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[36/50] [abbrv] brooklyn-server git commit: Removes Docs as they need to be re-writtern to fit into Brooklyn

Removes Docs as they need to be re-writtern to fit into Brooklyn

These will be PRd into brooklyn-docs


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 01457c99eb24640864e8cc2ae342df37d87f17b0
Parents: 758acca
Author: CloudsoftOps <>
Authored: Wed May 24 10:17:19 2017 +0100
Committer: CloudsoftOps <>
Committed: Wed May 24 10:17:19 2017 +0100

 catalog/pom.xml                              |  81 --------                                |   2 +-
 docker-location/                    |  19 --
 docker-location/ |  66 -------
 docker-location/     |  77 --------
 docs-internal/                         | 231 ----------------------                                   |  15 --
 kubernetes-location/                | 154 ---------------
 openshift-location/                 | 171 ----------------
 tests/          |   8 +-
 tests/                      |   4 +-
 tests/               |   4 +-
 12 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 823 deletions(-)
diff --git a/catalog/pom.xml b/catalog/pom.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 471caad..0000000
--- a/catalog/pom.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<project xmlns=""
-        xmlns:xsi=""
-        xsi:schemaLocation="">
-  <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
-  <artifactId>docker-catalog</artifactId>
-  <packaging>jar</packaging>
-  <parent>
-    <groupId>io.cloudsoft.amp.containerservice</groupId>
-    <artifactId>containerservice-parent</artifactId>
-    <version>2.1.0-SNAPSHOT</version> <!-- CONTAINER_SERVICE_VERSION -->
-  </parent>
-  <name>Docker Catalog</name>
-  <build>
-    <resources>
-      <resource>
-        <directory>src/main/resources</directory>
-      </resource>
-    </resources>
-    <plugins>
-      <plugin>
-        <artifactId>maven-jar-plugin</artifactId>
-        <executions>
-            <execution>
-            <goals>
-                <goal>test-jar</goal>
-            </goals>
-            </execution>
-        </executions>
-      </plugin>
-      <plugin>
-        <artifactId>maven-resources-plugin</artifactId>
-        <executions>
-          <execution>
-            <id>copy-resources</id>
-            <phase>generate-resources</phase>
-            <goals>
-              <goal>copy-resources</goal>
-            </goals>
-            <configuration>
-              <outputDirectory>${}/docker</outputDirectory>
-              <resources>
-                <resource>
-                  <directory>../</directory>
-                  <includes>
-                    <include>*.bom</include>
-                    <include>examples/*.*</include>
-                  </includes>
-                  <excludes>
-                    <exclude></exclude>
-                  </excludes>
-                </resource>
-              </resources>
-            </configuration>
-          </execution>
-          <execution>
-            <id>copy-test-resources</id>
-            <phase>generate-test-resources</phase>
-            <goals>
-              <goal>copy-resources</goal>
-            </goals>
-            <configuration>
-              <outputDirectory>${}/docker</outputDirectory>
-              <resources>
-                <resource>
-                  <directory>../</directory>
-                  <includes>
-                    <include>tests/*.bom</include>
-                  </includes>
-                </resource>
-              </resources>
-            </configuration>
-          </execution>
-        </executions>
-      </plugin>
-     </plugins>
-  </build>
diff --git a/ b/
index d9e8814..58de910 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ brooklyn.catalog:
     description: |
       Resources for working with Docker Engine from Apache Brooklyn
-    license_code: CLOUDSOFT-1.0
+    license_code: Apache-2.0
     qa: tests/
diff --git a/docker-location/ b/docker-location/
deleted file mode 100644
index edb1da0..0000000
--- a/docker-location/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-section: Docker Locations
-section_type: inline
-section_position: 1
-### Docker Locations
-Cloudsoft AMP can deploy applications to:
-- [Docker containers](docker-container-location.html)
-- [Docker Swarms](docker-swarm-location.html)
-- [Kubernetes Clusters](../kubernetes-location)
-- [Openshift Clusters](../openshift-location)
-both provisioned by Cloudsoft AMP and set up manually.
diff --git a/docker-location/ b/docker-location/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cb5087..0000000
--- a/docker-location/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-section: Docker Container Location
-section_type: inline
-section_position: 2
-### Docker Container Location
-Cloudsoft AMP can deploy applications to [Docker containers]( both provisioned by Cloudsoft AMP and set up manually.
