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[6/7] lens git commit: LENS-1400: Convert CubeTestSetup to setup using xml files instead of code
diff --git a/lens-cube/src/test/java/org/apache/lens/cube/parse/ b/lens-cube/src/test/java/org/apache/lens/cube/parse/
index 94d4b40..2d031f4 100644
--- a/lens-cube/src/test/java/org/apache/lens/cube/parse/
+++ b/lens-cube/src/test/java/org/apache/lens/cube/parse/
@@ -27,29 +27,36 @@ import static org.apache.lens.cube.metadata.UpdatePeriod.*;
 import static org.testng.Assert.*;
 import java.util.*;
+import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
+import org.apache.lens.api.ToXMLString;
+import org.apache.lens.api.jaxb.LensJAXBContext;
+import org.apache.lens.api.metastore.SchemaTraverser;
 import org.apache.lens.cube.metadata.*;
-import org.apache.lens.cube.metadata.ExprColumn.ExprSpec;
-import org.apache.lens.cube.metadata.ReferencedDimAttribute.ChainRefCol;
 import org.apache.lens.cube.metadata.timeline.EndsAndHolesPartitionTimeline;
 import org.apache.lens.cube.metadata.timeline.PartitionTimeline;
 import org.apache.lens.cube.metadata.timeline.StoreAllPartitionTimeline;
-import org.apache.lens.server.api.LensConfConstants;
 import org.apache.lens.server.api.error.LensException;
 import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrLookup;
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrSubstitutor;
 import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf;
 import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Database;
-import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.FieldSchema;
 import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive;
 import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException;
 import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Table;
-import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ParseException;
 import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.session.SessionState;
-import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde.serdeConstants;
-import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat;
@@ -92,9 +99,6 @@ public class CubeTestSetup {
   public static final String TEST_CUBE_NAME = "testCube";
   public static final String DERIVED_CUBE_NAME = "derivedCube";
   public static final String BASE_CUBE_NAME = "baseCube";
-  public static final String DERIVED_CUBE_NAME1 = "der1";
-  public static final String DERIVED_CUBE_NAME2 = "der2";
-  public static final String DERIVED_CUBE_NAME3 = "der3";
   private static String c0 = "C0";
   private static String c1 = "C1";
@@ -511,1305 +515,16 @@ public class CubeTestSetup {
     return expected.toString();
-  Set<ExprColumn> exprs;
-  private void createCube(CubeMetastoreClient client) throws HiveException, ParseException, LensException {
-    cubeMeasures = new HashSet<CubeMeasure>();
-    Map<String, String> tags = new HashMap<>();
-    tags.put(MetastoreConstants.MEASURE_DATACOMPLETENESS_TAG, "tag1");
-    cubeMeasures.add(new ColumnMeasure(new FieldSchema("msr1", "int", "first measure"), null, null, null, null, null,
-            null, null, null, null, tags));
-    cubeMeasures.add(new ColumnMeasure(new FieldSchema("msr2", "float", "second measure"), "Measure2", null, "SUM",
-      "RS"));
-    cubeMeasures.add(new ColumnMeasure(new FieldSchema("msr21", "float", "second measure"), "Measure22", null, "SUM",
-      "RS"));
-    cubeMeasures.add(new ColumnMeasure(new FieldSchema("msr22", "float", "second measure"), "Measure22", null, "SUM",
-      "RS"));
-    cubeMeasures.add(new ColumnMeasure(new FieldSchema("msr3", "double", "third measure"), "Measure3", null, "MAX",
-      null));
-    cubeMeasures.add(new ColumnMeasure(new FieldSchema("msr4", "bigint", "fourth measure"), "Measure4", null, "COUNT",
-      null));
-    cubeMeasures.add(new ColumnMeasure(new FieldSchema("msr9", "bigint", "ninth measure"), null, null, null, null,
-            null, null, null, null, null, tags));
-    cubeMeasures.add(new ColumnMeasure(new FieldSchema("noAggrMsr", "bigint", "measure without a default aggregate"),
-      "No aggregateMsr", null, null, null));
-    cubeMeasures.add(new ColumnMeasure(new FieldSchema("newmeasure", "bigint", "measure available  from now"),
-      "New measure", null, null, null, NOW, null, 100.0));
-    cubeMeasures.add(new ColumnMeasure(new FieldSchema("msr15", "int", "fifteenth measure"), "Measure15", null, "SUM",
-      "RS"));
-    String prefix = "union_join_ctx_";
-    cubeMeasures.add(new ColumnMeasure(new FieldSchema(prefix + "msr1", "int", prefix + "first measure")));
-    cubeMeasures.add(new ColumnMeasure(new FieldSchema(prefix + "msr2", "int", prefix + "second measure")));
-    cubeMeasures.add(new ColumnMeasure(new FieldSchema(prefix + "msr3", "int", prefix + "third measure")));
-    cubeDimensions = new HashSet<CubeDimAttribute>();
-    cubeDimensions.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema(prefix + "cityid", "int", prefix + "the cityid ")));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema(prefix + "zipcode", "int", prefix + "the zipcode")));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("d_time", "timestamp", "d time")));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("processing_time", "timestamp", "processing time")));
-    List<CubeDimAttribute> locationHierarchy = new ArrayList<CubeDimAttribute>();
-    locationHierarchy.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("zipcode", "int", "zip")));
-    locationHierarchy.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("cityid", "int", "city")));
-    locationHierarchy.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("stateid", "int", "state")));
-    locationHierarchy.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("countryid", "int", "country")));
-    List<String> regions = Arrays.asList("APAC", "EMEA", "USA");
-    locationHierarchy.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("regionname", "string", "region"), "regionname", null,
-      null, null, null, regions));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new HierarchicalDimAttribute("location", "Location hierarchy", locationHierarchy));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("dim1", "string", "basedim")));
-    // Added for ambiguity test
-    cubeDimensions.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("ambigdim1", "string", "used in testColumnAmbiguity")));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new ReferencedDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("dim2", "int", "ref dim"), "dim2 refer",
-      "dim2chain", "id", null, null, 0.0));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("cdim2", "int", "ref dim"), "Dim2 refer", NOW, null, null));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("urdimid", "int", "ref dim"), "urdim refer",
-      null, null, 10.0));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new ReferencedDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("unreachableName", "string", ""), "urdim name",
-      "unreachableDim_chain", "name", null, null, 10.0));
-    // denormalized reference
-    cubeDimensions.add(new ReferencedDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("dim2big1", "bigint", "ref dim"), "dim2 refer",
-      "dim2chain", "bigid1", null, null, 0.0));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new ReferencedDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("dim2big2", "bigint", "ref dim"), "dim2 refer",
-      "dim2chain", "bigid2", null, null, 0.0));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("dim2bignew", "bigint", "ref dim"), "Dim2 refer",
-      NOW, null, null));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("test_time_dim_hour_id", "int", "ref dim"),
-      "Timedim reference", null, null, null));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("test_time_dim_day_id", "int", "ref dim"),
-      "Timedim reference", null, null, null));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("test_time_dim_hour_id2", "int", "ref dim")));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("test_time_dim_day_id2", "int", "ref dim")));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new ReferencedDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("testDim3id", "string", "direct id to testdim3"),
-      "dim3 refer", "dim3chain", "id", null, null, 0.0));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new ReferencedDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("cityname", "string", "city name"),
-      "city name", "cubecity", "name", null, null, 0.0));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new ReferencedDimAttribute(new FieldSchema(prefix + "cityname", "string", prefix + "city name"),
-      prefix + "city name", "cubeCityJoinUnionCtx", "name", null, null, 0.0));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new ReferencedDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("statename_cube", "string", "state name"),
-      "state name", "cubestate", "name", null, null, 0.0));
-    List<ChainRefCol> references = new ArrayList<>();
-    references.add(new ChainRefCol("timedatechain1", "full_date"));
-    references.add(new ChainRefCol("timehourchain1", "full_hour"));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new ReferencedDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("test_time_dim", "date", "ref dim"),
-      "Timedim full date", references, null, null, null, null));
-    List<ChainRefCol> chainRefs = new ArrayList<>();
-    chainRefs.add(new ChainRefCol("timehourchain2", "full_hour"));
-    chainRefs.add(new ChainRefCol("timedatechain2", "full_date"));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new ReferencedDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("test_time_dim2", "date", "chained dim"),
-      "Timedim full date", chainRefs, null, null, null, null));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("cityid1", "int", "id to city"),
-      "City1", null, null, null));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("cityid2", "int", "id to city"),
-      "City2", null, null, null));
-    cubeDimensions.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("concatedcitystate", "string", "citystate"),
-      "CityState", null, null, null));
-    Map<String, JoinChain> joinChains = new HashMap<>();
-    addCubeChains(joinChains, TEST_CUBE_NAME);
-    exprs = new HashSet<ExprColumn>();
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("avgmsr", "double", "avg measure"), "Avg Msr", "avg(msr1 + msr2)"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("singlecolmsr2expr", "double", "measure2"), "Msr2", "msr2)"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("singlecolmsr2qualifiedexpr", "double", "testcube.measure2"),
-      "Msr2", "testcube.msr2"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("singlecoldim1expr", "string", "dim1"), "dim1", "dim1)"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("singlecoldim1qualifiedexpr", "string", "testcube.dim1"),
-      "dim1", "testcube.dim1"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("singlecolchainid", "string", ""),
