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Posted to by on 2009/07/17 23:33:41 UTC

svn commit: r795232 - in /couchdb/trunk: share/www/script/test/ src/couchdb/

Author: damien
Date: Fri Jul 17 21:33:41 2009
New Revision: 795232

Deterministic revids, MD5 checking of documents, added tracking of rev when an attachment is edited to allow attachment level replication.


Modified: couchdb/trunk/share/www/script/test/bulk_docs.js
--- couchdb/trunk/share/www/script/test/bulk_docs.js (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/share/www/script/test/bulk_docs.js Fri Jul 17 21:33:41 2009
@@ -96,5 +96,5 @@
   update = {"_id": newdoc._id, "_rev": newdoc._rev, "body": "blam"};
   torem = {"_id": newdoc._id, "_rev": newdoc._rev, "_deleted": true};
   results = db.bulkSave([update, torem]);
-  T(results[1].error == "conflict");
+  T(results[0].error == "conflict" || results[1].error == "conflict");

Modified: couchdb/trunk/share/www/script/test/recreate_doc.js
--- couchdb/trunk/share/www/script/test/recreate_doc.js (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/share/www/script/test/recreate_doc.js Fri Jul 17 21:33:41 2009
@@ -29,11 +29,7 @@
     doc ="foo");
     doc.a = "baz";
-    try {
-      T(;
-    } finally {
-      // And now, we can't even delete the document anymore :/
-      T(db.deleteDoc(doc).rev != undefined);
-    }
+    T(;
+    T(db.deleteDoc(doc).rev != undefined);

