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Posted to by on 2008/06/04 02:48:20 UTC

svn commit: r662948 [23/31] - in /incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0: ./ autom4te.cache/ include/ intl/ po/ src/ src/.deps/ src/ffmpeg/ src/pic/

Added: incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/
--- incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/ (added)
+++ incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/ Tue Jun  3 19:48:16 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,614 @@
+#include "client_communicate.h"
+#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "callbacks.hh"
+#include "interface.hh"
+#include "errormessage.h"
+//#include "en_de_screen.h"
+#include "en_de_video.h"
+#include "en_de_audio.h"
+#include "en_de_screen.h"
+#include <gdk/gdkx.h>
+extern  GtkWidget *chatview;
+extern GtkWidget *chat_show;
+ //extern  GtkObject *adj1,*adj2;
+extern GtkWidget *clist1;
+extern DWORD TeacherMode;
+extern DWORD  chatMode;
+extern  DWORD Focus_student;
+extern client_ts_communicate client_comm;
+extern int loadflag;
+extern int addclassflag;
+extern  GtkWidget *chatview;
+extern  GtkWidget *stu_clist;
+extern  GtkWidget *class1;
+extern GtkWidget *addclass;//加入课堂菜单项
+extern GtkWidget *exitclass;//退出课堂菜单项
+extern GtkWidget *addclasstool; // 加入课堂工具条
+extern GtkWidget *exitclasstool;//退出课堂工具条
+extern GtkWidget *exchangetool;
+extern GtkWidget *cancelextool;
+//MCU connect with TServer
+extern GtkWidget *chat_show;
+extern GtkWidget *screenimage;
+extern GtkWidget *teachimage;  
+extern GtkWidget *sendchatbut;
+extern  GtkWidget *chatentry;
+extern GtkWidget *requestchange; //申请焦点菜单项
+extern  GtkWidget *cancelchange;
+//int y_position_adj1,height;
+//int y_position_adj2;
+extern CScreenReceiver g_teacher_screenreceiver;
+extern CVideoReceiver g_teacher_videoreceiver;
+extern CAudioReceiver g_teacher_audioreceiver;
+extern CV4LStuVideoSender g_student_videosender;
+extern CStuAudioSender g_student_audiosender;
+extern CVideoReceiver g_student_videoreceiver;
+extern CAudioReceiver g_student_audioreceiver;
+extern struct  TRCClientLogin stulogin; //学生登录的初始信息
+extern  GtkTextBuffer *chat_buffer;      //针对chatMode的textview进行操作
+extern  GtkTextIter chat_end;                 
+extern  GtkTextIter chat_start;  
+extern  GtkTextBuffer *TeachChat_buffer;      //针对chatMode的textview进行操作
+extern  GtkTextIter TeachChat_end;                 
+extern  GtkTextIter TeachChat_start;  
+ extern GtkWidget *networktool;
+ extern GtkWidget *networkconfig;
+extern GtkWidget *loadsys;//登录系统的菜单
+extern GtkWidget *loadtool; // 加入系统工具条
+  char *studentInfo[3];
+ int   clientcount;
+extern  int error_info_no;     
+	// may do something about MCU_Group
+	textview_mutex.Init();
+int client_ts_communicate::close_socket(int nHow)
+	if(client_socket.ShutDown(nHow)==false)
+	{
+		perror("close socket error!");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+int client_ts_communicate::establish_connect(LPCTSTR ts_IP,UINT ts_Port,UINT nSocketPort)  //在MCU上建立socket线程
+	if( client_socket.Create(nSocketPort)!=true)
+	{
+		printf("Create socket failed!/n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if( client_socket.Connect(ts_IP,ts_Port)!=true)
+	{
+		perror("connet error!");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	client_socket_thread.Attach(&client_socket);
+	if( client_socket_thread.Init()!=true)
+	{
+		printf("Fail to initilize thread!/n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	client_socket_thread.Start();
+	return 0;
+	//CAsyncSocketEx.connect(/**/);
+int client_ts_communicate::send_mes(CRCLMSG mes,int mes_length) //向课堂服务中心发送消息
+    //CAsyncSocketEx.send(/**/);
+	if( client_socket.Send(&mes,mes_length)==-1 )
+	{
+//		perror("Send failed!");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+int client_ts_communicate::recevie_msg(char *buf,int buf_length )   //接收课堂服务中心消息并处理
+	CRCLMSG * receive_str;
+	receive_str=(CRCLMSG *) buf;	
+	printf("message ID is %d\n",receive_str->rclType);
+	switch(receive_str->rclType)
+	{  		
+	  case 5021: //登录消息的返回信息				
+		   	TRCClientLoginR  *loginReceive;       //学生登录的消息格式	       
+		   loginReceive=(TRCClientLoginR *)receive_str->msg;
+           if(loginReceive->ResponseType==0)   //登录成功
+		   {    
+			 	loadflag=1;
+           		 Rec_ClientID=loginReceive->ClientID;
+	          	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (networktool, FALSE); //登录菜单状态	
+		       	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (networkconfig, FALSE); //登录菜单状态                
+             	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (loadsys, FALSE); //登录菜单状态	
+		       	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (loadtool, FALSE); //登录菜单状态
+				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (addclass,TRUE); //加入课堂的菜单项
+				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (addclasstool,TRUE); //加入课堂的菜单项
+           }	
+		   if(loginReceive->ResponseType==2)   //该用户名已在线
+				error_info_no=1;
+		   if(loginReceive->ResponseType==4)  //登陆错误,网络出现故障
+		   		 error_info_no=2;   
+		   if(loginReceive->ResponseType==6)  //听课端人数已满
+		   		 error_info_no=3;   		   
+	  break;
+	  case 10051:   //响应客户端请求获取当前组信息消息		  
+			int index;
+			static  char *classInfo[5];
+			static   char tmp[10];			   
+  		    GetGroupInfoR=(TRCClientGetGroupInfoR *)receive_str->msg;
+        	if(GetGroupInfoR->ResponseType==0)
+			 {
+					gtk_clist_clear(GTK_CLIST(clist1));   //清除所有的课堂列表
+             		chatMode=GetGroupInfoR-> groupchatMode;
+				    if(chatMode==0)
+					{
+						gtk_widget_set_sensitive (sendchatbut, FALSE); //课堂菜单初始为无效状态
+						gtk_widget_set_sensitive (chatentry, FALSE); //课堂菜单初始为无效状态
+					}					
+					for(index=0;index<GetGroupInfoR->GroupCount;index++)
+					 {
+							sprintf(tmp, "%d",GetGroupInfoR->GroupList[index].GroupID );				 
+							classInfo[0]=tmp;
+							classInfo[3]="";
+						  	classInfo[4]="";
+							classInfo[1]=GetGroupInfoR->GroupList[index].GroupName;
+						  	classInfo[2]=GetGroupInfoR->GroupList[index].TeacherName;
+						 	gtk_clist_freeze (GTK_CLIST(clist1)); 
+			              	gtk_clist_append(GTK_CLIST(clist1), classInfo);  //添加课堂信息
+		    			  	gtk_clist_thaw (GTK_CLIST(clist1));
+				 }
+		  }
+         if(GetGroupInfoR->ResponseType==60)		//客户获得课堂列表失败	 
+	    	{
+				   error_info_no=4;
+			}
+	 break;
+	 case  10021:     //响应学生端加入组信息	
+ 		 CRCLClientJoinInGroupR  *JoinInGroupR ;
+		 JoinInGroupR=(CRCLClientJoinInGroupR *)receive_str->msg;
+		 printf("MCU's IP is %s\n",JoinInGroupR->MCUIP);
+		 if(JoinInGroupR->ResponseType==0)
+		{
+				addclassflag=1;   //加入组成功
+				TeacherMode=JoinInGroupR->RoomMode;
+				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (exitclass,TRUE); //退出课堂的菜单项
+				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (exitclasstool,TRUE); //退出课堂的工具条
+				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (addclass,FALSE); //加入课堂的菜单项设为假
+				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (addclasstool,FALSE); //加入课堂的工具条
+				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (exchangetool,TRUE); //exchange_op的工具条
+				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (cancelextool,TRUE); //exchange_op的工具条
+				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (cancelchange,TRUE); //exchange_op的菜单项
+				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (requestchange,TRUE); //exchange_op的菜单项			
+				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (loadsys,FALSE); //loadsys的菜单项
+				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (loadtool,FALSE); //loadtool的工具条				
+				client_mcu_info.GroupID=JoinInGroupR->GroupID;
+				strcpy(client_mcu_info.MCUIP,JoinInGroupR->MCUIP);
+				strcpy(client_mcu_info.SeMCUIP,JoinInGroupR->SeMCUIP);
+				client_mcu_info.TAPort=JoinInGroupR->TAPort;
+				client_mcu_info.TVPort=JoinInGroupR->TVPort;
+				client_mcu_info.TSPort=JoinInGroupR->TSPort;
+				client_mcu_info.CAPort=JoinInGroupR->CAPort;
+				client_mcu_info.CVPort=JoinInGroupR->CVPort;
+				client_mcu_info.RoomMode=JoinInGroupR->RoomMode;
+		    	g_student_audioreceiver.Init();
+			   	g_student_audioreceiver.Start(stulogin.SeMCU_SAPort);
+				if(TeacherMode==1)
+				{
+					g_teacher_screenreceiver.Init();            	
+			    	g_teacher_screenreceiver.CreateXImage(GDK_WINDOW_XID(teachimage->window), 240, 76, 	782, 580);				     						
+					g_teacher_screenreceiver.Start(stulogin.SeMCU_TSPort);
+		    	}
+				g_teacher_videoreceiver.Init();  
+				g_teacher_videoreceiver.CreateXImage(GDK_WINDOW_XID(teachimage->window), 	2, 76, 320-90, 240-43);				
+				g_teacher_videoreceiver.Start(stulogin.SeMCU_TVPort); 
+				g_teacher_audioreceiver.Init();
+				g_teacher_audioreceiver.Start(stulogin.SeMCU_TAPort);
+			 }
+	  	  	else if(JoinInGroupR->ResponseType==20)		//学生加入组失败	   
+                  error_info_no=5; 		
+	  	  	else if(JoinInGroupR->ResponseType==22)		//组内人数已满	   
+                  error_info_no=6; 	
+    	break;
+		case 10031:       //响应学生端离开组消息
+			TRCClientLeaveGroupR  *LeaveGroupR;
+		    LeaveGroupR=(TRCClientLeaveGroupR *)receive_str->msg;
+		    if(LeaveGroupR->ResponseType==0)
+			{
+				addclassflag=0; 
+				g_teacher_screenreceiver.Stop();
+				g_teacher_screenreceiver.CloseXImage();
+		    	g_teacher_videoreceiver.Stop();
+				g_teacher_videoreceiver.CloseXImage();
+			    g_teacher_audioreceiver.Stop();
+		       g_student_videosender.Stop();
+		       g_student_videosender.CloseXImage();
+	    	   g_student_audiosender.Pause();
+			   g_student_videoreceiver.Stop();
+			   g_student_videoreceiver.CloseXImage();
+			  gtk_widget_set_sensitive (addclass,TRUE); //加入课堂的菜单项
+			 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (addclasstool,TRUE); //加入课堂的工具条
+			 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (exitclass,FALSE); //退出课堂的菜单项
+			 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (exitclasstool,FALSE); //退出课堂的工具条
+			 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (cancelchange,FALSE); //exchange_op的菜单项
+			 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (exchangetool,FALSE); //exchange_op的工具条
+			 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (requestchange,FALSE); //exchange_op的菜单项
+			 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (cancelextool,FALSE); //exchange_op的工具条				
+			}
+			else if(LeaveGroupR->ResponseType==21)		//学生离开组失败		
+			        error_info_no=7;		
+	    break;
+		case 1011:         //响应焦点学生的申请
+			 TCRCLClientApplyFocusR  *ApplyFocusR; 
+		     ApplyFocusR=(TCRCLClientApplyFocusR *)receive_str->msg;
+		    if(GetGroupInfoR->ResponseType==40)   //已有焦点
+					error_info_no=8;		
+			else if(GetGroupInfoR->ResponseType==41)  //申请焦点失败,未知
+					error_info_no=9;		
+	    break;
+		case 1021:       //响应学生端主动撤销焦点操作			
+				TCRCLClientDestroyFocusR *DestroyFocusR;
