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[48/50] [abbrv] all built with the latest
diff --cc server/src/com/cloud/vm/
index 61526a6,890c89b..d4fff18
--- a/server/src/com/cloud/vm/
+++ b/server/src/com/cloud/vm/
@@@ -54,8 -36,10 +54,7 @@@ import org.apache.cloudstack.engine.clo
  import org.apache.cloudstack.engine.service.api.OrchestrationService;
  import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
- import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
 -import org.springframework.context.annotation.Primary;
 -import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@@@ -237,4315 -240,4432 +236,4313 @@@ import
- @Component
  @Local(value = { UserVmManager.class, UserVmService.class })
  public class UserVmManagerImpl implements UserVmManager, UserVmService, Manager {
 -	private static final Logger s_logger = Logger
 -			.getLogger(UserVmManagerImpl.class);
 -	private static final int ACQUIRE_GLOBAL_LOCK_TIMEOUT_FOR_COOPERATION = 3; // 3
 -																				// seconds
 -	@Inject
 -	protected HostDao _hostDao = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected ServiceOfferingDao _offeringDao = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected DiskOfferingDao _diskOfferingDao = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected VMTemplateDao _templateDao = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected VMTemplateDetailsDao _templateDetailsDao = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected VMTemplateHostDao _templateHostDao = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected VMTemplateZoneDao _templateZoneDao = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected DomainDao _domainDao = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected UserVmDao _vmDao = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected VolumeDao _volsDao = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected DataCenterDao _dcDao = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected FirewallRulesDao _rulesDao = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected LoadBalancerVMMapDao _loadBalancerVMMapDao = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected PortForwardingRulesDao _portForwardingDao;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected IPAddressDao _ipAddressDao = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected HostPodDao _podDao = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected NetworkManager _networkMgr = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected StorageManager _storageMgr = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected SnapshotManager _snapshotMgr = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected AgentManager _agentMgr = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected ConfigurationManager _configMgr = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected AccountDao _accountDao = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected UserDao _userDao = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected SnapshotDao _snapshotDao = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected GuestOSDao _guestOSDao = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected HighAvailabilityManager _haMgr = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected AlertManager _alertMgr = null;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected AccountManager _accountMgr;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected AccountService _accountService;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected AsyncJobManager _asyncMgr;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected ClusterDao _clusterDao;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected StoragePoolDao _storagePoolDao;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected SecurityGroupManager _securityGroupMgr;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected ServiceOfferingDao _serviceOfferingDao;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected NetworkOfferingDao _networkOfferingDao;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected InstanceGroupDao _vmGroupDao;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected InstanceGroupVMMapDao _groupVMMapDao;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected VirtualMachineManager _itMgr;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected NetworkDao _networkDao;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected NicDao _nicDao;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected VpcDao _vpcDao;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected RulesManager _rulesMgr;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected LoadBalancingRulesManager _lbMgr;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected UsageEventDao _usageEventDao;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected SSHKeyPairDao _sshKeyPairDao;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected UserVmDetailsDao _vmDetailsDao;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected HypervisorCapabilitiesDao _hypervisorCapabilitiesDao;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected SecurityGroupDao _securityGroupDao;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected CapacityManager _capacityMgr;;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected VMInstanceDao _vmInstanceDao;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected ResourceLimitService _resourceLimitMgr;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected FirewallManager _firewallMgr;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected ProjectManager _projectMgr;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected ResourceManager _resourceMgr;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected NetworkServiceMapDao _ntwkSrvcDao;
 -	@Inject
 -	SecurityGroupVMMapDao _securityGroupVMMapDao;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected ItWorkDao _workDao;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected VolumeHostDao _volumeHostDao;
 -	@Inject
 -	ResourceTagDao _resourceTagDao;
 -	@Inject
 -	PhysicalNetworkDao _physicalNetworkDao;
 -	@Inject
 -	VpcManager _vpcMgr;
 -	@Inject 
 -	protected GuestOSCategoryDao _guestOSCategoryDao;
 -	protected ScheduledExecutorService _executor = null;
 -	protected int _expungeInterval;
 -	protected int _expungeDelay;
 -	protected String _name;
 -	protected String _instance;
 -	protected String _zone;
 -	@Inject private ConfigurationDao _configDao;
 -	private int _createprivatetemplatefromvolumewait;
 -	private int _createprivatetemplatefromsnapshotwait;
 -	@Inject
 -	protected OrchestrationService _orchSrvc;
 -	@Override
 -	public UserVmVO getVirtualMachine(long vmId) {
 -		return _vmDao.findById(vmId);
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	public List<? extends UserVm> getVirtualMachines(long hostId) {
 -		return _vmDao.listByHostId(hostId);
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_VM_RESETPASSWORD, eventDescription = "resetting Vm password", async = true)
 -	public UserVm resetVMPassword(ResetVMPasswordCmd cmd, String password)
 -			throws ResourceUnavailableException, InsufficientCapacityException {
 -		Account caller = UserContext.current().getCaller();
 -		Long vmId = cmd.getId();
 -		UserVmVO userVm = _vmDao.findById(cmd.getId());
 -		_vmDao.loadDetails(userVm);
 -		// Do parameters input validation
 -		if (userVm == null) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"unable to find a virtual machine with id " + cmd.getId());
 -		}
 -		VMTemplateVO template = _templateDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(userVm
 -				.getTemplateId());
 -		if (template == null || !template.getEnablePassword()) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"Fail to reset password for the virtual machine, the template is not password enabled");
 -		}
 -		if (userVm.getState() == State.Error
 -				|| userVm.getState() == State.Expunging) {
 -			s_logger.error("vm is not in the right state: " + vmId);
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Vm with id " + vmId
 -					+ " is not in the right state");
 -		}
 -		_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, userVm);
 -		boolean result = resetVMPasswordInternal(cmd, password);
 -		if (result) {
 -			userVm.setPassword(password);
 -			// update the password in vm_details table too
 -			// Check if an SSH key pair was selected for the instance and if so
 -			// use it to encrypt & save the vm password
 -			String sshPublicKey = userVm.getDetail("SSH.PublicKey");
 -			if (sshPublicKey != null && !sshPublicKey.equals("")
 -					&& password != null && !password.equals("saved_password")) {
 -				String encryptedPasswd = RSAHelper.encryptWithSSHPublicKey(
 -						sshPublicKey, password);
 -				if (encryptedPasswd == null) {
 -					throw new CloudRuntimeException("Error encrypting password");
 -				}
 -				userVm.setDetail("Encrypted.Password", encryptedPasswd);
 -				_vmDao.saveDetails(userVm);
 -			}
 -		} else {
 -			throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -					"Failed to reset password for the virtual machine ");
 -		}
 -		return userVm;
 -	}
 -	private boolean resetVMPasswordInternal(ResetVMPasswordCmd cmd,
 -			String password) throws ResourceUnavailableException,
 -			InsufficientCapacityException {
 -		Long vmId = cmd.getId();
 -		Long userId = UserContext.current().getCallerUserId();
 -		VMInstanceVO vmInstance = _vmDao.findById(vmId);
 -		if (password == null || password.equals("")) {
 -			return false;
 -		}
 -		VMTemplateVO template = _templateDao
 -				.findByIdIncludingRemoved(vmInstance.getTemplateId());
 -		if (template.getEnablePassword()) {
 -			Nic defaultNic = _networkMgr.getDefaultNic(vmId);
 -			if (defaultNic == null) {
 -				s_logger.error("Unable to reset password for vm " + vmInstance
 -						+ " as the instance doesn't have default nic");
 -				return false;
 -			}
 -			Network defaultNetwork = _networkDao.findById(defaultNic
 -					.getNetworkId());
 -			NicProfile defaultNicProfile = new NicProfile(defaultNic,
 -					defaultNetwork, null, null, null,
 -					_networkMgr
 -							.isSecurityGroupSupportedInNetwork(defaultNetwork),
 -					_networkMgr.getNetworkTag(template.getHypervisorType(),
 -							defaultNetwork));
 -			VirtualMachineProfile<VMInstanceVO> vmProfile = new VirtualMachineProfileImpl<VMInstanceVO>(
 -					vmInstance);
 -			vmProfile.setParameter(VirtualMachineProfile.Param.VmPassword,
 -					password);
 -			UserDataServiceProvider element = _networkMgr
 -					.getPasswordResetProvider(defaultNetwork);
 -			if (element == null) {
 -				throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -						"Can't find network element for "
 -								+ Service.UserData.getName()
 -								+ " provider needed for password reset");
 -			}
 -			boolean result = element.savePassword(defaultNetwork,
 -					defaultNicProfile, vmProfile);
 -			// Need to reboot the virtual machine so that the password gets
 -			// redownloaded from the DomR, and reset on the VM
 -			if (!result) {
 -				s_logger.debug("Failed to reset password for the virutal machine; no need to reboot the vm");
 -				return false;
 -			} else {
 -				if (vmInstance.getState() == State.Stopped) {
 -					s_logger.debug("Vm "
 -							+ vmInstance
 -							+ " is stopped, not rebooting it as a part of password reset");
 -					return true;
 -				}
 -				if (rebootVirtualMachine(userId, vmId) == null) {
 -					s_logger.warn("Failed to reboot the vm " + vmInstance);
 -					return false;
 -				} else {
 -					s_logger.debug("Vm "
 -							+ vmInstance
 -							+ " is rebooted successfully as a part of password reset");
 -					return true;
 -				}
 -			}
 -		} else {
 -			if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
 -				s_logger.debug("Reset password called for a vm that is not using a password enabled template");
 -			}
 -			return false;
 -		}
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	public boolean stopVirtualMachine(long userId, long vmId) {
 -		boolean status = false;
 -		if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
 -			s_logger.debug("Stopping vm=" + vmId);
 -		}
 -		UserVmVO vm = _vmDao.findById(vmId);
 -		if (vm == null || vm.getRemoved() != null) {
 -			if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
 -				s_logger.debug("VM is either removed or deleted.");
 -			}
 -			return true;
 -		}
 -		User user = _userDao.findById(userId);
 -		Account account = _accountDao.findById(user.getAccountId());
 -		try {
 -			status = _itMgr.stop(vm, user, account);
 -		} catch (ResourceUnavailableException e) {
 -			s_logger.debug("Unable to stop due to ", e);
 -			status = false;
 -		}
 -		if (status) {
 -			return status;
 -		} else {
 -			return status;
 -		}
 -	}
 -	private int getMaxDataVolumesSupported(UserVmVO vm) {
 -		Long hostId = vm.getHostId();
 -		if (hostId == null) {
 -			hostId = vm.getLastHostId();
 -		}
 -		HostVO host = _hostDao.findById(hostId);
 -		Integer maxDataVolumesSupported = null;
 -		if (host != null) {
 -			_hostDao.loadDetails(host);
 -			maxDataVolumesSupported = _hypervisorCapabilitiesDao
 -					.getMaxDataVolumesLimit(host.getHypervisorType(),
 -							host.getDetail("product_version"));
 -		}
 -		if (maxDataVolumesSupported == null) {
 -			maxDataVolumesSupported = 6; // 6 data disks by default if nothing
 -											// is specified in
 -											// 'hypervisor_capabilities' table
 -		}
 -		return maxDataVolumesSupported.intValue();
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_VOLUME_ATTACH, eventDescription = "attaching volume", async = true)
 -	public Volume attachVolumeToVM(AttachVolumeCmd command) {
 -		Long vmId = command.getVirtualMachineId();
 -		Long volumeId = command.getId();
 -		Long deviceId = command.getDeviceId();
 -		Account caller = UserContext.current().getCaller();
 -		// Check that the volume ID is valid
 -		VolumeVO volume = _volsDao.findById(volumeId);
 -		// Check that the volume is a data volume
 -		if (volume == null || volume.getVolumeType() != Volume.Type.DATADISK) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"Please specify a valid data volume.");
 -		}
 -		// Check that the volume is not currently attached to any VM
 -		if (volume.getInstanceId() != null) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"Please specify a volume that is not attached to any VM.");
 -		}
 -		// Check that the volume is not destroyed
 -		if (volume.getState() == Volume.State.Destroy) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"Please specify a volume that is not destroyed.");
 -		}
 -		// Check that the virtual machine ID is valid and it's a user vm
 -		UserVmVO vm = _vmDao.findById(vmId);
 -		if (vm == null || vm.getType() != VirtualMachine.Type.User) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"Please specify a valid User VM.");
 -		}
 -		// Check that the VM is in the correct state
 -		if (vm.getState() != State.Running && vm.getState() != State.Stopped) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"Please specify a VM that is either running or stopped.");
 -		}
 -		// Check that the device ID is valid
 -		if (deviceId != null) {
 -			if (deviceId.longValue() == 0) {
 -				throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -						"deviceId can't be 0, which is used by Root device");
 -			}
 -		}
 -		// Check that the number of data volumes attached to VM is less than
 -		// that supported by hypervisor
 -		List<VolumeVO> existingDataVolumes = _volsDao.findByInstanceAndType(
 -				vmId, Volume.Type.DATADISK);
 -		int maxDataVolumesSupported = getMaxDataVolumesSupported(vm);
 -		if (existingDataVolumes.size() >= maxDataVolumesSupported) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"The specified VM already has the maximum number of data disks ("
 -							+ maxDataVolumesSupported
 -							+ "). Please specify another VM.");
 -		}
 -		// Check that the VM and the volume are in the same zone
 -		if (vm.getDataCenterIdToDeployIn() != volume.getDataCenterId()) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"Please specify a VM that is in the same zone as the volume.");
 -		}
 -		// If local storage is disabled then attaching a volume with local disk
 -		// offering not allowed
 -		DataCenterVO dataCenter = _dcDao.findById(volume.getDataCenterId());
 -		if (!dataCenter.isLocalStorageEnabled()) {
 -			DiskOfferingVO diskOffering = _diskOfferingDao.findById(volume
 -					.getDiskOfferingId());
 -			if (diskOffering.getUseLocalStorage()) {
 -				throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -						"Zone is not configured to use local storage but volume's disk offering "
 -								+ diskOffering.getName() + " uses it");
 -			}
 -		}
 -		// permission check
 -		_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, volume, vm);
 -		// Check if volume is stored on secondary Storage.
