.0.0-beta index??
-      tup = 4, 0, 0, 1
-    elif name == '5x-with-4x-segments':
-      # Mixed version test case; ignore it for our purposes because we only
-      # tally up the "tests single Lucene version" indices
-      continue
-    elif name == '5.0.0.singlesegment':
-      tup = 5, 0, 0
-    else:
-      raise RuntimeError('could not parse version %s' % name)
-    testedIndices.add(tup)
-  l = list(testedIndices)
-  l.sort()
-  if False:
-    for release in l:
-      print('  %s' % '.'.join(str(x) for x in release))
-  allReleases = set(allReleases)
-  for x in testedIndices:
-    if x not in allReleases:
-      # Curious: we test 1.9.0 index but it's not in the releases (I think it was pulled because of nasty bug?)
-      if x != (1, 9, 0):
-        raise RuntimeError('tested version=%s but it was not released?' % '.'.join(str(y) for y in x))
-  notTested = []
-  for x in allReleases:
-    if x not in testedIndices:
-      releaseVersion = '.'.join(str(y) for y in x)
-      if releaseVersion in ('1.4.3', '1.9.1', '2.3.1', '2.3.2'):
-        # Exempt the dark ages indices
-        continue
-      if x >= tuple(int(y) for y in smokeVersion.split('.')):
-        # Exempt versions not less than the one being smoke tested
-        print('      Backcompat testing not required for release %s because it\'s not less than %s'
-              % (releaseVersion, smokeVersion))
-        continue
-      notTested.append(x)
-  if len(notTested) > 0:
-    notTested.sort()
-    print('Releases that don\'t seem to be tested:')
-    failed = True
-    for x in notTested:
-      print('  %s' % '.'.join(str(y) for y in x))
-    raise RuntimeError('some releases are not tested by TestBackwardsCompatibility?')
-  else:
-    print('    success!')
 def main():
   c = parse_config()
-  scriptVersion = scriptutil.find_current_version()
+  # Pick <major>.<minor> part of version and require script to be from same branch
+  scriptVersion ='((\d+).(\d+)).(\d+)', scriptutil.find_current_version()).group(1).strip()
   if not c.version.startswith(scriptVersion + '.'):
     raise RuntimeError(' for %s.X is incompatible with a %s release.' % (scriptVersion, c.version))
   print('NOTE: output encoding is %s' % sys.stdout.encoding)
   smokeTest(, c.url, c.revision, c.version, c.tmp_dir, c.is_signed, c.local_keys, ' '.join(c.test_args),
 def smokeTest(java, baseURL, gitRevision, version, tmpDir, isSigned, local_keys, testArgs, downloadOnly=False):
   startTime =
-  # disable flakey tests for smoke-tester runs:
-  testArgs = '-Dtests.badapples=false %s' % testArgs
+  # Tests annotated @Nightly are more resource-intensive but often cover
+  # important code paths. They're disabled by default to preserve a good
+  # developer experience, but we enable them for smoke tests where we want good
+  # coverage. Still we disable @BadApple tests
+  testArgs = '-Dtests.nigthly=true -Dtests.badapples=false %s' % testArgs

Review comment:
     testArgs = '-Dtests.nightly=true -Dtests.badapples=false %s' % testArgs

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