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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2022/04/28 20:53:43 UTC

[GitHub] [arrow] icexelloss commented on a diff in pull request #13028: ARROW-16083]: [WIP][C++] Implement AsofJoin execution node

icexelloss commented on code in PR #13028:

@@ -0,0 +1,870 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include "arrow/compute/exec/asof_join.h"
+#include "arrow/compute/exec/exec_plan.h"
+#include "arrow/compute/exec/options.h"
+#include "arrow/compute/exec/schema_util.h"
+#include "arrow/compute/exec/util.h"
+#include "arrow/util/checked_cast.h"
+#include "arrow/util/future.h"
+#include "arrow/util/make_unique.h"
+#include "arrow/util/thread_pool.h"
+#include <arrow/api.h>
+#include <arrow/dataset/api.h>
+#include <arrow/dataset/plan.h>
+#include <arrow/filesystem/api.h>
+#include <arrow/io/api.h>
+//#include <arrow/io/util_internal.h>
+#include <arrow/compute/api.h>
+#include <arrow/compute/exec/exec_plan.h>
+#include <arrow/compute/exec/options.h>
+#include <arrow/ipc/reader.h>
+#include <arrow/ipc/writer.h>
+#include <arrow/util/async_generator.h>
+#include <arrow/util/checked_cast.h>
+#include <arrow/util/counting_semaphore.h>  // so we don't need to require C++20
+#include <arrow/util/optional.h>
+#include <arrow/util/thread_pool.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <atomic>
+#include <future>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <optional>
+#include <thread>
+#include <omp.h>
+#include "concurrent_bounded_queue.h"
+namespace arrow {
+namespace compute {
+struct MemoStore {
+  // Stores last known values for all the keys
+  struct Entry {
+    // Timestamp associated with the entry
+    int64_t _time;
+    // Batch associated with the entry (perf is probably OK for this; batches change
+    // rarely)
+    std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch> _batch;
+    // Row associated with the entry
+    row_index_t _row;
+  };
+  std::unordered_map<KeyType, Entry> _entries;
+  void store(const std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>& batch, row_index_t row, int64_t time,
+             KeyType key) {
+    auto& e = _entries[key];
+    // that we can do this assignment optionally, is why we
+    // can get array with using shared_ptr above (the batch
+    // shouldn't change that often)
+    if (e._batch != batch) e._batch = batch;
+    e._row = row;
+    e._time = time;
+  }
+  util::optional<const Entry*> get_entry_for_key(KeyType key) const {
+    auto e = _entries.find(key);
+    if (_entries.end() == e) return util::nullopt;
+    return util::optional<const Entry*>(&e->second);
+  }
+  void remove_entries_with_lesser_time(int64_t ts) {
+    size_t dbg_size0 = _entries.size();
+    for (auto e = _entries.begin(); e != _entries.end();)
+      if (e->second._time < ts)
+        e = _entries.erase(e);
+      else
+        ++e;
+    size_t dbg_size1 = _entries.size();
+    if (dbg_size1 < dbg_size0) {
+      // cerr << "Removed " << dbg_size0-dbg_size1 << " memo entries.\n";
+    }
+  }
+class InputState {
+  // InputState correponds to an input
+  // Input record batches are queued up in InputState until processed and
+  // turned into output record batches.