 -		boolean isVolumeOnSec = false;
 -		VolumeHostVO volHostVO = _volumeHostDao.findByVolumeId(volume.getId());
 -		if (volHostVO != null) {
 -			isVolumeOnSec = true;
 -			if (!(volHostVO.getDownloadState() == Status.DOWNLOADED)) {
 -				throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -						"Volume is not uploaded yet. Please try this operation once the volume is uploaded");
 -			}
 -		}
 -		if (!(Volume.State.Allocated.equals(volume.getState())
 -				|| Volume.State.Ready.equals(volume.getState()) || Volume.State.UploadOp
 -					.equals(volume.getState()))) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"Volume state must be in Allocated, Ready or in Uploaded state");
 -		}
 -		VolumeVO rootVolumeOfVm = null;
 -		List<VolumeVO> rootVolumesOfVm = _volsDao.findByInstanceAndType(vmId,
 -				Volume.Type.ROOT);
 -		if (rootVolumesOfVm.size() != 1) {
 -			throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -					"The VM "
 -							+ vm.getHostName()
 -							+ " has more than one ROOT volume and is in an invalid state.");
 -		} else {
 -			rootVolumeOfVm = rootVolumesOfVm.get(0);
 -		}
 -		HypervisorType rootDiskHyperType = vm.getHypervisorType();
 -		HypervisorType dataDiskHyperType = _volsDao.getHypervisorType(volume
 -				.getId());
 -		if (dataDiskHyperType != HypervisorType.None
 -				&& rootDiskHyperType != dataDiskHyperType) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"Can't attach a volume created by: " + dataDiskHyperType
 -							+ " to a " + rootDiskHyperType + " vm");
 -		}
 -		// allocate deviceId
 -		List<VolumeVO> vols = _volsDao.findByInstance(vmId);
 -		if (deviceId != null) {
 -			if (deviceId.longValue() > 15 || deviceId.longValue() == 0
 -					|| deviceId.longValue() == 3) {
 -				throw new RuntimeException("deviceId should be 1,2,4-15");
 -			}
 -			for (VolumeVO vol : vols) {
 -				if (vol.getDeviceId().equals(deviceId)) {
 -					throw new RuntimeException("deviceId " + deviceId
 -							+ " is used by VM " + vm.getHostName());
 -				}
 -			}
 -		} else {
 -			// allocate deviceId here
 -			List<String> devIds = new ArrayList<String>();
 -			for (int i = 1; i < 15; i++) {
 -				devIds.add(String.valueOf(i));
 -			}
 -			devIds.remove("3");
 -			for (VolumeVO vol : vols) {
 -				devIds.remove(vol.getDeviceId().toString().trim());
 -			}
 -			deviceId = Long.parseLong(devIds.iterator().next());
 -		}
 -		boolean createVolumeOnBackend = true;
 -		if (rootVolumeOfVm.getState() == Volume.State.Allocated) {
 -			createVolumeOnBackend = false;
 -			if (isVolumeOnSec) {
 -				throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -						"Cant attach uploaded volume to the vm which is not created. Please start it and then retry");
 -			}
 -		}
 -		// create volume on the backend only when vm's root volume is allocated
 -		if (createVolumeOnBackend) {
 -			if (volume.getState().equals(Volume.State.Allocated)
 -					|| isVolumeOnSec) {
 -				/* Need to create the volume */
 -				VMTemplateVO rootDiskTmplt = _templateDao.findById(vm
 -						.getTemplateId());
 -				DataCenterVO dcVO = _dcDao.findById(vm
 -						.getDataCenterIdToDeployIn());
 -				HostPodVO pod = _podDao.findById(vm.getPodIdToDeployIn());
 -				StoragePoolVO rootDiskPool = _storagePoolDao
 -						.findById(rootVolumeOfVm.getPoolId());
 -				ServiceOfferingVO svo = _serviceOfferingDao.findById(vm
 -						.getServiceOfferingId());
 -				DiskOfferingVO diskVO = _diskOfferingDao.findById(volume
 -						.getDiskOfferingId());
 -				Long clusterId = (rootDiskPool == null ? null : rootDiskPool
 -						.getClusterId());
 -				if (!isVolumeOnSec) {
 -					volume = _storageMgr.createVolume(volume, vm,
 -							rootDiskTmplt, dcVO, pod, clusterId, svo, diskVO,
 -							new ArrayList<StoragePoolVO>(), volume.getSize(),
 -							rootDiskHyperType);
 -				} else {
 -					try {
 -						// Format of data disk should be the same as root disk
 -						if (!volHostVO
 -								.getFormat()
 -								.getFileExtension()
 -								.equals(_storageMgr
 -										.getSupportedImageFormatForCluster(rootDiskPool
 -												.getClusterId()))) {
 -							throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -									"Failed to attach volume to VM since volumes format "
 -											+ volHostVO.getFormat()
 -													.getFileExtension()
 -											+ " is not compatible with the vm hypervisor type");
 -						}
 -						// Check that there is some shared storage.
 -						StoragePoolVO vmRootVolumePool = _storagePoolDao
 -								.findById(rootVolumeOfVm.getPoolId());
 -						List<StoragePoolVO> sharedVMPools = _storagePoolDao
 -								.findPoolsByTags(
 -										vmRootVolumePool.getDataCenterId(),
 -										vmRootVolumePool.getPodId(),
 -										vmRootVolumePool.getClusterId(), null,
 -										true);
 -						if (sharedVMPools.size() == 0) {
 -							throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -									"Cannot attach volume since there are no shared storage pools in the VM's cluster to copy the uploaded volume to.");
 -						}
 -						volume = _storageMgr.copyVolumeFromSecToPrimary(volume,
 -								vm, rootDiskTmplt, dcVO, pod,
 -								rootDiskPool.getClusterId(), svo, diskVO,
 -								new ArrayList<StoragePoolVO>(),
 -								volume.getSize(), rootDiskHyperType);
 -					} catch (NoTransitionException e) {
 -						throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -								"Unable to transition the volume ", e);
 -					}
 -				}
 -				if (volume == null) {
 -					throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -							"Failed to create volume when attaching it to VM: "
 -									+ vm.getHostName());
 -				}
 -			}
 -			StoragePoolVO vmRootVolumePool = _storagePoolDao
 -					.findById(rootVolumeOfVm.getPoolId());
 -			DiskOfferingVO volumeDiskOffering = _diskOfferingDao
 -					.findById(volume.getDiskOfferingId());
 -			String[] volumeTags = volumeDiskOffering.getTagsArray();
 -			boolean isVolumeOnSharedPool = !volumeDiskOffering
 -					.getUseLocalStorage();
 -			StoragePoolVO sourcePool = _storagePoolDao.findById(volume
 -					.getPoolId());
 -			List<StoragePoolVO> matchingVMPools = _storagePoolDao
 -					.findPoolsByTags(vmRootVolumePool.getDataCenterId(),
 -							vmRootVolumePool.getPodId(),
 -							vmRootVolumePool.getClusterId(), volumeTags,
 -							isVolumeOnSharedPool);
 -			boolean moveVolumeNeeded = true;
 -			if (matchingVMPools.size() == 0) {
 -				String poolType;
 -				if (vmRootVolumePool.getClusterId() != null) {
 -					poolType = "cluster";
 -				} else if (vmRootVolumePool.getPodId() != null) {
 -					poolType = "pod";
 -				} else {
 -					poolType = "zone";
 -				}
 -				throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -						"There are no storage pools in the VM's " + poolType
 -								+ " with all of the volume's tags ("
 -								+ volumeDiskOffering.getTags() + ").");
 -			} else {
 -				long sourcePoolId = sourcePool.getId();
 -				Long sourcePoolDcId = sourcePool.getDataCenterId();
 -				Long sourcePoolPodId = sourcePool.getPodId();
 -				Long sourcePoolClusterId = sourcePool.getClusterId();
 -				for (StoragePoolVO vmPool : matchingVMPools) {
 -					long vmPoolId = vmPool.getId();
 -					Long vmPoolDcId = vmPool.getDataCenterId();
 -					Long vmPoolPodId = vmPool.getPodId();
 -					Long vmPoolClusterId = vmPool.getClusterId();
 -					// Moving a volume is not required if storage pools belongs
 -					// to same cluster in case of shared volume or
 -					// identical storage pool in case of local
 -					if (sourcePoolDcId == vmPoolDcId
 -							&& sourcePoolPodId == vmPoolPodId
 -							&& sourcePoolClusterId == vmPoolClusterId
 -							&& (isVolumeOnSharedPool || sourcePoolId == vmPoolId)) {
 -						moveVolumeNeeded = false;
 -						break;
 -					}
 -				}
 -			}
 -			if (moveVolumeNeeded) {
 -				if (isVolumeOnSharedPool) {
 -					// Move the volume to a storage pool in the VM's zone, pod,
 -					// or cluster
 -					try {
 -						volume = _storageMgr.moveVolume(volume,
 -								vmRootVolumePool.getDataCenterId(),
 -								vmRootVolumePool.getPodId(),
 -								vmRootVolumePool.getClusterId(),
 -								dataDiskHyperType);
 -					} catch (ConcurrentOperationException e) {
 -						throw new CloudRuntimeException(e.toString());
 -					}
 -				} else {
 -					throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -							"Failed to attach local data volume "
 -									+ volume.getName()
 -									+ " to VM "
 -									+ vm.getDisplayName()
 -									+ " as migration of local data volume is not allowed");
 -				}
 -			}
 -		}
 -		AsyncJobExecutor asyncExecutor = BaseAsyncJobExecutor
 -				.getCurrentExecutor();
 -		if (asyncExecutor != null) {
 -			AsyncJobVO job = asyncExecutor.getJob();
 -			if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
 -"Trying to attaching volume " + volumeId
 -						+ " to vm instance:" + vm.getId()
 -						+ ", update async job-" + job.getId()
 -						+ " progress status");
 -			}
 -			_asyncMgr.updateAsyncJobAttachment(job.getId(), "volume", volumeId);
 -			_asyncMgr.updateAsyncJobStatus(job.getId(),
 -					BaseCmd.PROGRESS_INSTANCE_CREATED, volumeId);
 -		}
 -		String errorMsg = "Failed to attach volume: " + volume.getName()
 -				+ " to VM: " + vm.getHostName();
 -		boolean sendCommand = (vm.getState() == State.Running);
 -		AttachVolumeAnswer answer = null;
 -		Long hostId = vm.getHostId();
 -		if (hostId == null) {
 -			hostId = vm.getLastHostId();
 -			HostVO host = _hostDao.findById(hostId);
 -			if (host != null
 -					&& host.getHypervisorType() == HypervisorType.VMware) {
 -				sendCommand = true;
 -			}
 -		}
 -		if (sendCommand) {
 -			StoragePoolVO volumePool = _storagePoolDao.findById(volume
 -					.getPoolId());
 -			AttachVolumeCommand cmd = new AttachVolumeCommand(true,
 -					vm.getInstanceName(), volume.getPoolType(),
 -					volume.getFolder(), volume.getPath(), volume.getName(),
 -					deviceId, volume.getChainInfo());
 -			cmd.setPoolUuid(volumePool.getUuid());
 -			try {
 -				answer = (AttachVolumeAnswer) _agentMgr.send(hostId, cmd);
 -			} catch (Exception e) {
 -				throw new CloudRuntimeException(errorMsg + " due to: "
 -						+ e.getMessage());
 -			}
 -		}
 -		if (!sendCommand || (answer != null && answer.getResult())) {
 -			// Mark the volume as attached
 -			if (sendCommand) {
 -				_volsDao.attachVolume(volume.getId(), vmId,
 -						answer.getDeviceId());
 -			} else {
 -				_volsDao.attachVolume(volume.getId(), vmId, deviceId);
 -			}
 -			return _volsDao.findById(volumeId);
 -		} else {
 -			if (answer != null) {
 -				String details = answer.getDetails();
 -				if (details != null && !details.isEmpty()) {
 -					errorMsg += "; " + details;
 -				}
 -			}
 -			throw new CloudRuntimeException(errorMsg);
 -		}
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_VOLUME_DETACH, eventDescription = "detaching volume", async = true)