+		    	DestroyFocusR=(TCRCLClientDestroyFocusR *)receive_str->msg;
+		    	if(DestroyFocusR->ResponseType==0)
+				{		   
+    					Focus_student=0;
+						printf("The student destroy focus\n");
+				}			
+		    	else if(DestroyFocusR->ResponseType==42)  //撤销焦点失败
+				{		   
+    					error_info_no=10;		
+				}			
+		break;
+        case 1052: //学生端响应成为焦点学生			
+				TCRCLTeacherAllowClientFocusRToMS  *AllowClientFocusR;
+				 AllowClientFocusR=(TCRCLTeacherAllowClientFocusRToMS *)receive_str->msg;
+				{	  
+						Focus_student=1;
+						unsigned long intIP2 = inet_addr(client_mcu_info.MCUIP);
+            			intIP2 = ntohl(intIP2);            //put in host byte order
+ 						RTPIPv4Address rtpAddr1(intIP2, client_mcu_info.CAPort);
+						RTPIPv4Address rtpAddr2(intIP2, client_mcu_info.CVPort);
+						//init video sender.
+						g_student_audioreceiver.Stop();
+	                    if(!g_student_videosender.IsInitialized()){
+							g_student_videosender.Init(6102);
+						}	
+               	 		g_student_videosender.SetMode(CV4LStuVideoSender::ModeTransmit);
+				 		printf("\n g_student_videosender.AddDestination(rtpAddr2):problem!!!!!!!!!!!\n");
+				 		g_student_videosender.ClearDestinations();
+	           	 		g_student_videosender.AddDestination(rtpAddr2);
+            			g_student_videosender.Start();
+	         			//init audio sender.
+    	      	 		g_student_audiosender.Init(6004);
+        			    g_student_audiosender.ClearDestinations();
+        	 	 	    g_student_audiosender.AddDestination(rtpAddr1);
+         		        g_student_audiosender.Start();
+					    g_student_audiosender.Resume();
+			 }			
+		break;
+		case 1062:     //学生端收到授课端取消焦点事件				
+		        TCRCLTeacherCancelClientFocusRToMS *TeacherCancelClientR;
+				TeacherCancelClientR=(TCRCLTeacherCancelClientFocusRToMS *)receive_str->msg;
+		    	Focus_student=0;
+ 				printf("cancel image OKKKKKKKKKKK\n");
+				g_student_audioreceiver.Init();
+				g_student_audioreceiver.Start(stulogin.SeMCU_SAPort);
+				g_student_videosender.Stop();	
+				g_student_videosender.CloseXImage();
+				g_student_audiosender.Pause();
+				g_student_videoreceiver.Stop();
+				g_student_videoreceiver.CloseXImage();				
+		break;
+	    case 1031:    //响应文本交互中其他客户的信息
+			char  Text[1024];   //暂存文本消息
+			TCRCLClientTextBroadcastR *TextBroadcastR;
+		    TextBroadcastR=(TCRCLClientTextBroadcastR *)receive_str->msg;
+            strcpy(Text,TextBroadcastR->ClientName);
+		    strcat(Text,":");
+		    strcat(Text,TextBroadcastR->Info);
+		    strcat(Text,"\n");
+			get_text_from_msg(Text);
+			flush_scrollar();
+		/*	if(TeacherMode==1)
+			{				
+  					gtk_text_view_get_line_yrange(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(chatview),&TeachChat_end,&y_position_adj1,&height);
+					gtk_adjustment_set_value (GTK_ADJUSTMENT (adj1), y_position_adj1);
+					gtk_text_buffer_insert(TeachChat_buffer,&TeachChat_end,Text,-1);				
+		  	}
+			else if(TeacherMode==0)
+			{
+					gtk_text_view_get_line_yrange(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(chat_show),&chat_end,&y_position_adj2,&height);
+					gtk_adjustment_set_value (GTK_ADJUSTMENT (adj2), y_position_adj2);
+					gtk_text_buffer_insert(chat_buffer,&chat_end,Text,-1);
+			}
+				*/			    
+		break;
+		/*case 1041:   //得到学生列表
+ 				//static  char *studentInfo[3];
+	     static  char avmode[500];
+				static  char no_avmode[60];		
+				TCRCLClientGetClientInfoR  *GetClientInfoR;
+				GetClientInfoR=(TCRCLClientGetClientInfoR *)receive_str->msg;
+				strcpy(avmode,"True");
+				strcpy(no_avmode,"False");
+				if(GetClientInfoR->ResponseType==0)
+		   		{   
+          printf("I get client %d\n",GetClientInfoR->ClientCount);
+						// gtk_clist_clear(GTK_CLIST(stu_clist));   //清除所有的学生列表
+			   			//sleep(1);
+						for(index=0;index<GetClientInfoR->ClientCount;index++)
+						{
+			     				printf("get STUID %d\n",GetClientInfoR->ClientList[index].ClientID);
+			        printf(" student name is %s ,AVMOde  is %d\n",GetClientInfoR->ClientList[index].ClientN,GetClientInfoR->ClientList[index].AVMode);
+				 				sprintf(tmp, "%d",GetClientInfoR->ClientList[index].ClientID);				 
+				    			studentInfo[0]=tmp;
+				 				// printf("student Info ID is %s",studentInfo[10][0]);
+				    			studentInfo[1]=GetClientInfoR->ClientList[index].ClientN;
+				    			if(GetClientInfoR->ClientList[index].AVMode==0)				   						  
+										  studentInfo[2]=avmode;
+								else if(GetClientInfoR->ClientList[index].AVMode==1)
+					   						studentInfo[2]=no_avmode;
+				           // append_list();
+				 				gtk_clist_freeze (GTK_CLIST(stu_clist)); 
+			     				gtk_clist_append(GTK_CLIST(stu_clist), studentInfo);  //添加在线学生信息
+				  				gtk_clist_thaw (GTK_CLIST(stu_clist));
+	 	      			  }
+		 		 }
+		 break;  
+		  */
+		case 1081: //模式切换
+				TCRCLTeacherSwitchModeR *TeacherSwitchMode;
+		 		TeacherSwitchMode=(TCRCLTeacherSwitchModeR *)receive_str->msg;					
+				if(TeacherSwitchMode->ModeType==0)
+				 {
+						 	//printf("The mode don't send screen\n");
+			 				g_teacher_screenreceiver.Stop();
+							g_teacher_screenreceiver.CloseXImage();
+							TeacherMode=0;
+							chatMode=1;
+							gtk_widget_set_sensitive (sendchatbut, TRUE); //课堂菜单初始为无效状态
+			 				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (chatentry, TRUE); //课堂菜单初始为无效状态
+				}				
+			 if(TeacherSwitchMode->ModeType==1)
+			   {
+						TeacherMode=1;
+						chatMode=1;
+						gtk_widget_set_sensitive (sendchatbut, TRUE); //课堂菜单初始为无效状态
+						gtk_widget_set_sensitive (chatentry, TRUE); //课堂菜单初始为无效状态
+						g_teacher_screenreceiver.Init();
+						g_teacher_screenreceiver.CreateXImage(GDK_WINDOW_XID(teachimage->window), 240, 76, 	782, 580);
+						g_teacher_screenreceiver.Start(stulogin.SeMCU_TSPort);
+		 	  }
+		break;
+		case 10012:    //取消交互模式
+				TRCDestoryGroupRToClient *DestoryGroupRToClient;
+    			 DestoryGroupRToClient=(TRCDestoryGroupRToClient *)receive_str->msg;
+		   		 addclassflag=0; 
+				g_teacher_screenreceiver.Stop();
+				g_teacher_screenreceiver.CloseXImage();
+				g_teacher_videoreceiver.Stop();
+				g_teacher_videoreceiver.CloseXImage();
+				g_teacher_audioreceiver.Stop();		
+				g_student_videosender.Stop();
+				g_student_videosender.CloseXImage();
+				g_student_audiosender.Pause();
+				g_student_videoreceiver.Stop();
+				g_student_videoreceiver.CloseXImage();
+				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (addclass,TRUE); //加入课堂的菜单项设为假
+				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (addclasstool,TRUE); //加入课堂的工具条
+				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (exitclass,FALSE); //退出课堂的菜单项
+				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (exitclasstool,FALSE); //退出课堂的工具条
+				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (cancelchange,FALSE); //exchange_op的工具条
+				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (exchangetool,FALSE); //exchangetool的工具条
+				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (requestchange,FALSE); //requestchange的菜单项
+				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (cancelextool,FALSE); //cancelextool的工具条
+		break;
+		case 1092:  //教师端同意聊天模式
+			   TCRCLTeacherAgreeChat *TeacherAgreeChat;
+               TeacherAgreeChat=(TCRCLTeacherAgreeChat *)receive_str->msg;
+		       if( TeacherAgreeChat->Agreechat==0)
+				{
+						chatMode=0;
+						gtk_widget_set_sensitive (sendchatbut, FALSE); //课堂菜单初始为无效状态
+			   			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (chatentry, FALSE); //课堂菜单初始为无效状态
+				}
+	           else if(TeacherAgreeChat->Agreechat==1)
+			   {
+						chatMode=1;
+						gtk_widget_set_sensitive (sendchatbut, TRUE); //课堂菜单初始为无效状态
+			 			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (chatentry, TRUE); //课堂菜单初始为无效状态
+				}
+        break;			
+		/*case 10022:
+					TRCClientJionInGroupRToAll *NewClient;
+					char *Newstudent[3];
+					NewClient=(TRCClientJionInGroupRToAll *)receive_str->msg;
+		     printf("get STUID %d\n",NewClient->ClientInfo.ClientID);
+			  		printf(" student name is %s ,AVMOde  is %d\n",NewClient->ClientInfo.ClientN,NewClient->ClientInfo.AVMode);
+				 	sprintf(tmp, "%d",NewClient->ClientInfo.ClientID);				 
+					Newstudent[0]=tmp;
+					printf("student Info ID is %s",Newstudent[0]);
+					Newstudent[1]=NewClient->ClientInfo.ClientN;
+					if(NewClient->ClientInfo.AVMode==0)
+								Newstudent[2]=avmode;
+					else if(NewClient->ClientInfo.AVMode==1)
+							 Newstudent[2]=no_avmode;
+			   gtk_clist_append(GTK_CLIST(stu_clist), studentInfo[index]);  //添加在线学生信息
+		break;*/
+		case 1001:  //得到教师端发送来的消息
+		     		char TeachMessage[1024];
+					TCRCLTeacherTextBroadcastR *TeacherTextR;					
+		    		TeacherTextR=(TCRCLTeacherTextBroadcastR *)receive_str->msg;
+		    		strcpy(TeachMessage,"Teacher:");	
+					// strcat(TeachMessage,TeacherTextR->TeacherN);
+		   		    strcat(TeachMessage,TeacherTextR->Info);
+		    		strcat(TeachMessage,"\n");
+		    		printf("Teacher message is %s\n",TeachMessage);
+					get_text_from_msg(TeachMessage);
+					flush_scrollar();
+			/*		textview_mutex.Lock();
+		    		if(TeacherMode==1)
+					{				
+						//	gtk_adjustment_set_value (GTK_ADJUSTMENT (adj1), y_position);
+							gtk_text_buffer_insert(TeachChat_buffer,&TeachChat_end,TeachMessage,-1);
+							gtk_text_view_get_line_yrange(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(chatview),&TeachChat_end,&y_position_adj1,&height);						
+						//	error_info_no=20; 						
+		  			}
+						else if(TeacherMode==0)
+			 			{
+						//	gtk_adjustment_set_value (GTK_ADJUSTMENT (adj2), y_position);
+							gtk_text_buffer_insert(chat_buffer,&chat_end,TeachMessage,-1);
+							gtk_text_view_get_line_yrange(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(chat_show),&chat_end,&y_position_adj2,&height);
+							//error_info_no=21; 
+						}
+					textview_mutex.Unlock();		
+		break;
+		default: 
+		break;
+	}
+	return 0;
+void  client_ts_communicate::get_text_from_msg(char *Message)
+					textview_mutex.Lock();
+		    		if(TeacherMode==1)
+					{				
+  							gtk_text_buffer_insert(TeachChat_buffer,&TeachChat_end,Message,-1);
+		  			}
+						else if(TeacherMode==0)
+			 			{		
+							gtk_text_buffer_insert(chat_buffer,&chat_end,Message,-1);
+							}
+			textview_mutex.Unlock();
+void client_ts_communicate::flush_scrollar()
+					textview_mutex.Lock();
+		    		if(TeacherMode==1)
+					{	
+  							//gtk_text_view_get_line_yrange(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(chatview),&TeachChat_end,&y_position_adj1,&height);						
+					   		error_info_no=20; 						
+		  			}
+						else if(TeacherMode==0)
+			 			{
+							//gtk_text_view_get_line_yrange(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(chat_show),&chat_end,&y_position_adj2,&height);
+							error_info_no=21; 
+						}
+					textview_mutex.Unlock();