-      "dim3chainid", ""));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("singlecolchainrefexpr", "string", "testcube.testDim3id"),
-      "dim3chainid", "testcube.testDim3id"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("singlecolchainfield", "string", ""),
-      "cubecityname", ""));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("summsrs", "double", "sum measures"), "Sum Msrs",
-      "(1000 + sum(msr1) + sum(msr2))/100"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("msr5", "double", "materialized in some facts"), "Fifth Msr",
-      "msr2 + msr3"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("msr8", "double", "measure expression"), "Sixth Msr",
-      "msr2 + msr3"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("msr7", "double", "measure expression"), "Seventh Msr",
-      "case when sum(msr2) = 0 then 0 else sum(case when cityid='x' then msr21 else msr22 end)/sum(msr2) end"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("equalsums", "double", "sums are equals"), "equalsums",
-      new ExprSpec("msr3 + msr4", null, null), new ExprSpec("(msr3 + msr2)/100", null, null)));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("roundedmsr1", "double", "rounded measure1"), "Rounded msr1",
-      "round(msr1/1000)"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("roundedmsr2", "double", "rounded measure2"), "Rounded msr2",
-      "round(msr2/1000)"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("flooredmsr12", "double", "floored measure12"), "Floored msr12",
-            "floor(msr12)"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("nestedexpr", "double", "nested expr"), "Nested expr",
-      new ExprSpec("avg(roundedmsr2)", null, null), new ExprSpec("avg(equalsums)", null, null),
-      new ExprSpec("case when substrexpr = 'xyz' then avg(msr5) when substrexpr = 'abc' then avg(msr4)/100 end",
-        null, null)));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("msr2expr", "double", "nested expr"), "Nested expr",
-      new ExprSpec("case when cityStateName = 'xyz' then msr2 else 0 end", null, null)));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("nestedExprWithTimes", "double", "nested expr"), "Nested expr",
-      new ExprSpec("avg(roundedmsr2)", null, null), new ExprSpec("avg(equalsums)", null, null),
-      new ExprSpec("case when substrexpr = 'xyz' then avg(msr5) when substrexpr = 'abc' then avg(msr4)/100 end",
-        NOW, null), new ExprSpec("avg(newmeasure)", null, null)));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("msr6", "bigint", "sixth measure"), "Measure6",
-      "sum(msr2) + max(msr3)/ count(msr4)"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("booleancut", "boolean", "a boolean expression"), "Boolean cut",
-      "(dim1 != 'x' AND dim2 != 10)"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("substrexpr", "string", "a sub-string expression"), "Substr expr",
-      new ExprSpec("substr(dim1, 3))", null, null), new ExprSpec("substr(ascii(, 3)", null, null)));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("substrexprdim2", "string", "a sub-string expression"), "Substr expr",
-      new ExprSpec("substr(dim2, 3))", null, null), new ExprSpec("substr(ascii(, 3)", null, null)));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("indiasubstr", "boolean", "nested sub string expression"), "Nested expr",
-      "substrexpr = 'INDIA'"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("refexpr", "string", "expression which facts and dimensions"),
-      "Expr with cube and dim fields", "concat(dim1, \":\","));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("nocolexpr", "string", "expression which non existing colun"),
-      "No col expr", "myfun(nonexist)"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("newexpr", "string", "expression which non existing colun"),
-      "new measure expr", "myfun(newmeasure)"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("cityAndState", "String", "city and state together"), "City and State",
-      new ExprSpec("concat(cityname, \":\", statename_cube)", null, null),
-      new ExprSpec("substr(concatedcitystate, 10)", null, null)));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("cityAndStateNew", "String", "city and state together"), "City and State",
-      new ExprSpec("concat(cityname, \":\", statename_cube)", null, TWO_MONTHS_BACK),
-      new ExprSpec("substr(concatedcitystate, 10)", null, null)));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("cityStateName", "String", "city state"), "City State",
-      "concat('CityState:', cubecity.statename)"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("isIndia", "String", "is indian city/state"), "Is Indian City/state",
-      " == 'DELHI' OR == 'KARNATAKA' OR == 'MAHARASHTRA'"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("cubeStateName", "String", "statename from cubestate"), "CubeState Name",
-      "substr(, 5)"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("substrdim2big1", "String", "substr of dim2big1"), "dim2big1 substr",
-      "substr(dim2big1, 5)"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("asciicity", "String", "ascii cityname"), "ascii cityname substr",
-      "ascii(cityname)"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("countofdistinctcityid", "int", "Count of Distinct CityId"),
-        "Count of Distinct CityId Expr", "count(distinct(cityid))"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("notnullcityid", "int", "Not null cityid"),
-        "Not null cityid Expr", "case when cityid is null then 0 else cityid end"));
-    // union join context
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema(prefix + "notnullcityid", "int", prefix + "Not null cityid"),
-        prefix + "Not null cityid Expr", "case when union_join_ctx_cityid is null then 0 "
-        + "else union_join_ctx_cityid end"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema(prefix + "sum_msr1_msr2", "int", prefix + "sum of msr1 and msr2"),
-        prefix + "sum of msr1 and msr2", "sum(union_join_ctx_msr1) + sum(union_join_ctx_msr2)"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema(prefix + "msr1_greater_than_100", "int", prefix + "msr1 greater than 100"),
-        prefix + "msr1 greater than 100", "case when sum(union_join_ctx_msr1) > 100 then \"high\" else \"low\" end"));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema(prefix + "non_zero_msr2_sum", "int", prefix + "non zero msr2 sum"),
-        prefix + "non zero msr2 sum", "sum(case when union_join_ctx_msr2 > 0 then union_join_ctx_msr2 else 0 end)"));
-    Map<String, String> cubeProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
-    cubeProperties.put(MetastoreUtil.getCubeTimedDimensionListKey(TEST_CUBE_NAME),
-      "d_time,pt,it,et,test_time_dim,test_time_dim2");
-    cubeProperties.put(MetastoreConstants.TIMEDIM_TO_PART_MAPPING_PFX + "test_time_dim", "ttd");
-    cubeProperties.put(MetastoreConstants.TIMEDIM_TO_PART_MAPPING_PFX + "test_time_dim2", "ttd2");
-    cubeProperties.put(MetastoreConstants.TIMEDIM_TO_PART_MAPPING_PFX + "d_time", "dt");
-    cubeProperties.put(MetastoreConstants.TIMEDIM_TO_PART_MAPPING_PFX + "it", "it");
-    cubeProperties.put(MetastoreConstants.TIMEDIM_TO_PART_MAPPING_PFX + "et", "et");
-    cubeProperties.put(MetastoreConstants.TIMEDIM_TO_PART_MAPPING_PFX + "pt", "pt");
-    cubeProperties.put(MetastoreConstants.TIMEDIM_RELATION + "d_time", "test_time_dim+[-10 days,10 days]");
-    client.createCube(TEST_CUBE_NAME, cubeMeasures, cubeDimensions, exprs, Sets.newHashSet(joinChains.values()),
-      cubeProperties);
-    Set<String> measures = new HashSet<String>();
-    measures.add("msr1");
-    measures.add("msr2");
-    measures.add("msr3");
-    measures.add("msr9");
-    Set<String> dimensions = new HashSet<String>();
-    dimensions.add("dim1");
-    dimensions.add("dim2");
-    dimensions.add("dim2big1");
-    dimensions.add("dim2big2");
-    dimensions.add("dim2bignew");
-    // Try creating derived cube with non existant dim/measures
-    try{
-      client.createDerivedCube(TEST_CUBE_NAME, DERIVED_CUBE_NAME,
-        Sets.newHashSet("random_measure"), Sets.newHashSet("random_dim_attribute"),
-        new HashMap<String, String>(), 5L);
-    } catch(LensException e) {
-      assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("random_measure"));
-      assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("random_dim_attribute"));
-      assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("not present"));
-    }
-    client.createDerivedCube(TEST_CUBE_NAME, DERIVED_CUBE_NAME,
-      measures, dimensions, new HashMap<String, String>(), 5L);
-  }
-  private void addCubeChains(Map<String, JoinChain> joinChains, final String cubeName) {
-    final String prefix = "union_join_ctx_";
-    joinChains.put("timehourchain1", new JoinChain("timehourchain1", "time chain", "time dim thru hour dim") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "test_time_dim_hour_id"));
-            add(new TableReference("hourdim", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.put("timedatechain1", new JoinChain("timedatechain1", "time chain", "time dim thru date dim") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "test_time_dim_day_id"));
-            add(new TableReference("daydim", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.put("timehourchain2", new JoinChain("timehourchain2", "time chain", "time dim thru hour dim") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "test_time_dim_hour_id2"));
-            add(new TableReference("hourdim", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.put("timedatechain2", new JoinChain("timedatechain2", "time chain", "time dim thru date dim") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "test_time_dim_day_id2"));
-            add(new TableReference("daydim", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.put("cubeCity", new JoinChain("cubeCity", "cube-city", "city thru cube") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "cityid"));
-            add(new TableReference("citydim", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "dim2"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim2", "id"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim2", "cityid"));
-            add(new TableReference("citydim", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.put("cubeCityJoinUnionCtx", new JoinChain("cubeCityJoinUnionCtx", "cube-city", "city thru cube") {
-      {
-        // added for testing union join context
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, prefix + "cityid"));
-            add(new TableReference("citydim", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.put("cubeCity1", new JoinChain("cubeCity1", "cube-city", "city thru cube") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "cityid1"));
-            add(new TableReference("citydim", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.put("cubeCity2", new JoinChain("cubeCity2", "cube-city", "city thru cube") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "cityid2"));
