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[GitHub] [flink] fapaul commented on a change in pull request #18288: [FLINK-20188][Connectors][Docs][FileSystem] Added documentation for File Source

fapaul commented on a change in pull request #18288:

File path: docs/content/docs/connectors/datastream/
@@ -25,12 +27,243 @@ specific language governing permissions and limitations
 under the License.
-# File Sink
+# FileSystem
-This connector provides a unified Sink for `BATCH` and `STREAMING` that writes partitioned files to filesystems
+This connector provides a unified Source and Sink for `BATCH` and `STREAMING` that reads or writes (partitioned) files to filesystems
 supported by the [Flink `FileSystem` abstraction]({{< ref "docs/deployment/filesystems/overview" >}}). This filesystem
-connector provides the same guarantees for both `BATCH` and `STREAMING` and it is an evolution of the 
-existing [Streaming File Sink]({{< ref "docs/connectors/datastream/streamfile_sink" >}}) which was designed for providing exactly-once semantics for `STREAMING` execution.
+connector provides the same guarantees for both `BATCH` and `STREAMING` and is designed for providing exactly-once semantics for `STREAMING` execution.
+The connector supports reading and writing a set of files from any (distributed) file system (e.g. POSIX, S3, HDFS)
+with a [format]({{< ref "docs/connectors/datastream/formats/overview" >}}) (e.g., Avro, CSV, Parquet),
+producing a stream or records.
+## File Source
+The `File Source` is based on the [Source API]({{< ref "docs/dev/datastream/sources" >}}#the-data-source-api), 
+a unified data source that reads files - both in batch and in streaming mode. 
+It is divided into the following two parts: File SplitEnumerator and File SourceReader. 
+* File `SplitEnumerator` is responsible for discovering and identifying the files to read and assigns them to the File SourceReader.
+* File `SourceReader` requests the files it needs to process and reads the file from the filesystem. 
+You'll need to combine the File Source with a [format]({{< ref "docs/connectors/datastream/formats/overview" >}}). This allows you to
+parse CSV, decode AVRO or read Parquet columnar files.
+#### Bounded and Unbounded Streams
+A bounded `File Source` lists all files (via SplitEnumerator, for example a recursive directory list with filtered-out hidden files) and reads them all.
+An unbounded `File Source` is created when configuring the enumerator for periodic file discovery.
+In that case, the SplitEnumerator will enumerate like the bounded case but after a certain interval repeats the enumeration.
+For any repeated enumeration, the `SplitEnumerator` filters out previously detect files and only sends new ones to the `SourceReader`.
+### Usage
+You start building a file source via one of the following calls:
+{{< tabs "FileSourceUsage" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+// reads the contents of a file from a file stream. 
+// reads batches of records from a file at a time
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
+This creates a `FileSource.FileSourceBuilder` on which you can configure all the properties of the file source.
+For the bounded/batch case, the file source processes all files under the given path(s). 
+In the continuous/streaming case, the source periodically checks the paths for new files and will start reading those.
+When you start creating a file source (via the `FileSource.FileSourceBuilder` created through one of the above-mentioned methods) 
+the source is by default in bounded/batch mode. Call `AbstractFileSource.AbstractFileSourceBuilder.monitorContinuously(Duration)` 
+to put the source into continuous streaming mode.
+{{< tabs "FileSourceBuilder" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+final FileSource<String> source =
+        FileSource.forRecordStreamFormat(...)
+        .monitorContinuously(Duration.ofMillis(5))  
+        .build();
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
+### Format Types
+The reading of each file happens through file readers defined by file formats. 
+These define the parsing logic for the contents of the file. There are multiple classes that the source supports. 
+Their interfaces trade of simplicity of implementation and flexibility/efficiency.
+* A `StreamFormat` reads the contents of a file from a file stream. It is the simplest format to implement, 
+and provides many features out-of-the-box (like checkpointing logic) but is limited in the optimizations it can apply 
+(such as object reuse, batching, etc.).
+* A `BulkFormat` reads batches of records from a file at a time. 
+It is the most "low level" format to implement, but offers the greatest flexibility to optimize the implementation.
+#### TextLine format
+A `StreamFormat` reader format that text lines from a file.
+The reader uses Java's built-in `InputStreamReader` to decode the byte stream using
+various supported charset encodings.
+This format does not support optimized recovery from checkpoints. On recovery, it will re-read
+and discard the number of lined that were processed before the last checkpoint. That is due to
+the fact that the offsets of lines in the file cannot be tracked through the charset decoders
+with their internal buffering of stream input and charset decoder state.
+#### SimpleStreamFormat Abstract Class
+A simple version of `StreamFormat` for formats that are not splittable.
+Custom reads of Array or File can be done by implementing `SimpleStreamFormat`:
+{{< tabs "SimpleStreamFormat" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+private static final class ArrayReaderFormat extends SimpleStreamFormat<byte[]> {
+    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+    @Override
+    public Reader<byte[]> createReader(Configuration config, FSDataInputStream stream)
+            throws IOException {
+        return new ArrayReader(stream);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public TypeInformation<byte[]> getProducedType() {
+        return PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo.BYTE_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO;
+    }
+final FileSource<byte[]> source =
+                FileSource.forRecordStreamFormat(new ArrayReaderFormat(), path).build();
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
+An example of a `SimpleStreamFormat` is `CsvReaderFormat`. It can be initialized as follows:
+CsvReaderFormat<SomePojo> csvFormat = CsvReaderFormat.forPojo(SomePojo.class);
+FileSource<SomePojo> source = 
+        FileSource.forRecordStreamFormat(csvFormat, Path.fromLocalFile(...)).build();
+The schema for CSV parsing, in this case, is automatically derived based on the fields of the `SomePojo` class using the `Jackson` library. (Note: you might need to add `@JsonPropertyOrder({field1, field2, ...})` annotation to your class definition with the fields order exactly matching those of the CSV file columns).