Propchange: incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/
    svn:executable = *

Added: incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/client_communicate.h
--- incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/client_communicate.h (added)
+++ incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/client_communicate.h Tue Jun  3 19:48:16 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "clientsocket.h"
+#include "singlecomm.h"
+#include "ncclient.hh"
+////////////////////////// MCU Class////////////////////////////////////
+class client_ts_communicate
+    public:
+		client_ts_communicate();
+		~client_ts_communicate();
+	   	int establish_connect(LPCTSTR,UINT,UINT nSocketPort=0);
+	    int send_mes(struct CRCLMSG,int mes_length);
+		int recevie_msg(char *buf,int buf_length);
+		void  get_text_from_msg(char *Message);
+		void flush_scrollar();
+		int close_socket(int nHow);
+		DWORD Rec_ClientID;   //学生ID号
+		TRCClientGetGroupInfoR  *GetGroupInfoR; //接收教师课堂消息
+		struct CRCLClientJoinInGroupR client_mcu_info;
+	private:
+		CClientSocket client_socket;
+		CSingleComm client_socket_thread;
+		JMutex textview_mutex;

Propchange: incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/client_communicate.h
    svn:executable = *

Added: incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/clientsocket.cpp
--- incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/clientsocket.cpp (added)
+++ incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/clientsocket.cpp Tue Jun  3 19:48:16 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+// ClientSocket.cpp: implementation of the CClientSocket class.
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "clientsocket.h"
+#include "client_communicate.h"
+// Construction/Destruction
+extern client_ts_communicate client_comm;
+void CClientSocket::OnEvent()
+	//char buffer[100];
+	unsigned long len;
+	if(m_lEvent == 0)			//no any event.
+		return;
+	IOCtl(FIONREAD, &len);
+	if(len==0){					//disconnect.
+		Close();
+		printf("\nA client disconnected.");
+		return ;
+	}
+	//read incoming data.
+	/*memset(buffer, 0, 100);
+	Receive(buffer, 99);
+	printf("\n%s", buffer);*/
+	char buffer[10008]={'\0'};
+	int receive_length=0;
+	memset(buffer, '\0', 10008);
+	if( (receive_length=Receive(buffer,10008) )==-1 )
+	{
+		perror("Receive failed!");
+		return ;
+	}
+	CRCLMSG* pM = (CRCLMSG*)buffer;
+    printf("message lenth is %d\n",pM->msglen);
+    int index = receive_length;
+    int to_receive_length = pM->msglen +8 - receive_length;
+    while(to_receive_length > 0)
+    {
+        receive_length = Receive(buffer+index,to_receive_length);
+        printf("recv a message lenth is %d\n",receive_length);
+        index += receive_length;
+        to_receive_length -= receive_length;
+    }
+	client_comm.recevie_msg(buffer,receive_length);  //解析接收的数据
+	return ;

Propchange: incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/clientsocket.cpp
    svn:executable = *

Added: incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/clientsocket.h
--- incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/clientsocket.h (added)
+++ incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/clientsocket.h Tue Jun  3 19:48:16 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// ClientSocket.h: interface for the CClientSocket class.
+#if !defined(CLIENTSOCKET_H)
+#include "asyncsocketex.h"
+class CClientSocket : public CAsyncSocketEx  
+	CClientSocket();
+	virtual ~CClientSocket();
+	virtual void OnEvent();
+#endif // !defined(CLIENTSOCKET_H)

Propchange: incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/clientsocket.h
    svn:executable = *

