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Posted to by Aleksander Slominski <> on 2004/05/12 09:23:07 UTC

Re: Getting the SOAP reply

Jason Dobies wrote:

>For what it is worth, I am very interested in this ability as well. I
>too would be interested in the prototype of the next WSIF version.
DISCLAIMER: this is very very preliminary version and at thsi stage it 
is just a prototype which may or may not have anything to do with next 
version of WSIF.

however feedback is very encouraged as of what could eb future 
directions/plans for WSIF (and that is the point of doing this and 
making code available).

i have implemented only very bare minimum of WSIF API just enough to 
invoke Google (see sample code below).

what is the interesting in code is that WSIFMessage can directly contain 
XMLInfoset and when response WSIFMessage is returned the parts inside 
are derived directly from XmlElement so one can access them with XPath 
like API:

        boolean succes = op.executeRequestResponseOperation(in, out, fault);
        if(succes) {
            System.out.println("received response "+out);
            XmlElement response = (XmlElement) out;
            // return/resultElements
            XmlElement resultElements = response
                 .requiredElement(null, "return")
                 .requiredElement(null, "resultElements");
            // print URLs of all resutls /URL/text()
            int count = 1;
            for (Iterator i = resultElements.elements(null, 
null).iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
                XmlElement item = (XmlElement);
                System.out.println((count++)+". "+item
                       .element(null, "URL")

you can download and run code from:

comments welcome.



package xsul_sample_google;

import xsul.wsdl.WsdlDefinitions;
import xsul.wsdl.WsdlResolver;
import xsul.wsif.WSIFMessage;
import xsul.wsif.WSIFOperation;
import xsul.wsif.WSIFPort;
import xsul.wsif.WSIFService;
import xsul.wsif.WSIFServiceFactory;
import xsul.wsif.spi.WSIFProviderManager;

public class Client {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        URI base = ((new File(".")).toURI());
        WsdlDefinitions def = WsdlResolver.getInstance().loadWsdl(base, 
new URI(args[0]));
        String opName = "doGoogleSearch";
        String key = System.getProperty("key");
        if(key == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("system property 'key' with 
google key is required");
        String query = "test";
        WSIFProviderManager.getInstance().addProvider( new 
xsul.wsif_xsul_soap_http.Provider() );
        WSIFServiceFactory wsf = WSIFServiceFactory.newInstance();
        WSIFService serv = wsf.getService(def);
        WSIFPort port = serv.getPort();
        WSIFOperation op = port.createOperation(opName);
        WSIFMessage in = op.createInputMessage();
        WSIFMessage out = op.createOutputMessage();
        WSIFMessage fault = op.createFaultMessage();
        in.setObjectPart("key", key);
        in.setObjectPart("q", query);
        in.setObjectPart("start", "0");
        in.setObjectPart("maxResults", "10");
        in.setObjectPart("filter", "true");
        //restrict xsi:type="xsd:string"
        in.setObjectPart("safeSearch", "false");
        //lr xsi:type="xsd:string"
        in.setObjectPart("ie", "latin1");
        boolean succes = op.executeRequestResponseOperation(in, out, fault);
        if(succes) {
            System.out.println("received response "+out);
        } else {
            System.out.println("received fault "+fault);

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Aleksander Slominski [] 
>Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 12:53 PM
>Subject: Re: Getting the SOAP reply
>Matthieu RIOU wrote:
>>If this feature is not available, I would like to know if it's in the
>>development roadmap or will never be supported. Without having the 
>>returned XML structure directly, involving no java object 
>>transaformation, WSIF will not fulfill my needs.
>hi Matthieu,
>i have a small prototype that i have put together of what next WSIF 
>version could do and that was one of features (direct access to XML 
>Infoset) that i had implemented. the modification i did is that 
>WSIFMessage can be backed up by actual XML content.
>>Actually I believe this would be pretty interesting as I can't see how
>>a really dynamic invocation can occur when a full knowledge of the 
>>returned structure is necessary.
>agreed. however there is an interesting solution possible if WSIF can do
>lazy deserialization depending on availability of deserializer or 
>generated java classes (such as by Apache XmlBeans).

The best way to predict the future is to invent it - Alan Kay