-            add(new TableReference("citydim", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.put("cubeState",  new JoinChain("cubeState", "cube-state", "state thru cube") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "stateid"));
-            add(new TableReference("statedim", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.put("cubeZip",  new JoinChain("cubeZipJoinUnionCtx", "cube-zip", "Zipcode thru cube") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, prefix + "zipcode"));
-            add(new TableReference("zipdim", "code"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.put("cubeZip",  new JoinChain("cubeZip", "cube-zip", "Zipcode thru cube") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "zipcode"));
-            add(new TableReference("zipdim", "code"));
-          }
-        });
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, prefix + "zipcode"));
-            add(new TableReference("zipdim", "code"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.put("cubeCountry",  new JoinChain("cubeCountry", "cube-country", "country thru cube") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "countryid"));
-            add(new TableReference("countrydim", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.put("dim2chain", new JoinChain("dim2chain", "cube-testdim2", "testdim2 thru cube") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "dim2"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim2", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "dim2big1"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim2", "bigid1"));
-          }
-        });
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "dim2big2"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim2", "bigid2"));
-          }
-        });
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "dim2bignew"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim2", "bigidnew"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.put("dim3chain", new JoinChain("dim3chain", "cube-testdim3", "cyclicdim thru cube") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "dim2"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim2", "id"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim2", "testdim3id"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim3", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "dim2big1"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim2", "bigid1"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim2", "testdim3id"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim3", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "dim2big2"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim2", "bigid2"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim2", "testdim3id"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim3", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "dim2bignew"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim2", "bigidnew"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim2", "testdim3id"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim3", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "testdim3id"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim3", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.put("dim4chain", new JoinChain("dim4chain", "cube-testdim3", "cyclicdim thru cube") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "dim2"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim2", "id"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim2", "testdim3id"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim3", "id"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim3", "testdim4id"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim4", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "dim2big1"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim2", "bigid1"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim2", "testdim3id"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim3", "id"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim3", "testdim4id"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim4", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "dim2big2"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim2", "bigid2"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim2", "testdim3id"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim3", "id"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim3", "testdim4id"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim4", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "dim2bignew"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim2", "bigidnew"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim2", "testdim3id"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim3", "id"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim3", "testdim4id"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim4", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "testdim3id"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim3", "id"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim3", "testdim4id"));
-            add(new TableReference("testdim4", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.put("cdimChain", new JoinChain("cdimChain", "cube-cyclicdim", "cyclicdim thru cube") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "cdim2"));
-            add(new TableReference("cycledim1", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.put("unreachableDim_chain", new JoinChain("unreachableDim_chain", "cube-unreachableDim",
-      "unreachableDim thru cube") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "urdimid"));
-            add(new TableReference("unreachableDim", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.put("cubeCountry",  new JoinChain("cubeCountry", "cube-country", "country thru cube") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference(cubeName, "countryid"));
-            add(new TableReference("countrydim", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  private void createBaseAndDerivedCubes(CubeMetastoreClient client)
-    throws HiveException, ParseException, LensException {
-    Set<CubeMeasure> cubeMeasures2 = new HashSet<>(cubeMeasures);
-    Set<CubeDimAttribute> cubeDimensions2 = new HashSet<>(cubeDimensions);
-    cubeMeasures2.add(new ColumnMeasure(new FieldSchema("msr11", "int", "first measure")));
-    cubeMeasures2.add(new ColumnMeasure(new FieldSchema("msr12", "float", "second measure"), "Measure2", null, "SUM",
-      "RS"));
-    cubeMeasures2.add(new ColumnMeasure(new FieldSchema("msr13", "double", "third measure"), "Measure3", null, "MAX",
-      null));
-    cubeMeasures2.add(new ColumnMeasure(new FieldSchema("msr14", "bigint", "fourth measure"), "Measure4", null,
-      "COUNT", null));
-    cubeMeasures2.add(new ColumnMeasure(new FieldSchema("directMsr", "bigint", "fifth measure"), "Direct Measure",
-      null, "SUM", null));
-    cubeDimensions2.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("dim11", "string", "basedim")));
-    cubeDimensions2.add(new ReferencedDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("dim12", "int", "ref dim"), "Dim2 refer",
-      "dim2chain", "id", null, null, null)); // used as key in the chains
-    cubeDimensions2.add(new ReferencedDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("dim22", "int", "ref dim"), "Dim2 refer",
-      "dim2chain", "id", null, null, null)); // not used as key in the chains
-    cubeDimensions2.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("dim13", "string", "basedim")));
-    cubeDimensions2.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("userid", "int", "userid")));
-    cubeDimensions2.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("xuserid", "int", "userid")));
-    cubeDimensions2.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("yuserid", "int", "userid")));
-    cubeDimensions2.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("user_id_added_in_past", "int", "user_id_added_in_past")));
-    cubeDimensions2.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("user_id_added_far_future", "int",
-        "user_id_added_far_future")));
-    cubeDimensions2.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("user_id_deprecated", "int", "user_id_deprecated")));
-    cubeDimensions2.add(new ReferencedDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("xsports", "array<string>", ""),
-      "xuser sports", "xusersports", "name", null, null, null));
-    cubeDimensions2.add(new ReferencedDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("ysports", "array<string>", ""),
-      "yuser sports", "yusersports", "name", null, null, null));
-    cubeDimensions2.add(new ReferencedDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("sports", "array<string>", ""),
-      "user sports", "usersports", "name", null, null, null));
-    cubeDimensions2.add(new ReferencedDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("sportids", "array<int>", ""),
-      "user sports", "userInterestIds", "sport_id", null, null, null));
-    cubeDimensions2.add(new ReferencedDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("statecountry", "string", ""),
-      "state country", "cubestatecountry", "name", null, null, null));
-    cubeDimensions2.add(new ReferencedDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("citycountry", "string", ""),
-      "city country", "cubecitystatecountry", "name", null, null, null));
-    List<ChainRefCol> refCols = new ArrayList<>();
-    refCols.add(new ChainRefCol("cubeState", "countrycapital"));
-    refCols.add(new ChainRefCol("cubeCityStateCountry", "capital"));
-    cubeDimensions2.add(new ReferencedDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("cubeCountryCapital", "String", "ref dim"),
-      "Country capital", refCols, null, null, null, null));
-    Map<String, String> cubeProperties = new HashMap<>();
-    cubeProperties.put(MetastoreUtil.getCubeTimedDimensionListKey(BASE_CUBE_NAME),
-      "d_time,pt,it,et,test_time_dim,test_time_dim2");
-    cubeProperties.put(MetastoreConstants.TIMEDIM_TO_PART_MAPPING_PFX + "test_time_dim", "ttd");
-    cubeProperties.put(MetastoreConstants.TIMEDIM_TO_PART_MAPPING_PFX + "test_time_dim2", "ttd2");
-    cubeProperties.put(MetastoreConstants.TIMEDIM_TO_PART_MAPPING_PFX + "d_time", "dt");
-    cubeProperties.put(MetastoreConstants.TIMEDIM_TO_PART_MAPPING_PFX + "it", "it");
-    cubeProperties.put(MetastoreConstants.TIMEDIM_TO_PART_MAPPING_PFX + "et", "et");
-    cubeProperties.put(MetastoreConstants.TIMEDIM_TO_PART_MAPPING_PFX + "processing_time", "pt");
-    cubeProperties.put(MetastoreConstants.TIMEDIM_RELATION + "d_time", "processing_time+[-5 days,5 days]");
-    cubeProperties.put(MetastoreConstants.TIMEDIM_RELATION + "processing_time", "test_time_dim+[-5 days,5 days]");
-    cubeProperties.put(MetastoreConstants.CUBE_ALL_FIELDS_QUERIABLE, "false");
-    Map<String, JoinChain> joinChainMap = new HashMap<>();
-    addCubeChains(joinChainMap, "basecube");
-    // update new paths
-    joinChainMap.get("dim2chain").addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-      {