Added: incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/en_de_audio.cpp
--- incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/en_de_audio.cpp (added)
+++ incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/en_de_audio.cpp Tue Jun  3 19:48:16 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,1660 @@
+#include "en_de_audio.h"
+extern void PErrorText(const char* error);
+// For CAEncoder class.
+// Construction/Destruction
+//	for test encode.	
+//static FILE* pFile = 0;
+CAEncoder::CAEncoder() : m_soundcard("/dev/dsp")
+    m_pCodec  = 0;
+	m_pCodecCtx  = 0;
+	m_bInit = false;
+	m_audio_buf=0;
+	m_fifo=0;
+	m_data = 0;
+	m_datasize =0;
+// 	m_hAudioDev = -1;
+	/*CAEncoder can't close audio device in ~CAEncoder(), 
+	and close audio device in main()*/
+	m_bInit = false;
+	CloseAudio();
+	if(m_data){
+		free(m_data);
+		m_data = 0;
+		m_datasize = 0;
+	}
+	if(m_pCodecCtx){
+		avcodec_close(m_pCodecCtx);
+		m_pCodecCtx = 0;
+	}
+	if (m_audio_buf)
+        free(m_audio_buf);
+	if(m_fifo){		
+		fifo_free(m_fifo);
+		free(m_fifo);
+	}
+void CAEncoder::CloseAudio()
+bool CAEncoder::OpenAudio()
+	if(m_soundcard.start_record()<0){
+		printf("\nopen audio error.\n");	
+		return false;
+	}
+	sp.format=2;
+	sp.rate=AUDIO_ENCODE_sample_rate;
+//	sp.blocksize=640;
+//	sp.latency=46;
+	m_soundcard.setparams(&sp);
+	printf("\nopen audio success.\n");	
+	return true;
+#define MAX_AUDIO_PACKET_SIZE (128 * 1024)
+bool CAEncoder::Init(enum CodecID nCodecID /*=CODEC_ID_MPEG4*/)
+	m_bInit = false;
+	/*Init for encode*/
+	avienc_init ();
+    av_register_all ();
+	if(!OpenAudio())
+		return false;
+	/* find the mpeg4 video encoder */
+	m_pCodec = avcodec_find_encoder(nCodecID);
+	if (!m_pCodec) {
+		PErrorText("codec not found");
+		return false;
+	}
+	if(m_pCodecCtx){
+		avcodec_close(m_pCodecCtx);
+		m_pCodecCtx = 0;
+	}
+	m_pCodecCtx = avcodec_alloc_context();
+	/* put sample parameters */
+       m_pCodecCtx->codec_id = nCodecID;
+       m_pCodecCtx->codec_type = CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO;
+       m_pCodecCtx->bit_rate = AUDIO_ENCODE_bit_rate;
+       m_pCodecCtx->sample_rate =AUDIO_ENCODE_sample_rate;
+       m_pCodecCtx->channels =STATIC_AUDIO_CHANNEL;
+	/* open it */
+	if (avcodec_open(m_pCodecCtx, m_pCodec) < 0) {
+		PErrorText("could not open codec");
+		return false;
+	}
+	if (0==m_audio_buf)
+        m_audio_buf = (uint8_t*)av_malloc(2*MAX_AUDIO_PACKET_SIZE);
+	if(m_fifo == 0){
+		m_fifo = (FifoBuffer*)malloc(sizeof(FifoBuffer));
+		fifo_init(m_fifo,10000);
+		/*m_fifo->buffer = (uint8_t*)malloc(4096);
+		m_fifo->rptr = (uint8_t*)malloc(4096);
+		m_fifo->wptr = (uint8_t*)malloc(4096);
+		m_fifo->end = (uint8_t*)malloc(4096);*/
+	}
+	m_bInit = true;
+	return true;
+/*void SaveToFile(uint8_t* data, int len)
+	static FILE* f=NULL;
+//	f = (FILE*)0;
+	if(f==NULL){
+		f = fopen("daneaudio_A.mp3", "wb+");
+		if(f==NULL)
+		exit(100);
+	}
+	if(f){
+		fwrite(data, len, 1, f);
+	}
+	else{
+		exit(100);
+	}
+int CAEncoder::EncodeProcess(uint8_t* data, uint8_t *pOutBuf[2], int nOutsize)
+//	int ret;
+	int size_out = nOutsize;
+	int loop_times=0;
+	if(!m_bInit)
+		return -1;
+    /* now encode as many frames as possible */
+    if (m_pCodecCtx->frame_size > 1) {
+      	//printf("nOutsize is %d\n",nOutsize);
+		//printf("fifo ptr is %d\n",m_fifo->wptr - m_fifo->rptr);
+		//printf("fifo mini is %d\n",m_fifo->end - m_fifo->wptr);
+        fifo_write(m_fifo, data, nOutsize, 
+                   &m_fifo->wptr);
+		//printf("after fifo mini is %d\n",m_fifo->end - m_fifo->wptr);
+		//printf("after size is %d\n",m_fifo->wptr - m_fifo->rptr);
+        int frame_bytes = m_pCodecCtx->frame_size *2 * m_pCodecCtx->channels;
+		//int frame_bytes = fifo_size(m_fifo,m_fifo->rptr);
+		//printf("frame_bytes is %d\n",frame_bytes);      
+		while (fifo_read(m_fifo, m_audio_buf, frame_bytes, 
+                     &m_fifo->rptr) == 0) {
+            m_encode_length[loop_times] = avcodec_encode_audio(m_pCodecCtx, pOutBuf[loop_times], 4*MAX_AUDIO_PACKET_SIZE, 
+                                       (short *)m_audio_buf);
+			++loop_times;
+			//printf("(%d)fifo: audio_out_size\n", loop_times);	
+			//SaveToFile(pOutBuf[loop_times-1], ret);
+			if(loop_times>=2)
+				break;
+            //av_write_frame(s, ost->index, audio_out, ret);
+       		}
+    	} 
+		else {
+			/* output a pcm frame */
+			/* XXX: change encoding codec API to avoid this ? */
+			switch(m_pCodecCtx->codec->id) {
+				case CODEC_ID_PCM_S16LE:
+				case CODEC_ID_PCM_S16BE:
+				case CODEC_ID_PCM_U16LE:
+				case CODEC_ID_PCM_U16BE:
+					break;
+				default:
+					size_out = size_out >> 1;
+					break;
+        	}
+        	m_encode_length[0] = avcodec_encode_audio(m_pCodecCtx, pOutBuf[0], size_out, 
+				   (short *)data);
+			loop_times=1;
+			printf("now encode here!\n");
+			//SaveToFile(	audio_out, ret);		 
+    	}
+	return loop_times;
+	//memcpy(data, pOutBuf, nOutsize);
+	//return nOutsize;
+    //ret = avcodec_encode_audio (m_pCodecCtx, 
+	//								pOutBuf, 
+	//								nOutsize,				//must be the same to read() in CAEncoder::Capture().
+    // 								(short *)data);
+	//	printf("\naudio encode %d bytes\n", ret);
+	//	if(ret>0)
+	//	SaveToFile(pOutBuf, ret);
+	//return ret;
+int CAEncoder::Capture(uint8_t** pOutBuf, int &size)
+	int ret;
+	static uint8_t buf[10000];
+	if(!m_bInit)
+		return -1;
+	ret = read(m_hAudioDev, buf, 1280);			//must be the same to encodeprocess.
+	if(ret>0){
+		*pOutBuf = buf;
+		size = ret;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	m_soundcard.sounddata(buf, ret);
+//	printf("\naudio capture %d bytes\n", ret);
+	if(ret>0){
+		*pOutBuf = buf;
+		size = ret;
+//		SaveToFile(*pOutBuf, ret);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	return -1;
+// For CADecoder class.
+// Construction/Destruction
+//	static int siSeq = 0;	
+    m_pCodec  = 0;
+	m_pCodecCtx = 0;
+//	m_pOutFrame = 0;
+	m_pSDLBuf = 0;
+//	m_pFrameBuf = 0;
+	m_bInit = false;
+	/*m_stream = 0;
+	if(g_arts_count<=0){
+		if(g_arts_count<0)
+		    g_arts_count = 0;
+		if(arts_init()==0){
+			g_arts_count++;
+		}
+	}
+	siSeq++;
+	sprintf(m_pName,"RC_%d",siSeq);*/
+	/*CADecoder can't close audio device in ~CADecoder(), 
+	and close audio device in main()*/
+//	m_hAudioDev = 0;
+	m_bInit = false;
+	//CloseAudio();
+	if(m_pSDLBuf){
+		free(m_pSDLBuf);
+		m_pSDLBuf = 0;
+	}
+	if(m_pCodecCtx){
+		avcodec_close(m_pCodecCtx);
+		m_pCodecCtx = 0;
+	}
+	/*g_arts_count--;
+	if(g_arts_count<=0){
+		arts_free();
+	}*/
+/*void CADecoder::CloseAudio()
+	if(m_stream>0){
+		arts_close_stream(m_stream);
+	}
+	m_stream = 0;	
+//#define ARTS_PACKETS 10 /* Number of audio packets */
+//#define ARTS_PACKET_SIZE_LOG2 11 /* Log2 of audio packet size */
+/*bool CADecoder::OpenAudio()
+/*	int errorcode;
+	errorcode = arts_init();
+	if(errorcode != 0){
+		PErrorText("\nOpenAudio: arts_init Error.\n");	
+		return false;
+	}
+* /	
+	m_stream = arts_play_stream(AUDIO_DECODE_sample_rate, 16, 1, m_pName);
+	arts_stream_set(m_stream,ARTS_P_BLOCKING,0);
+	if(m_stream <= 0  ){
+		PErrorText("\nOpenAudio: arts_play_stream Error.\n");	
+		return false;
+	}
+	arts_stream_set(m_stream, ARTS_P_BLOCKING, 1);
+	arts_stream_set(m_stream, ARTS_P_BUFFER_TIME, 500);
+	int frag_spec = ARTS_PACKET_SIZE_LOG2 | ARTS_PACKETS << 16;
+	arts_stream_set(m_stream, ARTS_P_PACKET_SETTINGS, frag_spec);	
+	printf("\narts_play_stream ok\n");
+	return true;
+bool CADecoder::Init(enum CodecID nCodecID/* = CODEC_ID_MP3*/, int nOutBufSize /*= SDLBufSize*/)
+	m_bInit = false;
+	avcodec_init();
+    avcodec_register_all();
+	//malloc SDLBuf.
+	if(m_pSDLBuf){
+		free(m_pSDLBuf);
+		m_pSDLBuf = 0;
+	}
+	m_pSDLBuf = (uint8_t*)malloc(nOutBufSize*sizeof(uint8_t));
+	if(m_pSDLBuf == 0){
+		PErrorText("OutBuf malloc failed!");
+		return false;
+	}
+	// find the video decoder
+	m_pCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(nCodecID);
+	if (!m_pCodec) {
+		PErrorText("Codec not found");
+		return false;
+	}
+	if(m_pCodecCtx){
+		avcodec_close(m_pCodecCtx);
+		m_pCodecCtx = 0;
+	}
+	m_pCodecCtx = avcodec_alloc_context();