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db.erl Fri Jul 17 21:33:41 2009
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
@@ -295,11 +295,11 @@
-prep_and_validate_update(Db, #doc{id=Id,revs={RevStart, [_NewRev|PrevRevs]}}=Doc,
-        OldFullDocInfo, LeafRevsDict) ->
-    case PrevRevs of
+prep_and_validate_update(Db, #doc{id=Id,revs={RevStart, Revs}}=Doc,
+        OldFullDocInfo, LeafRevsDict, AllowConflict) ->
+    case Revs of
     [PrevRev|_] ->
-        case dict:find({RevStart-1, PrevRev}, LeafRevsDict) of
+        case dict:find({RevStart, PrevRev}, LeafRevsDict) of
         {ok, {Deleted, DiskSp, DiskRevs}} ->
             case couch_doc:has_stubs(Doc) of
             true ->
@@ -310,13 +310,21 @@
                 LoadDiskDoc = fun() -> make_doc(Db,Id,Deleted,DiskSp,DiskRevs) end,
                 {validate_doc_update(Db, Doc, LoadDiskDoc), Doc}
+        error when AllowConflict ->
+            {validate_doc_update(Db, Doc, fun() -> nil end), Doc};
         error ->
             {conflict, Doc}
     [] ->
         % new doc, and we have existing revs.
+        % reuse existing deleted doc
         if OldFullDocInfo#full_doc_info.deleted ->
             % existing docs are deletions
+             #doc_info{revs=[#rev_info{rev={Pos, DelRevId}}|_]} =
+                couch_doc:to_doc_info(OldFullDocInfo),
+            Doc2 = Doc#doc{revs={Pos, [DelRevId]}},
+            {validate_doc_update(Db, Doc2, fun() -> nil end), Doc2};
+        AllowConflict ->
             {validate_doc_update(Db, Doc, fun() -> nil end), Doc};
         true ->
             {conflict, Doc}
@@ -325,49 +333,51 @@
-prep_and_validate_updates(_Db, [], [], AccPrepped, AccFatalErrors) ->
+prep_and_validate_updates(_Db, [], [], _AllowConflict, AccPrepped,
+        AccFatalErrors) ->
    {AccPrepped, AccFatalErrors};
-prep_and_validate_updates(Db, [DocBucket|RestBuckets], [not_found|RestLookups], AccPrepped, AccErrors) ->
+prep_and_validate_updates(Db, [DocBucket|RestBuckets], [not_found|RestLookups], 
+        AllowConflict, AccPrepped, AccErrors) ->
     % no existing revs are known,
     {PreppedBucket, AccErrors3} = lists:foldl(
         fun(#doc{revs=Revs}=Doc, {AccBucket, AccErrors2}) ->
             case Revs of
-            {Pos, [NewRev,_OldRev|_]} ->
-                % old revs specified but none exist, a conflict
-                {AccBucket, [{{Id, {Pos, NewRev}}, conflict} | AccErrors2]};
-            {Pos, [NewRev]} ->
+            {0, []} ->
                 case validate_doc_update(Db, Doc, fun() -> nil end) of
                 ok ->
                     {[Doc | AccBucket], AccErrors2};
                 Error ->
-                    {AccBucket, [{{Id, {Pos, NewRev}}, Error} | AccErrors2]}
-                end
+                    {AccBucket, [{{Id, {0, []}}, Error} | AccErrors2]}
+                end;
+            _ ->
+                % old revs specified but none exist, a conflict
+                {AccBucket, [{{Id, Revs}, conflict} | AccErrors2]}
         {[], AccErrors}, DocBucket),
-    prep_and_validate_updates(Db, RestBuckets, RestLookups,
+    prep_and_validate_updates(Db, RestBuckets, RestLookups, AllowConflict,
             [PreppedBucket | AccPrepped], AccErrors3);
 prep_and_validate_updates(Db, [DocBucket|RestBuckets],
         [{ok, #full_doc_info{rev_tree=OldRevTree}=OldFullDocInfo}|RestLookups],
-        AccPrepped, AccErrors) ->
+        AllowConflict, AccPrepped, AccErrors) ->
     Leafs = couch_key_tree:get_all_leafs(OldRevTree),
     LeafRevsDict = dict:from_list([{{Start, RevId}, {Deleted, Sp, Revs}} ||
             {{Deleted, Sp, _Seq}, {Start, [RevId|_]}=Revs} <- Leafs]),
     {PreppedBucket, AccErrors3} = lists:foldl(
         fun(Doc, {Docs2Acc, AccErrors2}) ->
             case prep_and_validate_update(Db, Doc, OldFullDocInfo,
-                    LeafRevsDict) of
+                    LeafRevsDict, AllowConflict) of
             {ok, Doc2} ->
                 {[Doc2 | Docs2Acc], AccErrors2};
-            {Error, #doc{id=Id,revs={Pos, [NewRev|_]}}} ->
+            {Error, #doc{id=Id,revs=Revs}} ->
                 % Record the error
-                {Docs2Acc, [{{Id, {Pos, NewRev}}, Error} |AccErrors2]}
+                {Docs2Acc, [{{Id, Revs}, Error} |AccErrors2]}
         {[], AccErrors}, DocBucket),
-    prep_and_validate_updates(Db, RestBuckets, RestLookups, [PreppedBucket | AccPrepped], AccErrors3).
+    prep_and_validate_updates(Db, RestBuckets, RestLookups, AllowConflict, [PreppedBucket | AccPrepped], AccErrors3).
 update_docs(#db{update_pid=UpdatePid}=Db, Docs, Options) ->
@@ -408,32 +418,12 @@
                 {ok, {Start, Path}} ->
                     % our unflushed doc is a leaf node. Go back on the path
                     % to find the previous rev that's on disk.
-                    PrevRevResult =
-                    case couch_doc:has_stubs(Doc) of
-                    true ->
-                        [_PrevRevFull | [PrevRevFull | _]=PrevPath]  = Path,
-                        case PrevRevFull of
-                        {_RevId, ?REV_MISSING} ->
-                            conflict;
-                        {RevId, {IsDel, DiskSp, _Seq}} ->
-                            DiskDoc = make_doc(Db, Id, IsDel, DiskSp, PrevPath),
-                            Doc2 = couch_doc:merge_stubs(Doc, DiskDoc),
-                            {ok, Doc2, fun() -> DiskDoc end}
-                        end;
-                    false ->
-                        {ok, Doc,
-                            fun() ->
+                    LoadPrevRevFun = fun() ->
                                 make_first_doc_on_disk(Db,Id,Start-1, tl(Path))
-                            end}
-                    end,
-                    case PrevRevResult of
-                    {ok, NewDoc, LoadPrevRevFun} ->
-                        case validate_doc_update(Db, NewDoc, LoadPrevRevFun) of
-                        ok ->
-                            {[NewDoc | AccValidated], AccErrors2};
-                        Error ->
-                            {AccValidated, [{NewDoc, Error} | AccErrors2]}
-                        end;
+                            end,
+                    case validate_doc_update(Db, Doc, LoadPrevRevFun) of
+                    ok ->
+                        {[Doc | AccValidated], AccErrors2};
                     Error ->
                         {AccValidated, [{Doc, Error} | AccErrors2]}
@@ -444,9 +434,47 @@
             {[], AccErrors}, Bucket),
-        prep_and_validate_replicated_updates(Db, RestBuckets, RestOldInfo, [ValidatedBucket | AccPrepped], AccErrors3)
+        prep_and_validate_replicated_updates(Db, RestBuckets, RestOldInfo,
+                [ValidatedBucket | AccPrepped], AccErrors3)
+        atts=Atts,deleted=Deleted}) ->
+    case [{N, T, M} || #att{name=N,type=T,md5=M} <- Atts, M /= <<>>] of
+    Atts2 when length(Atts) /= length(Atts2) ->
+        % We must have old style non-md5 attachments
+        ?l2b(integer_to_list(couch_util:rand32()));
+    Atts2 ->
+        OldRev = case OldRevs of [] -> 0; [OldRev0|_] -> OldRev0 end,
+        erlang:md5(term_to_binary([Deleted, OldStart, OldRev, Body, Atts2]))
+    end.
+new_revs([], OutBuckets, IdRevsAcc) ->
+    {lists:reverse(OutBuckets), IdRevsAcc};
+new_revs([Bucket|RestBuckets], OutBuckets, IdRevsAcc) ->
+    {NewBucket, IdRevsAcc3} = lists:mapfoldl(
+        fun(#doc{id=Id,revs={Start, RevIds}}=Doc, IdRevsAcc2)->
+        NewRevId = new_revid(Doc),
+        {Doc#doc{revs={Start+1, [NewRevId | RevIds]}},
+            [{{Id, {Start, RevIds}}, {ok, {Start+1, NewRevId}}} | IdRevsAcc2]}
+    end, IdRevsAcc, Bucket),
+    new_revs(RestBuckets, [NewBucket|OutBuckets], IdRevsAcc3).
+check_dup_atts([#att{name=N1}, #att{name=N2} | _]) when N1 == N2 ->
+    throw({bad_request, <<"Duplicate attachments">>});
+check_dup_atts([_, _ | Rest]) ->
+    check_dup_atts(Rest);
+check_dup_atts(_) ->
+    ok.
+sort_and_check_atts(#doc{atts=Atts}=Doc) ->
+    Atts2 = lists:sort(fun(#att{name=N1}, #att{name=N2}) -> N1 < N2 end, Atts),
+    check_dup_atts(Atts2),
+    Doc#doc{atts=Atts2}.
 update_docs(Db, Docs, Options, replicated_changes) ->
     couch_stats_collector:increment({couchdb, database_writes}),
     DocBuckets = group_alike_docs(Docs),
@@ -467,70 +495,74 @@
         DocErrors = [],
         DocBuckets3 = DocBuckets
-    {ok, []} = write_and_commit(Db, DocBuckets3, [merge_conflicts | Options]),
+    DocBuckets4 = [[doc_flush_atts(sort_and_check_atts(Doc), Db#db.fd)
+            || Doc <- Bucket] || Bucket <- DocBuckets3],
+    {ok, []} = write_and_commit(Db, DocBuckets4, [], [merge_conflicts | Options]),
     {ok, DocErrors};
 update_docs(Db, Docs, Options, interactive_edit) ->
     couch_stats_collector:increment({couchdb, database_writes}),
     AllOrNothing = lists:member(all_or_nothing, Options),
     % go ahead and generate the new revision ids for the documents.
-    Docs2 = lists:map(
-        fun(#doc{id=Id,revs={Start, RevIds}}=Doc) ->
+    % separate out the NonRep documents from the rest of the documents
+    {Docs2, NonRepDocs} = lists:foldl(
+        fun(#doc{id=Id}=Doc, {DocsAcc, NonRepDocsAcc}) ->
             case Id of
             <<?LOCAL_DOC_PREFIX, _/binary>> ->
-                Rev = case RevIds of [] -> 0; [Rev0|_] -> list_to_integer(?b2l(Rev0)) end,
-                Doc#doc{revs={Start, [?l2b(integer_to_list(Rev + 1))]}};
-            _ ->
-                Doc#doc{revs={Start+1, [?l2b(integer_to_list(couch_util:rand32())) | RevIds]}}
+                {DocsAcc, [Doc | NonRepDocsAcc]};
+            Id->
+                {[Doc | DocsAcc], NonRepDocsAcc}
-        end, Docs),
