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Posted to by leerho <> on 2021/01/12 01:34:14 UTC

Transition to Apache Top-Level Project


We have completed the initial upgrade of all of our GitHub repositories
(10) to be consistent with the requirements of an Apache Top-Level

All developers or users that wish to pull directly from our GitHub repos
will need to update their local clone's or fork's git remote URL as follows:

   - At the root of your local directory where you have cloned or forked
   one of our repos:
   - git remote //returns <remoteName>, usually "origin"
      - Determine the suffix of the relevant repo as in
      "datasketches-<suffix>", where "suffix"
      can be any one of {java, cpp, pig, hive, postgresql, memory,
      characterization, vector, server}.
   - Option A (git command): Use new URL without the "incubator-" in front.
      - Template:  git remote set-url <remoteName><suffix>.git
      - Example: git remote set-url origin
   - Option B (manual):
      - Edit the *.git/config* file:  remove "incubator-" in url line after
      [remote "origin"]
   - Check your SSH access:
      - ssh -T
      - Then execute
      - git pull
      - git fetch --prune

If you notice any uncaught "incubator" or "incubating" modifiers, please
let us know :) The historical releases with "incubating" in their
filename will not change.

