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+<main role="main" aria-label="Page CHANGELOG">
+<p>1.5.1 (2017-03-11)</p>
+<pre>Change: In the &#39;buildr/git_auto_version&#39; addon strip out any versions that start with a &#39;v&#39; character as
+        most projects on git repositories prefix version tags with a &quot;v&quot; to avoid collisions with any branchs
+        named after the version which are typically without the &quot;v&quot; character.
+Fixed:  GWT Addon: The GWT project publishes invalid jars that can not be included on source path when
+        the javadoc tool is executing. Work around this issue in GWT by removing them from the documentation
+        class path.
+Change: IDEA: Change the ordering of dependencies in the IDE module descriptor such that test dependencies are
+        first to allow test dependencies to override/shadow compile dependencies.
+Fixed:  IDEA: Correctly configure the IDE module if the language level differs from the root project language level.
+Change: Add css2gss task to gwt addon to support conveting from deprecated css syntax to modern gss syntax.
+Change: Add support for gwt 2.8.0 to gwt addon.
+Change: Remove orderedhash gem.
+Change: Update jruby-openssl to 0.9.17
+Change: Move hoe to the development dependencies
+Fixed:  BUILDR-728 Snapshots metadata incorrectly created
+Fixed:  BUILDR-718 Deprecate SVN repository - remove links to SVN
+Change: BUILDR-724 Use scalamain to call scala projects
+Change: BUILDR-719 Change User-Agent when uploading artifacts
+Change: Set the OPEN_IN_BROWSER to false when building idea launch targets via add_glassfish_remote_configuration.
+Change: BUILDR-709 Integrate `buildr/custom_pom` into core and just make it the default pom generated.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-563 protobuf addon including source directories to protoc breaks build</pre>
+<p>1.5.0 (2016-09-23)</p>
+<pre>Change: Update RJB to 1.5.4
+Change: Update rubyzip to 1.2.0
+Change: Update hoe to 3.15.0
+Change: Update net-ssh to 3.1.1
+Change: Update json_pure to 1.8.3
+Change: Update diff-lcs to 1.2.5
+Change: Update xml-simple to 1.1.5
+Change: Update jekyll to 3.1.3
+Change: Update rdoc to 4.2.2
+Change: Update ecj to 4.5.1
+Change: Added jekyll-textile-converter 0.1.0 to generate the site.
+Change: Move to default on Scala 2.11.
+Change: Remove Buildr::Project#on_define, deprecated in 1.3
+Change: Remove JavaWrapper, deprecated in 1.3
+Change: Remove JUnit::REQUIRES, deprecated in 1.3.3
+Change: Remove TestNG::REQUIRES, deprecated in 1.3.3
+Change: Remove Buildr::Ant::REQUIRES, deprecated in version 1.3.3
+Change: Remove Buildr::CompileTask#classpath, deprecated in version 1.3
+Change: Remove Buildr::TestTask responding to :using with .using(&#39;foo&#39;,&#39;bar&#39;), deprecated in version 1.3
+Change: Remove addon/buildr/cobertura.rb, deprecated since 1.3.4
+Change: Remove addon/buildr/emma.rb, deprecated since 1.3.4
+Change: Remove support for Rakefile/rakefile, deprecated.
+Change: Remove project#target, project#reports, deprecated.
+Change: Remove JBehave::REQUIRES, deprecated.
+Change: Remove JMock::REQUIRES, deprecated.
+Change: Remove ScalaCheck::REQUIRES, deprecated.
+Change: Change Eclipse Scala project natures from ch.epfl.lamp.sdt.core.scalanature to org.scala-ide.sdt.core.scalanature
+Change: Fix the custom Google search widget on the website.
+Change: BUILDR-722 Remove links and image of the buildr book from the website.
+Added:  Travis badge to README.rdoc
+Added:  Added Rubygems badges to README.rdoc
+Added:  BUILDR-577 Allow remote repo to be added with http basic auth support. Submitted by Michael Guymon.
+Added:  BUILDR-523 Issue a warning when Java.classpath is modified after Java.load has happened
+Added:  BUILDR-594 Added support for changing the verification mode of SSL certificates
+Added:  BUILDR-595 Added support to providing custom SSL certificates
+Added:  BUILDR-572 Allow to upload unique version (timestamp based) snapshot artifacts to a repository. Submitted by Brice Figureau.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-207 remove &#39;Skipping tests&#39; messages
+Added:  BUILDR-703 release: allow THIS_VERSION to be defined in another file
+Fixed:  BUILDR-674 Artifacts with bundle extension cannot be downloaded by Buildr
+Fixed:  BUILDR-565 resources are not included in the war if defined after package call
+Fixed:  BUILDR-621 ZipTask creates zip file with entries not sorted by path causing very slow unzipping.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-695 transitive doesn&#39;t support ${project.parent.version} in POM.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-653 Using Eclipse compiler (ECJ)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-476 Buildr doesn&#39;t respect company repository manager
+Fixed:  BUILDR-454 Definition-level parent-child references-by-name fail in 1.4.0 but not in 1.3.5. Submitted by Rhett Sutphin.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-620 resources.filter should not run on non-text files
+Fixed:  BUILDR-489 Java + Scala joint compiler fails if default encoding and source file encoding are not same and special characters have been used in source code
+Fixed:  BUILDR-486 Buildr-generated poms should include dependencies
+Fixed:  BUILDR-723 JavaTestFilter is unable to parse paths containing %2F
+Change: Update the custom_pom addon to generate poms with exclusions section that excludes
+        all transitive dependencies. This is required as buildr dependencies are not
+        transitive while Maven&#39;s dependencies are transitive by default.
+Change: Remove the BND aqute maven repository, as it was decommissioned. Use Maven Central instead.</pre>
+<p>1.4.25 (2016-04-18)</p>
+<pre>Change: BUILDR-712 Update jruby-openssl dependency version or support a range of versions
+Change: Update gwt addon to add the GWT artifacts to project dependencies as specs rather
+        than files.
+Change: Support the project.root_project utility method to retrieve the top level project.</pre>
+<p>1.4.24 (2016-03-19)</p>
+<pre>Added:  Support the :no_invoke parameter being passed to Buildr.project() and
+        Buildr.projects() to avoid attempting to call invoke when retrieving the projects.
+Added:  Add `exclude_paths` setting to pmd addon to allow paths to be explicitly excluded.
+Fixed:  Update jDepend addon to ensure target directories are invoked prior to attempting
+        to analyze directories.
+Added:  Add jdepend.additional_project_names configuration to jDepend addon to
+        ease merging in the source paths from multiple projects into one jDepend task.
+Added:  Add findbugs.additional_project_names configuration to Findbugs addon to
+        ease merging in the source paths from multiple projects into one Findbugs task.
+Added:  Add checkstyle.additional_project_names configuration to Checkstyle addon to
+        ease merging in the source paths from multiple projects into one Checkstyle task.
+Added:  Add pmd.additional_project_names configuration to PMD addon to ease merging in
+        the source paths from multiple projects into one PMD task.
+Fixed:  In the PMD addon, check that the source directory exists before adding to
+        sources directories to include.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-709 - Fix &quot;Exception in jacoco.rb [TypeError : can&#39;t convert Array into
+        String]&quot;. Submitted By Ross Mahony.
+Added:  Define the &#39;activate_jruby_facet&#39; addon that activates the jruby facet in
+        generated IDEA project modules.
+Change: Update the Intellij IDEA plugin to support marking directories as generated.
+Change: Update the Intellij IDEA plugin to correctly identify project paths as resource
+        directories.
+Change: Update the default GWT version used in the GWT addon to the latest release 2.7.0.
+Fixed:  Fix GWT addon to explicitly add gwt-dev artifact to gwt compile path now that
+        the bug that allowed unintended sharing has been fixed.
+Fixed:  Fix bug in IDEA module generation that resulted in dependencies in IDEA module
+        using shared references to compile dependencies.
+Change: Update the checkstyle addon to use checkstyle 6.12.1.</pre>
+<p>1.4.23 (2015-06-12)</p>
+<pre>Change: BUILDR-706 - Update the checkstyle addon use checkstyle 6.6. Submitted
+        by Dieter Vrancken.
+Fixed:  Fix Buildr.rspec_present? so that it works under jruby
+Change: BUILDR-705 - Avoid attempting to load rspec classes unless Buildr.rspec_present?
+        returns true. Reported By rbpandey.
+Fixed:  Remove debug output left in ipr.sql_dialect_mappings.</pre>
+<p>1.4.22 (2015-02-28)</p>
+<pre>Change: BUILDR-704 - Updated the Sonar addon to support the latest version of SonarQube
+        Runner. Submitted by Ross Mahony.
+Added:  Add support for ipr.add_glassfish_remote_configuration method that generates
+        a remote glassfish configuration in IntelliJ IDEA project files.
+Added:  Add support for iml.prefix and ipr.prefix settings that prefix the generated
+        IntelliJ IDEA project and module files.
+Change: Update the buildr gemspec so that rspec is no longer a required dependency.
+        This enables end-users to use a different version of rspec and buildr in
+        the same project. The rspec version MUST be be compatible with the version
+        used by Buildr if rspec features are used from within Buildr. Buildr also
+        issues a warning if the `check` method is called and rspec has not been loaded.
+        The warning includes directions on how to resolve the issue. Submitted by r6p.
+Fixed:  A long standing bug existed such that if tests failed to compile, and the
+        option Buildr.options.test is set to :all then the compilation error would
+        not result in a failed build. As many people set the Buildr.options.test to
+        :all in their continuous delivery/integration tools, this has caused some
+        problems. This has been fixed by ensuring all the problems associated with
+        the resolving the prerequisites are not caught when Buildr.options.test is
+        set to :all.
+Change: Update checkstyle to 6.1.1. Submitted by neher.
+Fixed:  Avoid empty dependency issue in gwt addon if the attempting to gwt compile
+        a project that has no src/main/java.
+Fixed:  Support dependencies in the gwt addon that are other local projects rather
+        that artifacts, without forcing a compilation of dependency when parsing
+        buildfile.
+Added:  Support configuration of sql dialect mapping in IDEA generated project files
+        through methods on the ipr extension ipr.mssql_dialect_mapping,
+        ipr.postgres_dialect_mapping and ipr.sql_dialect_mappings
+Added:  Support specification of the target project to which the gwt compilation
+        artifacts are added as an asset, by using :target_project option.</pre>
+<p>1.4.21 (2014-11-28)</p>
+<pre>Change: Upgrade atoulme-Antwrap to 0.7.5 to remove deprecation warnings in
+        modern JRuby. Suggested by Pepijn Van Eeckhoudt.
+Change: Update the gwt addon to add the validation dependencies required for GWT
+        compiles without requiring that the user specify the dependency.
+Change: Update ipr.add_gwt_configuration method to support GWT 2.7 configuration
+        parameters and IDEA 14 parameters.
+Change: Upgrade jacoco to 0.7.2. Submitted by neher.