 -	public Volume detachVolumeFromVM(DetachVolumeCmd cmmd) {
 -		Account caller = UserContext.current().getCaller();
 -		if ((cmmd.getId() == null && cmmd.getDeviceId() == null && cmmd
 -				.getVirtualMachineId() == null)
 -				|| (cmmd.getId() != null && (cmmd.getDeviceId() != null || cmmd
 -						.getVirtualMachineId() != null))
 -				|| (cmmd.getId() == null && (cmmd.getDeviceId() == null || cmmd
 -						.getVirtualMachineId() == null))) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"Please provide either a volume id, or a tuple(device id, instance id)");
 -		}
 -		Long volumeId = cmmd.getId();
 -		VolumeVO volume = null;
 -		if (volumeId != null) {
 -			volume = _volsDao.findById(volumeId);
 -		} else {
 -			volume = _volsDao.findByInstanceAndDeviceId(
 -					cmmd.getVirtualMachineId(), cmmd.getDeviceId()).get(0);
 -		}
 -		Long vmId = null;
 -		if (cmmd.getVirtualMachineId() == null) {
 -			vmId = volume.getInstanceId();
 -		} else {
 -			vmId = cmmd.getVirtualMachineId();
 -		}
 -		// Check that the volume ID is valid
 -		if (volume == null) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"Unable to find volume with ID: " + volumeId);
 -		}
 -		// Permissions check
 -		_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, volume);
 -		// Check that the volume is a data volume
 -		if (volume.getVolumeType() != Volume.Type.DATADISK) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"Please specify a data volume.");
 -		}
 -		// Check that the volume is currently attached to a VM
 -		if (vmId == null) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"The specified volume is not attached to a VM.");
 -		}
 -		// Check that the VM is in the correct state
 -		UserVmVO vm = _vmDao.findById(vmId);
 -		if (vm.getState() != State.Running && vm.getState() != State.Stopped
 -				&& vm.getState() != State.Destroyed) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"Please specify a VM that is either running or stopped.");
 -		}
 -		AsyncJobExecutor asyncExecutor = BaseAsyncJobExecutor
 -				.getCurrentExecutor();
 -		if (asyncExecutor != null) {
 -			AsyncJobVO job = asyncExecutor.getJob();
 -			if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
 -"Trying to attaching volume " + volumeId
 -						+ "to vm instance:" + vm.getId()
 -						+ ", update async job-" + job.getId()
 -						+ " progress status");
 -			}
 -			_asyncMgr.updateAsyncJobAttachment(job.getId(), "volume", volumeId);
 -			_asyncMgr.updateAsyncJobStatus(job.getId(),
 -					BaseCmd.PROGRESS_INSTANCE_CREATED, volumeId);
 -		}
 -		String errorMsg = "Failed to detach volume: " + volume.getName()
 -				+ " from VM: " + vm.getHostName();
 -		boolean sendCommand = (vm.getState() == State.Running);
 -		Answer answer = null;
 -		if (sendCommand) {
 -			AttachVolumeCommand cmd = new AttachVolumeCommand(false,
 -					vm.getInstanceName(), volume.getPoolType(),
 -					volume.getFolder(), volume.getPath(), volume.getName(),
 -					cmmd.getDeviceId() != null ? cmmd.getDeviceId() : volume
 -							.getDeviceId(), volume.getChainInfo());
 -			StoragePoolVO volumePool = _storagePoolDao.findById(volume
 -					.getPoolId());
 -			cmd.setPoolUuid(volumePool.getUuid());
 -			try {
 -				answer = _agentMgr.send(vm.getHostId(), cmd);
 -			} catch (Exception e) {
 -				throw new CloudRuntimeException(errorMsg + " due to: "
 -						+ e.getMessage());
 -			}
 -		}
 -		if (!sendCommand || (answer != null && answer.getResult())) {
 -			// Mark the volume as detached
 -			_volsDao.detachVolume(volume.getId());
 -			if (answer != null && answer instanceof AttachVolumeAnswer) {
 -				volume.setChainInfo(((AttachVolumeAnswer) answer)
 -						.getChainInfo());
 -				_volsDao.update(volume.getId(), volume);
 -			}
 -			return _volsDao.findById(volumeId);
 -		} else {
 -			if (answer != null) {
 -				String details = answer.getDetails();
 -				if (details != null && !details.isEmpty()) {
 -					errorMsg += "; " + details;
 -				}
 -			}
 -			throw new CloudRuntimeException(errorMsg);
 -		}
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	public boolean attachISOToVM(long vmId, long isoId, boolean attach) {
 -		UserVmVO vm = _vmDao.findById(vmId);
 -		if (vm == null) {
 -			return false;
 -		} else if (vm.getState() != State.Running) {
 -			return true;
 -		}
 -		String isoPath;
 -		VMTemplateVO tmplt = _templateDao.findById(isoId);
 -		if (tmplt == null) {
 -			s_logger.warn("ISO: " + isoId + " does not exist");
 -			return false;
 -		}
 -		// Get the path of the ISO
 -		Pair<String, String> isoPathPair = null;
 -		if (tmplt.getTemplateType() == TemplateType.PERHOST) {
 -			isoPath = tmplt.getName();
 -		} else {
 -			isoPathPair = _storageMgr.getAbsoluteIsoPath(isoId,
 -					vm.getDataCenterIdToDeployIn());
 -			if (isoPathPair == null) {
 -				s_logger.warn("Couldn't get absolute iso path");
 -				return false;
 -			} else {
 -				isoPath = isoPathPair.first();
 -			}
 -		}
 -		String vmName = vm.getInstanceName();
 -		HostVO host = _hostDao.findById(vm.getHostId());
 -		if (host == null) {
 -			s_logger.warn("Host: " + vm.getHostId() + " does not exist");
 -			return false;
 -		}
 -		AttachIsoCommand cmd = new AttachIsoCommand(vmName, isoPath, attach);
 -		if (isoPathPair != null) {
 -			cmd.setStoreUrl(isoPathPair.second());
 -		}
 -		Answer a = _agentMgr.easySend(vm.getHostId(), cmd);
 -		return (a != null && a.getResult());
 -	}
 -	private UserVm rebootVirtualMachine(long userId, long vmId)
 -			throws InsufficientCapacityException, ResourceUnavailableException {
 -		UserVmVO vm = _vmDao.findById(vmId);
 -		User caller = _accountMgr.getActiveUser(userId);
 -		Account owner = _accountMgr.getAccount(vm.getAccountId());
 -		if (vm == null || vm.getState() == State.Destroyed
 -				|| vm.getState() == State.Expunging || vm.getRemoved() != null) {
 -			s_logger.warn("Vm id=" + vmId + " doesn't exist");
 -			return null;
 -		}
 -		if (vm.getState() == State.Running && vm.getHostId() != null) {
 -			return _itMgr.reboot(vm, null, caller, owner);
 -		} else {
 -			s_logger.error("Vm id=" + vmId
 -					+ " is not in Running state, failed to reboot");
 -			return null;
 -		}
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_VM_UPGRADE, eventDescription = "upgrading Vm")
 -	/*
 -	 * TODO: cleanup eventually - Refactored API call
 -	 */
 -	public UserVm upgradeVirtualMachine(UpgradeVMCmd cmd) {
 -		Long vmId = cmd.getId();
 -		Long svcOffId = cmd.getServiceOfferingId();
 -		Account caller = UserContext.current().getCaller();
 -		// Verify input parameters
 -		UserVmVO vmInstance = _vmDao.findById(vmId);
 -		if (vmInstance == null) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"unable to find a virtual machine with id " + vmId);
 -		}
 -		_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, vmInstance);
 -		// Check that the specified service offering ID is valid
 -		_itMgr.checkIfCanUpgrade(vmInstance, svcOffId);
 -		_itMgr.upgradeVmDb(vmId, svcOffId);
 -		return _vmDao.findById(vmInstance.getId());
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	public HashMap<Long, VmStatsEntry> getVirtualMachineStatistics(long hostId,
 -			String hostName, List<Long> vmIds) throws CloudRuntimeException {
 -		HashMap<Long, VmStatsEntry> vmStatsById = new HashMap<Long, VmStatsEntry>();
 -		if (vmIds.isEmpty()) {
 -			return vmStatsById;
 -		}
 -		List<String> vmNames = new ArrayList<String>();
 -		for (Long vmId : vmIds) {
 -			UserVmVO vm = _vmDao.findById(vmId);
 -			vmNames.add(vm.getInstanceName());
 -		}
 -		Answer answer = _agentMgr.easySend(hostId, new GetVmStatsCommand(
 -				vmNames, _hostDao.findById(hostId).getGuid(), hostName));
 -		if (answer == null || !answer.getResult()) {
 -			s_logger.warn("Unable to obtain VM statistics.");
 -			return null;
 -		} else {
 -			HashMap<String, VmStatsEntry> vmStatsByName = ((GetVmStatsAnswer) answer)
 -					.getVmStatsMap();
 -			if (vmStatsByName == null) {
 -				s_logger.warn("Unable to obtain VM statistics.");
 -				return null;
 -			}
 -			for (String vmName : vmStatsByName.keySet()) {
 -				vmStatsById.put(vmIds.get(vmNames.indexOf(vmName)),
 -						vmStatsByName.get(vmName));
 -			}
 -		}
 -		return vmStatsById;
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	@DB
 -	public UserVm recoverVirtualMachine(RecoverVMCmd cmd)
 -			throws ResourceAllocationException, CloudRuntimeException {
 -		Long vmId = cmd.getId();
 -		Account caller = UserContext.current().getCaller();
 -		// Verify input parameters
 -		UserVmVO vm = _vmDao.findById(vmId.longValue());
 -		if (vm == null) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"unable to find a virtual machine with id " + vmId);
 -		}
 -		// check permissions
 -		_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, vm);
 -		if (vm.getRemoved() != null) {
 -			if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
 -				s_logger.debug("Unable to find vm or vm is removed: " + vmId);
 -			}
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find vm by id "
 -					+ vmId);
 -		}
 -		if (vm.getState() != State.Destroyed) {
 -			if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
 -				s_logger.debug("vm is not in the right state: " + vmId);
 -			}
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Vm with id " + vmId
 -					+ " is not in the right state");
 -		}
 -		if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
 -			s_logger.debug("Recovering vm " + vmId);
 -		}
 -		Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn();
 -		AccountVO account = null;
 -		txn.start();
 -		account = _accountDao.lockRow(vm.getAccountId(), true);
 -		// if the account is deleted, throw error
 -		if (account.getRemoved() != null) {
 -			throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -					"Unable to recover VM as the account is deleted");
 -		}
 -		// First check that the maximum number of UserVMs for the given
 -		// accountId will not be exceeded
 -		_resourceLimitMgr.checkResourceLimit(account, ResourceType.user_vm);
 -		_haMgr.cancelDestroy(vm, vm.getHostId());
 -		try {
 -			if (!_itMgr.stateTransitTo(vm,
 -					VirtualMachine.Event.RecoveryRequested, null)) {
 -				s_logger.debug("Unable to recover the vm because it is not in the correct state: "
 -						+ vmId);
 -				throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -						"Unable to recover the vm because it is not in the correct state: "
 -								+ vmId);
 -			}
 -		} catch (NoTransitionException e) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"Unable to recover the vm because it is not in the correct state: "
 -							+ vmId);
 -		}
 -		// Recover the VM's disks
 -		List<VolumeVO> volumes = _volsDao.findByInstance(vmId);
 -		for (VolumeVO volume : volumes) {
 -			if (volume.getVolumeType().equals(Volume.Type.ROOT)) {
 -				// Create an event