+If you need more fine-grained control over the CSV schema or the parsing options, use the more low-level `forSchema` static factory method of `CsvReaderFormat`:
+CsvReaderFormat<T> forSchema(CsvMapper mapper, 
+                             CsvSchema schema, 
+                             TypeInformation<T> typeInformation) 
+#### Bulk Format
+The BulkFormat reads and decodes batches of records at a time. Examples of bulk formats
+are formats like ORC or Parquet.
+The outer `BulkFormat` class acts mainly as a configuration holder and factory for the
+reader. The actual reading is done by the `BulkFormat.Reader`, which is created in the
+`BulkFormat#createReader(Configuration, FileSourceSplit)` method. If a bulk reader is
+created based on a checkpoint during checkpointed streaming execution, then the reader is
+re-created in the `BulkFormat#restoreReader(Configuration, FileSourceSplit)` method.
+A `SimpleStreamFormat` can be turned into a `BulkFormat` by wrapping it in a `StreamFormatAdapter`:
+BulkFormat<SomePojo, FileSourceSplit> bulkFormat = 
+        new StreamFormatAdapter<>(CsvReaderFormat.forPojo(SomePojo.class));
+### Customizing File Enumeration
+{{< tabs "CustomizingFileEnumeration" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+ * A FileEnumerator implementation for hive source, which generates splits based on 
+ * HiveTablePartition.
+ */
+public class HiveSourceFileEnumerator implements FileEnumerator {
+    // reference constructor
+    public HiveSourceFileEnumerator(...) {
+        ...
+    }
+    /***
+     * Generates all file splits for the relevant files under the given paths. The {@code
+     * minDesiredSplits} is an optional hint indicating how many splits would be necessary to
+     * exploit parallelism properly.
+     */
+    @Override
+    public Collection<FileSourceSplit> enumerateSplits(Path[] paths, int minDesiredSplits)
+            throws IOException {
+        // createInputSplits:splitting files into fragmented collections
+        return new ArrayList<>(createInputSplits(...));
+    }
+    ...
+    /***
+     * A factory to create HiveSourceFileEnumerator.
+     */
+    public static class Provider implements FileEnumerator.Provider {
+        ...
+        @Override
+        public FileEnumerator create() {
+            return new HiveSourceFileEnumerator(...);
+        }
+    }
+// use the customizing file enumeration
+new HiveSource<>(
+        ...,
+        new HiveSourceFileEnumerator.Provider(
+        partitions != null ? partitions : Collections.emptyList(),
+        new JobConfWrapper(jobConf)),
+       ...);
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
+### Current Limitations
+Watermarking doesn't work particularly well for large backlogs of files, because watermarks eagerly advance within a file, and the next file might contain data later than the watermark again.
+We are looking at ways to generate the watermarks more based on global information.
+For Unbounded File Sources, the enumerator currently remembers paths of all already processed files, which is a state that can in come cases grow rather large.

Review comment:
   For Unbounded File Sources, the enumerator currently remembers paths of all already processed files, which is a state that can in some cases grow rather large.

File path: docs/content/docs/connectors/datastream/
@@ -25,12 +27,243 @@ specific language governing permissions and limitations
 under the License.
-# File Sink
+# FileSystem
-This connector provides a unified Sink for `BATCH` and `STREAMING` that writes partitioned files to filesystems
+This connector provides a unified Source and Sink for `BATCH` and `STREAMING` that reads or writes (partitioned) files to filesystems
 supported by the [Flink `FileSystem` abstraction]({{< ref "docs/deployment/filesystems/overview" >}}). This filesystem
-connector provides the same guarantees for both `BATCH` and `STREAMING` and it is an evolution of the 
-existing [Streaming File Sink]({{< ref "docs/connectors/datastream/streamfile_sink" >}}) which was designed for providing exactly-once semantics for `STREAMING` execution.
+connector provides the same guarantees for both `BATCH` and `STREAMING` and is designed for providing exactly-once semantics for `STREAMING` execution.
+The connector supports reading and writing a set of files from any (distributed) file system (e.g. POSIX, S3, HDFS)
+with a [format]({{< ref "docs/connectors/datastream/formats/overview" >}}) (e.g., Avro, CSV, Parquet),
+producing a stream or records.
+## File Source
+The `File Source` is based on the [Source API]({{< ref "docs/dev/datastream/sources" >}}#the-data-source-api), 
+a unified data source that reads files - both in batch and in streaming mode. 
+It is divided into the following two parts: File SplitEnumerator and File SourceReader. 
+* File `SplitEnumerator` is responsible for discovering and identifying the files to read and assigns them to the File SourceReader.
+* File `SourceReader` requests the files it needs to process and reads the file from the filesystem. 
+You'll need to combine the File Source with a [format]({{< ref "docs/connectors/datastream/formats/overview" >}}). This allows you to
+parse CSV, decode AVRO or read Parquet columnar files.
+#### Bounded and Unbounded Streams
+A bounded `File Source` lists all files (via SplitEnumerator, for example a recursive directory list with filtered-out hidden files) and reads them all.
+An unbounded `File Source` is created when configuring the enumerator for periodic file discovery.
+In that case, the SplitEnumerator will enumerate like the bounded case but after a certain interval repeats the enumeration.
+For any repeated enumeration, the `SplitEnumerator` filters out previously detect files and only sends new ones to the `SourceReader`.