-        add(new TableReference("basecube", "dim12"));
-        add(new TableReference("testdim2", "id"));
-      }
-    });
-    joinChainMap.get("dim3chain").addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-      {
-        add(new TableReference("basecube", "dim12"));
-        add(new TableReference("testdim2", "id"));
-        add(new TableReference("testdim2", "testdim3id"));
-        add(new TableReference("testdim3", "id"));
-      }
-    });
-    joinChainMap.get("dim4chain").addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-      {
-        add(new TableReference("basecube", "dim12"));
-        add(new TableReference("testdim2", "id"));
-        add(new TableReference("testdim2", "testdim3id"));
-        add(new TableReference("testdim3", "id"));
-        add(new TableReference("testdim3", "testdim4id"));
-        add(new TableReference("testdim4", "id"));
-      }
-    });
-    Set<JoinChain> joinChains = Sets.newHashSet(joinChainMap.values());
-    joinChains.add(new JoinChain("cityState", "city-state", "state thru city") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference("basecube", "cityid"));
-            add(new TableReference("citydim", "id"));
-            add(new TableReference("citydim", "stateid"));
-            add(new TableReference("statedim", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference("basecube", "cityid"));
-            add(new TableReference("citydim", "id"));
-            add(new TableReference("citydim", "statename"));
-            add(new TableReference("statedim", "name"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.add(new JoinChain("cityZip", "city-zip", "zip thru city") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference("basecube", "cityid"));
-            add(new TableReference("citydim", "id"));
-            add(new TableReference("citydim", "zipcode"));
-            add(new TableReference("zipdim", "code"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.add(new JoinChain("cubeStateCountry", "cube-state-country", "country through state") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference("basecube", "stateid"));
-            add(new TableReference("statedim", "id"));
-            add(new TableReference("statedim", "countryid"));
-            add(new TableReference("countrydim", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.add(new JoinChain("cubeCityStateCountry", "cube-city-state-country", "country through state thru city") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference("basecube", "cityid"));
-            add(new TableReference("citydim", "id"));
-            add(new TableReference("citydim", "stateid"));
-            add(new TableReference("statedim", "id"));
-            add(new TableReference("statedim", "countryid"));
-            add(new TableReference("countrydim", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.add(new JoinChain("userchain", "user-chain", "user chain") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference("basecube", "userid"));
-            add(new TableReference("userdim", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.add(new JoinChain("user_id_added_far_future_chain", "user_id_added_far_future_chain",
-        "user_id_added_far_future_chain") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference("basecube", "user_id_added_far_future"));
-            add(new TableReference("userdim", "user_id_added_far_future"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.add(new JoinChain("userSports", "user-sports", "user sports") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference("basecube", "userid"));
-            add(new TableReference("userdim", "id"));
-            add(new TableReference("userdim", "id"));
-            add(new TableReference("user_interests", "user_id", true));
-            add(new TableReference("user_interests", "sport_id"));
-            add(new TableReference("sports", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.add(new JoinChain("userInterestIds", "user-interestsIds", "user interest ids") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference("basecube", "userid"));
-            add(new TableReference("userdim", "id"));
-            add(new TableReference("userdim", "id"));
-            add(new TableReference("user_interests", "user_id", true));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.add(new JoinChain("xuserSports", "xuser-sports", "xuser sports") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference("basecube", "xuserid"));
-            add(new TableReference("userdim", "id"));
-            add(new TableReference("userdim", "id"));
-            add(new TableReference("user_interests", "user_id", true));
-            add(new TableReference("user_interests", "sport_id"));
-            add(new TableReference("sports", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinChains.add(new JoinChain("yuserSports", "user-sports", "user sports") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference("basecube", "yuserid"));
-            add(new TableReference("userdim", "id"));
-            add(new TableReference("userdim", "id"));
-            add(new TableReference("user_interests", "user_id", true));
-            add(new TableReference("user_interests", "sport_id"));
-            add(new TableReference("sports", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    // add ref dim through chain
-    cubeDimensions2.add(
-      new ReferencedDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("cityStateCapital", "string", "State's capital thru city"),
-        "State's capital thru city", "cityState", "capital", null, null, null));
-    Set<ExprColumn> baseExprs = new HashSet<>(exprs);
-    baseExprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("substrsprorts", "String", "substr of sports"), "substr sports",
-      "substr(sports, 10)"));
-    baseExprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("xsports_abbr", "array<string>", ""),
-      "xuser sports", "substr(xsports, 3)"));
-    baseExprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("ysports_abbr", "array<string>", ""),
-      "yuser sports", "substr(ysports, 3)"));
-    baseExprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("sports_abbr", "array<string>", ""),
-      "user sports", "substr(sports, 3)"));
-    baseExprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("sportids_abbr", "array<string>", ""),
-      "user sports", "case when sportids == 1 then 'CKT' when sportids == 2 then 'FTB' else 'NON' end"));
-    baseExprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("directMsrExpr", "bigint", ""),
-      "Direct Measure", new ExprSpec("directMsr + 0", null, null), new ExprSpec("msr13 + msr14", null, null)));
-    client.createCube(BASE_CUBE_NAME, cubeMeasures2, cubeDimensions2, baseExprs, joinChains, cubeProperties);
-    Map<String, String> derivedProperties = new HashMap<>();
-    derivedProperties.put(MetastoreConstants.CUBE_ALL_FIELDS_QUERIABLE, "true");
-    Set<String> measures = new HashSet<>();
-    measures.add("msr1");
-    measures.add("msr9");
-    measures.add("msr11");
-    Set<String> dimensions = new HashSet<>();
-    dimensions.add("dim1");
-    dimensions.add("dim11");
-    dimensions.add("d_time");
-    client.createDerivedCube(BASE_CUBE_NAME, DERIVED_CUBE_NAME1, measures, dimensions, derivedProperties, 5L);
-    measures = new HashSet<>();
-    measures.add("msr2");
-    measures.add("msr12");
-    measures.add("msr13");
-    measures.add("msr14");
-    measures.add("directmsr");
-    dimensions = new HashSet<>();
-    dimensions.add("cityid");
-    dimensions.add("stateid");
-    dimensions.add("userid");
-    dimensions.add("xuserid");
-    dimensions.add("yuserid");
-    dimensions.add("dim1");
-    dimensions.add("dim2");
-    dimensions.add("dim2big1");
-    dimensions.add("dim2big2");
-    dimensions.add("dim2bignew");
-    dimensions.add("dim11");
-    dimensions.add("dim13");
-    dimensions.add("dim12");
-    dimensions.add("dim22");
-    dimensions.add("d_time");
-    dimensions.add("test_time_dim");
-    dimensions.add("test_time_dim2");
-    dimensions.add("test_time_dim_hour_id");
-    dimensions.add("test_time_dim_day_id");
-    dimensions.add("test_time_dim_hour_id2");
-    dimensions.add("test_time_dim_day_id2");
-    client.createDerivedCube(BASE_CUBE_NAME, DERIVED_CUBE_NAME2, measures, dimensions, derivedProperties, 10L);
-    measures = new HashSet<>();
-    measures.add("msr3");
-    measures.add("msr13");
-    dimensions = new HashSet<>();
-    dimensions.add("dim1");
-    dimensions.add("location");
-    dimensions.add("d_time");
-    dimensions.add("test_time_dim");
-    dimensions.add("test_time_dim2");
-    dimensions.add("test_time_dim_hour_id");
-    dimensions.add("test_time_dim_day_id");
-    dimensions.add("test_time_dim_hour_id2");
-    dimensions.add("test_time_dim_day_id2");
-    client.createDerivedCube(BASE_CUBE_NAME, DERIVED_CUBE_NAME3, measures, dimensions, derivedProperties, 20L);
-    // create base cube facts
-    createBaseCubeFacts(client);
-    // create join and union ctx facts
-    createUnionAndJoinContextFacts(client);
-  }
-  private void createUnionAndJoinContextFacts(CubeMetastoreClient client) throws HiveException, LensException {
-    String prefix = "union_join_ctx_";
-    String derivedCubeName = prefix + "der1";
-    Map<String, Set<UpdatePeriod>> storageAggregatePeriods = new HashMap<String, Set<UpdatePeriod>>();
-    Set<UpdatePeriod> updates = new HashSet<UpdatePeriod>();
-    updates.add(DAILY);
-    ArrayList<FieldSchema> partCols = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
-    List<String> timePartCols = new ArrayList<String>();
-    partCols.add(TestCubeMetastoreClient.getDatePartition());
-    timePartCols.add(TestCubeMetastoreClient.getDatePartitionKey());
-    StorageTableDesc s1 = new StorageTableDesc();
-    s1.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s1.setOutputFormat(HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s1.setPartCols(partCols);
-    s1.setTimePartCols(timePartCols);
-    storageAggregatePeriods.put(c1, updates);
-    Map<String, StorageTableDesc> storageTables = new HashMap<String, StorageTableDesc>();
-    storageTables.put(c1, s1);
-    // create fact1 (all dim attributes only msr1)
-    String factName = prefix + "fact1";
-    List<FieldSchema> factColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
-    factColumns.add(new ColumnMeasure(new FieldSchema(prefix + "msr1", "int", "first measure")).getColumn());
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("d_time", "timestamp", "event time"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema(prefix + "zipcode", "int", "zip"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema(prefix + "cityid", "int", "city id"));
-    // add fact start and end time property
-    Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap(factValidityProperties);
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_AGGREGATED_PROPERTY, "false");