 -				Long templateId = volume.getTemplateId();
 -				Long diskOfferingId = volume.getDiskOfferingId();
 -				Long offeringId = null;
 -				if (diskOfferingId != null) {
 -					DiskOfferingVO offering = _diskOfferingDao
 -							.findById(diskOfferingId);
 -					if (offering != null
 -							&& (offering.getType() == DiskOfferingVO.Type.Disk)) {
 -						offeringId = offering.getId();
 -					}
 -				}
 -				UsageEventVO usageEvent = new UsageEventVO(
 -						EventTypes.EVENT_VOLUME_CREATE, volume.getAccountId(),
 -						volume.getDataCenterId(), volume.getId(),
 -						volume.getName(), offeringId, templateId,
 -						volume.getSize());
 -				_usageEventDao.persist(usageEvent);
 -			}
 -		}
 -		_resourceLimitMgr.incrementResourceCount(account.getId(),
 -				ResourceType.volume, new Long(volumes.size()));
 -		_resourceLimitMgr.incrementResourceCount(account.getId(),
 -				ResourceType.user_vm);
 -		txn.commit();
 -		return _vmDao.findById(vmId);
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	public boolean configure(String name, Map<String, Object> params)
 -			throws ConfigurationException {
 -		_name = name;
 -		Map<String, String> configs = _configDao.getConfiguration(
 -				"AgentManager", params);
 -		_instance = configs.get("");
 -		if (_instance == null) {
 -			_instance = "DEFAULT";
 -		}
 -		String value = _configDao
 -				.getValue(Config.CreatePrivateTemplateFromVolumeWait.toString());
 -		_createprivatetemplatefromvolumewait = NumbersUtil.parseInt(value,
 -				Integer.parseInt(Config.CreatePrivateTemplateFromVolumeWait
 -						.getDefaultValue()));
 -		value = _configDao
 -				.getValue(Config.CreatePrivateTemplateFromSnapshotWait
 -						.toString());
 -		_createprivatetemplatefromsnapshotwait = NumbersUtil.parseInt(value,
 -				Integer.parseInt(Config.CreatePrivateTemplateFromSnapshotWait
 -						.getDefaultValue()));
 -		String workers = configs.get("expunge.workers");
 -		int wrks = NumbersUtil.parseInt(workers, 10);
 -		String time = configs.get("expunge.interval");
 -		_expungeInterval = NumbersUtil.parseInt(time, 86400);
 -		if (_expungeInterval < 600) {
 -			_expungeInterval = 600;
 -		}
 -		time = configs.get("expunge.delay");
 -		_expungeDelay = NumbersUtil.parseInt(time, _expungeInterval);
 -		if (_expungeDelay < 600) {
 -			_expungeDelay = 600;
 -		}
 -		_executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(wrks,
 -				new NamedThreadFactory("UserVm-Scavenger"));
 -		_itMgr.registerGuru(VirtualMachine.Type.User, this);
 -		VirtualMachine.State.getStateMachine().registerListener(
 -				new UserVmStateListener(_usageEventDao, _networkDao, _nicDao));
 -"User VM Manager is configured.");
 -		return true;
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	public String getName() {
 -		return _name;
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	public boolean start() {
 -		_executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new ExpungeTask(), _expungeInterval,
 -				_expungeInterval, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
 -		return true;
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	public boolean stop() {
 -		_executor.shutdown();
 -		return true;
 -	}
 -	protected UserVmManagerImpl() {
 -	}
 -	public String getRandomPrivateTemplateName() {
 -		return UUID.randomUUID().toString();
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	public Long convertToId(String vmName) {
 -		if (!VirtualMachineName.isValidVmName(vmName, _instance)) {
 -			return null;
 -		}
 -		return VirtualMachineName.getVmId(vmName);
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	public boolean expunge(UserVmVO vm, long callerUserId, Account caller) {
 -		UserContext ctx = UserContext.current();
 -		ctx.setAccountId(vm.getAccountId());
 -		try {
 -			// expunge the vm
 -			if (!_itMgr.advanceExpunge(vm, _accountMgr.getSystemUser(), caller)) {
 -"Did not expunge " + vm);
 -				return false;
 -			}
 -			// Only if vm is not expunged already, cleanup it's resources
 -			if (vm != null && vm.getRemoved() == null) {
 -				// Cleanup vm resources - all the PF/LB/StaticNat rules
 -				// associated with vm
 -				s_logger.debug("Starting cleaning up vm " + vm
 -						+ " resources...");
 -				if (cleanupVmResources(vm.getId())) {
 -					s_logger.debug("Successfully cleaned up vm " + vm
 -							+ " resources as a part of expunge process");
 -				} else {
 -					s_logger.warn("Failed to cleanup resources as a part of vm "
 -							+ vm + " expunge");
 -					return false;
 -				}
 -				_itMgr.remove(vm, _accountMgr.getSystemUser(), caller);
 -			}
 -			return true;
 -		} catch (ResourceUnavailableException e) {
 -			s_logger.warn("Unable to expunge  " + vm, e);
 -			return false;
 -		} catch (OperationTimedoutException e) {
 -			s_logger.warn("Operation time out on expunging " + vm, e);
 -			return false;
 -		} catch (ConcurrentOperationException e) {
 -			s_logger.warn("Concurrent operations on expunging " + vm, e);
 -			return false;
 -		}
 -	}
 -	private boolean cleanupVmResources(long vmId) {
 -		boolean success = true;
 -		// Remove vm from security groups
 -		_securityGroupMgr.removeInstanceFromGroups(vmId);
 -		// Remove vm from instance group
 -		removeInstanceFromInstanceGroup(vmId);
 -		// cleanup firewall rules
 -		if (_firewallMgr.revokeFirewallRulesForVm(vmId)) {
 -			s_logger.debug("Firewall rules are removed successfully as a part of vm id="
 -					+ vmId + " expunge");
 -		} else {
 -			success = false;
 -			s_logger.warn("Fail to remove firewall rules as a part of vm id="
 -					+ vmId + " expunge");
 -		}
 -		// cleanup port forwarding rules
 -		if (_rulesMgr.revokePortForwardingRulesForVm(vmId)) {
 -			s_logger.debug("Port forwarding rules are removed successfully as a part of vm id="
 -					+ vmId + " expunge");
 -		} else {
 -			success = false;
 -			s_logger.warn("Fail to remove port forwarding rules as a part of vm id="
 -					+ vmId + " expunge");
 -		}
 -		// cleanup load balancer rules
 -		if (_lbMgr.removeVmFromLoadBalancers(vmId)) {
 -			s_logger.debug("Removed vm id=" + vmId
 -					+ " from all load balancers as a part of expunge process");
 -		} else {
 -			success = false;
 -			s_logger.warn("Fail to remove vm id=" + vmId
 -					+ " from load balancers as a part of expunge process");
 -		}
 -		// If vm is assigned to static nat, disable static nat for the ip
 -		// address and disassociate ip if elasticIP is enabled
 -		IPAddressVO ip = _ipAddressDao.findByAssociatedVmId(vmId);
 -		try {
 -			if (ip != null) {
 -				if (_rulesMgr.disableStaticNat(ip.getId(),
 -						_accountMgr.getAccount(Account.ACCOUNT_ID_SYSTEM),
 -						User.UID_SYSTEM, true)) {
 -					s_logger.debug("Disabled 1-1 nat for ip address " + ip
 -							+ " as a part of vm id=" + vmId + " expunge");
 -				} else {
 -					s_logger.warn("Failed to disable static nat for ip address "
 -							+ ip + " as a part of vm id=" + vmId + " expunge");
 -					success = false;
 -				}
 -			}
 -		} catch (ResourceUnavailableException e) {
 -			success = false;
 -			s_logger.warn("Failed to disable static nat for ip address " + ip
 -					+ " as a part of vm id=" + vmId
 -					+ " expunge because resource is unavailable", e);
 -		}
 -		return success;
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	public void deletePrivateTemplateRecord(Long templateId) {
 -		if (templateId != null) {
 -			_templateDao.remove(templateId);
 -		}
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_TEMPLATE_CREATE, eventDescription = "creating template", create = true)
 -	public VMTemplateVO createPrivateTemplateRecord(CreateTemplateCmd cmd,
 -			Account templateOwner) throws ResourceAllocationException {
 -		Long userId = UserContext.current().getCallerUserId();
 -		Account caller = UserContext.current().getCaller();
 -		boolean isAdmin = (isAdmin(caller.getType()));
 -		_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, templateOwner);
 -		String name = cmd.getTemplateName();
 -		if ((name == null) || (name.length() > 32)) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"Template name cannot be null and should be less than 32 characters");
 -		}
 -		if (cmd.getTemplateTag() != null) {
 -			if (!_accountService.isRootAdmin(caller.getType())) {
 -				throw new PermissionDeniedException(
 -						"Parameter templatetag can only be specified by a Root Admin, permission denied");
 -			}
 -		}
 -		// do some parameter defaulting
 -		Integer bits = cmd.getBits();
 -		Boolean requiresHvm = cmd.getRequiresHvm();
 -		Boolean passwordEnabled = cmd.isPasswordEnabled();
 -		Boolean isPublic = cmd.isPublic();
 -		Boolean featured = cmd.isFeatured();
 -		int bitsValue = ((bits == null) ? 64 : bits.intValue());
 -		boolean requiresHvmValue = ((requiresHvm == null) ? true : requiresHvm
 -				.booleanValue());
 -		boolean passwordEnabledValue = ((passwordEnabled == null) ? false
 -				: passwordEnabled.booleanValue());
 -		if (isPublic == null) {
 -			isPublic = Boolean.FALSE;
 -		}
 -		boolean allowPublicUserTemplates = Boolean.parseBoolean(_configDao
 -				.getValue("allow.public.user.templates"));
 -		if (!isAdmin && !allowPublicUserTemplates && isPublic) {
 -			throw new PermissionDeniedException("Failed to create template "
 -					+ name + ", only private templates can be created.");
 -		}
 -		Long volumeId = cmd.getVolumeId();
 -		Long snapshotId = cmd.getSnapshotId();
 -		if ((volumeId == null) && (snapshotId == null)) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"Failed to create private template record, neither volume ID nor snapshot ID were specified.");
 -		}
 -		if ((volumeId != null) && (snapshotId != null)) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"Failed to create private template record, please specify only one of volume ID ("
 -							+ volumeId
 -							+ ") and snapshot ID ("
 -							+ snapshotId
 -							+ ")");
 -		}
 -		HypervisorType hyperType;
 -		VolumeVO volume = null;
 -		VMTemplateVO privateTemplate = null;
 -		if (volumeId != null) { // create template from volume
 -			volume = _volsDao.findById(volumeId);
 -			if (volume == null) {
 -				throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -						"Failed to create private template record, unable to find volume "
 -								+ volumeId);
 -			}
 -			// check permissions
 -			_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, volume);
 -			// If private template is created from Volume, check that the volume
 -			// will not be active when the private template is
 -			// created
 -			if (!_storageMgr.volumeInactive(volume)) {
 -				String msg = "Unable to create private template for volume: "
 -						+ volume.getName()
 -						+ "; volume is attached to a non-stopped VM, please stop the VM first";
 -				if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
 -				}
 -				throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);
 -			}
