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Posted to by on 2016/08/22 04:47:56 UTC

[03/16] falcon git commit: FALCON-2118 Proposal for new UI changes
diff --git a/falcon-ui/app/js/lib/jquery.mask.min.js b/falcon-ui/app/js/lib/jquery.mask.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..984b5b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/falcon-ui/app/js/lib/jquery.mask.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// jQuery Mask Plugin v1.7.7
+(function(f){"function"===typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery"],f):f(window.jQuery||window.Zepto)})(function(f){var A=function(a,d,b){var h=this,m,p;a=f(a);d="function"===typeof d?d(a.val(),void 0,a,b):d;var c={getCaret:function(){try{var e,l=0,c=a.get(0),g=document.selection,d=c.selectionStart;if(g&&!~navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 10"))e=g.createRange(),e.moveStart("character","input")?-a.val().length:-a.text().length),l=e.text.length;else if(d||"0"===d)l=d;return l}catch(b){}},setCaret:function(e){try{if(":focus")){var l,
+c=a.get(0);c.setSelectionRange?c.setSelectionRange(e,e):c.createTextRange&&(l=c.createTextRange(),l.collapse(!0),l.moveEnd("character",e),l.moveStart("character",e),}}catch(g){}},events:function(){a.on("keydown.mask",function(){m=c.val()}).on("keyup.mask",c.behaviour).on("paste.mask drop.mask",function(){setTimeout(function(){a.keydown().keyup()},100)}).on("change.mask",function(){"changed",!0)}).on("blur.mask",function(){m===a.val()||"changed")||a.trigger("change");"changed",
+!1)}).on("focusout.mask",function(){b.clearIfNotMatch&&!p.test(c.val())&&c.val("")})},getRegexMask:function(){for(var e=[],a,c,g,b,k=0;k<d.length;k++)(a=h.translation[d[k]])?(c=a.pattern.toString().replace(/.{1}$|^.{1}/g,""),g=a.optional,(a=a.recursive)?(e.push(d[k]),b={digit:d[k],pattern:c}):e.push(g||a?c+"?":c)):e.push(d[k].replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g,"\\$&"));e=e.join("");b&&(e=e.replace(new RegExp("("+b.digit+"(.*"+b.digit+")?)"),"($1)?").replace(new RegExp(b.digit,"g"),b.pattern));return new RegExp(e)},
+destroyEvents:function(){"keydown keyup paste drop change blur focusout DOMNodeInserted ".split(" ").join(".mask ")).removeData("changeCalled")},val:function(e){var"input");return 0<arguments.length?c?a.val(e):a.text(e):c?a.val():a.text()},getMCharsBeforeCount:function(e,a){for(var c=0,b=0,f=d.length;b<f&&b<e;b++)h.translation[d.charAt(b)]||(e=a?e+1:e,c++);return c},caretPos:function(e,a,b,g){return h.translation[d.charAt(Math.min(e-1,d.length-1))]?Math.min(e+b-a-g,b):c.caretPos(e+1,
+a,b,g)},behaviour:function(a){a=a||window.event;var b=a.keyCode||a.which;if(-1===f.inArray(b,h.byPassKeys)){var d=c.getCaret(),g=c.val(),t=g.length,k=d<t,m=c.getMasked(),n=m.length,p=c.getMCharsBeforeCount(n-1)-c.getMCharsBeforeCount(t-1);m!==g&&c.val(m);!k||65===b&&a.ctrlKey||(8!==b&&46!==b&&(d=c.caretPos(d,t,n,p)),c.setCaret(d));return c.callbacks(a)}},getMasked:function(a){var l=[],f=c.val(),g=0,m=d.length,k=0,p=f.length,n=1,u="push",r=-1,q,v;b.reverse?(u="unshift",n=-1,q=0,g=m-1,k=p-1,v=function(){return-1<
+g&&-1<k}):(q=m-1,v=function(){return g<m&&k<p});for(;v();){var w=d.charAt(g),x=f.charAt(k),s=h.translation[w];if(s)x.match(s.pattern)?(l[u](x),s.recursive&&(-1===r?r=g:g===q&&(g=r-n),q===r&&(g-=n)),g+=n):s.optional&&(g+=n,k-=n),k+=n;else{if(!a)l[u](w);x===w&&(k+=n);g+=n}}a=d.charAt(q);m!==p+1||h.translation[a]||l.push(a);return l.join("")},callbacks:function(e){var f=c.val(),h=f!==m;if(!0===h&&"function"===typeof b.onChange)b.onChange(f,e,a,b);if(!0===h&&"function"===typeof b.onKeyPress)b.onKeyPress(f,
+e,a,b);if("function"===typeof b.onComplete&&f.length===d.length)b.onComplete(f,e,a,b)}};h.mask=d;h.options=b;h.remove=function(){var b;c.destroyEvents();c.val(h.getCleanVal()).removeAttr("maxlength");b=c.getCaret();c.setCaret(b-c.getMCharsBeforeCount(b));return a};h.getCleanVal=function(){return c.getMasked(!0)};h.init=function(){b=b||{};h.byPassKeys=[9,16,17,18,36,37,38,39,40,91];h.translation={0:{pattern:/\d/},9:{pattern:/\d/,optional:!0},"#":{pattern:/\d/,recursive:!0},A:{pattern:/[a-zA-Z0-9]/},
+S:{pattern:/[a-zA-Z]/}};h.translation=f.extend({},h.translation,b.translation);h=f.extend(!0,{},h,b);p=c.getRegexMask();!1!==b.maxlength&&a.attr("maxlength",d.length);b.placeholder&&a.attr("placeholder",b.placeholder);a.attr("autocomplete","off");c.destroyEvents();;var e=c.getCaret();c.val(c.getMasked());c.setCaret(e+c.getMCharsBeforeCount(e,!0))}()},y={},z=function(){var a=f(this),d={};a.attr("data-mask-reverse")&&(d.reverse=!0);"false"===a.attr("data-mask-maxlength")&&(d.maxlength=!1);
+a.attr("data-mask-clearifnotmatch")&&(d.clearIfNotMatch=!0);a.mask(a.attr("data-mask"),d)};f.fn.mask=function(a,d){var b=this.selector,h=function(){var b=f(this).data("mask"),h=JSON.stringify;if("object"!==typeof b||h(b.options)!==h(d)||b.mask!==a)return f(this).data("mask",new A(this,a,d))};this.each(h);b&&!y[b]&&(y[b]=!0,setTimeout(function(){f(document).on("DOMNodeInserted.mask",b,h)},500))};f.fn.unmask=function(){try{return this.each(function(){f(this).data("mask").remove().removeData("mask")})}catch(a){}};
diff --git a/falcon-ui/app/js/lib/popover.js b/falcon-ui/app/js/lib/popover.js
index 57814df..e26c870 100644
--- a/falcon-ui/app/js/lib/popover.js
+++ b/falcon-ui/app/js/lib/popover.js
@@ -1,21 +1,3 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
 (function(window, angular, undefined){
   'use strict';
@@ -478,4 +460,4 @@
-})(window, window.angular);
+})(window, window.angular);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/falcon-ui/app/js/lib/xml2json.min.js b/falcon-ui/app/js/lib/xml2json.min.js
index 12c4a45..5c8401c 100644
--- a/falcon-ui/app/js/lib/xml2json.min.js
+++ b/falcon-ui/app/js/lib/xml2json.min.js
@@ -16,563 +16,560 @@
 function X2JS(config) {
-    'use strict';
-    var VERSION = "1.1.7";
-    config = config || {};
-    initConfigDefaults();
-    initRequiredPolyfills();
-    function initConfigDefaults() {
-        if(config.escapeMode === undefined) {
-            config.escapeMode = true;
-        }
-        config.attributePrefix = config.attributePrefix || "_";
-        config.arrayAccessForm = config.arrayAccessForm || "none";
-        config.emptyNodeForm = config.emptyNodeForm || "text";
-        if(config.enableToStringFunc === undefined) {
-            config.enableToStringFunc = true; 
-        }
-        config.arrayAccessFormPaths = config.arrayAccessFormPaths || []; 
-        if(config.skipEmptyTextNodesForObj === undefined) {
-            config.skipEmptyTextNodesForObj = true;
-        }
-        if(config.stripWhitespaces === undefined) {
-            config.stripWhitespaces = true;
-        }
-        config.datetimeAccessFormPaths = config.datetimeAccessFormPaths || [];
+	'use strict';
-        if(config.useDoubleQuotes === undefined) {
-            config.useDoubleQuotes = false;
-        }
-    }
+	var VERSION = "1.2.0";
-    var DOMNodeTypes = {
-        ELEMENT_NODE       : 1,
-        TEXT_NODE          : 3,
-        CDATA_SECTION_NODE : 4,
-        COMMENT_NODE       : 8,
-        DOCUMENT_NODE      : 9
-    };
-    function initRequiredPolyfills() {
-        function pad(number) {
-          var r = String(number);
-          if ( r.length === 1 ) {
-            r = '0' + r;
-          }
-          return r;
-        }
-        // Hello IE8-
-        if(typeof String.prototype.trim !== 'function') {           
-            String.prototype.trim = function() {
-                return this.replace(/^\s+|^\n+|(\s|\n)+$/g, '');
-            }
-        }
-        if(typeof Date.prototype.toISOString !== 'function') {
-            // Implementation from
-            Date.prototype.toISOString = function() {
-              return this.getUTCFullYear()
-                + '-' + pad( this.getUTCMonth() + 1 )
-                + '-' + pad( this.getUTCDate() )
-                + 'T' + pad( this.getUTCHours() )
-                + ':' + pad( this.getUTCMinutes() )
-                + ':' + pad( this.getUTCSeconds() )
-                + '.' + String( (this.getUTCMilliseconds()/1000).toFixed(3) ).slice( 2, 5 )
-                + 'Z';
-            };
-        }
-    }
-    function getNodeLocalName( node ) {
-        var nodeLocalName = node.localName;         
-        if(nodeLocalName == null) // Yeah, this is IE!! 