+        end, {[], []}, Docs),
     DocBuckets = group_alike_docs(Docs2),
     case (Db#db.validate_doc_funs /= []) orelse
             fun(#doc{id= <<?DESIGN_DOC_PREFIX, _/binary>>}) ->
-            (#doc{attachments=Atts}) ->
+            (#doc{atts=Atts}) ->
                 Atts /= []
-            end, Docs) of
+            end, Docs2) of
     true ->
         % lookup the doc by id and get the most recent
         Ids = [Id || [#doc{id=Id}|_] <- DocBuckets],
         ExistingDocInfos = get_full_doc_infos(Db, Ids),
-        {DocBucketsPrepped, Failures} =
-        case AllOrNothing of
-        true ->
-            prep_and_validate_replicated_updates(Db, DocBuckets,
-                    ExistingDocInfos, [], []);
-        false ->
-            prep_and_validate_updates(Db, DocBuckets, ExistingDocInfos, [], [])
-        end,
+        {DocBucketsPrepped, PreCommitFailures} = prep_and_validate_updates(Db,
+                DocBuckets, ExistingDocInfos, AllOrNothing, [], []),
         % strip out any empty buckets
         DocBuckets2 = [Bucket || [_|_] = Bucket <- DocBucketsPrepped];
     false ->
-        Failures = [],
+        PreCommitFailures = [],
         DocBuckets2 = DocBuckets
-    if (AllOrNothing) and (Failures /= []) ->
-         {aborted, Failures};
+    if (AllOrNothing) and (PreCommitFailures /= []) ->
+        {aborted, lists:map(
+            fun({{Id,{Pos, [RevId|_]}}, Error}) ->
+                {{Id, {Pos, RevId}}, Error};
+            ({{Id,{0, []}}, Error}) ->
+                {{Id, {0, <<>>}}, Error}
+            end, PreCommitFailures)};
     true ->
         Options2 = if AllOrNothing -> [merge_conflicts];
                 true -> [] end ++ Options,
-        {ok, CommitFailures} = write_and_commit(Db, DocBuckets2, Options2),
-        FailDict = dict:from_list(CommitFailures ++ Failures),
-        % the output for each is either {ok, NewRev} or Error
+        DocBuckets3 = [[
+                doc_flush_atts(set_new_att_revpos(
+                        sort_and_check_atts(Doc)), Db#db.fd)
+                || Doc <- B] || B <- DocBuckets2],
+        {DocBuckets4, IdRevs} = new_revs(DocBuckets3, [], []),
+        {ok, CommitResults} = write_and_commit(Db, DocBuckets4, NonRepDocs, Options2),
+        ResultsDict = dict:from_list(IdRevs ++ CommitResults ++ PreCommitFailures),
         {ok, lists:map(
-            fun(#doc{id=Id,revs={Pos, [NewRevId|_]}}) ->
-                case dict:find({Id, {Pos, NewRevId}}, FailDict) of
-                {ok, Error} ->
-                    Error;
-                error ->
-                    {ok, {Pos, NewRevId}}
-                end
-            end, Docs2)}
+            fun(#doc{id=Id,revs={Pos, RevIds}}) ->
+                {ok, Result} = dict:find({Id, {Pos, RevIds}}, ResultsDict),
+                Result
+            end, Docs)}
 % Returns the first available document on disk. Input list is a full rev path
@@ -545,78 +577,81 @@
 write_and_commit(#db{update_pid=UpdatePid, user_ctx=Ctx}=Db, DocBuckets,
-        Options) ->
-    % flush unwritten binaries to disk.
-    DocBuckets2 = [[doc_flush_binaries(Doc, Db#db.fd) || Doc <- Bucket] || Bucket <- DocBuckets],
-    case gen_server:call(UpdatePid, {update_docs, DocBuckets2, Options}, infinity) of
-    {ok, Conflicts} -> {ok, Conflicts};
+        NonRepDocs, Options) ->
+    case gen_server:call(UpdatePid, 
+            {update_docs, DocBuckets, NonRepDocs, Options}, infinity) of
+    {ok, Results} -> {ok, Results};
     retry ->
         % This can happen if the db file we wrote to was swapped out by
         % compaction. Retry by reopening the db and writing to the current file
         {ok, Db2} = open_ref_counted(Db#db.main_pid, Ctx),
-        DocBuckets3 = [[doc_flush_binaries(Doc, Db2#db.fd) || Doc <- Bucket] || Bucket <- DocBuckets],
+        DocBuckets2 = [[doc_flush_atts(Doc, Db2#db.fd) || Doc <- Bucket] || Bucket <- DocBuckets],
         % We only retry once
-        case gen_server:call(UpdatePid, {update_docs, DocBuckets3, Options}, infinity) of
-        {ok, Conflicts} -> {ok, Conflicts};
+        case gen_server:call(UpdatePid, {update_docs, DocBuckets2, NonRepDocs, Options}, infinity) of
+        {ok, Results} -> {ok, Results};
         retry -> throw({update_error, compaction_retry})
+set_new_att_revpos(#doc{revs={RevPos,_Revs},atts=Atts}=Doc) ->
+    Doc#doc{atts= lists:map(fun(#att{data={_Fd,_Sp}}=Att) ->
+            % already commited to disk, do not set new rev
+            Att;
+        (Att) ->
+            Att#att{revpos=RevPos+1}
+        end, Atts)}.
+doc_flush_atts(Doc, Fd) ->
+    Doc#doc{atts=[flush_att(Fd, Att) || Att <- Doc#doc.atts]}.
+check_md5(_NewSig, <<>>) -> ok;
+check_md5(Sig1, Sig2) when Sig1 == Sig2 -> ok;
+check_md5(_, _) -> throw(data_corruption).
-doc_flush_binaries(Doc, Fd) ->
-    NewAttachments = lists:map(
-        fun({Key, {Type, BinValue}}) ->
-            NewBinValue = flush_binary(Fd, BinValue),
-            {Key, {Type, NewBinValue}}
-        end, Doc#doc.attachments),
-    Doc#doc{attachments = NewAttachments}.
-flush_binary(Fd, {Fd0, StreamPointer, Len}) when Fd0 == Fd ->
+flush_att(Fd, #att{data={Fd0, _}}=Att) when Fd0 == Fd ->
     % already written to our file, nothing to write
-    {Fd, StreamPointer, Len};
-flush_binary(Fd, {OtherFd, StreamPointer, Len}) when is_tuple(StreamPointer) ->
-    {NewStreamData, Len} =
-            couch_stream:old_copy_to_new_stream(OtherFd, StreamPointer, Len, Fd),
-    {Fd, NewStreamData, Len};
+    Att;
-flush_binary(Fd, {OtherFd, StreamPointer, Len}) ->
-    {NewStreamData, Len} =
+flush_att(Fd, #att{data={OtherFd,StreamPointer}, md5=InMd5}=Att) ->
+    {NewStreamData, Len, Md5} = 
             couch_stream:copy_to_new_stream(OtherFd, StreamPointer, Fd),
-    {Fd, NewStreamData, Len};
+    check_md5(Md5, InMd5),
+    Att#att{data={Fd, NewStreamData}, md5=Md5, len=Len};
-flush_binary(Fd, Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
-    with_stream(Fd, fun(OutputStream) ->
-        couch_stream:write(OutputStream, Bin)
+flush_att(Fd, #att{data=Data}=Att) when is_binary(Data) ->
+    with_stream(Fd, Att, fun(OutputStream) ->
+        couch_stream:write(OutputStream, Data)
-flush_binary(Fd, {StreamFun, undefined}) when is_function(StreamFun) ->
-    with_stream(Fd, fun(OutputStream) ->
-        % StreamFun(MaxChunkSize, WriterFun) must call WriterFun
+flush_att(Fd, #att{data=Fun,len=undefined}=Att) when is_function(Fun) ->
+    with_stream(Fd, Att, fun(OutputStream) ->
+        % Fun(MaxChunkSize, WriterFun) must call WriterFun
         % once for each chunk of the attachment,
-        StreamFun(4096,
+        Fun(4096,
             % WriterFun({Length, Binary}, State)
             % WriterFun({0, _Footers}, State)
             % Called with Length == 0 on the last time.
             % WriterFun returns NewState.
             fun({0, _Footers}, _) ->
-            ({_Length, Bin}, _) ->
-                couch_stream:write(OutputStream, Bin)
+            ({_Length, Chunk}, _) ->
+                couch_stream:write(OutputStream, Chunk)
             end, ok)
-flush_binary(Fd, {Fun, Len}) when is_function(Fun) ->
-    with_stream(Fd, fun(OutputStream) ->
+flush_att(Fd, #att{data=Fun,len=Len}=Att) when is_function(Fun) ->
+    with_stream(Fd, Att, fun(OutputStream) ->
         write_streamed_attachment(OutputStream, Fun, Len)
-with_stream(Fd, Fun) ->
+with_stream(Fd, #att{md5=InMd5}=Att, Fun) ->
     {ok, OutputStream} = couch_stream:open(Fd),
-    {StreamInfo, Len} = couch_stream:close(OutputStream),
-    {Fd, StreamInfo, Len}.
+    {StreamInfo, Len, Md5} = couch_stream:close(OutputStream),
+    check_md5(Md5, InMd5),
+    Att#att{data={Fd,StreamInfo},len=Len,md5=Md5}.
 write_streamed_attachment(_Stream, _F, 0) ->
@@ -832,11 +867,15 @@
     true -> [{local_seq, Seq}]
-read_doc(Fd, Pos) when is_integer(Pos) ->
-    couch_file:pread_term(Fd, Pos);
-read_doc(Fd, OldStyleStreamPointer) ->
+read_doc(#db{fd=Fd}, OldStreamPointer) when is_tuple(OldStreamPointer) ->
+    % 09 UPGRADE CODE
+    couch_stream:old_read_term(Fd, OldStreamPointer);
+read_doc(#db{header=#db_header{disk_version=Version},fd=Fd}, Pos)
+        when Version == 3 ->
     % 09 UPGRADE CODE
-    couch_stream:old_read_term(Fd, OldStyleStreamPointer).
+    couch_file:pread_term(Fd, Pos);
+read_doc(#db{fd=Fd}, Pos) ->
+    couch_file:pread_term_md5(Fd, Pos).
 doc_to_tree(#doc{revs={Start, RevIds}}=Doc) ->
@@ -850,21 +889,36 @@
     [{RevId, ?REV_MISSING, doc_to_tree_simple(Doc, Rest)}].
-make_doc(#db{fd=Fd}, Id, Deleted, Bp, RevisionPath) ->
-    {BodyData, BinValues} =
+make_doc(#db{fd=Fd}=Db, Id, Deleted, Bp, RevisionPath) ->
+    {BodyData, Atts} =
     case Bp of
     nil ->
         {[], []};
     _ ->
-        {ok, {BodyData0, BinValues0}} = read_doc(Fd, Bp),
+        {ok, {BodyData0, Atts0}} = read_doc(Db, Bp),
-            [{Name,{Type,{Fd,Sp,Len}}} || {Name,{Type,Sp,Len}} <- BinValues0]}
+            lists:map(
+                fun({Name,Type,Sp,Len,RevPos,Md5}) ->
+                    #att{name=Name,
+                        type=Type,
+                        len=Len,
+                        md5=Md5,
+                        revpos=RevPos,
+                        data={Fd,Sp}};
+                ({Name,{Type,Sp,Len}}) ->
+                    #att{name=Name,
+                        type=Type,
+                        len=Len,
+                        md5= <<>>,
+                        revpos=0,
+                        data={Fd,Sp}}
+                end, Atts0)}
         id = Id,
         revs = RevisionPath,
         body = BodyData,
-        attachments = BinValues,
+        atts = Atts,
         deleted = Deleted