 -			hyperType = _volsDao.getHypervisorType(volumeId);
 -		} else { // create template from snapshot
 -			SnapshotVO snapshot = _snapshotDao.findById(snapshotId);
 -			if (snapshot == null) {
 -				throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -						"Failed to create private template record, unable to find snapshot "
 -								+ snapshotId);
 -			}
 -			volume = _volsDao.findById(snapshot.getVolumeId());
 -			VolumeVO snapshotVolume = _volsDao
 -					.findByIdIncludingRemoved(snapshot.getVolumeId());
 -			// check permissions
 -			_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, snapshot);
 -			if (snapshot.getStatus() != Snapshot.Status.BackedUp) {
 -				throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Snapshot id="
 -						+ snapshotId + " is not in " + Snapshot.Status.BackedUp
 -						+ " state yet and can't be used for template creation");
 -			}
 -			/*
 -			 * // bug #11428. Operation not supported if vmware and snapshots
 -			 * parent volume = ROOT if(snapshot.getHypervisorType() ==
 -			 * HypervisorType.VMware && snapshotVolume.getVolumeType() ==
 -			 * Type.DATADISK){ throw new UnsupportedServiceException(
 -			 * "operation not supported, snapshot with id " + snapshotId +
 -			 * " is created from Data Disk"); }
 -			 */
 -			hyperType = snapshot.getHypervisorType();
 -		}
 -		_resourceLimitMgr.checkResourceLimit(templateOwner,
 -				ResourceType.template);
 -		if (!isAdmin || featured == null) {
 -			featured = Boolean.FALSE;
 -		}
 -		Long guestOSId = cmd.getOsTypeId();
 -		GuestOSVO guestOS = _guestOSDao.findById(guestOSId);
 -		if (guestOS == null) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException("GuestOS with ID: "
 -					+ guestOSId + " does not exist.");
 -		}
 -		String uniqueName = Long.valueOf((userId == null) ? 1 : userId)
 -				.toString()
 -				+ UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(name.getBytes()).toString();
 -		Long nextTemplateId = _templateDao.getNextInSequence(Long.class, "id");
 -		String description = cmd.getDisplayText();
 -		boolean isExtractable = false;
 -		Long sourceTemplateId = null;
 -		if (volume != null) {
 -			VMTemplateVO template = ApiDBUtils.findTemplateById(volume
 -					.getTemplateId());
 -			isExtractable = template != null
 -					&& template.isExtractable()
 -					&& template.getTemplateType() != Storage.TemplateType.SYSTEM;
 -			if (template != null) {
 -				sourceTemplateId = template.getId();
 -			} else if (volume.getVolumeType() == Type.ROOT) { // vm created out
 -																// of blank
 -																// template
 -				UserVm userVm = ApiDBUtils.findUserVmById(volume
 -						.getInstanceId());
 -				sourceTemplateId = userVm.getIsoId();
 -			}
 -		}
 -		String templateTag = cmd.getTemplateTag();
 -		if (templateTag != null) {
 -			if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
 -				s_logger.debug("Adding template tag: " + templateTag);
 -			}
 -		}
 -		privateTemplate = new VMTemplateVO(nextTemplateId, uniqueName, name,
 -				ImageFormat.RAW, isPublic, featured, isExtractable,
 -				TemplateType.USER, null, null, requiresHvmValue, bitsValue,
 -				templateOwner.getId(), null, description, passwordEnabledValue,
 -				guestOS.getId(), true, hyperType, templateTag, cmd.getDetails());
 -		if (sourceTemplateId != null) {
 -			if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
 -				s_logger.debug("This template is getting created from other template, setting source template Id to: "
 -						+ sourceTemplateId);
 -			}
 -		}
 -		privateTemplate.setSourceTemplateId(sourceTemplateId);
 -		VMTemplateVO template = _templateDao.persist(privateTemplate);
 -		// Increment the number of templates
 -		if (template != null) {
 -			if (cmd.getDetails() != null) {
 -				_templateDetailsDao.persist(template.getId(), cmd.getDetails());
 -			}
 -			_resourceLimitMgr.incrementResourceCount(templateOwner.getId(),
 -					ResourceType.template);
 -		}
 -		if (template != null) {
 -			return template;
 -		} else {
 -			throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to create a template");
 -		}
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	@DB
 -	@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_TEMPLATE_CREATE, eventDescription = "creating template", async = true)
 -	public VMTemplateVO createPrivateTemplate(CreateTemplateCmd command)
 -			throws CloudRuntimeException {
 -		Long userId = UserContext.current().getCallerUserId();
 -		if (userId == null) {
 -			userId = User.UID_SYSTEM;
 -		}
 -		long templateId = command.getEntityId();
 -		Long volumeId = command.getVolumeId();
 -		Long snapshotId = command.getSnapshotId();
 -		SnapshotCommand cmd = null;
 -		VMTemplateVO privateTemplate = null;
 -		String uniqueName = getRandomPrivateTemplateName();
 -		StoragePoolVO pool = null;
 -		HostVO secondaryStorageHost = null;
 -		Long zoneId = null;
 -		Long accountId = null;
 -		SnapshotVO snapshot = null;
 -		String secondaryStorageURL = null;
 -		try {
 -			if (snapshotId != null) { // create template from snapshot
 -				snapshot = _snapshotDao.findById(snapshotId);
 -				if (snapshot == null) {
 -					throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -							"Unable to find Snapshot for Id " + snapshotId);
 -				}
 -				zoneId = snapshot.getDataCenterId();
 -				secondaryStorageHost = _snapshotMgr
 -						.getSecondaryStorageHost(snapshot);
 -				secondaryStorageURL = _snapshotMgr
 -						.getSecondaryStorageURL(snapshot);
 -				String name = command.getTemplateName();
 -				String backupSnapshotUUID = snapshot.getBackupSnapshotId();
 -				if (backupSnapshotUUID == null) {
 -					throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -							"Unable to create private template from snapshot "
 -									+ snapshotId
 -									+ " due to there is no backupSnapshotUUID for this snapshot");
 -				}
 -				Long dcId = snapshot.getDataCenterId();
 -				accountId = snapshot.getAccountId();
 -				volumeId = snapshot.getVolumeId();
 -				String origTemplateInstallPath = null;
 -				List<StoragePoolVO> pools = _storageMgr
 -						.ListByDataCenterHypervisor(zoneId,
 -								snapshot.getHypervisorType());
 -				if (pools == null || pools.size() == 0) {
 -					throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -							"Unable to find storage pools in zone " + zoneId);
 -				}
 -				pool = pools.get(0);
 -				if (snapshot.getVersion() != null
 -						&& snapshot.getVersion().equalsIgnoreCase("2.1")) {
 -					VolumeVO volume = _volsDao
 -							.findByIdIncludingRemoved(volumeId);
 -					if (volume == null) {
 -						throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -								"failed to upgrade snapshot "
 -										+ snapshotId
 -										+ " due to unable to find orignal volume:"
 -										+ volumeId + ", try it later ");
 -					}
 -					if (volume.getTemplateId() == null) {
 -						_snapshotDao.updateSnapshotVersion(volumeId, "2.1",
 -								"2.2");
 -					} else {
 -						VMTemplateVO template = _templateDao
 -								.findByIdIncludingRemoved(volume
 -										.getTemplateId());
 -						if (template == null) {
 -							throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -									"failed to upgrade snapshot "
 -											+ snapshotId
 -											+ " due to unalbe to find orignal template :"
 -											+ volume.getTemplateId()
 -											+ ", try it later ");
 -						}
 -						Long origTemplateId = template.getId();
 -						Long origTmpltAccountId = template.getAccountId();
 -						if (!_volsDao.lockInLockTable(volumeId.toString(), 10)) {
 -							throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -									"failed to upgrade snapshot " + snapshotId
 -											+ " due to volume:" + volumeId
 -											+ " is being used, try it later ");
 -						}
 -						cmd = new UpgradeSnapshotCommand(null,
 -								secondaryStorageURL, dcId, accountId, volumeId,
 -								origTemplateId, origTmpltAccountId, null,
 -								snapshot.getBackupSnapshotId(),
 -								snapshot.getName(), "2.1");
 -						if (!_volsDao.lockInLockTable(volumeId.toString(), 10)) {
 -							throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -									"Creating template failed due to volume:"
 -											+ volumeId
 -											+ " is being used, try it later ");
 -						}
 -						Answer answer = null;
 -						try {
 -							answer = _storageMgr.sendToPool(pool, cmd);
 -							cmd = null;
 -						} catch (StorageUnavailableException e) {
 -						} finally {
 -							_volsDao.unlockFromLockTable(volumeId.toString());
 -						}
 -						if ((answer != null) && answer.getResult()) {
 -							_snapshotDao.updateSnapshotVersion(volumeId, "2.1",
 -									"2.2");
 -						} else {
 -							throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -									"Unable to upgrade snapshot");
 -						}
 -					}
 -				}
 -				if (snapshot.getSwiftId() != null && snapshot.getSwiftId() != 0) {
 -					_snapshotMgr.downloadSnapshotsFromSwift(snapshot);
 -				}
 -				cmd = new CreatePrivateTemplateFromSnapshotCommand(
 -						pool.getUuid(), secondaryStorageURL, dcId, accountId,
 -						snapshot.getVolumeId(), backupSnapshotUUID,
 -						snapshot.getName(), origTemplateInstallPath,
 -						templateId, name,
 -						_createprivatetemplatefromsnapshotwait);
 -			} else if (volumeId != null) {
 -				VolumeVO volume = _volsDao.findById(volumeId);
 -				if (volume == null) {
 -					throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -							"Unable to find volume for Id " + volumeId);
 -				}
 -				accountId = volume.getAccountId();
 -				if (volume.getPoolId() == null) {
 -					_templateDao.remove(templateId);
 -					throw new CloudRuntimeException("Volume " + volumeId
 -							+ " is empty, can't create template on it");
 -				}
 -				String vmName = _storageMgr.getVmNameOnVolume(volume);
 -				zoneId = volume.getDataCenterId();
 -				secondaryStorageHost = _storageMgr
 -						.getSecondaryStorageHost(zoneId);
 -				if (secondaryStorageHost == null) {
 -					throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -							"Can not find the secondary storage for zoneId "
 -									+ zoneId);
 -				}
 -				secondaryStorageURL = secondaryStorageHost.getStorageUrl();
 -				pool = _storagePoolDao.findById(volume.getPoolId());
 -				cmd = new CreatePrivateTemplateFromVolumeCommand(
 -						pool.getUuid(), secondaryStorageURL, templateId,
 -						accountId, command.getTemplateName(), uniqueName,
 -						volume.getPath(), vmName,
 -						_createprivatetemplatefromvolumewait);
 -			} else {
 -				throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -						"Creating private Template need to specify snapshotId or volumeId");
 -			}
 -			// FIXME: before sending the command, check if there's enough
 -			// capacity
 -			// on the storage server to create the template
 -			// This can be sent to a KVM host too.