+ public:
+  InputState(const std::shared_ptr<arrow::Schema>& schema,
+             const std::string& time_col_name, const std::string& key_col_name,
+             util::optional<KeyType> wildcard_key)
+      : _queue(QUEUE_CAPACITY),
+        _wildcard_key(wildcard_key),
+        _schema(schema),
+        _time_col_index(
+            schema->GetFieldIndex(time_col_name)),  // TODO: handle missing field name
+        _key_col_index(
+            schema->GetFieldIndex(key_col_name))  // TODO: handle missing field name
+  {                                               /*nothing else*/
+  }
+  size_t init_src_to_dst_mapping(size_t dst_offset, bool skip_time_and_key_fields) {
+    src_to_dst.resize(_schema->num_fields());
+    for (int i = 0; i < _schema->num_fields(); ++i)
+      if (!(skip_time_and_key_fields && is_time_or_key_column(i)))
+        src_to_dst[i] = dst_offset++;
+    return dst_offset;
+  }
+  const util::optional<col_index_t>& map_src_to_dst(col_index_t src) const {
+    return src_to_dst[src];
+  }
+  bool is_time_or_key_column(col_index_t i) const {
+    assert(i < _schema->num_fields());
+    return (i == _time_col_index) || (i == _key_col_index);
+  }
+  // Gets the latest row index,  assuming the queue isn't empty
+  row_index_t get_latest_row() const { return _latest_ref_row; }
+  bool empty() const {
+    if (_latest_ref_row > 0)
+      return false;  // cannot be empty if ref row is >0 -- can avoid slow queue lock
+                     // below
+    return _queue.empty();
+  }
+  int count_batches_processed() const { return _batches_processed; }
+  int count_total_batches() const { return _total_batches; }
+  // Gets latest batch (precondition: must not be empty)
+  const std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch>& get_latest_batch() const {
+    return _queue.unsync_front();
+  }
+  KeyType get_latest_key() const {
+    return _queue.unsync_front()
+        ->column_data(_key_col_index)
+        ->GetValues<KeyType>(1)[_latest_ref_row];
+  }
+  int64_t get_latest_time() const {
+    return _queue.unsync_front()
+        ->column_data(_time_col_index)
+        ->GetValues<int64_t>(1)[_latest_ref_row];
+  }
+  bool finished() const { return _batches_processed == _total_batches; }
+  bool advance() {
+    // Returns true if able to advance, false if not.
+    bool have_active_batch =
+        (_latest_ref_row > 0 /*short circuit the lock on the queue*/) || !_queue.empty();
+    if (have_active_batch) {
+      // If we have an active batch
+      if (++_latest_ref_row >= _queue.unsync_front()->num_rows()) {
+        // hit the end of the batch, need to get the next batch if possible.
+        ++_batches_processed;
+        _latest_ref_row = 0;
+        have_active_batch &= !_queue.try_pop();
+        if (have_active_batch)
+          assert(_queue.unsync_front()->num_rows() > 0);  // empty batches disallowed
+      }
+    }
+    return have_active_batch;
+  }
+  // Advance the data to be immediately past the specified TS, updating latest and
+  // latest_ref_row to the latest data prior to that immediate just past Returns true if
+  // updates were made, false if not.
+  bool advance_and_memoize(int64_t ts) {
+    // Advance the right side row index until we reach the latest right row (for each key)
+    // for the given left timestamp.
+    // Check if already updated for TS (or if there is no latest)
+    if (empty()) return false;  // can't advance if empty
+    auto latest_time = get_latest_time();
+    if (latest_time > ts) return false;  // already advanced
+    // Not updated.  Try to update and possibly advance.
+    bool updated = false;
+    do {
+      latest_time = get_latest_time();
+      if (latest_time <=
+          ts)  // if advance() returns true, then the latest_ts must also be valid
+	// Keep advancing right table until we hit the latest row that has
+	// timestamp <= ts. This is because we only need the latest row for the
+	// match given a left ts.  However, for a futre      
+, _latest_ref_row, latest_time, get_latest_key());
+      else
+        break;  // hit a future timestamp -- done updating for now
+      updated = true;
+    } while (advance());
+    return updated;
+  }
+  void push(const std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch>& rb) {
+    if (rb->num_rows() > 0) {
+      _queue.push(rb);
+    } else {
+      ++_batches_processed;  // don't enqueue empty batches, just record as processed
+    }
+  }
+  util::optional<const MemoStore::Entry*> get_memo_entry_for_key(KeyType key) {
+    auto r = _memo.get_entry_for_key(key);
+    if (r.has_value()) return r;
+    if (_wildcard_key.has_value()) r = _memo.get_entry_for_key(*_wildcard_key);
+    return r;
+  }
+  util::optional<int64_t> get_memo_time_for_key(KeyType key) {
+    auto r = get_memo_entry_for_key(key);
+    return r.has_value() ? util::make_optional((*r)->_time) : util::nullopt;
+  }
+  void remove_memo_entries_with_lesser_time(int64_t ts) {
+    _memo.remove_entries_with_lesser_time(ts);
+  }
+  const std::shared_ptr<Schema>& get_schema() const { return _schema; }
+  void set_total_batches(int n) {
+    assert(n >=
+           0);  // not sure why arrow uses a signed int for this, but it should be >=0
+    assert(_total_batches == -1);  // shouldn't be set more than once
+    _total_batches = n;
+  }
+ private:
+  // Pending record batches.  The latest is the front.  Batches cannot be empty.