-            nodeLocalName = node.baseName;
-        if(nodeLocalName == null || nodeLocalName=="") // =="" is IE too
-            nodeLocalName = node.nodeName;
-        return nodeLocalName;
-    }
-    function getNodePrefix(node) {
-        return node.prefix;
-    }
-    function escapeXmlChars(str) {
-        if(typeof(str) == "string")
-            return str.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/'/g, '&#x27;');
-        else
-            return str;
-    }
+	config = config || {};
+	initConfigDefaults();
+	initRequiredPolyfills();
-    function unescapeXmlChars(str) {
-        return str.replace(/&lt;/g, '<').replace(/&gt;/g, '>').replace(/&quot;/g, '"').replace(/&#x27;/g, "'").replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
-    }
-    function toArrayAccessForm(obj, childName, path) {
-        switch(config.arrayAccessForm) {
-        case "property":
-            if(!(obj[childName] instanceof Array))
-                obj[childName+"_asArray"] = [obj[childName]];
-            else
-                obj[childName+"_asArray"] = obj[childName];
-            break;      
-        /*case "none":
-            break;*/
-        }
-        if(!(obj[childName] instanceof Array) && config.arrayAccessFormPaths.length > 0) {
-            var idx = 0;
-            for(; idx < config.arrayAccessFormPaths.length; idx++) {
-                var arrayPath = config.arrayAccessFormPaths[idx];
-                if( typeof arrayPath === "string" ) {
-                    if(arrayPath == path)
-                        break;
-                }
-                else
-                if( arrayPath instanceof RegExp) {
-                    if(arrayPath.test(path))
-                        break;
-                }               
-                else
-                if( typeof arrayPath === "function") {
-                    if(arrayPath(obj, childName, path))
-                        break;
-                }
-            }
-            if(idx!=config.arrayAccessFormPaths.length) {
-                obj[childName] = [obj[childName]];
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    function fromXmlDateTime(prop) {
-        // Implementation based up on
-        // Improved to support full spec and optional parts
-        var bits = prop.split(/[-T:+Z]/g);
-        var d = new Date(bits[0], bits[1]-1, bits[2]);          
-        var secondBits = bits[5].split("\.");
-        d.setHours(bits[3], bits[4], secondBits[0]);
-        if(secondBits.length>1)
-            d.setMilliseconds(secondBits[1]);
-        // Get supplied time zone offset in minutes
-        if(bits[6] && bits[7]) {
-            var offsetMinutes = bits[6] * 60 + Number(bits[7]);
-            var sign = /\d\d-\d\d:\d\d$/.test(prop)? '-' : '+';
-            // Apply the sign
-            offsetMinutes = 0 + (sign == '-'? -1 * offsetMinutes : offsetMinutes);
-            // Apply offset and local timezone
-            d.setMinutes(d.getMinutes() - offsetMinutes - d.getTimezoneOffset())
-        }
-        else
-            if(prop.indexOf("Z", prop.length - 1) !== -1) {
-                d = new Date(Date.UTC(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), d.getHours(), d.getMinutes(), d.getSeconds(), d.getMilliseconds()));                  
-            }
+	function initConfigDefaults() {
+		if(config.escapeMode === undefined) {
+			config.escapeMode = true;
+		}
-        // d is now a local time equivalent to the supplied time
-        return d;
-    }
-    function checkFromXmlDateTimePaths(value, childName, fullPath) {
-        if(config.datetimeAccessFormPaths.length > 0) {
-            var path = fullPath.split("\.#")[0];
-            var idx = 0;
-            for(; idx < config.datetimeAccessFormPaths.length; idx++) {
-                var dtPath = config.datetimeAccessFormPaths[idx];
-                if( typeof dtPath === "string" ) {
-                    if(dtPath == path)
-                        break;
-                }
-                else
-                if( dtPath instanceof RegExp) {
-                    if(dtPath.test(path))
-                        break;
-                }               
-                else
-                if( typeof dtPath === "function") {
-                    if(dtPath(obj, childName, path))
-                        break;
-                }
-            }
-            if(idx!=config.datetimeAccessFormPaths.length) {
-                return fromXmlDateTime(value);
-            }
-            else
-                return value;
-        }
-        else
-            return value;
-    }
+		config.attributePrefix = config.attributePrefix || "_";
+		config.arrayAccessForm = config.arrayAccessForm || "none";
+		config.emptyNodeForm = config.emptyNodeForm || "text";
-    function parseDOMChildren( node, path ) {
-        if(node.nodeType == DOMNodeTypes.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
-            var result = new Object;
-            var nodeChildren = node.childNodes;
-            // Alternative for firstElementChild which is not supported in some environments
-            for(var cidx=0; cidx <nodeChildren.length; cidx++) {
-                var child = nodeChildren.item(cidx);
-                if(child.nodeType == DOMNodeTypes.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-                    var childName = getNodeLocalName(child);
-                    result[childName] = parseDOMChildren(child, childName);
-                }
-            }
-            return result;
-        }
-        else
-        if(node.nodeType == DOMNodeTypes.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-            var result = new Object;
-            result.__cnt=0;
-            var nodeChildren = node.childNodes;
-            // Children nodes
-            for(var cidx=0; cidx <nodeChildren.length; cidx++) {
-                var child = nodeChildren.item(cidx); // nodeChildren[cidx];
-                var childName = getNodeLocalName(child);
-                if(child.nodeType!= DOMNodeTypes.COMMENT_NODE) {
-                    result.__cnt++;
-                    if(result[childName] == null) {
-                        result[childName] = parseDOMChildren(child, path+"."+childName);
-                        toArrayAccessForm(result, childName, path+"."+childName);                   
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        if(result[childName] != null) {
-                            if( !(result[childName] instanceof Array)) {
-                                result[childName] = [result[childName]];
-                                toArrayAccessForm(result, childName, path+"."+childName);
-                            }
-                        }
-                        (result[childName])[result[childName].length] = parseDOMChildren(child, path+"."+childName);
-                    }
-                }                               
-            }
-            // Attributes
-            for(var aidx=0; aidx <node.attributes.length; aidx++) {
-                var attr = node.attributes.item(aidx); // [aidx];
-                result.__cnt++;
-                result[]=attr.value;
-            }
-            // Node namespace prefix
-            var nodePrefix = getNodePrefix(node);
-            if(nodePrefix!=null && nodePrefix!="") {
-                result.__cnt++;
-                result.__prefix=nodePrefix;
-            }
-            if(result["#text"]!=null) {             
-                result.__text = result["#text"];
-                if(result.__text instanceof Array) {
-                    result.__text = result.__text.join("\n");
-                }
-                //if(config.escapeMode)
-                //  result.__text = unescapeXmlChars(result.__text);
-                if(config.stripWhitespaces)
-                    result.__text = result.__text.trim();
-                delete result["#text"];
-                if(config.arrayAccessForm=="property")
-                    delete result["#text_asArray"];
-                result.__text = checkFromXmlDateTimePaths(result.__text, childName, path+"."+childName);
-            }
-            if(result["#cdata-section"]!=null) {
-                result.__cdata = result["#cdata-section"];
-                delete result["#cdata-section"];
-                if(config.arrayAccessForm=="property")
-                    delete result["#cdata-section_asArray"];
-            }
-            if( result.__cnt == 1 && result.__text!=null  ) {
-                result = result.__text;
-            }
-            else
-            if( result.__cnt == 0 && config.emptyNodeForm=="text" ) {
-                result = '';
-            }
-            else
-            if ( result.__cnt > 1 && result.__text!=null && config.skipEmptyTextNodesForObj) {
-                if( (config.stripWhitespaces && result.__text=="") || (result.__text.trim()=="")) {
-                    delete result.__text;
-                }
-            }
-            delete result.__cnt;            
-            if( config.enableToStringFunc && (result.__text!=null || result.__cdata!=null )) {
-                result.toString = function() {
-                    return (this.__text!=null? this.__text:'')+( this.__cdata!=null ? this.__cdata:'');
-                };
-            }
-            return result;
-        }
-        else
-        if(node.nodeType == DOMNodeTypes.TEXT_NODE || node.nodeType == DOMNodeTypes.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
-            return node.nodeValue;
-        }   
-    }
-    function startTag(jsonObj, element, attrList, closed) {
-        var resultStr = "<"+ ( (jsonObj!=null && jsonObj.__prefix!=null)? (jsonObj.__prefix+":"):"") + element;
-        if(attrList!=null) {
-            for(var aidx = 0; aidx < attrList.length; aidx++) {
-                var attrName = attrList[aidx];
-                var attrVal = jsonObj[attrName];
-                if(config.escapeMode)
-                    attrVal=escapeXmlChars(attrVal);
-                resultStr+=" "+attrName.substr(config.attributePrefix.length)+"=";
-                if(config.useDoubleQuotes)
-                    resultStr+='"'+attrVal+'"';
-                else
-                    resultStr+="'"+attrVal+"'";
-            }
-        }
-        if(!closed)
-            resultStr+=">";
-        else
-            resultStr+="/>";
-        return resultStr;
-    }
-    function endTag(jsonObj,elementName) {
-        return "</"+ (jsonObj.__prefix!=null? (jsonObj.__prefix+":"):"")+elementName+">";
-    }
-    function endsWith(str, suffix) {
-        return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
-    }
-    function jsonXmlSpecialElem ( jsonObj, jsonObjField ) {
-        if((config.arrayAccessForm=="property" && endsWith(jsonObjField.toString(),("_asArray"))) 
-                || jsonObjField.toString().indexOf(config.attributePrefix)==0 
-                || jsonObjField.toString().indexOf("__")==0
-                || (jsonObj[jsonObjField] instanceof Function) )
-            return true;
-        else
-            return false;
-    }
-    function jsonXmlElemCount ( jsonObj ) {
-        var elementsCnt = 0;
-        if(jsonObj instanceof Object ) {
-            for( var it in jsonObj  ) {
-                if(jsonXmlSpecialElem ( jsonObj, it) )
-                    continue;           
-                elementsCnt++;
-            }
-        }
-        return elementsCnt;
-    }
-    function parseJSONAttributes ( jsonObj ) {
-        var attrList = [];
-        if(jsonObj instanceof Object ) {
-            for( var ait in jsonObj  ) {
-                if(ait.toString().indexOf("__")== -1 && ait.toString().indexOf(config.attributePrefix)==0) {
-                    attrList.push(ait);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return attrList;
-    }
-    function parseJSONTextAttrs ( jsonTxtObj ) {
-        var result ="";
-        if(jsonTxtObj.__cdata!=null) {                                      
-            result+="<![CDATA["+jsonTxtObj.__cdata+"]]>";                   
-        }
-        if(jsonTxtObj.__text!=null) {           
-            if(config.escapeMode)
-                result+=escapeXmlChars(jsonTxtObj.__text);
-            else
-                result+=jsonTxtObj.__text;
-        }
-        return result;
+		if(config.enableToStringFunc === undefined) {
+			config.enableToStringFunc = true;
+		}
+		config.arrayAccessFormPaths = config.arrayAccessFormPaths || [];
+		if(config.skipEmptyTextNodesForObj === undefined) {
+			config.skipEmptyTextNodesForObj = true;
+		}
+		if(config.stripWhitespaces === undefined) {
+			config.stripWhitespaces = true;
+		}
+		config.datetimeAccessFormPaths = config.datetimeAccessFormPaths || [];
+		if(config.useDoubleQuotes === undefined) {
+			config.useDoubleQuotes = false;
+		}
+		config.xmlElementsFilter = config.xmlElementsFilter || [];
+		config.jsonPropertiesFilter = config.jsonPropertiesFilter || [];
+		if(config.keepCData === undefined) {
+			config.keepCData = false;
+		}
+	}
+	var DOMNodeTypes = {
+		ELEMENT_NODE 	   : 1,
+		TEXT_NODE    	   : 3,
+		COMMENT_NODE	   : 8,
+		DOCUMENT_NODE 	   : 9
+	};
+	function initRequiredPolyfills() {
+	}
+	function getNodeLocalName( node ) {
+		var nodeLocalName = node.localName;
+		if(nodeLocalName == null) // Yeah, this is IE!!