-Here is an example catalog item to add a Docker engine endpoint to your catalog locations:
-    brooklyn.catalog:
-      id: my-docker-engine
-      name: "My Docker engine"
-      itemType: location
-      item:
-        type: docker
-        brooklyn.config:
-          endpoint: https://<< address >>:<< port >>
-          identity: << path to my cert.pem >>
-          credential: << path to my key.pem >>
-          # Default image if no other explicitly set
-          # imageId: "cloudsoft/centos:7"
-**Note** The endpoint of a Docker engine is the IP + port where the docker engine is currently running. As for the identity and credential, the Docker engine will generate those by default in `~/.docker/certs` folder, unless you specified them during the installation.
-#### Docker Container based blueprints
-Once your Docker container location has been configured, AMP can launch instances based on a `DockerContainer` entity, this means additional configuration such as custom docker images can be specified. Here's an example which sets up a [Wordpress]( instance:
-    # see above for a definition of the location
-    location: my-docker-engine
-    services:
-    - type: org.apache.brooklyn.container.entity.docker.DockerContainer
-      id: wordpress-mysql
-      name: MySQL
-      brooklyn.config:
-        mysql.root_password: password
-        docker.container.imageName: mysql:5.6
-        # Maps the port to the host node, making it available for external access
-        docker.container.inboundPorts:
-        - "3306"
-        docker.container.environment: 
-          MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: $brooklyn:config("mysql.root_password")
-    - type: org.apache.brooklyn.container.entity.docker.DockerContainer
-      id: wordpress
-      name: Wordpress
-      brooklyn.config:
-        docker.container.imageName: wordpress:4-apache
-        # Maps the port to the host node, making it available for external access
-        docker.container.inboundPorts:
-        - "80"
-        docker.container.environment: 
-          WORDPRESS_DB_HOST: $brooklyn:entity("wordpress-mysql").attributeWhenReady("host.subnet.address")
-          WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD: $brooklyn:entity("wordpress-mysql").config("mysql.root_password")
-#### Docker container configuration
-To configure the `DockerContainer` entity, the following configuration params are available:
-- **docker.container.disableSsh** Skip checks such as ssh for when docker image doesn't allow ssh; use the default image `cloudsoft/centos:7` for ssh-able image
-- **docker.container.imageName** Image name to pull from docker hub; overrides the default one `cloudsoft/centos:7`
-- **docker.container.inboundPorts** List of ports, that the docker image maps to the host, opening them to the public
-- **docker.container.environment** Environment variables to set on container startup; this must be a map
diff --git a/docker-location/ b/docker-location/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c69417..0000000
--- a/docker-location/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-section: Docker Swarm Location
-section_type: inline
-section_position: 3
-### Docker Swarm Location
-Cloudsoft AMP can deploy applications to [Docker Swarms]( both provisioned by Cloudsoft AMP and set up manually.
-Here is an example catalog item to add a Docker Swarm endpoint to your catalog locations:
-    brooklyn.catalog:
-      id: my-docker-swarm
-      name: "My Docker Swarm"
-      itemType: location
-      item:
-        type: docker
-        brooklyn.config:
-          endpoint: https://<< address >>:<< port >>
-          identity: << path to my cert.pem >>
-          credential: << path to my key.pem >>
-          # Default image if no other explicitly set
-          # imageId: "cloudsoft/centos:7"
-          templateOptions:
-            networkMode: "brooklyn"
-**Note** if you have provisioned your own docker swarm you may need to first pull the Cloudsoft
-configured image on the Swarm Manager. Another recommended step is to create a default network for the containers:
-    docker -H ${swarm_endpoint}  ${TLS_OPTIONS} pull cloudsoft/centos:7
-    docker -H ${swarm_endpoint}  ${TLS_OPTIONS} images --no-trunc
-    docker network create --driver=overlay brooklyn
-#### Credentials for Deploying to Docker Swarm
-To deploy to a Docker Swarm endpoint, you'll need pem files for identity/credential. These can
-either be copied from one of the Docker Engine VMs, or can be generated locally and signed by
-the certificate authority. The actual IP of the client doesn't matter. 
