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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2021/07/27 06:21:12 UTC

[GitHub] [nifi-minifi-cpp] szaszm commented on a change in pull request #1143: MINIFICPP-1522 Log invalid attribute in case of YAML parse failure

szaszm commented on a change in pull request #1143:

File path: extensions/standard-processors/tests/unit/YamlConfigurationTests.cpp
@@ -37,160 +37,186 @@ TEST_CASE("Test YAML Config Processing", "[YamlConfiguration]") {
   core::YamlConfiguration yamlConfig(testProvRepo, testFlowFileRepo, content_repo, streamFactory, configuration);
   SECTION("loading YAML without optional component IDs works") {
-  static const std::string CONFIG_YAML_WITHOUT_IDS = ""
-      "MiNiFi Config Version: 1\n"
-      "Flow Controller:\n"
-      "    name: MiNiFi Flow\n"
-      "    comment:\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Core Properties:\n"
-      "    flow controller graceful shutdown period: 10 sec\n"
-      "    flow service write delay interval: 500 ms\n"
-      "    administrative yield duration: 30 sec\n"
-      "    bored yield duration: 10 millis\n"
-      "\n"
-      "FlowFile Repository:\n"
-      "    partitions: 256\n"
-      "    checkpoint interval: 2 mins\n"
-      "    always sync: false\n"
-      "    Swap:\n"
-      "        threshold: 20000\n"
-      "        in period: 5 sec\n"
-      "        in threads: 1\n"
-      "        out period: 5 sec\n"
-      "        out threads: 4\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Provenance Repository:\n"
-      "    provenance rollover time: 1 min\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Content Repository:\n"
-      "    content claim max appendable size: 10 MB\n"
-      "    content claim max flow files: 100\n"
-      "    always sync: false\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Component Status Repository:\n"
-      "    buffer size: 1440\n"
-      "    snapshot frequency: 1 min\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Security Properties:\n"
-      "    keystore: /tmp/ssl/localhost-ks.jks\n"
-      "    keystore type: JKS\n"
-      "    keystore password: localtest\n"
-      "    key password: localtest\n"
-      "    truststore: /tmp/ssl/localhost-ts.jks\n"
-      "    truststore type: JKS\n"
-      "    truststore password: localtest\n"
-      "    ssl protocol: TLS\n"
-      "    Sensitive Props:\n"
-      "        key:\n"
-      "        algorithm: PBEWITHMD5AND256BITAES-CBC-OPENSSL\n"
-      "        provider: BC\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Processors:\n"
-      "    - name: TailFile\n"
-      "      class: org.apache.nifi.processors.standard.TailFile\n"
-      "      max concurrent tasks: 1\n"
-      "      scheduling strategy: TIMER_DRIVEN\n"
-      "      scheduling period: 1 sec\n"
-      "      penalization period: 30 sec\n"
-      "      yield period: 1 sec\n"
-      "      run duration nanos: 0\n"
-      "      auto-terminated relationships list:\n"
-      "      Properties:\n"
-      "          File to Tail: logs/minifi-app.log\n"
-      "          Rolling Filename Pattern: minifi-app*\n"
-      "          Initial Start Position: Beginning of File\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Connections:\n"
-      "    - name: TailToS2S\n"
-      "      source name: TailFile\n"
-      "      source relationship name: success\n"
-      "      destination name: 8644cbcc-a45c-40e0-964d-5e536e2ada61\n"
-      "      max work queue size: 0\n"
-      "      max work queue data size: 1 MB\n"
-      "      flowfile expiration: 60 sec\n"
-      "      queue prioritizer class: org.apache.nifi.prioritizer.NewestFlowFileFirstPrioritizer\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Remote Processing Groups:\n"
-      "    - name: NiFi Flow\n"
-      "      comment:\n"
-      "      url: https://localhost:8090/nifi\n"
-      "      timeout: 30 secs\n"
-      "      yield period: 10 sec\n"
-      "      Input Ports:\n"
-      "          - id: 8644cbcc-a45c-40e0-964d-5e536e2ada61\n"
