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Posted to by Alan Snyder <> on 2019/03/01 03:38:41 UTC

Reviving 3.4.0...

Hi all,

I spent some time today getting 3.4.0 to (mostly) build locally for me. I
had some problems yesterday configuring the postgresql connector to work
with the binary distribution so I built locally from source and debugged it
- turns out the JDBC driver was old and needed an upgrade. Fixed a pom file
and it now works for me! And its much more performant than the H2 db!

I'm now having test issues with the w3c LDP suite - timing out going to
localhost - likely its a proxy issue on my end, but a lot of other tests
seem to pass in that suite. Here's what I get...

22:31:29.361 INFO  - Container: http://localhost:8695/marmotta/ldp/n

22:31:29.361 INFO  - Resource: http://localhost:8695/marmotta/ldp/u

22:31:29.361 INFO  - Running W3C official LDP Test Suite against '
http://localhost:8695/marmotta/ldp' server

[TestNG] Running:

  LDP Test Suite

testContainerSupportsHttpLinkHeader                BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]              11ms

22:31:29.855 INFO  - Initialized binary data store over

testAcceptTurtle                                   BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]              32ms

testConformsContainerRdfResource                   BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]               0ms

testPostJsonLd                                     BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]              98ms

testPostNoSlug                                     BasicContainer    Passed
  [SHOULD]            18ms

testPutToCreate                                    BasicContainer    Passed
  [MAY]               23ms

testRelativeUriResolutionPost                      BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]              81ms

testRestrictUriReUseNoSlug                         BasicContainer    Passed
  [SHOULD]            34ms

testETagHeadersHead                                BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]              16ms

testPutRequiresIfMatch                             BasicContainer    Passed
  [SHOULD]            35ms

testPublishConstraintsUnknownProp                  BasicContainer
Skipped  [MUST]              26ms

testPutReplacesResource                            BasicContainer
Skipped  [MUST]               0ms

testResponsePropertiesNotPersisted                 BasicContainer
Skipped  [SHOULD]            16ms

testPutReadOnlyProperties4xxStatus                 BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]              19ms

testETagHeadersGet                                 BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]               7ms

testRejectPutModifyingContainmentTriples           BasicContainer    Passed
  [SHOULD]            17ms

testPostContainer                                  BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]              21ms

testConditionFailedStatusCode                      BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]              14ms

testRestrictUriReUseSlug                           BasicContainer    Passed
  [SHOULD]            26ms

testHead                                           BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]               6ms

testOptions                                        BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]               4ms

testRequestedInteractionModelHeaders               BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]               5ms

testGetResponseHeaders                             BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]               8ms

testLdpLinkHeader                                  BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]               7ms

testAcceptPatchHeader                              BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]               5ms

testContentTypeHeader                              BasicContainer    Passed
  [SHOULD]            34ms

testGetResource                                    BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]              11ms

testRelativeUriResolutionPut                       BasicContainer
Skipped  [MUST]               1ms

testOptionsAllowHeader                             BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]               5ms

testNoRdfBagSeqOrList                              BasicContainer    Passed
  [SHOULD]            10ms

testRdfTypeLdpContainer                            BasicContainer    Passed
  [MAY]                8ms

testPutBadETag                                     BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]              11ms

testPatchMethod                                    BasicContainer    Passed
  [SHOULD]             0ms

testPublishConstraintsReadOnlyProp                 BasicContainer    Failed
  [MUST]           75751ms

testContainsRdfType                                BasicContainer    Passed
  [SHOULD]             9ms

testPostResponseStatusAndLocation                  BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]              12ms

testServerHonorsSlug                               BasicContainer    Passed
  [MAY]               13ms

testPreconditionRequiredStatusCode                 BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]              18ms

testConformsRdfSourceLdpResource                   BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]               0ms

testCreateWithoutConstraints                       BasicContainer    Passed
  [SHOULD]            15ms

testRequestedInteractionModelCreateNotAllowed      BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]               5ms

testTypeRdfSource                                  BasicContainer    Passed
  [MAY]                6ms

testNullRelativeUriPost                            BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]              22ms

testPreferContainmentTriples                       BasicContainer    Passed
  [SHOULD]            20ms

testConformsBcLdpContainer                         BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]               0ms

testGetResourceAsTurtleNoAccept                    BasicContainer    Passed
  [SHOULD]             6ms

testAcceptPostResponseHeader                       BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]               4ms

testDeleteRemovesContainmentTriple                 BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]              18ms

testPutSimpleUpdate                                BasicContainer
Skipped  [MUST]               1ms

testJsonLdRepresentation                           BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]              17ms

testPutPropertiesNotPersisted                      BasicContainer
Skipped  [MUST]              16ms

test4xxErrorHasResponseBody                        BasicContainer    Passed
  [SHOULD]            16ms

testGetResourceAcceptTurtle                        BasicContainer    Passed
  [MUST]              23ms