-To generate your own certificates and signed them with the example CA server included in AMP (note this is not
-recommended for use in a production environment and could be subject to future removal):
-    # Create your certificates directory
-    mkdir -p .certs
-    # Get yourself a certificate from the CA
-    # You can use any IP; to find your IP use `ifconfig`
-    own_ip=
-    ca=$(br app "Docker Swarm" ent ca-server sensor main.uri)
-    echo ${ca}
-    curl -L ${ca}/cacert/ca.pem --output .certs/ca.pem
-    openssl genrsa -out .certs/key.pem 2048
-    openssl req  -new -key .certs/key.pem -days 1825 -out .certs/csr.pem -subj "/CN=${own_ip}"
-    curl -X POST --data-binary @.certs/csr.pem ${ca}/sign > .certs/cert.pem
-To be able to execute `docker ...` commands locally:
-    # Set up TLS options to point at your certificates (created above)
-    CERTS_DIR=$(pwd)/.certs
-    TLS_OPTIONS="--tlsverify --tlscacert=${CERTS_DIR}/ca.pem --tlscert=${CERTS_DIR}/cert.pem --tlskey=${CERTS_DIR}/key.pem"
-    # Check docker works
-    swarm_endpoint=$(br app "Docker Swarm" ent "swarm-cluster" sensor swarm.url)
-    echo ${swarm_endpoint}
-    docker -H ${swarm_endpoint} ${TLS_OPTIONS} ps
-    # Run something, and check it is listed
-    docker -H ${swarm_endpoint} ${TLS_OPTIONS} run hello-world
-    docker -H ${swarm_endpoint} ${TLS_OPTIONS} ps -a
-Instead of explicit parameters to `docker` you can use its environment variables as follows:
-    export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
-    export DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=true
-    export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=$(pwd)/.certs
-    docker ps -a
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs-internal/ b/docs-internal/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a7a6ee..0000000
--- a/docs-internal/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-### Setup
-1. Run a bleeding-edge AMP (e.g. a very recent snapshot build)
-2. Add each of the .bom files to the catalog 
-Using the CLI:
-    for b in *.bom tests/*.bom ; do 
-       echo $b
-       br add-catalog $b || break
-     done
-Note that the order in which you add the catalog entries matters, as you can’t load a file that uses a definition
-that hasn’t been loaded yet.  the loop above relies on the fact that so far the files in alphabetical order are also
-in dependency order, just for the convenience of the command. This is really just a convenience and
-not an iron rule that we have to keep.  
-**or** via the REST API:
-    AMP_URL=
-    AMP_USER=admin
-    AMP_PASSWORD=pa55w0rd
-    BOMS=""
-    BOMS="${BOMS} tests/ tests/ tests/ "
-    BOMS="${BOMS} tests/ tests/ "
-    BOMS="${BOMS} tests/ tests/"
-    for i in ${BOMS}; do
-      curl -u ${AMP_USER}:${AMP_PASSWORD} ${AMP_URL}/v1/catalog --data-binary @${i} || (echo "FAIL ${i}" && break )
-    done
-3. Add the location definition(s) to your test. For example, use the bluebox definitions
-   that the QA framework uses (don't forget to run the VPN, and to deploy to CentOS 7).
-   See:
-   -
-   -
-   -
-    br add-catalog
-NOTE - you'll have to get a fresh token of your own by going to Github - I find it convenient enough to 
-navigate to, pick the cloud I want, hit the
-"Raw" button and copy its URL.  Also note to add-catalog from https://... make sure you are using a build of `br` from 
-after 8th May.