+  concurrent_bounded_queue<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>> _queue;
+  // Wildcard key for this input, if applicable.
+  util::optional<KeyType> _wildcard_key;
+  // Schema associated with the input
+  std::shared_ptr<Schema> _schema;
+  // Total number of batches (only int because InputFinished uses int)
+  int _total_batches = -1;
+  // Number of batches processed so far (only int because InputFinished uses int)
+  int _batches_processed = 0;
+  // Index of the time col
+  col_index_t _time_col_index;
+  // Index of the key col
+  col_index_t _key_col_index;
+  // Index of the latest row reference within; if >0 then _queue cannot be empty
+  row_index_t _latest_ref_row =
+    0;  // must be < _queue.front()->num_rows() if _queue is non-empty
+  // Stores latest known values for the various keys
+  MemoStore _memo;
+  // Mapping of source columns to destination columns
+  std::vector<util::optional<col_index_t>> src_to_dst;
+template <size_t MAX_TABLES>
+struct CompositeReferenceRow {
+  struct Entry {
+    arrow::RecordBatch* _batch;  // can be NULL if there's no value
+    row_index_t _row;
+  };
+  Entry _refs[MAX_TABLES];
+// A table of composite reference rows.  Rows maintain pointers to the
+// constituent record batches, but the overall table retains shared_ptr
+// references to ensure memory remains resident while the table is live.
+// The main reason for this is that, especially for wide tables, joins
+// are effectively row-oriented, rather than column-oriented.  Separating
+// the join part from the columnar materialization part simplifies the
+// logic around data types and increases efficiency.
+// We don't put the shared_ptr's into the rows for efficiency reasons.
+template <size_t MAX_TABLES>
+class CompositeReferenceTable {
+  // Contains shared_ptr refs for all RecordBatches referred to by the contents of _rows
+  std::unordered_map<uintptr_t, std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>> _ptr2ref;
+  // Row table references
+  std::vector<CompositeReferenceRow<MAX_TABLES>> _rows;
+  // Total number of tables in the composite table
+  size_t _n_tables;
+  // Adds a RecordBatch ref to the mapping, if needed
+  void add_record_batch_ref(const std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>& ref) {
+    if (!_ptr2ref.count((uintptr_t)ref.get())) _ptr2ref[(uintptr_t)ref.get()] = ref;
+  }
+ public:
+  CompositeReferenceTable(size_t n_tables) : _n_tables(n_tables) {
+    assert(_n_tables >= 1);
+    assert(_n_tables <= MAX_TABLES);
+  }
+  size_t n_rows() const { return _rows.size(); }
+  // Adds the latest row from the input state as a new composite reference row
+  // - LHS must have a valid key,timestep,and latest rows
+  // - RHS must have valid data memo'ed for the key
+  void emplace(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<InputState>>& in, int64_t tolerance) {
+    assert(in.size() == _n_tables);
+    // Get the LHS key
+    KeyType key = in[0]->get_latest_key();
+    // Add row and setup LHS
+    // (the LHS state comes just from the latest row of the LHS table)
+    assert(!in[0]->empty());
+    const std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch>& lhs_latest_batch =
+        in[0]->get_latest_batch();
+    row_index_t lhs_latest_row = in[0]->get_latest_row();
+    int64_t lhs_latest_time = in[0]->get_latest_time();
+    if (0 == lhs_latest_row) {
+      // On the first row of the batch, we resize the destination.