+Change: Update checkstyle addon to use Checkstyle 6.0.
+Added:  Updated the gwt addon to support the upcoming GWT 2.7.x release.
+Change: Enhance ipr.add_glassfish_configuration to support the ability to
+        define the version of GlassFish in uses. Change the default to 4.1.0
+        as that is the latest supported variant.
+Fixed:  Change the name of the GlassFish install in ipr.add_glassfish_configuration
+        to use the same convention that IDEA uses by default. i.e. Name the
+        installation &quot;GlassFish 4.1.0&quot; rather than &quot;Glassfish 4.1.0&quot;.
+Change: Change the default version of the jdk in IDEA project files to 1.7.
+Change: Change the default version of the IDEA project files created to the
+        current release version 13. To revert to the older versions specify
+        ipr.version = &#39;12&#39; in your buildfile.
+Added:  Enhance the IdeaFile class to easily support mixing in of custom
+        components from either the filesystem or from an artifact.
+Change: Update rjb to version 1.5.1.
+Added:  Update checkstyle addon to support downloading checkstyle checks
+        as an artifact.
+Added:  Update checkstyle addon to supply checkstyle.config.dir property.
+Added:  Update pmd addon to support downloading rule files as an artifact.
+Change: Update pmd addon to use pmd version 5.1.3.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-702 - Retain Unix permission flags when merging
+        zip files into another zip or tar archive. Submitted by Pepijn Van Eeckhoudt.</pre>
+<p>1.4.20 (2014-08-23)</p>
+<pre>Fixed : BUILDR-688 - Disregard files when determining if
+        the Javac compiler should be run or not. Submitted by Pepijn Van
+        Eeckhoudt.
+Fixed : Work around bug/feature of jruby 1.7.13 that caches Gem::Version
+        objects based on constructor parameters that causes issues with
+        Buildr as we mutate the version objects through monkey patching.
+Change: Upgrade rjb dependency to 1.4.9.
+Change: BUILDR-701 - Update to JUnit 4.11. Submitted by Jean-Philippe Caruana.
+Added:  Support the &#39;report_level&#39; property on findbugs addon.
+Change: Update the findbugs addon to use the 3.0.0 version of Findbugs.
+Change: Update the findbugs addon to use the built-in findbugs stylesheet
+        to generate the html report.
+Fixed:  Ensure that the &#39;source_paths&#39; and &#39;extra_dependencies&#39; properties
+        in the findbugs addon does not contain arrays or nils.
+Fixed:  Ensure that the &#39;single_intermediate_layout&#39; addon removes the top
+        level target and reports directories during &#39;clean&#39; phase.
+Added:  Enhance idea project generation of ejb facet by looking for ejb
+        descriptors in location compatible with ejb-jars.
+Fixed:  Ensure that the &#39;source_paths&#39; property in the pmd addon does not
+        contain arrays or nils.</pre>
+<p>1.4.19 (2014-07-06)</p>
+<pre>Fixed:  BUILDR-700 - Ensure SNAPSHOT artifacts, constructed using the
+        download(artifact(&#39;group:artifact:jar:1-SNAPSHOT&#39;) =&gt;
+        &#39;;) construct will correctly download the
+        artifacts from configured URL.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-700 - Fix bug where buildr was truncating SNAPSHOT files
+        that had not changed since last update check and HTTP was returning
+        &quot;HTTP Not Modified&quot; status.
+Fixed:  Fix bug introduced in 1.4.18 version of custom_pom addon where
+        poms are created for artifacts that have a classifier.</pre>
+<p>1.4.18 (2014-06-24)</p>
+<pre>Fixed:  BUILDR-699 - Update the custom_pom addon to avoid failure when
+        used with zip packages.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-694 - &quot;buildr upload&quot; fails: wrong number of arguments in
+        progress bar read() in Ruby 2.1.0. Submitted By Mark Reibert.
+Change: Remove support for uploads to with gem dependencies
+        as the site no longer exists.
+Change: BUILDR-664 - Update Checkstyle addon so that extra_dependencies is
+        the project dependencies by default. Move the checkstyle dependencies
+        to the start of the classpath to avoid problems running checkstyle.
+        Submitted by Dieter Vrancken.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-698 - Correct &quot;Lines of code&quot; example in documentation.
+        Submitted By: Trejkaz.
+Added:  Add ipr.add_glassfish_configuration method for defining a local
+        glassfish configuration within IDEA.
+Added:  Add ipr.add_ruby_script_configuration method for defining a ruby
+        configuration within IDEA.
+Added:  Add ipr.add_java_configuration method for defining a java
+        configuration within IDEA.
+Change: Include additional rules in default pmd rule set: &#39;finalizers&#39; and
+        &#39;braces&#39;.
+Change: Upgrade the version of PMD in use to 5.1.1.
+Change: Supply a default xsl file for generating the jdepend report.
+Fixed:  Fix the naming of css_lint addon file so it is made available
+        as an addon.</pre>
+<p>1.4.17 (2014-05-25)</p>
+<pre>Added:  Add the add_default_testng_configuration method to help IDEA
+        project creation. Improves test coverage across &#39;default&#39;
+        configurations.
+Fixed:  Fix a bug where &#39;default&#39; configurations in IDEA projects
+        were being incorrectly created.
+Fixed:  Fix the vcs detection in IDEA addon for 1.8.6 (!) versions
+        of ruby by reordering blocks.
+Change: Supply a default xsl file for generating the checkstyle
+        report.
+Added:  Add csslint tasks css_lint:xml and css_lint:html that
+        support source code analysis of CSS files.
+Added:  Add scss_lint tasks scss_lint:xml and scss_lint:html that
+        support source code analysis of SCSS files.
+Added:  Import &#39;buildr/custom_pom&#39; addon to make it easier to
+        build POMs for projects publishing to Maven Central.
+Added:  Add flag to allow non portable extensions in wsgen addon.
+Fixed:  Avoid nil dereference bug in GWT addon when running GWT in
+        a project that has no source directory.</pre>
+<p>1.4.16 (2014-05-03)</p>
+<pre>Added:  Add the ability to generate a html report when using the
+        jacoco addon. Extracted from the ode project.
+Fixed:  Remove the projectname.ids file when rebuilding the idea
+        project file avoiding conflict with idea.
+Fixed:  Avoid passing duplicate -keep parameters to wsimport from
+        wsgen addon.
+Change: Improved the error handling when generating java from wsdl
+        in the wsgen addon.
+Change: Upgraded the Checkstyle plugin to use checkstyle 5.7 that
+        improves Java 7 compatibility.
+Added:  Add support for configuration of the schema-pattern,
+        table-pattern and default-schemas settings in idea&#39;s
+        data source definitions.
+Change: Upgraded the PMD plugin to use pmd 5.0.5 which for Java 7
+        compatibility.
+Change: Derive the version of GWT in gwt addon from supplied
+        dependencies.
+Fixed:  Include the compiled classes on path for GWT addon to
+        ensure the GWT compiler can load annotations.
+Change: Derive the GWT version from build settings if not
+        explicitly specified by GWT addon.
+Change: Support prefixing the version generated by the
+        gwt_auto_version addon with the environment
+        variable &quot;VERSION_PREFIX&quot;.
+Fixed:  Support overriding the GWT version used by the GWT addon.
+Fixed:  Fix problem when the :dependencies option was not
+        passed to the GWT addon.
+Fixed:  Avoid crash in GPG addon if unable to create a pom
+        for an artifact.
+Fixed:  Correct location of Git mirror in the README. Submitted
+        by Marcos Sainz.</pre>
+<p>1.4.15 (2013-11-06)</p>
+<pre>Change: Update to TestNG 6.8.7.
+Change: Updated the &#39;test_jar&#39; package type to have a
+        classifier of &#39;tests&#39; and thus match maven
+        conventions. Reported by Chris Bozic.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-689 - Ensure that war file includes generated
+        assets rather than the &quot;source&quot; assets that may have
+        been filtered.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-689 - Define assets task before the project is
+        defined to avoid &quot;undefined method `project=&#39;&quot; if the
+        project attempts to generate into the same directory.
+Added:  BUILDR-679 - Support uploading to a snapshot repository
+        defined by repositories.snapshot_to if the artifact is
+        a snapshot. Submitted by Tammo van Lessen.
+Change: Update the jaxb_xjc addon to add output directory to
+        generated IDEA project files.
+Change: Update the default output directory used in the jaxb_xjc
+        addon to use Maven conventions.
+Fixed:  Bug in IdeaProject.partition_dependencies resulted in
+        projects being rebuilt if artifacts were added to the
+        project with dependencies on the current project.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-605 - Ensure package task invokes included paths.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-609 - compile.from should accept Task argument.</pre>
+<p>1.4.14 (2013-10-11)</p>
+<pre>Change: Remove highline dependency.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-682 - Fix the documentation for releasing using
+        your own versioning scheme. Submitted by Jean-Philippe
+        Caruana.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-681 - Stop empty projects creating target/webapp.
+Change: Add dependency from generated jws client source directory
+        to the source wsdl in the wsgen addon.
+Fixed:  Fixed regression in gwt addon due to &quot;pathing_jar&quot;
+        functionality in
+Change: Support disabling the new &quot;pathing_jar&quot; functionality in
+ utility method. Required for tools
+        that introspect the classpath.
+Change: Update wsgen addon to generate source into a directory
+        hierarchy based on maven conventions.
+Fixed:  Fixed regression using transitive dependencies due to
+        presence of :scope option in Artifacts.to_hash.
+Fixed:  Fixed bug in GWT addon that required that the user supply
+        the :dependencies option.
+Fixed:  Fixed bug in Intellij project file generation when adding
+        a web facet.</pre>
+<p>1.4.13 (2013-10-02)</p>
+<pre>Fixed:  BUILDR-439 - Fix java command under windows when supplied
+        with extremely long classpath. Submitted By Tammo van Lessen.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-394 - Fix release task with standalone distribution.
+        Submitted By Tammo van Lessen.
+Added:  BUILDR-678 - Improve support for gpg signing artifacts
+        using a single method.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-677 - GPG addon hangs when .asc files are still in
+        target. Submitted By Tammo van Lessen.
+Added:  Initial support for data source creation in Intellij IDEA
+        project files.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-676 - Rework Java::Command:java so that it does not
+        reject the :dir option. Reported by John Roth.
+Added:  Auto-detect jpa provider in Intellij IDEA facet generation if
+        persistence.xml file is present and provider not specified.
+Added:  Auto-detect jruby version in Intellij IDEA facet generation if
+        .ruby-version file is present.
+Added:  Improve support for auto-detection of ejb and web descriptors
+        within Intellij IDEA project generation.
+Change: Default to setting the &quot;User-Agent&quot; header to &quot;Buildr-VERSION&quot;
+        when accessing http resources. Maven Central rejects requests
+        without a User-Agent string.
+Change: Change default scope of dependencies to &#39;compile&#39;. Submitted
+        by Ingo Schmidt.