-### Running tests
-To run the suite of tests, use ``. For example:
-    location:
-      ibm-bluebox-sng-centos7-vpn
-    services:
-    - type: docker-and-swarm-engine-tests
-And to run tests against an existing Swarm endpoint (changing the part to the pem files accordingly):
-    location:
-      jclouds:docker:
-        endpoint:
-        identity: /Users/aled/.docker/.certs-from-server/cert.pem
-        credential: /Users/aled/.docker/.certs-from-server/key.pem
-        # Needed only if running against Brooklyn (no default image)
-        # imageDescriptionRegex: cloudsoft/centos:7
-        loginUser: root
-        loginUser.password: p4ssw0rd
-        onbox.base.dir: /tmp
-        # FIXME Need to cloudsoft/centos image that has 'sudo' and 'which' pre-installed
-        user: root
-        # FIXME Need to add 'brooklyn' network to our pre-existing swarm cluster
-        #templateOptions:
-        #  networkMode: "brooklyn" # the default swarm network
-    services:
-    - type: deploy-app-to-swarm-single-node
-    - type: deploy-app-to-swarm-multi-node
-There is also a test available to test a Riak multi-node deployment, `riak-cluster-to-swarm-multi-node`, but this
-currently requires you to do a docker pull of the cloudsoft Ubuntu 14.04 image onto your swarm before you set up
-your location. See the comments in
-### Running as an end-user
-#### Docker Engine
-To deploy a simple Docker Engine:
-    name: Docker Engine
-    location: ibm-bluebox-sng-centos7-vpn
-    services:
-    - type: docker-engine
-Or a Docker Engine with a container:
-    name: Docker Engine with container
-    location: ibm-bluebox-sng-centos7-vpn
-    services:
-    - type: docker-engine
-      brooklyn.children:
-      - type: docker-engine-container
-        container: cloudsoft/centos:7
-To deploy a Docker Engine with TLS (which will also require a CA server):
-    name: Docker Engine with TLS
-    location: ibm-bluebox-sng-centos7-vpn
-    services:
-    - type: ca-server
-      id: ca-server
-      name: "ca-server"
-    - type: docker-engine-tls
-      brooklyn.config:
-        customize.latch: $brooklyn:entity("ca-server").attributeWhenReady("service.isUp")
-        ca.request.root.url: $brooklyn:entity("ca-server").attributeWhenReady("main.uri")
-#### VM with Single Docker Container
-To deploy a VM with a single container running on it:
-    name: VM with Container
-    location: ibm-bluebox-sng-centos7-vpn
-    services:
-    - type: docker-vm-container
-      brooklyn.config:
-        docker.image: redis:latest
-#### Docker Swarm
-To deploy a Docker Swarm cluster:
-    name: Docker Swarm
-    location: ibm-bluebox-sng-centos7-vpn
-    services:
-    - type: docker-swarm
-      brooklyn.config:
-        swarm.initial.size: 1
-        etcd.initial.size: 1
-#### Deploying apps to Docker
-To deploy to an entity to an existing Docker Swarm endpoint (first changing the path to the
-cert.pem and key.pem - see next section for how to get those files). If targeting a Docker 
-Engine directly, use port 2376; if targeting swarm, use 3376:
-    name: SoftwareProcess on Docker
-    location:
-      jclouds:docker:
-        endpoint:
-        identity: /Users/aled/.docker/.certs-from-server/cert.pem
-        credential: /Users/aled/.docker/.certs-from-server/key.pem
-        # Needed only if running against Brooklyn (no default image)
-        # imageDescriptionRegex: cloudsoft/centos:7
-        loginUser: root
-        loginUser.password: p4ssw0rd
-        onbox.base.dir: /tmp
-    services:
-    - type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.machine.MachineEntity
-      brooklyn.config:
-        onbox.base.dir.skipResolution: true
-        sshMonitoring.enabled: false
-Note you may need to first pull the image (depending how the Swarm cluster was provisioned):
-    docker -H ${swarm_endpoint}  ${TLS_OPTIONS} pull cloudsoft/centos:7
-    docker -H ${swarm_endpoint}  ${TLS_OPTIONS} images --no-trunc
-Warning: jclouds-docker is currently broken against docker-engine, but works against swarm (as of 8/6/16)
-added "Node" but this is not returned by docker-engine rest api when inspecting a container.
-### Credentials for Deploying to Docker Swarm
-To deploy to a Docker Swarm endpoint, you'll need pem files for identity/credential. These can
-either be copied from one of the Docker Engine VMs, or can be generated from the certificate 
-authority. The actual IP of the client doesn't matter. 