-      "            name: tailed log\n"
-      "            comments:\n"
-      "            max concurrent tasks: 1\n"
-      "            use compression: false\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Provenance Reporting:\n"
-      "    comment:\n"
-      "    scheduling strategy: TIMER_DRIVEN\n"
-      "    scheduling period: 30 sec\n"
-      "    host: localhost\n"
-      "    port name: provenance\n"
-      "    port: 8090\n"
-      "    port uuid: 2f389b8d-83f2-48d3-b465-048f28a1cb56\n"
-      "    url: https://localhost:8090/\n"
-      "    originating url: http://${hostname(true)}:8081/nifi\n"
-      "    use compression: true\n"
-      "    timeout: 30 secs\n"
-      "    batch size: 1000";
-  std::istringstream configYamlStream(CONFIG_YAML_WITHOUT_IDS);
-  std::unique_ptr<core::ProcessGroup> rootFlowConfig = yamlConfig.getYamlRoot(configYamlStream);
+    static const std::string CONFIG_YAML_WITHOUT_IDS =
+      R"(
+MiNiFi Config Version: 1
+Flow Controller:
+    name: MiNiFi Flow
+    comment:
-  REQUIRE(rootFlowConfig);
-  REQUIRE(rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile"));
-  utils::Identifier uuid = rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getUUID();
-  REQUIRE(uuid);
-  REQUIRE(!rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getUUIDStr().empty());
-  REQUIRE(1 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getMaxConcurrentTasks());
-      core::SchedulingStrategy::TIMER_DRIVEN == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getSchedulingStrategy());
-  REQUIRE(1 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getMaxConcurrentTasks());
-  REQUIRE(1 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getSchedulingPeriodNano());
-  REQUIRE(std::chrono::seconds(30) == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getPenalizationPeriod());
-  REQUIRE(1 * 1000 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getYieldPeriodMsec());
-  REQUIRE(0 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getRunDurationNano());
+Core Properties:
+    flow controller graceful shutdown period: 10 sec
+    flow service write delay interval: 500 ms
+    administrative yield duration: 30 sec
+    bored yield duration: 10 millis
-  std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<minifi::Connection>> connectionMap;
-  rootFlowConfig->getConnections(connectionMap);
-  REQUIRE(2 == connectionMap.size());
-  // This is a map of UUID->Connection, and we don't know UUID, so just going to loop over it
-  for (auto it : connectionMap) {
-    REQUIRE(it.second);
-    REQUIRE(!it.second->getUUIDStr().empty());
-    REQUIRE(it.second->getDestination());
-    REQUIRE(it.second->getSource());
-    REQUIRE(60000 == it.second->getFlowExpirationDuration());
+FlowFile Repository:
+    partitions: 256
+    checkpoint interval: 2 mins
+    always sync: false
+    Swap:
+        threshold: 20000
+        in period: 5 sec
+        in threads: 1
+        out period: 5 sec
+        out threads: 4
+Provenance Repository:
+    provenance rollover time: 1 min
+Content Repository:
+    content claim max appendable size: 10 MB
+    content claim max flow files: 100
+    always sync: false
+Component Status Repository:
+    buffer size: 1440
+    snapshot frequency: 1 min
+Security Properties:
+    keystore: /tmp/ssl/localhost-ks.jks
+    keystore type: JKS
+    keystore password: localtest
+    key password: localtest
+    truststore: /tmp/ssl/localhost-ts.jks
+    truststore type: JKS
+    truststore password: localtest
+    ssl protocol: TLS
+    Sensitive Props:
+        key:
+        provider: BC
+    - name: TailFile
+      class: org.apache.nifi.processors.standard.TailFile
+      max concurrent tasks: 1
+      scheduling strategy: TIMER_DRIVEN
+      scheduling period: 1 sec
+      penalization period: 30 sec
+      yield period: 1 sec
+      run duration nanos: 0
+      auto-terminated relationships list:
+      Properties:
+          File to Tail: logs/minifi-app.log
+          Rolling Filename Pattern: minifi-app*
