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Posted to by "" <> on 2021/06/17 08:05:21 UTC

kafka compiling help?

When I imported the version of Kafka 2.4.1 into the idea, the following error occurred:
A problem occurred configuring project ':core'.
> Could not resolve all files for configuration ':core:scoverage'.
   > Could not resolve org.scoverage:scalac-scoverage-plugin_2.12:1.3.1.
     Required by:
         project :core
      > Could not resolve org.scoverage:scalac-scoverage-plugin_2.12:1.3.1.
         > Could not get resource ''.
            > Could not HEAD ''.
               > Connect to [] failed: Connection timed out: connect
   > Could not resolve org.scoverage:scalac-scoverage-runtime_2.12:1.3.1.

Because our development environment can't access the external Maven warehouse, I have changed the following configuration in the file build.gradle to our internal warehouse address.
repositories {
  maven {
    url ''
   // mavenCentral()
But when we use it, Kafka project does not connect to the internal Maven warehouse, it still connects to the external warehouse. Do we need to modify any configuration?