+### Usage
+You start building a file source via one of the following calls:
+{{< tabs "FileSourceUsage" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+// reads the contents of a file from a file stream. 
+// reads batches of records from a file at a time
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
+This creates a `FileSource.FileSourceBuilder` on which you can configure all the properties of the file source.
+For the bounded/batch case, the file source processes all files under the given path(s). 
+In the continuous/streaming case, the source periodically checks the paths for new files and will start reading those.
+When you start creating a file source (via the `FileSource.FileSourceBuilder` created through one of the above-mentioned methods) 
+the source is by default in bounded/batch mode. Call `AbstractFileSource.AbstractFileSourceBuilder.monitorContinuously(Duration)` 
+to put the source into continuous streaming mode.
+{{< tabs "FileSourceBuilder" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+final FileSource<String> source =
+        FileSource.forRecordStreamFormat(...)
+        .monitorContinuously(Duration.ofMillis(5))  
+        .build();
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
+### Format Types
+The reading of each file happens through file readers defined by file formats. 
+These define the parsing logic for the contents of the file. There are multiple classes that the source supports. 
+Their interfaces trade of simplicity of implementation and flexibility/efficiency.
+* A `StreamFormat` reads the contents of a file from a file stream. It is the simplest format to implement, 
+and provides many features out-of-the-box (like checkpointing logic) but is limited in the optimizations it can apply 
+(such as object reuse, batching, etc.).
+* A `BulkFormat` reads batches of records from a file at a time. 
+It is the most "low level" format to implement, but offers the greatest flexibility to optimize the implementation.
+#### TextLine format
+A `StreamFormat` reader format that text lines from a file.
+The reader uses Java's built-in `InputStreamReader` to decode the byte stream using
+various supported charset encodings.
+This format does not support optimized recovery from checkpoints. On recovery, it will re-read
+and discard the number of lined that were processed before the last checkpoint. That is due to
+the fact that the offsets of lines in the file cannot be tracked through the charset decoders
+with their internal buffering of stream input and charset decoder state.
+#### SimpleStreamFormat Abstract Class
+A simple version of `StreamFormat` for formats that are not splittable.
+Custom reads of Array or File can be done by implementing `SimpleStreamFormat`:
+{{< tabs "SimpleStreamFormat" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+private static final class ArrayReaderFormat extends SimpleStreamFormat<byte[]> {
+    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+    @Override
+    public Reader<byte[]> createReader(Configuration config, FSDataInputStream stream)
+            throws IOException {
+        return new ArrayReader(stream);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public TypeInformation<byte[]> getProducedType() {
+        return PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo.BYTE_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO;
+    }
+final FileSource<byte[]> source =
+                FileSource.forRecordStreamFormat(new ArrayReaderFormat(), path).build();
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
+An example of a `SimpleStreamFormat` is `CsvReaderFormat`. It can be initialized as follows:
+CsvReaderFormat<SomePojo> csvFormat = CsvReaderFormat.forPojo(SomePojo.class);
+FileSource<SomePojo> source = 
+        FileSource.forRecordStreamFormat(csvFormat, Path.fromLocalFile(...)).build();
+The schema for CSV parsing, in this case, is automatically derived based on the fields of the `SomePojo` class using the `Jackson` library. (Note: you might need to add `@JsonPropertyOrder({field1, field2, ...})` annotation to your class definition with the fields order exactly matching those of the CSV file columns).
+If you need more fine-grained control over the CSV schema or the parsing options, use the more low-level `forSchema` static factory method of `CsvReaderFormat`:
+CsvReaderFormat<T> forSchema(CsvMapper mapper, 
+                             CsvSchema schema, 
+                             TypeInformation<T> typeInformation) 
+#### Bulk Format
+The BulkFormat reads and decodes batches of records at a time. Examples of bulk formats
+are formats like ORC or Parquet.
+The outer `BulkFormat` class acts mainly as a configuration holder and factory for the
+reader. The actual reading is done by the `BulkFormat.Reader`, which is created in the
+`BulkFormat#createReader(Configuration, FileSourceSplit)` method. If a bulk reader is
+created based on a checkpoint during checkpointed streaming execution, then the reader is
+re-created in the `BulkFormat#restoreReader(Configuration, FileSourceSplit)` method.
+A `SimpleStreamFormat` can be turned into a `BulkFormat` by wrapping it in a `StreamFormatAdapter`:
+BulkFormat<SomePojo, FileSourceSplit> bulkFormat = 
+        new StreamFormatAdapter<>(CsvReaderFormat.forPojo(SomePojo.class));
+### Customizing File Enumeration
+{{< tabs "CustomizingFileEnumeration" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+ * A FileEnumerator implementation for hive source, which generates splits based on 
+ * HiveTablePartition.
+ */
+public class HiveSourceFileEnumerator implements FileEnumerator {
+    // reference constructor
+    public HiveSourceFileEnumerator(...) {
+        ...
+    }
+    /***
+     * Generates all file splits for the relevant files under the given paths. The {@code
+     * minDesiredSplits} is an optional hint indicating how many splits would be necessary to
+     * exploit parallelism properly.
+     */
+    @Override
+    public Collection<FileSourceSplit> enumerateSplits(Path[] paths, int minDesiredSplits)
+            throws IOException {
+        // createInputSplits:splitting files into fragmented collections
+        return new ArrayList<>(createInputSplits(...));
+    }
+    ...
+    /***
+     * A factory to create HiveSourceFileEnumerator.
+     */
+    public static class Provider implements FileEnumerator.Provider {
+        ...