+Change: BUILDR-675 - Set Cache-Control to &#39;no-cache&#39; when downloading
+        artifacts. Submitted by Félix Enrique Llorente Pastora.
+Added:  Initial support for simple integration of an asset pipeline.
+        See &quot;Compiling Assets&quot; section in the manual.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-673 - Fix the option handling of the MultiTest test
+        framework to behave as documented. Only the framework specific
+        options are passed to the test. Submitted by John Roth.
+Added:  BUILDR-672 - Persist the properties field in the checkstyle
+        addon so that they can be modified by the user. Submitted
+        by Wim C.
+Fixed:  Make the package_as_* methods public so that the methods are
+        detected in Ruby &gt;= 2.0.0 via the respond_to? method.
+Change: Updated dependency versions;
+        - rspec-expectations (2.14.3)
+        - rspec-mocks (2.14.3)
+        - rspec-core (2.14.5)
+        - rspec (2.14.1)
+        - minitar (0.5.4)
+        - ci_reporter (1.8.4)
+        - xml-simple (1.1.2)
+        - rjb (1.4.8)
+        - diff-lcs (1.2.4)
+        - builder (3.2.2)
+        - net-ssh (2.7.0)
+        - net-sftp (2.1.2)
+        - hoe (3.7.1)
+        - json_pure (1.8.0)
+        - highline (1.6.19)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-668 - Specify File::FNM_EXTGLOB for include globs
+        where needed in Ruby &gt;= 2.0.0. Reported by Yavor Nikolov.
+Fixed:  Ensure generation of buildfiles from eclipse projects will
+        finds .project files in Ruby &gt;= 2.0.0.
+Fixed:  Patch Rake::FileList in Ruby &gt;= 2.0.0 to match dot files if
+        a .* pattern is supplied as in earlier versions of ruby.
+Fixed:  Make Archive-related operations (e.g. zip.merge) deterministic using
+        OrderedHash.
+Change: Update to TestNG 6.8.5.</pre>
+<p>1.4.12 (2013-05-04)</p>
+<pre>Added:  BUILDR-648 Add new package(:test_jar) packaging type.
+        Submitted by Mike Pettypiece.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-666 modifies file regardless of usage.
+        Reported by Pepijn Van Eeckhoudt, fix by Alex Boisvert.
+Change: Moved to using TravisCI to test the Linux variants.
+Added:  Make the location of the wsdl in generated source configurable
+        in the wsgen addon.
+Added:  When generating the GWT facet for Intellij IDEA modules, use
+        the gwt-dev maven artifact dependency if present as the SDK,
+        falling back to the existing behaviour if not possible.
+Added:  Improved support for auto-detection of VCS dirs when creating
+        IDEA projects.
+Added:  Added support for SuperDevMode in gwt addon and upgraded to
+        GWT 2.5.1 by default.
+Change: BUILDR-664 Update Checkstyle addon so that extra_dependencies is
+        empty by default. Submitted by Dieter Vrancken.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-663 require &#39;buildr&#39; fails for Ruby 2.0.0.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-665 Java artifacts in build.yaml breaking ArchiveTask.
+        Submitted by Antonio Pérez Barrero.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-662 reported time is much shorter than actual</pre>
+<p>1.4.11 (2013-03-14)</p>
+<pre>Fixed:  Multiple tests in TestNG 6.x versions were being incorrectly passed to
+        the command line application.</pre>
+<p>1.4.10 (2013-02-10)</p>
+<pre>Added:  Support a single intermediate directory for each project hierarchy
+        through an addon &#39;buildr/single_intermediate_layout&#39;.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-660 possible build issue when using build.yaml and tasks  .rake
+        (Félix Enrique Llorente Pastora)
+Added:  Support the :dir option in the method.
+Fixed:  Scala 2.10 support - compiler now uses additional/separate jars
+        introduced in 2.10 such as scala-reflect.jar and scala-actor.jar
+Added:  Add an addon for NSIS.
+Change: BUILDR-612 - Support the TestNG 6.x versions and default
+        to 6.8.
+Added:  BUILDR-599 - Support the passing of arguments to testng
+        test runner.
+Fixed:  Observer the per-project source version when generating
+        IDEA module files.
+Change: Sort the components in IDEA project files in the same
+        order the idea sorts them.
+Fixed:  Findbugs addon correctly handles String dependencies
+        (vs task dependencies)
+Fixed:  Checkstyle addon correctly handles String dependencies
+        (vs task dependencies)
+Added:  Created an addon &#39;buildr/wsgen&#39; for generating wsdls from java
+        and java from wsdls using the underlying wsgen tool.
+Change: Defer the expansion of generated poms by wrapping the generation
+        in a Proc.
+Change: Rework Artifact.content(value) method to accept a Proc that
+        will be called before the artifact is written rather than
+        requiring a string.
+Added:  Create a &#39;buildr/gpg&#39; addon that signs and uploads signatures
+        when uploading artifacts. Inspired by a similar extension in
+        the Apache ODE project by Tammo van Lessen.
+Change: Updated dependency versions;
+        - jruby-openssl (0.8.2)
+        - atoulme-Antwrap (0.7.4)
+Change: Require &#39;bundler/setup&#39; as part of buildr startup to ensure that
+        buildr always runs with up to date dependencies if a Gemfile is
+        present.
+Added:  Add FrameworkDetectionExcludesConfiguration facet to Idea project
+        file creation by default.
+Fixed:  In the IntelliJ extension, defer the materialization of the
+        default_components until expansion time to avoid loss of sub-
+        components added after an add_component call.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-633 - Remove hardcoded shebang lines in all-in-one release.
+Added:  Create a simple extension that modifies the project layout to place
+        generated files at the top level.</pre>
+<p>1.4.9 (2012-11-08)</p>
+<pre>Fixed:  Fixed the interaction with the FileUtils classes. The last release
+        introduced a non-deterministic bug that sometimes caused logging
+        preferences to be ignored and the install method to be
+        inadvertently overwritten.</pre>
+<p>1.4.8 (2012-11-01)</p>
+<pre>Change: Revert to importing non-verbose FileUtils utility methods to match buildr 1.4.6 release and earlier.
+Added:  Experimental support for jacoco code coverage tool.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-655 - Support JDK1.7 under OSX
+Change: Updated dependency versions;
+        - builder (3.1.3)
+        - rubyforge (2.0.4)
+        - net-ssh (2.6.0)
+        - hoe (3.1.0)
+        - rjb (1.4.2)
+        - rdoc (3.12)
+        - xml-simple (1.1.1)
+        - rspec-expectations (2.11.3)
+        - rspec-mocks (2.11.3)
+        - rspec-core (2.11.1)
+        - rspec (2.11.0)
+        - rubyzip (0.9.9)
+Added:  BUILDR-652 Generate buildfile from Eclipse workspace. (Niklaus Giger)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-627 Support explicitly listed source files in buildr cc task. (Christopher Tiwald)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-606 Transitive artifact resolution should not include artifacts in &#39;provided&#39; scope in poms to
+        match maven behaviour. (Julio Arias)
+Change: BUILDR-640 Enable building jekyll and rdoc under more rubies. (Niklaus Giger)
+Change: Mark Buildr:Bnd.remote_repository as deprecated as dependencies appear in maven central.
+Added:  BUILDR-654 Add the ability to configure the version of BND used by bnd addon. (Niklaus Giger)
+Added:  Create the git_auto_version addon that automatically specifies a version for a git project based
+        on git describe.
+Added:  Integrate with Zinc (incremental compilation wrapper for scalac 2.9+)
+Change: Default to Scala 2.9.2, ScalaTest 1.8, Scala Specs2 1.11,
+        ScalaCheck 1.10.0.
+Change: Scala artifact repository changed to
+Added:  BUILDR-645 Support Mercurial as a version control system (Tan Quach)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-646 TGZ files do not keep their permissions when extracted
+        via Buildr::Unzip#extract
+Added:  Add add_exploded_ear_artifact and add_exploded_ejb_artifact to the idea project extension.
+Change: Default to using Checkstyle 5.5 in the checkstyle addon.
+Fixed:  Fix the add_exploded_war_artifact method on the idea project by adding in missing method
+        `partition_dependencies`.
+Fixed:  Fix the extension of the gwt plugin so that it can be required as an addon.
+Fixed:  Fix the undefined default_web_xml variable in the add_web_facet method on the idea project.</pre>
+<p>1.4.7 (2012-05-29)</p>
+<pre>Added:  BUILDR-618 pom properties feature does not support hierarchy (kafka liu)
+Added:  Add a Sonar extension.
+Change: BUILDR-638 Update to rake (Russell Teabeault)
+Added:  BUILDR-316 Add a GWT extension
+Change: BUILDR-624 Update rspec version to 2.9.0 (Russell Teabeault)
+Change: BUILDR-632 Update net-ssh version to 2.3.0 (Russell Teabeault)
+Change: BUILDR-632 Update net-sftp version to 2.0.5 (Russell Teabeault)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-635 JRE container entry to be declared before user sources and dependencies (Dani Perez)
+Change: BUILDR-639 Stop requiring pygmentize to run &quot;rake -T&quot; (Russell Teabeault)
+Added:  Enhance the IDEA extension to support the addition of several explicit facets such as
+        ejb, jruby, jpa, web and gwt.
+Added:  Add several utility methods to IDEA extension for defining artifacts and configurations.
+        Add some explicit methods to support a gwt configuration and a &quot;Exploded War&quot; artifact.
+Change: Upgraded to Apache Ant 1.8.3
+Change: Default maven2 repository is now
+Change: Make minimumTokenCount and encoding configurable for the PMD/CPD action
+        and default encoding to UTF-8 for compatibility with external tools (i.e. Jenkins)
+Change: BUILDR-615 VersionRequirement.version? now returns true for
+        versions following pattern &quot;r9999&quot;, e.g. &quot;r09&quot;
+Change: BUILDR-630 Run task should not add test dependencies (Russell Teabeault)
+Change: BUILDR-629 JavaRunner should include target/resources in classpath (Russell Teabeault)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-617 pom exclusion does not work (Kafka Liu)
+Added:  Add a Findbugs extension.
+Added:  Add a Checkstyle extension.
+Added:  Add a JavaNCSS extension.
+Added:  Add a PMD extension.
+Added:  MultiTest framework that allows combining multiple test frameworks
+        for a single project.
+Added:  Scala Specs2 framework support.
+Added:  Buildr.transitive() now accepts hash with :scopes, :optional and
+        :scopes_transitive parameters
+Added:  Improved scala file change detection
+        (to avoid recompiling  unnecessarily)
+Added:  ScalaTest now automatically loads the Mockito library
+Added:  Enhance the Intellij IDEA extension to support the addition of &quot;artifacts&quot;
+        and &quot;configurations&quot; to the generated project file.