+			nodeLocalName = node.baseName;
+		if(nodeLocalName == null || nodeLocalName=="") // =="" is IE too
+			nodeLocalName = node.nodeName;
+		return nodeLocalName;
+	}
+	function getNodePrefix(node) {
+		return node.prefix;
+	}
+	function escapeXmlChars(str) {
+		if(typeof(str) == "string")
+			return str.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/'/g, '&apos;');
+		else
+			return str;
+	}
+	function unescapeXmlChars(str) {
+		return str.replace(/&lt;/g, '<').replace(/&gt;/g, '>').replace(/&quot;/g, '"').replace(/&apos;/g, "'").replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
+	}
+	function checkInStdFiltersArrayForm(stdFiltersArrayForm, obj, name, path) {
+        var idx = 0;
+		for(; idx < stdFiltersArrayForm.length; idx++) {
+			var filterPath = stdFiltersArrayForm[idx];
+			if( typeof filterPath === "string" ) {
+				if(filterPath == path)
+					break;
+			}
+			else
+			if( filterPath instanceof RegExp) {
+				if(filterPath.test(path))
+					break;
+			}
+			else
+			if( typeof filterPath === "function") {
+				if(filterPath(obj, name, path))
+					break;
+			}
+		}
+		return idx!=stdFiltersArrayForm.length;
-    function parseJSONTextObject ( jsonTxtObj ) {
-        var result ="";
-        if( jsonTxtObj instanceof Object ) {
-            result+=parseJSONTextAttrs ( jsonTxtObj );
-        }
-        else
-            if(jsonTxtObj!=null) {
-                if(config.escapeMode)
-                    result+=escapeXmlChars(jsonTxtObj);
-                else
-                    result+=jsonTxtObj;
-            }
-        return result;
+	function toArrayAccessForm(obj, childName, path) {
+		switch(config.arrayAccessForm) {
+			case "property":
+				if(!(obj[childName] instanceof Array))
+					obj[childName+"_asArray"] = [obj[childName]];
+				else
+					obj[childName+"_asArray"] = obj[childName];
+				break;
+			/*case "none":
+				break;*/
+		}
+		if(!(obj[childName] instanceof Array) && config.arrayAccessFormPaths.length > 0) {
+			if(checkInStdFiltersArrayForm(config.arrayAccessFormPaths, obj, childName, path)) {
+				obj[childName] = [obj[childName]];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	function fromXmlDateTime(prop) {
+		// Implementation based up on
+		// Improved to support full spec and optional parts
+		var bits = prop.split(/[-T:+Z]/g);
+		var d = new Date(bits[0], bits[1]-1, bits[2]);
+		var secondBits = bits[5].split("\.");
+		d.setHours(bits[3], bits[4], secondBits[0]);
+		if(secondBits.length>1)
+			d.setMilliseconds(secondBits[1]);
+		// Get supplied time zone offset in minutes
+		if(bits[6] && bits[7]) {
+			var offsetMinutes = bits[6] * 60 + Number(bits[7]);
+			var sign = /\d\d-\d\d:\d\d$/.test(prop)? '-' : '+';
+			// Apply the sign
+			offsetMinutes = 0 + (sign == '-'? -1 * offsetMinutes : offsetMinutes);
+			// Apply offset and local timezone
+			d.setMinutes(d.getMinutes() - offsetMinutes - d.getTimezoneOffset())
+		}
+		else
+			if(prop.indexOf("Z", prop.length - 1) !== -1) {
+				d = new Date(Date.UTC(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), d.getHours(), d.getMinutes(), d.getSeconds(), d.getMilliseconds()));
+			}
+		// d is now a local time equivalent to the supplied time
+		return d;
+	}
+	function checkFromXmlDateTimePaths(value, childName, fullPath) {
+		if(config.datetimeAccessFormPaths.length > 0) {
+			var path = fullPath.split("\.#")[0];
+			if(checkInStdFiltersArrayForm(config.datetimeAccessFormPaths, value, childName, path)) {
+				return fromXmlDateTime(value);
+			}
+			else
+				return value;
+		}
+		else
+			return value;
+	}
+	function checkXmlElementsFilter(obj, childType, childName, childPath) {
+        if( childType == DOMNodeTypes.ELEMENT_NODE && config.xmlElementsFilter.length > 0) {
+			return checkInStdFiltersArrayForm(config.xmlElementsFilter, obj, childName, childPath);
+		}
+		else
+			return true;
-    function parseJSONArray ( jsonArrRoot, jsonArrObj, attrList ) {
-        var result = ""; 
-        if(jsonArrRoot.length == 0) {
-            result+=startTag(jsonArrRoot, jsonArrObj, attrList, true);
-        }
-        else {
-            for(var arIdx = 0; arIdx < jsonArrRoot.length; arIdx++) {
-                result+=startTag(jsonArrRoot[arIdx], jsonArrObj, parseJSONAttributes(jsonArrRoot[arIdx]), false);
-                result+=parseJSONObject(jsonArrRoot[arIdx]);
-                result+=endTag(jsonArrRoot[arIdx],jsonArrObj);                      
-            }
-        }
-        return result;
+	function parseDOMChildren( node, path ) {
+		if(node.nodeType == DOMNodeTypes.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
+			var result = new Object;
+			var nodeChildren = node.childNodes;
+			// Alternative for firstElementChild which is not supported in some environments
+			for(var cidx=0; cidx <nodeChildren.length; cidx++) {
+				var child = nodeChildren.item(cidx);
+				if(child.nodeType == DOMNodeTypes.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+					var childName = getNodeLocalName(child);
+					result[childName] = parseDOMChildren(child, childName);
+				}
+			}
+			return result;
+		}
+		else
+		if(node.nodeType == DOMNodeTypes.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+			var result = new Object;
+			result.__cnt=0;
+			var nodeChildren = node.childNodes;
+			// Children nodes
+			for(var cidx=0; cidx <nodeChildren.length; cidx++) {
+				var child = nodeChildren.item(cidx); // nodeChildren[cidx];
+				var childName = getNodeLocalName(child);
+				if(child.nodeType!= DOMNodeTypes.COMMENT_NODE) {
+					var childPath = path+"."+childName;
+					if (checkXmlElementsFilter(result,child.nodeType,childName,childPath)) {
+						result.__cnt++;
+						if(result[childName] == null) {
+							result[childName] = parseDOMChildren(child, childPath);
+							toArrayAccessForm(result, childName, childPath);
+						}
+						else {
+							if(result[childName] != null) {
+								if( !(result[childName] instanceof Array)) {
+									result[childName] = [result[childName]];
+									toArrayAccessForm(result, childName, childPath);
+								}
+							}
+							(result[childName])[result[childName].length] = parseDOMChildren(child, childPath);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Attributes
+			for(var aidx=0; aidx <node.attributes.length; aidx++) {
+				var attr = node.attributes.item(aidx); // [aidx];
+				result.__cnt++;
+				result[]=attr.value;
+			}
+			// Node namespace prefix
+			var nodePrefix = getNodePrefix(node);
+			if(nodePrefix!=null && nodePrefix!="") {
+				result.__cnt++;
+				result.__prefix=nodePrefix;
+			}
+			if(result["#text"]!=null) {
+				result.__text = result["#text"];
+				if(result.__text instanceof Array) {
+					result.__text = result.__text.join("\n");
+				}
+				//if(config.escapeMode)
+				//	result.__text = unescapeXmlChars(result.__text);
+				if(config.stripWhitespaces)
+					result.__text = result.__text.trim();
+				delete result["#text"];
+				if(config.arrayAccessForm=="property")
+					delete result["#text_asArray"];
+				result.__text = checkFromXmlDateTimePaths(result.__text, childName, path+"."+childName);
+			}
+			if(result["#cdata-section"]!=null) {
+				result.__cdata = result["#cdata-section"];
+				delete result["#cdata-section"];
+				if(config.arrayAccessForm=="property")
+					delete result["#cdata-section_asArray"];
+			}
+			if( result.__cnt == 0 && config.emptyNodeForm=="text" ) {
+				result = '';
+			}
+			else
+			if( result.__cnt == 1 && result.__text!=null  ) {
+				result = result.__text;
+			}
+			else
+			if( result.__cnt == 1 && result.__cdata!=null && !config.keepCData  ) {
+				result = result.__cdata;
+			}
+			else
+			if ( result.__cnt > 1 && result.__text!=null && config.skipEmptyTextNodesForObj) {
+				if( (config.stripWhitespaces && result.__text=="") || (result.__text.trim()=="")) {
+					delete result.__text;
+				}
+			}
+			delete result.__cnt;
+			if( config.enableToStringFunc && (result.__text!=null || result.__cdata!=null )) {
+				result.toString = function() {
+					return (this.__text!=null? this.__text:'')+( this.__cdata!=null ? this.__cdata:'');
+				};
+			}
+			return result;
+		}
+		else
+		if(node.nodeType == DOMNodeTypes.TEXT_NODE || node.nodeType == DOMNodeTypes.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
+			return node.nodeValue;
+		}
+	}
+	function startTag(jsonObj, element, attrList, closed) {
+		var resultStr = "<"+ ( (jsonObj!=null && jsonObj.__prefix!=null)? (jsonObj.__prefix+":"):"") + element;
+		if(attrList!=null) {
+			for(var aidx = 0; aidx < attrList.length; aidx++) {
+				var attrName = attrList[aidx];
+				var attrVal = jsonObj[attrName];
+				if(config.escapeMode)
+					attrVal=escapeXmlChars(attrVal);
+				resultStr+=" "+attrName.substr(config.attributePrefix.length)+"=";
+				if(config.useDoubleQuotes)
+					resultStr+='"'+attrVal+'"';
+				else
+					resultStr+="'"+attrVal+"'";
+			}
+		}
+		if(!closed)
+			resultStr+=">";
+		else
+			resultStr+="/>";
+		return resultStr;
+	}
+	function endTag(jsonObj,elementName) {
+		return "</"+ (jsonObj.__prefix!=null? (jsonObj.__prefix+":"):"")+elementName+">";
+	}
+	function endsWith(str, suffix) {
+	    return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
+	}
+	function jsonXmlSpecialElem ( jsonObj, jsonObjField ) {
+		if((config.arrayAccessForm=="property" && endsWith(jsonObjField.toString(),("_asArray")))
+				|| jsonObjField.toString().indexOf(config.attributePrefix)==0
+				|| jsonObjField.toString().indexOf("__")==0
+				|| (jsonObj[jsonObjField] instanceof Function) )
+			return true;
+		else
+			return false;
+	}
+	function jsonXmlElemCount ( jsonObj ) {
+		var elementsCnt = 0;
+		if(jsonObj instanceof Object ) {
+			for( var it in jsonObj  ) {
+				if(jsonXmlSpecialElem ( jsonObj, it) )
+					continue;
+				elementsCnt++;
+			}
+		}
+		return elementsCnt;
+	}
+	function checkJsonObjPropertiesFilter(jsonObj, propertyName, jsonObjPath) {
+        return config.jsonPropertiesFilter.length == 0
+			|| jsonObjPath==""
+			|| checkInStdFiltersArrayForm(config.jsonPropertiesFilter, jsonObj, propertyName, jsonObjPath);