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db.hrl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db.hrl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db.hrl Fri Jul 17 21:33:41 2009
@@ -79,11 +79,7 @@
     % the json body object.
     body = {[]},
-    % each attachment contains:
-    %    {data, Type, <<binary>>}
-    % or:
-    %    {pointer, Type, {FileHandle, StreamPointer, Length}}
-    attachments = [],
+    atts = [], % attachments
     deleted = false,
@@ -93,6 +89,16 @@
+    {
+    name,
+    type,
+    len,
+    md5= <<>>,
+    revpos=0,
+    data
+    }).
@@ -109,7 +115,7 @@
 % if the disk revision is incremented, then new upgrade logic will need to be
 % added to couch_db_updater:init_db.
     {disk_version = ?LATEST_DISK_VERSION,

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db_update_notifier_sup.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db_update_notifier_sup.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db_update_notifier_sup.erl Fri Jul 17 21:33:41 2009
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
         couch_db_update_notifier_sup, []).
 init([]) ->
-    Self = self(),
     ok = couch_config:register(
         fun("update_notification", Key, Value) -> reload_config(Key, Value) end

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db_updater.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db_updater.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db_updater.erl Fri Jul 17 21:33:41 2009
@@ -44,12 +44,15 @@
 handle_call(get_db, _From, Db) ->
     {reply, {ok, Db}, Db};
-handle_call({update_docs, DocActions, Options}, _From, Db) ->
-    try update_docs_int(Db, DocActions, Options) of
-    {ok, Conflicts, Db2} ->
+handle_call({update_docs, GroupedDocs, NonRepDocs, Options}, _From, Db) ->
+    try update_docs_int(Db, GroupedDocs, NonRepDocs, Options) of
+    {ok, Failures, Db2} ->
         ok = gen_server:call(Db#db.main_pid, {db_updated, Db2}),
-        couch_db_update_notifier:notify({updated,}),
-        {reply, {ok, Conflicts}, Db2}
+        if Db2#db.update_seq /= Db#db.update_seq ->
+            couch_db_update_notifier:notify({updated,});
+        true -> ok
+        end,
+        {reply, {ok, Failures}, Db2}
         throw: retry ->
             {reply, retry, Db}
@@ -289,6 +292,7 @@
     case element(2, Header1) of
     1 -> Header1#db_header{unused = 0}; % 0.9
     2 -> Header1#db_header{unused = 0}; % post 0.9 and pre 0.10
+    3 -> Header1; % post 0.9 and pre 0.10
     ?LATEST_DISK_VERSION -> Header1;
     _ -> throw({database_disk_version_error, "Incorrect disk header version"})
@@ -364,31 +368,39 @@
 flush_trees(_Db, [], AccFlushedTrees) ->
     {ok, lists:reverse(AccFlushedTrees)};
-flush_trees(#db{fd=Fd}=Db, [InfoUnflushed | RestUnflushed], AccFlushed) ->
+        [InfoUnflushed | RestUnflushed], AccFlushed) ->
     #full_doc_info{update_seq=UpdateSeq, rev_tree=Unflushed} = InfoUnflushed,
     Flushed = couch_key_tree:map(
         fun(_Rev, Value) ->
             case Value of
-            #doc{attachments=Atts,deleted=IsDeleted}=Doc ->
+            #doc{atts=Atts,deleted=IsDeleted}=Doc ->
                 % this node value is actually an unwritten document summary,
                 % write to disk.
-                % make sure the Fd in the written bins is the same Fd we are.
-                Bins =
+                % make sure the Fd in the written bins is the same Fd we are
+                % and convert bins, removing the FD.
+                % All bins should have been written to disk already.
+                DiskAtts =
                 case Atts of
                 [] -> [];
-                [{_BName, {_Type, {BinFd, _Sp, _Len}}} | _ ] when BinFd == Fd ->
-                    % convert bins, removing the FD.
-                    % All bins should have been flushed to disk already.
-                    [{BinName, {BinType, BinSp, BinLen}}
-                        || {BinName, {BinType, {_Fd, BinSp, BinLen}}}
+                [#att{data={BinFd, _Sp}} | _ ] when BinFd == Fd ->
+                    [{N,T,P,L,R,M}
+                        || #att{name=N,type=T,data={_,P},md5=M,revpos=R,len=L}
                         <- Atts];
                 _ ->
                     % BinFd must not equal our Fd. This can happen when a database
                     % is being switched out during a compaction
-                    ?LOG_DEBUG("File where the attachments are written has changed. Possibly retrying.", []),
+                    ?LOG_DEBUG("File where the attachments are written has"
+                            " changed. Possibly retrying.", []),
-                {ok, NewSummaryPointer} = couch_file:append_term(Fd, {Doc#doc.body, Bins}),
+                {ok, NewSummaryPointer} =
+                case Header#db_header.disk_version < 4 of
+                true ->
+                    couch_file:append_term(Fd, {Doc#doc.body, DiskAtts});
+                false ->
+                    couch_file:append_term_md5(Fd, {Doc#doc.body, DiskAtts})
+                end,
                 {IsDeleted, NewSummaryPointer, UpdateSeq};
             _ ->
@@ -403,14 +415,40 @@
             = OldDocInfo,
     {NewRevTree, NewConflicts} = lists:foldl(
-        fun(#doc{revs={Pos,[Rev|_]}}=NewDoc, {AccTree, AccConflicts2}) ->
-            case couch_key_tree:merge(AccTree, [couch_db:doc_to_tree(NewDoc)]) of
-            {_NewTree, conflicts}
-                    when (not OldDeleted) and (not MergeConflicts) ->
-                {AccTree, [{{Id, {Pos,Rev}}, conflict} | AccConflicts2]};
-            {NewTree, _} ->
+        fun(#doc{revs={Pos,[_Rev|PrevRevs]}}=NewDoc, {AccTree, AccConflicts2}) ->
+            if not MergeConflicts ->
+                case couch_key_tree:merge(AccTree, [couch_db:doc_to_tree(NewDoc)]) of
+                {_NewTree, conflicts} when (not OldDeleted) ->
+                    {AccTree, [{{Id, {Pos-1,PrevRevs}}, conflict} | AccConflicts2]};
+                {NewTree, no_conflicts} when  AccTree == NewTree ->
+                    % the tree didn't change at all
+                    % meaning we are saving a rev that's already
+                    % been editted again.
+                    if (Pos == 1) and OldDeleted ->
+                        % this means we are recreating a brand new document
+                        % into a state that already existed before.
+                        % put the rev into a subsequent edit of the deletion
+                        #doc_info{revs=[#rev_info{rev={OldPos,OldRev}}|_]} = 
+                                couch_doc:to_doc_info(OldDocInfo),
+                        NewRevId = couch_db:new_revid(
+                                NewDoc#doc{revs={OldPos, [OldRev]}}),
+                        NewDoc2 = NewDoc#doc{revs={OldPos + 1, [NewRevId, OldRev]}},
+                        {NewTree2, _} = couch_key_tree:merge(AccTree,
+                                [couch_db:doc_to_tree(NewDoc2)]),
+                        % we changed the rev id, this tells the caller we did.
+                        {NewTree2, [{{Id, {Pos-1,PrevRevs}}, {ok, {OldPos + 1, NewRevId}}}
+                                | AccConflicts2]};
+                    true ->
+                        {AccTree, [{{Id, {Pos-1,PrevRevs}}, conflict} | AccConflicts2]}
+                    end;
+                {NewTree, _} ->
+                    {NewTree, AccConflicts2}
+                end;
+            true ->
+                {NewTree, _} = couch_key_tree:merge(AccTree,
+                            [couch_db:doc_to_tree(NewDoc)]),
                 {NewTree, AccConflicts2}
-            end
+            end 
         {OldTree, AccConflicts}, NewDocs),
     if NewRevTree == OldTree ->
@@ -444,26 +482,13 @@
     [Info#full_doc_info{rev_tree=couch_key_tree:stem(Tree, Limit)} ||
             #full_doc_info{rev_tree=Tree}=Info <- DocInfos].
-update_docs_int(Db, DocsList, Options) ->
+update_docs_int(Db, DocsList, NonRepDocs, Options) ->
         fulldocinfo_by_id_btree = DocInfoByIdBTree,
         docinfo_by_seq_btree = DocInfoBySeqBTree,
         update_seq = LastSeq
         } = Db,
-    % separate out the NonRep documents from the rest of the documents
-    {DocsList2, NonRepDocs} = lists:foldl(
-        fun([#doc{id=Id}=Doc | _]=Docs, {DocsListAcc, NonRepDocsAcc}) ->
-            case Id of
-            <<?LOCAL_DOC_PREFIX, _/binary>> ->
-                {DocsListAcc, [Doc | NonRepDocsAcc]};
-            Id->
-                {[Docs | DocsListAcc], NonRepDocsAcc}
-            end
-        end, {[], []}, DocsList),
-    Ids = [Id || [#doc{id=Id}|_] <- DocsList2],
+    Ids = [Id || [#doc{id=Id}|_] <- DocsList],
     % lookup up the old documents, if they exist.
     OldDocLookups = couch_btree:lookup(DocInfoByIdBTree, Ids),
     OldDocInfos = lists:zipwith(
@@ -477,7 +502,7 @@
     % Merge the new docs into the revision trees.
     {ok, NewDocInfos0, RemoveSeqs, Conflicts, NewSeq} = merge_rev_trees(
             lists:member(merge_conflicts, Options),
-            DocsList2, OldDocInfos, [], [], [], LastSeq),
+            DocsList, OldDocInfos, [], [], [], LastSeq),
     NewFullDocInfos = stem_full_doc_infos(Db, NewDocInfos0),
@@ -518,33 +543,43 @@
     Ids = [Id || #doc{id=Id} <- Docs],
     OldDocLookups = couch_btree:lookup(Btree, Ids),
     BtreeEntries = lists:zipwith(
-        fun(#doc{id=Id,deleted=Delete,revs={0,[RevStr]},body=Body}, OldDocLookup) ->
-            NewRev = list_to_integer(?b2l(RevStr)),
+        fun(#doc{id=Id,deleted=Delete,revs={0,PrevRevs},body=Body}, OldDocLookup) ->
+            case PrevRevs of
+            [RevStr|_] ->
+                PrevRev = list_to_integer(?b2l(RevStr));
+            [] ->
+                PrevRev = 0
+            end,
             OldRev =
             case OldDocLookup of
                 {ok, {_, {OldRev0, _}}} -> OldRev0;
                 not_found -> 0
-            case OldRev + 1 == NewRev of
+            case OldRev == PrevRev of
             true ->
                 case Delete of
-                    false -> {update, {Id, {NewRev, Body}}};
-                    true  -> {remove, Id}
+                    false -> {update, {Id, {PrevRev + 1, PrevRevs, Body}}};
+                    true  -> {remove, Id, PrevRevs}
             false ->
-                {conflict, {Id, {0, RevStr}}}
+                {conflict, {Id, {0, PrevRevs}}}
         end, Docs, OldDocLookups),
-    BtreeIdsRemove = [Id || {remove, Id} <- BtreeEntries],
-    BtreeIdsUpdate = [ByIdDocInfo || {update, ByIdDocInfo} <- BtreeEntries],
-    Conflicts = [{conflict, IdRev} || {conflict, IdRev} <- BtreeEntries],
+    BtreeIdsRemove = [Id || {remove, Id, _PrevRevs} <- BtreeEntries],
+    BtreeIdsUpdate = [{Id, {NewRev, Body}} || {update, {Id, {NewRev, _OldRevs, Body}}} <- BtreeEntries],
+    Results = 
+            [{{Id, {0, PrevRevs}}, {ok, {0, <<"0">>}}}
+                || {remove, Id, PrevRevs} <- BtreeEntries] ++
+            [{{Id, {0, PrevRevs}}, {ok, {0, ?l2b(integer_to_list(NewRev))}}}
+                || {update, {Id, {NewRev, PrevRevs, _Body}}} <- BtreeEntries] ++
+            [{IdRevs, conflict}
+                || {conflict, IdRevs} <- BtreeEntries],
     {ok, Btree2} =
         couch_btree:add_remove(Btree, BtreeIdsUpdate, BtreeIdsRemove),
-    {ok, Conflicts, Db#db{local_docs_btree = Btree2}}.
+    {ok, Results, Db#db{local_docs_btree = Btree2}}.
 commit_data(Db) ->
@@ -594,43 +629,42 @@
-copy_doc_attachments(SrcFd, SrcSp, DestFd) ->
-    {ok, {BodyData, BinInfos}} = couch_db:read_doc(SrcFd, SrcSp),
+copy_doc_attachments(#db{fd=SrcFd}=SrcDb, {Pos,_RevId}, SrcSp, DestFd) ->
+    {ok, {BodyData, BinInfos}} = couch_db:read_doc(SrcDb, SrcSp),
     % copy the bin values
     NewBinInfos = lists:map(
         fun({Name, {Type, BinSp, Len}}) when is_tuple(BinSp) orelse BinSp == null ->
             % 09 UPGRADE CODE
-            {NewBinSp, Len} = couch_stream:old_copy_to_new_stream(SrcFd, BinSp, Len, DestFd),
-            {Name, {Type, NewBinSp, Len}};
+            {NewBinSp, Len, Md5} = couch_stream:old_copy_to_new_stream(SrcFd, BinSp, Len, DestFd),
+            {Name, Type, NewBinSp, Len, Pos, Md5};
         ({Name, {Type, BinSp, Len}}) ->
-            {NewBinSp, Len} = couch_stream:copy_to_new_stream(SrcFd, BinSp, DestFd),
-            {Name, {Type, NewBinSp, Len}}
+            % 09 UPGRADE CODE
+            {NewBinSp, Len, Md5} = couch_stream:copy_to_new_stream(SrcFd, BinSp, DestFd),
+            {Name, Type, NewBinSp, Len, Pos, Md5};
+        ({Name, Type, BinSp, Len, RevPos, Md5}) ->
+            {NewBinSp, Len, Md5} = couch_stream:copy_to_new_stream(SrcFd, BinSp, DestFd),
+            {Name, Type, NewBinSp, Len, RevPos, Md5}
         end, BinInfos),
     {BodyData, NewBinInfos}.
-copy_rev_tree_attachments(_SrcFd, _DestFd, []) ->
-    [];
-copy_rev_tree_attachments(SrcFd, DestFd, [{Start, Tree} | RestTree]) ->
-    % root nner node, only copy info/data from leaf nodes
-    [Tree2] = copy_rev_tree_attachments(SrcFd, DestFd, [Tree]),
-    [{Start, Tree2} | copy_rev_tree_attachments(SrcFd, DestFd, RestTree)];
-copy_rev_tree_attachments(SrcFd, DestFd, [{RevId, {IsDel, Sp, Seq}, []} | RestTree]) ->
-    % This is a leaf node, copy it over
-    DocBody = copy_doc_attachments(SrcFd, Sp, DestFd),
-    [{RevId, {IsDel, DocBody, Seq}, []} | copy_rev_tree_attachments(SrcFd, DestFd, RestTree)];
-copy_rev_tree_attachments(SrcFd, DestFd, [{RevId, _, SubTree} | RestTree]) ->
-    % inner node, only copy info/data from leaf nodes
-    [{RevId, ?REV_MISSING, copy_rev_tree_attachments(SrcFd, DestFd, SubTree)} | copy_rev_tree_attachments(SrcFd, DestFd, RestTree)].
+copy_rev_tree_attachments(SrcDb, DestFd, Tree) ->
+    couch_key_tree:map(
+        fun(Rev, {IsDel, Sp, Seq}, leaf) ->
+            DocBody = copy_doc_attachments(SrcDb, Rev, Sp, DestFd),
+            {IsDel, DocBody, Seq};
+        (_, _, branch) ->
+            ?REV_MISSING
+        end, Tree).
-copy_docs(#db{fd=SrcFd}=Db, #db{fd=DestFd}=NewDb, InfoBySeq, Retry) ->
+copy_docs(Db, #db{fd=DestFd}=NewDb, InfoBySeq, Retry) ->
     Ids = [Id || #doc_info{id=Id} <- InfoBySeq],
     LookupResults = couch_btree:lookup(Db#db.fulldocinfo_by_id_btree, Ids),
     % write out the attachments
     NewFullDocInfos0 = lists:map(
         fun({ok, #full_doc_info{rev_tree=RevTree}=Info}) ->
-            Info#full_doc_info{rev_tree=copy_rev_tree_attachments(SrcFd, DestFd, RevTree)}
+            Info#full_doc_info{rev_tree=copy_rev_tree_attachments(Db, DestFd, RevTree)}
         end, LookupResults),
     % write out the docs
     % we do this in 2 stages so the docs are written out contiguously, making
@@ -639,7 +673,7 @@
         fun(#full_doc_info{rev_tree=RevTree}=Info) ->
                 fun(_Key, {IsDel, DocBody, Seq}) ->
-                    {ok, Pos} = couch_file:append_term(DestFd, DocBody),
+                    {ok, Pos} = couch_file:append_term_md5(DestFd, DocBody),
                     {IsDel, Pos, Seq}
                 end, RevTree)}
         end, NewFullDocInfos0),

