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Posted to by Michael O'Cleirigh <> on 2010/05/15 14:36:34 UTC

Update on using the oss.sonatype maven repository


I filed an issue to get a repository setup within the infrastructure.

I've been testing and have been able to reliably deploy snapshots (maven 
2.2.x is required otherwise uniqueVersion false is not honoured in child 
We deploy snapshots to here: and they are are 

The 1.4.7-SNAPSHOT off the current trunk is here:

There is a bit of a propogation delay into the release and snapshot url 
which is why the wicketstuff-core pom is using the deploy to url vs this 

I've setup a Hudson build server and am trying to get it to work for 
deploying snapshots. right now I am using poll scm and an @hourly interval

Once this works I can either add in more users or fold the configuration 
into the actual box running  If left seperate for now I 
was thinking pointing at the box could be a way 
to integrate it.

Sonatype can authorize accounts for different parts of a project but it 
is all tied to the maven group id. 

So right now everything has a groupid of org.wicketstuff so no 
differentiation will be possible.  Since projects exist both in 
wicketstuff-core and also just by themselves its possible that conflicts 
could arise if the other one were committed.  We could create a sub 
group for like org.wicketstuff.core for core projects or a sub group for 
everything else like: org.wicketstuff.individual or leave it as it is.

releases can be staged and once promoted will be propagated into the 
central maven repository.  The first time through we need to file a 
ticket but after that its automatic.

I think I need to cut a release and then check some things with a 
1.4.8-SNAPSHOT (or the 1.4.9-SNAPSHOT numbering scheme that was 
discussed on the list recently).  I first deployed without the 
<uniqueVersion>false</uniqueVersion> and there is a glitch right now 
that the unique versions don't appear in the standard snapshot path of:  I'm 
hoping a clear directory structure with a new path will resolve the issue.

After releases are known to work I want to coordinate the syncing of 
teamcity users into hudson users and the addition of more users at for others to be able to cut releases.

It may not be possible to get older wicketstuff releases into 
oss.sonatype because for releases the pom's have to meet the central 
sync up requirements.  They also have to be signed but that is easy and 
well documented.  But its something that should be tried to give us the 
option to totally shutdown the wicketstuff maven repository.



Key changes:

jslibraries was commented out.  I added it back as it is needed for 
calendarviews.  jslibraries needed the servlet-api-2.5 for a test case 
but the wicketstuff-core/pom.xml defined a hard version of 6.1.22 which 
didn't exist for the servlet-api-2.5 artifact in central.  I hard coded 
the version for the current deployed central version of 6.1.14.

flot-parent was directly refering to the maven 
repository so I commented out that section.

jquery was refering to wicketstuff-misc from before it was included in 
wicketstuff-core.  I changed the dependency to refer to the 
wicketstuff-core version.

In order to deploy releases through to central we can't have repository 
or pluginRepository sections in the pom root.  So I've removed those 
sections from the root and added profiles to encapsulate them.

tinymce-parent was using the wicketstuff maven repo due to the 
jazzyplugin, see this message from March 10 for details:

a better way would be to get a sonatype account for this artifact and 
upload a release bundle and then change the linkage in the 
tinymce-parent pom.  I believe they allow this situation where the 
account creator is doing the upload on behalf of the project as a help 
to maven users.  JBoss seems to have it or a varient in their maven repo 
so that might be another way.

artwork and calendarviews were  refering to jslibraries 1.4-SNAPSHOT 
which was part of the wicketstuff maven repo which I've changed to point 
at 1.4.7-SNAPSHOT.(${project.version}).

> Was there an actual decision about this?
> It's really bad, that the current artifacts are not available in the
> Maven repo..
> Regards,
> Peter
> 2010-04-19 17:31 keltezéssel, Martijn Dashorst írta:
>> Currently we have a maintenance nightmare. Keeping up confluence,
>> jira, teamcity and the maven repo is cumbersome at best. We keep
>> running out of diskspace (/var has reached -300M disk free, yes minus
>> 300M).
>> So I propose the following:
>>  - use Apache's build grid for Wicket code, Apache repository for
>> staging and snapshot releases: separating the Apache Wicket projects
>> from Wicket Stuff projects
>>  - no more custom, self hosted products a la confluence and jira (no
>> matter how much we like them)
>>  - use only for running examples and a build server
>> for wicket stuff projects
>>  - use sonatype's OSS repo hosting for our snapshots, release staging
>> and releases (no more
>> Most importantly:
>>  - vote on the future of the hosting of Wicket Stuff:
>>       [ ] stay with
>>       [ ] move to github
>>  - if we stay on use the provided tools to manage the
>> project: issues, wiki and website
>>  - if we stay to move to github: use github's provided tools to manage
>> the project: issues, wiki and website
>> Martijn