+          Initial Start Position: Beginning of File
+    - name: TailToS2S
+      source name: TailFile
+      source relationship name: success
+      destination name: 8644cbcc-a45c-40e0-964d-5e536e2ada61
+      max work queue size: 0
+      max work queue data size: 1 MB
+      flowfile expiration: 60 sec
+      queue prioritizer class: org.apache.nifi.prioritizer.NewestFlowFileFirstPrioritizer
+Remote Processing Groups:
+    - name: NiFi Flow
+      comment:
+      url: https://localhost:8090/nifi
+      timeout: 30 secs
+      yield period: 10 sec
+      Input Ports:
+          - id: 8644cbcc-a45c-40e0-964d-5e536e2ada61
+            name: tailed log
+            comments:
+            max concurrent tasks: 1
+            use compression: false
+Provenance Reporting:
+    comment:
+    scheduling strategy: TIMER_DRIVEN
+    scheduling period: 30 sec
+    host: localhost
+    port name: provenance
+    port: 8090
+    port uuid: 2f389b8d-83f2-48d3-b465-048f28a1cb56
+    url: https://localhost:8090/
+    originating url: http://${hostname(true)}:8081/nifi
+    use compression: true
+    timeout: 30 secs
+    batch size: 1000;
+        )";
+    std::istringstream configYamlStream(CONFIG_YAML_WITHOUT_IDS);
+    std::unique_ptr<core::ProcessGroup> rootFlowConfig = yamlConfig.getYamlRoot(configYamlStream);
+    REQUIRE(rootFlowConfig);
+    REQUIRE(rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile"));
+    utils::Identifier uuid = rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getUUID();
+    REQUIRE(uuid);
+    REQUIRE(!rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getUUIDStr().empty());
+    REQUIRE(1 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getMaxConcurrentTasks());
+        core::SchedulingStrategy::TIMER_DRIVEN == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getSchedulingStrategy());
+    REQUIRE(1 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getMaxConcurrentTasks());

Review comment:
       Duplicate condition

File path: extensions/standard-processors/tests/unit/YamlConfigurationTests.cpp
@@ -37,160 +37,186 @@ TEST_CASE("Test YAML Config Processing", "[YamlConfiguration]") {
   core::YamlConfiguration yamlConfig(testProvRepo, testFlowFileRepo, content_repo, streamFactory, configuration);
   SECTION("loading YAML without optional component IDs works") {
-  static const std::string CONFIG_YAML_WITHOUT_IDS = ""
-      "MiNiFi Config Version: 1\n"
-      "Flow Controller:\n"
-      "    name: MiNiFi Flow\n"
-      "    comment:\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Core Properties:\n"
-      "    flow controller graceful shutdown period: 10 sec\n"
-      "    flow service write delay interval: 500 ms\n"
-      "    administrative yield duration: 30 sec\n"
-      "    bored yield duration: 10 millis\n"
-      "\n"
-      "FlowFile Repository:\n"
-      "    partitions: 256\n"
-      "    checkpoint interval: 2 mins\n"
-      "    always sync: false\n"
-      "    Swap:\n"
-      "        threshold: 20000\n"
-      "        in period: 5 sec\n"
-      "        in threads: 1\n"
-      "        out period: 5 sec\n"
-      "        out threads: 4\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Provenance Repository:\n"
-      "    provenance rollover time: 1 min\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Content Repository:\n"
-      "    content claim max appendable size: 10 MB\n"
-      "    content claim max flow files: 100\n"
-      "    always sync: false\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Component Status Repository:\n"
-      "    buffer size: 1440\n"
-      "    snapshot frequency: 1 min\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Security Properties:\n"
-      "    keystore: /tmp/ssl/localhost-ks.jks\n"
-      "    keystore type: JKS\n"
-      "    keystore password: localtest\n"
-      "    key password: localtest\n"
-      "    truststore: /tmp/ssl/localhost-ts.jks\n"
-      "    truststore type: JKS\n"
-      "    truststore password: localtest\n"
