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Posted to by Matthew Cordes <> on 2000/11/08 23:12:38 UTC

xsl:copy-of & taglib difficulty

Hello all, 

I'm having a bit of a problem and would appreciate 
any help.  In my xml file I have the following:

	Document doc = xspParser.parse(  new InputSource( 
		new StringReader( "<data>well formatted database data</data>" )));

		document.importNode( doc.getFirstChild(), true );


then in my xsl I want to display the well-formed xml as is with :

	<xsl:copy-of select="data/node()"/>

The problem here is that I get this as output:

	<data xmlns:mytaglib="">
		well formatted database data

Notice there is a namespace declaration within the data tag.
I tried including this within my stylesheet


w/o an effect.  The reason I post this on the cocoon list and 
not an XSLT one is I hoped someone could explain why the MyTagLib
prefix was appearing on the data, but the xsp prefix does not. 