+        @Override
+        public FileEnumerator create() {
+            return new HiveSourceFileEnumerator(...);
+        }
+    }
+// use the customizing file enumeration
+new HiveSource<>(
+        ...,
+        new HiveSourceFileEnumerator.Provider(
+        partitions != null ? partitions : Collections.emptyList(),
+        new JobConfWrapper(jobConf)),
+       ...);
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
+### Current Limitations
+Watermarking doesn't work particularly well for large backlogs of files, because watermarks eagerly advance within a file, and the next file might contain data later than the watermark again.
+We are looking at ways to generate the watermarks more based on global information.

Review comment:
       I cannot recall seeing any planned effort to fix this behavior.

File path: docs/content/docs/connectors/datastream/
@@ -25,12 +27,243 @@ specific language governing permissions and limitations
 under the License.
-# File Sink
+# FileSystem
-This connector provides a unified Sink for `BATCH` and `STREAMING` that writes partitioned files to filesystems
+This connector provides a unified Source and Sink for `BATCH` and `STREAMING` that reads or writes (partitioned) files to filesystems
 supported by the [Flink `FileSystem` abstraction]({{< ref "docs/deployment/filesystems/overview" >}}). This filesystem
-connector provides the same guarantees for both `BATCH` and `STREAMING` and it is an evolution of the 
-existing [Streaming File Sink]({{< ref "docs/connectors/datastream/streamfile_sink" >}}) which was designed for providing exactly-once semantics for `STREAMING` execution.
+connector provides the same guarantees for both `BATCH` and `STREAMING` and is designed for providing exactly-once semantics for `STREAMING` execution.
+The connector supports reading and writing a set of files from any (distributed) file system (e.g. POSIX, S3, HDFS)
+with a [format]({{< ref "docs/connectors/datastream/formats/overview" >}}) (e.g., Avro, CSV, Parquet),
+producing a stream or records.
+## File Source
+The `File Source` is based on the [Source API]({{< ref "docs/dev/datastream/sources" >}}#the-data-source-api), 
+a unified data source that reads files - both in batch and in streaming mode. 
+It is divided into the following two parts: File SplitEnumerator and File SourceReader. 
+* File `SplitEnumerator` is responsible for discovering and identifying the files to read and assigns them to the File SourceReader.
+* File `SourceReader` requests the files it needs to process and reads the file from the filesystem. 
+You'll need to combine the File Source with a [format]({{< ref "docs/connectors/datastream/formats/overview" >}}). This allows you to
+parse CSV, decode AVRO or read Parquet columnar files.
+#### Bounded and Unbounded Streams
+A bounded `File Source` lists all files (via SplitEnumerator, for example a recursive directory list with filtered-out hidden files) and reads them all.
+An unbounded `File Source` is created when configuring the enumerator for periodic file discovery.
+In that case, the SplitEnumerator will enumerate like the bounded case but after a certain interval repeats the enumeration.
+For any repeated enumeration, the `SplitEnumerator` filters out previously detect files and only sends new ones to the `SourceReader`.
+### Usage
+You start building a file source via one of the following calls:
+{{< tabs "FileSourceUsage" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+// reads the contents of a file from a file stream. 
+// reads batches of records from a file at a time
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
+This creates a `FileSource.FileSourceBuilder` on which you can configure all the properties of the file source.
+For the bounded/batch case, the file source processes all files under the given path(s). 
+In the continuous/streaming case, the source periodically checks the paths for new files and will start reading those.
+When you start creating a file source (via the `FileSource.FileSourceBuilder` created through one of the above-mentioned methods) 
+the source is by default in bounded/batch mode. Call `AbstractFileSource.AbstractFileSourceBuilder.monitorContinuously(Duration)` 
+to put the source into continuous streaming mode.
+{{< tabs "FileSourceBuilder" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+final FileSource<String> source =
+        FileSource.forRecordStreamFormat(...)
+        .monitorContinuously(Duration.ofMillis(5))  
+        .build();
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
+### Format Types
+The reading of each file happens through file readers defined by file formats. 
+These define the parsing logic for the contents of the file. There are multiple classes that the source supports. 
+Their interfaces trade of simplicity of implementation and flexibility/efficiency.
+* A `StreamFormat` reads the contents of a file from a file stream. It is the simplest format to implement, 
+and provides many features out-of-the-box (like checkpointing logic) but is limited in the optimizations it can apply 
+(such as object reuse, batching, etc.).
+* A `BulkFormat` reads batches of records from a file at a time. 
+It is the most "low level" format to implement, but offers the greatest flexibility to optimize the implementation.
+#### TextLine format
+A `StreamFormat` reader format that text lines from a file.
+The reader uses Java's built-in `InputStreamReader` to decode the byte stream using
+various supported charset encodings.
+This format does not support optimized recovery from checkpoints. On recovery, it will re-read
+and discard the number of lined that were processed before the last checkpoint. That is due to
+the fact that the offsets of lines in the file cannot be tracked through the charset decoders
+with their internal buffering of stream input and charset decoder state.
+#### SimpleStreamFormat Abstract Class
+A simple version of `StreamFormat` for formats that are not splittable.