+	// frames per second
+	m_pCodecCtx->frame_rate = A_DECODE_framerate;  
+	m_pCodecCtx->frame_rate_base= A_DECODE_frame_rate_base;
+	// emit one intra frame every ten frames
+	m_pCodecCtx->gop_size = A_DECODE_gop_size; 
+//	m_pCodecCtx->max_b_frames=1;
+	m_pCodecCtx->bit_rate = AUDIO_DECODE_bit_rate;
+   	m_pCodecCtx->sample_rate = AUDIO_DECODE_sample_rate;
+   	m_pCodecCtx->channels = STATIC_AUDIO_CHANNEL;
+	m_pCodecCtx->codec_type = CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO;
+	// we dont send complete frames
+	if(m_pCodec->capabilities&CODEC_CAP_TRUNCATED)
+        m_pCodecCtx->flags|= CODEC_FLAG_TRUNCATED; 
+	// open it
+	if (avcodec_open(m_pCodecCtx, m_pCodec) < 0) {
+		PErrorText("could not open codec");
+		return false;
+	}
+	m_bInit = true;
+	return true;
+int CADecoder::DecodeProcess(uint8_t *encodeddata_a, const int encodeddatasize_a)//,char *outbuf)
+	//static 	JMutex arts_writemutex;
+	int len;
+	int encodedAudioSize;
+	int outAudioBufSize ;
+	int kkk;
+	if(!m_bInit){
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/*if(!arts_writemutex.IsInitialized()){
+		if(!arts_writemutex.Init()){
+			PErrorText("\nDecodeProcess: arts_writemutex Init error\n");
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}*/
+	encodedAudioSize = encodeddatasize_a;
+	len = 0;
+	kkk = 0;
+	while(encodedAudioSize > 0){
+		len = avcodec_decode_audio(m_pCodecCtx, (short *)m_pSDLBuf, &outAudioBufSize, 
+			encodeddata_a+kkk, encodedAudioSize);
+		//len = avcodec_decode_audio(m_pCodecCtx, (short *)outbuf, &outAudioBufSize, 
+		//	encodeddata_a+kkk, encodedAudioSize);		
+		if(len < 0){
+			PErrorText("Error While Decoding Audio");
+			return -2;
+		}
+		encodedAudioSize -= len;
+		kkk += len;
+	}
+	//short *s_chAudioBuf=new short(outAudioBufSize);
+	/*static int s_iloops=0;
+	static char s_chAudioBuf[STATIC_AUDIO_FRAMES*2*4096];
+	static int s_AudioBuflength=0;
+	memcpy(s_chAudioBuf+s_AudioBuflength,m_pSDLBuf,outAudioBufSize);
+	s_AudioBuflength+=outAudioBufSize;
+	s_iloops++;
+	if( (m_stream>0) && (s_iloops>=STATIC_AUDIO_FRAMES) && (s_AudioBuflength>0) ){
+			arts_writemutex.Lock();
+			static int64_t pre, cur,inteval;
+			pre = av_gettime();
+			//arts_write(m_stream, m_pSDLBuf, outAudioBufSize);
+			arts_write(m_stream, s_chAudioBuf, s_AudioBuflength);
+			s_iloops=0;
+			s_AudioBuflength=0;
+			cur = av_gettime();
+			inteval = (cur-pre);
+			//printf("here!\n");
+			//printf("artsd write cost %d\n",inteval);
+			std::cout<<"artsd cost time is "<<inteval<<std::endl;
+			arts_writemutex.Unlock();
+		}*/
+	return outAudioBufSize;
+//CAudioSender class.
+// Construction/Destruction
+	stop = false;
+	m_bIsRecord = false;
+	m_bInit = 0;
+	m_sendpause = false;
+	m_hFile = 0;
+#if (defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32_WCE))
+	timeinit.Dummy();
+#endif // WIN32 || _WIN32_WCE
+	//first stop thread, because  m_pOutBuf is being used by Thread();
+	Stop();
+	//close file.
+	if(m_hFile){
+		fclose(m_hFile);
+		m_hFile = 0;
+	} 
+	//free buffer.
+	if(m_pOutBuf[0]!=0)
+		free(m_pOutBuf[0]);
+	if(m_pOutBuf[1]!=0)
+		free(m_pOutBuf[1]);
+#define MAX_PACKET_SIZE 10*1024
+bool CAudioSender::Init(int nPort)
+	if(m_bInit)
+		return true;
+	//init rtpsession.
+	RTPSessionParams sessParams1;
+	sessParams1.SetOwnTimestampUnit(1.0 / 30.0); //30 video frames per second
+	sessParams1.SetUsePollThread(0); //background thread to call virtual callbacks - set by default, but just to be sure
+	sessParams1.SetMaximumPacketSize(MAX_PACKET_SIZE);
+	//setup transmission parameters
+	RTPUDPv4TransmissionParams transParams1;
+	transParams1.SetPortbase(nPort);
+	int status1 = m_fecrtpsession.Create(sessParams1, &transParams1);
+	if (status1){
+//		ReportError(status1);
+		return false; //unable to create the session
+	}	
+	//must set for fec SendFECPacket. 
+	m_fecrtpsession.SetDefaultMark(true);
+	m_fecrtpsession.SetDefaultPayloadType(1);
+	m_fecrtpsession.SetDefaultTimestampIncrement(0);
+	for(int i=0;i<=1;i++){
+		if(m_pOutBuf[i]==0){
+			m_pOutBuf[i] = (uint8_t*)malloc(CAEncoder::A_OutBufSize);
+			if(m_pOutBuf[i]==0){
+				return false;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	//Init vencoder.
+	if(!m_aencoder.Init(ENCODE_ID)){
+//	if(!m_aencoder.Init(CODEC_ID_MP2)){
+		return false;
+	}
+	m_bIsRecord = false;
+	m_bInit = true;
+	return m_bInit;
+typedef struct
+uint16_t wFormatag;//编码格式,包括WAVE_FORMAT_PCM,WAVEFORMAT_ADPCM等
+uint16_t nChannls;//声道数,单声道为1,双声道为2;
+uint32_t nSamplesPerSec;//采样频率;
+uint32_t nAvgBytesperSec;//每秒的数据量;
+uint16_t nBlockAlign;//块对齐;
+typedef struct
+WAVEFORMAT wf;//波形格式;
+uint16_t wBitsPerSample;//WAVE文件的采样大小;
+int CAudioSender::Start(char* szFile /* =0 */, bool bIsRecord /* =false */)
+	if(!m_bInit)
+		return -1;
+	if (JThread::IsRunning())
+		return 0;
+	if (!stopmutex.IsInitialized())
+	{
+		if (stopmutex.Init() < 0)
+			return -2;
+	}
+	stop = false;
+	if (!m_sendpausemutex.IsInitialized())
+	{
+		if (m_sendpausemutex.Init() < 0)
+			return -2;
+	}
+	m_sendpause = false;	
+	if (!m_recordmutex.IsInitialized())
+	{
+		if (m_recordmutex.Init() < 0)
+			return -2;
+	}
+	m_bIsRecord = bIsRecord;		
+	if(bIsRecord && szFile != 0){
+		if(m_hFile){
+			fclose(m_hFile);
+			m_hFile = 0;
+		} 
+		m_hFile = fopen(szFile, "wb");
+/*		//wav format header.
+		PCMWAVEFORMAT pcmwaveformat;
+		pcmwaveformat.wBitsPerSample = 16000;
+		fwrite("RIFF", 4, 1, m_hFile);
+		fwrite("0000", 4, 1, m_hFile);
+		fwrite("WAVE", 4, 1, m_hFile);
+		fwrite("fmt", 4, 1, m_hFile);
+		uint32_t pcmformatsize = sizeof(pcmwaveformat);
+		fwrite(&pcmformatsize, 4, 1, m_hFile);
+		//wav format header.
+		if(m_hFile==0){
+			return -3;
+		}
+		m_bIsRecord = true;
+	}
+	if (JThread::Start() < 0){
+		m_bIsRecord = false;
+		return -6;
+	}
+	return 0;
+void CAudioSender::Stop()
+	if (!IsRunning())
+		return;
+	stopmutex.Lock();
+	stop = true;
+	stopmutex.Unlock();
+	//wait for two minute;
+/*	sleep(2);
+	if (JThread::IsRunning())
+	{
+#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
+		std::cerr << "RTPPollThread: Warning! Having to kill thread!" << std::endl;
+#endif // _WIN32_WCE
+		JThread::Kill();
+	}
+	int icount=0;
+	while(1)
+	{
+		if(icount>100){
+			if(JThread::IsRunning())
+			{
+				JThread::Kill();	
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		else{
+			if(!JThread::IsRunning())
+				break;
+			icount++;
+			usleep(10000);
+		}
+	}
+	stop = false;
+	//close file.
+	if(m_hFile){
+		fclose(m_hFile);
+		m_hFile = 0;
+	} 
+	m_bIsRecord = false;
+void CAudioSender::Pause()
+	if(!m_bInit)
+		return ;
+	m_sendpausemutex.Lock();
+	m_sendpause = true;
+	m_sendpausemutex.Unlock();
+void CAudioSender::Resume()
+	if(!m_bInit)
+		return ;
+	m_sendpausemutex.Lock();
+	m_sendpause = false;
+	m_sendpausemutex.Unlock();
+void CAudioSender::Record(bool bInRecord /* =true */)
+	if(!m_bInit)
+		return ;
+	m_recordmutex.Lock();
+	m_bIsRecord = bInRecord;
+	m_recordmutex.Unlock();
+void *CAudioSender::Thread()
+	uint8_t * data;
+	int datasize;
+	int OutBufSzie;
+	int status;
+	int i=0;
+	JThread::ThreadStarted();
+	bool stopthread;
+	stopmutex.Lock();
+	stopthread = stop;
+	stopmutex.Unlock();
+	bool sendpause;
+	m_sendpausemutex.Lock();
+	sendpause = m_sendpause;
+	m_sendpausemutex.Unlock();
+	bool isrecord;
+	m_recordmutex.Lock();
+	isrecord = m_bIsRecord;
+	m_recordmutex.Unlock();	
+	int64_t pre_time, cur_time;
+	useconds_t delay=0;	
+	pre_time =  av_gettime();
+	while (!stopthread)
+	{
+		cur_time = av_gettime();
+		delay = cur_time-pre_time;
+		if(delay < 20000*STATIC_SLEEP_TIMES){
+			usleep(20000*STATIC_SLEEP_TIMES-delay);
+			//printf("sleep!\n");
+		}
+		pre_time = av_gettime();
+		//usleep(5000);  //new modify
+		if ((status = m_aencoder.Capture(&data, datasize)) < 0)
+		{
+			printf("\naudio capture failed");
+			stopthread = true;
+		}
+		else{
+//			printf("\nsatus %d", status);
+			if(datasize<=0)
+				continue;
+			OutBufSzie = datasize;
+			if ((status = m_aencoder.EncodeProcess(data, m_pOutBuf, OutBufSzie)) < 0)
+			{
+				printf("\naudio EncodeProcess failed");
+				stopthread = true;
+			}
+			else{
+				if(status>0){
+					if(!sendpause){