-    function parseJSONObject ( jsonObj ) {
-        var result = "";    
-        var elementsCnt = jsonXmlElemCount ( jsonObj );
-        if(elementsCnt > 0) {
-            for( var it in jsonObj ) {
-                if(jsonXmlSpecialElem ( jsonObj, it) )
-                    continue;           
-                var subObj = jsonObj[it];                       
-                var attrList = parseJSONAttributes( subObj )
-                if(subObj == null || subObj == undefined) {
-                    result+=startTag(subObj, it, attrList, true);
-                }
-                else
-                if(subObj instanceof Object) {
-                    if(subObj instanceof Array) {                   
-                        result+=parseJSONArray( subObj, it, attrList );                 
-                    }
-                    else if(subObj instanceof Date) {
-                        result+=startTag(subObj, it, attrList, false);
-                        result+=subObj.toISOString();
-                        result+=endTag(subObj,it);
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        var subObjElementsCnt = jsonXmlElemCount ( subObj );
-                        if(subObjElementsCnt > 0 || subObj.__text!=null || subObj.__cdata!=null) {
-                            result+=startTag(subObj, it, attrList, false);
-                            result+=parseJSONObject(subObj);
-                            result+=endTag(subObj,it);
-                        }
-                        else {
-                            result+=startTag(subObj, it, attrList, true);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                else {
-                    result+=startTag(subObj, it, attrList, false);
-                    result+=parseJSONTextObject(subObj);
-                    result+=endTag(subObj,it);
-                }
-            }
+	function parseJSONAttributes ( jsonObj ) {
+		var attrList = [];
+		if(jsonObj instanceof Object ) {
+			for( var ait in jsonObj  ) {
+				if(ait.toString().indexOf("__")== -1 && ait.toString().indexOf(config.attributePrefix)==0) {
+					attrList.push(ait);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return attrList;
+	}
+	function parseJSONTextAttrs ( jsonTxtObj ) {
+		var result ="";
+		if(jsonTxtObj.__cdata!=null) {
+			result+="<![CDATA["+jsonTxtObj.__cdata+"]]>";
+		}
+		if(jsonTxtObj.__text!=null) {
+			if(config.escapeMode)
+				result+=escapeXmlChars(jsonTxtObj.__text);
+			else
+				result+=jsonTxtObj.__text;
+		}
+		return result;
+	}
+	function parseJSONTextObject ( jsonTxtObj ) {
+		var result ="";
+		if( jsonTxtObj instanceof Object ) {
+			result+=parseJSONTextAttrs ( jsonTxtObj );
+		}
+		else
+			if(jsonTxtObj!=null) {
+				if(config.escapeMode)
+					result+=escapeXmlChars(jsonTxtObj);
+				else
+					result+=jsonTxtObj;
+			}
+		return result;
+	}
+	function getJsonPropertyPath(jsonObjPath, jsonPropName) {
+		if (jsonObjPath==="") {
+            return jsonPropName;
-        result+=parseJSONTextObject(jsonObj);
-        return result;
+		else
+			return jsonObjPath+"."+jsonPropName;
-    this.parseXmlString = function(xmlDocStr) {
-        var isIEParser = window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window;
-        if (xmlDocStr === undefined) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        var xmlDoc;
-        if (window.DOMParser) {
-            var parser=new window.DOMParser();          
-            var parsererrorNS = null;
-            // IE9+ now is here
-            if(!isIEParser) {
-                try {
-                    parsererrorNS = parser.parseFromString("INVALID", "text/xml").childNodes[0].namespaceURI;
-                }
-                catch(err) {                    
-                    parsererrorNS = null;
-                }
-            }
-            try {
-                xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString( xmlDocStr, "text/xml" );
-                if( parsererrorNS!= null && xmlDoc.getElementsByTagNameNS(parsererrorNS, "parsererror").length > 0) {
-                    //throw new Error('Error parsing XML: '+xmlDocStr);
-                    xmlDoc = null;
-                }
-            }
-            catch(err) {
-                xmlDoc = null;
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            // IE :(
-            if(xmlDocStr.indexOf("<?")==0) {
-                xmlDocStr = xmlDocStr.substr( xmlDocStr.indexOf("?>") + 2 );
-            }
-            xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
-            xmlDoc.async="false";
-            xmlDoc.loadXML(xmlDocStr);
-        }
-        return xmlDoc;
-    };
-    this.asArray = function(prop) {
-        if (prop === undefined || prop == null)
-            return [];
-        else
-        if(prop instanceof Array)
-            return prop;
-        else
-            return [prop];
-    };
-    this.toXmlDateTime = function(dt) {
-        if(dt instanceof Date)
-            return dt.toISOString();
-        else
-        if(typeof(dt) === 'number' )
-            return new Date(dt).toISOString();
-        else    
-            return null;
-    };
-    this.asDateTime = function(prop) {
-        if(typeof(prop) == "string") {
-            return fromXmlDateTime(prop);
-        }
-        else
-            return prop;
-    };
-    this.xml2json = function (xmlDoc) {
-        return parseDOMChildren ( xmlDoc );
-    };
-    this.xml_str2json = function (xmlDocStr) {
-        var xmlDoc = this.parseXmlString(xmlDocStr);
-        if(xmlDoc!=null)
-            return this.xml2json(xmlDoc);
-        else
-            return null;
-    };
-    this.json2xml_str = function (jsonObj) {
-        return parseJSONObject ( jsonObj );
-    };
-    this.json2xml = function (jsonObj) {
-        var xmlDocStr = this.json2xml_str (jsonObj);
-        return this.parseXmlString(xmlDocStr);
-    };
-    this.getVersion = function () {
-        return VERSION;
-    };
\ No newline at end of file
+	function parseJSONArray ( jsonArrRoot, jsonArrObj, attrList, jsonObjPath ) {
+		var result = "";
+		if(jsonArrRoot.length == 0) {
+			result+=startTag(jsonArrRoot, jsonArrObj, attrList, true);
+		}
+		else {
+			for(var arIdx = 0; arIdx < jsonArrRoot.length; arIdx++) {
+				result+=startTag(jsonArrRoot[arIdx], jsonArrObj, parseJSONAttributes(jsonArrRoot[arIdx]), false);
+				result+=parseJSONObject(jsonArrRoot[arIdx], getJsonPropertyPath(jsonObjPath,jsonArrObj));
+				result+=endTag(jsonArrRoot[arIdx],jsonArrObj);
+			}
+		}
+		return result;
+	}
+	function parseJSONObject ( jsonObj, jsonObjPath ) {
+		var result = "";
+		var elementsCnt = jsonXmlElemCount ( jsonObj );
+		if(elementsCnt > 0) {
+			for( var it in jsonObj ) {
+				if(jsonXmlSpecialElem ( jsonObj, it) || (jsonObjPath!="" && !checkJsonObjPropertiesFilter(jsonObj, it, getJsonPropertyPath(jsonObjPath,it))) )
+					continue;
+				var subObj = jsonObj[it];
+				var attrList = parseJSONAttributes( subObj )
+				if(subObj == null || subObj == undefined) {
+					result+=startTag(subObj, it, attrList, true);
+				}
+				else
+				if(subObj instanceof Object) {
+					if(subObj instanceof Array) {
+						result+=parseJSONArray( subObj, it, attrList, jsonObjPath );
+					}
+					else if(subObj instanceof Date) {
+						result+=startTag(subObj, it, attrList, false);
+						result+=subObj.toISOString();
+						result+=endTag(subObj,it);
+					}
+					else {
+						var subObjElementsCnt = jsonXmlElemCount ( subObj );
+						if(subObjElementsCnt > 0 || subObj.__text!=null || subObj.__cdata!=null) {
+							result+=startTag(subObj, it, attrList, false);
+							result+=parseJSONObject(subObj, getJsonPropertyPath(jsonObjPath,it));
+							result+=endTag(subObj,it);
+						}
+						else {
+							result+=startTag(subObj, it, attrList, true);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				else {
+					result+=startTag(subObj, it, attrList, false);
+					result+=parseJSONTextObject(subObj);
+					result+=endTag(subObj,it);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		result+=parseJSONTextObject(jsonObj);
+		return result;
+	}
+	this.parseXmlString = function(xmlDocStr) {
+		var isIEParser = window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window;
+		if (xmlDocStr === undefined) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		var xmlDoc;
+		if (window.DOMParser) {
+			var parser=new window.DOMParser();
+			var parsererrorNS = null;
+			// IE9+ now is here
+			if(!isIEParser) {
+				try {
+					parsererrorNS = parser.parseFromString("INVALID", "text/xml").getElementsByTagName("parsererror")[0].namespaceURI;
+				}
+				catch(err) {
+					parsererrorNS = null;
+				}
+			}
+			try {
+				xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString( xmlDocStr, "text/xml" );
+				if( parsererrorNS!= null && xmlDoc.getElementsByTagNameNS(parsererrorNS, "parsererror").length > 0) {
+					//throw new Error('Error parsing XML: '+xmlDocStr);
+					xmlDoc = null;
+				}
+			}
+			catch(err) {
+				xmlDoc = null;
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			// IE :(
+			if(xmlDocStr.indexOf("<?")==0) {
+				xmlDocStr = xmlDocStr.substr( xmlDocStr.indexOf("?>") + 2 );
+			}
+			xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
+			xmlDoc.async="false";
+			xmlDoc.loadXML(xmlDocStr);
+		}
+		return xmlDoc;
+	};
+	this.asArray = function(prop) {
+		if (prop === undefined || prop == null)
+			return [];
+		else
+		if(prop instanceof Array)
+			return prop;
+		else
+			return [prop];
+	};
+	this.toXmlDateTime = function(dt) {
+		if(dt instanceof Date)
+			return dt.toISOString();
+		else
+		if(typeof(dt) === 'number' )
+			return new Date(dt).toISOString();
+		else
+			return null;
+	};
+	this.asDateTime = function(prop) {
+		if(typeof(prop) == "string") {
+			return fromXmlDateTime(prop);
+		}
+		else
+			return prop;
+	};
+	this.xml2json = function (xmlDoc) {
+		return parseDOMChildren ( xmlDoc );
+	};
+	this.xml_str2json = function (xmlDocStr) {
+		var xmlDoc = this.parseXmlString(xmlDocStr);
+		if(xmlDoc!=null)