-      "    ssl protocol: TLS\n"
-      "    Sensitive Props:\n"
-      "        key:\n"
-      "        algorithm: PBEWITHMD5AND256BITAES-CBC-OPENSSL\n"
-      "        provider: BC\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Processors:\n"
-      "    - name: TailFile\n"
-      "      class: org.apache.nifi.processors.standard.TailFile\n"
-      "      max concurrent tasks: 1\n"
-      "      scheduling strategy: TIMER_DRIVEN\n"
-      "      scheduling period: 1 sec\n"
-      "      penalization period: 30 sec\n"
-      "      yield period: 1 sec\n"
-      "      run duration nanos: 0\n"
-      "      auto-terminated relationships list:\n"
-      "      Properties:\n"
-      "          File to Tail: logs/minifi-app.log\n"
-      "          Rolling Filename Pattern: minifi-app*\n"
-      "          Initial Start Position: Beginning of File\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Connections:\n"
-      "    - name: TailToS2S\n"
-      "      source name: TailFile\n"
-      "      source relationship name: success\n"
-      "      destination name: 8644cbcc-a45c-40e0-964d-5e536e2ada61\n"
-      "      max work queue size: 0\n"
-      "      max work queue data size: 1 MB\n"
-      "      flowfile expiration: 60 sec\n"
-      "      queue prioritizer class: org.apache.nifi.prioritizer.NewestFlowFileFirstPrioritizer\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Remote Processing Groups:\n"
-      "    - name: NiFi Flow\n"
-      "      comment:\n"
-      "      url: https://localhost:8090/nifi\n"
-      "      timeout: 30 secs\n"
-      "      yield period: 10 sec\n"
-      "      Input Ports:\n"
-      "          - id: 8644cbcc-a45c-40e0-964d-5e536e2ada61\n"
-      "            name: tailed log\n"
-      "            comments:\n"
-      "            max concurrent tasks: 1\n"
-      "            use compression: false\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Provenance Reporting:\n"
-      "    comment:\n"
-      "    scheduling strategy: TIMER_DRIVEN\n"
-      "    scheduling period: 30 sec\n"
-      "    host: localhost\n"
-      "    port name: provenance\n"
-      "    port: 8090\n"
-      "    port uuid: 2f389b8d-83f2-48d3-b465-048f28a1cb56\n"
-      "    url: https://localhost:8090/\n"
-      "    originating url: http://${hostname(true)}:8081/nifi\n"
-      "    use compression: true\n"
-      "    timeout: 30 secs\n"
-      "    batch size: 1000";
-  std::istringstream configYamlStream(CONFIG_YAML_WITHOUT_IDS);
-  std::unique_ptr<core::ProcessGroup> rootFlowConfig = yamlConfig.getYamlRoot(configYamlStream);
+    static const std::string CONFIG_YAML_WITHOUT_IDS =
+      R"(
+MiNiFi Config Version: 1
+Flow Controller:
+    name: MiNiFi Flow
+    comment:
-  REQUIRE(rootFlowConfig);
-  REQUIRE(rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile"));
-  utils::Identifier uuid = rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getUUID();
-  REQUIRE(uuid);
-  REQUIRE(!rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getUUIDStr().empty());
-  REQUIRE(1 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getMaxConcurrentTasks());
-      core::SchedulingStrategy::TIMER_DRIVEN == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getSchedulingStrategy());
-  REQUIRE(1 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getMaxConcurrentTasks());
-  REQUIRE(1 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getSchedulingPeriodNano());
-  REQUIRE(std::chrono::seconds(30) == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getPenalizationPeriod());
-  REQUIRE(1 * 1000 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getYieldPeriodMsec());
-  REQUIRE(0 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getRunDurationNano());
+Core Properties:
+    flow controller graceful shutdown period: 10 sec
+    flow service write delay interval: 500 ms
+    administrative yield duration: 30 sec
+    bored yield duration: 10 millis
-  std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<minifi::Connection>> connectionMap;