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_doc.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_doc.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_doc.erl Fri Jul 17 21:33:41 2009
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 -export([from_json_obj/1,to_json_obj/2,has_stubs/1, merge_stubs/2]).
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 to_json_rev(0, []) ->
 to_json_rev(Start, [FirstRevId|_]) ->
-    [{<<"_rev">>, ?l2b([integer_to_list(Start),"-",FirstRevId])}].
+    [{<<"_rev">>, ?l2b([integer_to_list(Start),"-",revid_to_str(FirstRevId)])}].
 to_json_body(true, _Body) ->
     [{<<"_deleted">>, true}];
@@ -35,12 +35,18 @@
     false -> [];
     true ->
         [{<<"_revisions">>, {[{<<"start">>, Start},
-                        {<<"ids">>, RevIds}]}}]
+                {<<"ids">>, [revid_to_str(R) ||R <- RevIds]}]}}]
-rev_to_str({Pos, RevId}) ->
-    ?l2b([integer_to_list(Pos),"-",RevId]).
+revid_to_str(RevId) when size(RevId) == 16 ->
+    ?l2b(couch_util:to_hex(RevId));
+revid_to_str(RevId) ->
+    RevId.
+rev_to_str({Pos, RevId}) ->
+    ?l2b([integer_to_list(Pos),"-",revid_to_str(RevId)]).
 rev_to_strs([]) ->
 rev_to_strs([{Pos, RevId}| Rest]) ->
@@ -66,17 +72,12 @@
 to_json_attachment_stubs(Attachments) ->
     BinProps = lists:map(
-        fun({Name, {Type, {_RcvFun, Length}}}) ->
-            {Name, {[
-                {<<"stub">>, true},
-                {<<"content_type">>, Type},
-                {<<"length">>, Length}
-            ]}};
-        ({Name, {Type, BinValue}}) ->
+        fun(#att{name=Name,type=Type,len=Length,revpos=Pos}) ->
             {Name, {[
                 {<<"stub">>, true},
                 {<<"content_type">>, Type},
-                {<<"length">>, bin_size(BinValue)}
+                {<<"length">>, Length},
+                {<<"revpos">>, Pos}
@@ -85,24 +86,26 @@
         _ -> [{<<"_attachments">>, {BinProps}}]
-to_json_attachments(Attachments) ->
-    BinProps = lists:map(
-        fun({Name, {Type, {RcvFun, Length}}}) ->
-            Data = read_streamed_attachment(RcvFun, Length, _Acc = []),
-            {Name, {[
-                {<<"content_type">>, Type},
+to_json_attachments(Atts) ->
+    AttProps = lists:map(
+        fun(#att{data=Fun,len=Len}=Att) when is_function(Fun) ->
+            Data = read_streamed_attachment(Fun, Len, _Acc = []),
+            {, {[
+                {<<"content_type">>, Att#att.type},
+                {<<"revpos">>, Att#att.revpos},
                 {<<"data">>, couch_util:encodeBase64(Data)}
-        ({Name, {Type, BinValue}}) ->
-            {Name, {[
-                {<<"content_type">>, Type},
-                {<<"data">>, couch_util:encodeBase64(bin_to_binary(BinValue))}
+        (Att) ->
+            {, {[
+                {<<"content_type">>, Att#att.type},
+                {<<"revpos">>, Att#att.revpos},
+                {<<"data">>, couch_util:encodeBase64(att_to_iolist(Att))}
-        Attachments),
-    case BinProps of
+        Atts),
+    case AttProps of
     [] -> [];
-    _ -> [{<<"_attachments">>, {BinProps}}]
+    _ -> [{<<"_attachments">>, {AttProps}}]
 to_json_attachments(Attachments, Options) ->
@@ -120,7 +123,7 @@
         ++ to_json_body(Del, Body)
         ++ to_json_revisions(Options, Start, RevIds)
         ++ to_json_meta(Meta)
-        ++ to_json_attachments(Doc#doc.attachments, Options)
+        ++ to_json_attachments(Doc#doc.atts, Options)
 from_json_obj({Props}) ->
@@ -129,12 +132,24 @@
 from_json_obj(_Other) ->
     throw({bad_request, "Document must be a JSON object"}).
+parse_revid(RevId) when size(RevId) == 32 ->
+    RevInt = erlang:list_to_integer(?b2l(RevId), 16),
+     <<RevInt:128>>;
+parse_revid(RevId) when length(RevId) == 32 ->
+    RevInt = erlang:list_to_integer(RevId, 16),
+     <<RevInt:128>>;
+parse_revid(RevId) when is_binary(RevId) ->
+    RevId;
+parse_revid(RevId) when is_list(RevId) ->
+    ?l2b(RevId).
 parse_rev(Rev) when is_binary(Rev) ->
 parse_rev(Rev) when is_list(Rev) ->
     SplitRev = lists:splitwith(fun($-) -> false; (_) -> true end, Rev),
     case SplitRev of
-        {Pos, [$- | RevId]} -> {list_to_integer(Pos), ?l2b(RevId)};
+        {Pos, [$- | RevId]} -> {list_to_integer(Pos), parse_revid(RevId)};
         _Else -> throw({bad_request, <<"Invalid rev format">>})
 parse_rev(_BadRev) ->
@@ -176,20 +191,23 @@
 transfer_fields([{<<"_attachments">>, {JsonBins}} | Rest], Doc) ->
-    Bins = lists:flatmap(fun({Name, {BinProps}}) ->
+    Atts = lists:map(fun({Name, {BinProps}}) ->
         case proplists:get_value(<<"stub">>, BinProps) of
         true ->
             Type = proplists:get_value(<<"content_type">>, BinProps),
             Length = proplists:get_value(<<"length">>, BinProps),
-            [{Name, {stub, Type, Length}}];
+            RevPos = proplists:get_value(<<"revpos">>, BinProps, 0),
+            #att{name=Name, data=stub, type=Type, len=Length, revpos=RevPos};
         _ ->
             Value = proplists:get_value(<<"data">>, BinProps),
             Type = proplists:get_value(<<"content_type">>, BinProps,
-            [{Name, {Type, couch_util:decodeBase64(Value)}}]
+            RevPos = proplists:get_value(<<"revpos">>, BinProps, 0),
+            Bin = couch_util:decodeBase64(Value),
+            #att{name=Name, data=Bin, type=Type, len=size(Bin), revpos=RevPos}
     end, JsonBins),
-    transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{attachments=Bins});
+    transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{atts=Atts});
 transfer_fields([{<<"_revisions">>, {Props}} | Rest], Doc) ->
     RevIds = proplists:get_value(<<"ids">>, Props),
@@ -203,7 +221,8 @@
     [throw({doc_validation, "RevId isn't a string"}) ||
             RevId <- RevIds, not is_binary(RevId)],
-    transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{revs={Start, RevIds}});
+    RevIds2 = [parse_revid(RevId) || RevId <- RevIds],
+    transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{revs={Start, RevIds2}});
 transfer_fields([{<<"_deleted">>, B} | Rest], Doc) when (B==true) or (B==false) ->
     transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{deleted=B});
@@ -253,23 +272,20 @@
-bin_foldl(Bin, Fun, Acc) when is_binary(Bin) ->
+att_foldl(#att{data=Bin}, Fun, Acc) when is_binary(Bin) ->
     Fun(Bin, Acc);
-bin_foldl({Fd, Sp, Len}, Fun, Acc) when is_tuple(Sp) orelse Sp == null ->
+att_foldl(#att{data={Fd,Sp},len=Len}, Fun, Acc) when is_tuple(Sp) orelse Sp == null ->
     % 09 UPGRADE CODE
     couch_stream:old_foldl(Fd, Sp, Len, Fun, Acc);
-bin_foldl({Fd, Sp, _Len}, Fun, Acc) ->
-    couch_stream:foldl(Fd, Sp, Fun, Acc).
-bin_size(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
-    size(Bin);
-bin_size({_Fd, _Sp, Len}) ->
-    Len.
+att_foldl(#att{data={Fd,Sp},md5=Md5}, Fun, Acc) ->
+    couch_stream:foldl(Fd, Sp, Md5, Fun, Acc).
-bin_to_binary(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
+att_to_iolist(#att{data=Bin}) when is_binary(Bin) ->
-bin_to_binary({Fd, Sp, _Len}) ->
-    lists:reverse(couch_stream:foldl(Fd, Sp, fun(Bin,Acc) -> [Bin|Acc] end, [])).
+att_to_iolist(#att{data=Iolist}) when is_list(Iolist) ->
+    Iolist;
+att_to_iolist(#att{data={Fd,Sp},md5=Md5}) ->
+    lists:reverse(couch_stream:foldl(Fd, Sp, Md5, fun(Bin,Acc) -> [Bin|Acc] end, [])).
 get_validate_doc_fun(#doc{body={Props}}) ->
     Lang = proplists:get_value(<<"language">>, Props, <<"javascript">>),
@@ -284,24 +300,24 @@
-has_stubs(#doc{attachments=Bins}) ->
-    has_stubs(Bins);
+has_stubs(#doc{atts=Atts}) ->
+    has_stubs(Atts);
 has_stubs([]) ->
-has_stubs([{_Name, {stub, _, _}}|_]) ->
+has_stubs([#att{data=stub}|_]) ->
-has_stubs([_Bin|Rest]) ->
+has_stubs([_Att|Rest]) ->
-merge_stubs(#doc{attachments=MemBins}=StubsDoc, #doc{attachments=DiskBins}) ->
-    BinDict = dict:from_list(DiskBins),
+merge_stubs(#doc{atts=MemBins}=StubsDoc, #doc{atts=DiskBins}) ->
+    BinDict = dict:from_list([{Name, Att} || #att{name=Name}=Att <- DiskBins]),
     MergedBins = lists:map(
-        fun({Name, {stub, _, _}}) ->
-            {Name, dict:fetch(Name, BinDict)};
-        ({Name, Value}) ->
-            {Name, Value}
+        fun(#att{name=Name, data=stub}) ->
+            dict:fetch(Name, BinDict);
+        (Att) ->
+            Att
         end, MemBins),
-    StubsDoc#doc{attachments= MergedBins}.
+    StubsDoc#doc{atts= MergedBins}.
 read_streamed_attachment(_RcvFun, 0, Acc) ->