+      // The destination size is dictated by the size of the LHS batch.
+      assert(lhs_latest_batch->num_rows() <=
+             MAX_ROWS_PER_BATCH);  // TODO: better error handling
+      row_index_t new_batch_size = lhs_latest_batch->num_rows();
+      row_index_t new_capacity = _rows.size() + new_batch_size;
+      if (_rows.capacity() < new_capacity) _rows.reserve(new_capacity);
+      // cerr << "new_batch_size=" << new_batch_size << " old_size=" << _rows.size() << "
+      // new_capacity=" << _rows.capacity() << endl;
+    }
+    _rows.resize(_rows.size() + 1);
+    auto& row = _rows.back();
+    row._refs[0]._batch = lhs_latest_batch.get();
+    row._refs[0]._row = lhs_latest_row;
+    add_record_batch_ref(lhs_latest_batch);
+    // Get the state for that key from all on the RHS -- assumes it's up to date
+    // (the RHS state comes from the memoized row references)
+    for (size_t i = 1; i < in.size(); ++i) {
+      util::optional<const MemoStore::Entry*> opt_entry =
+          in[i]->get_memo_entry_for_key(key);
+      if (opt_entry.has_value()) {
+        assert(*opt_entry);
+        if ((*opt_entry)->_time + tolerance >= lhs_latest_time) {
+          // Have a valid entry
+          const MemoStore::Entry* entry = *opt_entry;
+          row._refs[i]._batch = entry->_batch.get();
+          row._refs[i]._row = entry->_row;
+          add_record_batch_ref(entry->_batch);
+          continue;
+        }
+      }
+      row._refs[i]._batch = NULL;
+      row._refs[i]._row = 0;
+    }
+  }
+ private:
+  template <class Builder, class PrimitiveType>
+  std::shared_ptr<Array> materialize_primitive_column(size_t i_table, size_t i_col) {
+    Builder builder;
+    // builder.Resize(_rows.size()); // <-- can't just do this -- need to set the bitmask
+    builder.AppendEmptyValues(_rows.size());
+    for (row_index_t i_row = 0; i_row < _rows.size(); ++i_row) {
+      const auto& ref = _rows[i_row]._refs[i_table];
+      if (ref._batch)
+        builder[i_row] =
+            ref._batch->column_data(i_col)->template GetValues<PrimitiveType>(
+                1)[ref._row];
+      // TODO: set null value if ref._batch is null -- currently we don't due to API
+      // limitations of the builders.
+    }
+    std::shared_ptr<Array> result;
+    if (!builder.Finish(&result).ok()) {
+      std::cerr << "Error when creating Arrow array from builder\n";
+      exit(-1);  // TODO: better error handling
+    }
+    return result;
+  }
+ public:
+  // Materializes the current reference table into a target record batch
+  std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch> materialize(
+      const std::shared_ptr<arrow::Schema>& output_schema,
+      const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<InputState>>& state) {
+    // cerr << "materialize BEGIN\n";
+    assert(state.size() == _n_tables);
+    assert(state.size() >= 1);
+    // Don't build empty batches
+    size_t n_rows = _rows.size();
+    if (!n_rows) return nullptr;
+    // Count output columns (dbg sanitycheck)
+    {
+      int n_out_cols = 0;
+      for (const auto& s : state) n_out_cols += s->get_schema()->num_fields();
+      n_out_cols -=
+          (state.size() - 1) * 2;  // remove column indices for key and time cols on RHS
+      assert(n_out_cols == output_schema->num_fields());
+    }
+    // Instance the types we support
+    std::shared_ptr<arrow::DataType> i32_type = arrow::int32();
+    std::shared_ptr<arrow::DataType> i64_type = arrow::int64();
+    std::shared_ptr<arrow::DataType> f64_type = arrow::float64();
+    // Build the arrays column-by-column from our rows
+    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array>> arrays(output_schema->num_fields());
+    for (size_t i_table = 0; i_table < _n_tables; ++i_table) {
+      int n_src_cols =>get_schema()->num_fields();
+      {
+        for (col_index_t i_src_col = 0; i_src_col < n_src_cols; ++i_src_col) {
+          util::optional<size_t> i_dst_col_opt =
+              state[i_table]->map_src_to_dst(i_src_col);