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_ABSOLUTE_START_TIME, DateUtil.relativeToAbsolute(" - 90 days"));
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_ABSOLUTE_END_TIME, DateUtil.relativeToAbsolute(" - 30 days"));
-    client.createCubeFactTable(BASE_CUBE_NAME, factName, factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 5L, properties,
-      storageTables);
-    // create fact2 with same schema, but it starts after fact1 ends
-    factName = prefix + "fact2";
-    properties.clear();
-    //factColumns.add(new ColumnMeasure(new FieldSchema(prefix + "msr2", "int", "second measure")).getColumn());
-    // add fact start and end time property
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_AGGREGATED_PROPERTY, "false");
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_ABSOLUTE_START_TIME, DateUtil.relativeToAbsolute(" - 31 days"));
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_ABSOLUTE_END_TIME, DateUtil.relativeToAbsolute(" + 7 days"));
-    client.createCubeFactTable(BASE_CUBE_NAME, factName, factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 5L, properties,
-      storageTables);
-    // create fact3 (all dim attributes only msr2)
-    factName = prefix + "fact3";
-    factColumns.clear();
-    factColumns.add(new ColumnMeasure(new FieldSchema(prefix + "msr2", "int", "second measure")).getColumn());
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("d_time", "timestamp", "event time"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema(prefix + "zipcode", "int", "zip"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema(prefix + "cityid", "int", "city id"));
-    properties.clear();
-    // add fact start and end time property
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_AGGREGATED_PROPERTY, "false");
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_ABSOLUTE_START_TIME, DateUtil.relativeToAbsolute(" - 90 days"));
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_ABSOLUTE_END_TIME, DateUtil.relativeToAbsolute(" + 7 days"));
-    client.createCubeFactTable(BASE_CUBE_NAME, factName, factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 5L, properties,
-      storageTables);
-    /*
-    // create fact4 will all all measures and entire timerange covered
-    factName = prefix + "fact4";
-    factColumns.add(new ColumnMeasure(new FieldSchema(prefix + "msr1", "int", "first measure")).getColumn());
-    properties.clear();
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_AGGREGATED_PROPERTY, "false");
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_ABSOLUTE_START_TIME, DateUtil.relativeToAbsolute(" - 90 days"));
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_ABSOLUTE_END_TIME, DateUtil.relativeToAbsolute(" + 7 days"));
-    client.createCubeFactTable(BASE_CUBE_NAME, factName, factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 5L,
-        properties, storageTables);
-     */
-    // create fact5 and fact6 with msr3 and covering timerange as set
-    factName = prefix + "fact5";
-    factColumns.clear();
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("d_time", "timestamp", "event time"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema(prefix + "zipcode", "int", "zip"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema(prefix + "cityid", "int", "city id"));
-    factColumns.add(new ColumnMeasure(new FieldSchema(prefix + "msr3", "int", "third measure")).getColumn());
-    properties.clear();
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_AGGREGATED_PROPERTY, "false");
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_ABSOLUTE_START_TIME, DateUtil.relativeToAbsolute(" - 90 days"));
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_ABSOLUTE_END_TIME, DateUtil.relativeToAbsolute(" -30 days"));
-    client.createCubeFactTable(BASE_CUBE_NAME, factName, factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 5L, properties,
-      storageTables);
-    factName = prefix + "fact6";
-    properties.clear();
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_AGGREGATED_PROPERTY, "false");
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_ABSOLUTE_START_TIME, DateUtil.relativeToAbsolute(" -31 days"));
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_ABSOLUTE_END_TIME, DateUtil.relativeToAbsolute(" + 7 days"));
-    client.createCubeFactTable(BASE_CUBE_NAME, factName, factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 5L, properties,
-      storageTables);
-    // Create derived cube
-    Map<String, String> derivedProperties = new HashMap<>();
-    derivedProperties.put(MetastoreConstants.CUBE_ALL_FIELDS_QUERIABLE, "true");
-    Set<String> measures = new HashSet<>();
-    measures.add(prefix + "msr1");
-    measures.add(prefix + "msr2");
-    measures.add(prefix + "msr3");
-    Set<String> dimensions = new HashSet<>();
-    dimensions.add(prefix + "cityid");
-    dimensions.add(prefix + "zipcode");
-    dimensions.add("d_time");
-    dimensions.add(prefix + "cityname");
-    client.createDerivedCube(BASE_CUBE_NAME, derivedCubeName, measures, dimensions, derivedProperties, 5L);
-  }
-  private void createBaseCubeFacts(CubeMetastoreClient client) throws HiveException, LensException {
-    Map<String, Set<UpdatePeriod>> storageAggregatePeriods = new HashMap<String, Set<UpdatePeriod>>();
-    Set<UpdatePeriod> updates = new HashSet<UpdatePeriod>();
-    updates.add(MINUTELY);
-    updates.add(HOURLY);
-    updates.add(DAILY);
-    updates.add(MONTHLY);
-    updates.add(QUARTERLY);
-    updates.add(YEARLY);
-    ArrayList<FieldSchema> partCols = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
-    List<String> timePartCols = new ArrayList<String>();
-    partCols.add(TestCubeMetastoreClient.getDatePartition());
-    timePartCols.add(TestCubeMetastoreClient.getDatePartitionKey());
-    StorageTableDesc s1 = new StorageTableDesc();
-    s1.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s1.setOutputFormat(HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s1.setPartCols(partCols);
-    s1.setTimePartCols(timePartCols);
-    StorageTableDesc s2 = new StorageTableDesc();
-    s2.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s2.setOutputFormat(HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    ArrayList<FieldSchema> s2PartCols = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
-    s2PartCols.add(new FieldSchema("ttd", serdeConstants.STRING_TYPE_NAME, "test date partition"));
-    s2PartCols.add(new FieldSchema("ttd2", serdeConstants.STRING_TYPE_NAME, "test date partition"));
-    s2.setPartCols(s2PartCols);
-    s2.setTimePartCols(Arrays.asList("ttd", "ttd2"));
-    storageAggregatePeriods.put(c1, updates);
-    storageAggregatePeriods.put(c2, updates);
-    storageAggregatePeriods.put(c3, updates);
-    storageAggregatePeriods.put(c4, updates);
-    Map<String, StorageTableDesc> storageTables = new HashMap<String, StorageTableDesc>();
-    storageTables.put(c1, s1);
-    storageTables.put(c4, s2);
-    storageTables.put(c2, s1);
-    storageTables.put(c3, s1);
-    String factName = "testFact1_BASE";
-    List<FieldSchema> factColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>(cubeMeasures.size());
-    for (CubeMeasure measure : cubeMeasures) {
-      factColumns.add(measure.getColumn());
-    }
-    // add dimensions of the cube
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("d_time", "timestamp", "event time"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("processing_time", "timestamp", "processing time"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("zipcode", "int", "zip"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("cityid", "int", "city id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("stateid", "int", "state id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("userid", "int", "user id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("xuserid", "int", "user id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("yuserid", "int", "user id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim1", "string", "base dim"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim11", "string", "base dim"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("test_time_dim_hour_id", "int", "time id"));
-    // create cube fact with materialized expressions
-    client.createCubeFactTable(BASE_CUBE_NAME, factName, factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 5L,
-      factValidityProperties, storageTables);
-    factName = "testFact5_BASE";
-    factColumns = new ArrayList<>(cubeMeasures.size());
-    for (CubeMeasure measure : cubeMeasures) {
-      factColumns.add(measure.getColumn());
-    }
-    // add dimensions of the cube
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("d_time", "timestamp", "event time"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("processing_time", "timestamp", "processing time"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim1", "string", "base dim"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("booleancut", "boolean", "expr dim"));
-    // create cube fact
-    client.createCubeFactTable(BASE_CUBE_NAME, factName, factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 150L,
-      factValidityProperties, storageTables);
-    // create fact only with extra measures
-    factName = "testFact2_BASE";
-    factColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("msr12", "float", "second measure"));
-    // add dimensions of the cube
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("d_time", "timestamp", "event time"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("processing_time", "timestamp", "processing time"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim1", "string", "base dim"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim11", "string", "base dim"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim2", "int", "dim2 id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("userid", "int", "user id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("xuserid", "int", "user id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("yuserid", "int", "user id"));
-    // create cube fact
-    client.createCubeFactTable(BASE_CUBE_NAME, factName, factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 5L,
-      factValidityProperties, storageTables);
-    Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap(factValidityProperties);
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_ABSOLUTE_END_TIME, DateUtil.relativeToAbsolute(" - 2 days"));
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_ABSOLUTE_START_TIME, DateUtil.relativeToAbsolute(" - 3 days"));
-    client.createCubeFactTable(BASE_CUBE_NAME, "testfact_deprecated", factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 5L,
-      properties, storageTables);
-    // create fact only with extra measures
-    factName = "testFact3_BASE";
-    factColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("msr13", "double", "third measure"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("msr14", "bigint", "fourth measure"));
-    // add dimensions of the cube
