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Posted to by Brian LeRoux <> on 2014/03/05 03:01:03 UTC

hangout notes

Super helpful again.

- Steve to publish current plugins site and blog post encouraging contribute

- Coho does things! but we agree that we want a turn key release process.
google/adobe to really send some love into this tool to make lives easier.
Google working on this now. Adobe folk will look into after new is live.

- Releasing: we do it a lot. Synchronization of platforms seems to slow us.
Moving away from dedicated Release Manager role to rotating. Current
thinking is decoupling platform releases. (So iOS could ship independent of
Android, for example.) Andrew to kick up a thread for further discussion of
the impacts.

- Statusbar/Keyboard: adding to core? Some think 'core' means >3 platforms.
Some think it might mean its too important for us to ignore. Also perhaps
some are so important they need to be a part of a platform. Needs
discussion / Tommy will kick up this thread.

- Plugins should not be doing asset injection for user space concerns.
Example: somebody creates a Cordova plugin for jQuery. That would not be

- Hooks for plugins. We like it. Platform pre/post build. Plugman
install/uninstall/build/prepare. We likely need a plugin registry policy
and possibly Maven has already been down this path at Apache.

- We need to (continue?) discussing platforms as the happy path. Needs
things like icons, splashscreens, actual (you know) release level builds
with keys.

- cordova-js/browserify branch in progress by Anis. Please have a look.
Looking good but early. Still concerns wrt merges, clobbers, and runs ...and
plugins in general.