 -			CreatePrivateTemplateAnswer answer = null;
 -			if (snapshotId != null) {
 -				if (!_snapshotDao.lockInLockTable(snapshotId.toString(), 10)) {
 -					throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -							"Creating template from snapshot failed due to snapshot:"
 -									+ snapshotId
 -									+ " is being used, try it later ");
 -				}
 -			} else {
 -				if (!_volsDao.lockInLockTable(volumeId.toString(), 10)) {
 -					throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -							"Creating template from volume failed due to volume:"
 -									+ volumeId
 -									+ " is being used, try it later ");
 -				}
 -			}
 -			try {
 -				answer = (CreatePrivateTemplateAnswer) _storageMgr.sendToPool(
 -						pool, cmd);
 -			} catch (StorageUnavailableException e) {
 -			} finally {
 -				if (snapshotId != null) {
 -					_snapshotDao.unlockFromLockTable(snapshotId.toString());
 -				} else {
 -					_volsDao.unlockFromLockTable(volumeId.toString());
 -				}
 -			}
 -			if ((answer != null) && answer.getResult()) {
 -				privateTemplate = _templateDao.findById(templateId);
 -				String answerUniqueName = answer.getUniqueName();
 -				if (answerUniqueName != null) {
 -					privateTemplate.setUniqueName(answerUniqueName);
 -				} else {
 -					privateTemplate.setUniqueName(uniqueName);
 -				}
 -				ImageFormat format = answer.getImageFormat();
 -				if (format != null) {
 -					privateTemplate.setFormat(format);
 -				} else {
 -					// This never occurs.
 -					// Specify RAW format makes it unusable for snapshots.
 -					privateTemplate.setFormat(ImageFormat.RAW);
 -				}
 -				String checkSum = getChecksum(secondaryStorageHost.getId(),
 -						answer.getPath());
 -				Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn();
 -				txn.start();
 -				privateTemplate.setChecksum(checkSum);
 -				_templateDao.update(templateId, privateTemplate);
 -				// add template zone ref for this template
 -				_templateDao.addTemplateToZone(privateTemplate, zoneId);
 -				VMTemplateHostVO templateHostVO = new VMTemplateHostVO(
 -						secondaryStorageHost.getId(), templateId);
 -				templateHostVO.setDownloadPercent(100);
 -				templateHostVO.setDownloadState(Status.DOWNLOADED);
 -				templateHostVO.setInstallPath(answer.getPath());
 -				templateHostVO.setLastUpdated(new Date());
 -				templateHostVO.setSize(answer.getVirtualSize());
 -				templateHostVO.setPhysicalSize(answer.getphysicalSize());
 -				_templateHostDao.persist(templateHostVO);
 -				UsageEventVO usageEvent = new UsageEventVO(
 -						privateTemplate.getAccountId(),
 -						secondaryStorageHost.getDataCenterId(),
 -						privateTemplate.getId(), privateTemplate.getName(),
 -						null, privateTemplate.getSourceTemplateId(),
 -						templateHostVO.getSize());
 -				_usageEventDao.persist(usageEvent);
 -				txn.commit();
 -			}
 -		} finally {
 -			if (snapshot != null && snapshot.getSwiftId() != null
 -					&& secondaryStorageURL != null && zoneId != null
 -					&& accountId != null && volumeId != null) {
 -				_snapshotMgr.deleteSnapshotsForVolume(secondaryStorageURL,
 -						zoneId, accountId, volumeId);
 -			}
 -			if (privateTemplate == null) {
 -				Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn();
 -				txn.start();
 -				// Remove the template record
 -				_templateDao.expunge(templateId);
 -				// decrement resource count
 -				if (accountId != null) {
 -					_resourceLimitMgr.decrementResourceCount(accountId,
 -							ResourceType.template);
 -				}
 -				txn.commit();
 -			}
 -		}
 -		if (privateTemplate != null) {
 -			return privateTemplate;
 -		} else {
 -			throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to create a template");
 -		}
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	public String getChecksum(Long hostId, String templatePath) {
 -		HostVO ssHost = _hostDao.findById(hostId);
 -		Host.Type type = ssHost.getType();
 -		if (type != Host.Type.SecondaryStorage
 -				&& type != Host.Type.LocalSecondaryStorage) {
 -			return null;
 -		}
 -		String secUrl = ssHost.getStorageUrl();
 -		Answer answer;
 -		answer = _agentMgr.sendToSecStorage(ssHost, new ComputeChecksumCommand(
 -				secUrl, templatePath));
 -		if (answer != null && answer.getResult()) {
 -			return answer.getDetails();
 -		}
 -		return null;
 -	}
 -	// used for vm transitioning to error state
 -	private void updateVmStateForFailedVmCreation(Long vmId) {
 -		UserVmVO vm = _vmDao.findById(vmId);
 -		if (vm != null) {
 -			if (vm.getState().equals(State.Stopped)) {
 -				s_logger.debug("Destroying vm " + vm
 -						+ " as it failed to create");
 -				try {
 -					_itMgr.stateTransitTo(vm,
 -							VirtualMachine.Event.OperationFailedToError, null);
 -				} catch (NoTransitionException e1) {
 -					s_logger.warn(e1.getMessage());
 -				}
 -				// destroy associated volumes for vm in error state
 -				// get all volumes in non destroyed state
 -				List<VolumeVO> volumesForThisVm = _volsDao
 -						.findUsableVolumesForInstance(vm.getId());
 -				for (VolumeVO volume : volumesForThisVm) {
 -					try {
 -						if (volume.getState() != Volume.State.Destroy) {
 -							_storageMgr.destroyVolume(volume);
 -						}
 -					} catch (ConcurrentOperationException e) {
 -						s_logger.warn("Unable to delete volume:"
 -								+ volume.getId() + " for vm:" + vmId
 -								+ " whilst transitioning to error state");
 -					}
 -				}
 -				String msg = "Failed to deploy Vm with Id: " + vmId;
 -				_alertMgr.sendAlert(AlertManager.ALERT_TYPE_USERVM,
 -						vm.getDataCenterIdToDeployIn(),
 -						vm.getPodIdToDeployIn(), msg, msg);
 -				_resourceLimitMgr.decrementResourceCount(vm.getAccountId(),
 -						ResourceType.user_vm);
 -			}
 -		}
 -	}
 -	protected class ExpungeTask implements Runnable {
 -		public ExpungeTask() {
 -		}
 -		@Override
 -		public void run() {
 -			GlobalLock scanLock = GlobalLock.getInternLock("UserVMExpunge");
 -			try {
 -					try {
 -						List<UserVmVO> vms = _vmDao.findDestroyedVms(new Date(
 -								System.currentTimeMillis()
 -										- ((long) _expungeDelay << 10)));
 -						if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
 -							if (vms.size() == 0) {
 -								s_logger.trace("Found " + vms.size()
 -										+ " vms to expunge.");
 -							} else {
 -"Found " + vms.size()
 -										+ " vms to expunge.");
 -							}
 -						}
 -						for (UserVmVO vm : vms) {
 -							try {
 -								expunge(vm,
 -										_accountMgr.getSystemUser().getId(),
 -										_accountMgr.getSystemAccount());
 -							} catch (Exception e) {
 -								s_logger.warn("Unable to expunge " + vm, e);
 -							}
 -						}
 -					} catch (Exception e) {
 -						s_logger.error("Caught the following Exception", e);
 -					} finally {
 -						scanLock.unlock();
 -					}
 -				}
 -			} finally {
 -				scanLock.releaseRef();
 -			}
 -		}
 -	}
 -	private static boolean isAdmin(short accountType) {
 -		return ((accountType == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_ADMIN)
 -				|| (accountType == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_RESOURCE_DOMAIN_ADMIN)
 -				|| (accountType == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_DOMAIN_ADMIN) || (accountType == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_READ_ONLY_ADMIN));
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_VM_UPDATE, eventDescription = "updating Vm")
 -	public UserVm updateVirtualMachine(UpdateVMCmd cmd) {
 -		String displayName = cmd.getDisplayName();
 -		String group = cmd.getGroup();
 -		Boolean ha = cmd.getHaEnable();
 -		Long id = cmd.getId();
 -		Long osTypeId = cmd.getOsTypeId();
 -		String userData = cmd.getUserData();
 -		// Input validation
 -		UserVmVO vmInstance = null;
 -		// Verify input parameters
 -		vmInstance = _vmDao.findById(id.longValue());
 -		if (vmInstance == null) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"unable to find virtual machine with id " + id);
 -		}
 -		ServiceOffering offering = _serviceOfferingDao.findById(vmInstance
 -				.getServiceOfferingId());
 -		if (!offering.getOfferHA() && ha != null && ha) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"Can't enable ha for the vm as it's created from the Service offering having HA disabled");
 -		}
 -		_accountMgr.checkAccess(UserContext.current().getCaller(), null, true,
 -				vmInstance);
 -		if (displayName == null) {
 -			displayName = vmInstance.getDisplayName();
 -		}
 -		if (ha == null) {
 -			ha = vmInstance.isHaEnabled();
 -		}
 -		UserVmVO vm = _vmDao.findById(id);
 -		if (vm == null) {
 -			throw new CloudRuntimeException(
 -					"Unable to find virual machine with id " + id);
 -		}
 -		if (vm.getState() == State.Error || vm.getState() == State.Expunging) {
 -			s_logger.error("vm is not in the right state: " + id);
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Vm with id " + id
 -					+ " is not in the right state");
 -		}
 -		if (userData != null) {
 -			validateUserData(userData);
 -			// update userData on domain router.