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("d_time", "timestamp", "event time"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("processing_time", "timestamp", "processing time"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim1", "string", "base dim"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim11", "string", "base dim"));
-    // create cube fact
-    client.createCubeFactTable(BASE_CUBE_NAME, factName, factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 5L,
-      factValidityProperties, storageTables);
-    // create fact with materialized expression
-    factName = "testFact6_BASE";
-    factColumns = new ArrayList<>();
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("msr13", "double", "third measure"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("msr14", "bigint", "fourth measure"));
-    // add dimensions of the cube
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("d_time", "timestamp", "event time"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("processing_time", "timestamp", "processing time"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim1", "string", "base dim"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("booleancut", "boolean", "expr dim"));
-    // create cube fact
-    client.createCubeFactTable(BASE_CUBE_NAME, factName, factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 150L,
-      factValidityProperties, storageTables);
-    // create raw fact only with extra measures
-    factName = "testFact2_RAW_BASE";
-    factColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("msr11", "int", "first measure"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("msr12", "float", "second measure"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("msr9", "bigint", "ninth measure"));
-    // add dimensions of the cube
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("d_time", "timestamp", "event time"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("processing_time", "timestamp", "processing time"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim1", "string", "base dim"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim11", "string", "base dim"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim13", "string", "base dim"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim12", "string", "base dim"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim22", "string", "base dim"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("cityid", "int", "city id"));
-    storageAggregatePeriods = new HashMap<String, Set<UpdatePeriod>>();
-    updates = new HashSet<UpdatePeriod>();
-    updates.add(HOURLY);
-    storageAggregatePeriods.put(c1, updates);
-    storageTables = new HashMap<String, StorageTableDesc>();
-    storageTables.put(c1, s1);
-    // create cube fact
-    properties.clear();
-    properties.putAll(factValidityProperties);
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_AGGREGATED_PROPERTY, "false");
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_DATA_COMPLETENESS_TAG, "f2");
-    client.createCubeFactTable(BASE_CUBE_NAME, factName, factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 100L, properties,
-      storageTables);
-    // create raw fact only with extra measures
-    factName = "testFact3_RAW_BASE";
-    factColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("msr13", "double", "third measure"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("msr14", "bigint", "fourth measure"));
-    // add dimensions of the cube
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("d_time", "timestamp", "event time"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("processing_time", "timestamp", "processing time"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim1", "string", "base dim"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim11", "string", "base dim"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim12", "string", "base dim"));
-    storageAggregatePeriods = new HashMap<String, Set<UpdatePeriod>>();
-    updates = new HashSet<UpdatePeriod>();
-    updates.add(HOURLY);
-    storageAggregatePeriods.put(c1, updates);
-    storageTables = new HashMap<String, StorageTableDesc>();
-    storageTables.put(c1, s1);
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_COL_START_TIME_PFX.concat("user_id_added_in_past"), "2016-01-01");
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_COL_END_TIME_PFX.concat("user_id_deprecated"), "2016-01-01");
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_COL_START_TIME_PFX.concat("user_id_added_far_future"), "2099-01-01");
-    client.createCubeFactTable(BASE_CUBE_NAME, factName, factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 100L, properties,
-      storageTables);
-    factName = "testFact4_RAW_BASE";
-    factColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("msr13", "double", "third measure"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("msr14", "bigint", "fourth measure"));
-    // add dimensions of the cube
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("d_time", "timestamp", "event time"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("processing_time", "timestamp", "processing time"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim1", "string", "base dim"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("user_id_added_in_past", "int", "user id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("user_id_added_far_future", "int", "user id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("user_id_deprecated", "int", "user id"));
-    storageTables = new HashMap<String, StorageTableDesc>();
-    storageTables.put(c1, s1);
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_COL_START_TIME_PFX.concat("user_id_added_in_past"), "2016-01-01");
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_COL_END_TIME_PFX.concat("user_id_deprecated"), "2016-01-01");
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_COL_START_TIME_PFX.concat("user_id_added_far_future"), "2099-01-01");
-    client.createCubeFactTable(BASE_CUBE_NAME, factName, factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 100L, properties,
-        storageTables);
-    factName = "testFact5_RAW_BASE";
-    factColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("msr9", "bigint", "ninth measure"));
-    // add dimensions of the cube
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("d_time", "timestamp", "event time"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("processing_time", "timestamp", "processing time"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim1", "string", "base dim"));
-    properties.clear();
-    properties.putAll(factValidityProperties);
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_AGGREGATED_PROPERTY, "false");
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_DATA_COMPLETENESS_TAG, "f2");
-    client.createCubeFactTable(BASE_CUBE_NAME, factName, factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 100L, properties,
-            storageTables);
-    CubeFactTable fact = client.getFactTable(factName);
-    // Add all hourly partitions for two days
-    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
-    cal.setTime(TWODAYS_BACK);
-    Date temp = cal.getTime();
-    while (!(temp.after(NOW))) {
-      Map<String, Date> timeParts = new HashMap<String, Date>();
-      timeParts.put("dt", temp);
-      StoragePartitionDesc sPartSpec = new StoragePartitionDesc(fact.getName(), timeParts, null, HOURLY);
-      client.addPartition(sPartSpec, c1, CubeTableType.FACT);
-      cal.add(HOUR_OF_DAY, 1);
-      temp = cal.getTime();
-    }
-  }
-  private void createCubeContinuousFact(CubeMetastoreClient client) throws Exception {
-    // create continuous raw fact only with extra measures
-    String factName = "testFact_CONTINUOUS";
-    List<FieldSchema> factColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("msr11", "double", "third measure"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("msr15", "int", "fifteenth measure"));
-    // add dimensions of the cube
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("d_time", "timestamp", "event time"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("processing_time", "timestamp", "processing time"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim1", "string", "base dim"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim11", "string", "base dim"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim12", "string", "base dim"));
-    Map<String, Set<UpdatePeriod>> storageAggregatePeriods = new HashMap<String, Set<UpdatePeriod>>();
-    Set<UpdatePeriod> updates = new HashSet<UpdatePeriod>();
-    updates.add(CONTINUOUS);
-    storageAggregatePeriods.put(c0, updates);
-    StorageTableDesc s0 = new StorageTableDesc();
-    s0.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s0.setOutputFormat(HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    Map<String, StorageTableDesc> storageTables = new HashMap<String, StorageTableDesc>();
-    storageTables.put(c0, s0);
-    Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap(factValidityProperties);
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_ABSOLUTE_START_TIME, DateUtil.relativeToAbsolute(" - 3 days"));
-    client.createCubeFactTable(TEST_CUBE_NAME, factName, factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 100L, properties,
-      storageTables);
-  }
+  private Set<ExprColumn> exprs;
-  private void createCubeFact(CubeMetastoreClient client) throws Exception {
+  private void assertTestFactTimelineClass(CubeMetastoreClient client) throws Exception {
     String factName = "testFact";
-    List<FieldSchema> factColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>(cubeMeasures.size());
-    for (CubeMeasure measure : cubeMeasures) {
-      if (!measure.getColumn().getName().equals("msr15")) { //do not add msr15
-        factColumns.add(measure.getColumn());
-      }
-    }
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("msr5", "double", "msr5"));
-    // add dimensions of the cube
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("zipcode", "int", "zip"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("cityid", "int", "city id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("cityid1", "int", "city id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("stateid", "int", "city id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("test_time_dim_day_id", "int", "time id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("test_time_dim_day_id2", "int", "time id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("ambigdim1", "string", "used in" + " testColumnAmbiguity"));
-    Map<String, Set<UpdatePeriod>> storageAggregatePeriods = new HashMap<String, Set<UpdatePeriod>>();
-    Set<UpdatePeriod> updates = new HashSet<UpdatePeriod>();
-    updates.add(MINUTELY);
-    updates.add(HOURLY);
-    updates.add(DAILY);
-    updates.add(MONTHLY);
-    updates.add(QUARTERLY);
-    updates.add(YEARLY);
-    ArrayList<FieldSchema> partCols = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
-    List<String> timePartCols = new ArrayList<String>();