+Added:  BUILDR-598 TestNG support for :groups and :excludegroups (Christopher Coco)
+Added:  BUILDR-616 Buildr development - If using rvm a default .rvmrc file would be helpful (Russell Teabeault)
+Change: Scala Specs upgraded to 1.6.9 if using Scala 2.9.1
+Change: Scala 2.9.1 is now default
+Change: Make it possible to parameterize the JDepend extension and control the
+        projects that are included in the analysis and to enable support for
+        loading a per project
+Change: Parameterize the the directory where the top level cobertura tasks will generate
+        reports. Specify using Buildr::Cobertura.report_dir = &#39;....&#39;
+Change: Stop pretty printing the Intellij IDEA project files to avoid IDEA breaking
+        in the presence of non-normalized whitespace content.
+Change: Change the Intellij IDEA extension to always rebuild the project files.
+Change: Upgrade to require atoulme-Antwrap 0.7.2
+Change: Changed the default output directory for Intellij IDEA extension to be
+        _(:target, :main, :idea, :classes) from _(:target, :main, :java) and the
+        default test output directory to be _(:target, :test, :idea, :classes)
+        from _(:target, :test, :java)
+Change: Upgrade to highline 1.6.2
+Change: Upgrade to jekyll 0.11.0, jekylltask 1.1.0, RedCloth 4.2.7, rdoc 3.8 for
+        generating documentation
+Change: Upgrade to require rubygems &gt; 1.8.6
+Change: BUILDR-603 Remove install/uninstall actions from :gem packaging type
+Change: BUILDR-602 Fail the build when gem dependencies are missing rather than
+        attempting to install the dependencies
+Change: BUILDR-601 Remove Buildr::Util::Gems
+Change: BUILDR-600 Centralize the common ad internal requires into one location.
+Change: Upgrade to JRuby 1.6.2
+Change: Move to Bundler to manage the project dependencies
+Change: BUILDR-548 Remove support for JTestR as it is no longer maintained (Antoine Toulme)
+Change: BUILDR-614 Buildr development - Using rvm, bundler and OSX installs the wrong rjb (Russell Teabeault)
+Change: Upgrade to RJB 1.4.0
+Fixed:  ArtifactNamespace fails when using artifacts with classfier.
+Fixed:  Buildr.artifacts() should handle any object with :to_spec method
+        (i.e., any object that ActsAsArtifact)
+Fixed:  Handle HTTP Unauthorized (501) result code when downloading artifacts.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-611 Buildr should not unnecessarily recompile Java files
+        explicitly added to compile.from
+Fixed:  scaladoc generation with scala 2.9.x
+Fixed:  Bnd Plugin: Add each artifact individually as a prerequisite to
+        bundle / package task when passed to classpath_element method
+Fixed:  BUILDR-439 &quot;The command line is too long&quot; when running TestNG tests (Tammo Van Lessen)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-595 Add option to specifiy location of ca cert
+Fixed:  BUILDR-596 Update installation notes to talk about the all-in-one bundle</pre>
+<p>1.4.6 (2011-06-21)</p>
+<pre>Added:  BUILDR-592 Allow Users to Specify SSH Options for Deployment (Marc-André Laverdière)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-591 Sort modules in iml files generated by idea task to ensure
+        main_dependencies are exported
+Added:  Support for Scala 2.9.0+ (with help of Alexis Midon)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-583 Update jruby install to use jruby version 1.6.1 (Alexis Midon)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-582 Revert the name change for the task to generate Intellij
+        project files to &#39;idea&#39;
+Change: BUILDR-579 Format generated IDEA project files to look more like what
+        IntelliJ generates (Peter Royal)
+Change: BUILDR-574 Enhance idea task to generate test resources with test scope
+        (Jean-Philippe Caruana)
+Change: BUILDR-576 Upgrade to JUnit 4.8.2
+Change: Upgrade to JRuby 1.6.2
+Change: Scala 2.9.0-1 is now default, along with ScalaCheck 1.9, ScalaTest 1.6.1
+        and Specs 1.6.8.
+Change: ScalaCheck, ScalaTest and Specs now default to sane versions when using
+        older Scala versions.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-571 Generated IDEA projects include resources multiple times (Peter Royal)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-573 HTTP upload PUT request with incorrect Content-Type (Mathias Doenitz)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-578 Tar task does not preserve uid/gid on folders (Jean-Philippe Caruana)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-251 Classifier not handled when downloading snapshot artifacts (Ryan Fowler)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-585 &quot;TypeError : can&#39;t dup NilClass&quot; when merging jars
+Fixed:  BUILDR-586 ScalaTest uses deprecated ant task (Martin Partel)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-584 eclipse plugin should use absolute path
+Fixed:  BUILDR-587 ScalaTest uses deprecated reporter parameters</pre>
+<p>1.4.5 (2011-02-20)</p>
+<pre>Added:  BUILDR-555 Add support for the jaxb binding compiler (Mark Petrovic)
+Added:  BUILDR-554 Add support for OSGi bundle packages by importing the
+        buildr_bnd plugin
+Added:  BUILDR-125 Add support for &lt;security-role&gt; in application.xml of
+        EAR packaging (Mikael Amborn)
+Added:  BUILDR-550 Add support for groovydoc
+Added:  BUILDR-521: System tray notifications for Linux systems
+        (via libnotify/notify-send)
+Added:  BUILDR-537 Shell tasks should use JAVA_OPTS by default
+Added:  BUILDR-538 Shell tasks should support passing :java_args
+Added:  BUILDR-544 Support ${groupId} in pom files (Chris Dean)
+Added:  BUILDR-552 Projects may now be defined using project(:name) and a block
+Added:  BUILDR-564 Add package(:scaladoc)
+Added:  Automatically add &quot;require buildr/{groovy,scala}&quot;  when generating
+        project if Groovy/Scala files are detected.
+Change: BUILDR-540 Upgrade to rspec 2.1.0
+Change: BUILDR-546 Upgrade to Rubyzip 0.9.4 (Michael Guymon)
+Change: BUILDR-556 Merge buildr-iidea extension back into buildr.
+Change: Upgrade default Scala compiler version to 2.8.1-final
+Change: Upgrade to ScalaCheck 1.8
+Change: Upgrade to ScalaTest 1.3
+Change: Upgrade to Specs 1.6.6
+Change: Upgrade to JRuby 1.5.6
+Fixed:  BUILDR-542 Release task:  SVN tagging fails if parent tag directory
+        does not exist yet (Gerolf Seitz)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-543 POMs are installed and uploaded twice when using artifacts
+        with classifier
+Fixed:  BUILDR-522 Send notifications when continuous compilation
+        succeeds/fails.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-551 Continuous compilation not working for project trees
+Fixed:  BUILDR-557 MD5 + SHA1 checksums are not Maven compliant (Tammo van Lessen)
+Change: Upgrade to Groovy 1.7.5
+Change: BUILDR-545 Add the ability to specify the description element in in
+        application.xml contained within an ear.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-547 - Ensure ECJ compiler works when there is a space in the
+        path of dependencies.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-558 Artifact uploads should show a progress bar (Tammo van Lessen)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-560 show a meaning full error message when POM cannot be parsed
+        (Tammo van Lessen)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-562 WAR package isn&#39;t updated if files under src/main/webapp
+        are updated
+Fixed:  BUILDR-569 Buildr fails under JRuby 1.6.0.RC1 due to read-only $? variable
+Fixed:  BUILDR-570 Buildr does not work with Rubygems 1.5.x
+Fixed:  Scaladoc task would cause build to exit prematurely</pre>
+<p>1.4.4 (2010-11-16)</p>
+<pre>Change: BUILDR-549 Upgrade to RJB 1.3.3 to address &quot;Cannot create JVM&quot; issue with Java Update 3
+        on Mac OS X.  Win32 platform upgraded to RJB 1.3.2.
+Change: RSpec gem dependency ~&gt; 1.3.1
+Change: Upgrade to JtestR 0.6</pre>
+<p>1.4.3 (2010-10-15)</p>
+<pre>Added:  BUILDR-514 New &#39;run&#39; local task.
+Added:  BUILDR-518 Load _buildr.rb or .buildr.rb from same directory as Buildfile
+        if they exist (Peter Donald)
+Added:  BUILDR-519 Load repositories.release_to from build settings (Peter Donald)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-520 Scaladoc 2.8 no longer support -windowtitle, use -doc-title instead.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-512 Buildr::Util.ruby invokes non existent method (Peter Donald)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-513 --trace fails with NoMethodError : undefined method
+        `include?&#39; for nil:NilClass
+Fixed:  BUILDR-515 -update-snapshot doesn&#39;t work as expected
+Fixed:  BUILDR-517 package(:jar).include(directory, :as=&gt;&quot;foo&quot;) produces a corrupted jar
+Fixed:  BUILDR-524 Optimized and more robust reading of jar MANIFEST.MF (Hugues Malphettes)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-525 Documentation refers to repositories.upload_to rather than
+        repositories.release_to (Peter Donald)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-526 Gracefully handle h2 sections with no id in documentation (Peter Donald)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-527 package(:war) if libs passed are files (instead of artifacts)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-528 Stop using deprecated method Gem::Dependency.version_requirements correctly (Peter Donald)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-529 Stop using gem name &quot;foo&quot; in tests as it is the name of an actual gem (Peter Donald)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-531 Improve error message when build requires gem that can&#39;t be found in local/remote
+        gem repositories (Peter Donald)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-532 package_as_source does not package resources (Tammo van Lessen)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-534 package_with_sources does not package source artifacts if no sources but resources exist.
+        (Tammo Van Lessen)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-535 Failing &quot;checks&quot; produce no meaningful errors  on JRuby
+Fixed:  JavaRebel was previously not correctly detected.</pre>
+<p>1.4.2 (2010-09-18)</p>
+<pre>Added:  BUILDR-415 Ability to exclude tests from command line
+Added:  BUILDR-495 Document twitter on Buildr&#39;s homepage
+Added:  BUILDR-212 Update support for SNAPSHOT artifacts (Timo Rantalaiho and Izzet Mustafa)
+Added:  BUILDR-465 Eclipse project names should be customizable
+Added:  BUILDR-493 Eclipse task should generate javadocpath
+Added:  BUILDR-509 Option to generate non-prefixed Eclipse project names
+Added:  BUILDR-510 Add support for trace categories: --trace=foo,bar
+Added:  Integration test to show how to change the war packaging spec.
+Added:  Integration test to show how to use junit 3.