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_file.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_file.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_file.erl Fri Jul 17 21:33:41 2009
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
 -export([open/1, open/2, close/1, bytes/1, sync/1, append_binary/2,old_pread/3]).
 -export([append_term/2, pread_term/2, pread_iolist/2, write_header/2]).
 -export([pread_binary/2, read_header/1, truncate/2, upgrade_old_header/2]).
+-export([append_term_md5/2, pread_iolist_md5/2, pread_binary_md5/2]).
 -export([init/1, terminate/2, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, code_change/3, handle_info/2]).
@@ -67,6 +69,9 @@
 append_term(Fd, Term) ->
     append_binary(Fd, term_to_binary(Term)).
+append_term_md5(Fd, Term) ->
+    append_binary_md5(Fd, term_to_binary(Term)).
@@ -80,6 +85,11 @@
 append_binary(Fd, Bin) ->
     Size = iolist_size(Bin),
     gen_server:call(Fd, {append_bin, [<<Size:32/integer>>, Bin]}, infinity).
+append_binary_md5(Fd, Bin) ->
+    Size = iolist_size(Bin),
+    gen_server:call(Fd, {append_bin, 
+            [<<Size:32/integer>>, erlang:md5(Bin), Bin]}, infinity).
@@ -94,6 +104,10 @@
     {ok, Bin} = pread_binary(Fd, Pos),
     {ok, binary_to_term(Bin)}.
+pread_term_md5(Fd, Pos) ->
+    {ok, Bin} = pread_binary_md5(Fd, Pos),
+    {ok, binary_to_term(Bin)}.
 %% Purpose: Reads a binrary from a file that was written with append_binary
@@ -111,6 +125,17 @@
     <<Len:32/integer>> = iolist_to_binary(LenIolist),
     {ok, Iolist, _} = read_raw_iolist(Fd, NextPos, Len),
     {ok, Iolist}.
+pread_binary_md5(Fd, Pos) ->
+    {ok, L} = pread_iolist_md5(Fd, Pos),
+    {ok, iolist_to_binary(L)}.
+pread_iolist_md5(Fd, Pos) ->
+    {ok, LenIolist, NextPos} =read_raw_iolist(Fd, Pos, 20),
+    <<Len:32/integer, Md5/binary>> = iolist_to_binary(LenIolist),
+    {ok, Iolist, _} = read_raw_iolist(Fd, NextPos, Len),
+    Md5 = erlang:md5(Iolist),
+    {ok, Iolist}.
 read_raw_iolist(Fd, Pos, Len) ->
     BlockOffset = Pos rem ?SIZE_BLOCK,