-    partCols.add(TestCubeMetastoreClient.getDatePartition());
-    timePartCols.add(TestCubeMetastoreClient.getDatePartitionKey());
-    StorageTableDesc s1 = new StorageTableDesc();
-    s1.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s1.setOutputFormat(HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s1.setPartCols(partCols);
-    s1.setTimePartCols(timePartCols);
-    StorageTableDesc s2 = new StorageTableDesc();
-    s2.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s2.setOutputFormat(HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    ArrayList<FieldSchema> s2PartCols = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
-    s2PartCols.add(new FieldSchema("ttd", serdeConstants.STRING_TYPE_NAME, "test date partition"));
-    s2PartCols.add(new FieldSchema("ttd2", serdeConstants.STRING_TYPE_NAME, "test date partition"));
-    s2.setPartCols(s2PartCols);
-    s2.setTimePartCols(Arrays.asList("ttd", "ttd2"));
-    StorageTableDesc s3 = new StorageTableDesc();
-    s3.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s3.setOutputFormat(HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s3.setPartCols(partCols);
-    s3.setTimePartCols(timePartCols);
-    s3.getTblProps().put(MetastoreUtil.getStoragetableStartTimesKey(), " - 90 days");
-    s3.getTblProps().put(MetastoreUtil.getStoragetableEndTimesKey(), " - 10 days");
-    StorageTableDesc s5 = new StorageTableDesc();
-    s5.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s5.setOutputFormat(HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s5.setPartCols(partCols);
-    s5.setTimePartCols(timePartCols);
-    s5.getTblProps().put(MetastoreUtil.getStoragetableStartTimesKey(), " - 10 days");
-    storageAggregatePeriods.put(c1, updates);
-    storageAggregatePeriods.put(c2, updates);
-    storageAggregatePeriods.put(c3, updates);
-    storageAggregatePeriods.put(c4, updates);
-    storageAggregatePeriods.put(c5, updates);
-    Map<String, StorageTableDesc> storageTables = new HashMap<String, StorageTableDesc>();
-    storageTables.put(c1, s1);
-    storageTables.put(c4, s2);
-    storageTables.put(c2, s1);
-    storageTables.put(c3, s3);
-    storageTables.put(c5, s5);
-    //add storage with continuous update period
-    updates.add(CONTINUOUS);
-    storageAggregatePeriods.put(c0, updates);
-    StorageTableDesc s0 = new StorageTableDesc();
-    s0.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s0.setOutputFormat(HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    storageTables.put(c0, s0);
-    // create cube fact
-    client.createCubeFactTable(TEST_CUBE_NAME, factName, factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 5L,
-      factValidityProperties, storageTables);
     client.getTimelines(factName, c1, null, null);
     client.getTimelines(factName, c4, null, null);
     CubeFactTable fact = client.getFactTable(factName);
     Table table = client.getTable(MetastoreUtil.getStorageTableName(fact.getName(), Storage.getPrefix(c1)));
     assertEquals(table.getParameters().get(MetastoreUtil.getPartitionTimelineCachePresenceKey()), "true");
@@ -1857,62 +572,8 @@ public class CubeTestSetup {
     assertTimeline(client, factName, storageName, updatePeriod, timeDim, expectedTimeline);
-  private void createCubeCheapFact(CubeMetastoreClient client) throws HiveException, LensException {
+  private void createCubeCheapFactPartitions(CubeMetastoreClient client) throws HiveException, LensException {
     String factName = "cheapFact";
-    List<FieldSchema> factColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>(cubeMeasures.size());
-    for (CubeMeasure measure : cubeMeasures) {
-      factColumns.add(measure.getColumn());
-    }
-    // add dimensions of the cube
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("zipcode", "int", "zip"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("cityid", "int", "city id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("stateid", "int", "city id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("test_time_dim_hour_id", "int", "time id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("ambigdim1", "string", "used in" + " testColumnAmbiguity"));
-    Map<String, Set<UpdatePeriod>> storageAggregatePeriods = new HashMap<String, Set<UpdatePeriod>>();
-    Set<UpdatePeriod> updates = new HashSet<UpdatePeriod>();
-    updates.add(MINUTELY);
-    updates.add(HOURLY);
-    updates.add(DAILY);
-    updates.add(MONTHLY);
-    updates.add(QUARTERLY);
-    updates.add(YEARLY);
-    ArrayList<FieldSchema> partCols = new ArrayList<>();
-    List<String> timePartCols = new ArrayList<>();
-    partCols.add(TestCubeMetastoreClient.getDatePartition());
-    timePartCols.add(TestCubeMetastoreClient.getDatePartitionKey());
-    StorageTableDesc s1 = new StorageTableDesc();
-    s1.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s1.setOutputFormat(HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s1.setPartCols(partCols);
-    s1.setTimePartCols(timePartCols);
-    s1.setTblProps(new HashMap<String, String>());
-    s1.getTblProps().put(MetastoreUtil.getStoragetableStartTimesKey(), "2000, now - 10 years");
-    s1.getTblProps().put(MetastoreUtil.getStoragetableEndTimesKey(), "now - 5 years, 2010");
-    StorageTableDesc s2 = new StorageTableDesc();
-    s2.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s2.setOutputFormat(HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    ArrayList<FieldSchema> s2PartCols = new ArrayList<>();
-    s2PartCols.add(new FieldSchema("ttd", serdeConstants.STRING_TYPE_NAME, "test date partition"));
-    s2PartCols.add(new FieldSchema("ttd2", serdeConstants.STRING_TYPE_NAME, "test date partition"));
-    s2.setPartCols(s2PartCols);
-    s2.setTimePartCols(Arrays.asList("ttd", "ttd2"));
-    storageAggregatePeriods.put(c99, updates);
-    storageAggregatePeriods.put(c0, updates);
-    Map<String, StorageTableDesc> storageTables = new HashMap<>();
-    storageTables.put(c99, s2);
-    storageTables.put(c0, s1);
-    // create cube fact
-    client.createCubeFactTable(TEST_CUBE_NAME, factName, factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 0L,
-      factValidityProperties, storageTables);
     CubeFactTable fact = client.getFactTable(factName);
     // Add all hourly partitions for two days
     Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
@@ -1942,88 +603,9 @@ public class CubeTestSetup {
-  private void createCubeFactWeekly(CubeMetastoreClient client) throws Exception {
-    String factName = "testFactWeekly";
-    List<FieldSchema> factColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>(cubeMeasures.size());
-    for (CubeMeasure measure : cubeMeasures) {
-      factColumns.add(measure.getColumn());
-    }
-    // add dimensions of the cube
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("zipcode", "int", "zip"));
-    Map<String, Set<UpdatePeriod>> storageAggregatePeriods = new HashMap<String, Set<UpdatePeriod>>();
-    Set<UpdatePeriod> updates = new HashSet<UpdatePeriod>();
-    updates.add(WEEKLY);
-    ArrayList<FieldSchema> partCols = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
-    List<String> timePartCols = new ArrayList<String>();
-    partCols.add(TestCubeMetastoreClient.getDatePartition());
-    timePartCols.add(TestCubeMetastoreClient.getDatePartitionKey());
-    StorageTableDesc s1 = new StorageTableDesc();
-    s1.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s1.setOutputFormat(HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s1.setPartCols(partCols);
-    s1.setTimePartCols(timePartCols);
-    storageAggregatePeriods.put(c1, updates);
-    Map<String, StorageTableDesc> storageTables = new HashMap<String, StorageTableDesc>();
-    storageTables.put(c1, s1);
-    // create cube fact
-    client.createCubeFactTable(TEST_CUBE_NAME, factName, factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 5L,
-      factValidityProperties, storageTables);
-  }
-  private void createCubeFactOnlyHourly(CubeMetastoreClient client) throws Exception {
+  private void createTestFact2Partitions(CubeMetastoreClient client) throws Exception {
     String factName = "testFact2";
-    List<FieldSchema> factColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>(cubeMeasures.size());
-    for (CubeMeasure measure : cubeMeasures) {
-      if (!measure.getName().equals("msr4")) {
-        factColumns.add(measure.getColumn());
-      }
-    }
-    // add dimensions of the cube
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("zipcode", "int", "zip"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("cityid", "int", "city id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("cityid2", "int", "city id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("test_time_dim_hour_id", "int", "time id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("test_time_dim_hour_id2", "int", "time id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("cdim2", "int", "cycledim id"));
-    Map<String, Set<UpdatePeriod>> storageAggregatePeriods = new HashMap<String, Set<UpdatePeriod>>();
-    Set<UpdatePeriod> updates = new HashSet<UpdatePeriod>();
-    updates.add(HOURLY);
-    ArrayList<FieldSchema> partCols = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
-    List<String> timePartCols = new ArrayList<String>();
-    partCols.add(TestCubeMetastoreClient.getDatePartition());
-    timePartCols.add(TestCubeMetastoreClient.getDatePartitionKey());
-    StorageTableDesc s1 = new StorageTableDesc();
-    s1.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s1.setOutputFormat(HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s1.setPartCols(partCols);
-    s1.setTimePartCols(timePartCols);
-    StorageTableDesc s2 = new StorageTableDesc();
-    s2.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s2.setOutputFormat(HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    ArrayList<FieldSchema> s2PartCols = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
-    s2PartCols.add(new FieldSchema("ttd", serdeConstants.STRING_TYPE_NAME, "test date partition"));
-    s2PartCols.add(new FieldSchema("ttd2", serdeConstants.STRING_TYPE_NAME, "test date partition"));
-    s2.setPartCols(s2PartCols);
-    s2.setTimePartCols(Arrays.asList("ttd", "ttd2"));
-    storageAggregatePeriods.put(c1, updates);
-    storageAggregatePeriods.put(c4, updates);
-    Map<String, StorageTableDesc> storageTables = new HashMap<String, StorageTableDesc>();
-    storageTables.put(c1, s1);
-    storageTables.put(c4, s2);
-    // create cube fact
-    client
-      .createCubeFactTable(TEST_CUBE_NAME, factName, factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 10L,
-        factValidityProperties, storageTables);
     CubeFactTable fact = client.getFactTable(factName);
     // Add all hourly partitions for two days
     Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
@@ -2110,54 +692,8 @@ public class CubeTestSetup {
-  private void createCubeFactOnlyHourlyRaw(CubeMetastoreClient client) throws HiveException, LensException {
+  private void createTestFact2RawPartitions(CubeMetastoreClient client) throws HiveException, LensException {
