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Posted to by Zhang Chao <> on 2020/10/12 08:29:58 UTC

Re: Proposal: inptroduce traffic split plugin

That’d be better than implementing a plugin to support it.

Chao Zhang

> On Sep 28, 2020, at 1:34 PM, wei jin <> wrote:
> I like this proposal very much and think it will be the final form.
> This function can be divided into two parts:
> 1.label &&  selector;
> 2. A grayscale upgrade configuration;
> These two things can be done simultaneously.
> 1. Implement label && selector to replace the current upstream_id binding
> relationship;
> 2. The configuration method of grayscale upgrade can be realized by a
> plug-in version first.
> After waiting for the label function to be implemented, the gray scale
> capability is migrated to the native implementation in the apisix object.
> The plug-in configuration is similar to this
> ```json
> "plugins":{
>    "routex": {
>        "rules": [
>            {
>                "match": [
>                    {
>                        "vars": [
>                            ["arg_user_id",">=",13],
>                            ["arg_user_id","<=",133]
>                        ]
>                    },
>                    {
>                        "vars": [
>                            ["arg_user_id","==",222]
>                        ]
>                    }
>                ],
>                "upstreams": [
>                    {
>                        "upstream_id": 3,
>                        "weight": 20
>                    },
>                    {
>                        "upstream_id": 5,
>                        "weight": 80
>                    }
>                ]
>            }
>        ]
>    }
> }
> ```
> YuanSheng Wang <> 于2020年9月26日周六 下午5:25写道:
>> wow, this is an interesting feature.
>> It is very different from the current way.  I need time to understand it.
>> ^_^
>> On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 10:08 AM Zhang Chao <> wrote:
>>> ### Background
>>> I observed the Pull Request
>>> adds labels for `upstream` object, which inspires me that if we attach
>>> labels for each node in `upstream`,  then we can implement fancy traffic
>>> split feature.
>>> ### Design
>>> Traffic split, which means to setup several route rules and schedule
>>> requests by respecting these rules to specified upstream (or a subset
>> nodes
>>> in a single upstream). With this feature, we can support the  Canary
>>> Release (
>> ),
>>> Blue Green Release (
>> .)
>>> for backend applications when they are releasing, it's useful to reduce
>> the
>>> downtime when something fault happens.
>>> But it's not a good idea to introduce these concepts into APISIX
>> directly,
>>> since features like Blue Green Release is closer to business, not the
>>> infrastructure, so what we can do is introducing the concept traffic
>> split
>>> , to abstract all the business logics into the traffic split rules (route
>>> rules), and it can be implemented as a plugin.
>>> Both the Istio and SMI (
>> )
>>> support traffic split by `VirtualService` and `TrafficSplit` CRD
>>> respectively, although the latter is not perfect (at lease for now), we
>>> still can be aware of the similarity between them.
>>> In general, we need two parts to define a traffic split rule, match and
>>> route, the `match` defines the conditions that needed to judge wether a
>>> request is eligible to apply the `route`, for instance, a `match` might
>> be
>>> "the method of HTTP request must be `GET`, and the parameter `id` must be
>>> equal to `1006`. From APISIX's point of view, match conditions can be
>>> scoped to HTTP, TLS, so conditions can vary, like URI, method, headers,
>> SNI
>>> and even other APISIX instance-scoped variables (hostname, env and etc).
>>> The APISIX Route already defines a fantastic match mechanism which is
>>> similar with the traffic split. But that not means we don't need to embed
>>> the match part in traffic split plugin, instead, we can reuse the match
>>> mechanism in Route as it's own match mechanism to further split requests
>>> that hit the same Route. See
>>> for more details about
>>> Route match.
>>> The route, decides the ultimate upstream that a request will go, either
>>> specifying the upstream name or with a label selector to filter an
>> eligible
>>> subset from that upstream. What's more, multiple upstreams can be
>>> specified, each with a non-negative weight to support probabilistic
>>> selection. For now, node in APISIX Upstream doesn't contain labels
>>> attribute,  so we can implement it by the metadata map in node
>> indirectly.
>>> ```json
>>> # route requests to the nodes that has label release=canary in
>>> fake_upstream,
>>> {
>>>    "route": [
>>>        {
>>>            "upstream_id": "1",
>>>            "labels": {
>>>                "release": "canary"
>>>            }
>>>        }
>>>    ]
>>> }
>>> # route 75% requests to upstream 2 and other 25% to upstream 3.
>>> {
>>>    "route": [
>>>        {
>>>            "upstream_id": "2",
>>>            "weight": 75
>>>        },
>>>        {
>>>            "upstream_id": "3",
>>>            "weight": 25
>>>        }
>>>    ]
>>> }
>>> ```
>>> The Route already contains an upstream, after introducing the traffic
>>> split plugin, this upstream will be treated as the default upstream and
>>> will be used when requests can not hit the route rules.
>>> ### Examples
>>> #### Weighted Blue Green Release
>>> Say we have two upstreams `app-blue` (id: 1) and `app-green` (id: 2),
>>> which represent the old and new releases for `app` respectively. Now we
>>> want to route 10% requests which UA is Android to `app-green`.
>>> ```json
>>> [
>>>    {
>>>        "match": [
>>>            {
>>>                "vars": [
>>>                    [ "http_user_agent", "~~", "Android"]
>>>                ]
>>>            }
>>>        ],
>>>        "route": [
>>>            {
>>>                "upstream_id": 2,
>>>                "weight": 10
>>>            }
>>>        ]
>>>    },
>>>    {
>>>        "route": [
>>>            {
>>>                "upstream_id": 1,
>>>                "weight": 90
>>>            }
>>>        ]
>>>    }
>>> ]
>>> ```
>>> #### Canary Release in a single upstream
>>> Say we updated a node in upstream `app` (id: 3), and this node have a
>>> unique label `release=canary`, other nodes in `app` has label
>>> `release=stable`, now we want to route requests which parameter `user_id`
>>> is between [13, 133] to this node.
>>> ```json
>>> [
>>>    {
>>>        "match": [
>>>            {
>>>                "vars": [
>>>                    [ "arg_user_id", ">=", 13],
>>>                    [ "arg_user_id", "<=", 133]
>>>                ]
>>>            }
>>>        ],
>>>        "route": [
>>>            {
>>>                "upstream_id": 3,
>>>                "labels": "release=canary"
>>>            }
>>>        ]
>>>    },
>>>    {
>>>        "route": [
>>>            {
>>>                "upstream_id": 3,
>>>                "labels": "release=stable"
>>>            }
>>>        ]
>>>    }
>>> ]
>>> ```
>>> ### References
>>> * VirtualService:
>>> * TrafficSplit:
>>> Chao Zhang
>> --
>> *MembPhis*
>> My GitHub:
>> Apache APISIX: