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[37/51] [partial] incubator-usergrid git commit: Moving website from SVN to Git.
diff --git a/website/content/docs/ b/website/content/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50a1ecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/content/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+title: Updating Collections
+category: docs
+layout: docs
+Updating Collections
+This article describes how to perform batch updates on all entities in a
+collection. Batch updates require the use of a query string in the
+request, which can either specify all entities in the collection or a
+subset of entities for the update to be performed on. For more
+information on queries, see [Basic query syntax](/basic-query-syntax).
+**Note:** Although not shown in the API examples below, you need to
+provide a valid access token with each API call. See [Authenticating
+users and application
+clients](/authenticating-users-and-application-clients) for details.
+Batch updating entities in a collection
+-   [cURL](#curl_update_collection)
+-   [iOS](#ios_update_collection)
+-   [Android](#android_update_collection)
+-   [JavaScript (HTML5)](#javascript_update_collection)
+-   [Ruby](#ruby_update_collection)
+-   [Node.js](#nodejs_update_collection)
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    curl -X PUT -d '{"availability":"in-stock"}'
+Note the empty `?ql=` query string.
+#### Response:
+    {
+      "action" : "put",
+      "application" : "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0",
+      "params" : {
+        "ql" : [ "" ]
+      },
+      "path" : "/items",
+      "uri" : "",
+      "entities" : [ {
+        "uuid" : "31847b9a-1a62-11e3-be04-8d05e96f700d",
+        "type" : "item",
+        "name" : "milk",
+        "price" : "3.25",
+        "availability" : "in-stock"
+        "created" : 1378849479113,
+        "modified" : 1378849567301,
+        "name" : "milk",
+      }, {
+        "uuid" : "3192ac6a-1a62-11e3-a24f-496ca1d42ce7",
+        "type" : "item",
+        "name" : "bread",
+        "price" : "4.00",
+        "availability" : "in-stock"
+        "created" : 1378849479206,
+        "modified" : 1378849567351,
+        "name" : "bread",
+      } ],
+      "timestamp" : 1378849567280,
+      "duration" : 207,
+      "organization" : "your-org",
+      "applicationName" : "your-app"
+    }
+### Request Syntax
+    curl -X PUT<org>/<app>/<collection>/?ql= -d {<property>}
+Note the empty query string (ql=) appended to the URL.
+### Parameters
+| Parameter                            | Description                          |
+| org                                  | Organization UUID or organization    |
+|                                      | name                                 |
+| app                                  | Application UUID or application name |
+| collection                           | Collection UUID or collection name   |
+| property                             | An entity property to be updated,    |
+|                                      | formatted as a key-value pair. For   |
+|                                      | example:                             |
+|                                      |                                      |
+|                                      |     {"property_1":"value_1", "proper |
+|                                      | ty_2":"value_2",...}                 |
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid iOS SDK](/app-services-sdks#ios).
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    -(NSString*)updateCollection {
+        NSString *url = @"";
+        NSString *op = @"PUT";
+        NSString *opData = @"{\"availability\":\"in-stock\"}"; //we escape the quotes
+        //we recommend you call ApigeeClient from your AppDelegate. 
+        //for more information see the iOS SDK install guide:
+        //create an instance of AppDelegate
+        AppDelegate *appDelegate = (AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
+        //call createEntity to initiate the API call
+        ApigeeClientResponse *response = [appDelegate.dataClient apiRequest: url operation: op data: opData];
+        @try {
+            //success
+        }
+        @catch (NSException * e) {
+            //fail
+        }
+    }
+#### Response:
+    {
+      "action" : "put",
+      "application" : "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0",
+      "params" : {
+        "ql" : [ "" ]
+      },
+      "path" : "/items",
+      "uri" : "",
+      "entities" : [ {
+        "uuid" : "31847b9a-1a62-11e3-be04-8d05e96f700d",
+        "type" : "item",
+        "name" : "milk",
+        "price" : "3.25",
+        "availability" : "in-stock"
+        "created" : 1378849479113,
+        "modified" : 1378849567301,
+        "name" : "milk",
+      }, {
+        "uuid" : "3192ac6a-1a62-11e3-a24f-496ca1d42ce7",
+        "type" : "item",
+        "name" : "bread",
+        "price" : "4.00",
+        "availability" : "in-stock"
+        "created" : 1378849479206,
+        "modified" : 1378849567351,
+        "name" : "bread",
+      } ],
+      "timestamp" : 1378849567280,
+      "duration" : 207,
+      "organization" : "your-org",
+      "applicationName" : "your-app"
+    }
+### SDK Method
+    (ApigeeClientResponse *)apiRequest: (NSString *)url operation:(NSString *)op data:(NSString *)opData
+### Properties
+| Parameter                            | Description                          |
+| url                                  | A fully-formed request url in the    |
+|                                      | following format:                    |
+|                                      |<org>/< |
+|                                      | app>/<collection>/?ql=               |
+|                                      |                                      |
+|                                      | Note that you must include an empty  |
+|                                      | '?ql=' query string at the end of    |
+|                                      | the URL                              |
+| op                                   | The HTTP method - in this case,      |
+|                                      | 'PUT'                                |
+| opData                               | A JSON-formatted string that         |
+|                                      | contains the entity properties to be |
+|                                      | updated                              |
+Updating all entities in a collection is not currently supported by the
+[Apache Usergrid Android SDK](/app-services-sdks#android).
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid JavaScript (HTML5)
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    //create the basic client object
+    var dataClient = new Usergrid.Client({
+        orgName:'your-org',
+        appName:'your-app'
+    });
+    //options for the request
+    var options = {
+        endpoint:"items/?ql=", //don't forget to append '/?ql='
+        method:"PUT",
+        body: {"availability":"in-stock"}
+    }
+    dataClient.request(options,function (error,response) {
+        if (error) { 
+            // Error
+        } else { 
+            // Success
+        }
+    });    
+#### Response:
+    Object {action: "put", application: "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0", params: Object, path: "/items", uri: ""…}
+    action: "put"
+    application: "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0"
+    applicationName: "your-app"
+    duration: 92
+    entities: Array[2]
+        0: Object
+            availability: "in-stock"
+            created: 1378852309294
+            modified: 1378853303215
+            name: "milk"
+            price: "3.25"
+            type: "item"
+            uuid: "c86ffbf0-1a68-11e3-ab22-3713e5fcf9d2"
+            __proto__: Object
+        1: Object
+            availability: "in-stock"
+            created: 1378852309373
+            modified: 1378853303256
+            name: "bread"
+            price: "4.00"
+            type: "item"
+            uuid: "c87be2da-1a68-11e3-80f4-975f1f8b1f86"
+            __proto__: Object
+        length: 2
+        __proto__: Array[0]
+    organization: "your-org"
+    params: Object
+    path: "/items"
+    timestamp: 1378853303201
+    uri: ""
+    __proto__: Object
+### SDK Method
+    request(options, callback)
+### Parameters
+| Parameter                            | Description                          |
+| options                              | A JSON-formatted object containing   |
+|                                      | the following properties:            |
+|                                      |                                      |
+|                                      | -   endpoint: the UUID or name of    |
+|                                      |     the collection to be updated,    |
+|                                      |     appended by an empty query       |
+|                                      |     string in the format:            |
+|                                      |     \<collection\>/?ql=              |
+|                                      | -   method: the HTTP method for the  |
+|                                      |     request – in this case `PUT`     |
+|                                      | -   body: the body of the request    |
+|                                      |     that specifies the properties to |
+|                                      |     be updated in JSON format        |
+| callback                             | Callback function to handle the API  |
+|                                      | response                             |
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid RubyGem](/app-services-sdks#ruby).
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    #Create a client object
+    usergrid_api = ''
+    organization = 'your-org'
+    application = 'your-app'
+    client = "#{usergrid_api}/#{organization}/#{application}"
+    begin
+        collection = client['items'].collection
+        collection.update_query({availability: 'in-stock'},"")
+    rescue
+        #fail
+    end
+#### Response:
+    {
+      "action" : "put",
+      "application" : "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0",
+      "params" : {
+        "ql" : [ "" ]
+      },
+      "path" : "/items",
+      "uri" : "",
+      "entities" : [ {
+        "uuid" : "31847b9a-1a62-11e3-be04-8d05e96f700d",
+        "type" : "item",
+        "name" : "milk",
+        "price" : "3.25",
+        "availability" : "in-stock"
+        "created" : 1378849479113,
+        "modified" : 1378849567301,
+        "name" : "milk",
+      }, {
+        "uuid" : "3192ac6a-1a62-11e3-a24f-496ca1d42ce7",
+        "type" : "item",
+        "name" : "bread",
+        "price" : "4.00",
+        "availability" : "in-stock"
+        "created" : 1378849479206,
+        "modified" : 1378849567351,
+        "name" : "bread",
+      } ],
+      "timestamp" : 1378849567280,
+      "duration" : 207,
+      "organization" : "your-org",
+      "applicationName" : "your-app"
+    }
+### SDK Method
+    collection.update_query(properties, query_string)
+### Properties
+  Parameter       Description
+  --------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  properties      JSON-formatted string that contains the entity properties to be updated
+  query\_string   A query string that specifies the entities to be updated. Use an empty string (`""`) to update all entities.
+The example assumes use of the [Apache Usergrid Node.js
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    //Create the Apache Usergrid client object
+    var dataClient = new Usergrid.client({
+        orgName:'your-org',
+        appName:'your-app'
+    });
+    //Specify the options for the request
+    var options = {
+        endpoint:"items/?ql=", //don't forget to append '/?ql='
+        method:"PUT",
+        body: {"availability":"in-stock"}
+    }
+    dataClient.request(options,function (error,response) {
+        if (error) { 
+            //error
+        } else { 
+            //success
+        }
+    });             
+#### Response:
+    { action: 'put',
+      application: 'f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0',
+      params: { ql: [ '' ] },
+      path: '/items',
+      uri: '',
+      entities: 
+       [ { uuid: 'c86ffbf0-1a68-11e3-ab22-3713e5fcf9d2',
+           type: 'item',
+           name: 'milk',
+           created: 1378852309294,
+           modified: 1378855073613,
+           availability: 'in-stock' },
+         { uuid: 'c87be2da-1a68-11e3-80f4-975f1f8b1f86',
+           type: 'item',
+           name: 'bread',
+           created: 1378852309373,
+           modified: 1378855073655,
+           availability: 'in-stock' } ],
+      timestamp: 1378855073595,
+      duration: 106,
+      organization: 'your-org',
+      applicationName: 'your-app' }
+### SDK Method
+    request(options,callback);
+### Parameters
+| Parameter                            | Description                          |
+| options                              | A JSON-formatted object containing   |
+|                                      | the following properties:            |
+|                                      |                                      |
+|                                      | -   endpoint: the UUID or name of    |
+|                                      |     the collection to be updated,    |
+|                                      |     appended by an empty query       |
+|                                      |     string in the format:            |
+|                                      |     \<collection\>/?ql=              |
+|                                      | -   method: the HTTP method for the  |
+|                                      |     request, in this case *PUT*      |
+| callback                             | Callback function to handle the API  |
+|                                      | response                             |
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034a2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/content/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,1008 @@
+title: Updating Data Entities
+category: docs
+layout: docs
+Updating Data Entities
+This article describes how to update entities in your Apache Usergrid
+**Note:** Although not shown in the API examples below, you need to
+provide a valid access token with each API call. See [Authenticating
+users and application
+clients](/authenticating-users-and-application-clients) for details.
+Updating an entity
+One or more properties can be updated with a single PUT request. For
+information on updating sub-properties, see [Updating
+sub-properties](#update_nested) below.
+-   [cURL](#curl_update_entity)
+-   [iOS](#ios_update_entity)
+-   [Android](#android_update_entity)
+-   [JavaScript (HTML5)](#javascript_update_entity)
+-   [Ruby](#ruby_update_entity)
+-   [Node.js](#nodejs_update_entity)
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    curl -X PUT -d '{"price":"4.00", "availability":"in-stock"}'
+#### Response:
+    {
+      "action" : "put",
+      "application" : "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0",
+      "params" : { },
+      "path" : "/items",
+      "uri" : "",
+      "entities" : [ {
+        "uuid" : "5bb76bca-1657-11e3-903f-9ff6c621a7a4",
+        "type" : "item",
+        "name" : "milk",
+        "created" : 1378405020796,
+        "modified" : 1378505705077,
+        "availability" : "in-stock",
+        "metadata" : {
+          "path" : "/items/5bb76bca-1657-11e3-903f-9ff6c621a7a4"
+        },
+        "name" : "milk",
+        "price" : "4.00"
+      } ],
+      "timestamp" : 1378505705050,
+      "duration" : 87,
+      "organization" : "your-org",
+      "applicationName" : "your-app"
+    }
+### Request Syntax
+    curl -X PUT<org>/<app>/<collection>/<entity> -d {<property>}
+### Parameters
+| Parameter                            | Description                          |
+| org                                  | Organization UUID or organization    |
+|                                      | name                                 |
+| app                                  | Application UUID or application name |
+| collection                           | Collection UUID or collection name   |
+| entity                               | Entity UUID or entity name           |
+| property                             | An entity property to be updated,    |
+|                                      | formatted as a key-value pair. For   |
+|                                      | example:                             |
+|                                      |                                      |
+|                                      |     {"property_1":"value_1", "proper |
+|                                      | ty_2":"value_2",...}                 |
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid iOS SDK](/app-services-sdks#ios).
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    -(NSString*)updateEntity {
+        //UUID of the entity to be updated
+        NSString *entityID = @"f42752aa-08fe-11e3-8268-5bd5fa5f701f";
+        //Create an entity object
+        NSMutableDictionary *updatedEntity = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init ];
+        //Set entity properties to be updated
+        [updatedEntity setObject:@"item" forKey:@"type"]; //Required - entity type
+        [updatedEntity setObject:@"in-stock" forKey:@"availability"];
+        [updatedEntity setObject:@"4.00" forKey:@"price"];
+        //we recommend you call ApigeeClient from your AppDelegate. 
+        //for more information see the iOS SDK install guide:
+        //create an instance of AppDelegate
+        AppDelegate *appDelegate = (AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
+        //call createEntity to initiate the API call
+        ApigeeClientResponse *response = [appDelegate.dataClient updateEntity:entityID entity:updatedEntity];
+        @try {
+           //success
+        }
+        @catch (NSException * e) {
+            //fail
+        }
+    }
+#### Response:
+    {
+      "action" : "put",
+      "application" : "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0",
+      "params" : { },
+      "path" : "/items",
+      "uri" : "",
+      "entities" : [ {
+        "uuid" : "5bb76bca-1657-11e3-903f-9ff6c621a7a4",
+        "type" : "item",
+        "name" : "milk",
+        "created" : 1378405020796,
+        "modified" : 1378505705077,
+        "availability" : "in-stock",
+        "metadata" : {
+          "path" : "/items/5bb76bca-1657-11e3-903f-9ff6c621a7a4"
+        },
+        "name" : "milk",
+        "price" : "4.00"
+      } ],
+      "timestamp" : 1378505705050,
+      "duration" : 87,
+      "organization" : "your-org",
+      "applicationName" : "your-app"
+    }
+### SDK Method
+    (ApigeeClientResponse *)updateEntity: (NSString *)entityID entity:(NSDictionary *)updatedEntity
+### Parameters
+  Parameter       Description
+  --------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
+  entityID        UUID of the entity to be updated
+  updatedEntity   NSMutableDictionary containing the properties to be updated
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid Android
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    //Create client entity
+    String ORGNAME = "your-org";
+    String APPNAME = "your-app";        
+    ApigeeClient apigeeClient = new ApigeeClient(ORGNAME,APPNAME);
+    DataClient dataClient = apigeeClient.getDataClient();
+    //Create properties object
+    String entityID = "fd0def5a-091c-11e3-a60d-eb644ab154cc";
+    Map<String, Object> updatedProperties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+    updatedProperties.put("type", "item"); //Required
+    updatedProperties.put("availability", "in-stock");
+    updatedProperties.put("price", "4.00");
+    //call updateEntityAsync to initiate the asynchronous API call
+    dataClient.updateEntityAsync(entityID, updatedProperties, new ApiResponseCallback() {   
+        //If updateEntityAsync fails, catch the error
+        @Override
+        public void onException(Exception e) { 
+            // Error
+        }
+        //If updateEntityAsync is successful, handle the response object
+        @Override
+        public void onResponse(ApiResponse response) {
+            try { 
+                if (response != null) {
+                    // Success
+                }
+            } catch (Exception e) { //The API request returned an error
+                    // Fail
+            }
+        }
+    });
+#### Response:
+    {"action":"put","application":"f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0","entities":[{"dataClient":{"accessToken":null,"apiUrl":"","applicationId":"your-app","clientId":null,"clientSecret":null,"currentOrganization":null,"loggedInUser":null,"organizationId":"your-org"},"type":"item","uuid":"5bb76bca-1657-11e3-903f-9ff6c621a7a4","price":"4.00","created":1378405020796,"name":"milk","modified":1378748497900,"availability":"in-stock","metadata":{"path":"/items/5bb76bca-1657-11e3-903f-9ff6c621a7a4"}}],"params":{},"path":"/items","rawResponse":"{
+      "action" : "put",
+      "application" : "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0",
+      "params" : { },
+      "path" : "/items",
+      "uri" : "",
+      "entities" : [ {
+        "uuid" : "5bb76bca-1657-11e3-903f-9ff6c621a7a4",
+        "type" : "item",
+        "name" : "milk",
+        "created" : 1378405020796,
+        "modified" : 1378748497900,
+        "availability" : "in-stock",
+        "metadata" : {
+          "path" : "/items/5bb76bca-1657-11e3-903f-9ff6c621a7a4"
+        },
+        "name" : "milk",
+        "price" : "4.00"
+      } ],
+      "timestamp" : 1378748497887,
+      "duration" : 80,
+      "organization" : "your-org",
+      "applicationName" : "your-app"
+    }
+    ","uri":"","timestamp":1378748497887,"entityCount":1,"firstEntity":{"dataClient":{"accessToken":null,"apiUrl":"","applicationId":"your-app","clientId":null,"clientSecret":null,"currentOrganization":null,"loggedInUser":null,"organizationId":"your-org"},"type":"item","uuid":"5bb76bca-1657-11e3-903f-9ff6c621a7a4","price":"4.00","created":1378405020796,"name":"milk","modified":1378748497900,"availability":"in-stock","metadata":{"path":"/items/5bb76bca-1657-11e3-903f-9ff6c621a7a4"}},"lastEntity":{"dataClient":{"accessToken":null,"apiUrl":"","applicationId":"your-app","clientId":null,"clientSecret":null,"currentOrganization":null,"loggedInUser":null,"organizationId":"your-org"},"type":"item","uuid":"5bb76bca-1657-11e3-903f-9ff6c621a7a4","price":"4.00","created":1378405020796,"name":"milk","modified":1378748497900,"availability":"in-stock","metadata":{"path":"/items/5bb76bca-1657-11e3-903f-9f
+### SDK Method
+    updateEntityAsync(String entityID, Map<String, Object> updatedProperties, ApiResponseCallback callback)
+    updateEntity(String entityID, Map<String, Object> updatedProperties)
+### Parameters
+  Parameter           Description
+  ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  entityID            UUID of the entity to be updated
+  updatedProperties   Map object containing the properties to be updated. A 'type' property is required.
+  callback            Callback function (Asynchronous calls only)
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid JavaScript (HTML5)
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    //Create the Apache Usergrid client object
+    var dataClient = new Usergrid.Client({
+        orgName:'your-org',
+        appName:'your-app'
+    });
+    //Specify the UUID of the entity to be updated
+    //and the properties to be updated
+    var properties = {
+        client:dataClient, //Required
+        data:{'type':'item',
+        uuid:'b3aad0a4-f322-11e2-a9c1-999e12039f87', //UUID of the entity to be updated is required
+        price:'4.00',
+        availability:'in-stock'
+        }
+    };
+    //Create a new entity object that contains the updated properties
+    var entity = new Usergrid.Entity(properties);
+    //Call to initiate the API PUT request
+ (error,response) {
+        if (error) { 
+            //error
+        } else { 
+            //success
+        }
+    });    
+#### Response:
+    Object {action: "put", application: "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0", params: Object, path: "/items", uri: ""…}
+    action: "put"
+    application: "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e8sd83f3d0"
+    applicationName: "your-app"
+    duration: 62
+    entities: Array[1]
+    0: Object
+    created: 1374534114329
+    metadata: Object
+    modified: 1376693371847
+    name: "milk"
+    price: "4.00" //updated
+    availability: "in-stock" //updated
+    varieties: Array[3] //This property was already present 
+    type: "item"
+    uuid: "b3aad0a4-f322-11e2-a9c1-999e12039f87"
+    varieties: Array[3]
+    __proto__: Object
+    length: 1
+    __proto__: Array[0]
+    organization: "your-org"
+    params: Object
+    path: "/items"
+    timestamp: 1376693371836
+    uri: ""              
+### SDK Method
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid RubyGem](/app-services-sdks#ruby).
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    #Create a client object
+    usergrid_api = ''
+    organization = 'your-org'
+    application = 'your-app'
+    client = "#{usergrid_api}/#{organization}/#{application}"
+    begin
+        # Specify the name or uuid of the collection and entity to be updated
+        # and the entity properties to be updated
+        entity = client['item']['b3aad0a4-f322-11e2-a9c1-999e12039f87'].entity #entity object
+        entity.price = '4.00'
+        entity.availability = 'in-stock'
+        # Call save to initiate the API PUT request
+    rescue
+        #fail
+    end
+#### Response:
+    {
+      "action" : "put",
+      "application" : "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0",
+      "params" : { },
+      "path" : "/items",
+      "uri" : "",
+      "entities" : [ {
+        "uuid" : "5bb76bca-1657-11e3-903f-9ff6c621a7a4",
+        "type" : "item",
+        "name" : "milk",
+        "created" : 1378405020796,
+        "modified" : 1378505705077,
+        "availability" : "in-stock",
+        "metadata" : {
+          "path" : "/items/5bb76bca-1657-11e3-903f-9ff6c621a7a4"
+        },
+        "name" : "milk",
+        "price" : "4.00"
+      } ],
+      "timestamp" : 1378505705050,
+      "duration" : 87,
+      "organization" : "your-org",
+      "applicationName" : "your-app"
+    }
+### SDK Method
+    save
+The example assumes use of the [Apache Usergrid Node.js
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    //Create the Apache Usergrid client object
+    var dataClient = new Usergrid.client({
+        orgName:'your-org',
+        appName:'your-app'
+    });
+    //Specify the UUID of the entity to be updated
+    //and the properties to be updated
+    var properties = {
+        client:dataClient, //Required
+        data:{'type':'item',
+        uuid:'b3aad0a4-f322-11e2-a9c1-999e12039f87', //UUID of the entity to be updated is required
+        price:'4.00',
+        availability:'in-stock'
+        }
+    };
+    //Create a new entity object the contains the updated properties
+    var entity = new Usergrid.entity(properties);
+    //Call to initiate the API PUT request
+ (error,response) {
+        if (error) { 
+            //error
+        } else { 
+            //success
+        }
+    });             
+### Example - Response
+    {
+      "action" : "put",
+      "application" : "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0",
+      "params" : { },
+      "path" : "/items",
+      "uri" : "",
+      "entities" : [ {
+        "uuid" : "b3aad0a4-f322-11e2-a9c1-999e12039f87",
+        "type" : "item",
+        "name" : "milk",
+        "created" : 1374534114329,
+        "modified" : 1376695962803,
+        "metadata" : {
+          "path" : "/items/b3aad0a4-f322-11e2-a9c1-999e12039f87"
+        },
+        "name" : "milk",
+        "price" : "4.00",
+        "availability" : "in-stock"
+      } ],
+      "timestamp" : 1376695962790,
+      "duration" : 144,
+      "organization" : "your-org",
+      "applicationName" : "your-app"
+    }
+### SDK Method
+Updating a sub-property
+Data entities may contain sets of sub-properties as nested JSON objects.
+Unlike normal entity properties, however, sub-properties cannot be
+updated individually. Updating a nested object will cause all
+sub-properties within it to be overwritten.
+For example, if you have a data entity with the following nested object:
+    "varieties": [
+        {
+          "name": "1%",
+          "price": "3.25",
+          "SKU": "0393847575533445"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "whole",
+          "price": "3.85",
+          "SKU": "0393394956788445"
+        }
+    ]       
+and you send this update to Apache Usergrid:
+    "varieties": [
+        {
+          "name": "2%",
+          "price": "3.00",
+        },
+        {
+          "price": "4.00",
+        }
+    ]       
+this will be the resulting nested object:
+    "varieties": [
+        {
+          "name": "2%",
+          "price": "3.00",
+        },
+        {
+          "price": "4.00",
+        }
+    ]       
+-   [cURL](#curl_update_subproperty)
+-   [iOS](#ios_update_subproperty)
+-   [Android](#android_update_subproperty)
+-   [JavaScript (HTML5)](#javascript_update_subproperty)
+-   [Ruby](#ruby_update_subproperty)
+-   [Node.js](#nodejs_update_subproperty)
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    curl -X PUT -d '{"varieties":[{"name":"1%","price":"3.25"},{"name":"whole","price":"4.00"}]}'
+#### Response:
+    {
+      "action" : "put",
+      "application" : "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0",
+      "params" : { },
+      "path" : "/items",
+      "uri" : "",
+      "entities" : [ {
+        "uuid" : "5bb76bca-1657-11e3-903f-9ff6c621a7a4",
+        "type" : "item",
+        "name" : "milk",
+        "created" : 1378405020796,
+        "modified" : 1378761459069,
+        "availability" : "in-stock",
+        "metadata" : {
+          "path" : "/items/5bb76bca-1657-11e3-903f-9ff6c621a7a4"
+        },
+        "name" : "milk",
+        "uri" : "",
+        "varieties" : [ {
+          "name" : "1%",
+          "price" : "3.25"
+        }, {
+          "name" : "whole",
+          "price" : "4.00"
+        } ]
+      } ],
+      "timestamp" : 1378761459047,
+      "duration" : 62,
+      "organization" : "your-org",
+      "applicationName" : "your-app"
+    }
+### Request Syntax
+    curl -X PUT<org_id>/<app_id>/<collection>/<uuid|name> -d '{<property> : [{<sub_property>}, {<sub_property>}...]}'
+### Parameters
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Parameter          Description
+  ------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  org\_id            Organization UUID or organization name
+  app\_id            Application UUID or application name
+  collection         Name of the collection containing the entity to be updated
+  uuid|name          UUID or name of the data entity to be updated
+  entity\_property   The name of the entity property that contains the nested object to be updated
+  sub\_property      Entity properties of the nested object, as a set of key-value pairs in the format:\
+                     *{\<property\_name\> : \<property\_value\>, \<property\_name\> : \<property\_value\> ...}*
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid iOS SDK](/app-services-sdks#ios).
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    -(NSString*)updateEntity {
+        //UUID of the entity to be updated
+        NSString *entityID = @"f42752aa-08fe-11e3-8268-5bd5fa5f701f";
+        //Define our two sub-properties to include in the update
+        NSMutableDictionary *subproperty1 = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
+        NSMutableDictionary *subproperty2 = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
+        [subproperty1 setObject:@"1%" forKey:@"name"];
+        [subproperty1 setObject:@"3.25" forKey:@"price"];
+        [subproperty2 setObject:@"whole" forKey:@"name"];
+        [subproperty2 setObject:@"4.00" forKey:@"price"];
+        //Put our sub-properties into an NSArray
+        NSArray *subproperties = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:props1,props2, nil];
+        //Create an NSMutableDictionary to hold our updates
+        NSMutableDictionary *updatedEntity = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init ];
+        //Set the properties to be updated
+        [updatedEntity setObject:@"item" forKey:@"type"]; //Required - entity type
+        [updatedEntity setObject:props forKey:@"varieties"];
+        //we recommend you call ApigeeClient from your AppDelegate. 
+        //for more information see the iOS SDK install guide:
+        //create an instance of AppDelegate
+        AppDelegate *appDelegate = (AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
+        //call createEntity to initiate the API call
+        ApigeeClientResponse *response = [appDelegate.dataClient updateEntity:entityID entity:updatedEntity];
+        @try {
+           //success
+        }
+        @catch (NSException * e) {
+            //fail
+        }
+    }
+#### Response:
+    {
+      "action" : "put",
+      "application" : "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0",
+      "params" : { },
+      "path" : "/items",
+      "uri" : "",
+      "entities" : [ {
+        "uuid" : "5bb76bca-1657-11e3-903f-9ff6c621a7a4",
+        "type" : "item",
+        "name" : "milk",
+        "created" : 1378405020796,
+        "modified" : 1378761459069,
+        "availability" : "in-stock",
+        "metadata" : {
+          "path" : "/items/5bb76bca-1657-11e3-903f-9ff6c621a7a4"
+        },
+        "name" : "milk",
+        "uri" : "",
+        "varieties" : [ {
+          "name" : "1%",
+          "price" : "3.25"
+        }, {
+          "name" : "whole",
+          "price" : "4.00"
+        } ]
+      } ],
+      "timestamp" : 1378761459047,
+      "duration" : 62,
+      "organization" : "your-org",
+      "applicationName" : "your-app"
+    }
+### SDK Method
+    (ApigeeClientResponse *)updateEntity: (NSString *)entityID entity:(NSDictionary *)updatedEntity
+### Parameters
+  Parameter       Description
+  --------------- -------------------------------------------------------
+  entityID        UUID of the entity to be updated
+  updatedEntity   Entity object containing the properties to be updated
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid Android
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    //Create client entity
+    String ORGNAME = "your-org";
+    String APPNAME = "your-app";        
+    ApigeeClient apigeeClient = new ApigeeClient(ORGNAME,APPNAME);
+    DataClient dataClient = apigeeClient.getDataClient();
+    //UUID of the entity to be updated
+    String entityID = "1ceed6ba-1b13-11e3-a7a6-59ffaee069e1";
+    //The object we will pass to the API
+    Map<String,Object> entityUpdates = new HashMap<String,Object>();
+    //The objects we will need to setup the sub-properties