+          if (!i_dst_col_opt) continue;
+          col_index_t i_dst_col = *i_dst_col_opt;
+          const auto& src_field = state[i_table]->get_schema()->field(i_src_col);
+          const auto& dst_field = output_schema->field(i_dst_col);
+          assert(src_field->type()->Equals(dst_field->type()));
+          assert(src_field->name() == dst_field->name());
+          const auto& field_type = src_field->type();
+          if (field_type->Equals(i32_type)) {
+   =
+                materialize_primitive_column<arrow::Int32Builder, int32_t>(i_table,
+                                                                           i_src_col);
+          } else if (field_type->Equals(i64_type)) {
+   =
+                materialize_primitive_column<arrow::Int64Builder, int64_t>(i_table,
+                                                                           i_src_col);
+          } else if (field_type->Equals(f64_type)) {
+   =
+                materialize_primitive_column<arrow::DoubleBuilder, double>(i_table,
+                                                                           i_src_col);
+          } else {
+            std::cerr << "Unsupported data type: " << field_type->name() << "\n";
+            exit(-1);  // TODO: validate elsewhere for better error handling
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // Build the result
+    assert(sizeof(size_t) >= sizeof(int64_t));  // Make takes signed int64_t for num_rows
+    // TODO: check n_rows for cast
+    std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch> r =
+        arrow::RecordBatch::Make(output_schema, (int64_t)n_rows, arrays);
+    // cerr << "materialize END (ndstrows="<< (r?r->num_rows():-1) <<")\n";
+    return r;
+  }
+  // Returns true if there are no rows
+  bool empty() const { return _rows.empty(); }
+class AsofJoinNode : public ExecNode {
+  // Constructs labels for inputs
+  static std::vector<std::string> build_input_labels(
+      const std::vector<ExecNode*>& inputs) {
+    std::vector<std::string> r(inputs.size());
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < r.size(); ++i) r[i] = "input_" + std::to_string(i) + "_label";
+    return r;
+  }
+  // Advances the RHS as far as possible to be up to date for the current LHS timestamp
+  bool update_rhs() {
+    auto& lhs = *;
+    auto lhs_latest_time = lhs.get_latest_time();
+    bool any_updated = false;
+    for (size_t i = 1; i < _state.size(); ++i)
+      any_updated |= _state[i]->advance_and_memoize(lhs_latest_time);
+    return any_updated;
+  }
+  // Returns false if RHS not up to date for LHS
+  bool is_up_to_date_for_lhs_row() const {
+    auto& lhs = *_state[0];
+    if (lhs.empty()) return false;  // can't proceed if nothing on the LHS
+    int64_t lhs_ts = lhs.get_latest_time();
+    for (size_t i = 1; i < _state.size(); ++i) {
+      auto& rhs = *_state[i];
+      if (!rhs.finished()) {
+        // If RHS is finished, then we know it's up to date (but if it isn't, it might be
+        // up to date)
+        if (rhs.empty())
+          return false;  // RHS isn't finished, but is empty --> not up to date
+        if (lhs_ts >= rhs.get_latest_time())
+          return false;  // TS not up to date (and not finished)
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch> process_inner() {
+    assert(!_state.empty());
+    auto& lhs = *;
+    // Construct new target table if needed
+    CompositeReferenceTable<MAX_JOIN_TABLES> dst(_state.size());
+    // Generate rows into the dst table until we either run out of data or hit the row
+    // limit, or run out of input
+    for (;;) {
+      // If LHS is finished or empty then there's nothing we can do here
+      if (lhs.finished() || lhs.empty()) break;
+      // Advance each of the RHS as far as possible to be up to date for the LHS timestamp
+      bool any_advanced = update_rhs();
+      // Only update if we have up-to-date information for the LHS row
+      if (is_up_to_date_for_lhs_row()) {
+        dst.emplace(_state, _options._tolerance);