+						static int s_iTemp=0;
+						s_iTemp++;
+						for(i=0;i<status;i++){
+							static char temp_buf[1000];
+							int *temp_p=(int *)temp_buf;
+							//printf("now send sequen is %d\n",s_iTemp);
+							*temp_p=s_iTemp;
+							memcpy(temp_buf+sizeof(int),m_pOutBuf[i],m_aencoder.encodelength(i));
+							m_fecrtpsession.SendPacket(temp_buf, m_aencoder.encodelength(i)+sizeof(int));
+							//printf("\n<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<audion send<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<:  %d bytes encoded.", status);
+						//}  new modify
+						if(m_hFile!=0 && isrecord){
+							//printf("\n<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<audion send<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<%d \n", sizeof(m_pOutBuf[i]));							
+							fwrite(m_pOutBuf[i], m_aencoder.encodelength(i), 1, m_hFile);
+						}
+						}//new modify
+					}
+				}
+				m_recordmutex.Lock();
+				isrecord = m_bIsRecord;
+				m_recordmutex.Unlock();
+				m_sendpausemutex.Lock();
+				sendpause = m_sendpause;
+				m_sendpausemutex.Unlock();
+				stopmutex.Lock();
+				stopthread = stop;
+				stopmutex.Unlock();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	printf("\naudio thread stop normally.");
+	return 0;
+bool CAudioSender::AddDestination(const RTPIPv4Address &des)
+	if(!m_bInit)
+		return false;
+	if(m_fecrtpsession.AddDestination(des)<0)
+		return false;
+	return true;
+void CAudioSender::ClearDestinations()
+	if(!m_bInit)
+		return ;
+	m_fecrtpsession.ClearDestinations();
+//CStuAudioSender class.
+// Construction/Destruction
+	stop = false;
+	m_bInit = 0;
+	m_sendpause = false;
+	m_pOutBuf[0]=0;
+	m_pOutBuf[1]=0;
+#if (defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32_WCE))
+	timeinit.Dummy();
+#endif // WIN32 || _WIN32_WCE
+	//first stop thread, because  m_pOutBuf is being used by Thread();
+	Stop();
+	//free buffer.
+	if(m_pOutBuf[0]!=0)
+		free(m_pOutBuf[0]);
+	if(m_pOutBuf[1]!=0)
+		free(m_pOutBuf[1]);
+bool CStuAudioSender::Init(int nPort)
+	if(m_bInit)
+		return true;
+	//init rtpsession.
+	RTPSessionParams sessParams1;
+	sessParams1.SetOwnTimestampUnit(1.0 / 30.0); //30 video frames per second
+	sessParams1.SetUsePollThread(0); //background thread to call virtual callbacks - set by default, but just to be sure
+	sessParams1.SetMaximumPacketSize(MAX_PACKET_SIZE);
+	//setup transmission parameters
+	RTPUDPv4TransmissionParams transParams1;
+	transParams1.SetPortbase(nPort);
+	int status1 = m_fecrtpsession.Create(sessParams1, &transParams1);
+	if (status1){
+//		ReportError(status1);
+		return false; //unable to create the session
+	}	
+	//must set for fec SendFECPacket. 
+	m_fecrtpsession.SetDefaultMark(true);
+	m_fecrtpsession.SetDefaultPayloadType(1);
+	m_fecrtpsession.SetDefaultTimestampIncrement(0);
+	for(int i=0;i<=1;i++){
+		if(m_pOutBuf[i]==0){
+			m_pOutBuf[i] = (uint8_t*)malloc(CAEncoder::A_OutBufSize);
+			if(m_pOutBuf[i]==0){
+				return false;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	//Init vencoder.
+	if(!m_aencoder.Init(ENCODE_ID)){
+		return false;
+	}
+	m_bInit = true;
+	return m_bInit;
+int CStuAudioSender::Start(char* szFile /* =0 */, bool bIsRecord /* =false */)
+	if(!m_bInit)
+		return -1;
+	if (JThread::IsRunning())
+		return 0;
+	if (!stopmutex.IsInitialized())
+	{
+		if (stopmutex.Init() < 0)
+			return -2;
+	}
+	stop = false;
+	if (!m_sendpausemutex.IsInitialized())
+	{
+		if (m_sendpausemutex.Init() < 0)
+			return -2;
+	}
+	m_sendpause = false;	
+	if (JThread::Start() < 0){
+		return -6;
+	}
+	return 0;
+void CStuAudioSender::Stop()
+	if (!IsRunning())
+		return;
+	stopmutex.Lock();
+	stop = true;
+	stopmutex.Unlock();
+	//wait for two minute;
+/*	sleep(1);
+	if (JThread::IsRunning())
+	{
+#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
+		std::cerr << "RTPPollThread: Warning! Having to kill thread!" << std::endl;
+#endif // _WIN32_WCE
+		JThread::Kill();
+	}
+	int icount=0;
+	while(1)
+	{
+		if(icount>100){
+			if(JThread::IsRunning())
+			{
+				JThread::Kill();	
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		else{
+			if(!JThread::IsRunning())
+				break;
+			icount++;
+			usleep(10000);
+		}
+	}
+	stop = false;
+void CStuAudioSender::Pause()
+	if(!m_bInit)
+		return ;
+	m_sendpausemutex.Lock();
+	m_sendpause = true;
+	m_sendpausemutex.Unlock();
+void CStuAudioSender::Resume()
+	if(!m_bInit)
+		return ;
+	m_sendpausemutex.Lock();
+	m_sendpause = false;
+	m_sendpausemutex.Unlock();
+void *CStuAudioSender::Thread()
+	uint8_t * data;
+	int datasize;
+	int OutBufSzie;
+	int status;
+	JThread::ThreadStarted();
+	bool stopthread;
+	stopmutex.Lock();
+	stopthread = stop;
+	stopmutex.Unlock();
+	bool sendpause;
+	m_sendpausemutex.Lock();
+	sendpause = m_sendpause;
+	m_sendpausemutex.Unlock();
+	int64_t pre_time, cur_time;
+	useconds_t delay;	
+	pre_time =  av_gettime();
+	while (!stopthread)
+	{
+		cur_time = av_gettime();
+		delay = cur_time-pre_time;
+		if(delay < 20000*STATIC_SLEEP_TIMES){
+			usleep(20000*STATIC_SLEEP_TIMES-delay);
+			pre_time = av_gettime();
+		}
+		//usleep(5000);
+		if ((status = m_aencoder.Capture(&data, datasize)) < 0)
+		{
+			printf("\naudio capture failed");
+			stopthread = true;
+		}
+		else{
+//			printf("\nsatus %d", status);
+			if(datasize<=0)
+				continue;
+			OutBufSzie = datasize;
+			if ((status = m_aencoder.EncodeProcess(data, m_pOutBuf, OutBufSzie)) < 0)
+			{
+				printf("\naudio EncodeProcess failed");
+				stopthread = true;
+			}
+			else{
+				if(status>0){
+					if(!sendpause){
+						static int s_iTemp1=0;
+						s_iTemp1++;
+						for(int i=0;i<status;i++){
+							static char temp_buf[1000];
+							int *temp_p=(int *)temp_buf;
+							static int s_iTemp1=0;
+							s_iTemp1++;
+							//printf("now send sequen is %d\n",s_iTemp1);
+							*temp_p=s_iTemp1;
+							memcpy(temp_buf+sizeof(int),m_pOutBuf[i],m_aencoder.encodelength(i));
+							m_fecrtpsession.SendPacket(temp_buf, m_aencoder.encodelength(i)+sizeof(int));
+							}
+						//usleep(20000);
+						}
+				}
+				m_sendpausemutex.Lock();
+				sendpause = m_sendpause;
+				m_sendpausemutex.Unlock();
+				stopmutex.Lock();
+				stopthread = stop;
+				stopmutex.Unlock();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	printf("\nAudio capture thread stoped.\n");
+	return 0;
+bool CStuAudioSender::AddDestination(const RTPIPv4Address &des)
+	if(!m_bInit)
+		return false;
+	if(m_fecrtpsession.AddDestination(des)<0)
+		return false;
+	return true;
+void CStuAudioSender::ClearDestinations()
+	if(!m_bInit)
+		return ;
+	m_fecrtpsession.ClearDestinations();
+//CAudioReceiver class.
+//CAudioWriteThread CAudioReceiver::m_artswrite(MAX_ARTS_WRITE_FRAMES);
+// Construction/Destruction
+CAudioReceiver::CAudioReceiver():m_artswrite(MAX_ARTS_WRITE_FRAMES) //define in en_de_sendthread.h
+	m_bInit = false;
+	m_iloops=0;
+	m_AudioBuflength=0;
+	static int s_itemp=0;
+	m_intNo=0;
+	sprintf(m_charNO,"%d  ",s_itemp);
+	s_itemp++;
+	m_artswrite.CloseAudio();
+bool CAudioReceiver::Init()
+	if(m_bInit)
+		return m_bInit;
+	//init video decoder.
+	if(!m_adecoder.Init(DECODE_ID)){
+		return false;
+	}
+	if(!m_artswrite.Init())
+		return false;
+	m_artswrite.OpenAudio();
+	m_bInit = true;
+	return m_bInit;
+int CAudioReceiver::Start(int nPort)
+	if(!m_bInit)
+		return -1;
+	if(m_artswrite.Start() < 0){
+		return -6;
+	}
+	if(IsActive())
+		return 0;
+	//init rtpsession.
+	RTPSessionParams sessParams1;
+	sessParams1.SetOwnTimestampUnit(1.0 / 30.0); //30 video frames per second
+	sessParams1.SetUsePollThread(1); //background thread to call virtual callbacks - set by default, but just to be sure
+	sessParams1.SetMaximumPacketSize(MAX_PACKET_SIZE);
+	//setup transmission parameters
+	RTPUDPv4TransmissionParams transParams1;
+	transParams1.SetPortbase(nPort);
+	int status1 = Create(sessParams1, &transParams1);
+	if (status1){
+//		ReportError(status1);
+		return -2; //unable to create the session
+	}
+	return 0;
+void CAudioReceiver::Stop()
+	m_artswrite.Stop();
+	Destroy();
+void CAudioReceiver::OnRTPPacket(RTPPacket *pack, const RTPTime &receivetime, const RTPAddress *senderaddress)