+Added:  Integration test to show how to get ahold of parent project
+Change: BUILDR-473 Update jruby-openssl dependency version or support a range of versions
+Change: BUILDR-478 Upgrade to net-ssh 2.0.23 and net-sftp 2.0.4 (Shane Witbeck)
+Change: BUILDR-475 Support for long names on tar.gz (updated to minitar 0.5.3)
+Change: BUILDR-484 Upgrade to Scala 2.8.0 (final) and associated dependencies
+        (ScalaCheck 1.7, ScalaTest 1.2, Specs 1.6.5)
+Change: BUILDR-487 package :sources should default to using .jar extension (instead of .zip)
+Change: Upgrade to Jruby 1.5.2
+Fixed:  BUILDR-143 Upload to a file:// path needs ability to specify permissions (Joel Muzzerall)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-144 Filter does not preserve file permissions
+Fixed:  BUILDR-163 cobertura-check
+Fixed:  BUILDR-203 Compiler guessing very inefficient
+Fixed:  BUILDR-225 ArchiveTask#merge, not according to doc
+Fixed:  BUILDR-256 Automatically installing gems aborts rspec test runner (Rhett Sutphin)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-285 Cobertura failing when running build
+Fixed:  BUILDR-302 Move out-of-date Nailgun documentation to wiki (Shane Witbeck)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-317 ecj compiler
+Fixed:  BUILDR-326 follow up: binary safe untarring on Windows (Sam Hendley)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-335 follow up: excluding libraries from war is confusing
+Fixed:  BUILDR-342 The jruby gem installer invokes the removed Gem.manage_gems function (Rhett Sutphin)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-403 Buildr::Util::Gems.install does not find gems on remote sources
+Fixed:  BUILDR-436 release task should only replace &quot;-SNAPSHOT&quot; (spec from Jean-Philippe Caruana)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-438 Release Task: customizable version numbers (Alexis Midon)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-464 Improve the versioning of Buildr (Rhett Sutphin)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-466 Rendering issue with IE on the website (Shane Witbeck)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-468 test:failed does not respect test.exclude
+Fixed:  BUILDR-469 test:failed causes all transitive tests to run
+Fixed:  BUILDR-472 ECJ dependency now required to build any java project
+Fixed:  BUILDR-477 Error while parsing maven-metadata.xml
+Fixed:  BUILDR-479 Enforce using a minimal version of jruby
+Fixed:  BUILDR-481 Antwrap monkey-patching in core.rb
+Fixed:  BUILDR-482 Javadoc : cannot load class
+Fixed:  BUILDR-488 artifact poms not reinstalled
+Fixed:  BUILDR-491 sftp download goes into infinite loop
+Fixed:  BUILDR-498 Artifact download fails with &quot;negative argument&quot; if
+        terminal capabilities are undefined
+Fixed:  BUILDR-499 Java package caching through constants
+        e.g. ( cached as Java::Lang::String)
+        can shadow Ruby modules
+Fixed:  BUILDR-501 Fix buildr label when listing tasks (Peter Donald)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-503 Include with as includes directories as files when the directory has the same name as the path
+Fixed:  BUILDR-506 Gem packaging does not work under windows (Peter Donald)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-508 Remove unnecessary use of Java.classpath in OpenJPA
+        extension (Peter Donald)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-507 Gem packaging should replace dashes with dots in
+        version number (Peter Donald)</pre>
+<p>1.4.1 (2010-07-07)</p>
+<pre>Added:  BUILDR-420 Support external compiler
+Added:  BUILDR-425 Specify dev dependencies in .gemspec
+Change: BUILDR-459 Update gemspec to accept json_pure ~&gt; 1.4.3
+Fixed:  BUILDR-455 cc_spec.rb l 160 depends on time and thus fails intermittently
+Fixed:  BUILDR-461 Packages with different ids collide
+Fixed:  BUILDR-439 &quot;The command line is too long&quot; when running TestNG tests
+Fixed:  BUILDR-463 Setting a system property in the buildfile causes a NoClassDefFoundError</pre>
+<p>1.4.0 (2010-06-18)</p>
+<pre>Added:  BUILDR-405 Enhance the idea7x extension to supply a task to delete generated files
+        (Peter Donald)
+Added:  Support for regexps in include and exclude patterns (BUILDR-406)
+Added:  Support for Scala 2.8 compiler-level change detection and dependency
+        tracking
+Added:  Continuous compilation
+Added:  Generic documentation framework (using the `doc` task).  Replaces
+        `javadoc` task
+Added:  New &quot;test:failed&quot; task to execute only tests that failed during last
+        run (Antoine Toulme)
+Added:  Project extensions (before/after_define) now support dependency ordering
+        similar to Rake (e.g. before_define(:my_setup =&gt; :compile)
+Added:  BUILDR-328 Detect Eclipse plugin project with META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
+        and Bundle-SymbolicName: entry
+Added:  Support for Eclipse classpath variables to avoid absolute pathnames in
+        generated .classpath using:
+          eclipse.classpath_variables { :VAR =&gt; &#39;/path/to/libraries&#39; }
+Added:  Support for excluding libraries from Eclipse classpath using:
+          eclipse.exclude_libs += [&#39;/path/to/some/library.jar&#39;]
+Added:  Environment variable IGNORE_BUILDFILE can be set to &quot;yes&quot; or
+        &quot;true&quot; to ignore changes in Buildfile when running tests.
+Added:  &quot;buildr test=only&quot; will only run tests explicitly specified on the
+        command line (and ignore transitive test dependencies)
+Added:  ArtifactNamespace.{keys,clear} methods
+Added:  BUILDR-326 Support unzipping tar.gz files (Antoine Toulme)
+Added:  BUILDR-368 Support protocol buffer code generation
+        (Pepijn Van Eeckhoudt)
+Added:  BUILDR-375 Buildr now recognizes buildfile.rb and Buildfile.rb
+        (Kerry Wilson)
+Added:  BUILDR-390 Buildr::group() should accept :classifier argument
+Added:  BUILDR-407 Exclude and include patterns should support lambdas or procs
+Added:  BUILDR-408 Filter include() and exclude() should accept Rake tasks
+Added:  BUILDR-409 archive.include() should convert arguments to artifact
+        if applicable
+Added:  BUILDR-453 Provide a ci task that uses the ci_reporter gem (Pepijn Van Eeckhoudt)
+Added:  ScalaTest now generates JUnit XML reports in addition to text files.
+Change: Updated to Ant 1.8.0
+Change: Updated to Cobertura
+Change: Updated to Groovy 1.7.1
+Change: Updated to JRuby 1.5.1
+Change: Updated to JtestR 0.5
+Change: Updated to JUnit 4.7
+Change: Updated to JMock 2.5.1 (Antoine Toulme)
+Change: Updated to RJB 1.2.5
+Change: Updated to Scala Specs
+Change: Updated to ScalaCheck 1.6
+Change: Updated to ScalaTest 1.0.1
+Change: Updated to json_pure 1.4.0
+Change: Load buildr.rb from $HOME/.buildr instead of $HOME
+        ($HOME/buildr.rb is still loaded with deprecation warning)
+Change: BUILDR-400 Don&#39;t forbid projects to use their own compiler after one has been guessed
+Change: BUILDR-401 Don&#39;t set compiler to output warnings if verbose
+Change:[&#39;scala.version&#39;] now overrides SCALA_HOME to
+        determine which Scala libraries used for compiling.  If both are
+        are provided and reference the same Scala version, then local
+        jars from SCALA_HOME are used.
+Change: Tagline changed from &quot;The build system that doesn&#39;t suck&quot; to &quot;Build like you code&quot;
+Change: BUILDR-355 Use Rake for defining tasks to do the Buildr distro over JRuby (Izzet Mustafa oglu)
+Change: BUILDR-448 Don&#39;t use sudo by default for rake setup
+Change: BUILDR-450 Update .gitignore to exclude idea project files and files generated during spec tests (Peter Donald)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-208 ansi control characters are printed on Windows (Pepijn Van Eeckhoudt)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-348 Buildr fails on windows with jruby and ODE 1.X
+Fixed:  BUILDR-183 Can&#39;t define root artifact namespace outside of project
+        (Ittay Dror)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-223 Release Task: customizable commit message (Alexis Midon)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-232 buildr should print the class of an exception, not just
+        its message (Antoine Toulme)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-233 Can&#39;t specify version in artifact namespace
+Fixed:  BUILDR-267 Skipping tests is only done after they are compiled
+        (Antoine Toulme)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-281 Application#initialize fails if home dir isn&#39;t writable
+Fixed:  BUILDR-327 Specifying :plugin eclipse nature explicitly fails
+Fixed:  BUILDR-330  Install task should re-install artifact even if they
+        already exist (Alexis Midon)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-334 Eclipse .classpath files use absolute paths for library
+        entries (Stefan Wasilewski)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-336 Prints Command Without --trace
+        (Antoine Toulme)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-341 jruby -S extract is no longer supported by jruby
+        (Antoine Toulme)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-344 Buildr::TestFramework::TestResult::YamlFormatter uses
+        deprecated form of example_pending (Rhett Sutphin)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-345 Improve project documentation (Peter Schröder)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-346 Test classpath can not be set (Peter Schröder)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-347 Compile.from does not work correctly with FileTask when
+        no compiler is set (Peter Schröder)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-349 resources.filter should use defaults from profile.yaml
+        even if mapping is provided
+Fixed:  BUILDR-360 Reintroduce tag_name instance method for Git release task for
+        backward compatibility (Antoine Toulme)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-361 Generate Eclipse .project file even if project has no
+        nature.  Also prevent generation of .project if project has
+        children. (Antoine Toulme)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-364 Package spec should be set to a Symbol when :file is
+        used (Klaas Prause)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-365 test task should use test compile dependencies
+Fixed:  BUILDR-366 Scala dependencies should be lazily loaded into
+        Java.classpath
+Fixed:  BUILDR-373 Package type specific implementations of install,
+        uninstall and upload are not invoked (Antoine Toulme)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-374 upload tasks can attempt to upload artifacts multiple times (Pepijn Van Eeckhoudt)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-379 Ant sql task abruptly terminates buildr
+Fixed:  BUILDR-380 GitRelease: recursive search for root &#39;/&#39; does not work
+        under Windows (Antoine Toulme)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-381 JUnit tests on Groovy project fail with
+        NoClassDefFoundError: junit/framework/TestCase
+Fixed:  BUILDR-382 Packages with default spec are not always created correctly
+Fixed:  BUILDR-383 artifact().from(task_dependency) should not trigger
+        task_dependency if artifact exists
+Fixed:  BUILDR-384 Buildr fails with rubygems 1.3.6
+Fixed:  BUILDR-386 Display JRuby version in buildr -V (Antoine Toulme)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-388 Continuous Compilation Support for Sub-Projects
+Fixed:  BUILDR-391 resources task does not detect changes
+Fixed:  BUILDR-392 Array values not flattened in (one version) of eclipse
+        task properties (Antoine Toulme, Peter Dettman)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-306 Cobertura extension does not handle dependencies
+        correctly (Pepijn Van Eeckhoudt)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-398 FileUtils#sh does not work correctly on Windows
+        (Pepijn Van Eeckhoudt)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-399 invoke_with_call_chain does not restore call chain
+        correctly (Pepijn Van Eeckhoudt)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-418 jruby exception: `ffi_libraries&#39;: no library specified
+Fixed:  BUILDR-442 Errors while running the specs with jruby 1.5
+Fixed:  BUILDR-449 Fix failing specs on Windows (Pepijn Van Eeckhoudt)
+Fixed:  buildr test=all didn&#39;t run all tests as expected
+Fixed:  Fail-fast if package.with() or include() called with nil values
+Fixed:  Failures not reported correctly for ScalaTest (Alex Eagle)
+Fixed:  Test dependencies should include test compile dependencies
+Fixed:  Classpath correctly passed to Scala shell
+Fixed:  Removed redundant tracing of command arguments
+Fixed:  filter.using(hash) now correctly substitutes mappings with boolean
+        &quot;false&quot; value
+Fixed:  BUILDR-404 buildr -V causes exception on JRuby
+Fixed:  BUILDR-411 fix for RDoc generation
+Fixed:  BUILDR-417 package_as_javadoc calls deprecated method
+        (Pepijn Van Eeckhoudt)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-412 Gemspec dependencies don&#39;t add up - to the point it&#39;s not possible to release
+Fixed:  BUILDR-414 Provide tag_name method on GitRelease as part of API
+Fixed:  BUILDR-419 Exclusion patterns only work if they contain a wildcard
+Fixed:  BUILDR-421 The MANIFEST.MF file packaged by Buildr as permissions set to 600
+Fixed:  BUILDR-423 MANIFEST.MF files are not closed, leading to open files leak.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-447 Path object do not include empty dirs in base directory (Peter Donald)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-457 package(:jar) adds . entry to the jar</pre>
+<p>1.3.5 (2009-10-05)</p>
+<pre>Added:  Interactive shell (REPL) support
+Added:  BeanShell as default shell for java projects, bsh is small and it&#39;s
+        syntax provides the closest to an interpreted java. The BeanShell
+        console includes a graphical class browser. Shell is named :bsh
+Added:  Mandriva (urpmi) installation support (with help from Franck Villaume).