+			return this.xml2json(xmlDoc);
+		else
+			return null;
+	};
+	this.json2xml_str = function (jsonObj) {
+		return parseJSONObject ( jsonObj, "" );
+	};
+	this.json2xml = function (jsonObj) {
+		var xmlDocStr = this.json2xml_str (jsonObj);
+		return this.parseXmlString(xmlDocStr);
+	};
+	this.getVersion = function () {
+		return VERSION;
+	};
diff --git a/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/date-helper.js b/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/date-helper.js
index b1f4b52..a837aa0 100644
--- a/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/date-helper.js
+++ b/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/date-helper.js
@@ -21,6 +21,218 @@
   angular.module('dateHelper', [])
     .factory('DateHelper', function () {
+      var formats = {
+       "ar-SA" : "dd/MM/yy",
+       "bg-BG" : "dd.M.yyyy",
+       "ca-ES" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "zh-TW" : "yyyy/M/d",
+       "cs-CZ" : "d.M.yyyy",
+       "da-DK" : "dd-MM-yyyy",
+       "de-DE" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "el-GR" : "d/M/yyyy",
+       "en-US" : "MM/dd/yyyy",
+       "fi-FI" : "d.M.yyyy",
+       "fr-FR" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "he-IL" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "hu-HU" : "yyyy. MM. dd.",
+       "is-IS" : "d.M.yyyy",
+       "it-IT" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "ja-JP" : "yyyy/MM/dd",
+       "ko-KR" : "yyyy-MM-dd",
+       "nl-NL" : "d-M-yyyy",
+       "nb-NO" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "pl-PL" : "yyyy-MM-dd",
+       "pt-BR" : "d/M/yyyy",
+       "ro-RO" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "ru-RU" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "hr-HR" : "d.M.yyyy",
+       "sk-SK" : "d. M. yyyy",
+       "sq-AL" : "yyyy-MM-dd",
+       "sv-SE" : "yyyy-MM-dd",
+       "th-TH" : "d/M/yyyy",
+       "tr-TR" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "ur-PK" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "id-ID" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "uk-UA" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "be-BY" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "sl-SI" : "d.M.yyyy",
+       "et-EE" : "d.MM.yyyy",
+       "lv-LV" : "yyyy.MM.dd.",
+       "lt-LT" : "yyyy.MM.dd",
+       "fa-IR" : "MM/dd/yyyy",
+       "vi-VN" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "hy-AM" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "az-Latn-AZ" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "eu-ES" : "yyyy/MM/dd",
+       "mk-MK" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "af-ZA" : "yyyy/MM/dd",
+       "ka-GE" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "fo-FO" : "dd-MM-yyyy",
+       "hi-IN" : "dd-MM-yyyy",
+       "ms-MY" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "kk-KZ" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "ky-KG" : "dd.MM.yy",
+       "sw-KE" : "M/d/yyyy",
+       "uz-Latn-UZ" : "dd/MM yyyy",
+       "tt-RU" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "pa-IN" : "dd-MM-yy",
+       "gu-IN" : "dd-MM-yy",
+       "ta-IN" : "dd-MM-yyyy",
+       "te-IN" : "dd-MM-yy",
+       "kn-IN" : "dd-MM-yy",
+       "mr-IN" : "dd-MM-yyyy",
+       "sa-IN" : "dd-MM-yyyy",
+       "mn-MN" : "yy.MM.dd",
+       "gl-ES" : "dd/MM/yy",
+       "kok-IN" : "dd-MM-yyyy",
+       "syr-SY" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "dv-MV" : "dd/MM/yy",
+       "ar-IQ" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "zh-CN" : "yyyy/M/d",
+       "de-CH" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "en-GB" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "es-MX" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "fr-BE" : "d/MM/yyyy",
+       "it-CH" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "nl-BE" : "d/MM/yyyy",
+       "nn-NO" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "pt-PT" : "dd-MM-yyyy",
+       "sr-Latn-CS" : "d.M.yyyy",
+       "sv-FI" : "d.M.yyyy",
+       "az-Cyrl-AZ" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "ms-BN" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "uz-Cyrl-UZ" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "ar-EG" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "zh-HK" : "d/M/yyyy",
+       "de-AT" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "en-AU" : "d/MM/yyyy",
+       "es-ES" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "fr-CA" : "yyyy-MM-dd",
+       "sr-Cyrl-CS" : "d.M.yyyy",
+       "ar-LY" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "zh-SG" : "d/M/yyyy",
+       "de-LU" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "en-CA" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "es-GT" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "fr-CH" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "ar-DZ" : "dd-MM-yyyy",
+       "zh-MO" : "d/M/yyyy",
+       "de-LI" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "en-NZ" : "d/MM/yyyy",
+       "es-CR" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "fr-LU" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "ar-MA" : "dd-MM-yyyy",
+       "en-IE" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "es-PA" : "MM/dd/yyyy",
+       "fr-MC" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "ar-TN" : "dd-MM-yyyy",
+       "en-ZA" : "yyyy/MM/dd",
+       "es-DO" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "ar-OM" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "en-JM" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "es-VE" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "ar-YE" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "en-029" : "MM/dd/yyyy",
+       "es-CO" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "ar-SY" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "en-BZ" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "es-PE" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "ar-JO" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "en-TT" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "es-AR" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "ar-LB" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "en-ZW" : "M/d/yyyy",
+       "es-EC" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "ar-KW" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "en-PH" : "M/d/yyyy",
+       "es-CL" : "dd-MM-yyyy",
+       "ar-AE" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "es-UY" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "ar-BH" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "es-PY" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "ar-QA" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "es-BO" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "es-SV" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "es-HN" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "es-NI" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "es-PR" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "am-ET" : "d/M/yyyy",
+       "tzm-Latn-DZ" : "dd-MM-yyyy",
+       "iu-Latn-CA" : "d/MM/yyyy",
+       "sma-NO" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "mn-Mong-CN" : "yyyy/M/d",
+       "gd-GB" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "en-MY" : "d/M/yyyy",
+       "prs-AF" : "dd/MM/yy",
+       "bn-BD" : "dd-MM-yy",
+       "wo-SN" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "rw-RW" : "M/d/yyyy",
+       "qut-GT" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "sah-RU" : "MM.dd.yyyy",
+       "gsw-FR" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "co-FR" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "oc-FR" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "mi-NZ" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "ga-IE" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "se-SE" : "yyyy-MM-dd",
+       "br-FR" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "smn-FI" : "d.M.yyyy",
+       "moh-CA" : "M/d/yyyy",
+       "arn-CL" : "dd-MM-yyyy",
+       "ii-CN" : "yyyy/M/d",
+       "dsb-DE" : "d. M. yyyy",
+       "ig-NG" : "d/M/yyyy",
+       "kl-GL" : "dd-MM-yyyy",
+       "lb-LU" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "ba-RU" : "dd.MM.yy",
+       "nso-ZA" : "yyyy/MM/dd",
+       "quz-BO" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "yo-NG" : "d/M/yyyy",
+       "ha-Latn-NG" : "d/M/yyyy",
+       "fil-PH" : "M/d/yyyy",
+       "ps-AF" : "dd/MM/yy",
+       "fy-NL" : "d-M-yyyy",
+       "ne-NP" : "M/d/yyyy",
+       "se-NO" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "iu-Cans-CA" : "d/M/yyyy",
+       "sr-Latn-RS" : "d.M.yyyy",
+       "si-LK" : "yyyy-MM-dd",
+       "sr-Cyrl-RS" : "d.M.yyyy",
+       "lo-LA" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "km-KH" : "yyyy-MM-dd",
+       "cy-GB" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "bo-CN" : "yyyy/M/d",
+       "sms-FI" : "d.M.yyyy",
+       "as-IN" : "dd-MM-yyyy",
+       "ml-IN" : "dd-MM-yy",
+       "en-IN" : "dd-MM-yyyy",
+       "or-IN" : "dd-MM-yy",
+       "bn-IN" : "dd-MM-yy",
+       "tk-TM" : "dd.MM.yy",
+       "bs-Latn-BA" : "d.M.yyyy",
+       "mt-MT" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "sr-Cyrl-ME" : "d.M.yyyy",
+       "se-FI" : "d.M.yyyy",
+       "zu-ZA" : "yyyy/MM/dd",
+       "xh-ZA" : "yyyy/MM/dd",
+       "tn-ZA" : "yyyy/MM/dd",
+       "hsb-DE" : "d. M. yyyy",
+       "bs-Cyrl-BA" : "d.M.yyyy",
+       "tg-Cyrl-TJ" : "dd.MM.yy",
+       "sr-Latn-BA" : "d.M.yyyy",
+       "smj-NO" : "dd.MM.yyyy",
+       "rm-CH" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "smj-SE" : "yyyy-MM-dd",
+       "quz-EC" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "quz-PE" : "dd/MM/yyyy",
+       "hr-BA" : "d.M.yyyy.",
+       "sr-Latn-ME" : "d.M.yyyy",
+       "sma-SE" : "yyyy-MM-dd",
+       "en-SG" : "d/M/yyyy",
+       "ug-CN" : "yyyy-M-d",
+       "sr-Cyrl-BA" : "d.M.yyyy",
+       "es-US" : "M/d/yyyy"
+      };
       var formatDigit = function(digit){
           digit = "0"+digit;
@@ -28,16 +240,26 @@
         return digit;
+      var getTZOffset = function(tz){