 -		} else {
 -			userData = vmInstance.getUserData();
 -		}
 -		String description = "";
 -		if (displayName != vmInstance.getDisplayName()) {
 -			description += "New display name: " + displayName + ". ";
 -		}
 -		if (ha != vmInstance.isHaEnabled()) {
 -			if (ha) {
 -				description += "Enabled HA. ";
 -			} else {
 -				description += "Disabled HA. ";
 -			}
 -		}
 -		if (osTypeId == null) {
 -			osTypeId = vmInstance.getGuestOSId();
 -		} else {
 -			description += "Changed Guest OS Type to " + osTypeId + ". ";
 -		}
 -		if (group != null) {
 -			if (addInstanceToGroup(id, group)) {
 -				description += "Added to group: " + group + ".";
 -			}
 -		}
 -		_vmDao.updateVM(id, displayName, ha, osTypeId, userData);
 -		return _vmDao.findById(id);
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_VM_START, eventDescription = "starting Vm", async = true)
 -	public UserVm startVirtualMachine(StartVMCmd cmd)
 -			throws ExecutionException, ConcurrentOperationException,
 -			ResourceUnavailableException, InsufficientCapacityException {
 -		return startVirtualMachine(cmd.getId(), cmd.getHostId(), null).first();
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_VM_REBOOT, eventDescription = "rebooting Vm", async = true)
 -	public UserVm rebootVirtualMachine(RebootVMCmd cmd)
 -			throws InsufficientCapacityException, ResourceUnavailableException {
 -		Account caller = UserContext.current().getCaller();
 -		Long vmId = cmd.getId();
 -		// Verify input parameters
 -		UserVmVO vmInstance = _vmDao.findById(vmId.longValue());
 -		if (vmInstance == null) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"unable to find a virtual machine with id " + vmId);
 -		}
 -		_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, vmInstance);
 -		return rebootVirtualMachine(UserContext.current().getCallerUserId(),
 -				vmId);
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_VM_DESTROY, eventDescription = "destroying Vm", async = true)
 -	public UserVm destroyVm(DestroyVMCmd cmd)
 -			throws ResourceUnavailableException, ConcurrentOperationException {
 -		return destroyVm(cmd.getId());
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	@DB
 -	public InstanceGroupVO createVmGroup(CreateVMGroupCmd cmd) {
 -		Account caller = UserContext.current().getCaller();
 -		Long domainId = cmd.getDomainId();
 -		String accountName = cmd.getAccountName();
 -		String groupName = cmd.getGroupName();
 -		Long projectId = cmd.getProjectId();
 -		Account owner = _accountMgr.finalizeOwner(caller, accountName,
 -				domainId, projectId);
 -		long accountId = owner.getId();
 -		// Check if name is already in use by this account
 -		boolean isNameInUse = _vmGroupDao.isNameInUse(accountId, groupName);
 -		if (isNameInUse) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"Unable to create vm group, a group with name " + groupName
 -							+ " already exisits for account " + accountId);
 -		}
 -		return createVmGroup(groupName, accountId);
 -	}
 -	@DB
 -	protected InstanceGroupVO createVmGroup(String groupName, long accountId) {
 -		Account account = null;
 -		final Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn();
 -		txn.start();
 -		try {
 -			account = _accountDao.acquireInLockTable(accountId); // to ensure
 -																	// duplicate
 -																	// vm group
 -																	// names are
 -																	// not
 -																	// created.
 -			if (account == null) {
 -				s_logger.warn("Failed to acquire lock on account");
 -				return null;
 -			}
 -			InstanceGroupVO group = _vmGroupDao.findByAccountAndName(accountId,
 -					groupName);
 -			if (group == null) {
 -				group = new InstanceGroupVO(groupName, accountId);
 -				group = _vmGroupDao.persist(group);
 -			}
 -			return group;
 -		} finally {
 -			if (account != null) {
 -				_accountDao.releaseFromLockTable(accountId);
 -			}
 -			txn.commit();
 -		}
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	public boolean deleteVmGroup(DeleteVMGroupCmd cmd) {
 -		Account caller = UserContext.current().getCaller();
 -		Long groupId = cmd.getId();
 -		// Verify input parameters
 -		InstanceGroupVO group = _vmGroupDao.findById(groupId);
 -		if ((group == null) || (group.getRemoved() != null)) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"unable to find a vm group with id " + groupId);
 -		}
 -		_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, group);
 -		return deleteVmGroup(groupId);
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	public boolean deleteVmGroup(long groupId) {
 -		// delete all the mappings from group_vm_map table
 -		List<InstanceGroupVMMapVO> groupVmMaps = _groupVMMapDao
 -				.listByGroupId(groupId);
 -		for (InstanceGroupVMMapVO groupMap : groupVmMaps) {
 -			SearchCriteria<InstanceGroupVMMapVO> sc = _groupVMMapDao
 -					.createSearchCriteria();
 -			sc.addAnd("instanceId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ,
 -					groupMap.getInstanceId());
 -			_groupVMMapDao.expunge(sc);
 -		}
 -		if (_vmGroupDao.remove(groupId)) {
 -			return true;
 -		} else {
 -			return false;
 -		}
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	@DB
 -	public boolean addInstanceToGroup(long userVmId, String groupName) {
 -		UserVmVO vm = _vmDao.findById(userVmId);
 -		InstanceGroupVO group = _vmGroupDao.findByAccountAndName(
 -				vm.getAccountId(), groupName);
 -		// Create vm group if the group doesn't exist for this account
 -		if (group == null) {
 -			group = createVmGroup(groupName, vm.getAccountId());
 -		}
 -		if (group != null) {
 -			final Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn();
 -			txn.start();
 -			UserVm userVm = _vmDao.acquireInLockTable(userVmId);
 -			if (userVm == null) {
 -				s_logger.warn("Failed to acquire lock on user vm id="
 -						+ userVmId);
 -			}
 -			try {
 -				// don't let the group be deleted when we are assigning vm to
 -				// it.
 -				InstanceGroupVO ngrpLock = _vmGroupDao.lockRow(group.getId(),
 -						false);
 -				if (ngrpLock == null) {
 -					s_logger.warn("Failed to acquire lock on vm group id="
 -							+ group.getId() + " name=" + group.getName());
 -					txn.rollback();
 -					return false;
 -				}
 -				// Currently don't allow to assign a vm to more than one group
 -				if (_groupVMMapDao.listByInstanceId(userVmId) != null) {
 -					// Delete all mappings from group_vm_map table
 -					List<InstanceGroupVMMapVO> groupVmMaps = _groupVMMapDao
 -							.listByInstanceId(userVmId);
 -					for (InstanceGroupVMMapVO groupMap : groupVmMaps) {
 -						SearchCriteria<InstanceGroupVMMapVO> sc = _groupVMMapDao
 -								.createSearchCriteria();
 -						sc.addAnd("instanceId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ,
 -								groupMap.getInstanceId());
 -						_groupVMMapDao.expunge(sc);
 -					}
 -				}
 -				InstanceGroupVMMapVO groupVmMapVO = new InstanceGroupVMMapVO(
 -						group.getId(), userVmId);
 -				_groupVMMapDao.persist(groupVmMapVO);
 -				txn.commit();
 -				return true;
 -			} finally {
 -				if (userVm != null) {
 -					_vmDao.releaseFromLockTable(userVmId);
 -				}
 -			}
 -		}
 -		return false;
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	public InstanceGroupVO getGroupForVm(long vmId) {
 -		// TODO - in future releases vm can be assigned to multiple groups; but
 -		// currently return just one group per vm
 -		try {
 -			List<InstanceGroupVMMapVO> groupsToVmMap = _groupVMMapDao
 -					.listByInstanceId(vmId);
 -			if (groupsToVmMap != null && groupsToVmMap.size() != 0) {
 -				InstanceGroupVO group = _vmGroupDao.findById(groupsToVmMap.get(
 -						0).getGroupId());
 -				return group;
 -			} else {
 -				return null;
 -			}
 -		} catch (Exception e) {
 -			s_logger.warn("Error trying to get group for a vm: ", e);
 -			return null;
 -		}
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	public void removeInstanceFromInstanceGroup(long vmId) {
 -		try {
 -			List<InstanceGroupVMMapVO> groupVmMaps = _groupVMMapDao
 -					.listByInstanceId(vmId);
 -			for (InstanceGroupVMMapVO groupMap : groupVmMaps) {
 -				SearchCriteria<InstanceGroupVMMapVO> sc = _groupVMMapDao
 -						.createSearchCriteria();
 -				sc.addAnd("instanceId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ,
 -						groupMap.getInstanceId());
 -				_groupVMMapDao.expunge(sc);
 -			}
 -		} catch (Exception e) {
 -			s_logger.warn("Error trying to remove vm from group: ", e);
 -		}
 -	}
 -	protected boolean validPassword(String password) {
 -		if (password == null || password.length() == 0) {
 -			return false;
 -		}
 -		for (int i = 0; i < password.length(); i++) {
 -			if (password.charAt(i) == ' ') {
 -				return false;
 -			}
 -		}
 -		return true;
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	public UserVm createBasicSecurityGroupVirtualMachine(DataCenter zone,
 -			ServiceOffering serviceOffering, VirtualMachineTemplate template,
 -			List<Long> securityGroupIdList, Account owner, String hostName,
 -			String displayName, Long diskOfferingId, Long diskSize,
 -			String group, HypervisorType hypervisor, String userData,
 -			String sshKeyPair, Map<Long, String> requestedIps,
 -			String defaultIp, String keyboard)
 -			throws InsufficientCapacityException, ConcurrentOperationException,
 -			ResourceUnavailableException, StorageUnavailableException,
 -			ResourceAllocationException {
 -		Account caller = UserContext.current().getCaller();
 -		List<NetworkVO> networkList = new ArrayList<NetworkVO>();
 -		// Verify that caller can perform actions in behalf of vm owner
 -		_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, owner);
 -		// Get default guest network in Basic zone
 -		Network defaultNetwork = _networkMgr.getExclusiveGuestNetwork(zone
 -				.getId());
 -		if (defaultNetwork == null) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"Unable to find a default network to start a vm");
 -		} else {
 -			networkList.add(_networkDao.findById(defaultNetwork.getId()));
 -		}
 -		boolean isVmWare = (template.getHypervisorType() == HypervisorType.VMware || (hypervisor != null && hypervisor == HypervisorType.VMware));
 -		if (securityGroupIdList != null && isVmWare) {
 -			throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -					"Security group feature is not supported for vmWare hypervisor");
 -		} else if (!isVmWare
 -				&& _networkMgr
 -						.isSecurityGroupSupportedInNetwork(defaultNetwork)
 -				&& _networkMgr.canAddDefaultSecurityGroup()) {
 -			// add the default securityGroup only if no security group is
 -			// specified
 -			if (securityGroupIdList == null || securityGroupIdList.isEmpty()) {
 -				if (securityGroupIdList == null) {
 -					securityGroupIdList = new ArrayList<Long>();
 -				}
 -				SecurityGroup defaultGroup = _securityGroupMgr
 -						.getDefaultSecurityGroup(owner.getId());
 -				if (defaultGroup != null) {
 -					securityGroupIdList.add(defaultGroup.getId());
 -				} else {
 -					// create default security group for the account
 -					if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
 -						s_logger.debug("Couldn't find default security group for the account "
 -								+ owner + " so creating a new one");
 -					}
 -					defaultGroup = _securityGroupMgr.createSecurityGroup(
 -							SecurityGroupManager.DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME,
 -							SecurityGroupManager.DEFAULT_GROUP_DESCRIPTION,
 -							owner.getDomainId(), owner.getId(),
 -							owner.getAccountName());
 -					securityGroupIdList.add(defaultGroup.getId());