+Added:  BUILDR-56 Download Scala artifacts if not available locally
+Added:  BUILDR-163 cobertura:check (Marko Sibakov, Daniel Spiewak).
+Added:  BUILDR-295 Eclipse task: make &#39;M2_REPO&#39; repository variable configurable
+Added:  BUILDR-300 Make Eclipse task more configurable (Antoine Toulme, Alex Boisvert)
+Change: Upgraded to rubyforge-1.0.5 and net-ssh 2.0.15
+Change: Monkey-Patched FileUtils::sh on JRuby to use POSIX `system`
+Change: Updated to Rake 0.8.7, RSpec 1.2.8 and JRuby-openssl 0.5.2.
+Change: Updated to easyb 0.9 (Joel Muzzerall)
+Change: Updated to TestNG 5.10
+Change: Updated to JRuby 1.3.1
+Fixed:  BUILDR-23 Support for setting file mode when packaging (Ittay Dror).
+Fixed:  BUILDR-278 tasks/*.rake files are loaded after the buildfile (Rhett Sutphin)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-282 release goal should not strip leading &#39;0&#39; digits from version numbers.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-289 Improved error message when JAVA_HOME points to an invalid JRE/JDK installation
+Fixed:  BUILDR-290 Dependencies cannot be downloaded over SSL.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-291 Local tasks do not support arguments (Ittay Dror).
+Fixed:  BUILDR-292 Workaround for JRUBY-3381 on
+Fixed:  BUILDR-301 TestNG doesn&#39;t report failure if more than one test fails
+Fixed:  BUILDR-307 Failures are not reported correctly for ScalaTest (Jeremie Lenfant-Engelmann)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-313 Prevent release with uncommitted_files on Git 1.4.3+ (Alexis Midon)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-315 Fix Eclipse .classpath for local libraries (Mat Schaffer)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-304 Referencing an existing package task using the package
+        method fails if the package has a custom filename (Rhett Sutphin)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-322 When specifying files (instead of directories) as sources for compile task,
+        Buildr uses target directory timestamp only (not compiled output timestamp)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-324: Regression - baseDir system property is not set when executing tests [Alexis Midon]
+Fixed:  BUILDR-325: Overriding package spec with classifer doesn&#39;t work (Antoine Toulme)</pre>
+<p>1.3.4 (2009-04-21)</p>
+<pre>Added:  BUILDR-93 Add specs for ScalaCheck integration
+Added:  BUILDR-94 Add specs for Scala Specs integration
+Added:  BUILDR-136 Support Scala/Java Joint Compiler (Daniel Spiewak).
+Added:  BUILDR-159 Improved &#39;check&#39; to accept both tar and tgz archives.
+Added:  BUILDR-164 New &#39;artifacts:sources&#39; task to download source code
+        for artifact jars.
+Added:  BUILDR-222 Support Git as a version control system
+Added   BUILDR-223 Release Task: customizable commit message
+Added:  BUILDR-242 Include Scala-Tools Repository by Default.
+Added:  BUILDR-268 Allow proxying for https connections (Joel Muzzerall).
+Added:  Info message &quot;Packaging filename.ext&quot; now displayed for packaging tasks
+Added:  Added Scala.version and Scala.version_str
+Change: require &#39;buildr/scala&#39; is now officially required to use Scala features
+Change: Introduced new options from Rake 0.8.3: -I (libdir), -R (rakelib),
+        --rules, --no-search, --silent.
+Change: Upgraded to Rubyforge 1.0.1.
+Change: Upgraded to use Rake 0.8.4.
+Change: Upgraded to use Net-SSH 2.0.11.
+Change: Upgraded to use RSpec 1.2.2.
+Change: Upgraded to use JRuby 1.1.6 (when auto-installing).
+Change: Buildr, no longer in incubation (hurray!): new site, mailing list, SVN, Git.
+Change: BUILDR-171 Eclipse task generates meta-data files for projects with
+        test source code but no main source code.
+Change: BUILDR-177 Moved cobertura and emma extensions to lib directory.
+Change: BUILDR-187 Source code attachment for Eclipse .classpath.
+Change: BUILDR-188 Source code attachment for IDEA .iml file (Marko Sibakov).
+Change: BUILDR-209 Scala Specs Should Use src/specs/scala/
+Change: BUILDR-237 Use MacPorts Scala on OS X.
+Change: BUILDR-260 Upgrade to Scala 2.7.3 compatible dependencies:
+        ScalaSpecs 1.4.3, ScalaCheck 1.5 and ScalaTest 0.9.5
+Change: Buildr now uses Jekyll to generate Web site/documentation:</pre>
+<p><a href=""></a>/
+This replaces Docter so less code to maintain and the same Textile/Liquid
+mechanism as when using Github pages.</p>
+<pre>Change: To access Release object (e.g. to set tag_name) use Release.find.
+Fixed:  Removed double complete/fail messages showing up on console.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-140 Get rid of const_defined? all across the board.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-158 Nailgun is now a delegate for buildr/drb (a pure-ruby dRuby server)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-170 ArtifactNamespace#method_missing has a condition that is never true.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-172 Scala compiler not loaded by default.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-175 Fail to find child project when calling project method inside project definition.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-185 Exception if using artifact names with hyphen (Joel</pre>
+<pre>Fixed:  BUILDR-192 TestNG report results are overwritten (Alexis Midon).
+Fixed:  BUILDR-193 TestNG uses project name for suite name (not valid file
+        name on Windows).
+Fixed:  BUILDR-194 Buildr always adds &#39;Manifest-Version&#39; to generated manifest file.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-198 Filter#run always calls mkpath with :verbose.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-199 ArchiveTask#needed uses &#39;each&#39; with no effect (Ittay Dror).
+Fixed:  BUILDR-201 Sample project is not valid (Alexis Midon).
+Fixed:  BUILDR-214 Buildr is stuck uploading to sftp repository (Heikki Hulkko).
+Fixed:  BUILDR-216 Profiles documentation is wrong (Shane Witbeck).
+Fixed:  BUILDR-218 Manifest.from_zip fails if the zip doesn&#39;t already have</pre>
+<p>META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (Joel Muzzerall).</p>
+<pre>Fixed:  BUILDR-226 Release task should use XML output of &quot;svn info&quot; instead</pre>
+<p>of human-readable output (Alexis Midon).</p>
+<pre>Fixed:  BUILDR-230 release task fails if there&#39;s a space in the path to the</pre>
+<pre>Fixed:  BUILDR-235 JRuby download link is broke (Alexis Midon).
+Fixed:  BUILDR-239 HTTP redirects lose authentication information (Joel</pre>
+<pre>Fixed:  BUILDR-240 Make TestNG print traces in the console (Alex Midon).
+Fixed:  BUILDR-241 IDEA7X IPR generation does not pay attention to base_dir</pre>
+<p>for submodules (Rhett Sutphin).</p>
+<pre>Fixed:  BUILDR-247 OpenObject does not work with Hash#only (Rhett Sutphin).
+Fixed:  BUILDR-253 ZipTask now uses Zlib::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION instead of NO_COMPRESSION
+Fixed:  BUILDR-255 tasks/*.rake files are loaded more than once.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-261 ScalaSpecs should be run with Scala dependencies
+Fixed:  BUILDR-263 package(:war).merge not working correctly with exclude()
+Fixed:  BUILDR-271 Using buildr --environment leads to &quot;Don&#39;t know how to</pre>
+<p>build task XXX“.</p>
+<pre>Fixed:  BUILDR-269 rspec bdd is broken (Jeff Hodges)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-272 &#39;rake gem&#39; does not build gem under JRuby (Clinton R.</pre>
+<pre>Remove: BUILDR-215 buildr:freeze and unfreeze tasks don&#39;t work since we&#39;re</pre>
+<p>no longer running with the rake command.</p>
+<p>1.3.3 (2008-10-08)</p>
+<pre>Added:  JtestR support. Implemented pending jtestr specs.
+Added:  Growl notifications (OS X only).
+Added:  error, info and trace methods.
+Added:  Release task support for alternative SVN repository layout
+        (e.g.,
+Added:  BUILDR-128 Emma support
+Added:  BUILDR-135. Extracted reusable replacement logic into Filter::Mapper
+Added:  BUILDR-148 It is now possible to set the version of various 3rd
+        party libraries from the build.yml file.  Supported libraries
+        include Ant and the various test and BDD frameworks.
+Change: Error reporting now shows &#39;buildr aborted!&#39; (used to say rake),
+        more of the stack trace without running --trace, and when running
+        with supported terminal, error message is red.
+Change: Eclipse task updated to documented Scala plugin requirements
+        (
+Change: Buildr.application.buildfile returns a task instead of a String.
+Change: BUILDR-104 Buildr::group has :under and :version, but not :type.
+        Now it has :type too (Lacton).
+Change: BUILDR-139 Incremental test run.
+Change: BUILDR-141 Removed NEXT_VERSION from release task.
+Change: BUILDR-148 ant-junit no longer included in root classpath, but
+        specified during taskdef.
+Change: BUILDR-153 To customize the SVN tag used by the release task, set
+        Release.tag_name to either the tag value or a proc that takes the
+        version number and return the desired tag.
+Fixed:  Should not display &quot;(in `pwd`, development)&quot; when using --quiet.
+Fixed:  Release task&#39;s regexp to find either THIS_VERSION and VERSION_NUMBER.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-106 download(artifact(...)=&gt;url) broken in certain cases
+        (Lacton).
