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Posted to by Matteo Di Palma <> on 2008/01/30 13:24:44 UTC

[FileUpload] Passage of values from a servlet to a jsp


I have a file upload Servlet that insert image into DB and I would see a
link to these images in a JSP, or at least a list.
The insert work but the list does not, because I do not know how to send
these parameters from a Servlet to a JSP.
Into HTML form I enter only the picture and not even his name.
Here is an extract from the Servlet:
boolean isMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request);
FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);
List /* FileItem */ items = upload.parseRequest(request);

Iterator iter = items.iterator();
   while (iter.hasNext()) {
      FileItem item = (FileItem);
      name = item.getName();
      img  = item.getInputStream();
      size = item.getSize();

Image image = new Image(name, img, size);  // Creo un oggetto Image che è un
ImageCRUD ic = new ImageCRUD();             // Classe CRUD per le operazioni
nel DB
ic.addImage( image );                                 // Inserisco
l'immagine nel DB
ResultSet rs = ic.listImage();                      // Seleziono le immagini

RequestDispatcher dispatcher;
dispatcher = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/ShowImage.jsp");

Now in JSP would like a list of images (in another words the variable name
of the Servlet). Something like:
<% String name = request.getParameter ( "name");%>

/ / On a cycle for the recurrence of cells of the table
     <td Align="right"> Name: </ td> <td> <=% name%> </ td>
</ Tr>

Of course, this code does not work and is probably nonsense, but I put to
the idea.
I am sorry for this approximation.

Thank you for your attention,

Re: [FileUpload] Passage of values from a servlet to a jsp

Posted by Matteo Di Palma <>.
Briefly my classes:

1) MyFileUpload/WEB-INF/classes/data/ImageCRUD

public class ImageCRUD{
   public ResultSet listImage(){
     if(conn == null){
     conn = DriverManager.getConnection(...);
     ps = conn.prepareStatement("select idImage, Name from images");
     rs = ps.executeQuery();
        int numColumn = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
        for(int i=1; i <= numColumn; i++){
    return rs;

2) MyFileUpload/WEB-INF/classes/
public class ImageServlet extends HttpServlet{
      // The code for add an image to DB. Work well

      ic.addImage( image );   // ic = new ImageCRUD Object
      ResultSet rs = ic.listImage();

      RequestDispatcher dispatcher;
      dispatcher = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/ShowImage.jsp");
      request.setAttribute("rs", rs);

3) MyFileUpload/ShowImage.jsp
rs = request.getAttribute("rs");
  int numColumn = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
  for(int i=1; i <= numColumn; i++){

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Re: [FileUpload] Passage of values from a servlet to a jsp

Posted by Michael Rasmussen <>.
How does your servlet forward to your JSP?

On Jan 30, 2008 10:33 AM, Matteo Di Palma <> wrote:

> 1) In the class I have the following code:
> _____________________________________________________________________
> | public ResultSet listImage(){
> | ...
> | ps = conn.prepareStatement("select idImage, Name from images");
> | return ps.executeQuery();
> | ...
> |_}___________________________________________________________________
> 2) In the Servlet I have the following code:
> _____________________________________________________________________
> | ResultSet rs = ic.listImage();     // ic = new ImageCRUD Object
> | ...
> | request.setAttribute("rs", rs);
> |_____________________________________________________________________
> 3) In the JSP ShowImage.jsp I have the following code.
> ______________________________________________________________________
> | <%
> | rs = request.getAttribute("rs");
> | while({
> |    int numColumn = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
> |    for(int i=1; i <= numColumn; i++){
> |    out.println(rs.getObject(i));
> | }
> |}%>
> |______________________________________________________________________
> I think that rs is null and also I see a blank page.
> Where mistake?
> Thanks in advance.
> |
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Re: [FileUpload] Passage of values from a servlet to a jsp

Posted by Matteo Di Palma <>.
1) In the class I have the following code:
| public ResultSet listImage(){
| ...
| ps = conn.prepareStatement("select idImage, Name from images");
| return ps.executeQuery();
| ...

2) In the Servlet I have the following code:
| ResultSet rs = ic.listImage();     // ic = new ImageCRUD Object
| ...
| request.setAttribute("rs", rs);

3) In the JSP ShowImage.jsp I have the following code.
| <%
| rs = request.getAttribute("rs");
| while({
|    int numColumn = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
|    for(int i=1; i <= numColumn; i++){
|    out.println(rs.getObject(i));
| }

I think that rs is null and also I see a blank page.
Where mistake?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: [FileUpload] Passage of values from a servlet to a jsp

Posted by Matteo Di Palma <>.
Work! :)	
You are right, I made a mistake in the copy / paste.
Now I must understand how to show not only the last image inserted, but all
You have any advice? Unfortunately is the pattern MVC that confuses me :(

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Re: [FileUpload] Passage of values from a servlet to a jsp

Posted by Tahir Akhtar <>.
Matteo Di Palma wrote:
> In the first place thanks for reply.
> I think that with your council I'm approaching the answer to a
> problem, but unfortunately does not work.
> In the end I see only a blank page : (
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Have you tried printing the value of the attribute through a logger or 
System.out to confirm whether jsp received the attribute or not.

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Re: [FileUpload] Passage of values from a servlet to a jsp

Posted by Matteo Di Palma <>.
In the first place thanks for reply.
I think that with your council I'm approaching the answer to a
problem, but unfortunately does not work.
In the end I see only a blank page : (

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Re: [FileUpload] Passage of values from a servlet to a jsp

Posted by Tahir Akhtar <>.
Matteo Di Palma wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a file upload Servlet that insert image into DB and I would see a
> link to these images in a JSP, or at least a list.
> The insert work but the list does not, because I do not know how to send
> these parameters from a Servlet to a JSP.
> Into HTML form I enter only the picture and not even his name.
> Here is an extract from the Servlet:
> ***********************************************************************
> boolean isMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request);
> FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
> ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);
> List /* FileItem */ items = upload.parseRequest(request);
> Iterator iter = items.iterator();
>    while (iter.hasNext()) {
>       FileItem item = (FileItem);
>       name = item.getName();
>       img  = item.getInputStream();
>       size = item.getSize();
>    }
> Image image = new Image(name, img, size);  // Creo un oggetto Image che è un
> JavaBean
> ImageCRUD ic = new ImageCRUD();             // Classe CRUD per le operazioni
> nel DB
> ic.addImage( image );                                 // Inserisco
> l'immagine nel DB
> ResultSet rs = ic.listImage();                      // Seleziono le immagini
> RequestDispatcher dispatcher;
> dispatcher = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/ShowImage.jsp");
> dispatcher.forward(request,response);
> ***********************************************************************
> Now in JSP would like a list of images (in another words the variable name
> of the Servlet). Something like:
> ***********************************************************************
> <% String name = request.getParameter ( "name");%>
> / / On a cycle for the recurrence of cells of the table
> <tr>
>      <td Align="right"> Name: </ td> <td> <=% name%> </ td>
> </ Tr>
> ***********************************************************************
> Of course, this code does not work and is probably nonsense, but I put to
> the idea.
> I am sorry for this approximation.
> Thank you for your attention,
> Matteo
Perhaps this will help.
Before dispatching:
request.setAttribute("fileName", name);

In jsp:
name= request.getAttribute("fileName");

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