+//	static int i=0;
+//	printf("\n%d\n", i++)
+	//static int64 s_cur_time=av_gettime();
+//	static int64 s_pre_time = av_gettime();
+//	s_pre_time=av_gettime();
+	//int *iTemp=0;
+	//iTemp=(int *)pack->GetPayloadData();
+	//m_intNo++;
+	//if(m_intNo>=10)
+	//	printf("%s now receive audio sequen is %d\n",m_charNO,*iTemp);
+	int iDecodeLength=0;
+	//char chAudioBuf[2*4096];
+	iDecodeLength=m_adecoder.DecodeProcess(pack->GetPayloadData()+sizeof(int), pack->GetPayloadLength()-sizeof(int) );//,chAudioBuf);
+	memcpy(m_chAudioBuf+m_AudioBuflength,m_adecoder.m_pSDLBuf,iDecodeLength);
+	m_AudioBuflength+=iDecodeLength;
+	m_iloops++;
+    if(m_iloops>=STATIC_AUDIO_FRAMES){
+		m_artswrite.SetData( (uint8_t *)m_chAudioBuf,m_AudioBuflength);
+		m_iloops=0;
+		m_AudioBuflength=0;
+	}
+//	s_cur_time=av_gettime();
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+# include <soundcard.h>
+# include <sys/soundcard.h>
+#define OSS_GETVERSION       _IOR('M',118,int)
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+Soundcard::Soundcard(const char *dev)
+    if (dev)
+	strcpy(devname,dev);
+    else
+	strcpy(devname,"/dev/dsp");
+    driver_name[0] = '\0';
+    stat = STATUS_CLOSED;
+    get_capabilities();
+    channels = 1;//STATIC_AUDIO_CHANNEL;
+    rate = 22050;
+    fd = -1;
+    /* nothing */
+	close_dev();
+    switch (stat) {
+    case STATUS_CLOSED:
+	if (!init_done)
+	    get_capabilities();
+	if (!init_done)
+	    return -1;
+	return open_dev(TRUE);
+    case STATUS_RECORD:
+	return 0;
+	close_dev();
+	return open_dev(TRUE);
+    }
+    return -1;
+    switch (stat) {
+    case STATUS_CLOSED:
+	if (!init_done)
+	    get_capabilities();
+	if (!init_done)
+	    return -1;
+	return open_dev(FALSE);
+    case STATUS_RECORD:
+	close_dev();
+	return open_dev(FALSE);
+	return 0;
+    }
+    return -1;
+    ioctl(fd,SNDCTL_DSP_RESET,0);
+    return 0;
+    if (stat != STATUS_CLOSED)
+	close_dev();
+    return 0;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    int i,dsp;
+    int try_afmt;
+    int try_channels;
+    afmt = 0;
+    if (-1 != (dsp = open(devname, O_RDONLY))) {
+        ioctl(dsp, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT,  &afmt);     /* current */
+        ioctl(dsp, SNDCTL_DSP_GETFMTS, &afmt_hw);  /* hardware cap */
+        afmt_sw = 0;
+        for (i = 0; i < 16 /* XXX */; i++) {
+            try_afmt = (1<<i);
+            if (-1 == ioctl(dsp, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT, &try_afmt))
+                continue;
+            if (try_afmt != (1<<i))
+                continue;
+            afmt_sw |= try_afmt;
+        }
+        try_channels = 2;
+        if (-1 != ioctl(dsp, SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS, &try_channels) &&
+            2 == try_channels)
+            channels_hw = 2;
+        else
+            channels_hw = 1;
+	/* version check */
+	if (-1 == ioctl(dsp,OSS_GETVERSION,&i)) {
+	    strcpy(driver_name,"OSS (version unknown)");
+	} else {
+	    sprintf(driver_name,"OSS %d.%d.%d%c",
+		    (i>>16) & 0xff,(i>>8) & 0xff,(i>>4) & 0xf,(i&0xf)+'a');
+	}
+        close(dsp);
+	init_done = 1;
+    } else {
+	init_done = 0;
+    }
+    if (!init_done)
+	return -1;
+    return channels_hw;
+Soundcard::has_format(int f)
+    if (!init_done)
+	return -1;
+    switch (f) {
+    case FMT_8BIT:
+	return (afmt_hw & AFMT_U8) ? 1 : 0;
+	break;
+    case FMT_16BIT:
+	return (afmt_hw & AFMT_S16_LE) ? 1 : 0;
+	break;
+    case FMT_MULAW:
+    case FMT_ALAW:
+    default:
+	return 0;
+    }
+    return driver_name;
+Soundcard::open_dev(int record)
+    struct SOUNDPARAMS p;
+    int frag,rrate;
+    if (-1 == (fd = open(devname,record ? O_RDONLY : O_WRONLY)))
+        goto err;
+    fcntl(fd,F_SETFD,FD_CLOEXEC);
+    /* try to get ~50 ms latency */
+    blocksize = 50*channels*rate/1000;
+    if (afmt == AFMT_U16_BE || afmt == AFMT_S16_BE ||
+	afmt == AFMT_U16_LE || afmt == AFMT_S16_LE)
+	blocksize *= 2;
+    for (frag = 0; blocksize != 1; frag++)
+	blocksize >>= 1;
+#if 0
+    fprintf(stderr,"asking for %d byte blocksize\n",1 << frag);
+    frag |= 0x7fff0000;
+    if (-1 == ioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFRAGMENT, &frag))
+        perror("ioctl SNDCTL_DSP_SETFRAGMENT");
+    rrate = rate;
+    if (-1 == ioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT,      &afmt)) {
+        perror("ioctl SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT");
+        goto err;
+    }
+    if (-1 == ioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS,    &channels)) {
+        perror("ioctl SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT");
+        goto err;
+    }
+    if (-1 == ioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED,       &rrate)) {
+        perror("ioctl SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT");
+        goto err;
+    }
+    if (-1 == ioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_GETBLKSIZE,  &blocksize)) {
+        perror("ioctl SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT");
+        goto err;
+    }
+    if (0 == blocksize)
+	blocksize = 4096;
+    if (rrate != rate) {
+	fprintf(stderr,"sample rate: asked for %d, hardware uses %d. ",
+		rate,rrate);
+	if (abs(rate-rrate)*100 < rate) {
+	    fprintf(stderr,"that's fine (diff <1%%).\n");
+	} else {
+	    fprintf(stderr,"way off, using hardware rate.\n");
+	    rate = rrate;
+	}
+    }
+    latency = blocksize*1000/channels/rate;
+    if (afmt == AFMT_U16_BE || afmt == AFMT_S16_BE ||
+        afmt == AFMT_U16_LE || afmt == AFMT_S16_LE)
+        latency = latency/2;
+    stat = record ? STATUS_RECORD : STATUS_PLAYBACK;
+#if 0
+    fprintf(stderr,"%s (format=%d, %s, rate=%d, blocksize=%d, latency=%d ms)\n",
+	    record ? "recording" : "playback",
+	    afmt,
+	    (channels == 2) ? "stereo" : "mono",
+	    rate, blocksize, latency);
+    p.channels  = channels;
+    p.rate      = rate;
+    p.blocksize = blocksize;
+    p.latency   = latency;
+    switch (afmt) {
+    case AFMT_U8:      p.format = FMT_8BIT;   break;
+    case AFMT_S16_LE:  p.format = FMT_16BIT;  break;
+    default: fprintf(stderr,"oops(open): unsupported sound format\n"); exit(1);
+    }
+//    emit newparams(&p);
+    if (record) {
+	trigger = ~PCM_ENABLE_INPUT;
+	ioctl(fd,SNDCTL_DSP_SETTRIGGER,&trigger);
+	trigger = PCM_ENABLE_INPUT;
+	ioctl(fd,SNDCTL_DSP_SETTRIGGER,&trigger);
+    }
+    return 0;
+    if (-1 != fd)
+        close(fd);
+    stat = STATUS_CLOSED;
+    fd = -1;
+    return -1;
+    close(fd);
+    fd = -1;
+    stat = STATUS_CLOSED;
+   return;
+Soundcard::setparams(struct SOUNDPARAMS *p)
+    rate     = p->rate;
+    channels = p->channels;
+    switch (p->format) {
+    case FMT_8BIT:   afmt = AFMT_U8;      break;
+    case FMT_16BIT:  afmt = AFMT_S16_LE;  break;
+    default: fprintf(stderr,"oops(set): unsupported sound format\n"); exit(1);
+    }
+    switch (stat) {
+    case STATUS_RECORD:    
+	close_dev();
+	open_dev(TRUE);
+	break;
+	close_dev();
+	open_dev(FALSE);
+	break;
+    case STATUS_CLOSED:
+	if (!init_done)
+	    get_capabilities();
+	if (!init_done)
+	    return;
+	if (0 == open_dev(TRUE))
+	    close_dev();
+	break;
+    }
+//	printf("\nformat=%d\n", p->format);
+	printf("\nchannels=%d\n", channels);
+	printf("\nrate=%d\n", rate);
+	printf("\nblocksize=%d\n", blocksize);
+	printf("\nlatency=%d\n", latency);
+//Soundcard::sounddata(int s)
+Soundcard::sounddata(uint8_t* buf, int &size)
+    int rc,have;
+    switch (stat) {
+    case STATUS_RECORD:
+	/* read */
+	for (have = 0; have < blocksize;) {
+	    rc = read(fd,buf+have,blocksize-have);
+	    switch (rc) {
+	    case -1:{
+			printf("\naudio capture failed\n");
+		    size = -1;
+		    return;
+		}
+		break;
+	    case 0:
+		fprintf(stderr,"Huh? got 0 bytes from sound device?\n");
+		exit(1);
+	    default:
+		have += rc;
+	    }
+	}
+	size = have;
+//	emit senddata((void*)buffer);
+	break;
+//	emit receivedata((void*)buffer);
+	if (-1 != fd)
+	    write(fd,buffer,blocksize);
+//	emit senddata((void*)buffer); /* fft :-) */
+	break;
+    }