testRestrictPutReUseUri                            BasicContainer    Passed
  [SHOULD]            19ms

testPutReadOnlyProperties4xxStatus                 MemberResource    Passed
  [MUST]              13ms

testETagHeadersGet                                 MemberResource    Passed
  [MUST]               5ms

testResponsePropertiesNotPersisted                 MemberResource
Skipped  [SHOULD]            12ms

testPutReplacesResource                            MemberResource    Passed
  [MUST]              21ms

testConditionFailedStatusCode                      MemberResource    Passed
  [MUST]               9ms

testHead                                           MemberResource    Passed
  [MUST]               4ms

testPublishConstraintsUnknownProp                  MemberResource
Skipped  [MUST]              13ms

testOptions                                        MemberResource    Passed
  [MUST]               4ms

testGetResponseHeaders                             MemberResource    Passed
  [MUST]               4ms

testLdpLinkHeader                                  MemberResource    Passed
  [MUST]               4ms

testAcceptPatchHeader                              MemberResource    Passed
  [MUST]               8ms

testGetResource                                    MemberResource    Passed
  [MUST]               8ms

testRelativeUriResolutionPut                       MemberResource    Passed
  [MUST]              18ms

testOptionsAllowHeader                             MemberResource    Passed
  [MUST]               4ms

testPutBadETag                                     MemberResource    Passed
  [MUST]               8ms

testPublishConstraintsReadOnlyProp                 MemberResource    Failed
  [MUST]           75319ms

testContainsRdfType                                MemberResource    Passed
  [SHOULD]             8ms

testPreconditionRequiredStatusCode                 MemberResource    Passed
  [MUST]              15ms

testConformsRdfSourceLdpResource                   MemberResource    Passed
  [MUST]               1ms

testTypeRdfSource                                  MemberResource    Passed
  [MAY]                7ms

testGetResourceAsTurtleNoAccept                    MemberResource    Passed
  [SHOULD]            28ms

testPutRequiresIfMatch                             MemberResource    Passed
  [SHOULD]            10ms

testPutSimpleUpdate                                MemberResource    Passed
  [MUST]              16ms

testJsonLdRepresentation                           MemberResource    Passed
  [MUST]               6ms

testPutPropertiesNotPersisted                      MemberResource
Skipped  [MUST]              11ms

testETagHeadersHead                                MemberResource    Passed
  [MUST]               5ms

test4xxErrorHasResponseBody                        MemberResource    Passed
  [SHOULD]            11ms

testGetResourceAcceptTurtle                        MemberResource    Passed
  [MUST]              19ms

testAcceptPatchHeader                              NonRDFSource
Skipped  [MUST]               1ms

testConditionFailedStatusCode                      NonRDFSource
Skipped  [MUST]               0ms

testETagHeadersGet                                 NonRDFSource
Skipped  [MUST]               0ms

testETagHeadersHead                                NonRDFSource
Skipped  [MUST]               0ms

testGetResource                                    NonRDFSource
Skipped  [MUST]               0ms

testGetResponseHeaders                             NonRDFSource
Skipped  [MUST]               0ms

testHead                                           NonRDFSource
Skipped  [MUST]               0ms

testLdpLinkHeader                                  NonRDFSource
Skipped  [MUST]               0ms

testOptions                                        NonRDFSource
Skipped  [MUST]               0ms

testOptionsAllowHeader                             NonRDFSource
Skipped  [MUST]               0ms

testPreconditionRequiredStatusCode                 NonRDFSource
Skipped  [MUST]               0ms

testPutBadETag                                     NonRDFSource
Skipped  [MUST]               0ms

testPutRequiresIfMatch                             NonRDFSource
Skipped  [SHOULD]             0ms

testPostNonRDFSource                               NonRDFSource
Skipped  [MAY]                1ms

testPostResourceAndCheckAssociatedResource         NonRDFSource
Skipped  [MAY]                0ms

testPostResourceAndCheckLink                       NonRDFSource
Skipped  [MAY]                0ms

testPostResourceAndGetFromContainer                NonRDFSource
Skipped  [MAY]                0ms

testPostResourceGetBinary                          NonRDFSource
Skipped  [MAY]                0ms

testPostResourceGetMetadataAndBinary               NonRDFSource
Skipped  [MAY]                0ms

testDeleteNonRDFSourceDeletesAssociatedResource    NonRDFSource
Skipped  [MUST]               0ms

testOptionsHasSameLinkHeader                       NonRDFSource
Skipped  [MUST]               0ms

Total Time: 152.31s

[FAILURE] BasicContainerTest.testPublishConstraintsReadOnlyProp

LDP servers MUST publish any constraints on LDP clients’ ability to create

update LDPRs, by adding a Link header with

rel='' [RFC5988] to all responses to

requests which fail due to violation of those constraints. Operation timed out (Connection timed out)

at Method)

I do have a proxy which I've set to exclude localhost for - and other tests
pass so I'm not sure why this would time out... any thoughts?

Thanks for any input!