 -				}
 -			}
 -		}
 -		return createVirtualMachine(zone, serviceOffering, template, hostName,
 -				displayName, owner, diskOfferingId, diskSize, networkList,
 -				securityGroupIdList, group, userData, sshKeyPair, hypervisor,
 -				caller, requestedIps, defaultIp, keyboard);
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	public UserVm createAdvancedSecurityGroupVirtualMachine(DataCenter zone,
 -			ServiceOffering serviceOffering, VirtualMachineTemplate template,
 -			List<Long> networkIdList, List<Long> securityGroupIdList,
 -			Account owner, String hostName, String displayName,
 -			Long diskOfferingId, Long diskSize, String group,
 -			HypervisorType hypervisor, String userData, String sshKeyPair,
 -			Map<Long, String> requestedIps, String defaultIp, String keyboard)
 -			throws InsufficientCapacityException, ConcurrentOperationException,
 -			ResourceUnavailableException, StorageUnavailableException,
 -			ResourceAllocationException {
 -		Account caller = UserContext.current().getCaller();
 -		List<NetworkVO> networkList = new ArrayList<NetworkVO>();
 -		boolean isSecurityGroupEnabledNetworkUsed = false;
 -		boolean isVmWare = (template.getHypervisorType() == HypervisorType.VMware || (hypervisor != null && hypervisor == HypervisorType.VMware));
 -		// Verify that caller can perform actions in behalf of vm owner
 -		_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, owner);
 -		// If no network is specified, find system security group enabled
 -		// network
 -		if (networkIdList == null || networkIdList.isEmpty()) {
 -			NetworkVO networkWithSecurityGroup = _networkMgr
 -					.getNetworkWithSecurityGroupEnabled(zone.getId());
 -			if (networkWithSecurityGroup == null) {
 -				throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -						"No network with security enabled is found in zone id="
 -								+ zone.getId());
 -			}
 -			networkList.add(networkWithSecurityGroup);
 -			isSecurityGroupEnabledNetworkUsed = true;
 -		} else if (securityGroupIdList != null
 -				&& !securityGroupIdList.isEmpty()) {
 -			if (isVmWare) {
 -				throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -						"Security group feature is not supported for vmWare hypervisor");
 -			}
 -			// Only one network can be specified, and it should be security
 -			// group enabled
 -			if (networkIdList.size() > 1) {
 -				throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -						"Only support one network per VM if security group enabled");
 -			}
 -			NetworkVO network = _networkDao.findById(networkIdList.get(0)
 -					.longValue());
 -			if (network == null) {
 -				throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -						"Unable to find network by id "
 -								+ networkIdList.get(0).longValue());
 -			}
 -			if (!_networkMgr.isSecurityGroupSupportedInNetwork(network)) {
 -				throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -						"Network is not security group enabled: "
 -								+ network.getId());
 -			}
 -			networkList.add(network);
 -			isSecurityGroupEnabledNetworkUsed = true;
 -		} else {
 -			// Verify that all the networks are Direct/Guest/AccountSpecific;
 -			// can't create combination of SG enabled network and
 -			// regular networks
 -			for (Long networkId : networkIdList) {
 -				NetworkVO network = _networkDao.findById(networkId);
 -				if (network == null) {
 -					throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -							"Unable to find network by id "
 -									+ networkIdList.get(0).longValue());
 -				}
 -				boolean isSecurityGroupEnabled = _networkMgr
 -						.isSecurityGroupSupportedInNetwork(network);
 -				if (isSecurityGroupEnabled && networkIdList.size() > 1) {
 -					throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -							"Can't create a vm with multiple networks one of which is Security Group enabled");
 -				}
 -				if (network.getTrafficType() != TrafficType.Guest
 -						|| network.getGuestType() != Network.GuestType.Shared
 -						|| (network.getGuestType() == Network.GuestType.Shared && !isSecurityGroupEnabled)) {
 -					throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -							"Can specify only Direct Guest Account specific networks when deploy vm in Security Group enabled zone");
 -				}
 -				// Perform account permission check
 -				if (network.getGuestType() != Network.GuestType.Shared) {
 -					// Check account permissions
 -					List<NetworkVO> networkMap = _networkDao.listBy(
 -							owner.getId(), network.getId());
 -					if (networkMap == null || networkMap.isEmpty()) {
 -						throw new PermissionDeniedException(
 -								"Unable to create a vm using network with id "
 -										+ network.getId()
 -										+ ", permission denied");
 -					}
 -				}
 -				networkList.add(network);
 -			}
 -		}
 -		// if network is security group enabled, and no security group is
 -		// specified, then add the default security group automatically
 -		if (isSecurityGroupEnabledNetworkUsed && !isVmWare
 -				&& _networkMgr.canAddDefaultSecurityGroup()) {
 -			// add the default securityGroup only if no security group is
 -			// specified
 -			if (securityGroupIdList == null || securityGroupIdList.isEmpty()) {
 -				if (securityGroupIdList == null) {
 -					securityGroupIdList = new ArrayList<Long>();
 -				}
 -				SecurityGroup defaultGroup = _securityGroupMgr
 -						.getDefaultSecurityGroup(owner.getId());
 -				if (defaultGroup != null) {
 -					securityGroupIdList.add(defaultGroup.getId());
 -				} else {
 -					// create default security group for the account
 -					if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
 -						s_logger.debug("Couldn't find default security group for the account "
 -								+ owner + " so creating a new one");
 -					}
 -					defaultGroup = _securityGroupMgr.createSecurityGroup(
 -							SecurityGroupManager.DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME,
 -							SecurityGroupManager.DEFAULT_GROUP_DESCRIPTION,
 -							owner.getDomainId(), owner.getId(),
 -							owner.getAccountName());
 -					securityGroupIdList.add(defaultGroup.getId());
 -				}
 -			}
 -		}
 -		return createVirtualMachine(zone, serviceOffering, template, hostName,
 -				displayName, owner, diskOfferingId, diskSize, networkList,
 -				securityGroupIdList, group, userData, sshKeyPair, hypervisor,
 -				caller, requestedIps, defaultIp, keyboard);
 -	}
 -	@Override
 -	public UserVm createAdvancedVirtualMachine(DataCenter zone,
 -			ServiceOffering serviceOffering, VirtualMachineTemplate template,
 -			List<Long> networkIdList, Account owner, String hostName,
 -			String displayName, Long diskOfferingId, Long diskSize,
 -			String group, HypervisorType hypervisor, String userData,
 -			String sshKeyPair, Map<Long, String> requestedIps,
 -			String defaultIp, String keyboard)
 -			throws InsufficientCapacityException, ConcurrentOperationException,
 -			ResourceUnavailableException, StorageUnavailableException,
 -			ResourceAllocationException {
 -		Account caller = UserContext.current().getCaller();
 -		List<NetworkVO> networkList = new ArrayList<NetworkVO>();
 -		// Verify that caller can perform actions in behalf of vm owner
 -		_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, owner);
 -		List<HypervisorType> vpcSupportedHTypes = _vpcMgr
 -				.getSupportedVpcHypervisors();
 -		if (networkIdList == null || networkIdList.isEmpty()) {
 -			NetworkVO defaultNetwork = null;
 -			// if no network is passed in
 -			// Check if default virtual network offering has
 -			// Availability=Required. If it's true, search for corresponding
 -			// network
 -			// * if network is found, use it. If more than 1 virtual network is
 -			// found, throw an error
 -			// * if network is not found, create a new one and use it
 -			List<NetworkOfferingVO> requiredOfferings = _networkOfferingDao
 -					.listByAvailability(Availability.Required, false);
 -			if (requiredOfferings.size() < 1) {
 -				throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -						"Unable to find network offering with availability="
 -								+ Availability.Required
 -								+ " to automatically create the network as a part of vm creation");
 -			}
 -			if (requiredOfferings.get(0).getState() == NetworkOffering.State.Enabled) {
 -				// get Virtual networks
 -				List<NetworkVO> virtualNetworks = _networkMgr
 -						.listNetworksForAccount(owner.getId(), zone.getId(),
 -								Network.GuestType.Isolated);
 -				if (virtualNetworks.isEmpty()) {
 -					long physicalNetworkId = _networkMgr.findPhysicalNetworkId(
 -							zone.getId(), requiredOfferings.get(0).getTags(),
 -							requiredOfferings.get(0).getTrafficType());
 -					// Validate physical network
 -					PhysicalNetwork physicalNetwork = _physicalNetworkDao
 -							.findById(physicalNetworkId);
 -					if (physicalNetwork == null) {
 -						throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -								"Unable to find physical network with id: "
 -										+ physicalNetworkId + " and tag: "
 -										+ requiredOfferings.get(0).getTags());
 -					}
 -					s_logger.debug("Creating network for account " + owner
 -							+ " from the network offering id="
 -							+ requiredOfferings.get(0).getId()
 -							+ " as a part of deployVM process");
 -					Network newNetwork = _networkMgr.createGuestNetwork(
 -							requiredOfferings.get(0).getId(),
 -							owner.getAccountName() + "-network",
 -							owner.getAccountName() + "-network", null, null,
 -							null, null, owner, null, physicalNetwork,
 -							zone.getId(), ACLType.Account, null, null);
 -					defaultNetwork = _networkDao.findById(newNetwork.getId());
 -				} else if (virtualNetworks.size() > 1) {
 -					throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -							"More than 1 default Isolated networks are found for account "
 -									+ owner + "; please specify networkIds");
 -				} else {
 -					defaultNetwork = virtualNetworks.get(0);
 -				}
 -			} else {
 -				throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -						"Required network offering id="
 -								+ requiredOfferings.get(0).getId()
 -								+ " is not in " + NetworkOffering.State.Enabled);
 -			}
 -			networkList.add(defaultNetwork);
 -		} else {
 -			for (Long networkId : networkIdList) {
 -				NetworkVO network = _networkDao.findById(networkId);
 -				if (network == null) {
 -					throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -							"Unable to find network by id "
 -									+ networkIdList.get(0).longValue());
 -				}
 -				if (network.getVpcId() != null) {
 -					// Only ISOs, XenServer, KVM, and VmWare template types are
 -					// supported for vpc networks
 -					if (template.getFormat() != ImageFormat.ISO
 -							&& !vpcSupportedHTypes.contains(template
 -									.getHypervisorType())) {
 -						throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -								"Can't create vm from template with hypervisor "
 -										+ template.getHypervisorType()
 -										+ " in vpc network " + network);
 -					}
 -					// Only XenServer, KVM, and VMware hypervisors are supported
 -					// for vpc networks
 -					if (!vpcSupportedHTypes.contains(hypervisor)) {
 -						throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 -								"Can't create vm of hypervisor type "
 -										+ hypervisor + " in vpc network");
 -					}
 -				}
 -				_networkMgr.checkNetworkPermissions(owner, network);
 -				// don't allow to use system networks
 -				Net