-To generate your own certificates from the CA server rest api that we wrote (note this is subject
-to deletion in a future release!):
-    # Create your certificates directory
-    mkdir -p .certs
-    # Get yourself a certificate from the CA
-    # You can use any IP; to find your IP use `ifconfig`
-    own_ip=
-    ca=$(br app "Docker Swarm" ent ca-server sensor main.uri)
-    echo ${ca}
-    curl -X POST ${ca}/generate/${own_ip}
-    curl ${ca}/cert/${own_ip}/ca.pem > .certs/ca.pem
-    curl ${ca}/cert/${own_ip}/cert.pem > .certs/cert.pem
-    curl ${ca}/cert/${own_ip}/key.pem > .certs/key.pem
-To be able to execute `docker ...` commands locally:
-    # Set up TLS options to point at your certificates
-    CERTS_DIR=${HOME}/.docker/.certs
-    TLS_OPTIONS="--tlsverify --tlscacert=${CERTS_DIR}/ca.pem --tlscert=${CERTS_DIR}/cert.pem --tlskey=${CERTS_DIR}/key.pem"
-    # Check docker works
-    swarm_endpoint=$(br app "Docker Swarm" ent "swarm-cluster" sensor swarm.url)
-    echo ${swarm_endpoint}
-    docker -H ${swarm_endpoint} ${TLS_OPTIONS} ps
-    # Run something, and check it is listed
-    docker -H  ${swarm_endpoint} ${TLS_OPTIONS} run hello-world
-    docker -H ${swarm_endpoint}  ${TLS_OPTIONS} ps -a
-Instead of explicit parameters to `docker` you can use its environment variables as follows:
-    export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
-    export DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=true
-    export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=.certs
-    docker ps -a
-### Building a Docker Image
-To manually test a docker image:
-    IMAGES_REPO=~/repos/cloudsoft/container-service-images
-    IMAGE_NAME=temp/ubuntu:14.04
-    cd ${IMAGES_REPO}/ubuntu-14.04
-    docker build -t ${IMAGE_NAME} .
-    docker run -P -d -e "CLOUDSOFT_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypa55word" ${IMAGE_NAME}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 9e59074..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Utility script for developers to get a certificate from a ca-server
-# use like $HOME/.certs (where that is the IP of your CA server)
-set -e
-mkdir -p ${CERT_DIR}
-curl -L ${CA}/cacert/ca.pem --output ${CERT_DIR}/ca.pem
-openssl genrsa -out ${CERT_DIR}/key.pem 2048
-openssl req  -new -key ${CERT_DIR}/key.pem -days 1825 -out ${CERT_DIR}/csr.pem -subj "/CN=$(hostname)"
-curl -X POST --data-binary @${CERT_DIR}/csr.pem ${CA}/sign > ${CERT_DIR}/cert.pem
diff --git a/kubernetes-location/ b/kubernetes-location/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6feadc4..0000000
--- a/kubernetes-location/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-section: Kubernetes Location
-section_type: inline
-section_position: 4
-### Kubernetes Location
-Cloudsoft AMP can deploy applications to [Kubernetes]( (k8s) clusters both provisioned by Cloudsoft AMP and set up manually.
-Here is an example catalog item to add a Kubernetes endpoint to your catalog locations:
-    brooklyn.catalog:
-      id: my-kubernetes-cluster
-      name: "My Kubernetes Cluster"
-      itemType: location
-      item:
-        type: kubernetes
-        brooklyn.config:
-          endpoint: << endpoint >>
-          identity: "guest"
-          credential: "guest"
-          image: "cloudsoft/centos:7"
-          loginUser.password: "p4ssw0rd"
-There are a lot of ways to authenticate with kubernetes.  AMP configuration for these are documented in the [reference](kubernetes-location-configuration).  For example to use client
-certificates use the following example yaml:
-    brooklyn.catalog:
-      id: my-kubernetes-cluster
-      name: "My Kubernetes Cluster"
-      itemType: location
-      item:
-        type: kubernetes
-        brooklyn.config:
-          endpoint: << endpoint >>
-          caCertData: |
-            << Generated Ca Cert (see below) >>
-          clientCertData: |
-            << Generated Cert (see below) >>
-          clientKeyData: |
-            << Generated client key (see below) >>
-          image: "cloudsoft/centos:7"
-          loginUser.password: "p4ssw0rd"
-AMP Deploys to a Kubernetes cluster by modelling a `KubernetesPod` entity which is made up of multiple heterogeneous `DockerContainer` entities.