+Custom reads of Array or File can be done by implementing `SimpleStreamFormat`:
+{{< tabs "SimpleStreamFormat" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+private static final class ArrayReaderFormat extends SimpleStreamFormat<byte[]> {
+    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+    @Override
+    public Reader<byte[]> createReader(Configuration config, FSDataInputStream stream)
+            throws IOException {
+        return new ArrayReader(stream);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public TypeInformation<byte[]> getProducedType() {
+        return PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo.BYTE_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO;
+    }
+final FileSource<byte[]> source =
+                FileSource.forRecordStreamFormat(new ArrayReaderFormat(), path).build();
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
+An example of a `SimpleStreamFormat` is `CsvReaderFormat`. It can be initialized as follows:
+CsvReaderFormat<SomePojo> csvFormat = CsvReaderFormat.forPojo(SomePojo.class);
+FileSource<SomePojo> source = 
+        FileSource.forRecordStreamFormat(csvFormat, Path.fromLocalFile(...)).build();
+The schema for CSV parsing, in this case, is automatically derived based on the fields of the `SomePojo` class using the `Jackson` library. (Note: you might need to add `@JsonPropertyOrder({field1, field2, ...})` annotation to your class definition with the fields order exactly matching those of the CSV file columns).
+If you need more fine-grained control over the CSV schema or the parsing options, use the more low-level `forSchema` static factory method of `CsvReaderFormat`:
+CsvReaderFormat<T> forSchema(CsvMapper mapper, 
+                             CsvSchema schema, 
+                             TypeInformation<T> typeInformation) 
+#### Bulk Format
+The BulkFormat reads and decodes batches of records at a time. Examples of bulk formats
+are formats like ORC or Parquet.
+The outer `BulkFormat` class acts mainly as a configuration holder and factory for the
+reader. The actual reading is done by the `BulkFormat.Reader`, which is created in the
+`BulkFormat#createReader(Configuration, FileSourceSplit)` method. If a bulk reader is
+created based on a checkpoint during checkpointed streaming execution, then the reader is
+re-created in the `BulkFormat#restoreReader(Configuration, FileSourceSplit)` method.
+A `SimpleStreamFormat` can be turned into a `BulkFormat` by wrapping it in a `StreamFormatAdapter`:
+BulkFormat<SomePojo, FileSourceSplit> bulkFormat = 
+        new StreamFormatAdapter<>(CsvReaderFormat.forPojo(SomePojo.class));
+### Customizing File Enumeration
+{{< tabs "CustomizingFileEnumeration" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+ * A FileEnumerator implementation for hive source, which generates splits based on 
+ * HiveTablePartition.
+ */
+public class HiveSourceFileEnumerator implements FileEnumerator {
+    // reference constructor
+    public HiveSourceFileEnumerator(...) {
+        ...
+    }
+    /***
+     * Generates all file splits for the relevant files under the given paths. The {@code
+     * minDesiredSplits} is an optional hint indicating how many splits would be necessary to
+     * exploit parallelism properly.
+     */
+    @Override
+    public Collection<FileSourceSplit> enumerateSplits(Path[] paths, int minDesiredSplits)
+            throws IOException {
+        // createInputSplits:splitting files into fragmented collections
+        return new ArrayList<>(createInputSplits(...));
+    }
+    ...
+    /***
+     * A factory to create HiveSourceFileEnumerator.
+     */
+    public static class Provider implements FileEnumerator.Provider {
+        ...
+        @Override
+        public FileEnumerator create() {
+            return new HiveSourceFileEnumerator(...);
+        }
+    }
+// use the customizing file enumeration
+new HiveSource<>(
+        ...,
+        new HiveSourceFileEnumerator.Provider(
+        partitions != null ? partitions : Collections.emptyList(),
+        new JobConfWrapper(jobConf)),
+       ...);
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
+### Current Limitations
+Watermarking doesn't work particularly well for large backlogs of files, because watermarks eagerly advance within a file, and the next file might contain data later than the watermark again.
+We are looking at ways to generate the watermarks more based on global information.
+For Unbounded File Sources, the enumerator currently remembers paths of all already processed files, which is a state that can in come cases grow rather large.
+The future will be planned to add a compressed form of tracking already processed files in the future (for example by keeping modification timestamps lower boundaries).

Review comment:
       The delta lake source also hit this problem we probably have to fix this rather soonish.

File path: docs/content/docs/connectors/datastream/
@@ -25,12 +27,243 @@ specific language governing permissions and limitations
 under the License.
-# File Sink
+# FileSystem
-This connector provides a unified Sink for `BATCH` and `STREAMING` that writes partitioned files to filesystems
+This connector provides a unified Source and Sink for `BATCH` and `STREAMING` that reads or writes (partitioned) files to filesystems
 supported by the [Flink `FileSystem` abstraction]({{< ref "docs/deployment/filesystems/overview" >}}). This filesystem
-connector provides the same guarantees for both `BATCH` and `STREAMING` and it is an evolution of the 
-existing [Streaming File Sink]({{< ref "docs/connectors/datastream/streamfile_sink" >}}) which was designed for providing exactly-once semantics for `STREAMING` execution.
+connector provides the same guarantees for both `BATCH` and `STREAMING` and is designed for providing exactly-once semantics for `STREAMING` execution.
+The connector supports reading and writing a set of files from any (distributed) file system (e.g. POSIX, S3, HDFS)
+with a [format]({{< ref "docs/connectors/datastream/formats/overview" >}}) (e.g., Avro, CSV, Parquet),
+producing a stream or records.
+## File Source
+The `File Source` is based on the [Source API]({{< ref "docs/dev/datastream/sources" >}}#the-data-source-api), 
+a unified data source that reads files - both in batch and in streaming mode. 
+It is divided into the following two parts: File SplitEnumerator and File SourceReader. 
+* File `SplitEnumerator` is responsible for discovering and identifying the files to read and assigns them to the File SourceReader.
+* File `SourceReader` requests the files it needs to process and reads the file from the filesystem. 
+You'll need to combine the File Source with a [format]({{< ref "docs/connectors/datastream/formats/overview" >}}). This allows you to
+parse CSV, decode AVRO or read Parquet columnar files.