+    ArrayList<Map<String,Object>> subPropertyArray = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>();
+    Map<String,Object> subProperty1 = new HashMap<String,Object>();
+    Map<String,Object> subProperty2 = new HashMap<String,Object>();
+    //First sub-property
+    subProperty1.put("name", "1%");
+    subProperty2.put("price", "3.25");
+    //Second sub-property
+    subProperty2.put("name", "whole");
+    subProperty2.put("price", "4.00");
+    //Add the sub-properties to the List object
+    subPropertyArray.add(subProperty1);
+    subPropertyArray.add(subProperty2);
+    //Now we put it all together
+    entityUpdates.put("type", "item"); //Required
+    entityUpdates.put("varieties", subPropertyArray);
+    //call updateEntityAsync to initiate the asynchronous API call
+    dataClient.updateEntityAsync(entityID, updatedProperties, new ApiResponseCallback() {   
+        //If updateEntityAsync fails, catch the error
+        @Override
+        public void onException(Exception e) { 
+            // Error
+        }
+        //If updateEntityAsync is successful, handle the response object
+        @Override
+        public void onResponse(ApiResponse response) {
+            try { 
+                if (response != null) {
+                    // Success
+                }
+            } catch (Exception e) { //The API request returned an error
+                    // Fail
+            }
+        }
+    }); 
+#### Response:
+    {"action":"put","application":"f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0","entities":[{"dataClient":{"accessToken":null,"apiUrl":"","applicationId":"your-app","clientId":null,"clientSecret":null,"currentOrganization":null,"loggedInUser":null,"organizationId":"your-org"},"type":"item","uuid":"1ceed6ba-1b13-11e3-a7a6-59ffaee069e1","varieties":[{"name":"1%","price":"3.25"},{"name":"whole","price":"4.00"}],"created":1378925465499,"name":"milk","modified":1378936578609,"metadata":{"path":"/items/1ceed6ba-1b13-11e3-a7a6-59ffaee069e1"}}],"params":{},"path":"/items","rawResponse":"{
+      "action" : "put",
+      "application" : "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0",
+      "params" : { },
+      "path" : "/items",
+      "uri" : "",
+      "entities" : [ {
+        "uuid" : "1ceed6ba-1b13-11e3-a7a6-59ffaee069e1",
+        "type" : "item",
+        "name" : "milk",
+        "created" : 1378925465499,
+        "modified" : 1378936578609,
+        "metadata" : {
+          "path" : "/items/1ceed6ba-1b13-11e3-a7a6-59ffaee069e1"
+        },
+        "name" : "milk",
+        "varieties" : [ {
+          "name" : "1%",
+          "price" : "3.25"
+        }, {
+          "name" : "whole",
+          "price" : "4.00"
+        } ]
+      } ],
+      "timestamp" : 1378936578595,
+      "duration" : 75,
+      "organization" : "your-org",
+      "applicationName" : "your-app"
+    }
+    ","uri":"","timestamp":1378936578595,"entityCount":1,"firstEntity":{"dataClient":{"accessToken":null,"apiUrl":"","applicationId":"your-app","clientId":null,"clientSecret":null,"currentOrganization":null,"loggedInUser":null,"organizationId":"your-org"},"type":"item","uuid":"1ceed6ba-1b13-11e3-a7a6-59ffaee069e1","varieties":[{"name":"1%","price":"3.25"},{"name":"whole","price":"4.00"}],"created":1378925465499,"name":"milk","modified":1378936578609,"metadata":{"path":"/items/1ceed6ba-1b13-11e3-a7a6-59ffaee069e1"}},"lastEntity":{"dataClient":{"accessToken":null,"apiUrl":"","applicationId":"your-app","clientId":null,"clientSecret":null,"currentOrganization":null,"loggedInUser":null,"organizationId":"your-org"},"type":"item","uuid":"1ceed6ba-1b13-11e3-a7a6-59ffaee069e1","varieties":[{"name":"1%","price":"3.25"},{"name":"whole","price":"4.00"}],"created":1378925465499,"name":"milk","modified"
+### SDK Method
+    updateEntityAsync(String entityID, Map<String, Object> updatedProperties, ApiResponseCallback callback)
+    updateEntity(String entityID, Map<String, Object> updatedProperties)
+### Parameters
+  Parameter           Description
+  ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  entityID            UUID of the entity to be updated
+  updatedProperties   Map object containing the properties to be updated. A 'type' property is required.
+  callback            Callback function (Asynchronous calls only)
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid JavaScript (HTML5)
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    //Create the Apache Usergrid client object
+    var dataClient = new Usergrid.Client({
+        orgName:'your-org',
+        appName:'your-app'
+    });
+    //Specify the UUID of the entity to be updated
+    //and the properties to be updated
+    var properties = {
+        client:dataClient, //Required
+        data:{
+            type:'item',
+            uuid:'b151ddba-0921-11e3-9f60-2ba945ba461f',
+            varieties:[
+                {"name":"3%", "price":"3.25", "SKU":"9384752200033"},
+                {"name":"whole", "price":"4.00", "SKU":"9384752200033"}
+            ]
+        }
+    };
+    //Create a new entity object that contains the updated properties
+    var entity = new Usergrid.Entity(properties);
+    //Call to initiate the API PUT request
+ (error,response) {
+        if (error) { 
+            //error
+        } else { 
+            //success
+        }
+    });    
+#### Response:
+    Object {action: "put", application: "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0", params: Object, path: "/items", uri: ""…}
+    action: "put"
+    application: "f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0"
+    applicationName: "your-app"
+    duration: 66
+    entities: Array[1]
+        0: Object
+        availability: "in-stock"
+        created: 1378405020796
+        metadata: Object
+        modified: 1378760239203
+        name: "milk"
+        price: "4.00"
+        type: "item"
+        uri: ""
+        uuid: "5bb76bca-1657-11e3-903f-9ff6c621a7a4"
+        varieties: Array[2]
+            0: Object
+                SKU: "9384752200033"
+                name: "3%"
+                price: "3.25"
+                __proto__: Object
+            1: Object
+                SKU: "9384752200033"
+                name: "whole"
+                price: "4.00"
+                __proto__: Object
+            length: 2
+            __proto__: Array[0]
+        __proto__: Object
+        length: 1
+    __proto__: Array[0]
+    organization: "your-org"
+    params: Object
+    path: "/items"
+    timestamp: 1378760239191
+    uri: ""
+    __proto__: Object
+### SDK Method
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid RubyGem](/app-services-sdks#ruby).