-  rootFlowConfig->getConnections(connectionMap);
-  REQUIRE(2 == connectionMap.size());
-  // This is a map of UUID->Connection, and we don't know UUID, so just going to loop over it
-  for (auto it : connectionMap) {
-    REQUIRE(it.second);
-    REQUIRE(!it.second->getUUIDStr().empty());
-    REQUIRE(it.second->getDestination());
-    REQUIRE(it.second->getSource());
-    REQUIRE(60000 == it.second->getFlowExpirationDuration());
+FlowFile Repository:
+    partitions: 256
+    checkpoint interval: 2 mins
+    always sync: false
+    Swap:
+        threshold: 20000
+        in period: 5 sec
+        in threads: 1
+        out period: 5 sec
+        out threads: 4
+Provenance Repository:
+    provenance rollover time: 1 min
+Content Repository:
+    content claim max appendable size: 10 MB
+    content claim max flow files: 100
+    always sync: false
+Component Status Repository:
+    buffer size: 1440
+    snapshot frequency: 1 min
+Security Properties:
+    keystore: /tmp/ssl/localhost-ks.jks
+    keystore type: JKS
+    keystore password: localtest
+    key password: localtest
+    truststore: /tmp/ssl/localhost-ts.jks
+    truststore type: JKS
+    truststore password: localtest
+    ssl protocol: TLS
+    Sensitive Props:
+        key:
+        provider: BC
+    - name: TailFile
+      class: org.apache.nifi.processors.standard.TailFile
+      max concurrent tasks: 1
+      scheduling strategy: TIMER_DRIVEN
+      scheduling period: 1 sec
+      penalization period: 30 sec
+      yield period: 1 sec
+      run duration nanos: 0
+      auto-terminated relationships list:
+      Properties:
+          File to Tail: logs/minifi-app.log
+          Rolling Filename Pattern: minifi-app*
+          Initial Start Position: Beginning of File
+    - name: TailToS2S
+      source name: TailFile
+      source relationship name: success
+      destination name: 8644cbcc-a45c-40e0-964d-5e536e2ada61
+      max work queue size: 0
+      max work queue data size: 1 MB
+      flowfile expiration: 60 sec
+      queue prioritizer class: org.apache.nifi.prioritizer.NewestFlowFileFirstPrioritizer
+Remote Processing Groups:
+    - name: NiFi Flow
+      comment:
+      url: https://localhost:8090/nifi
+      timeout: 30 secs
+      yield period: 10 sec
+      Input Ports:
+          - id: 8644cbcc-a45c-40e0-964d-5e536e2ada61
+            name: tailed log
+            comments:
+            max concurrent tasks: 1
+            use compression: false
+Provenance Reporting:
+    comment:
+    scheduling strategy: TIMER_DRIVEN
+    scheduling period: 30 sec
+    host: localhost
+    port name: provenance
+    port: 8090
+    port uuid: 2f389b8d-83f2-48d3-b465-048f28a1cb56
+    url: https://localhost:8090/
+    originating url: http://${hostname(true)}:8081/nifi
+    use compression: true
+    timeout: 30 secs
+    batch size: 1000;
+        )";
+    std::istringstream configYamlStream(CONFIG_YAML_WITHOUT_IDS);
+    std::unique_ptr<core::ProcessGroup> rootFlowConfig = yamlConfig.getYamlRoot(configYamlStream);
+    REQUIRE(rootFlowConfig);
+    REQUIRE(rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile"));
+    utils::Identifier uuid = rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getUUID();
+    REQUIRE(uuid);
+    REQUIRE(!rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getUUIDStr().empty());
+    REQUIRE(1 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getMaxConcurrentTasks());
+        core::SchedulingStrategy::TIMER_DRIVEN == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getSchedulingStrategy());
+    REQUIRE(1 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getMaxConcurrentTasks());
+    REQUIRE(1 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getSchedulingPeriodNano());
+    REQUIRE(std::chrono::seconds(30) == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getPenalizationPeriod());

Review comment:
       Consider using standard literal suffixes. I also recognize that this is old code just reformatted, so I'm 100% fine with not touching these parts.