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_httpd_db.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_httpd_db.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_httpd_db.erl Fri Jul 17 21:33:41 2009
@@ -579,13 +579,15 @@
         [] ->
             Doc = couch_doc_open(Db, DocId, Rev, Options),
             DiskEtag = couch_httpd:doc_etag(Doc),
-            couch_httpd:etag_respond(Req, DiskEtag, fun() ->
-                Headers = case Doc#doc.meta of
-                [] -> [{"Etag", DiskEtag}]; % output etag only when we have no meta
-                _ -> []
-                end,
-                send_json(Req, 200, Headers, couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, Options))
-            end);
+            case Doc#doc.meta of
+            [] ->
+                % output etag only when we have no meta
+                couch_httpd:etag_respond(Req, DiskEtag, fun() -> 
+                    send_json(Req, 200, [{"Etag", DiskEtag}], couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, Options))
+                end);
+            _ ->
+                send_json(Req, 200, [], couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, Options))
+            end;
         _ ->
             {ok, Results} = couch_db:open_doc_revs(Db, DocId, Revs, Options),
             {ok, Resp} = start_json_response(Req, 200),
@@ -626,14 +628,23 @@
     Rev = couch_doc:parse_rev(list_to_binary(proplists:get_value("_rev", Form))),
     {ok, [{ok, Doc}]} = couch_db:open_doc_revs(Db, DocId, [Rev], []),
-    NewAttachments = [
-        {validate_attachment_name(Name), {list_to_binary(ContentType), Content}} ||
+    UpdatedAtts = [
+        #att{name=validate_attachment_name(Name),
+            type=list_to_binary(ContentType),
+            data=Content} ||
         {Name, {ContentType, _}, Content} <-
         proplists:get_all_values("_attachments", Form)
-    #doc{attachments=Attachments} = Doc,
+    #doc{atts=OldAtts} = Doc,
+    OldAtts2 = lists:flatmap(
+        fun(#att{name=OldName}=Att) ->
+            case [1 || A <- UpdatedAtts, == OldName] of
+            [] -> [Att]; % the attachment wasn't in the UpdatedAtts, return it
+            _ -> [] % the attachment was in the UpdatedAtts, drop it
+            end
+        end, OldAtts),
     NewDoc = Doc#doc{
-        attachments = Attachments ++ NewAttachments
+        atts = UpdatedAtts ++ OldAtts2
     {ok, NewRev} = couch_db:update_doc(Db, NewDoc, []),
@@ -765,13 +776,12 @@
     } = parse_doc_query(Req),
-        attachments=Attachments
+        atts=Atts
     } = Doc = couch_doc_open(Db, DocId, Rev, Options),
-    case proplists:get_value(FileName, Attachments) of
-    undefined ->
+    case [A || A <- Atts, == FileName] of
+    [] ->
         throw({not_found, "Document is missing attachment"});
-    {Type, Bin} ->
+    [#att{type=Type}=Att] ->
         Etag = couch_httpd:doc_etag(Doc),
         couch_httpd:etag_respond(Req, Etag, fun() ->
             {ok, Resp} = start_chunked_response(Req, 200, [
@@ -784,7 +794,7 @@
                 % open to discussion.
                 % {"Content-Length", integer_to_list(couch_doc:bin_size(Bin))}
-            couch_doc:bin_foldl(Bin,
+            couch_doc:att_foldl(Att,
                     fun(BinSegment, _) -> send_chunk(Resp, BinSegment) end,[]),
             send_chunk(Resp, "")
@@ -798,31 +808,36 @@
                         lists:map(fun binary_to_list/1,
-    NewAttachment = case Method of
+    NewAtt = case Method of
         'DELETE' ->
         _ ->
-            % see couch_db:doc_flush_binaries for usage of this structure
-            [{FileName, {
-                case couch_httpd:header_value(Req,"Content-Type") of
-                undefined ->
-                    % We could throw an error here or guess by the FileName.
-                    % Currently, just giving it a default.
-                    <<"application/octet-stream">>;
-                CType ->
-                    list_to_binary(CType)
-                end,
-                case couch_httpd:header_value(Req,"Content-Length") of
-                undefined ->
-                    {fun(MaxChunkSize, ChunkFun, InitState) ->
-                        couch_httpd:recv_chunked(Req, MaxChunkSize,
-                            ChunkFun, InitState)
-                    end, undefined};
-                Length ->
-                    {fun() -> couch_httpd:recv(Req, 0) end,
-                        list_to_integer(Length)}
-                end
-            }}]
+            [#att{
+                name=FileName,
+                type = case couch_httpd:header_value(Req,"Content-Type") of
+                    undefined ->
+                        % We could throw an error here or guess by the FileName.
+                        % Currently, just giving it a default.
+                        <<"application/octet-stream">>;
+                    CType ->
+                        list_to_binary(CType)
+                    end,
+                data = case couch_httpd:header_value(Req,"Content-Length") of
+                    undefined ->
+                        fun(MaxChunkSize, ChunkFun, InitState) ->
+                            couch_httpd:recv_chunked(Req, MaxChunkSize,
+                                ChunkFun, InitState)
+                        end;
+                    Length ->
+                        fun() -> couch_httpd:recv(Req, 0) end
+                    end,
+                len = case couch_httpd:header_value(Req,"Content-Length") of
+                    undefined ->
+                        undefined;
+                    Length ->
+                        list_to_integer(Length)
+                    end
+                    }]
     Doc = case extract_header_rev(Req, couch_httpd:qs_value(Req, "rev")) of
@@ -835,9 +850,9 @@
-    #doc{attachments=Attachments} = Doc,
+    #doc{atts=Atts} = Doc,
     DocEdited = Doc#doc{
-        attachments = NewAttachment ++ proplists:delete(FileName, Attachments)
+        atts = NewAtt ++ [A || A <- Atts, /= FileName]
     {ok, UpdatedRev} = couch_db:update_doc(Db, DocEdited, []),
     #db{name=DbName} = Db,
@@ -941,9 +956,9 @@
 validate_attachment_names(Doc) ->
-    lists:foreach(fun({Name, _}) ->
+    lists:foreach(fun(#att{name=Name}) ->
-    end, Doc#doc.attachments).
+    end, Doc#doc.atts).
 validate_attachment_name(Name) when is_list(Name) ->

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_key_tree.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_key_tree.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_key_tree.erl Fri Jul 17 21:33:41 2009
@@ -278,13 +278,20 @@
 map(_Fun, []) ->
 map(Fun, [{Pos, Tree}|Rest]) ->
-    [NewTree] = map_simple(Fun, Pos, [Tree]),
-    [{Pos, NewTree} | map(Fun, Rest)].
+    case erlang:fun_info(Fun, arity) of
+    {arity, 2} ->
+        [NewTree] = map_simple(fun(A,B,_C) -> Fun(A,B) end, Pos, [Tree]),
+        [{Pos, NewTree} | map(Fun, Rest)];
+    {arity, 3} ->
+        [NewTree] = map_simple(Fun, Pos, [Tree]),
+        [{Pos, NewTree} | map(Fun, Rest)]
+    end.
 map_simple(_Fun, _Pos, []) ->
 map_simple(Fun, Pos, [{Key, Value, SubTree} | RestTree]) ->
-    Value2 = Fun({Pos, Key}, Value),
+    Value2 = Fun({Pos, Key}, Value, 
+            if SubTree == [] -> leaf; true -> branch end),
     [{Key, Value2, map_simple(Fun, Pos + 1, SubTree)} | map_simple(Fun, Pos, RestTree)].