+Fixed:  BUILDR-108 Trace to explain why a compile is done (Lacton).
+Fixed:  BUILDR-109 Failure of &quot;Buildr::Filter should respond to :include and
+        use these inclusion patterns&quot; (Lacton).
+Fixed:  BUILDR-110 Error creating buildfile from POM when missing plugin
+        configuration (Geoffrey Ruscoe).
+Fixed:  BUILDR-112 Using a user gem repository with &#39;rake setup&#39; (Lacton).
+Fixed:  BUILDR-114 Hash.from_java_properties does not behave
+        like java.util.Properties (Lacton).
+Fixed:  BUILDR-116: TestTask should include the main compile target in its
+        dependencies, even when using non standard directories (Lacton).
+Fixed:  BUILDR-117 Shared directory for both code and resources produces
+        duplicate Eclipse classpath entries (Nathan Hamblen)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-119 Eclipse task does not accept test resource folders
+        (Lacton)
+Fixed:  BUILDR-122: eclipse task should not check for directory existence
+Fixed:  BUILDR-123: eclipse task should honor ResourceTask&#39;s target directory
+Fixed:  BUILDR-124 unzip(...).from_path does not work correctly without
+        include (Rhett Sutphin).
+Fixed:  BUILDR-126  Tests options are shared between unrelated projects when
+        using #options instead of #using (Lacton).
+Fixed:  BUILDR-129. Modifying a project manifest should not alter it&#39;s
+        parent project manifest.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-137 JRuby 1.1.3 and Buildr 1.3.2 don&#39;t appear to work
+        (on Windows).
+Fixed:  BUILDR-138 ScalaTest premature use of Buildr::Repositories
+        inconsistent with customizing locations.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-152 Project.task fails when task name starts with a colon.
+Fixed:  BUILDR-157 Tasks library not loaded from a submodule.
+Docs:   BUILDR-111 Troubleshoot tip when Buildr&#39;s bin directory shows up in
+        RUBYLIB (Geoffrey Ruscoe).</pre>
+<p>1.3.2 (2008-07-18)</p>
+<pre>Added: --prereqs command line argument to show all tasks and their</pre>
+<p>dependencies. You can also follow with regular expression to narrow down
+the list of tasks.</p>
+<pre>Changed: Upgraded to Rubyforge 1.0.0.
+Changed: BUILDR-86 Use newest versions of net-ssh and net-sftp gems.
+Changed: BUILDR-88 Test classes/resources should come before compile</pre>
+<p>classes/resources so they load up earlier in java classpath.</p>
+<pre>Changed: BUILDR-102 Update JUnit Version to 4.4.
+Fixed: BUILDR-73 idea7x task incorrect adds target/resources to the sources</pre>
+<pre>Fixed: BUILDR-76 Added more specs and fixes to compile task.
+Fixed: BUILDR-77 Layout feature not working.
+Fixed: BUILDR-79 Remove :source option for Scala compiler
+Fixed: BUILDR-80 Fix reference to Util#timestamp method on nailgun addon.
+Fixed: BUILDR-82 Temporary work around for Net::SSH 2.0.2 attempting to</pre>
+<p>load Pageant DLLs when running on JRuby/Windows.</p>
+<pre>Fixed: BUILDR-89 JUnit (and all other Java frameworks) no longer include</pre>
+<p>abstract classes.</p>
+<pre>Fixed: BUILDR-90 Installing from source doesn&#39;t work with JRuby.
+Fixed: BUILDR-91 When doing a release, buildr should spawn the same version</pre>
+<p>of buildr</p>
+<pre>Fixed: BUILDR-92 IDEA 7x: add resources directories to classpath.
+Fixed: BUILDR-95: Only download Scala test framework artifacts when required
+Fixed: BUILDR-100 Directory structure documentation needs updating.
+Fixed: Installation instructions updated for RubyGems 1.2.0.</pre>
+<p> (2008-06-04)</p>
+<pre>Fixed: BUILDR-78 Broken dependency on Rubyforge Gem.</pre>
+<p>1.3.1 (2008-05-19)</p>
+<pre>Added: Downloading files from SFTP server, uploading to HTTP.
+Added: jibx_bind method to use JiBX for Java&lt;=&gt;XML binding (by David</pre>
+<pre>Changed: Upgraded to Net::SSH 2.0 and Net::SFTP 2.0.
+Fixed: BUILDR-67 HTTP GET now works with query parameters (Tommy Knowlton).
+Fixed: BUILDR-68 Now accepting JAVA_HOME setting on OS X (Nathan Hamblen).
+Fixed: JUnit now accepts java_args and passes these arguments to the JVM</pre>
+<p>(only applicable when forking).</p>
+<pre>Fixed: BUILDR-70 JUnit not passing environment variables from the</pre>
+<p>:environment option.</p>
+<pre>Fixed: BUILDR-75 Filter now runs if there&#39;s a target directory, even if</pre>
+<p>there are no source files to copy over, since everyone else just checks for existence before depending on it.</p>
+<pre>Fixed: BUILDR-63 Possible fix.</pre>
+<p>1.3.0 (2008-04-25)</p>
+<pre>Added: Testing with EasyB (Nicolas Modrzyk).
+Added: Testing with JBehave (John Layton).
+Added: Testing with RSpec (Nick Sieger).
+Added: Nailgun integration for improved user experience when running on</pre>
+<pre>Added: Cobertura tasks can be invoked for a single project using project</pre>
+<p>name as prefix to cobetura tasks.</p>
+<pre>Added: Cobertura can exclude specified classes from instrumentation.
+Added: ArchiveTask#clean can be used to remove content from a package.
+Added: Groovy compiler.
+Added: Mechanism to simplify creating extensions (see Extension module).
+Added: To run all test cases &#39;rake spec&#39;.  Test coverage reports will show</pre>
+<p>up in html/coverage.  To run failing tests against, &#39;rake failing&#39;.</p>
+<pre>Added: Layout class for controlling the project layout.  Also cleaned up</pre>
+<p>places where paths were used instead of path names.</p>
+<pre>Added: HTTP Basic authentication support (Yuen-Chi Lian).
+Added: EAR packaging (Victor Hugo Borja).
+Added: Profiles(.yaml), based on the code provided by Yanko Ivanov.
+Added: Resources task picks the default mapping from the filter element of</pre>
+<p>the current profile (if specified).</p>
+<pre>Added: Consolidated API for RJB and JRuby, replacing the now deprecated</pre>
+<pre>Added: JRuby 1.1 support (Victor Hugo Borja, Nick Sieger).
+Added: IDEA 7 task: use buildr idea7x (Shane Witbeck).
+Added: Experimental support for installing/loading Gems as part of a build.
+Added: Experimental support for YAML configurtion files:</pre>
+<p>~/.buildr/settings.yaml, build.yaml and profiles.yaml.</p>
+<pre>Added: Ability to create a package that is not an artifact and specify the</pre>
+<p>target file using the :file argument.</p>
+<pre>Changed: JUnit/TestNG test cases are selected by superClass or annotations,</pre>
+<p>not by class-name pattern.</p>
+<pre>Changed: Upgraded to Antwrap 0.7.0, thanks to Caleb Powell for relicensing</pre>
+<p>under Apache License.</p>
+<pre>Changed: Upgraded to Rake 0.8, RSpec 1.1, RJB 1.1, OpenJPA 1.0.1.
+Changed: Resources are now copied to target/resources instead of</pre>
+<p>target/classes, and target/test/resources instead of target/test-resources.</p>
+<pre>Changed: Test cases are now compiled into target/test/classes instead of</pre>
+<pre>Changed: Compile extension and CompileTask are now separate from the Java</pre>
+<p>module.  Multiple compilers can be used, either guessed from the project
+layout, or specified with compile.using(:name).</p>
+<pre>Changed: Test extension and TestTask are now separate from the Java module.</pre>
+<p>JUnit and TestNG are <a href="Java.html">Java</a> specific extensions
+picked using test.with(:name).</p>
+<pre>Changed: For compile and test, use dependencies instead of classpath (with</pre>
+<p>works are before).</p>
+<pre>Changed: Test framework componentized along the same lines as the</pre>
+<pre>Changed: The way packaging is handled: package_as_[type] is now called once</pre>
+<p>for a given package with the exact file name.  If packaging requires a
+change to the specifiction (e.g. a different file type than the package
+type), add a <a href="type">package_as_</a>_spec method.</p>
+<pre>Changed: The default packaging type is inferred from the compiler, and</pre>
+<p>without a compiler, defaults to :zip.</p>
+<pre>Changed: JUnit test framework now runs on all classes that extend</pre>
+<pre>Changed: Scalac compiler now used by the regular compile task, the scalac</pre>
+<p>task is deprecated.</p>
+<pre>Changed: RDoc are now generated using Allison</pre>
+<pre>Changed: Resource tasks no longer generate target directory if there are no</pre>
+<p>resources to copy over.</p>
+<pre>Changed: To prevent collissions with required files, the source layout now</pre>
+<p>places everything under lib/buildr, so require &#39;core/compile&#39; is
+now require &#39;buildr/core/compile&#39;.</p>
+<pre>Changed: The various Java tasks (JavaCC, XMLBeans, JDepends, etc) are now</pre>
+<p>located in the extra directory, and may at some point relocate to an addon
+<a href="Gem.html">Gem</a>.</p>
+<pre>Removed: Prepare tasks removed.
+Removed: All deprecated features since 1.1.  If you&#39;ve seen warnings before,</pre>
+<p>except the build to break.</p>
+<pre>Removed: No longer using Facets or recommending you use it in buildfiles.
+Fixed: More typos/documentation fixes by Lacton
+Fixed: Artifact.pom resolves artifact without classifier, i.e</pre>
+<p>org.testng:testng:jar:jdk15:5.1 uses org.testng:testng:pom:5.1 (Tommy).</p>
+<pre>Fixed: More patches towards JRuby support, courtesy of Vic Borja.
+Fixed: Error when downloading a file from a server which answers with a</pre>
+<p>response with no content length.</p>
+<pre>Fixed: Improved the Eclipse task (BUILDR-17): removed resources target</pre>
+<p>directory from the source directories, made the main resource directories
+relative to the project directory and reordered project elements (Thomas
+<pre>Fixed: When compiling Scala only include scala-library and scala-compiler</pre>
+<p>JARs (John Layton).</p>
+<pre>Fixed: POM generation now applies JAR as default packaging if unspecified</pre>
+<p>(Maarten Billemont).</p>
+<p>1.2.10 (2007-11-26)</p>
+<pre>Changed: Resources sets permission on copied files to make them</pre>
+<p>read/write-able (Shane Witbeck).</p>
+<pre>Changed: Artifact download no longer generates destination directory if not</pre>
+<p>downloaded (Antoine).</p>
+<pre>Fixed: EOL in MANIFEST.MF.
+Fixed: Bunch of typos, courtesy of Merlyn Albery-Speyer and Soemirno</pre>
+<p>1.2.9 (2007-11-08)</p>
+<pre>Changed: Upgraded to RJB 1.0.11.