+        var zoneDeltaPortion = tz.slice(4);
+        var zoneDeltaDirection = parseInt(tz.substr(3,1)+1);
+        var timePortions = zoneDeltaPortion.split(":");
+        var zoneTimeOffset = zoneDeltaDirection*parseInt(timePortions[0])+parseInt(timePortions[1])/60;
+        return zoneTimeOffset;
+      }
       var dateHelper = {};
+      dateHelper.getLocaleDateFormat = function() {
+        return formats[navigator.language] || 'MM/dd/yyyy';
+      }
       dateHelper.importDate = function (date, tz) {
         if (!tz || tz === 'UTC') {
           tz = "GMT+00:00";
         var rawDate = Date.parse(date);
-        var tzN = parseInt(tz.slice(3));
-        var tzDate = new Date (rawDate + (3600000*tzN));
+        var tzDate = new Date (rawDate + (3600000*getTZOffset(tz)));
         return new Date(
@@ -49,22 +271,16 @@
       dateHelper.createISO = function (date, time, tz) {
-        var UTC = new Date(
-              Date.UTC(
-                date.getUTCFullYear(),
-                date.getUTCMonth(),
-                date.getUTCDate(),
-                time.getHours(),
-                time.getMinutes(),
-                0, 0
-              )
-            ).toUTCString() + tz.slice(3),
-            UTCRaw = Date.parse(UTC);
-        var dateWithSecs = new Date(UTCRaw).toISOString();
-        return dateWithSecs.slice(0, -8) + "Z";
+        var inputDate = new Date(date.getFullYear(),date.getMonth(),date.getDate(),
+                time.getHours(),time.getMinutes());
+        if (!tz || tz === 'UTC') {
+            tz = "GMT+00:00";
+        }
+        var currentOffsetInHours= -1*inputDate.getTimezoneOffset()/60;
+        var effectiveOff = currentOffsetInHours - getTZOffset(tz);
+        var inputDateInCurrentTz = inputDate.getTime() + effectiveOff*60*60*1000;
+        var inputDateInUTC = new Date(inputDateInCurrentTz - currentOffsetInHours*60*60*1000);
+        return dateHelper.createISOString(inputDateInUTC,inputDateInUTC);
       //i.e. 2015-09-10T16:35:21.235Z
@@ -74,6 +290,18 @@
         return result;
+      dateHelper.getDateTimeString = function(date,time){
+        var inputDate = new Date(date.getFullYear(),date.getMonth(),date.getDate(),
+                time.getHours(),time.getMinutes());
+        var result = inputDate.getFullYear() + "-" + formatDigit(inputDate.getMonth()+1) + "-" + formatDigit(inputDate.getDate())
+          + " " + formatDigit(inputDate.getHours()>12?inputDate.getHours()-12:inputDate.getHours()) + ":" + formatDigit(inputDate.getMinutes());
+        if(inputDate.getHours() < 12){
+          result = result + " AM";
+        }else{
+          result = result + " PM";
+        }
+        return result;
+      }
       return dateHelper;
diff --git a/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/falcon-api.js b/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/falcon-api.js
index a0b1bb7..9137904 100644
--- a/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/falcon-api.js
+++ b/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/falcon-api.js
@@ -24,17 +24,16 @@
     function ($http, X2jsService, $location, $rootScope, $cookieStore, $timeout) {
       var Falcon = {},
-        NUMBER_OF_ENTITIES = 10,
+        NUMBER_OF_ENTITIES = 20,
         NUMBER_OF_INSTANCES = 11; // 10 + 1 for next page
-      function buildURI(uri) {
+      function buildURI(uri, noUser) {
         if ($rootScope.ambariView()) {
           uri = uri.substring(2);
           uri = $rootScope.serviceURI + uri;
-        } else {
-          if(!$rootScope.secureMode){
-            uri = add_user(uri);
-          }
+        }
+        if(!$rootScope.secureMode && !noUser){
+          uri = add_user(uri);
         return uri;
@@ -70,47 +69,33 @@
       Falcon.responses.isVisible = false;
       Falcon.hide = function () {
-        Falcon.hideTimeout = $timeout(function () {
-          $(".notifs").fadeOut(300);
-        }, 5000);
+        $rootScope.$emit('hideNotifications', {'delay' : 'slow'});
       Falcon.responses.unreaded = 0;
       Falcon.notify = function (showAll) {
-        $(".notifs").stop();
-        $timeout.cancel(Falcon.hideTimeout);
         if (showAll) {
           Falcon.responses.unreaded = 0;
           if (Falcon.responses.isVisible) {
             Falcon.responses.isVisible = false;
-            $(".notifs").fadeOut(300);
+            $rootScope.$emit('hideNotifications');
           } else {
             Falcon.responses.isVisible = true;
-            $(".notifs").hide();
-            $(".notifs").fadeIn(300);
+            $rootScope.$emit('showNotifications');
           Falcon.responses.showAll = true;
         } else {
           Falcon.responses.isVisible = false;
-          $(".notifs").stop();
-          $(".notifs").hide();
-          $(".notifs").fadeIn(300);
-          $(".notifs").fadeOut(300);
-          $(".notifs").fadeIn(300);
-          $(".notifs").fadeOut(300);
-          $(".notifs").fadeIn(300);
+          $rootScope.$emit('flashNotifications');
           Falcon.responses.showAll = false;
       Falcon.hideNotifs = function () {
-        $(".notifs").stop();
-        $timeout.cancel(Falcon.hideTimeout);
+        $rootScope.$emit('hideNotifications');
         Falcon.responses.isVisible = false;
-        $(".notifs").fadeOut(300);
         Falcon.responses.queue.forEach(function(notifMsg) {
           notifMsg.readed = true;
@@ -159,6 +144,15 @@
               requestId: messageObject.requestId,
               readed: false
+          } else if (messageObject.errorCode !== undefined) {
+            var response = {
+              success: false,
+              type: "error",
+              status: "error",
+              message: messageObject.errorMessage,
+              requestId: messageObject.requestId,
+              readed: false
+            };
           } else {
             if (messageObject.slice(0, 6) !== "Cannot") {
               var errorMessage = X2jsService.xml_str2json(messageObject);
@@ -248,7 +242,7 @@
       Falcon.getServerConfig = function () {
-        return $http.get('../api/admin/version?');
+        return $http.get(buildURI('../api/admin/version?', true));
       Falcon.getServerStack = function () {
@@ -256,11 +250,15 @@
       Falcon.clearUser = function () {
-        return $http.get('../api/admin/clearuser?');
+        return $http.get(buildURI('../api/admin/clearuser?', true));
       Falcon.getCurrentUser = function () {
-        return $http.get('../api/admin/getuser');
+        return $http.get(buildURI('../api/admin/getuser', true));
+      };
+      Falcon.getRuntimeConfig = function (currentUser) {
+        return $http.get(buildURI('../api/admin/config/runtime?' + currentUser, true));
       Falcon.postValidateEntity = function (xml, type) {
@@ -295,6 +293,10 @@
         return $http.get(buildURI('../api/entities/definition/' + type + '/' + name), {headers: {'Accept': 'text/plain'}});
+      Falcon.getEntityStatus = function (type, name) {
+        return $http.get(buildURI('../api/entities/status/' + type + '/' + name));
+      };
       Falcon.searchEntities = function (name, tags, entityType, offset, order) {
         var searchUrl = "../api/entities/list/";
         if (entityType !== undefined && entityType !== "") {
@@ -404,6 +406,23 @@
         return $'../api/entities/prepareAndSubmitRecipe'), recipe, {headers: {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}});
+      //----Extension APIs-----//
+      Falcon.getExtensionDefinition = function (type) {
+        return $http.get(buildURI('../api/extension/definition/' + type), {headers: {'Accept': 'text/plain'}});
+      };
+      Falcon.postValidateExtension = function (extension, type) {
+        return $'../api/extension/validate/' + type), extension, {headers: {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}});
+      };
+      Falcon.postSubmitExtension = function (extension, type) {
+        return $'../api/extension/submit/' + type), extension, {headers: {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}});
+      };
+      Falcon.postUpdateExtension = function (extension, type) {
+        return $'../api/extension/update/' + type), extension, {headers: {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}});
+      };
       return Falcon;
diff --git a/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/route-helper.js b/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/route-helper.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78592a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/route-helper.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+(function () {
+  'use strict';
+  angular.module('routeHelper', [])
+    .factory('RouteHelper', function () {
+      var getStateInfo = function (state) {
+        var currentState = state.substring(state.lastIndexOf(".")+ 1,state.length);
+        var currentPath = state.substring(0,state.lastIndexOf("."));
+        return {path : currentPath, state : currentState};
+      };
+      var getNextState = function (currentState, stateMatrix) {
+        var stateInfo = getStateInfo(currentState);
+        var nextState = stateInfo.path + "." + stateMatrix[stateInfo.state].next;
+        return nextState;
+      };
+      var getPreviousState = function (currentState, stateMatrix) {
+        var stateInfo = getStateInfo(currentState);
+        return stateInfo.path + "." + stateMatrix[stateInfo.state].previous;
+      };
+      var getStateByType = function(type){
+        return type.toLowerCase();
+      }
+     return {
+       getNextState : getNextState,
+       getPreviousState : getPreviousState,
+       getStateByType : getStateByType
+     }
+    });
diff --git a/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/server-api.js b/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/server-api.js
index 9224179..c12125a 100644
--- a/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/server-api.js
+++ b/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/server-api.js
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
   var app = angular.module('', ['']);