+        if (!lhs.advance()) break;  // if we can't advance LHS, we're done for this batch
+      } else {
+        if ((!any_advanced) && (_state.size() > 1)) break;  // need to wait for new data
+      }
+    }
+    // Prune memo entries that have expired (to bound memory consumption)
+    if (!lhs.empty())
+      for (size_t i = 1; i < _state.size(); ++i)
+        _state[i]->remove_memo_entries_with_lesser_time(lhs.get_latest_time() -
+                                                        _options._tolerance);
+    // Emit the batch
+    std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch> r =
+        dst.empty() ? nullptr : dst.materialize(output_schema(), _state);
+    return r;
+  }
+  void process() {
+    std::cerr << "process() begin\n";
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(_gate);
+    if (finished_.is_finished()) {
+      std::cerr << "InputReceived EARLYEND\n";
+      return;
+    }
+    // Process batches while we have data
+    for (;;) {
+      std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch> out_rb = process_inner();
+      if (!out_rb) break;
+      ++_progress_batches_produced;
+      ExecBatch out_b(*out_rb);
+      outputs_[0]->InputReceived(this, std::move(out_b));
+    }
+    std::cerr << "process() end\n";
+    // Report to the output the total batch count, if we've already finished everything
+    // (there are two places where this can happen: here and InputFinished)
+    //
+    // It may happen here in cases where InputFinished was called before we were finished
+    // producing results (so we didn't know the output size at that time)
+    if (>finished()) {
+      // cerr << "LHS is finished\n";
+      _total_batches_produced = util::make_optional<int>(_progress_batches_produced);
+      std::cerr << "process() finished " << *_total_batches_produced << "\n";
+      StopProducing();
+      assert(_total_batches_produced.has_value());
+      outputs_[0]->InputFinished(this, *_total_batches_produced);
+    }
+  }
+  // Status process_thread(size_t /*thread_index*/, int64_t /*task_id*/) {
+  //   std::cerr << "AsOfJoinNode::process_thread started.\n";
+  //   auto result = _process.try_pop();
+  //   if (result == util::nullopt) {
+  //     std::cerr << "AsOfJoinNode::process_thread no inputs.\n";
+  //     return Status::OK();
+  //   } else {
+  //     if (result.value()) {
+  //       std::cerr << "AsOfJoinNode::process_thread process.\n";
+  //       process();
+  //     } else {
+  //       std::cerr << "AsOfJoinNode::process_thread done.\n";
+  //       return Status::OK();
+  //     }
+  //   }
+  //   return Status::OK();
+  // }
+  // Status process_finished(size_t /*thread_index*/) {
+  //   std::cerr << "AsOfJoinNode::process_finished started.\n";
+  //   return Status::OK();
+  // }
+  void process_thread() {
+    std::cerr << "AsOfMergeNode::process_thread started.\n";
+    for (;;) {
+      if (!_process.pop()) {
+        std::cerr << "AsOfMergeNode::process_thread done.\n";
+        return;
+      }
+      process();
+    }
+  }
+  static void process_thread_wrapper(AsofJoinNode* node) { node->process_thread(); }
+ public:
+  AsofJoinNode(ExecPlan* plan, NodeVector inputs, const AsofJoinNodeOptions& join_options,
+               std::shared_ptr<Schema> output_schema,
+               std::unique_ptr<AsofJoinSchema> schema_mgr,
+               std::unique_ptr<AsofJoinImpl> impl);
+  virtual ~AsofJoinNode() {
+    _process.push(false);  // poison pill
+    _process_thread.join();
+  }
+  static arrow::Result<ExecNode*> Make(ExecPlan* plan, std::vector<ExecNode*> inputs,
+                                       const ExecNodeOptions& options) {
+    std::unique_ptr<AsofJoinSchema> schema_mgr =
+        ::arrow::internal::make_unique<AsofJoinSchema>();
+    const auto& join_options = checked_cast<const AsofJoinNodeOptions&>(options);
+    std::shared_ptr<Schema> output_schema =
+        schema_mgr->MakeOutputSchema(inputs, join_options);