+#### Bounded and Unbounded Streams
+A bounded `File Source` lists all files (via SplitEnumerator, for example a recursive directory list with filtered-out hidden files) and reads them all.
+An unbounded `File Source` is created when configuring the enumerator for periodic file discovery.
+In that case, the SplitEnumerator will enumerate like the bounded case but after a certain interval repeats the enumeration.
+For any repeated enumeration, the `SplitEnumerator` filters out previously detect files and only sends new ones to the `SourceReader`.
+### Usage
+You start building a file source via one of the following calls:
+{{< tabs "FileSourceUsage" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+// reads the contents of a file from a file stream. 
+// reads batches of records from a file at a time
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
+This creates a `FileSource.FileSourceBuilder` on which you can configure all the properties of the file source.
+For the bounded/batch case, the file source processes all files under the given path(s). 
+In the continuous/streaming case, the source periodically checks the paths for new files and will start reading those.
+When you start creating a file source (via the `FileSource.FileSourceBuilder` created through one of the above-mentioned methods) 
+the source is by default in bounded/batch mode. Call `AbstractFileSource.AbstractFileSourceBuilder.monitorContinuously(Duration)` 
+to put the source into continuous streaming mode.
+{{< tabs "FileSourceBuilder" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+final FileSource<String> source =
+        FileSource.forRecordStreamFormat(...)
+        .monitorContinuously(Duration.ofMillis(5))  
+        .build();
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
+### Format Types
+The reading of each file happens through file readers defined by file formats. 
+These define the parsing logic for the contents of the file. There are multiple classes that the source supports. 
+Their interfaces trade of simplicity of implementation and flexibility/efficiency.
+* A `StreamFormat` reads the contents of a file from a file stream. It is the simplest format to implement, 
+and provides many features out-of-the-box (like checkpointing logic) but is limited in the optimizations it can apply 
+(such as object reuse, batching, etc.).
+* A `BulkFormat` reads batches of records from a file at a time. 
+It is the most "low level" format to implement, but offers the greatest flexibility to optimize the implementation.
+#### TextLine format
+A `StreamFormat` reader format that text lines from a file.
+The reader uses Java's built-in `InputStreamReader` to decode the byte stream using
+various supported charset encodings.
+This format does not support optimized recovery from checkpoints. On recovery, it will re-read
+and discard the number of lined that were processed before the last checkpoint. That is due to
+the fact that the offsets of lines in the file cannot be tracked through the charset decoders
+with their internal buffering of stream input and charset decoder state.
+#### SimpleStreamFormat Abstract Class
+A simple version of `StreamFormat` for formats that are not splittable.
+Custom reads of Array or File can be done by implementing `SimpleStreamFormat`:
+{{< tabs "SimpleStreamFormat" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+private static final class ArrayReaderFormat extends SimpleStreamFormat<byte[]> {
+    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+    @Override
+    public Reader<byte[]> createReader(Configuration config, FSDataInputStream stream)
+            throws IOException {
+        return new ArrayReader(stream);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public TypeInformation<byte[]> getProducedType() {
+        return PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo.BYTE_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO;
+    }
+final FileSource<byte[]> source =
+                FileSource.forRecordStreamFormat(new ArrayReaderFormat(), path).build();
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
+An example of a `SimpleStreamFormat` is `CsvReaderFormat`. It can be initialized as follows:
+CsvReaderFormat<SomePojo> csvFormat = CsvReaderFormat.forPojo(SomePojo.class);
+FileSource<SomePojo> source = 
+        FileSource.forRecordStreamFormat(csvFormat, Path.fromLocalFile(...)).build();
+The schema for CSV parsing, in this case, is automatically derived based on the fields of the `SomePojo` class using the `Jackson` library. (Note: you might need to add `@JsonPropertyOrder({field1, field2, ...})` annotation to your class definition with the fields order exactly matching those of the CSV file columns).
+If you need more fine-grained control over the CSV schema or the parsing options, use the more low-level `forSchema` static factory method of `CsvReaderFormat`:
+CsvReaderFormat<T> forSchema(CsvMapper mapper, 
+                             CsvSchema schema, 
+                             TypeInformation<T> typeInformation) 
+#### Bulk Format
+The BulkFormat reads and decodes batches of records at a time. Examples of bulk formats
+are formats like ORC or Parquet.
+The outer `BulkFormat` class acts mainly as a configuration holder and factory for the
+reader. The actual reading is done by the `BulkFormat.Reader`, which is created in the
+`BulkFormat#createReader(Configuration, FileSourceSplit)` method. If a bulk reader is
+created based on a checkpoint during checkpointed streaming execution, then the reader is
+re-created in the `BulkFormat#restoreReader(Configuration, FileSourceSplit)` method.
+A `SimpleStreamFormat` can be turned into a `BulkFormat` by wrapping it in a `StreamFormatAdapter`:
+BulkFormat<SomePojo, FileSourceSplit> bulkFormat = 
+        new StreamFormatAdapter<>(CsvReaderFormat.forPojo(SomePojo.class));
+### Customizing File Enumeration
+{{< tabs "CustomizingFileEnumeration" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+ * A FileEnumerator implementation for hive source, which generates splits based on 
+ * HiveTablePartition.
+ */
+public class HiveSourceFileEnumerator implements FileEnumerator {
+    // reference constructor
+    public HiveSourceFileEnumerator(...) {
+        ...
+    }
+    /***
+     * Generates all file splits for the relevant files under the given paths. The {@code
+     * minDesiredSplits} is an optional hint indicating how many splits would be necessary to
+     * exploit parallelism properly.
