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Posted to by Andriy Redko <> on 2019/03/20 21:22:07 UTC

Re: Async binding not JAX-WS compliant (CXF-7951)

Hi Aritz,

Thank you for submitting the issue and following up. The JIRA tracker is working just fine, 
the issue has been seen but no one has picked it up yet. If you have time to work on the PR, it
would be great, but in any case it will be worked on when someone gets to it. Thank you. 

Best Regards,
    Andriy Redko

Wednesday, March 20, 2019, 8:23:22 AM, you wrote:

ABO> Hi all,

ABO> Two months ago I opened a bug/question in the CXF Issue Tracker, but had no reply in this time. Is the issue tracker still active?

ABO> I appreciate your response/clarification about the following:

ABO> Async binding not JAX-WS compliant

ABO> As it appears, CXF does not follow the JAX-WS specification for async bindings. As a result, our JAX-WS clients
ABO> are not portable, as I must define a different interfaces for CXF and Metro (Weblogic). To mitigate the problem, I
ABO> am working on a neutral proxy layer that acts as adapter for these situations, but first I would appreciate your
ABO> observations, because I might be missing some key point here…

ABO> Thank you in advance.

ABO> Aritz

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