File path: extensions/standard-processors/tests/unit/YamlConfigurationTests.cpp
@@ -37,160 +37,186 @@ TEST_CASE("Test YAML Config Processing", "[YamlConfiguration]") {
   core::YamlConfiguration yamlConfig(testProvRepo, testFlowFileRepo, content_repo, streamFactory, configuration);
   SECTION("loading YAML without optional component IDs works") {
-  static const std::string CONFIG_YAML_WITHOUT_IDS = ""
-      "MiNiFi Config Version: 1\n"
-      "Flow Controller:\n"
-      "    name: MiNiFi Flow\n"
-      "    comment:\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Core Properties:\n"
-      "    flow controller graceful shutdown period: 10 sec\n"
-      "    flow service write delay interval: 500 ms\n"
-      "    administrative yield duration: 30 sec\n"
-      "    bored yield duration: 10 millis\n"
-      "\n"
-      "FlowFile Repository:\n"
-      "    partitions: 256\n"
-      "    checkpoint interval: 2 mins\n"
-      "    always sync: false\n"
-      "    Swap:\n"
-      "        threshold: 20000\n"
-      "        in period: 5 sec\n"
-      "        in threads: 1\n"
-      "        out period: 5 sec\n"
-      "        out threads: 4\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Provenance Repository:\n"
-      "    provenance rollover time: 1 min\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Content Repository:\n"
-      "    content claim max appendable size: 10 MB\n"
-      "    content claim max flow files: 100\n"
-      "    always sync: false\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Component Status Repository:\n"
-      "    buffer size: 1440\n"
-      "    snapshot frequency: 1 min\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Security Properties:\n"
-      "    keystore: /tmp/ssl/localhost-ks.jks\n"
-      "    keystore type: JKS\n"
-      "    keystore password: localtest\n"
-      "    key password: localtest\n"
-      "    truststore: /tmp/ssl/localhost-ts.jks\n"
-      "    truststore type: JKS\n"
-      "    truststore password: localtest\n"
-      "    ssl protocol: TLS\n"
-      "    Sensitive Props:\n"
-      "        key:\n"
-      "        algorithm: PBEWITHMD5AND256BITAES-CBC-OPENSSL\n"
-      "        provider: BC\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Processors:\n"
-      "    - name: TailFile\n"
-      "      class: org.apache.nifi.processors.standard.TailFile\n"
-      "      max concurrent tasks: 1\n"
-      "      scheduling strategy: TIMER_DRIVEN\n"
-      "      scheduling period: 1 sec\n"
-      "      penalization period: 30 sec\n"
-      "      yield period: 1 sec\n"
-      "      run duration nanos: 0\n"
-      "      auto-terminated relationships list:\n"
-      "      Properties:\n"
-      "          File to Tail: logs/minifi-app.log\n"
-      "          Rolling Filename Pattern: minifi-app*\n"
-      "          Initial Start Position: Beginning of File\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Connections:\n"
-      "    - name: TailToS2S\n"
-      "      source name: TailFile\n"
-      "      source relationship name: success\n"
-      "      destination name: 8644cbcc-a45c-40e0-964d-5e536e2ada61\n"
-      "      max work queue size: 0\n"
-      "      max work queue data size: 1 MB\n"
-      "      flowfile expiration: 60 sec\n"
-      "      queue prioritizer class: org.apache.nifi.prioritizer.NewestFlowFileFirstPrioritizer\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Remote Processing Groups:\n"
-      "    - name: NiFi Flow\n"
-      "      comment:\n"
-      "      url: https://localhost:8090/nifi\n"
-      "      timeout: 30 secs\n"
-      "      yield period: 10 sec\n"
-      "      Input Ports:\n"
-      "          - id: 8644cbcc-a45c-40e0-964d-5e536e2ada61\n"
-      "            name: tailed log\n"
-      "            comments:\n"
-      "            max concurrent tasks: 1\n"
-      "            use compression: false\n"
-      "\n"
-      "Provenance Reporting:\n"
-      "    comment:\n"
-      "    scheduling strategy: TIMER_DRIVEN\n"
-      "    scheduling period: 30 sec\n"
-      "    host: localhost\n"
-      "    port name: provenance\n"
-      "    port: 8090\n"
-      "    port uuid: 2f389b8d-83f2-48d3-b465-048f28a1cb56\n"
-      "    url: https://localhost:8090/\n"
-      "    originating url: http://${hostname(true)}:8081/nifi\n"
-      "    use compression: true\n"