+     */
+    @Override
+    public Collection<FileSourceSplit> enumerateSplits(Path[] paths, int minDesiredSplits)
+            throws IOException {
+        // createInputSplits:splitting files into fragmented collections
+        return new ArrayList<>(createInputSplits(...));
+    }
+    ...
+    /***
+     * A factory to create HiveSourceFileEnumerator.
+     */
+    public static class Provider implements FileEnumerator.Provider {
+        ...
+        @Override
+        public FileEnumerator create() {
+            return new HiveSourceFileEnumerator(...);
+        }
+    }
+// use the customizing file enumeration
+new HiveSource<>(
+        ...,
+        new HiveSourceFileEnumerator.Provider(
+        partitions != null ? partitions : Collections.emptyList(),
+        new JobConfWrapper(jobConf)),
+       ...);
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
+### Current Limitations
+Watermarking doesn't work particularly well for large backlogs of files, because watermarks eagerly advance within a file, and the next file might contain data later than the watermark again.
+We are looking at ways to generate the watermarks more based on global information.
+For Unbounded File Sources, the enumerator currently remembers paths of all already processed files, which is a state that can in come cases grow rather large.
+The future will be planned to add a compressed form of tracking already processed files in the future (for example by keeping modification timestamps lower boundaries).
+### Behind the Scene
+{{< hint info >}}
+If you are interested in how File source works under the design of new data source API, you may
+want to read this part as a reference. For details about the new data source API,
+[documentation of data source]({{< ref "docs/dev/datastream/" >}}) and
+<a href="">FLIP-27</a>
+provide more descriptive discussions.
+{{< /hint >}}
+The `File Source` is divided in the following two parts: File SplitEnumerator and File SourceReader.

Review comment:
       I'd remove everything beginning from here because the internals might be outdated or wrong and on the other not confusing for users.

File path: docs/content/docs/connectors/datastream/
@@ -25,12 +27,243 @@ specific language governing permissions and limitations
 under the License.
-# File Sink
+# FileSystem
-This connector provides a unified Sink for `BATCH` and `STREAMING` that writes partitioned files to filesystems
+This connector provides a unified Source and Sink for `BATCH` and `STREAMING` that reads or writes (partitioned) files to filesystems
 supported by the [Flink `FileSystem` abstraction]({{< ref "docs/deployment/filesystems/overview" >}}). This filesystem
-connector provides the same guarantees for both `BATCH` and `STREAMING` and it is an evolution of the 
-existing [Streaming File Sink]({{< ref "docs/connectors/datastream/streamfile_sink" >}}) which was designed for providing exactly-once semantics for `STREAMING` execution.
+connector provides the same guarantees for both `BATCH` and `STREAMING` and is designed for providing exactly-once semantics for `STREAMING` execution.
+The connector supports reading and writing a set of files from any (distributed) file system (e.g. POSIX, S3, HDFS)
+with a [format]({{< ref "docs/connectors/datastream/formats/overview" >}}) (e.g., Avro, CSV, Parquet),
+producing a stream or records.
+## File Source
+The `File Source` is based on the [Source API]({{< ref "docs/dev/datastream/sources" >}}#the-data-source-api), 
+a unified data source that reads files - both in batch and in streaming mode. 
+It is divided into the following two parts: File SplitEnumerator and File SourceReader. 
+* File `SplitEnumerator` is responsible for discovering and identifying the files to read and assigns them to the File SourceReader.
+* File `SourceReader` requests the files it needs to process and reads the file from the filesystem. 
+You'll need to combine the File Source with a [format]({{< ref "docs/connectors/datastream/formats/overview" >}}). This allows you to
+parse CSV, decode AVRO or read Parquet columnar files.
+#### Bounded and Unbounded Streams
+A bounded `File Source` lists all files (via SplitEnumerator, for example a recursive directory list with filtered-out hidden files) and reads them all.
+An unbounded `File Source` is created when configuring the enumerator for periodic file discovery.
+In that case, the SplitEnumerator will enumerate like the bounded case but after a certain interval repeats the enumeration.
+For any repeated enumeration, the `SplitEnumerator` filters out previously detect files and only sends new ones to the `SourceReader`.
+### Usage
+You start building a file source via one of the following calls:
+{{< tabs "FileSourceUsage" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+// reads the contents of a file from a file stream. 
+// reads batches of records from a file at a time
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
+This creates a `FileSource.FileSourceBuilder` on which you can configure all the properties of the file source.
+For the bounded/batch case, the file source processes all files under the given path(s). 
+In the continuous/streaming case, the source periodically checks the paths for new files and will start reading those.
+When you start creating a file source (via the `FileSource.FileSourceBuilder` created through one of the above-mentioned methods) 
+the source is by default in bounded/batch mode. Call `AbstractFileSource.AbstractFileSourceBuilder.monitorContinuously(Duration)` 
+to put the source into continuous streaming mode.
+{{< tabs "FileSourceBuilder" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+final FileSource<String> source =
+        FileSource.forRecordStreamFormat(...)
+        .monitorContinuously(Duration.ofMillis(5))  
+        .build();
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
+### Format Types
+The reading of each file happens through file readers defined by file formats. 
+These define the parsing logic for the contents of the file. There are multiple classes that the source supports. 
+Their interfaces trade of simplicity of implementation and flexibility/efficiency.
+* A `StreamFormat` reads the contents of a file from a file stream. It is the simplest format to implement, 
+and provides many features out-of-the-box (like checkpointing logic) but is limited in the optimizations it can apply 
+(such as object reuse, batching, etc.).
+* A `BulkFormat` reads batches of records from a file at a time. 
+It is the most "low level" format to implement, but offers the greatest flexibility to optimize the implementation.
+#### TextLine format
+A `StreamFormat` reader format that text lines from a file.