-#### Plain-AMP blueprints
-Standard AMP blueprints can be deployed within a K8s cluster, here's a simple example:
-    location:
-      << see above >>
-    services:
-      - type:
-        name: "Simple Netcat Server"
-        brooklyn.config:
-            inboundPorts: [ 22, 4321 ]
-            env:
-              CLOUDSOFT_ROOT_PASSWORD: "p4ssw0rd"
-          launch.command: |
-            yum install -y nc
-            echo hello | nc -l 4321 &
-            echo $! > $PID_FILE
-For each entity AMP will create a [_Deployment_](
-This deployment contains a [_ReplicaSet_](
-of replicas (defaulting to one) of a [_Pod_](
-Each pod contains a single SSHable container based on the `cloudsoft/centos:7` image.
-It will then install and launch the entity. Each `inboundPort` will be exposed as a
-[_NodePort_]( in a _Service_.
-The config options in the `` section allow the location to be further customized for each entity, as follows:
-- **env**  The `cloudsoft/centos:7` image uses an environment variable named `CLOUDSOFT_ROOT_PASSWORD`
-   to assign the SSH login user password. This must match the `loginUser.password` configuration on the location.
-- **inboundPorts**  The set of ports that should be exposed by the service.
-#### Docker Container based blueprints
-Alternatively AMP can launch instances based on a `DockerContainer`, this means additional configuration such as custom docker images can be specified. Here's an example which sets up a [Wordpress]( instance:
-    location:
-      << see above >>
-    services:
-    - type: org.apache.brooklyn.container.entity.kubernetes.KubernetesPod
-      brooklyn.children:
-      - type: org.apache.brooklyn.container.entity.docker.DockerContainer
-        id: wordpress-mysql
-        name: "MySQL"
-        brooklyn.config:
-          docker.container.imageName: mysql:5.6
-          docker.container.inboundPorts: [ "3306" ]
-          docker.container.environment:
-            MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: "password"
-            deployment: wordpress-mysql
-      - type: org.apache.brooklyn.container.entity.docker.DockerContainer
-        id: wordpress
-        name: "Wordpress"
-        brooklyn.config:
-          docker.container.imageName: wordpress:4-apache
-          docker.container.inboundPorts: [ "80" ]
-          docker.container.environment:
-            WORDPRESS_DB_HOST: "wordpress-mysql"
-            WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD: "password"
-The `DockerContainer` entities each create their own _DeploymentConfig_, _ReplicationController_ and _Pod_ entities,
-in the same way as the standard AMP blueprint entities above. Each container entity can be further configured using the following options:
-- **docker.container.imageName** The Docker image to use for the container
-- **docker.container.inboundPorts** The set of ports on the container that should be exposed
-- **docker.container.environment** A map of environment variables for the container
-Note the use of **deployment** in the `` configuration, to set the hostname of the MySQL container to allow the Wordpress Apache server to connect to it.
-#### Kubernetes location configuration
-To configure the kubernetes location for different kubernetes setups the following configuration params are available.
-- **caCertData** Data for CA certificate
-- **caCertFile** URL of resource containing CA certificate data
-- **clientCertData** Data for client certificate
-- **clientCertFile** URL of resource containing client certificate data
-- **clientKeyData** Data for client key
-- **clientKeyFile** URL of resource containing client key data
-- **clientKeyAlgo** Algorithm used for the client key
-- **clientKeyPassphrase** Passphrase used for the client key
-- **oauthToken** The OAuth token data for the current user
-- **namespace** Namespace where resources will live; the default is 'amp'
-- **namespace.create** Whether to create the namespace if it does not exist
-  - **default** true
-- **namespace.deleteEmpty** Whether to delete an empty namespace when releasing resources
-  - **default** false
-- **persistentVolumes** Set up persistent volumes.
-- **deployment** The name of the service the deployment will use.