-      "    timeout: 30 secs\n"
-      "    batch size: 1000";
-  std::istringstream configYamlStream(CONFIG_YAML_WITHOUT_IDS);
-  std::unique_ptr<core::ProcessGroup> rootFlowConfig = yamlConfig.getYamlRoot(configYamlStream);
+    static const std::string CONFIG_YAML_WITHOUT_IDS =
+      R"(
+MiNiFi Config Version: 1
+Flow Controller:
+    name: MiNiFi Flow
+    comment:
-  REQUIRE(rootFlowConfig);
-  REQUIRE(rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile"));
-  utils::Identifier uuid = rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getUUID();
-  REQUIRE(uuid);
-  REQUIRE(!rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getUUIDStr().empty());
-  REQUIRE(1 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getMaxConcurrentTasks());
-      core::SchedulingStrategy::TIMER_DRIVEN == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getSchedulingStrategy());
-  REQUIRE(1 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getMaxConcurrentTasks());
-  REQUIRE(1 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getSchedulingPeriodNano());
-  REQUIRE(std::chrono::seconds(30) == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getPenalizationPeriod());
-  REQUIRE(1 * 1000 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getYieldPeriodMsec());
-  REQUIRE(0 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getRunDurationNano());
+Core Properties:
+    flow controller graceful shutdown period: 10 sec
+    flow service write delay interval: 500 ms
+    administrative yield duration: 30 sec
+    bored yield duration: 10 millis
-  std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<minifi::Connection>> connectionMap;
-  rootFlowConfig->getConnections(connectionMap);
-  REQUIRE(2 == connectionMap.size());
-  // This is a map of UUID->Connection, and we don't know UUID, so just going to loop over it
-  for (auto it : connectionMap) {
-    REQUIRE(it.second);
-    REQUIRE(!it.second->getUUIDStr().empty());
-    REQUIRE(it.second->getDestination());
-    REQUIRE(it.second->getSource());
-    REQUIRE(60000 == it.second->getFlowExpirationDuration());
+FlowFile Repository:
+    partitions: 256
+    checkpoint interval: 2 mins
+    always sync: false
+    Swap:
+        threshold: 20000
+        in period: 5 sec
+        in threads: 1
+        out period: 5 sec
+        out threads: 4
+Provenance Repository:
+    provenance rollover time: 1 min
+Content Repository:
+    content claim max appendable size: 10 MB
+    content claim max flow files: 100
+    always sync: false
+Component Status Repository:
+    buffer size: 1440
+    snapshot frequency: 1 min
+Security Properties:
+    keystore: /tmp/ssl/localhost-ks.jks
+    keystore type: JKS
+    keystore password: localtest
+    key password: localtest
+    truststore: /tmp/ssl/localhost-ts.jks
+    truststore type: JKS
+    truststore password: localtest
+    ssl protocol: TLS
+    Sensitive Props:
+        key:
+        provider: BC
+    - name: TailFile
+      class: org.apache.nifi.processors.standard.TailFile
+      max concurrent tasks: 1
+      scheduling strategy: TIMER_DRIVEN
+      scheduling period: 1 sec
+      penalization period: 30 sec
+      yield period: 1 sec
+      run duration nanos: 0
+      auto-terminated relationships list:
+      Properties:
+          File to Tail: logs/minifi-app.log
+          Rolling Filename Pattern: minifi-app*
+          Initial Start Position: Beginning of File
+    - name: TailToS2S
+      source name: TailFile
+      source relationship name: success
+      destination name: 8644cbcc-a45c-40e0-964d-5e536e2ada61
+      max work queue size: 0
+      max work queue data size: 1 MB
+      flowfile expiration: 60 sec
+      queue prioritizer class: org.apache.nifi.prioritizer.NewestFlowFileFirstPrioritizer
+Remote Processing Groups:
+    - name: NiFi Flow
+      comment:
+      url: https://localhost:8090/nifi
+      timeout: 30 secs
+      yield period: 10 sec
+      Input Ports:
+          - id: 8644cbcc-a45c-40e0-964d-5e536e2ada61
+            name: tailed log
+            comments:
+            max concurrent tasks: 1
+            use compression: false
+Provenance Reporting:
+    comment:
+    scheduling strategy: TIMER_DRIVEN
+    scheduling period: 30 sec
+    host: localhost
+    port name: provenance
+    port: 8090
+    port uuid: 2f389b8d-83f2-48d3-b465-048f28a1cb56
+    url: https://localhost:8090/