   app.factory('ServerAPI', [
-    "Falcon", "$q",
-    function (Falcon, $q) {
+    "Falcon", "$q", "$rootScope",
+    function (Falcon, $q, $rootScope) {
       var ServerAPI = {};
@@ -33,8 +33,12 @@
           Falcon.logResponse('success', data, false, true);
  = data;
-        }).error(function (err) {
-          Falcon.logResponse('error', err);
+        }).error(function (error, code) {
+          $rootScope.httpError = {
+            error: error,
+            code: code
+          };
+          Falcon.logResponse('error', error);
         return deffered.promise;
@@ -46,8 +50,12 @@
         Falcon.setOptions(username).success(function (data) {
           Falcon.logResponse('success', data, false, true);
-        }).error(function (err) {
-          Falcon.logResponse('error', err);
+        }).error(function (error, code) {
+          $rootScope.httpError = {
+            error: error,
+            code: code
+          };
+          Falcon.logResponse('error', error);
         return deffered.promise;
@@ -60,8 +68,12 @@
           Falcon.logResponse('success', data, false, true);
           ServerAPI.setted = data;
-        }).error(function (err) {
-          Falcon.logResponse('error', err);
+        }).error(function (error, code) {
+          $rootScope.httpError = {
+            error: error,
+            code: code
+          };
+          Falcon.logResponse('error', error);
         return deffered.promise;
@@ -74,8 +86,25 @@
           Falcon.logResponse('success', data, false, true);
           ServerAPI.user = data;
-        }).error(function (err) {
-          Falcon.logResponse('error', err);
+        }).error(function (error, code) {
+          $rootScope.httpError = {
+            error: error,
+            code: code
+          };
+          Falcon.logResponse('error', error);
+          deffered.resolve();
+        });
+        return deffered.promise;
+      };
+      ServerAPI.getRuntimeConfig = function(currentUser){
+        var deffered = $q.defer();
+        //Falcon.logRequest();
+        Falcon.getRuntimeConfig(currentUser).success(function (data) {
+          $rootScope.superUser = true;
+          deffered.resolve();
+        }).error(function (error, code) {
+          $rootScope.superUser = false;
         return deffered.promise;
diff --git a/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/tooltip-messages.js b/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/tooltip-messages.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ee0790
--- /dev/null
+++ b/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/tooltip-messages.js
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+(function () {
+  'use strict';
+  var module = angular.module('', []);
+  module.factory('TooltipMessages', ['$window', function ($window) {
+    var messages = {
+        '': 'Unique. No special characters. Maximum 40 Characters',
+        'cluster.colo': 'Data center or co-location of this cluster',
+        'cluster.interfaces.readonly': 'URI for read operations<br>Eg. hdfs://localhost:50070 | webhdfs://localhost:50070 | hftp://localhost:50070',
+        'cluster.interfaces.write': 'URI for write operations<br>Eg. hdfs://localhost:8020',
+        'cluster.interfaces.execute': 'URI for executing jobs<br>Eg. localhost:8050',
+        'cluster.interfaces.workflow': 'URI to access the workflow manager<br>Eg. http://localhost:11000/oozie/',
+        'cluster.interfaces.messaging': 'URI for Falcon message broker<br>Eg. tcp://localhost:61616?daemon=true',
+        'cluster.interfaces.registry': 'URI to the Hive Host Thrift port<br>Eg. thrift://localhost:9083',
+        'cluster.interfaces.spark': 'URI for the Spark Master',
+        'cluster.locations.staging': 'Default HDFS directory for staging on this cluster. The directory should have 777 permisssion and owned by falcon.',
+        'cluster.locations.temp': 'Default HDFS directory for temporary storage on this cluster',
+        'cluster.locations.working': 'Default HDFS directory for working storage on this cluster.The directory should have 755 permisssion and owned by falcon.',
+        '': 'Unique. No special characters. Maximum 40 Characters',
+        'feed.groups': 'Comma seperated list of Feed Groups this Feed is part of',
+        'feed.schema.location': 'Location of the file containing the layout for the feed',
+        'feed.schema.provider': 'Data interchange protocol of the Feed:  Avro, Hive, RDBMS, etc',
+        '': 'Frequency of feed generation.',
+        '': 'Specify how long Feed processing should wait for the required feed to become available.',
+        '': 'If one exists, provide the name of file whose existance indicates the feed is available for use',
+        '': 'Timezone associate with the feed, if different from the cluster default timezone.',
+        'feed.location.storageType': 'Select Catalog for Hive tables, File System for HDFS',
+        '': 'Eg. catalog:default:sample_07#ds=${YEAR}-${MONTH}-${DAY}-${HOUR}',
+        '': 'Unique. No special characters.',
+        'process.workflow.path': 'Must specify a valid HDFS script of the engine type (Pig, Hive, Oozie, Spark)',
+        '': 'Timezone associate with the feed, if different from the cluster default timezone.',
+        '': 'Workflow failure handling policy'
+          + '<div class="pt5px"><b>Periodic:</b><br>Try X times after  N Min/Hours/</div>'
+          + '<div class="pt5px"><b>Exponential Backup:</b><br>Try X times after N to the x1, N to x2, N to x3, etc.</div>'
+          + '<div class="pt5px"><b>None:</b><br>Do not retry</div>',
+        '': 'Order for instance pickup'
+          + '<div class="pt5px"><b>FIFO:</b><br>Oldest to Latest</div>'
+          + '<div class="pt5px"><b>LIFO:</b><br>Latest to Oldest</div>'
+          + '<div class="pt5px"><b>LASTONLY:</b><br>Latest only</div>',
+        'process.cluster': 'Cluster(s) this process should execute on',
+        '': 'Name of the spark application',
+        'process.workflow.spark.application': 'Path of jar or python file',
+        'process.workflow.spark.class': "Spark application's main class",
+        'process.workflow.spark.master': 'Run in Yarn or directly on spark',
+        'process.workflow.spark.mode': 'Run locally or or remote on the Application Master',
+        'datasource.driver.jar': 'HDFS location containing driver jar and should have access to the falcon user',
+        'datasource.credential.passwordFile': 'HDFS location containing password file without newline at the end and should be accessible by the user who creates the datasource entity',
+        '': 'Unique job name',
+        'dataset.jobClusterName': 'Cluster where job should run',
+        'dataset.jobValidityStart': 'Job validity start time',
+        'dataset.jobValidityEnd': 'Job validity end time',
+        'dataset.jobFrequency': 'Job frequency. Valid frequency types are minutes, hours, days, months',
+        'dataset.jobTimezone': 'Time zone for the job',
+        'dataset.jobTags': 'list of comma separated tags. Key Value Pairs, separated by comma. Eg., _department_type=forecasting',
+        'dataset.jobRetryPolicy': 'Job retry policy',
+        'dataset.jobRetryDelay': 'Job retry delay',
+        'dataset.jobRetryAttempts': 'Job retry attempts',
+        'dataset.jobRetryOnTimeout': 'Job retry on timeout',
+        'dataset.jobAclOwner': 'ACL owner',
+        'dataset.jobAclGroup': 'ACL group',
+        'dataset.jobAclPermission': 'ACL permission',
+        'dataset.sourceDir': 'Multiple hdfs comma separated source directories',
+        'dataset.sourceCluster': 'Source cluster',
+        'dataset.targetDir': 'Target hdfs directory',
+        'dataset.targetCluster': 'Source cluster',
+        'dataset.distcpMaxMaps': 'Maximum number of mappers for DistCP',
+        'dataset.distcpMapBandwidth': 'Bandwidth in MB for each mapper in DistCP',
+        'dataset.maxEvents': 'To ceil the max events processed each time the job runs. Set it to max value depending on your bandwidth limit. Setting it to -1 will process all the events but can hog up the bandwidth. Use it judiciously!',
+        'dataset.replicationMaxMaps': 'Maximum number of mappers to use for hive replication',
+        'dataset.jobNotificationReceivers': 'Email Notification for Falcon instance completion.',
+        'dataset.tdeEncryptionEnabled': 'Set this flag to true if TDE encryption is enabled on source and target',
+        'dataset.sourceStagingPath': 'Staging path on source',
+        'dataset.targetStagingPath': 'Staging path on target',
+        'dataset.sourceHiveServer2Uri': 'Hive2 server end point. Eg. hive2://localhost:10000',
+        'dataset.targetHiveServer2Uri': 'Hive2 server end point. Eg.hive2://localhost:10000',
+        'dataset.sourceDatabases': 'For DB level replication specify multiple comma separated databases to replicate',
+        'dataset.sourceTables': 'For table level replication specify multiple comma separated tables to replicate',
+        'dataset.sourceHive2KerberosPrincipal': 'Kerberos principal required to access hive servers. Eg. hive/_HOST@EXAMPLE.COM',
+        'dataset.targetHive2KerberosPrincipal': 'Kerberos principal required to access hive servers. Eg. hive/_HOST@EXAMPLE.COM',
+        'dataset.snapshot.sourceSnapshotDir' : 'Snapshot-able source directory which should be replicated',
+        'dataset.snapshot.sourceSnapshotRetentionAgeLimit' : 'Snapshots on source older than this age limit will be eligible for deletion.',
+        'dataset.snapshot.sourceSnapshotRetentionNumber' : 'These many latest snapshots on source will be retained, the rest of them eligible for deletion.',
+        'dataset.snapshot.targetSnapshotDir' : 'Snapshot-able target directory to which source should be replicated',
+        'dataset.snapshot.targetSnapshotRetentionAgeLimit' : 'Snapshots on target older than this age limit will be eligible for deletion.',
+        'dataset.snapshot.targetSnapshotRetentionNumber' : 'These many latest snapshots on target will be retained, the rest of them eligible for deletion.'