+    ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(std::unique_ptr<AsofJoinImpl> impl, AsofJoinImpl::MakeBasic());
+    return plan->EmplaceNode<AsofJoinNode>(plan, inputs, join_options,
+                                           std::move(output_schema),
+                                           std::move(schema_mgr), std::move(impl));
+  }
+  const char* kind_name() const override { return "AsofJoinNode"; }
+  void InputReceived(ExecNode* input, ExecBatch batch) override {
+    // Get the input
+    ARROW_DCHECK(std::find(inputs_.begin(), inputs_.end(), input) != inputs_.end());
+    size_t k = std::find(inputs_.begin(), inputs_.end(), input) - inputs_.begin();
+    std::cerr << "InputReceived BEGIN (k=" << k << ")\n";
+    // Put into the queue
+    auto rb = *batch.ToRecordBatch(input->output_schema());
+    _process.push(true);
+    std::cerr << "InputReceived END\n";
+  }
+  void ErrorReceived(ExecNode* input, Status error) override {
+    outputs_[0]->ErrorReceived(this, std::move(error));
+    StopProducing();
+  }
+  void InputFinished(ExecNode* input, int total_batches) override {
+    std::cerr << "InputFinished BEGIN\n";
+    // bool is_finished=false;
+    {
+      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(_gate);
+      std::cerr << "InputFinished find\n";
+      ARROW_DCHECK(std::find(inputs_.begin(), inputs_.end(), input) != inputs_.end());
+      size_t k = std::find(inputs_.begin(), inputs_.end(), input) - inputs_.begin();
+      // cerr << "set_total_batches for input " << k << ": " << total_batches << "\n";
+      //>finished();
+    }
+    // Trigger a process call
+    // The reason for this is that there are cases at the end of a table where we don't
+    // know whether the RHS of the join is up-to-date until we know that the table is
+    // finished.
+    _process.push(true);
+    std::cerr << "InputFinished END\n";
+  }
+  Status StartProducing() override {
+    std::cout << "StartProducing"
+              << "\n";
+    finished_ = arrow::Future<>::Make();
+    // bool use_sync_execution = !(plan_->exec_context()->executor());
+    // std::cerr << "StartScheduling\n";
+    // std::cerr << "use_sync_execution: " << use_sync_execution << std::endl;
+    // RETURN_NOT_OK(
+    //               scheduler_->StartScheduling(0 /*thread index*/,
+    //                                           std::move([this](std::function<Status(size_t)>
+    //                                           func) -> Status {
+    //                                                       return
+    //                                                       this->ScheduleTaskCallback(std::move(func));
+    //                                                     }),
+    //                                           1,
+    //                                           use_sync_execution
+    //                                           )
+    //               );
+    // RETURN_NOT_OK(
+    //               scheduler_->StartTaskGroup(0, task_group_process_, 1)
+    //               );
+    // std::cerr << "StartScheduling done\n";
+    return Status::OK();
+  }
+  void PauseProducing(ExecNode* output) override {
+    std::cout << "PauseProducing"
+              << "\n";
+  }
+  void ResumeProducing(ExecNode* output) override {
+    std::cout << "ResumeProducing"
+              << "\n";
+  }
+  void StopProducing(ExecNode* output) override {
+    DCHECK_EQ(output, outputs_[0]);
+    StopProducing();
+    std::cout << "StopProducing"
+              << "\n";
+  }
+  void StopProducing() override {
+    std::cerr << "StopProducing" << std::endl;
+    // if(batch_count_.Cancel()) finished_.MarkFinished();
+    finished_.MarkFinished();
+    for (auto&& input : inputs_) input->StopProducing(this);
+  }
+  Future<> finished() override { return finished_; }
+  // Status ScheduleTaskCallback(std::function<Status(size_t)> func) {

Review Comment:
   Ignore this: Failed attempt trying to use TaskScheduler to manage the process thread

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