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svn commit: r429975 - in /geronimo/xbean/site: colossus-tomcat-style-layout.html colossus.html

Author: chirino
Date: Tue Aug  8 23:10:10 2006
New Revision: 429975

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Added: geronimo/xbean/site/colossus-tomcat-style-layout.html
--- geronimo/xbean/site/colossus-tomcat-style-layout.html (added)
+++ geronimo/xbean/site/colossus-tomcat-style-layout.html Tue Aug  8 23:10:10 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
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+            <div class="pagetitle">Colossus Tomcat Style Layout</div>
+            <DIV class="wiki-content"><H1><A name="ColossusTomcatStyleLayout-DirectoryStructure"></A>Directory Structure</H1>
+<P>The Tomcat directory structure is familiar to most users and if we leverage this it should drastically reduce the learning curve of the server.  The following is a slightly modified version of the Tomcat layout and should be familiar enough to Tomcat users:</P>
+<TABLE class="confluenceTable"><TBODY>
+<TH class="confluenceTh"> Name             </TH>
+<TH class="confluenceTh"> Description </TH>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> apps              </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> User application hot deploy directory which is scanned frequently </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> bin               </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> Shell scripts and executable jars  </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> bin/bootstrap.xml </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> Defines the initial server environment </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> bin/lib           </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> Jars automatically added to bootstrap class loader </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> common            </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> Defines the common class loader </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> common/classes    </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> Loose classes </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> common/endorsed   </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> Endorsed jars </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> common/i18n       </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> Resource jars </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> common/lib/       </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> General jars </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> conf              </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> Configurations (modules) automatically loaded into the server at startup </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> logs              </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> Log files </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> repository        </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> Available artifacts for reference </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> shared            </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> Defines the shared class loader </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> shared/classes    </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> Loose classes </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> shared/lib/       </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> General jars </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> temp              </TD>
+<TD class="confluenceTd"> Temp directory used to unpack nested archives </TD>
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+          Added by     <A href="">Dain Sundstrom</A>,
+    last edited by     <A href="">Dain Sundstrom</A> on Aug 09, 2006
+      (<A href="">edit page</A>)
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\ No newline at end of file

Modified: geronimo/xbean/site/colossus.html
--- geronimo/xbean/site/colossus.html (original)
+++ geronimo/xbean/site/colossus.html Tue Aug  8 23:10:10 2006
@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@
 <P>This is when the fun begins.  There are many ideas on the table about how do divide up configurations into modules, class loaders, plugins and basic stuff like how to layout the directory structure.  The architecture of XBean can support the </P>
-<P><SPAN class="nobr"><A href="" title="Create Page: Colossus Class Loader" class="createlink">Class Loader<SUP><IMG class="rendericon" src="" height="7" width="7" align="absmiddle" alt="" border="0"></SUP></A></SPAN><BR>
-<SPAN class="nobr"><A href="" title="Create Page: Colossus Tomcat Style Layout" class="createlink">Tomcat Style Layout<SUP><IMG class="rendericon" src="" height="7" width="7" align="absmiddle" alt="" border="0"></SUP></A></SPAN></P>
+<P><A href="colossus-tomcat-style-layout.html" title="Colossus Tomcat Style Layout">Tomcat Style Layout</A><BR>
+<SPAN class="nobr"><A href="" title="Create Page: Colossus Class Loader" class="createlink">Class Loader<SUP><IMG class="rendericon" src="" height="7" width="7" align="absmiddle" alt="" border="0"></SUP></A></SPAN></P>
 <H3><A name="Colossus-Phase4%3AMerge"></A>Phase 4: Merge</H3>
@@ -164,7 +164,10 @@
               <a href="javascript:hideChildren()">Hide Children</a></span>
           <div class="greybox" id="children" style="display: none;">
-                                      <a href="" title="Colossus Bootstrap">Colossus Bootstrap</a>
+                                      <a href="" title="Colossus Tomcat Style Layout">Colossus Tomcat Style Layout</a>
+              <span class="smalltext">(XBean)</span>
+              <br>
+                          <a href="" title="Colossus Bootstrap">Colossus Bootstrap</a>
               <span class="smalltext">(XBean)</span>
@@ -178,7 +181,7 @@
     <DIV id="site-footer">
           Added by     <A href="">Dain Sundstrom</A>,
     last edited by     <A href="">Dain Sundstrom</A> on Aug 09, 2006
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