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Posted to by on 2020/12/03 12:43:42 UTC

[couchdb] branch prometheus-endpoint created (now 7deab47)

This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

jiangphcn pushed a change to branch prometheus-endpoint
in repository

      at 7deab47  introduce prometheus endpoint

This branch includes the following new commits:

     new 7deab47  introduce prometheus endpoint

The 1 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

[couchdb] 01/01: introduce prometheus endpoint

Posted by
This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

jiangphcn pushed a commit to branch prometheus-endpoint
in repository

commit 7deab47e90da8aa5bade8a58393cd1709d05ee96
Author: jiangph <>
AuthorDate: Thu Dec 3 20:41:36 2020 +0800

    introduce prometheus endpoint
 src/chttpd/src/chttpd_node.erl | 102 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 102 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/chttpd/src/chttpd_node.erl b/src/chttpd/src/chttpd_node.erl
index 6407df1..ce4c349 100644
--- a/src/chttpd/src/chttpd_node.erl
+++ b/src/chttpd/src/chttpd_node.erl
@@ -122,6 +122,23 @@ handle_node_req(#httpd{method='GET', path_parts=[_, Node, <<"_system">>]}=Req) -
     send_json(Req, EJSON);
 handle_node_req(#httpd{path_parts=[_, _Node, <<"_system">>]}=Req) ->
     send_method_not_allowed(Req, "GET");
+% GET /_node/$node/metrics
+handle_node_req(#httpd{method='GET', path_parts=[_, Node, <<"metrics">>]}=Req) ->
+    Stats = call_node(Node, chttpd_node, get_stats, []),
+    EJSON = couch_stats_httpd:to_ejson(Stats),
+    Headers = [{<<"Content-Type">>, <<"text/plain">>}],
+    CouchDB = get_couchdb_stats(),
+    %System = couch_stats_httpd:to_ejson(get_system_stats()),
+    Body = to_bin(lists:map(fun(Line) ->
+        io_lib:format("~s~n", [Line])
+    end, CouchDB)),
+    {ok, Resp} = chttpd:start_response_length(Req, 200, Headers, size(Body)),
+    chttpd:send(Resp, Body);
+handle_node_req(#httpd{path_parts=[_, _Node, <<"metrics">>]}=Req) ->
+    send_method_not_allowed(Req, "GET");
 % POST /_node/$node/_restart
 handle_node_req(#httpd{method='POST', path_parts=[_, Node, <<"_restart">>]}=Req) ->
     call_node(Node, init, restart, []),
@@ -298,3 +315,88 @@ run_queues() ->
             [DCQ | SQs] = lists:reverse(statistics(run_queue_lengths)),
             {lists:sum(SQs), DCQ}
+json_to_prom(SystemJson) ->
+    SystemMap  = jiffy:decode(SystemJson, [return_maps]),
+    SystemList = maps:to_list(SystemMap),
+    ListA = lists:map(fun({Key, Value}) ->
+        couch_to_prom(<<"couchdb">>, Key, Value)
+                      end, SystemList),
+    lists:flatten(ListA).
+couch_to_prom(Prefix, Key, Value) when is_map(Value) ->
+    case maps:is_key(<<"value">>, Value) of
+        false ->
+            ValueList = maps:to_list(Value),
+            Prefix1 =  list_to_binary(binary_to_list(Prefix) ++ "_" ++ binary_to_list(Key)),
+            lists:foldl(fun({K, V}, Results0) ->
+                NewResult = couch_to_prom(Prefix1, K, V),
+                [NewResult | Results0]
+                        end, [], ValueList);
+        true ->
+            MV = maps:get(<<"value">>, Value),
+            MD = maps:get(<<"desc">>, Value),
+            Type = maps:get(<<"type">>, Value),
+            to_prom(Prefix, Key, Type, MV)
+    end;
+couch_to_prom(Prefix, Key, Value) ->
+    to_prom(Prefix, Key, Value).
+to_prom(Prefix, Metric, Value) ->
+    to_prom_list(Prefix, Metric, Value).
+to_prom(Prefix, Metric, <<"counter">>, Value) ->
+    to_prom_list(Prefix, Metric, Value);
+to_prom(Prefix, Metric, <<"gauge">>, Value) ->
+    to_prom_list(Prefix, Metric, Value);
+to_prom(Prefix, Metric, <<"histogram">>, Value) when is_map(Value)  ->
+    maps:fold(fun (K, V, Acc) ->
+        case K of
+            <<"percentile">> ->
+                PN = ?l2b(?b2l(Metric)  ++ "_percentile"),
+                Quantiles = lists:map(fun([Perc, Val]) ->
+                    case Perc of
+                        50 -> to_prom_list(Prefix, PN, [{quantile, <<"0.5">>}], Val);
+                        75 -> to_prom_list(Prefix, PN, [{quantile, <<"0.75">>}], Val);
+                        90 -> to_prom_list(Prefix, PN, [{quantile, <<"0.9">>}], Val);
+                        95 -> to_prom_list(Prefix, PN, [{quantile, <<"0.95">>}], Val);
+                        99 -> to_prom_list(Prefix, PN, [{quantile, <<"0.99">>}], Val);
+                        999 -> to_prom_list(Prefix, PN, [{quantile, <<"0.999">>}], Val)
+                    end
+                                      end, V),
+                [Quantiles, Acc];
+            _ ->
+                [to_prom_list(Prefix, ?l2b(?b2l(Metric) ++ "_" ++ K), V), Acc]
+        end
+              end, [], Value).
+to_prom_list(Prefix, Metric, Value) ->
+    [to_bin(io_lib:format("~s ~p", [to_prom_name(Prefix, Metric), Value]))].
+to_prom_list(Prefix, Metric, Label, Value) ->
+    [to_bin(io_lib:format("~s ~p", [to_prom_name(Prefix, Metric, Label), Value]))].
+to_prom_name(Prefix, Metric) ->
+    to_bin(io_lib:format("~s_~s", [Prefix, Metric])).
+to_prom_name(Prefix, Metric, Labels) ->
+    LabelParts = lists:map(fun({K, V}) ->
+        lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s=\"~s\"", [to_bin(K), to_bin(V)]))
+                           end, Labels),
+    case length(LabelParts) > 0 of
+        true ->
+            LabelStr = string:join(LabelParts, ", "),
+            to_bin(io_lib:format("~s_~s{~s}", [Prefix, Metric, LabelStr]));
+        false ->
+            to_bin(io_lib:format("~s_~s", [Prefix, Metric]))
+    end.
+to_bin(Data) when is_list(Data) ->
+    iolist_to_binary(Data);
+to_bin(Data) when is_atom(Data) ->
+    atom_to_binary(Data, utf8);
+to_bin(Data) when is_integer(Data) ->
+    integer_to_binary(Data);
+to_bin(Data) when is_binary(Data) ->
+    Data.