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_rep.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_rep.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_rep.erl Fri Jul 17 21:33:41 2009
@@ -312,8 +312,6 @@
 terminate(Reason, State) ->
     ?LOG_ERROR("replicator terminating with reason ~p", [Reason]),
-        context = Context,
-        current_seq = Seq,
         listeners = Listeners,
         source = Source,
         target = Target,
@@ -390,25 +388,26 @@
-attachment_stub_converter(DbS, Id, Rev, {Name, {stub, Type, Length}}) ->
+att_stub_converter(DbS, Id, Rev,
+        #att{name=Name,data=stub,type=Type,len=Length}=Att) ->
     #http_db{uri=DbUrl, headers=Headers} = DbS,
     {Pos, [RevId|_]} = Rev,
     Url = lists:flatten([DbUrl, url_encode(Id), "/", url_encode(?b2l(Name)),
         "?rev=", ?b2l(couch_doc:rev_to_str({Pos,RevId}))]),
     ?LOG_DEBUG("Attachment URL ~s", [Url]),
-    {ok, RcvFun} = make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name,
+    {ok, RcvFun} = make_att_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name,
         Type, Length),
-    {Name, {Type, {RcvFun, Length}}}.
+    Att#att{name=Name,type=Type,data=RcvFun,len=Length}.
-make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length) ->
-    make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length, 10, 1000).
+make_att_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length) ->
+    make_att_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length, 10, 1000).
-make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, _Headers, _Name, _Type, _Length, 0, _Pause) ->
+make_att_stub_receiver(Url, _Headers, _Name, _Type, _Length, 0, _Pause) ->
     ?LOG_ERROR("streaming attachment request failed after 10 retries: ~s",
     exit({attachment_request_failed, ?l2b(["failed to replicate ", Url])});
-make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length, Retries, Pause) ->
+make_att_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length, Retries, Pause) ->
     %% start the process that receives attachment data from ibrowse
     #url{host=Host, port=Port} = ibrowse_lib:parse_url(Url),
     {ok, Conn} = ibrowse:spawn_link_worker_process(Host, Port),
@@ -425,7 +424,7 @@
             "seconds due to {error, ~p}: ~s", [Pause/1000, Reason, Url]),
         catch ibrowse:stop_worker_process(Conn),
-        make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length,
+        make_att_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length,
             Retries-1, 2*Pause)
@@ -437,7 +436,7 @@
     {'EXIT', Pid, _Reason} ->
         catch ibrowse:stop_worker_process(Conn),
-        make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length,
+        make_att_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length,
             Retries-1, 2*Pause)
@@ -447,7 +446,7 @@
     {'EXIT', Pid, attachment_request_failed} ->
         catch ibrowse:stop_worker_process(Conn),
-        make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length,
+        make_att_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length,
             Retries-1, Pause);
     {Pid, {status, StreamStatus, StreamHeaders}} ->
         ?LOG_DEBUG("streaming attachment Status ~p Headers ~p",
@@ -476,7 +475,7 @@
             RedirectUrl = mochiweb_headers:get_value("Location",
             catch ibrowse:stop_worker_process(Conn),
-            make_attachment_stub_receiver(RedirectUrl, Headers, Name, Type,
+            make_att_stub_receiver(RedirectUrl, Headers, Name, Type,
                 Length, Retries - 1, Pause);
         ResponseCode >= 400, ResponseCode < 500 ->
             % an error... log and fail
@@ -491,7 +490,7 @@
             Pid ! {self(), fail},
             catch ibrowse:stop_worker_process(Conn),
-            make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length,
+            make_att_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length,
                 Retries - 1, 2*Pause)
@@ -772,10 +771,9 @@
         fun({[{<<"missing">>, Rev}]}) ->
             {{not_found, missing}, couch_doc:parse_rev(Rev)};
         ({[{<<"ok">>, JsonDoc}]}) ->
-        #doc{id=Id, revs=Rev, attachments=Attach} = Doc =
+        #doc{id=Id, revs=Rev, atts=Atts} = Doc =
-        Attach2 = [attachment_stub_converter(DbS,Id,Rev,A) || A <- Attach],
-        {ok, Doc#doc{attachments=Attach2}}
+        {ok, Doc#doc{atts=[att_stub_converter(DbS,Id,Rev,A) || A <- Atts]}}
         end, JsonResults),
     {ok, Results};
 open_doc_revs(Db, DocId, Revs, Options) ->

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_stream.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_stream.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_stream.erl Fri Jul 17 21:33:41 2009
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@
 -define(DEFAULT_STREAM_CHUNK, 16#00100000). % 1 meg chunks when streaming data
--export([open/1, close/1, write/2, foldl/4, old_foldl/5,old_copy_to_new_stream/4]).
+-export([open/1, close/1, write/2, foldl/4, foldl/5, 
+        old_foldl/5,old_copy_to_new_stream/4]).
 -export([init/1, terminate/2, handle_call/3]).
@@ -37,7 +38,8 @@
     buffer_list = [],
     buffer_len = 0,
     max_buffer = 4096,
-    written_len = 0
+    written_len = 0,
+    md5
@@ -79,6 +81,23 @@
     {ok, Bin} = couch_file:pread_iolist(Fd, Pos),
     foldl(Fd, Rest, Fun, Fun(Bin, Acc)).
+foldl(Fd, PosList, <<>>, Fun, Acc) ->
+    foldl(Fd, PosList, Fun, Acc);
+foldl(Fd, PosList, Md5, Fun, Acc) ->
+    foldl(Fd, PosList, Md5, erlang:md5_init(), Fun, Acc).
+foldl(_Fd, [], Md5, Md5Acc, _Fun, Acc) ->
+    Md5 = erlang:md5_final(Md5Acc),
+    Acc;
+foldl(Fd, [Pos], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc) ->
+    {ok, Bin} = couch_file:pread_iolist(Fd, Pos),
+    Md5 = erlang:md5_final(erlang:md5_update(Md5Acc, Bin)),
+    Fun(Bin, Acc);
+foldl(Fd, [Pos|Rest], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc) ->
+    {ok, Bin} = couch_file:pread_iolist(Fd, Pos),
+    foldl(Fd, Rest, Md5, erlang:md5_update(Md5Acc, Bin), Fun, Fun(Bin, Acc)).
 write(_Pid, <<>>) ->
 write(Pid, Bin) ->
@@ -86,7 +105,7 @@
 init(Fd) ->
-    {ok, #stream{fd = Fd}}.
+    {ok, #stream{fd=Fd, md5=erlang:md5_init()}}.
 terminate(_Reason, _Stream) ->
@@ -99,14 +118,18 @@
         written_pointers = Written,
         buffer_len = BufferLen,
         buffer_list = Buffer,
-        max_buffer = Max} = Stream,
+        max_buffer = Max,
+        md5 = Md5} = Stream,
     if BinSize + BufferLen > Max ->
-        {ok, Pos} = couch_file:append_binary(Fd, lists:reverse(Buffer, [Bin])),
+        WriteBin = lists:reverse(Buffer, [Bin]),
+        Md5_2 = erlang:md5_update(Md5, WriteBin),
+        {ok, Pos} = couch_file:append_binary(Fd, WriteBin),
         {reply, ok, Stream#stream{
                         written_len=WrittenLen + BufferLen + BinSize,
-                        buffer_len=0}};
+                        buffer_len=0,
+                        md5=Md5_2}};
     true ->
         {reply, ok, Stream#stream{
@@ -118,14 +141,17 @@
         written_len = WrittenLen,
         written_pointers = Written,
         buffer_len = BufferLen,
-        buffer_list = Buffer} = Stream,
+        buffer_list = Buffer,
+        md5 = Md5} = Stream,
     case Buffer of
     [] ->
-        Result = {lists:reverse(Written), WrittenLen};
+        Result = {lists:reverse(Written), WrittenLen, erlang:md5_final(Md5)};
     _ ->
-        {ok, Pos} = couch_file:append_binary(Fd, lists:reverse(Buffer)),
-        Result = {lists:reverse(Written, [Pos]), WrittenLen + BufferLen}
+        WriteBin = lists:reverse(Buffer),
+        Md5Final = erlang:md5_final(erlang:md5_update(Md5, WriteBin)),
+        {ok, Pos} = couch_file:append_binary(Fd, WriteBin),
+        Result = {lists:reverse(Written, [Pos]), WrittenLen + BufferLen, Md5Final}
     {stop, normal, Result, Stream}.

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_util.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_util.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_util.erl Fri Jul 17 21:33:41 2009
@@ -226,8 +226,8 @@
 %% Take 3 bytes a time (3 x 8 = 24 bits), and make 4 characters out of
 %% them (4 x 6 = 24 bits).
-encodeBase64(Bs) when list(Bs) ->
-    encodeBase64(list_to_binary(Bs), <<>>);
+encodeBase64(Bs) when is_list(Bs) ->
+    encodeBase64(iolist_to_binary(Bs), <<>>);
 encodeBase64(Bs) ->
     encodeBase64(Bs, <<>>).

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_view.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_view.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_view.erl Fri Jul 17 21:33:41 2009
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
     {ok, DesignDocs} = couch_db:get_design_docs(Db),
     % make unique list of group sigs
-    Sigs = lists:map(fun(#doc{id = GroupId} = DDoc) ->
+    Sigs = lists:map(fun(#doc{id = GroupId}) ->
         {ok, Info} = get_group_info(Db, GroupId),
         ?b2l(proplists:get_value(signature, Info))
     end, [DD||DD <- DesignDocs, DD#doc.deleted == false]),
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
 list_index_files(Db) ->
     % call server to fetch the index files
     RootDir = couch_config:get("couchdb", "view_index_dir"),
-    Files = filelib:wildcard(RootDir ++ "/." ++ ?b2l(couch_db:name(Db)) ++ "_design"++"/*").
+    filelib:wildcard(RootDir ++ "/." ++ ?b2l(couch_db:name(Db)) ++ "_design"++"/*").
 get_row_count(#view{btree=Bt}) ->

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_view_group.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_view_group.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_view_group.erl Fri Jul 17 21:33:41 2009
@@ -55,15 +55,6 @@
-request_index_files(Pid) ->
-    case gen_server:call(Pid, request_index_files) of
-    {ok, Filelist} ->
-        {ok, Filelist};
-    Error ->
-        throw(Error)
-    end.
 % from template
 start_link(InitArgs) ->
     case gen_server:start_link(couch_view_group,