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    #Create a client object
+    usergrid_api = ''
+    organization = 'your-org'
+    application = 'your-app'
+    client = "#{usergrid_api}/#{organization}/#{application}"
+    begin
+        # Specify the name or uuid of the collection and entity to be updated
+        # and the entity properties to be updated
+        entity = client['item']['b3aad0a4-f322-11e2-a9c1-999e12039f87'].entity #entity object
+        entity.varieties = [
+                {
+                    "name" => "1%",
+                    "price" => "3.25",
+                    "sku" => "0393847575533445"
+                },{
+                    "name" => "whole",
+                    "price" => "3.85",
+                    "sku" => "0393394956788445"
+                }
+            ]
+        # Call save to initiate the API PUT request
+    rescue
+        #fail
+    end
+#### Response:
+### SDK Method
+    save
+This example uses the [Apache Usergrid Node.js
+### Example Request/Response
+#### Request:
+    //Create the Apache Usergrid client object
+    var dataClient = new Usergrid.client({
+        orgName:'your-org',
+        appName:'your-app'
+    });
+    //Specify the UUID of the entity to be updated
+    //and the properties to be updated
+    var properties = {
+        client:dataClient, //Required
+        data:{
+            type:'item',
+            uuid:'b3aad0a4-f322-11e2-a9c1-999e12039f87', //UUID of the entity to be updated is required
+            varieties : [
+                {
+                    "name" : "1%",
+                    "price" : "3.25",
+                    "sku" : "0393847575533445"
+                },{
+                    "name" : "whole",
+                    "price" : "3.85",
+                    "sku" : "0393394956788445"
+                },{
+                    "name" : "skim",
+                    "price" : "4.00",
+                    "sku" : "0390299933488445"      
+                }
+            ]           
+        }
+    };
+    //Create a new entity object the contains the updated properties
+    var entity = new Usergrid.entity(properties);
+    //Call to initiate the API PUT request
+ (error,response) {
+        if (error) { 
+            //error
+        } else { 
+            //success
+        }
+    });             
+#### Response:
+    { action: 'put',
+      application: 'f34f4222-a166-11e2-a7f7-02e81adcf3d0',
+      params: {},
+      path: '/items',
+      uri: '',
+      entities: 
+       [ { uuid: 'b3aad0a4-f322-11e2-a9c1-999e12039f87',
+           type: 'item',
+           created: 1374534114329,
+           modified: 1377039726738,
+           metadata: [Object],
+           varieties: [Object] } ],
+      timestamp: 1377039726724,
+      duration: 75,
+      organization: 'your-org',
+      applicationName: 'your-app' }
+### SDK Method
diff --git a/website/content/docs/ b/website/content/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38c560d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/content/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+title: Upgrading from Previous Versions
+category: docs
+layout: docs
+If you built and used a previous version of Usergrid, that may be using a different schema, we have an easy built-in tool to audit your Cassandra column family structure and upgrade the dataset as necessary. Once you have pulled, built and launched the new version of Usergrid, just hit [http://localhost:8080/system/database/setup](http://localhost:8080/system/database/setup) to run the upgrade tool.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/content/docs/ b/website/content/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8e8a7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/content/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+title: Uploading files and assets  
+category: docs
+layout: docs
+Uploading files and assets
+**Beta Feature**\
+ Please note that this is currently a beta feature. As a result, some
+functionality may not work as expected.
+Using Apache Usergrid APIs, you can store and retrieve files and assets
+that hold data objects such as images, video, and audio content.
+Apache Usergrid manages these objects as [Assets](/assets) entities.
+Optionally, you can use [Folder](/folder) entities to organize related
+**Note:** All binary objects are managed as assets. However, an asset
+does not have to be used for a binary object. For example, assets can be
+used to model a file system.
+Creating a folder to hold assets
+Suppose you have some images that you want to store. Suppose too that
+you want to organize your images in folders. To create a folder, you
+issue a POST request to the folders endpoint. The general format of the
+request is:
+    POST /{org-uuid}/{app-uuid}/folders {request body}
+The request body must specify the name of the folder, the UUID of the
+owner of the folder, as well as the relative path to the folder.
+Here’s how you could create a folder named myfirstfolder to hold some of
+the images:
+    POST {"name": "myfirstfolder","owner": "7d1aa429-e978-11e0-8264-005056c00008", "path": "/myfolders/folder1"}
+**Note:** Although not shown in the API examples, you need to provide a
+valid access token with each API call. See [Authenticating users and
+application clients](/authenticating-users-and-application-clients) for
+details. You also need to replace my-org with the name of your
+organization, my-app with the name of your application, and the UUID and
+path values as appropriate.
+The response to the API request should include the UUID of the created
+folder, for example:
+     "uuid": "6640a601-2ac6-11e2-92c3-02e81ae640dc"
+You’ll need this UUID to link the folder to assets.
+Creating an assets entity
+Assume that one of the images is named my-image.jpg. You can create an
+asset for the image by issuing a POST request to the assets endpoint.
+The general format of the request is:
+    POST /{org-uuid}/{app-uuid}/assets {request body}
+The request body must specify the UUID of the name of the asset, the
+owner of the asset, as well as the relative path to the asset. For
+example, you can create an asset for the my-image.jpg image like this:
+    POST {"name": "my-image.jpg","owner": "7d1aa429-e978-11e0-8264-005056c00008", "path": "/myassets/asset1"}
+You can also specify a content-type property for the asset in the
+request body. For example, you can specify "content-type”:”image/jpeg”.
+That content type is then set as a property of the asset. It is also set
+(as specified) in the response header. Specifying the content-type is
+optional. Apache Usergrid can automatically detect the content type of the
+asset when the binary data for the asset is uploaded. It then sets this
+as the content-type property value on the asset.
+The response to the API request should include the UUID of the created
+asset, for example:
+    "uuid": "9501cda1-2d21-11e2-b4c6-02e81ac5a17b"
+You’ll need this UUID when you upload or retrieve the image.