Added: incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/en_de_audio.h
--- incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/en_de_audio.h (added)
+++ incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/en_de_audio.h Tue Jun  3 19:48:16 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+// RTP.
+#include "fecrtpsession.h"
+#include "en_de_sendthread.h"
+// Linux sys.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/videodev.h>
+#include <time.h>
+// FFmpeg
+#include <ffmpeg/avcodec.h>
+#include <ffmpeg/avformat.h>
+//#include <ffmpeg/fifo.h>
+// X11
+#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
+#include <X11/XWDFile.h>
+// Jthread and JMutex
+#include <jthread.h>
+#include <jmutex.h>
+// Audio
+#include <linux/soundcard.h>
+//oss audio
+#ifndef OSS_H
+#define OSS_H
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define STATUS_CLOSED    0
+#define STATUS_RECORD    1
+#define FMT_UNDEFINED  0
+#define FMT_8BIT       1          /* unsigned */
+#define FMT_16BIT      2          /* signed - native byte order */
+#define FMT_MULAW      4          /* NOT SUPPORTED (yet) */
+#define FMT_ALAW       8          /* NOT SUPPORTED (yet) */
+#define FMT_MAX        2
+    int format;
+    int channels;
+    int rate;
+    int blocksize;
+    int latency;
+class Soundcard
+    /* sound card capabilities */
+    char devname[32];
+    int  init_done;
+    int  afmt_hw;
+    int  afmt_sw;
+    int  channels_hw;
+    int  trigger;
+    char driver_name[64];
+    /* current settings */
+    int  afmt;
+    int  channels;
+    int  rate;
+    int  blocksize;
+    int  latency;
+    /* file handle, reference count */
+    int  fd, stat;
+    char buffer[65536];
+//    QSocketNotifier *telmi;
+    /* internal functions */
+    void get_capabilities();
+    int  open_dev(int record);
+    void close_dev();
+    Soundcard(const char *dev);
+    ~Soundcard();
+    char *driver();
+    void setparams(struct SOUNDPARAMS *params);
+    int  start_record();
+    int  start_playback();
+    int  kill_buffer();
+    int  stop();
+    int  has_channels();      /* # of channels (1=mono,2=stereo) */
+    int  has_format(int f);   /* check format availibity         */ 
+//public slots:
+    void sounddata(uint8_t* buf, int &size);
+    void senddata(void *data);
+    // !!! only one should be connected to receivedata !!!
+    void receivedata(void *data);
+    void newparams(struct SOUNDPARAMS *params);
+//oss audio
+#if !defined(_EN_DE_AUDIO_H__INCLUDED_)
+// Audio decoder.
+class CADecoder  
+	friend class CAudioReceiver;
+	enum AUDIO_DECODEC_PARA {AUDIO_DECODE_bit_rate=64000,							\
+							A_DECODE_framerate=25, A_DECODE_frame_rate_base=1,		\
+							A_DECODE_gop_size=12};
+	CADecoder();
+	virtual ~CADecoder();
+	int DecodeProcess(uint8_t *encodeddata_a, const int encodeddatasize_a);//,char *outbuf);
+	bool Init(enum CodecID nCodecID =CODEC_ID_MP3, int nOutBufSize =A_SDLBufSize);
+	//bool OpenAudio();
+	//void CloseAudio();
+	bool m_bInit;
+    AVCodec *m_pCodec ;
+	AVCodecContext *m_pCodecCtx ;
+	uint8_t *m_pSDLBuf;
+	//static int g_arts_count;
+// arts 
+	//arts_stream_t m_stream;
+	//char m_pName[20];
+// Audio encoder.
+class CAEncoder  
+	friend class CAudioSender;
+	friend class CStuAudioSender;
+	enum AUDIO_ENCODEC_PARA {AUDIO_ENCODE_bit_rate=64000,							\
+							A_ENCODE_framerate=25, A_ENCODE_frame_rate_base=1,		\
+							A_ENCODE_gop_size=12};
+	bool OpenAudio();
+	void CloseAudio();
+	enum AENCODERBUFSIZE {A_OutBufSize = 4*128*1024};//128000}; //before is 128000
+	int Capture(uint8_t** pOutBuf, int &size);
+	int EncodeProcess(uint8_t* data, uint8_t *pOutBuf[2], int nOutsize);//,BUFFERLIST pOutBuf_list);
+	bool Init(enum CodecID nCodecID =CODEC_ID_MP2);
+	CAEncoder();
+	virtual ~CAEncoder();
+	inline int encodelength(int i)
+	{
+		return m_encode_length[i];
+	}
+// for audio.
+//	int m_hAudioDev;
+	uint8_t* m_data;
+	int m_datasize;
+// for encode.
+	bool m_bInit;
+//	uint8_t *m_pFrameBuf;
+//	AVFrame *m_pFrame;
+    AVCodec *m_pCodec ;
+	AVCodecContext *m_pCodecCtx ;
+	int m_encode_length[2];
+// audio
+//	int m_hAudioDev;
+// oss
+	Soundcard m_soundcard;
+//use in encodeprocess
+	uint8_t* m_audio_buf;
+	FifoBuffer *m_fifo;
+//stuaudio sender.
+class CAudioSender : private JThread
+	CAudioSender();
+	~CAudioSender();
+	bool Init(int nPort);
+	bool AddDestination(const RTPIPv4Address &des);
+	void ClearDestinations();
+	int Start(char* szFile=0, bool bIsRecord=false);
+	void Pause();
+	void Resume();
+	void Record(bool bInRecord =true);
+    void Stop();
+	//void Stop();
+	void *Thread();
+	bool stop;
+	JMutex stopmutex;
+	bool m_bIsRecord;				
+	JMutex m_recordmutex;
+	CAEncoder m_aencoder;
+	uint8_t *m_pOutBuf[2];   //only record endcode data 2 times
+	//int m_pOutBuf_length[2];   //start from 0
+	FILE* m_hFile;
+	RTPSession m_fecrtpsession;
+	int m_bInit;
+	bool m_sendpause;
+	JMutex m_sendpausemutex;
+//audio sender.
+class CStuAudioSender : private JThread
+	CStuAudioSender();
+	~CStuAudioSender();
+	bool Init(int nPort);
+	bool AddDestination(const RTPIPv4Address &des);
+	void ClearDestinations();
+	int Start(char* szFile=0, bool bIsRecord=false);
+	void Pause();
+	void Resume();
+	void Stop();
+	void *Thread();
+	bool stop;
+	JMutex stopmutex;
+//	bool m_bIsRecord;				
+//	JMutex m_recordmutex;
+	CAEncoder m_aencoder;
+	uint8_t *m_pOutBuf[2];   //only record endcode data 2 times
+	//int m_pOutBuf_length[2];   //start from 0
+//	FILE* m_hFile;
+	RTPSession m_fecrtpsession;
+	int m_bInit;
+	bool m_sendpause;
+	JMutex m_sendpausemutex;
+//audio receiver
+class CAudioReceiver : public RTPSession  
+	CAudioReceiver();
+	virtual ~CAudioReceiver();
+	bool Init();
+	int Start(int nPort);
+	void Stop();
+	virtual void OnRTPPacket(RTPPacket *pack, const RTPTime &receivetime, const RTPAddress *senderaddress);
+	bool m_bInit;
+	CADecoder m_adecoder;
+	//static CAudioWriteThread m_artswrite;
+	CAudioWriteThread m_artswrite;
+	char m_charNO[10]; 
+	int m_intNo;
+	int m_iloops;
+	char m_chAudioBuf[STATIC_AUDIO_FRAMES*2*4096];
+	int m_AudioBuflength;
+//audio recoder.
+class CWAudioRecorder : private JThread
+	CWAudioRecorder();
+	~CWAudioRecorder();
+	int Record(char* szFile);
+	void Stop();
+	void *Thread();
+	bool stop;
+	JMutex stopmutex;
+	bool m_bPause;				//for pauseing record.
+	JMutex m_pausemutex;		//for pauseing record.
+	CAEncoder m_aencoder;
+	uint8_t *m_pOutBuf;
+	FILE* m_hFile;
+#endif // !defined(_EN_DE_AUDIO_H__INCLUDED_)

Added: incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/en_de_common.cpp
--- incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/en_de_common.cpp (added)
+++ incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/en_de_common.cpp Tue Jun  3 19:48:16 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#include "en_de_common.h"
+static char g_error_txt[550];
+char* GetLastErrText()
+	return g_error_txt;
+void PErrorText(const char* error)
+	if(strlen(error)<=500){
+		sprintf(g_error_txt, "\nEn_De Error:%s", error);
+	}

Propchange: incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/en_de_common.cpp
    svn:executable = *

Added: incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/en_de_common.h
--- incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/en_de_common.h (added)
+++ incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/en_de_common.h Tue Jun  3 19:48:16 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#if !defined(_EN_DE_COMMON_INCLUDED_)
+extern char* GetLastErrText();
+#include "en_de_audio.h"
+#include "en_de_video.h"
+#include "en_de_screen.h"
+#endif // !defined(_EN_DE_COMMON_INCLUDED_)

Propchange: incubator/bluesky/NCstu-2.0/src/en_de_common.h
    svn:executable = *