+The reader uses Java's built-in `InputStreamReader` to decode the byte stream using
+various supported charset encodings.
+This format does not support optimized recovery from checkpoints. On recovery, it will re-read
+and discard the number of lined that were processed before the last checkpoint. That is due to
+the fact that the offsets of lines in the file cannot be tracked through the charset decoders
+with their internal buffering of stream input and charset decoder state.
+#### SimpleStreamFormat Abstract Class
+A simple version of `StreamFormat` for formats that are not splittable.
+Custom reads of Array or File can be done by implementing `SimpleStreamFormat`:
+{{< tabs "SimpleStreamFormat" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+private static final class ArrayReaderFormat extends SimpleStreamFormat<byte[]> {
+    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+    @Override
+    public Reader<byte[]> createReader(Configuration config, FSDataInputStream stream)
+            throws IOException {
+        return new ArrayReader(stream);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public TypeInformation<byte[]> getProducedType() {
+        return PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo.BYTE_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO;
+    }
+final FileSource<byte[]> source =
+                FileSource.forRecordStreamFormat(new ArrayReaderFormat(), path).build();
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
+An example of a `SimpleStreamFormat` is `CsvReaderFormat`. It can be initialized as follows:
+CsvReaderFormat<SomePojo> csvFormat = CsvReaderFormat.forPojo(SomePojo.class);
+FileSource<SomePojo> source = 
+        FileSource.forRecordStreamFormat(csvFormat, Path.fromLocalFile(...)).build();
+The schema for CSV parsing, in this case, is automatically derived based on the fields of the `SomePojo` class using the `Jackson` library. (Note: you might need to add `@JsonPropertyOrder({field1, field2, ...})` annotation to your class definition with the fields order exactly matching those of the CSV file columns).
+If you need more fine-grained control over the CSV schema or the parsing options, use the more low-level `forSchema` static factory method of `CsvReaderFormat`:
+CsvReaderFormat<T> forSchema(CsvMapper mapper, 
+                             CsvSchema schema, 
+                             TypeInformation<T> typeInformation) 
+#### Bulk Format
+The BulkFormat reads and decodes batches of records at a time. Examples of bulk formats
+are formats like ORC or Parquet.
+The outer `BulkFormat` class acts mainly as a configuration holder and factory for the
+reader. The actual reading is done by the `BulkFormat.Reader`, which is created in the
+`BulkFormat#createReader(Configuration, FileSourceSplit)` method. If a bulk reader is
+created based on a checkpoint during checkpointed streaming execution, then the reader is
+re-created in the `BulkFormat#restoreReader(Configuration, FileSourceSplit)` method.
+A `SimpleStreamFormat` can be turned into a `BulkFormat` by wrapping it in a `StreamFormatAdapter`:
+BulkFormat<SomePojo, FileSourceSplit> bulkFormat = 
+        new StreamFormatAdapter<>(CsvReaderFormat.forPojo(SomePojo.class));
+### Customizing File Enumeration
+{{< tabs "CustomizingFileEnumeration" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+ * A FileEnumerator implementation for hive source, which generates splits based on 
+ * HiveTablePartition.
+ */
+public class HiveSourceFileEnumerator implements FileEnumerator {
+    // reference constructor
+    public HiveSourceFileEnumerator(...) {
+        ...
+    }
+    /***
+     * Generates all file splits for the relevant files under the given paths. The {@code
+     * minDesiredSplits} is an optional hint indicating how many splits would be necessary to
+     * exploit parallelism properly.
+     */
+    @Override
+    public Collection<FileSourceSplit> enumerateSplits(Path[] paths, int minDesiredSplits)
+            throws IOException {
+        // createInputSplits:splitting files into fragmented collections
+        return new ArrayList<>(createInputSplits(...));
+    }
+    ...
+    /***
+     * A factory to create HiveSourceFileEnumerator.
+     */
+    public static class Provider implements FileEnumerator.Provider {
+        ...
+        @Override
+        public FileEnumerator create() {
+            return new HiveSourceFileEnumerator(...);
+        }
+    }
+// use the customizing file enumeration
+new HiveSource<>(
+        ...,
+        new HiveSourceFileEnumerator.Provider(
+        partitions != null ? partitions : Collections.emptyList(),
+        new JobConfWrapper(jobConf)),
+       ...);
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
+### Current Limitations
+Watermarking doesn't work particularly well for large backlogs of files, because watermarks eagerly advance within a file, and the next file might contain data later than the watermark again.
+We are looking at ways to generate the watermarks more based on global information.
+For Unbounded File Sources, the enumerator currently remembers paths of all already processed files, which is a state that can in come cases grow rather large.
+The future will be planned to add a compressed form of tracking already processed files in the future (for example by keeping modification timestamps lower boundaries).
+### Behind the Scene
+{{< hint info >}}
+If you are interested in how File source works under the design of new data source API, you may
+want to read this part as a reference. For details about the new data source API,
+[documentation of data source]({{< ref "docs/dev/datastream/" >}}) and
+<a href="">FLIP-27</a>
+provide more descriptive discussions.
+{{< /hint >}}
+The `File Source` is divided in the following two parts: File SplitEnumerator and File SourceReader.
+The Source of a file system is divided into the following two parts: File Split Enumerator and File Source Reader,
+File Split Enumerator (Split is an abstraction of the external file system data splitting)
+It is responsible for discovering the split in the external system and assigning it to the File SourceReader,
+and it also manages the global water level to ensure that the consumption rate is approximately the same between our different File Source Readers.

Review comment:
       I think this sentence is partially a lie because afaik watermark alignment is not supported by any source yet.

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