+Linking a folder to an asset
+In order to access the asset for the image in the folder, you need to
+link the folder to the asset. You can do that by issuing a POST request
+in the following format:
+    POST /{org-uuid}/{app-uuid}/folders/{folder-uuid}/assets/{assets_id}
+where {folder-uuid} is the UUID of the folder, and {assets-uuid} is the
+UUID of the assets entity.
+Here’s how you could link the folder and the asset you created for the
+my-image.jpg image:
+    POST 
+In the response, you should see the assets entity for the image added to
+the folder:
+    {
+      "action": "post",
+      "application": "3400ba10-cd0c-11e1-bcf7-12313d1c4491",
+      "params": {},
+      "path": "/folders/6640a601-2ac6-11e2-92c3-02e81ae640dc/assets",
+      "uri": "",
+      "entities": [
+        {
+          "uuid": "9501cda1-2d21-11e2-b4c6-02e81ac5a17b",
+          "type": "asset",
+          "name": "my-image.jpg",
+          "created": 1352763303163,
+          "modified": 1352763303163,
+          "metadata": {
+            "path": "/folders/6640a601-2ac6-11e2-92c3-02e81ae640dc/assets/9501cda1-2d21-11e2-b4c6-02e81ac5a17b"
+          },
+          "owner": "5c0c1789-d503-11e1-b36a-12313b01d5c1",
+          "path": "/myassets/asset1"
+        }
+      ],
+      "timestamp": 1352830448045,
+      "duration": 54,
+      "organization": "my-org”,
+      "applicationName": "my-app"
+    }
+You can also request a list of the linked contents of the folder like
+    GET
+The response should look something like this:
+    {
+      "action": "get",
+      "application": "3400ba10-cd0c-11e1-bcf7-12313d1c4491",
+      "params": {
+        "_": [
+          "1352830364891"
+        ]
+      },
+      "path": "/folders/6640a601-2ac6-11e2-92c3-02e81ae640dc/assets",
+      "uri": "",
+      "entities": [
+        {
+          "uuid": "7bf47435-2ac8-11e2-b4c6-02e81ac5a17b",
+          "type": "asset",
+          "name": "my-image.jpg",
+          "created": 1352505133598,
+          "modified": 1352507245108,
+          "checksum": "8e0cd3866ee20746c99e9a9825f38ad8",
+          "content-length": 11853,
+          "content-type": "image/jpeg",
+          "etag": "\"8e0cd3866ee20746c99e9a9825f38ad8\"",
+          "metadata": {
+            "connecting": {
+              "assets": "/folders/6640a601-2ac6-11e2-92c3-02e81ae640dc/assets/7bf47435-2ac8-11e2-b4c6-02e81ac5a17b/connecting/assets"
+            },
+            "connection": "assets",
+            "path": "/folders/6640a601-2ac6-11e2-92c3-02e81ae640dc/assets/7bf47435-2ac8-11e2-b4c6-02e81ac5a17b"
+          },
+          "owner": "5c0c1789-d503-11e1-b36a-12313b01d5c1",
+          "path": "my-image"
+        }
+      ],
+      "timestamp": 1352830363797,
+      "duration": 57,
+      "organization": "my-org",
+      "applicationName": "my-app"
+    }
+Retrieving an asset
+You can retrieve an asset by its UUID. The general form of the request
+    GET /{org-uuid}/{app-uuid}/assets/{asset-uuid}
+For example, to retrieve the asset for the my-image.jpg image, you make
+a request like this:
+    GET
+The response should look something like this:
+    {
+      "action": "get",
+      "application": "3400ba10-cd0c-11e1-bcf7-12313d1c4491",
+      "params": {
+        "_": [
+          "1352833055831"
+        ]
+      },
+      "path": "/assets",
+      "uri": "",
+      "entities": [
+        {
+          "uuid": "9501cda1-2d21-11e2-b4c6-02e81ac5a17b",
+          "type": "asset",
+          "name": "edhead3.jpg",
+          "created": 1352763303163,
+          "modified": 1352763303163,
+          "metadata": {
+            "connecting": {
+              "assets": "/assets/9501cda1-2d21-11e2-b4c6-02e81ac5a17b/connecting/assets"
+            },
+            "path": "/assets/9501cda1-2d21-11e2-b4c6-02e81ac5a17b"
+          },
+          "owner": "5c0c1789-d503-11e1-b36a-12313b01d5c1",
+          "path": "/myassets/asset1"
+        }
+      ],
+      "timestamp": 1352833055408,
+      "duration": 17,
+      "organization": "my-org",
+      "applicationName": "my-app"
+    }
+Uploading and retrieving binary data for an asset
+So far the focus has been on assets entities, which App services uses to
+manage binary objects such as images. But what about the data for those
+objects? You can use Apache Usergrid APIs to upload the data for a binary
+object and retrieve the data.
+**Note:** The data for an asset is stored separately from the entity
+To upload data for an asset, you issue a POST request to the endpoint
+for the asset’s data. The general form of the request is:
+    POST /{org-uuid}/{app-uuid}/assets/{asset-uuid}/data {binary-data}
+where {binary-data} is the binary data for the asset.
+For example, you can upload the binary data for the my-image.jpg image
+asset like this:
+    POST {binary data}
+where {binary-data} is the binary data for the image.
+In cURL format, the upload request would look something like this:
+    POST  --data-binary "@src/resources/my-image.jpg" -H
+    "Content-Type: application/octet-stream"
+    ‘’
+In the cURL example, the binary data is in a file whose relative path is
+**Note:** Currently, a 5 MB limitation exists for the size of the
+uploaded binary data. This limitation is temporary and the allowable
+size of a data upload should increase soon.
+To retrieve the data, issue a GET request to the same endpoint, for
+    GET
+In response, you’ll get the binary data for the asset.
+Updating the binary data for an asset
+Suppose, you want to update the my-image.jpg image. You can do it by
+replacing the binary data for the asset through a PUT request. Here’s an
+    PUT {binary-data}
+where {binary-data} is the updated binary data for the image.
+In cURL format, the update request would look something like this:
+    PUT  --data-binary "@src/resources/my-image2.jpg" -H
+    "Content-Type: application/octet-stream"
+    ‘’
+In the cURL example, the updated binary data is in a file whose relative
+path is src/resources/my-image2.jpg.