+Fixed: Backward compatibility in Java.rjb/wrapper.</pre>
+<p>1.2.8 (2007-11-01)</p>
+<pre>Added: Resolving Maven snapshots from remote repository (Rhett Sutphin)
+Changed: scala now takes number, e.g. &quot;1.5&quot; instead of</pre>
+<p>“jvm-1.5” (Nathan Hamblen)</p>
+<pre>Changed: Eclipse task uses updated Scala plugin nature and builder (Alex</pre>
+<pre>Fixed: Bringing Buildr back to 1.0.9, XMLBeans fix.</pre>
+<p>1.2.7 (2007-10-29)</p>
+<pre>Added: You can create an artifact from a given file using</pre>
+<p>artifact(&lt;spec&gt;).from(&lt;path&gt;).  You can then install it into
+the local repository or upload it to the release server using
+install(&lt;artifacts&gt;) and upload(&lt;artifacts&gt;). (Idea: Shane
+Witbeck and Tommy Mason).</p>
+<pre>Added: ANTLR support.
+Changed: Speed boost to ZIP packaging.
+Changed: RjbWrapper is now JavaWrapper, and revised to nicely support JRuby.</pre>
+<p>A few other minor tweaks to make JRuby support possible in the future.
+(Travis Tilley)</p>
+<pre>Changed: JUnit now runs tests with clonevm false by default, you can change</pre>
+<p>with test.using :clonevm=&gt;true (Karel)</p>
+<pre>Changed: JUnit now switches over to project&#39;s base directory.
+Changed: package(:war).with(:libs, :classes) uses only these specified libs</pre>
+<p>and class directories, replacing any previous value.</p>
+<pre>Fixed: Jetty task no longer sets &quot;log4j.configuration&quot; system property
+Fixed: release task didn&#39;t work</pre>
+<p>1.2.6 (2007-09-26)</p>
+<pre>Added: Option for setting environment name (-e) and attribute accessor</pre>
+<p>(Buildr.environment).  Default taken from BUILDR_ENV environment variable.</p>
+<pre>Added: AAR packaging for Axis2 service archives (Alex Boisvert)
+Added: Environment variable for JUnit tests (test.using :environment=&gt;).
+Added: tar method similar to zip method.
+Added: Experimental transitive method.  Looks like artifacts, quacks like</pre>
+<p>artifacts, but returns artifacts by the boat load. (Credit, Daniel Roop)</p>
+<pre>Changed: Now accepting JAVA_OPTS in addition to JAVA_OPTIONS.
+Changed: TarTask is now based on ArchiveTask, same API as ZipTask.
+Changed: Javadoc array arguments now passed as multiple command line options</pre>
+<p>(e.g. :link=&gt;[&#39;foo&#39;, &#39;bar&#39;] becomes –link foo –link
+bar). (Daniel Roop)</p>
+<pre>Changed: Jetty task now uses SLF4J instead of commons-logging + log4j for</pre>
+<p>better hot-swap capability and plugability (Alex Boisvert)</p>
+<pre>Removed: Turns out --verbose command line option is useless.  Removed.
+Fixed: Jetty task now uses WebAppContextClassLoader to support hot-swapping</pre>
+<p>webapps (Alex Boisvert)</p>
+<pre>Fixed: &quot;release&quot; task now works with SVN URLs ending with /branches/   (Alex</pre>
+<pre>Fixed: Resources not included in JAR/WAR unless there&#39;s a src/main/java</pre>
+<p>directory (Olexandr Zakordonskyy).</p>
+<pre>Fixed: Files starting with dot (e.g. .config) not copied over as resource</pre>
+<p>files, and not included in ZIP (Olexandr Zakordonskyy).</p>
+<pre>Fixed: Empty directories not copied over as resources (Olexandr</pre>
+<pre>Fixed: JAVA_OPTS and test.options[:java_args] not passed to JUnit task</pre>
+<pre>Fixed: archive.exclude doesn&#39;t work when including a directory using</pre>
+<p>:from/:as option.</p>
+<pre>Fixed: JUnit/TestNG no longer run inner classes as test classes (Mark</pre>
+<p>1.2.5 (2007-08-13)</p>
+<pre>Fixed: Buildr not finding buildfile in parent directory, or switching to</pre>
+<p>parent directory.</p>
+<pre>Fixed: checks.rb:103: warning: multiple values for a block parameter (2 for</pre>
+<pre>Fixed: ZIPs include empty META-INF directory.</pre>
+<p>1.2.4 (2007-08-03)</p>
+<pre>Added: Forking option for JUnit test framework: :once to fork for each</pre>
+<p>project, :each to fork for each test case, and false to not fork. (Tammo
+van Lessen)</p>
+<pre>Added: Path traversal in Zip, so zip.path(&quot;foo/bar&quot;).path(&quot;..&quot;) returns</pre>
+<pre>Fixed: JUnit test framework output shows errors in console, more readable</pre>
+<p>when forking is on (Tammo van Lessen).</p>
+<pre>Fixed: Cobertura reports not working (Anatol Pomozov).
+Fixed: Zip creates funky directory name when using :as (Tommy Mason).
+Fixed: package_as_tar incorrectly calling with(options) (Tommy Mason).
+Fixed: Loading of everything which should get rid of &quot;already initialized</pre>
+<p>constant VERSION“ warning.</p>
+<pre>Fixed: --requires option now works properly when using buildr.
+Fixed: MANIFEST.MF lines must not be longer than 72 characters (Tommy</pre>
+<pre>Fixed: Creating manifest from array does not place Name first.
+Fixed: Complain if no remote repositories defined, add at least one</pre>
+<p>repository when creating from POM, POM reader fails if dependencyManagement
+missing (Jean-Baptiste Quenot).</p>
+<pre>Fixed: Not looking for buildfile in parent directory.
+Fixed: Project&#39;s compile/test task looking for options in local task of same</pre>
+<pre>Fixed: ZIP/JAR/WAR include directory entries in some cases and not others.
+Fixed: Computation of relative paths in Eclipse project generation (Cameron</pre>
+<p>1.2.3 (2007-07-26)</p>
+<pre>Added: Get your buildfile created form existing POM, just run buildr on</pre>
+<p>existing Maven project (Anatol Pomozov).</p>
+<pre>Added: package(:tar), package(:tgz), TarballTask dn TarTask (Tommy</pre>
+<pre>Changed: The ArchiveTask needs no introduction: it&#39;s a base task that</pre>
+<p>provides common functionality for ZipTask, TarTask and friends.</p>
+<pre>Fixed: Release runs buildr instead of buildr.cmd on Windows (Chris Power).
+Fixed: Cobertura reports broken (Anatol Pomozov).</pre>
+<p>1.2.2 (2007-07-18)</p>
+<pre>Added: resources.using and filter.using now accepts a format as the first</pre>
+<p>argument, default being :maven, but you can also use :ant, :ruby or pass a
+regular expression (<a
+<pre>Fixed: Sleek upload with changelog for each release courtesy of Anatol</pre>
+<pre>Fixed: Zip.path.contains fails on paths with more than one directory</pre>
+<pre>Fixed: Speed of sorting entries when creating new Zip file</pre>
+<pre>Fixed: Uploading using SFTP creates directory for uploaded file</pre>
+<p>1.2.1 (2007-07-12)</p>
+<pre>Added: Proxy exclusion, use environment variable NO_PROXY, or</pre>
+<p>options.proxy.exclude = &lt;url&gt; || [&lt;url&gt;] (<a
+<pre>Added: You can now copy resources from multiple source directories, using</pre>
+<p>resources.from (<a
+<pre>Added: Hash.from_java_properties(string) and hash.to_java_properties.
+Changed: Buildr.options now wrap various environment variables instead of</pre>
+<p>duplicating them (HTTP_PROXY, NO_PROXY, TEST, DEBUG).</p>
+<pre>Changed: No longer passing proxies to transports, instead they obtain them</pre>
+<p>from environment variables.</p>
+<pre>Changed: Buildr now uses XJavaDoc 1.1 instead of 1.1-j5. If you need the</pre>
+<p>1.1-j5 fix, see here <a
+<pre>Fixed: One RubyForge release for all packages, instead of one per package</pre>
+<p>(Anatol Pomozov).</p>
+<pre>Fixed: buildr command does not recognize project tasks (foo:compile) or</pre>
+<p>default task (<a
+<pre>Fixed: Upload fails on SFTP permissions.
+Fixed: Hibernate.schema_export not passing Ant task when yielding.
+Fixed: IntelliJ Idea project files generation for projects more than two</pre>
+<p>degrees deep.</p>
+<p>1.2.0 (2007-06-06)</p>
+<pre>Added: Artifact.list returns specs for all registered artifacts (those</pre>
+<p>created with artifact or package).</p>
+<pre>Added: Buildr.option.java_args are used when creating the RJB JVM, when</pre>
+<p>running a <a href="Java.html">Java</a> process (unless you override
+directly), and when running JUnit tests (again, unless override).</p>
+<pre>Added: TestNG support (test.using :testng).
+Added: You can run multiple tests from the command line, e.g. rake</pre>
+<pre>Added: If you want to distribute source code and JavaDoc alongside your JARs</pre>
+<p>(helpful when using IDE/debugging), you can now do so by calling
+package_with_sources and package_with_javadoc on the project (or the parent
+project to affect all its sub-projects).</p>
+<pre>Added: junit:report task generates XML and HTML reports in the reports/junit</pre>
+<pre>Added: test=all option runs all test cases ignoring failure.
+Added: project generation for IntelliJ Idea. Imports dependencies properly</pre>
+<p>from your local repository (the M2_REPO path variable must be defined),
+supports tests and resources.</p>
+<pre>Added: A check task for each project that runs after packaging and can be</pre>
+<p>used to check the build itself, using RSpec matchers.</p>
+<pre>Added: The help task can be used to get basic information about your build.</pre>
+<p>Right now it returns a list of described tasks, but you can extend it using
+the help method. Try it out: rake help.</p>
+<pre>Added: Integration tests that run after packaging (unless tests are</pre>
+<p>disabled). There&#39;s only one integration tests task (duh) that you can
+access from anywhere. You can tell a project to run its tests during the
+integration phase with test.using :integration.</p>
+<pre>Added: package :sources and package :javadoc, used by package_with_sources</pre>
+<p>and package_with_javadoc.</p>
+<pre>Added: Unzip paths now return root/target. (Nathan)
+Added: buildr command line, replacing rake. Differs from rake in two ways:</pre>
+<p>uses buildfile by default (but Rakefile also works) and offers to create
+buildfile if you don&#39;t already have one.</p>
+<pre>Added: options.proxy.http now set from the environment variable HTTP_PROXY</pre>
+<p>(Anatol Pomozov).</p>
+<pre>Added: options.java_args now set from environment variable JAVA_OPTIONS.
+Changed: Filter now complains if source directory or target directory not</pre>
+<p>set, or if source directory does not exist.</p>

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