+    };
+    return {
+      messages: messages
+    };
+  }]);
diff --git a/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/validation-service.js b/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/validation-service.js
index ff2f4ef..be4f9a7 100644
--- a/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/validation-service.js
+++ b/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/validation-service.js
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
     var checkMessages = {
         name: {
           patternInvalid: "The name has an invalid format.",
-          unavailable: "The name you choosed is not available",
+          unavailable: "The name you entered is not available",
           empty: "You need to specify a name"
         colo: {
@@ -39,6 +39,10 @@
           empty: "You need to provide a path",
           patternInvalid: "The Path has an invalid format. "
+        tableUri: {
+          empty: "You need to provide table uri",
+          patternInvalid: "The Table uri has an invalid format. "
+        },
         key: {
           empty: "You need to provide a key",
           patternInvalid: "The Key has an invalid format. "
@@ -71,6 +75,8 @@
         engine: { empty: "You need to select an engine" },
         cluster: { empty: "You need to select a cluster" },
         feed: { empty: "You need to select a feed" },
+        datasource: { empty: "You need to select a datasource" },
+        table: { empty: "You need to provide a table" },
         date: {
           empty: "You need to select a date",
           startAfterEnd: "Start date must be before end date.",
@@ -123,10 +129,91 @@
         azure: {
           empty: "You need to provide an Azure URL",
           patternInvalid: "The URL has an invalid format. It needs to end with ''"
+        },
+        versionNumbers: {
+          patternInvalid: "The version is invalid"
+        },
+        availabilityFlag: {
+          patternInvalid: "The Availability flag has an invalid format.",
+          empty: "You need to specify the availability flag"
+        },
+        kerberosPrincipal : {
+          empty :"You need to provide the Kerberos Principal",
+          patternInvalid : "The Kerberos Principal has an invalid format."
+        },
+        metastoreUri : {
+          empty : "You need to provide the Metastore URI",
+          patternInvalid : "The Metastore URI has an invalid format"
+        },
+        partitions : {
+          patternInvalid : "The Partitions have an invalid format"
+        },
+        partitionExpression : {
+          patternInvalid : "The Partition expression has an invalid format"
+        },
+        interfaceEndpoints : {
+            empty : "You need to provide a endpoint URL",
+            patternInvalid : "The Enpoint URL has an invalid format"
+        },
+        dbManager : {
+            empty : "You need to select Database Manager"
+        },
+        driver : {
+            empty : "You need to select Driver",
+            clazz : {
+              empty : 'You need to provide a Driver class'
+            },
+            jar : {
+              empty : 'You need to provide a Driver jar'
+            }
+        },
+        host : {
+            empty : "You need to provide host"
+        },
+        port : {
+            empty : "You need to provide port"
+        },
+        credential : {
+            empty : "You need to provide a credential type"
+        },
+        userName : {
+            empty : "You need to provide user name"
+        },
+        dbPassword : {
+            empty : "You need to provide password"
+        },
+        passwordFile : {
+            empty : "You need to provide password file",
+            patternInvalid : "The password file has an invalid format"
+        },
+        passwordAlias : {
+            empty : "You need to provide password alias",
+            patternInvalid : "The password alias has an invalid format"
+        },
+        providerPath : {
+          empty : "You need to provide provider path",
+        },
+        connectionString : {
+          empty : "You need to provide a connection string"
+        },
+        overrideMapReduceHome : {
+          empty : "You need to provide map reduce home"
+        },
+        parameterFile : {
+          empty : "You need to provide parameter file"
+        },
+        directoryPath : {
+          patternInvalid : "The directory path has an invalid format"
+      },
+        frequency : {
+          minimum : "You need to provide a minimum frequency of 5 minutes."
       checkPatterns = {
-        name: new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{1,60}$"),
+        name: new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z][\\-a-zA-Z0-9]{1,39}$"),
+        inputName: new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z][\\-a-zA-Z0-9]{1,59}$"),
+        workflowName: new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z][\\-a-zA-Z0-9]{1,155}$"),
+        propertyName: new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z_]\\w*(\\.[a-zA-Z_]\\w*)*$"),
         id: new RegExp("^(([a-zA-Z]([\\-a-zA-Z0-9_])*){1,39})$"),
         password: new RegExp("^(([a-zA-Z]([\\-a-zA-Z0-9])*){1,39})$"),
         freeText: new RegExp("^([\\sa-zA-Z0-9]){1,40}$"),
@@ -135,15 +222,22 @@
         commaSeparated: new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9,]{1,80}$"),
         unixId: new RegExp("^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9-_\\.\\-]{0,30})$"),
         unixPermissions: new RegExp("^((([x0-7]){1,5})|(\\*))$"),
-        osPath: new RegExp("^[^\\0 ]+$"),
+        osPath: new RegExp("^[^\\0]+$"),
+        path: new RegExp("^[\\/]{0,1}([^\\/]+[\\/])*([^\\/]*)$"),
+        interfaceEndpoints : new RegExp("^((http(s)?|hftp|hdfs|tcp|thrift|webhdfs):\/{2})?(([a-zA-Z0-9-._]+)|([0-9](\\.[0-9]{3})))(:[0-9]+)?((\\/[^\\?#\\s]+)?(\\?[^#\\s]+)?(\\#.+)?)?$"),
         twoDigits: new RegExp("^([0-9]){1,4}$"), //>> requirement change to 4 digits, just to dont change all inputs that reference this
         tableUri: new RegExp("^[^\\0]+$"),
-        versionNumbers: new RegExp("^[0-9]{1,2}\\.[0-9]{1,2}\\.[0-9]{1,2}$"),
+        versionNumbers: new RegExp("^[0-9.]+$"),
         url: new RegExp("^[^\\0 ]+\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,3}$"),
         number: new RegExp("^([-0-9]){1,40}$"),
         email: new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$"),
         s3: new RegExp("^s3[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-:\\/]+\\$"),
-        azure: new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-:@\\/]+\\$")
+        azure: new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-:@\\/]+\\$"),
+        kerberosPrincipal : new RegExp("^hive\\/+[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$"),
+        metastoreUri : new RegExp("^thrift:\/{2}[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+:[0-9]"),
+        hiveTables: new RegExp("^([\\sa-zA-Z0-9,_-]){1,100}$"),
+        hiveDatabase: new RegExp("^([\\sa-zA-Z0-9_-]){1,100}$"),
+        hiveDatabases: new RegExp("^([\\sa-zA-Z0-9,_-]){1,100}$")
     function acceptOnlyNumber(evt) {
@@ -179,19 +273,23 @@
+    function checkMininum(value){
+      if(parseInt(value) < 5){
+        return false;
+      }else{
+        return true;
+      }
+    };
     return {
       messages: checkMessages,
       patterns: checkPatterns,
       nameAvailable: true,
       displayValidations: {show: false, nameShow: false},
       acceptOnlyNumber: acceptOnlyNumber,
-      acceptNoSpaces: acceptNoSpaces
+      acceptNoSpaces: acceptNoSpaces,
+      checkMininum : checkMininum
diff --git a/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/xml-to-json-service.js b/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/xml-to-json-service.js
index d054e89..a886aad 100644
--- a/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/xml-to-json-service.js
+++ b/falcon-ui/app/js/services/common/xml-to-json-service.js
@@ -72,6 +72,15 @@
         return formatted;
+      },
+      isValidXml: function(xml){
+        try {
+          this.xml_str2json(xml);
+          return true;
+        } catch (err) {
+          return false;
+        }
diff --git a/falcon-ui/app/js/services/entity/entity-details.js b/falcon-ui/app/js/services/entity/entity-details.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..831610c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/falcon-ui/app/js/services/entity/entity-details.js
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+(function () {
+  'use strict';
+  var module = angular.module('', []);
+  module.factory('EntityDetails', ['Falcon','$q','X2jsService', 'EntityModel', function(Falcon, $q, X2jsService, EntityModel){
+    var entityDetails = {};
+    entityDetails.getEntityDetails = function(name, type){
+      Falcon.logRequest();
+      var entityDetailsPromise = Falcon.getEntityDefinition(type, name);
+      var entityStatusPromise = Falcon.getEntityStatus(type, name);
+      return $q.all([entityDetailsPromise,entityStatusPromise]).then(function(responses){
+            Falcon.logResponse('success', responses[0].data, false, true);
+            Falcon.logResponse('success', responses[1].data, false, true);
+            var entityModel = X2jsService.xml_str2json(responses[0].data);
+            EntityModel.type = type;
+   = name;
+            var status = responses[1].data.message;
+            EntityModel.status = status.substr(status.indexOf("/") + 1, status.length - 1).trim();
+            EntityModel.model = entityModel;
+            return EntityModel;
+      },function(err){
+            Falcon.logResponse('error', err, type);
+      });
+    };
+    entityDetails.getEntityDefinition  = function(type, name){
+      var deferred = $q.defer();
+      type = type.toLowerCase(); //new sandbox returns uppercase type
+      Falcon.logRequest();
+      Falcon.getEntityDefinition(type, name)
+        .success(function (data) {
+            Falcon.logResponse('success', data, false, true);
+            EntityModel.type = type;
+   = name;
+            deferred.resolve(X2jsService.xml_str2json(data));
+        })
+        .error(function (err) {
+            Falcon.logResponse('error', err, false, true);
+            deferred.reject(err);
+        });
+      return deferred.promise;
+    };
+    return entityDetails;
+  }]);