-- **image** Docker image to be deployed into the pod
-- **osFamily** OS family, e.g. CentOS, Ubuntu
-- **osVersionRegex** Regular expression for the OS version to load
-- **env** Environment variables to inject when starting a container
-- **replicas** Number of replicas of the pod
-  - **default** 1
-- **secrets** Kubernetes secrets to be added to the pod
-- **limits** Kubernetes resource limits
-- **privileged** Whether Kubernetes should allow privileged containers
-  - **default** false
-- **loginUser** Override the user who logs in initially to perform setup
-  - **default** root
-- **loginUser.password** Custom password for the user who logs in initially
-- **injectLoginCredential** Whether to inject login credentials (if null, will infer from image choice); ignored if explicit 'loginUser.password' supplied
diff --git a/openshift-location/ b/openshift-location/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cefbd6..0000000
--- a/openshift-location/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-section: OpenShift Location
-section_type: inline
-section_position: 5
-### OpenShift Location
-Cloudsoft AMP can deploy applications to Red Hat [OpenShift]( clusters.
-Here is an example catalog item to add an OpenShift endpoint to your catalog locations:
-    brooklyn.catalog:
-      id: my-openshift-cluster
-      name: "My Openshift Cluster"
-      itemType: location
-      item:
-        type: openshift
-        brooklyn.config:
-          endpoint: << endpoint >>
-          caCertData: |
-            << Generated Ca Cert (see below) >>
-          clientCertData: |
-            << Generated Cert (see below) >>
-          clientKeyData: |
-            << Generated client key (see below) >>
-          namespace: << project name >>
-          privileged: true
-* Endpoint
-The endpoint key is the https URL of your OpenShift master. AMP connects to this to provision applications on the
-* OpenShift Authorization
-The `caCertData`, `clientCertData` and `clientKeyData` are the credentials for your OpenShift cluster. Note that
-they can also be given as paths to files using the keys `caCertFile`, `clientCertFile` and `clientKeyFile`. See the
-[OpenShift documentation]( for
-more detail on the content of these.
-An alternate way of authorizing your OpenShift is using OAuth. To obtain the token required you must use the `oc` command-line tool,
-first to log in to OpenShift and then to display the token value, using the `whoami` command:
-    oc login << endpoint >>
-    oc whoami -t
-Which will output the token to the command line:
-    mzUTj0JmWDYLSspumvW5B74rn8geKd6Qll11IPkaqeE
-This is then set as the `oauthToken` field in the location:
-    brooklyn.catalog:
-      id: my-openshift-cluster
-      name: "My Openshift Cluster"
-      itemType: location
-      item:
-        type: openshift
-        brooklyn.config:
-          endpoint: << endpoint >>
-          oauthToken: mzUTj0JmWDYLSspumvW5B74rn8geKd6Qll11IPkaqeE
-          namespace: << project name >>
-          privileged: true
-* Namespace
-The `namespace` key relates to the project in which your AMP managed applications will deploy. If no project exists,
-you will first need to log into your OpenShift cluster and create a project. The `namespace` key should then contain
-the ID of this.
-#### OpenShift Configuration
-AMP requires that you configure your OpenShift instance with the following options to allow it to fully provision and manage
-* Container Privileges
-Depending on how the images you wish to use have been created, you may need to set up accounts and permissions to allow them to run.
-Containers written for the OpenShift platform follow certain rules such as logging to the console to allow centralized log
-management or avoiding the `root` user since the platform will use an arbitrary user id. For applications that follow these rules
-the default `restricted` security constraints are all that is needed. When using images from Docker Hub, or the `cloudsoft/centos:7`
-image used by native AMP entities, privileged access must be enabled. This can be done by creating a new user for your application,
-and assigning it the `privileged` or `anyuid` security constraints as described in the [documentation](
-Alternatively, for development systems where security is not an issue, you can edit the `restricted` constraint directly, and
-set the configuration option `allowPrivilegedContainer` to `true` and `runAsUser` to have type `RunAsAny`. This can be configured
-using the [oc command](  to edit the cluster configuration:
-    oc login << endpoint >>
-    sudo oc edit scc restricted
-#### Plain-AMP blueprints
-Standard AMP blueprints can be deployed within an OpenShift cluster, here's a simple example:
-    location:
-      << see above >>
-    services:
-      - type:
-        name: "Simple Netcat Server"
-        brooklyn.config:
-            inboundPorts: [ 22, 4321 ]
-            env:
-              CLOUDSOFT_ROOT_PASSWORD: "p4ssw0rd"
-          launch.command: |
-            yum install -y nc
-            echo hello | nc -l 4321 &
-            echo $! > $PID_FILE
-For each entity AMP will create a [_DeploymentConfig_](
-This deployment configuration contains a [_ReplicationController_](
-with replicas (defaulting to one) of a [_Pod_](
-Each pod contains a single SSHable container based on the `cloudsoft/centos:7` image.
