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Posted to by Rolando Pablos Sánchez <> on 2002/12/16 15:26:18 UTC

Attachment with attributes

I am working with attachment and I am using the DataHandler object for this purpose.
In fact, I am using the following line in my WSDL file in order to get the correct stubs:
<xs:element name="Content" type="apachesoap:DataHandler" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

It is OK. I get an array of DataHandler. But what I want is to add 2 attributes to this element. I have tried several combinations with the XML schema.
I thought that the following was going to work:

    <xs:element name="Content" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
         <xs:extension base="apachesoap:DataHandler">
           <xs:attribute name="type" type="tns:ContentQuality"/>
           <xs:attribute name="allowAdaptations" type="xs:boolean" use="optional"/>

It is just a extension of simple type ( ) to add attributes
It generates a class extending SimpleType, and axis thinks that always is possible the String representation of the value. In few words, what you get is a call to the toString() method in the DataHandler class. 

So my question is how can I get a element that is an attachment and also has attributes. The result would be similar to this:
<Content href="cid:XXX" myatt1="XXX" myatt2="XXX"/>

Thank you.

P.D: Is the DataHandler class the only way to work with attachments?