+    originating url: http://${hostname(true)}:8081/nifi
+    use compression: true
+    timeout: 30 secs
+    batch size: 1000;
+        )";
+    std::istringstream configYamlStream(CONFIG_YAML_WITHOUT_IDS);
+    std::unique_ptr<core::ProcessGroup> rootFlowConfig = yamlConfig.getYamlRoot(configYamlStream);
+    REQUIRE(rootFlowConfig);
+    REQUIRE(rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile"));
+    utils::Identifier uuid = rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getUUID();
+    REQUIRE(uuid);
+    REQUIRE(!rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getUUIDStr().empty());
+    REQUIRE(1 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getMaxConcurrentTasks());
+        core::SchedulingStrategy::TIMER_DRIVEN == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getSchedulingStrategy());
+    REQUIRE(1 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getMaxConcurrentTasks());
+    REQUIRE(1 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getSchedulingPeriodNano());
+    REQUIRE(std::chrono::seconds(30) == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getPenalizationPeriod());
+    REQUIRE(1 * 1000 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getYieldPeriodMsec());
+    REQUIRE(0 == rootFlowConfig->findProcessorByName("TailFile")->getRunDurationNano());
+    std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<minifi::Connection>> connectionMap;
+    rootFlowConfig->getConnections(connectionMap);
+    REQUIRE(2 == connectionMap.size());
+    // This is a map of UUID->Connection, and we don't know UUID, so just going to loop over it
+    for (auto it : connectionMap) {
+      REQUIRE(it.second);
+      REQUIRE(!it.second->getUUIDStr().empty());
+      REQUIRE(it.second->getDestination());
+      REQUIRE(it.second->getSource());
+      REQUIRE(60000 == it.second->getFlowExpirationDuration());
+    }
   SECTION("missing required field in YAML throws exception") {
-  static const std::string CONFIG_YAML_NO_RPG_PORT_ID = ""
-  "MiNiFi Config Version: 1\n"
-  "Flow Controller:\n"
-  "  name: MiNiFi Flow\n"
-  "Processors: []\n"
-  "Connections: []\n"
-  "Remote Processing Groups:\n"
-  "    - name: NiFi Flow\n"
-  "      comment:\n"
-  "      url: https://localhost:8090/nifi\n"
-  "      timeout: 30 secs\n"
-  "      yield period: 10 sec\n"
-  "      Input Ports:\n"
-  "          - name: tailed log\n"
-  "            comments:\n"
-  "            max concurrent tasks: 1\n"
-  "            use compression: false\n"
-  "\n";
-  std::istringstream configYamlStream(CONFIG_YAML_NO_RPG_PORT_ID);
-  REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(yamlConfig.getYamlRoot(configYamlStream), std::invalid_argument);
+    static const std::string CONFIG_YAML_NO_RPG_PORT_ID =
+      R"(
+MiNiFi Config Version: 1
+Flow Controller:
+  name: MiNiFi Flow
+Processors: []
+Connections: []
+Remote Processing Groups:
+    - name: NiFi Flow
+      comment:
+      url: https://localhost:8090/nifi
+      timeout: 30 secs
+      yield period: 10 sec
+      Input Ports:
+          - name: tailed log
+            comments:
+            max concurrent tasks: 1
+            use compression: false
+      )";
+    std::istringstream configYamlStream(CONFIG_YAML_NO_RPG_PORT_ID);
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(yamlConfig.getYamlRoot(configYamlStream), std::invalid_argument);
+  }
+  SECTION("Validated YAML property failure throws exception and logs invalid attribute name") {
+    static const std::string CONFIG_YAML_EMPTY_RETRY_ATTRIBUTE =
+      R"(
+Flow Controller:
+  name: MiNiFi Flow
+  - name: RetryFlowFile
+    class: org.apache.nifi.processors.standard.RetryFlowFile
+    scheduling strategy: TIMER_DRIVEN
+    scheduling period: 1 sec
+    auto-terminated relationships list:
+    Properties:
+        Retry Attribute: ""
+Connections: []
+Remote Processing Groups: []
+Provenance Reporting:
+      )";
+    std::istringstream configYamlStream(CONFIG_YAML_EMPTY_RETRY_ATTRIBUTE);
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(yamlConfig.getYamlRoot(configYamlStream), utils::internal::InvalidValueException);
+    REQUIRE(LogTestController::getInstance().contains("Invalid value was set for property 'Retry Attribute'"));

Review comment:
       Can we log the value itself? 

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