     String factName = "testFact2_raw";
-    String factName2 = "testFact1_raw_BASE";
-    List<FieldSchema> factColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>(cubeMeasures.size());
-    for (CubeMeasure measure : cubeMeasures) {
-      factColumns.add(measure.getColumn());
-    }
-    // add dimensions of the cube
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("zipcode", "int", "zip"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("cityid", "int", "city id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("cityid1", "int", "city id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("cityid2", "int", "city id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("stateid", "int", "state id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("countryid", "int", "country id"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim1", "string", "dim1"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dim2", "int", "dim2"));
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("concatedCityState", "string", "citystate"));
-    Map<String, Set<UpdatePeriod>> storageAggregatePeriods = new HashMap<String, Set<UpdatePeriod>>();
-    Set<UpdatePeriod> updates = new HashSet<UpdatePeriod>();
-    updates.add(HOURLY);
-    ArrayList<FieldSchema> partCols = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
-    List<String> timePartCols = new ArrayList<String>();
-    partCols.add(TestCubeMetastoreClient.getDatePartition());
-    timePartCols.add(TestCubeMetastoreClient.getDatePartitionKey());
-    StorageTableDesc s1 = new StorageTableDesc();
-    s1.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s1.setOutputFormat(HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s1.setPartCols(partCols);
-    s1.setTimePartCols(timePartCols);
-    storageAggregatePeriods.put(c1, updates);
-    storageAggregatePeriods.put(c3, updates);
-    Map<String, StorageTableDesc> storageTables = new HashMap<String, StorageTableDesc>();
-    storageTables.put(c1, s1);
-    storageTables.put(c3, s1);
-    // create cube fact
-    Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>();
-    properties.putAll(factValidityProperties);
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_AGGREGATED_PROPERTY, "false");
-    properties.put(MetastoreConstants.FACT_DATA_COMPLETENESS_TAG, "f1");
-    client.createCubeFactTable(TEST_CUBE_NAME, factName, factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 100L, properties,
-      storageTables);
-    client.createCubeFactTable(BASE_CUBE_NAME, factName2, factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 100L, properties,
-      storageTables);
     CubeFactTable fact2 = client.getFactTable(factName);
     // Add all hourly partitions for two days
     Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
@@ -2173,917 +709,6 @@ public class CubeTestSetup {
-  private void createCubeFactMonthly(CubeMetastoreClient client) throws Exception {
-    String factName = "testFactMonthly";
-    List<FieldSchema> factColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>(cubeMeasures.size());
-    for (CubeMeasure measure : cubeMeasures) {
-      factColumns.add(measure.getColumn());
-    }
-    // add one dimension of the cube
-    factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("countryid", "int", "country id"));
-    Map<String, Set<UpdatePeriod>> storageAggregatePeriods = new HashMap<String, Set<UpdatePeriod>>();
-    Set<UpdatePeriod> updates = new HashSet<UpdatePeriod>();
-    updates.add(MONTHLY);
-    ArrayList<FieldSchema> partCols = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
-    List<String> timePartCols = new ArrayList<String>();
-    partCols.add(TestCubeMetastoreClient.getDatePartition());
-    timePartCols.add(TestCubeMetastoreClient.getDatePartitionKey());
-    StorageTableDesc s1 = new StorageTableDesc();
-    s1.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s1.setOutputFormat(HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s1.setPartCols(partCols);
-    s1.setTimePartCols(timePartCols);
-    storageAggregatePeriods.put(c2, updates);
-    Map<String, StorageTableDesc> storageTables = new HashMap<String, StorageTableDesc>();
-    storageTables.put(c2, s1);
-    // create cube fact
-    client.createCubeFactTable(TEST_CUBE_NAME, factName, factColumns, storageAggregatePeriods, 5L,
-      factValidityProperties, storageTables);
-  }
-  // DimWithTwoStorages
-  private void createCityTable(CubeMetastoreClient client) throws Exception {
-    Set<CubeDimAttribute> cityAttrs = new HashSet<CubeDimAttribute>();
-    cityAttrs.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("id", "int", "code")));
-    cityAttrs.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("name", "string", "city name")));
-    cityAttrs.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("ambigdim1", "string", "used in testColumnAmbiguity")));
-    cityAttrs.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("ambigdim2", "string", "used in testColumnAmbiguity")));
-    cityAttrs.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("nocandidatecol", "string", "used in testing no"
-      + " candidate available")));
-    cityAttrs.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("stateid", "int", "state id")));
-    cityAttrs.add(new ReferencedDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("statename", "string", "state name"), "State name",
-      "citystate", "name", null, null, null, null));
-    cityAttrs.add(new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema("zipcode", "int", "zip code")));
-    Map<String, String> dimProps = new HashMap<String, String>();
-    dimProps.put(MetastoreUtil.getDimTimedDimensionKey("citydim"), TestCubeMetastoreClient.getDatePartitionKey());
-    Set<ExprColumn> exprs = new HashSet<ExprColumn>();
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("CityAddress", "string", "city with state and city and zip"),
-      "City Address",
-      new ExprSpec("concat(, \":\",, \":\",, \":\", cityzip.code)", null,
-        null), new ExprSpec("concat(, \":\",", null, null)));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("CityState", "string", "city's state"),
-      "City State", new ExprSpec("concat(, \":\", citydim.statename)", null, null)));
-    exprs.add(new ExprColumn(new FieldSchema("AggrExpr", "int", "count(name)"), "city count",
-      new ExprSpec("count(name)", null, null)));
-    Set<JoinChain> joinchains = new HashSet<JoinChain>() {
-      {
-        add(new JoinChain("cityState", "city-state", "state thru city") {
-          {
-            addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-              {
-                add(new TableReference("citydim", "stateid"));
-                add(new TableReference("statedim", "id"));
-              }
-            });
-            addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-              {
-                add(new TableReference("citydim", "statename"));
-                add(new TableReference("statedim", "name"));
-              }
-            });
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    };
-    joinchains.add(new JoinChain("cityCountry", "cube-zip", "country thru city") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference("citydim", "stateid"));
-            add(new TableReference("statedim", "id"));
-            add(new TableReference("statedim", "countryid"));
-            add(new TableReference("countrydim", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference("citydim", "statename"));
-            add(new TableReference("statedim", "name"));
-            add(new TableReference("statedim", "countryid"));
-            add(new TableReference("countrydim", "id"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    joinchains.add(new JoinChain("cityZip", "city-zip", "Zipcode thru city") {
-      {
-        addPath(new ArrayList<TableReference>() {
-          {
-            add(new TableReference("citydim", "zipcode"));
-            add(new TableReference("zipdim", "code"));
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    });
-    Dimension cityDim = new Dimension("citydim", cityAttrs, exprs, joinchains, dimProps, 0L);
-    client.createDimension(cityDim);
-    String dimName = "citytable";
-    List<FieldSchema> dimColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
-    dimColumns.add(new FieldSchema("id", "int", "code"));
-    dimColumns.add(new FieldSchema("name", "string", "field1"));
-    dimColumns.add(new FieldSchema("stateid", "int", "state id"));
-    dimColumns.add(new FieldSchema("zipcode", "int", "zip code"));
-    dimColumns.add(new FieldSchema("ambigdim1", "string", "used in" + " testColumnAmbiguity"));
-    dimColumns.add(new FieldSchema("ambigdim2", "string", "used in " + "testColumnAmbiguity"));
-    Map<String, UpdatePeriod> dumpPeriods = new HashMap<String, UpdatePeriod>();
-    ArrayList<FieldSchema> partCols = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
-    List<String> timePartCols = new ArrayList<String>();
-    partCols.add(TestCubeMetastoreClient.getDatePartition());
-    timePartCols.add(TestCubeMetastoreClient.getDatePartitionKey());
-    StorageTableDesc s1 = new StorageTableDesc();
-    s1.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s1.setOutputFormat(HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s1.setPartCols(partCols);
-    s1.setTimePartCols(timePartCols);
-    Map<String, String> tblPros = Maps.newHashMap();
-    tblPros.put(LensConfConstants.STORAGE_COST, "100");
-    s1.setTblProps(tblPros);
-    dumpPeriods.put(c1, HOURLY);
-    StorageTableDesc s2 = new StorageTableDesc();
-    s2.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    s2.setOutputFormat(HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat.class.getCanonicalName());
-    dumpPeriods.put(c2, null);
-    Map<String, StorageTableDesc> storageTables = new HashMap<String, StorageTableDesc>();
-    storageTables.put(c1, s1);
-    storageTables.put(c2, s2);
-    client.createCubeDimensionTable(cityDim.getName(), dimName, dimColumns, 0L, dumpPeriods, dimProps, storageTables);
-    dimName = "citytable2";
-    dimColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
-    dimColumns.add(new FieldSchema("id", "int", "code"));
-    dimColumns.add(new FieldSchema("stateid", "int", "state id"));
-    dumpPeriods = new HashMap<String, UpdatePeriod>();
-    storageTables = new HashMap<String, StorageTableDesc>();
-    storageTables.put(c4, s2);
-    dumpPeriods.put(c4, null);
-    client.createCubeDimensionTable(cityDim.getName(), dimName, dimColumns, 0L, dumpPeriods, dimProps, storageTables);
-    dimName = "citytable3";
-    dimColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
-    dimColumns.add(new FieldSchema("id", "int", "code"));
-    dimColumns.add(new FieldSchema("name", "string", "name"));
-    client.createCubeDimensionTable(cityDim.getName(), dimName, dimColumns, 0L, dumpPeriods, dimProps, storageTables);
-    dimName = "citytable4";
-    dimColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
-    dimColumns.add(new Field