-It will then install and launch the entity. Each `inboundPort` will be exposed as a
-[_NodePort_]( in a _Service_.
-The config options in the `` section allow the location to be further customized for each entity, as follows:
-- **env**  The `cloudsoft/centos:7` image uses an environment variable named `CLOUDSOFT_ROOT_PASSWORD`
-   to assign the SSH login user password. This must match the `loginUser.password` configuration on the location.
-- **inboundPorts**  The set of ports that should be exposed by the service.
-Note the use of **deployment** in the `` configuration, to set the hostname of the MySQL container to allow the Wordpress Apache server to connect to it.
-#### DockerContainer based blueprints
-Alternatively AMP can launch instances based on a `DockerContainer`, this means additional configuration such as custom docker images can be specified. Here's an example which sets up a [Wordpress]( instance:
-    location:
-      << see above >>
-    services:
-      - type: org.apache.brooklyn.container.entity.kubernetes.KubernetesPod
-        brooklyn.children:
-          - type: org.apache.brooklyn.container.entity.docker.DockerContainer
-            id: wordpress-mysql
-            name: "MySQL"
-            brooklyn.config:
-              docker.container.imageName: mysql:5.6
-              docker.container.inboundPorts: [ "3306" ]
-              docker.container.environment:
-                MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: "password"
-                deployment: wordpress-mysql
-          - type: org.apache.brooklyn.container.entity.docker.DockerContainer
-            id: wordpress
-            name: "Wordpress"
-            brooklyn.config:
-              docker.container.imageName: wordpress:4-apache
-              docker.container.inboundPorts: [ "80" ]
-              docker.container.environment:
-                WORDPRESS_DB_HOST: "wordpress-mysql"
-                WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD: "password"
-The `DockerContainer` entities each create their own _DeploymentConfig_, _ReplicationController_ and _Pod_ entities,
-in the same way as the standard AMP blueprint entities above. Each container entity can be further configured using the following options:
-- **docker.container.imageName** The Docker image to use for the container
-- **docker.container.inboundPorts** The set of ports on the container that should be exposed
-- **docker.container.environment** A map of environment variables for the container
-#### OpenShift location configuration
-The OpenShift location uses the same configuration options as the [Kubernetes](../kubernetes-location/
-location, with the following exception:
-- **namespace** Also refers to the OpenShift project the Pod will be started in.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index c871f06..b6007a9 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
  #  - app comes up
  #  - via nginx, we can connect to the web-app
  #  - via nginx (and the web-app), we can write to the database and read from database
- # 
+ #
  # The different variants of the test will:
  #  - everything running in cluster;
  #    See "multi-node-app-cluster".
@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@
  # It assumes that the tests are run against a location in which VMs can be provisioned
  # (which is then overridden where "testing-cluster" should instead be used). For example,
- # "multi-node-app-cloud-to-cluster" deploys nginx to the location passed in; and 
+ # "multi-node-app-cloud-to-cluster" deploys nginx to the location passed in; and
  # deploys the tomcat-webapp-cluster to "testing-cluster".
     # From
     - commontests/
-  license_code: CLOUDSOFT-1.0
+  license_code: Apache-2.0
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 69acc1b..ec349a2 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ brooklyn.catalog:
     # From
     - commontests/
-  license_code: CLOUDSOFT-1.0
+  license_code: Apache-2.0
   - ""
   - id: cluster-endpoint-tests
     name: "Cluster Endpoint Deployment Tests"
     description: |
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index c8c1abc..3a1f0b5 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ brooklyn.catalog:
     # From
     - commontests/
-  license_code: CLOUDSOFT-1.0
+  license_code: Apache-2.0
 # To test stop effector:
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ brooklyn.catalog:
   # Wrapper test